Obtaining Business Hours Based On Start And End Date
Jul 23, 2005
I have a transaction log that tracks issues from a call center. Each
time an issue is assigned to someone else, closed, etc. I get a time
stamp. I have these time stamps for the beginning of an issue to the
end of an issue and I'd like to determine how many business hours these
issues were open.
Issue BeginDt Enddt Total hours
1 3/29/05 5:00 PM 4/1/05 2:00 PM 69
Basically, this is the type of data I'm looking at and my hours of work
are from 7:30 - 5:00 weekdays. I need to come up with a way to remove
all nonbusiness hours, weekends, & holidays from the difference of the
two dates. Issues can span for 2-3 days or 20-30 days.
Please let me know if anyone has any ideas or has done something like
this before.
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Apr 22, 2015
I want to display Days Hours Mins Format.
I am Having two columns Like below,
Col1 (in days) col2 (In Hours : Mins)
3days 4:5
In this first have to add Col1 and Col2 (Here one day is equals to 9 hours ) so the addition is 31.5
From this 31.5 I should display 3 Days 4 Hours 30 Mins because 31.5 contains 3 (9 hours) days 4 Hours and .5 is equals to 30 mins.
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Jul 21, 2001
Does anyone know of a way to calculate the date 'x' number of business days after another date?
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Apr 17, 2014
I have a scenario where i need to get the starting and ending date time based on the crieteria. The criteria is I always have my start date as NS or GS in the data column and my end date as GX so i need NS or GS to be my strart date based on ts Ascending and my end date as GX to be displayed in the same columns .
Create Table Test
(Tsq INT IDENTITY (1,1),
Data Varchar (150),
ts datetime,
Tpkt_type int)
insert into test values ('GS,000020,000021,000022,000023','2013-11-13 09:47:35.963','2')
Expected Output
---------Data----------------- ts as starttime--------------tpkt_type------data-----------------------ts as endtime--------tpkttype-
'GS,000020,000021,000022,000023','2013-11-13 09:47:35.963','2' 'GX,1,0000000000000000000000000','2013-11-13 09:47:37.007','4'
'GS,000020,000021,000022,000023','2013-11-13 09:50:25.987','2', 'GX,1,0000000000000000000000000','2013-11-13 09:50:40.920','4'
'GS,000020,000021,000022,000023','2013-11-13 09:51:28.330','2', 'GX,1,0000000000000000000000000','2013-11-13 09:51:43.257','4'
'NS,000020,000021,000022,000023','2013-12-17 16:51:09.063','18', 'GX,1,0000000000000000000000000','2013-12-17 16:51:15.257','4'
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Jul 7, 2015
I have a detailed report in ssrs in which data can come from start date and end date parameters.
but the problem is. for example i gave startdate as 01/01/2015 and end date as 09/31/2015 then the data must be in displayed in such a way that jan month in one tab and feb month data in one tab and sooo on to sep month data in new tab when i export to Excel.
Is this possible in ssrs ?
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Aug 27, 2014
I would like to have records in my Absences table split up into multiple records in my query based on a start and end date.
A random record in my Absences table shows (as an example):
resource: 1
startdate: 2014-08-20 09:00:00.000
enddate: 2014-08-23 13:00:00.000
hours: 28 (= 8 + 8 + 8 + 4)
I would like to have 4 lines in my query:
resource date hours
1 2014-08-20 8
1 2014-08-21 8
1 2014-08-22 8
1 2014-08-23 4
Generating the 4 lines is not the issue; I call 3 functions to do that together with cross apply.One function to get all dates between the start and end date (dbo.AllDays returning a table with only a datevalue column); one function to have these dates evaluated against a work schedule (dbo.HRCapacityHours) and one function to get the absence records (dbo.HRAbsenceHours) What I can't get fixed is having the correct hours per line.
What I now get is:
resource date hours
1 2014-08-19 NULL
1 2014-08-20 28
1 2014-08-21 28
1 2014-08-22 28
1 2014-08-23 28
1 2014-08-24 NULL
... instead of the correct hours per date (8, 8, 8, 4).
