Object Model API For Creating RDF Reports?

Nov 14, 2007

I need to create RDF files dynamically. As one example, I need to output a report that contains an OLAP table from an MDX query and will need to generate the RDL that represents the table on the fly. (Binding to a data source with any built-in control will not even come close to solving the problem. The actual requirements are extremely complex.)

In short... Rather than outputting the RDL XML the hard way is there an object model I can use to construct an RDL document with? Even if it's a bindhind-the-scenese, not-supported library?


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Creating A Script Component Using SSIS Object Model

Jan 2, 2006

I had a SSIS Package which was developed on Beta Version Of SSIS, Now We have Standard Edition Of SSIS(Sql2k5) Installed.

In the Package we have One Flat file Source, One Script Component and A Sql Server as Target, We are programaticaly creating the package, Now When we open this Package in the Designer and Try to Run We get this error

"The script component is configured to pre-compile the script, but binary code is not found. Please visit the IDE in Script Component Editor by clicking Design Script button to cause binary code to be generated. "

Now when we just open the Script Designer and close it, The package runs.

I found the Error description at this link

but could not find any help on this.

Same thing use to work on Beta version now it is now working.
From my understanding the problem is that in beta version, the script use to run at runtime, Now what they have done is that they generate a compiled code out of script and run.

My problem is that since i am using C# code to generate the package, How Will I Create a Binary Code out of Script.

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DTS Object Model Problem

Jun 21, 2001

Hi All,

Does any body have experience in capturing DTS step error information through VB Script.

When I run following code , the code in the IF loop is executed but I get 0 as the error number. Please note that stp_sql points to an Execute SQL task and the execute SQL task is failing and this script is executed on completion ( not success) of the Execute SQL task.

If stp_sql.ExecutionStatus = DTSStepExecStat_Completed And _
stp_sql.ExecutionResult = DTSStepExecResult_Failure Then

stp_sql.GetExecutionErrorInfo CLng(error_code)

msgbox CLng(error_code)

end if

Any help is appreciated.


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Using DTS Object Model In Visual Basic

Apr 17, 2004

Hi Everyone,

I would like to know any good reference books or online material about using DTS Object Model in Visual Basic.

Thanks in advance.

With Regards,

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Programmaing With SSIS Object Model

Jan 4, 2007

Hi there,

Can anyone point me to some sample source codes or any articles that describes how I can programmatically create a package which will import data from a flatfile (csv) to Sql server database.

I know there is some example that describes exporting data from sql server to flatfiles. Anyway I have failed to accomplish my goal by following those examples.

If anyone have a code snippet to do that please help me with that.

Thanks in advance

Moim Hossain

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SSIS Expressions Object Model

Oct 23, 2006

Is it possible to use SSIS expressions object model?

If it is, what classes can be used?

Thanks in advance

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Can A Report Model Have Reports Included In It?

Jun 28, 2006

Hi All

I have created reports in 'Projects'. What I would like to know is that if can transfer these reports into a report model?

As per my knowledge, a report model contains datasources, datasource views, report models itself and doesn't allow to transfer reports. Please , let me know if my understanding is correct?



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Copying Multiple Tables From One Db To Another Using SSIS Object Model

Dec 25, 2007


Can anyone tell how to copy multiple tables from from one db to another using SSIS object model.

I am confused with things like. Do I need to add multiple source and destination in a dataflow task or do I need to add multiple dataflow task?

What is the difference between these two? Is there any other (easy way) to achieve this?


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Database/Table Design Question - Object/Event Model

Dec 11, 2007

Hi,Facts:I created a database to support an application that tracks events ondifferent objects. The two main tables are tbl_Object andtbl_EventLog. Each table has unique ID and on the tbl_EventLog thereis FK for a record in the tbl_Object. The events are inserted all thetime for the same or different objects from the tbl_Object. There areabout 600,000 objects in the tbl_Object and 1,500,000 (and growing)events in tbl_EventLog.Question:The user often wants to know what the last event was for a specificobject.What is the best way of retrieving the last event?Should I simply do a max(eventdatetime) on a specific object? orShould I add a LastEventID column to tbl_Object and update it everytime a new event is inserted? or any other way to implement it?I chose the second method because I didn't think it made sense searchthe event table everytime the user wants to know the last event, but Iwanted to know what the experts thought.Please let me know what you think.Thank you,Oran Levin

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Support For Dtexec Options /Validate && /WarnAsError In Object Model?

Mar 12, 2008

[Microsoft follow-up]

I'm pretty sure the answer to this is "no" but thought I'd ask anyway. Is there any way of mimicing the /Validate & /WarnAsError options of dtexec if executing a package using the object model?

