I'm trying to log the information spit out by SSIS but only the rowcount part, e.g. "component xyz wrote 1000 rows", im currently using a execute sql task but that will log all information, any simple efficient way i can filter out that rows written line and log that into a sql server table?
In my SSIS package (which was created programatically) when I try to log details in OnInformation event I get all the entries twice. One with the source name as the taskhost.name property and another with a guid. I'm not able to figure out which component raises the event. Infact for all the events the sourcename comes as GUID.
So I thought I'll override the events by inheriting IDTSEvents or DefaultEvents, But I'm not sure how to proceed further so that I can pass the sourcename properly instead of GUID.
I'd like to alter OnInformation event in order to add more parameters (as TaskHost). Is it possible? I've tried but appears an error:
OnInformation' cannot to implement OnInformation' because of it doesn't exists on the Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.IDTSEvents'
Sub OnInformation(ByVal taskHost As TaskHost, ByVal [source] As DtsObject, ByVal informationCode As Integer, ByVal subComponent As String, ByVal description As String, ByVal helpFile As String, ByVal helpContext As Integer, ByVal idofInterfaceWithError As String, ByRef fireAgain As Boolean) Implements IDTSEvents.OnInformation
I suppose that I must add an overload method but how?
Hi, I am trying to Log my activities when OnError event handler fires
I have defined few tasks in OnError event handler section so when there is a failer on the main package my OnError task runs ( which it work fine) now I am trying to add Dts.LOG from inside OnError evend handler task, and it seems like SSIS doens't give that function. I can use dts.log outside on the main package but not inside OnError section! any ideas Thanks
HI, I'm implementing a custom error loggin using SSIS event handler, I succesfully catch the error and now I trying to retreave the value of this variables: System::ErrorCode and System::ErrorDescription.
The problem is that only the System::ErrorDescription retreave a value, the variable System::ErrorCode cames empty.
I am current using Event Handlers in an SSIS package, but when adding a new EventHandler type eg. OnPreExecute, to an executable within the package, I am unable to see this new EventHandler defined in the hierarchical listing on the left hand combo box (named Executables).
Can't seem to find a Refresh option anywhere. I've only been able to see these newly created EventHandlers in the hierarchical listing by closing and re-opening the package.
Is this a 'feature' or am I missing a Refresh option somewhere.
Previously I've posted about precedence error that didn't work and now it works, thanks to John Welch for his support. But when I tried to use event handler, it won't work. When error occured it didn't redirect to the OnError event handler. And then I built another package but with Data Flow task only, put a simple Script task inside OnError event handler and strange..it worked fine. There is no differences between my first Data Flow task and the last Data Flow task, totally the same process. I've captured both execution result. This is the first failure Data Flow task and the last success Data Flow Task (failure and success herein means that OnError work or not)
And then I did some testing in my last package contains a success Data Flow task. I put a new Data Flow task by copy from the previous one, execute it and OnError won't work again. Then I delete it, execute the previous one and OnError worked fine. I really don't understand why by adding a new Data Flow Task then OnError event handler won't work ?
I am using checkpoints in my SSIS packages which determines the step at which the package failed the last time and restart at that step. But i need some other task also to kickoff only during restart? There is not an OnRestart handler as OnError in SSIS. How can i do this ?
I have a task configured on the post execute event handler of a package expecting this task to be executed only once after the completion of all the other tasks in the package. But I found the task configured on the post execute event of the package getting executed as many times as the number of tasks in the package + 1 . Is there any workaround for this problem?
I am using a simple Data Flow within a Squence Controller and have added a Event Handler for OnPostExecute which contains a simple insert to a table, but this is not working. My package gets successfully execute but data is not getting inserted in the table used in Event Handler. I have also tried OnError, OnPackageFailer etc... but no results. Please guide.
I'm still fairly new to some of SSIS's enhanced funtionalities, one of them being Event handlers. I have tried creating a simple package, that simply contains a SQL Execute task that basically creates a simple table. Now i have then added a OnPostExecute even handler as a test which basically runs a script task that simply shows a msgbox. I have gone to execute the package, however after the completion of the SQL Execute task, nothing happens, the even handler doesnt get fired for some reason, i switch to the even handler page and the script task has not been executed. It is like this for every event handler i have tried, even the OnError event. Could this be a problem with my installation of SSIS or have i done something wrong?