A very simplified extract of my code is:
SET @startdate = '2014-01-01'
SET @enddate = '2014-08-31'
SELECTh.res_id AS Resource,
(SELECT ROUND([dbo].[HRCapacityHours] (h.res_id, t.datevalue, t.datevalue), 2)) AS Capacity,
(SELECT [dbo].[HRAbsenceHours] (9538, h.res_id, t.datevalue, t.datevalue + 1) AS AbsenceHours
FROMResources h (NOLOCK)
CROSS APPLY (SELECT * FROM [dbo].[AllDays] (@startdate, @enddate)) t
p.s.The 9538 value in the HRAbsenceHours function refers to the absences-workflowID.I can't get this solved.
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Jan 5, 2015
I have to produce a report to calculate no of days based on user input start date and end date. I have tried to explain below.
say for eg: in the tables I have emp name
user 'Phani' started work from - EStart 20/11/2014EEnd 10/01/2015 - total days --datediff
within his work period he did different roles:
PhaniMarketing (prSt Date) 20/11/2014prE date (28/11/2014) Total 9 days
PhaniAdmin (prSt Date) 29/11/2014prE date (20/12/2014) Total 22 days
PhaniCRM (prSt Date) 20/12/2014prE date (10/01/2015) Total 22 days
Total days 53 Days
For this :
I calculated datediff + 1 and got sub jobs days BUT
say financial director wants to see Title of 'Sub Jobs' with 'Days' from 1st Dec to 31st Dec
so on paper I calulated as :
1-31 Dec 2014
PhaniMarketing NULL (Do not fall in Req Dt)
PhaniAdmin 20 (Deduct 2 days of Nov & calculated 20 days of Dec)
PhaniCRM 11 (Deduct 20 days of Nov and deduct 11 days of Jan so for Dec , we got 11 days)
Total days 31
HOW CAN I USE Case statement to calculate days for given start date and end date. I have to include all three totals, 1 for Job dates, 2, subjobs dates, 3 cal of days for a requested period.
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Jul 7, 2015
I have a detailed report in ssrs in which data can come from start date and end date parameters.but the problem is. for example i gave startdate as 01/01/2015 and end date as 09/31/2015 then the data must be in displayed in such a way that jan month in one tab and feb month data in one tab and so on to sep month data in new tab when i export to Excel.
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May 10, 2006
I am trying to calculate business hours that an order that is open. The rules are 8am-5pm. For instance the first row, the clock would stop at 17:00, and pick up again at 8am and add on to total business hours. If the order was created after business hours, and the endstamp was before business hours, this would be 0. If created after 5pm friday, and the endstamp was before 8am monday, this would be 0. In the second set of timestamps I have here the order was recieved at 14:39 but took until the following day at 14:49 to be ordered. I imagine I have to use datepart and datediff for this, but other than that I am not sure on how to do it. Any help would really be appreciated!
6/27/2005 14:356/27/2005 17:41:11
6/27/2005 14:396/28/2005 14:49
6/27/2005 18:486/27/2005 18:54
6/27/2005 11:416/27/2005 11:45
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Mar 16, 2004
I am attempting to compute Service Levels for an interaction based upon business hours. For example, an email arrives at 4pm and is handled the following day at 10am. Call Center Hours are 8-5.
Essentially I have a number of different alternatives, and have found some potential solutions, including:
However, my situation has a couple of additional twists to the standard 8hrs of business M-F. The call center is open different hours depending upon the day of the week. For example, 8-5 M, 10-7 T, 8-5 W Th F, 10-2 Sat, 10-12 Sun
Additionally, I would like to remove Holiday's from the calculation for service level as well.
I have explored a number of different table DTD's, but none seem to be a perfect fit for determining the number of "open" hours between when an interaction arrived, and when it was handled.
The DTD I have for the Holiday table is as follows:
CREATE Table Holidays (HolidayDate DateTime)
Insert Into Holidays (HolidayDate) Values ('12-25-2004')
Please let me know what you feel would be the DTD for storing the business hours and also the query for extracting the number of Open hours between two dates
Thank you in advance
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Nov 8, 2007
hi Everyone,
I have one query, i want to calculate the business working hours (like from monday to friday 9 to 5 pm and saturday 9 to 2 pm) for the given dates. And also i want to eliminate the public holidays with in the given dates.