If not, should I request it in the interests of consistency?


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Cannot Create An Instance Of The XML Document Object Model. MSXML May Not Be Registered

Jan 31, 2007

I have a small VB.Net 2005 app using the Microsoft.SQLServer.ManagedDTS.dll so I can use the SSIS/DTSx functionality.

The program ran fine in the IDE.

Then when I tried to create a setup project for it I recieved a warning that all dependancies for MSXML6.DLL were not found.

I clicked ok and the setup was created.

I tried to run the setup and it failed with "....msxml6.dll failed to register. HRESULT -2147023782. ...

So I said cancel the setup and registered msxml6.dll.

I deleted my setup project and recreated it. This time I did not get the warning about msxml6.dll dependancies.

I tried the setup again and it executed without any errors however when I run the program I now get:

"Cannot create an instance of the XML Document Object Model. MSXML may not be registered."

So I went back into the IDE with the project and now it will not run either. IT gets the same error.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

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Creating An Erwin Model Of DB

Apr 14, 2005

At work, we have a rather large VB project that uses MSSQL as the back end. This program was used to gather employee data and statistics. The author has since quit and I'm trying to add some functionality to the program. Unfortunately, there is no documentation on the db and there are about 80 tables. Is there any way to create a chart/Erwin Model of some sort that would show the primary keys/relationships between the tables?

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Creating A Model In Report Manager

Dec 14, 2006

Can anyone help me?

I've read the instructions on the following page


about how to generate a report model from a cube.

I can set up the cube as a data source but when I look at the properties there is no option to "Generate Model".


I am running SQL 2005 DE SP2(CTP).


The option is just not there for me. Any ideas?


Thanks in advance

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Creating A Report Model On A UDB Datasource

Aug 30, 2006

Hi all,

I'm just getting started with Reporting Services and have a question.

I'm trying to set up a report model based on a UDB data source. However when I use the report model wizard, I get presented with:

[DB2/SUN] SQL0104N An unexpected token "SET TRANSACTION" was found following "BEGIN-OF-STATEMENT" ... SQLSTATE 42601.

I think that this is trying to set transaction isolation levels however this is not valid SQL for a UDB database.

Is there something that I'm missing with my configuration to make RS know that this is a non-SQLServer database?

Many thanks,


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Enabling Automatic ClickThrough/ Drill Into For Report Builder Reports Against A Model

Apr 4, 2007

Hello - I am having difficulty enabling the automatic click-through functionality for my model. I have two entities - Customer & Incident. Incident is a role/FK/OptionalMany relationship to customer.

I've read through earlier postings on this subject (below) and have verified that the #Incidents attribute in my incident entity has the EnableDrillThrough=true.

My test report is simple - Customer Name (from customer) and #Incidents (from incident). When I run it, the click-through option is not available (the cursor stays as an arrow and doesn't change to a finger).

Are there other properties or settings that I need to be working with? I have SP2 (9.0.3042) installed on our Standard edition of SQL 2005. I know Infinite Click-Through is not in Std edition, but a few levels should be, correct?

Thanks in Advance,


Other related postings -



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Modifying A Report Model Without Rewrite ALL The Ad-hocs Reports Developed By Users...it Is Possible?

Mar 13, 2007


Suposse that some models are deployed in Report Server for a while, and users have developed some ad-hoc reports on them using Report Builder, (some of the models are SSAS Cubes).

Modifications are required for a Model, what is the procedure to deploy this modifications? What happens with ad-hoc reports of this Model? Rewrite all the reports is a VERY BAD option, I agree that some reports must be rewrote, but only if they reference objects no longer valids in new model.

I suposse that the procedure for SSAS Cube Models will be different for a Relational Database Source because metods of generating models are so different. (I am particularly curious about Cubes, I can't figure out how I can do it)

Suggestions and links will be very appreciate.


Julio Díaz C.

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Creating A Report Model Based On A View

Aug 1, 2007

in my report model project, i'm able to successfully create and deploy a report model based on a data source view that is in turn based on a table object in my data store.

but if i try to create a report model that's based on a a data source view that is in turn based on a view in my data store, well then, the report model that gets created comes up blank - i.e. shows no objects.

What gives? Is it not possible to create a report based on a view? that can't be right!

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Error Creating Report Model Using A DB2 Datasource

Jun 12, 2007

I'm receiving the following message after I've created a datasource and datasource view:

[DB2/SUN] SQL0104N An unexpected token "SET TRANSACTION" was found following "BEGIN-OF-STATEMENT" ... SQLSTATE 42601.