Any help would be greatly appreciated as i have done SSIS training and to create an event handler was never this hard!
I have an SSIS package that populates a field with "DEFAULT" at the start of execution and i have an Execute SQL task in PostExecute EventHandler that executes a stored proc to update the said field to "SUCCESS". I already created a blank script task to connect to the Execute SQL task and placed in the precedence constraint editor: @[System :: PackageName] == @[System :: SourceName] so that it would execute only when the package completes execution.
My problem is that there are times (probably about 1 out of 50) that the "DEFAULT" value does not get updated. I dont know why this is happening because I expect that this should always be updated since the stored proc is in PostExecute (i suppose successful or even failed execution always does what is in the PostExecute event handler). I don't know why this is happening and it is so hard to replicate.
We want to develop an error handling process that will log the errors into multiple destinations (eventlog, text files or sql database) depending upon a variable set in the package. Also we want that this errror handling process should be initiated by all the tasks in the package on error.
Is this possible? Can the same event handler be called from multiple tasks in the package? Also in the event handler can we call another package which actually does the error handling. This way we have only one place to change our error handling process in case required.
Not receiving any errors. The update runs perfectly on all fields, except for the added parameter during the sub. I need to change the hidden field's value after parsing out several fields in the form and generating a logfile entry of sorts. This needs to happen after all the form fields are updated, but before the update is executed. aspx: (relevant parts only...)<asp:SqlDataSource ID="TicketDetails" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:myConnectionString %>"UpdateCommand="UPDATE Tickets SET TicketSuspense = @TicketSuspense, TicketPriority = @TicketPriority, TicketLastUpdated = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, TicketStatus = 'Assigned', TicketTechnicianNotes = @TicketTechnicianNotes WHERE (TicketID = @TicketID)"><UpdateParameters><asp:Parameter Name="TicketPriority" Type="String" /><asp:Parameter Name="TicketSuspense" Type="DateTime" /><asp:Parameter Name="TicketID" Type="Int32" /></UpdateParameters></asp:SqlDataSource> codebehind: (once again, the relevant parts only)Protected Sub TicketDetails_Updating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.SqlDataSourceCommandEventArgs) Handles TicketDetails.UpdatingTicketTechnicianNotesHiddenField.Value = "some text..." & TicketTechnicianNotesHiddenField.ValueTicketDetails.UpdateParameters.Add(New Parameter("TicketTechnicianNotes", TypeCode.String, TicketTechnicianNotesHiddenField.Value))End Sub Thanks, - Brad
Is it possible to create an event handler in a VB.net application to run whenever a Stored Procedure is run.
My application has a scheduled task which is created and scheduled by users of the application, whenever this scheduled task is run I would like it to contact the application to kick off a sequence of tasks. I would appreciate if anybody could point me in the right direction.
One of my plan is to develop a custom task compoent to log the errors into the destination provided as paramter to the component. Now how can I restrict the use of this component in the event handler tab only. can something like this be done?
Also extending this a little further, is the below thing possible?
The custom component should expose custom properties which should allow the user to add the destinations for logging the errors. It will be a predefined list (window event log, text file, sql table etc) and the user will be allowed to check what all he/she wants. Then if the user has selected sql table then ask for the oledb connection and the table name, if text file is selected the ask for the path of the file.
Apology if I am asking too many questions around the same thing (error handling). There may be a better way to acheive what I am trying to acheive but then I have no idea about it. Your guidance will be of great help.
Again, Thanks a lot for helping this extra curious guy who wants to try and develope generalized compoenents if possible.
I'm trying to implement a custom log table. To keep the discussion simple, let's say I only have 1 column in this table and all I want to write in it are
"Start" when the package starts "Error" when it encounters an error "Finish" when the package finishes. Even if there was an error, I still want to enter "Finish'.
My Control Flow has 3 task objects, 2 Execute SQL Tasks, and 1 Data Flow Task in between them.