If any one was faced the same situation plz help me.
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Jan 5, 2015
I have to produce a report to calculate no of days based on user input start date and end date.
say for eg: in the tables I have emp name
user 'Phani' started work from - EStart 20/11/2014EEnd 10/01/2015 - total days --datediff
within his work period he did different roles:
PhaniMarketing (prSt Date) 20/11/2014prE date (28/11/2014) Total 9 days
PhaniAdmin (prSt Date) 29/11/2014prE date (20/12/2014) Total 22 days
PhaniCRM (prSt Date) 20/12/2014prE date (10/01/2015) Total 22 days
Total days 53 Days
for this :
HOW CAN I USE Case statement to calculate days for given start date and end date. I have to include all three totals, 1 for Job dates, 2, subjobs dates, 3 cal of days for a requested period.
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May 12, 2015
I'm looking to get counts on historical data where the number of records exists on or after May 1 in any given year. I've got the total number of records for each year worked out, but now looking for the number of records exist after a specific date. Here's what I have so far.
SELECT p.FY10,p.FY11,p.FY12,p.FY13,p.FY14,p.FY15
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Sep 24, 2015
I need a sql script for Jobs is running more-than 3 hours in a current server, based on a particular jobs.
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Apr 22, 2006
I downloaded and installed Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Toolkit. Installs completed successfully, and I can launch the SS Management Studio, but when I launch SS Business Intelligence Development Studio, I get message saying "Windows is searching for devenv.exe". When I search for this file I don't find it on my hard drive.
I thought I'd reinstall the SS Express Edition Toolkit, but I can't find this application in the Control Panel Installed Programs list, so I can't uninstall it.
Any ideas as to how I can get SS Business Intelligence Studio working?
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Mar 31, 2008
Hello, as a ISV we develop a software product called Ultimo (www.ultimo.net).
I do have a license question: is it allowed for our customers to run our webbased application on IIS and use sql server express as a database.
The employees from the customer will use the application (intranet). For a small number of users sql express may do the job.
Untill now we always advice sqlserver with processor license.
With kind regards,
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Jan 14, 2015
I have a query that will go into an ssis package (eventually). The package will run every night at 3am. I need to capture the last 24 hours of by using something like:
SELECT worktype, changedate, woclass
where siteid = 'GTM' and woclass = 'WORKORDER' and istask = 0
[highlight=#ffff11]and changedate between '2015-01-13 03:00:00' and '2015-01-14 03:00:00'[/highlight]
I know I am not doing the between correctly to get the changedate between the last 24 hours. Is there a way to correct this so that I am only getting the change date that is between 3am today and 3am yesterday on any given day I happen to run this?
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Feb 21, 2007
Can anyone help me with this, I need to search for all records from the current date - 72 hours. How can this be done?
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Dec 8, 2007
Hi All,
I want to get the date Difference with Day,hours,minutes,seconds of the given 2 dates.(Say the difference of
12/6/2007 7:00:00 AM, 12/8/2007 8:00:00 AM as 2 days 1:00:00)
Is there any inbuilt function in SSRS is available to implement this. Or any other way to do this.Please help me with this .Thanks in advance.
With Thanks
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Apr 19, 2015
My requirement is to get the earliest start date after a gap in a date column.My date field will be like this.
Table Name-XXX
StartDate(Column Name)
In this scenario i need the latest start date after the gap ie. 2015/09/01 .If there is no gap in the date column i need 2014/10/01
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Apr 23, 2015
My requirement is to get the latest start date after a gap in a month for each id and if there is no gap for that particular id minimum date for that id should be taken….Given below the scenario
ID StartDate
1 2014-01-01
1 2014-02-01
1 2014-05-01-------After Gap Restarted
1 2014-06-01
1 2014-09-01---------After last gap restarted
1 2014-10-01
1 2014-11-01
2 2014-01-01
2 2014-02-01
2 2014-03-01
2 2014-04-01
2 2014-05-01
2 2014-06-01
2 2014-07-01
For Id 1 the start date after the latest gap is 2014-10-01 and for id=2 there is no gap so i need the minimum date 2014-01-01
My Expected Output
id Startdate
1 2014-10-01
2 2014-01-01
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Mar 4, 2014
How can I calculate and return the previous Date at 18:00 Hours?