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Analysis :: Creating Tabular Model On OLTP

Nov 4, 2015

I have been looking at implementing a tabular model based on an OLTP database that's not dimensional. I know that this is possible but during my proof of concept I have encountered numerous problems ...

The things that I have run into are: After setting up the relationships I have found that measures filter context don't propagate along the relationships as I would expect. if the measure is coming from a target table and not a source then an ALL member is returned ( as in multi dimensional when a dimension isn't related to a measure group). Given the lay out of an OLTP database this will be hard to avoid.

One thing I have done to try an mitigate the above problem is to combine the tables used for measures in a view and using that in the source to connect to the rest of the tables. however due to the tables being of different grains this has then created duplication in some of the keys and measures. so the keys cant be used in relationships and the measures aren't accurate.

Are these things other people have come across? or should I give up the ghost and just recommend using dimensional models for the source? is tabular just geared towards a DW the same as multidimensional?

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Error Creating Report Model Based Upon Oracle Database

May 29, 2006

In MS Visual Studio, when creating a new Report Model Project, after defining a datasource to an Oracle database (and successfully testing it), and a simple datasource view (1 table), when I click "Run" in Report Model Wizard, I receive the following error:

It does not appear that one can create Report Models from an Oracle database (since the SQL being used to query the Oracle database cannot be edited and contains syntax errors?). Is this the case?

Thank you.

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Security Setting For Creating, Trainning Session Model With ASP.NET Front-end AP

Jan 30, 2008

I would like to demonstrate mining temporary models in an ASP.NET application.

Creating, trainning, predicating actions are all witten at C# codes as follows:

Code Snippet

using (AdomdCommand cmd = new AdomdCommand())
// Build temporary mining model
cmd.Connection = asConn;
cmd.CommandText = "CREATE SESSION MINING MODEL " + modelName +
" (" +
"HCVS_MemberId Text KEY," +
"HCVS_MeasureDate DATE KEY TIME, " +
") " +
"USING Microsoft_Time_Series(Missing_Value_Substitution='Mean' ) "; // Periodicity_Hint = '{12}'

// Train Data
cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO " + modelName + " (HCVS_MemberId, HCVS_MeasureDate, SysPressure, DiaPressure, Pluse) " +
"OPENQUERY([Healthcare], " +
" 'SELECT HCVS_MemberId, HCVS_MeasureDate, SysPressure,DiaPressure,Pluse" +
" FROM v_VitalSignForecast WHERE HCVS_MemberId=''" + id + "'' AND HCVS_MeasureDate>=''" + from.ToShortDateString() + "'' AND HCVS_MeasureDate<=''" + to.ToShortDateString() +"'' ')";

// Predict upon the Train Data. In addition, the standard deviation of each predicated value is retrieved
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT FLATTENED " +
"( SELECT *, " +
" SysPressure + PredictStdev(SysPressure) AS [SysPressure_PlusStdev], " +
" SysPressure - PredictStdev(SysPressure) AS [SysPressure_MinusStdev] " +
"FROM PredictTimeSeries(SysPressure, " + fDays + ") AS SysTable " +
") " +
"FROM " + modelName ;

AdomdDataAdapter adapter = new AdomdDataAdapter(cmd);

DataSet sysDS = new DataSet();
The problem is that I do not know how to configure my Analysis Service Server to let ASP.NET account can utilize it. And ASP.NET account in trun impersonates the account who is authorized to use Healthcare DB in the Openquery. Please give a help. Thanks a lot.


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Creating Object Type

Dec 22, 2006

How to create object type in sql server,
i.e in Oracle we can directly create an object TYPE and we can use it in other applications.
What's the equivalent of this object Type in SQL Server

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Creating Reports?

Jan 17, 2006

I am moving my Access DB to SQLServer, is it possible to use access for reports with SQL Srver ? if so what topic should i start searching or any link would be apreciated.


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Creating Object In SQL 2000 Server DB

Dec 20, 2006

I opened SSMSexpress and attached to my sql 2005 database and automatically created the scripts for creating all the object in a SQL 2000 DB.  The objects seem to be created but I did get script messages.  Are these messages harmless?thanksMilton
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure Requestview, Line 3
Invalid object name 'dbo.requests'.
Msg 15135, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_validatepropertyinputs, Line 147
Object is invalid. Extended properties are not permitted on 'dbo.Requestview', or the object does not exist.
Msg 15135, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_validatepropertyinputs, Line 147
Object is invalid. Extended properties are not permitted on 'dbo.Requestview', or the object does not exist.