The first Execute SQL Task does an insert statement for the Start and the second Execute SQL Task does an insert for the Finish.
To capture any package errors, I also have an Execute SQL Task (to insert "Error") in the Event Handler for OnError. I see that when I cause an error in my package it can raise multiple OnError events, which will envoke my Execute SQL Task multiple times. (This is good because it will allow me to write a line per error event with the error description.)
The problem I have is, how do I write the "Finish" log when I have an error? If I put the insert for the finish in the same Execute SQL Task with the errors, then it will write a "Finish" for every error. But I can't put it anywhere else because if I put it anywhere else, the package never makes it there because it stops at the OnError Event Handler.
Or is there a way for me to tell the package to do the 2nd Execute SQL Task all the time?
Lastly, is there a better way to do this kind of custom logging?
Has anyone used Checkpoint files in conjunction with the OnError Event Handler ? I'm having a problem getting the OnError event to fire when the SSIS package reruns with the Checkpoint file.
The first run of the package (without a checkpoint file) works fine. The error occurs, the OnError event handler is called, the package stops and the checkpoint file is created.
When the package is restarted is goes to the correct spot (where the error occured) using the checkpoint file, then it throws an error within the For Loop container and does not call the OnError event handler. The OnError event handler is setup on the For Loop container. The ForLoop performs three loops. Each one of these loops creates an error. Not one of these errors within the three loops will trigger the OnError event handler...
I have a package on which i've applied a package level OnError event handler. The OnError event handler includes a Script Task (that builds up a string of errorCode, errorDescription, MachineName etc...) and a WebService Task that calls a webservice to send an email including the built up string from the script task in the body of the email. This has worked fine in one package where i've applied it but for some reason in a second package the existence of an OnError package level event handler seems to be completed ignored. I'm causing various package object to fail but the OnError handler never fires. I know the obvious answer is find what's different between the two packages but i can't see that any is different (in relation to package level OnError event handling).
Has anyone else come across this? Any suggestions?
Upon completion of a package the OnPostExecute event is fired whether the package was successful or not. As expected.
Then, I setup the package to use CheckPoints. I create a Script Task and set the Dts.TaskResult to fail. When the package runs and fails the OnPostExecute event for the package does not fire! If I remove the CheckPoints from the package, the OnPostExecute event fires.
What's even stranger is that if I set the Script Task to succeed, and then rerun the package, the OnPostExecute event still doesn't fire!
Has anyone else noticed this? It seems to me that the OnPostExecute event should fire whenever the package completes as it does when CheckPoints are not used. Why would it not fire when using CheckPoints?
I have created an OnError Event Handler to catch an error in the Execute SQL Task in the Control Flow. On error I am simply inserting a few parameters in a DB table using Execute SQL Task. I followed the instructions in: [URL]....
Now when I run this error hanlder task manually it runs fine but when I purposely fail the SQL Task it never fires the error handler. I am not sure why. I checked the DisableEventHandler property and it is set to False.
My project currently has task which have their own individual event handlers that get called onError (setup event messages). I also have a package level event handler that performs a generic task (sending events to the windows eventviewer) In the package level event handler there is a script task that decides on a boolean variable whether to "Success" or "Failure" to different task. When I fail one task of the main control flow, the task level event handler runs, then the package level event handler runs, and then it also runs again for some unknown reason. The second time it runs it picks up the value of a variable set in the variables window. However, I change this value at runtime to the value from a database. I can't understand why it would run the second time, and if it did run why it would have the value from the variables window and not the value that is set in memory. It's like the event handler runs with the value from memory and then runs and picks the values back out of the variables window, replacing the db values and re-runs.
Maybe the package itself is failing all together and then re-runing the package level event handler?
Is there any differene between on-error event handler and precedence constrain failure? I have created a package and if a data flow task(flat file to DB) fails, the file has to be moved to archive folder. How I have accomplished this is Dataflow task->precedence constrain failed(red arrow)->execute process task to move the file to error folder and it worked,The same execute process task( to move the file to error folder) doesnot work when I move this to on-error event handler. Also, for the same file the on-error event is getting triggered multiple times.
I have created an event that contains a Data flow tasks with OLE DB source & Excel Destination.