Here is a miserable attempt:
DECLARE @RunDate SmallDateTime
DECLARE @CurrentDate SmallDateTime
DECLARE @RunDateWoTime SmallDateTime
SET @CurrentDate = GETDATE()
SET @RunDate = DATEADD(day,-1,@CurrentDate)-- AS CurrentDate
SELECT @RunDate AS RunDate
-- Desired Result is the following:
-- 2014-03-03 18:00
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Sep 4, 2014
I need to be able to add minutes to a datetime value, which only cover working hours.
I have a holiday table as below:
Examples: (dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm)
01/01/2015 New Years Day
26/12/2014 Boxing Day
25/12/2014 Christmas Day
25/08/2014 August Bank Holiday
Our Business hours are 08:00-18:00 Mon-Fri (unless the day is in the holiday table)
Start Date............Minute to Add......Expected outcome
01/09/2014 10:00........30...................01/09/2014 10:30
01/09/2014 17:00........65...................02/09/2014 08:05
29/08/2014 17:00........65...................01/09/2014 08:05
22/08/2014 17:00........65...................26/08/2014 08:05
31/08/2014 02:30........65...................01/08/2014 09:05
01/09/2014 19:00........65...................02/08/2014 09:05
01/09/2014 10:00........3005...............08/09/2014 10:05
22/08/2014 17:00........3005...............01/09/2014 17:05
I have tried to create a function to do this (fn_pp_AddMinutesWithinWorkingHours(@StartDate,@Minutes)) but I am unable to come up with a solution which factors in everything correctly.
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May 21, 2015
declare @siva1 datetime;
declare @siva2 datetime;
set @siva1='2014-03-10 05:02:11'
set @siva2='2014-03-12 23:52:11'
i want output like this 2.18 means 2day 18hours difference how using query
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Apr 4, 2008
I have this expression DATEDIFF(HOUR, startdate,enddate) which only shows the hours. I need to show the hours and minutes too , exp. 9.17. Any way to convert the expression to do this. The startdate and enddate fields are mm/dd/yyy hh:mms. I am using report builder.
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi Group!I am struggling with a problem of giving a date range given the startdate.Here is my example, I would need to get all the accounts opened betweeneach month end and the first 5 days of the next month. For example, inthe table created below, I would need accounts opened between'5/31/2005' and '6/05/2005'. And my query is not working. Can anyonehelp me out? Thanks a lot!create table a(person_id int,account int,open_date smalldatetime)insert into a values(1,100001,'5/31/2005')insert into a values(1,200001,'5/31/2005')insert into a values(2,100002,'6/02/2005')insert into a values(3,100003,'6/02/2005')insert into a values(4,100004,'4/30/2004')insert into a values(4,200002,'4/30/2004')--my query--Select *[color=blue]>From a[/color]Where open_date between '5/31/2005' and ('5/31/2005'+5)
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Jan 14, 2008
need help
help me -CURSOR backward insert from End Date > to Start Date
how to insert dates from end to start
like this
SELECT 111111,1,CONVERT(DATETIME, '17/03/2008', 103), CONVERT(DATETIME, '01/03/2008'
i explain i have stord prosege that create mod cycle shift pattern
and it working ok
now i need to overturned the insert so the first insert is the '17/03/2008' to '16/03/2008' ..15...14..13..12...2...1
so the first insert be '17/03/2008' next '16/03/2008' ...........................01/03/2008
Code Block
@shifts_pattern TABLE ([PatternId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1 ) NOT NULL, [patternShiftValue] [int]NOT NULL)
@I int
@i < 5
INSERT INTO @shifts_pattern ([patternShiftValue] )
( [empID] [numeric](18, 0) NOT NULL,[ShiftType] [int]NULL,[StartDate][datetime]NOT NULL,[EndDate] [datetime] NOT NULL)
@empList ([empID], [ShiftType],[StartDate],[EndDate])
SELECT 111111,1,CONVERT(DATETIME, '01/01/2008', 103), CONVERT(DATETIME, '17/01/2008', 103)
-- create shifts table
TABLE ( [empID] [numeric](18, 0) NOT NULL,[ShiftDate] [datetime]NOT NULL,[ShiftType] [int]NULL ,[StartDate] [datetime]NOT NULL,[EndDate] [datetime]NOT NULL)