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Creating Object Using Array In A Loop

Apr 17, 2008

I would like to populate an array with an object. In other words, I would like for each element in the array to consist of an object that has several elements. Below is some code so you can see what I'm talking about:
Function buildObj()   Dim countLimit As Integer = 5   Dim mArray() As myObject     While reader.Read()          For counter = 0 To countLimit - 1                mArray(counter).objVal1 = reader.GetValue(0)  'Error is here                mArray(counter).objVal2 = reader.GetValue(1)                mArray(counter).objVal3 = reader.GetValue(2)                counter += 1          Next     End While
     Return mArray
End Function
Dim showValArr As Array = buildObj()Response.Write(showValArr(0).objVal1.ToString)
When I build my site, I get the following error:Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
It's pointing to the line that says "Error is here". Any ideas would be very helpful.Thank you!

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Help Creating Replicated Object As Dbo.objectname

Jan 20, 2003

I just completed creating a replication job between a server at my location, where I have SA privileges, to a subscription server at a location where I have db_owner rights (no SA). When replication runs, the objects get created on the subscriber as userid.object rather then dbo.object. The subscriber permissions were set by clicking on "Replication", right clicking on "Publication", clicking on "Configure Publishing, Subscribers and Distribution...", clicking on Subscribers tab, choosing the subscriber and selecting "Use SQL Server Authentication". How do I cause replication to create the objects as dbo.object if I connect to the subscriber using an id defined as db_owner?

Thanks, Dave

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Creating Dynamic Reports

Apr 22, 2007


I wanted to know a way to create dynamic reports using reporting / analysis services in SQL Server 2005 / SSIS tool.

I want user to give inputs and generate reports based on those inputs.

Please guide me on this issue.

Thank you.



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Creating Reports At Runtime

Jun 28, 2007

Is it possible to create a report programmatically at runtime using Visual Studio 2005 based upon say a report layout specification file?

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Programmatically Creating Reports In VB.NET

Feb 15, 2007


I am trying to write a script in VB.NET that will run a report that already exists in the system and export the results to my local machine.  We are using MS Reporting Services to manage and manipulate the reports.  So here's my question:

Is it possible to programmatically create a report in VB.NET based on an existing report?  I noticed that crystal reports has a nice export method, but I have not been able to find anything similar for my situation.  Basically I believe I would need some sort of reporting services object in .NET that would allow me to run the report and export the results.  Does anyone know of such a structure, or if this is even possible?  Thanks!!

Best regards,


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Help Creating Dynamic Reports

Jan 9, 2007

I can create static report with Report Server, but wanted if anyone can help me create a report that is dynamic and regenerates with new data as it comes in.

Thanks so much!

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Cannot Find The Certificate Object When Creating Endpoint

Nov 19, 2007


I try to implement mirroring using certificate authentication.
When I do this query :

create certificate Principal_cert with subject = 'Principal certificate', start_date = '2007/11/01', expiry_date = '2020/11/01';

Create endpoint endpoint_Princ state = started

as tcp(listener_port = 7024, listener_ip = all)

for database_mirroring (authentication=certificate Principal_cert, encryption = disabled, role = all);


I have this error :

Msg 1088, Level 15, State 1, Line 1

Cannot find the object "Principal_cert" because it does not exist or you do not have permissions.

I have also noticed that the error does not occured when I try this in the master database.

So, I have two questions:

1. Why SQL server does not find a certificate that just been created ?
2. Should the certificate be in the master database or in the database being mirrored ?

Thanks for any help.

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Creating MODIFY Functionality On A SQLCLR Object

Jun 23, 2006

CREATE ASSEMBLY uploads an assembly that was previously compiled as a .dll file from managed code for use inside an instance of SQL Server.

What I want to do here is enable/create a "MODIFY" option on CLR-based objects in Object Explorer.

Option is only supported for assemblies who's source code has been previously loaded into DB via ALTER ASSEMBLY
Upon electing the option, source code gets displayed in editor.
Users alters managed source
User clicks the "Execute" button in the editor
onClick of "Execute" performs following

Alters managed source (not sure if this can be done in the system tables, may have to save .cs/.vb files out to file system first then reupload)
Builds updated source/.dll is built
Executes an ALTER ASSEMBLY statement to "refresh" the dll and it's associated source code file(s)

Now...how the heck do i do this lol! Anyone

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Creating Crystals Reports At Runtime

Jun 20, 2006

Hi All!!

Can anubody help me out to create reports at run time.
Can i do changes in design or add or hide some fields at run time
I am using ASP.NET and c#.net and sql server 2000 as database

I will be very thankfull for that

Biresh bikram singh

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