This event is executed/triggered based on an execute SQL task failure in the control flow Sequence container.
However, when I execute the Data Flow task of the Event Handler, it runs successfully but fails when I execute the whole package.
I get the below error message:
[OLE DB Source [21]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "TK463DW" failed with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.
I have tried setting the property 'DelayValidation' to 'True' on all the Control Flow and Data Flow tasks on the package and on the Event Handler, but still I could not fix this.Not sure What I am missing.
Within my SSIS packages I use a logging logic quite similar as the one described by Jamie Thomson here : http://blogs.conchango.com/jamiethomson/archive/2005/06/11/SSIS_3A00_-Custom-Logging-Using-Event-Handlers.aspx
But I still have a small "problem". When my package end with success the ErrorCode returned at the OnInformation event handler level is :
Committing distributed transaction started by this container.
Instead of :
Package "__" finished successfully.
Another example.
When there's an integrity constraint violation, I've got the following ErrorCode returned :
My SQL Server 2005 SP4 on Windows 2008 R2 is flooded with the below errors:-
Date 10/25/2011 10:55:46 AM Log SQL Server (Current - 10/25/2011 10:55:00 AM) Source spid Message Event Tracing for Windows failed to send an event. Send failures with the same error code may not be reported in the future. Error ID: 0, Event class ID: 54, Cause: (null).
Is there a way I can trace it how it is coming? When I check input buffer for these ids, it looks like it is tracing everything. All the general application DMLs are coming in these spids.
I have been testing with the WMI Event Watcher Task, so that I can identify a change to a file. The WQL is thus:
SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent within 30 WHERE targetinstance isa 'CIM_DataFile' AND targetinstance.name = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup\AdventureWorks.bak'
This polls every 30 secs and in the SSIS Event (ActionAtEvent in the WMI Task is set to fire the SSIS Event) I have a simple script task that runs a message box).
My understanding is that the event polls every 30 s and if there is a change on the AdventureWorks.bak file then the event is triggered and the script task will run producing the message. However, when I run the package the message is occurring every 30s, meaning the event is continually firing even though there has been NO change to the AdventureWorks.bak file.
Am I correct in my understanding of how this should work and if so why is the event firing when it should not ?
Server 2003 SE SP1 5.2.3790 Sql Server 2000, SP 4, 8.00.2187 (latest hotfix rollup) We fixed one issue, but it brought up another. the fix we applied stopped the ServicesActive access failure, but now we have a failure on MSSEARCH. The users this is affecting do NOT have admin rights on the machine, they are SQL developers. We were having
Event Type: Failure Audit Event Source: Security Event Category: Object AccessEvent ID: 560 Date: 5/23/2007 Time: 6:27:15 AM User: domainuser Computer: MACHINENAME Description: Object Open: Object Server: SC Manager Object Type: SC_MANAGER OBJECT Object Name: ServicesActive Handle ID: - Operation ID: {0,1623975729} Process ID: 840 Image File Name: C:WINDOWSsystem32services.exe Primary User Name: MACHINE$ Primary Domain: Domain Primary Logon ID: (0x0,0x3E7) Client User Name: User Client Domain: Domain Client Logon ID: (0x0,0x6097C608) Accesses: READ_CONTROL Connect to service controller Enumerate services Query service database lock state
We recently upgraded to SQL 2005 from SQL 2000. We have most of our issues ironed out however about every 1 minute there is a message in the Application Event log and the SQL log that states:
EVENT ID 18456 Login Failed for the users DOMAIN/ACCOUNT [CLIENT: <local machine>]
This is a state 16 message which I thought meant that the account does not have access to the default database. The account is actually the account that the SQL services run under.
Any ideas? We can't seem to figure this one out. We actually upgraded to 2005 from 2000 and had an error appear after every reboot that prevented the SQL Agent from running(This application has failed to start because GAPI32.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.) We did a full uninstall of SQL and reinstalled fresh and restored the databases from .bak files and that is when the EVENT ID 18546 started occuring every minute.
We don't have any SQL heavy hitters here so please be detailed with any possible solutions. That you very much for any help you can provide!