@StartDate datetime
@EndDate datetime
@current datetime
@last_shift_id int
@input_empID int
----------------- open list table for emp with curser
List_of_emp CURSOR FOR
emp.empId,emp.ShiftType,emp.StartDate,emp.EndDate FROM @empList emp
List_of_emp INTO @input_empID , @last_shift_id ,@StartDate,@EndDate
SET @current = @StartDate
-- loop on all emp in the list
@@Fetch_Status = 0
-- loop to insert info of emp shifts
INSERT INTO @empShifts ([empID],[ShiftDate],[ShiftType],[StartDate] ,[EndDate])
select @input_empID ,@current,shift .patternShiftValue ,@StartDate,@EndDate
from @shifts_pattern as shift where PatternId=@last_shift_id+1
-- if it is Friday and we are on one of the first shift we don't move to next shift type .
if (DATENAME(dw ,@current) = 'Friday' ) and
EXISTS(select ShiftType from @empShifts where ShiftDate=@current and empID= @input_empID and ShiftType in ( 1,2,3))
-- do nothing
--set @last_shift_id=@last_shift_id
print ('friday first shift')
set @last_shift_id=@last_shift_id+ 1
set @current=DATEADD( d,1, @current)
List_of_emp INTO @input_empID ,@last_shift_id,@StartDate,@EndDate
-- init of start date for the next emp
@current = @StartDate
empID,shiftDate,DATENAME (dw,shift.ShiftDate ), shiftType from @empShifts as shift
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Oct 24, 2006
I would like to know whether it is possible to start-up SQL Server for selective user accounts in Windows XP.
Say I have 2 user accounts - A and B.
I want A to use SQL Server 2005, but dont want B to use the engine.
Is it possible my any means?
Thanx in advance.
Best Wishes.
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Jul 1, 2015
A vehicle loading confirm after that what time its gated out so i want to take the time duration between finish loading and gate out, find sample table records , i want to take more than 5 hrs difference between finish loading and gate out.
[Code] .....
I want to take the result like this
Finish Loading
Gate Out
Date and Time difference
2015-05-11 19:58:00
2015-05-12 08:42:00
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Jan 2, 2007
Is there an SQL function out there, that calculate date like this
Todays Date 02/01/2006 - dd/mm/yyyy
Staff working in time 9.00am
Staff end of work time 17.30pm
A customer log a call at 15.30 and this call should be resolved within 3 hours of recieving the call therefore the call should be resolved before
or at
03/01/2006 - 10.00am
Being that End of work time - Call time = 2hrs remaining 1 hr
then add 1 hr to the start of working tommorrow which is
03/01/2006 - 10.00am
Tips/Code will be appreciated
If it is that easy, everybody will be doing it
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May 6, 2008
I am getting a data in a dbf file and they have a StartDate and end Date for where the Statments are valid for.. How can i incorporate them into the database..
right now We are doing with PeriodId.. like while the user imports the data they select which period they want to import the data into.. But now if i have to get those details from the Database how do i store it in the Database..and i need to store them in multiple tables..
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Mar 14, 2014
Let's say the first row returned has StartDate = 1/1/2014 and EndDate is 1/2/2014. The next row I want the StartDate to equal the previous row EndDate so it would be 1/2/2014 as StartDate. This compounds every row basically the third row StartDate would be the second row EndDate. All in one select statement if it can be done. Using SQL2008r2.
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May 26, 2008
hi all
i try to get data from sql as
select * from datetable where @d between firstdate and lastdate
i add parameter @d and the type is datetime
when i excute the quiry
An error occurred while reading data from the query result set.Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type smalldatetime.
how can i fix that plz
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