One For The SQL Gurus: Split A Delimited Field Into Rows
Aug 13, 2004
I'm trying to write an SQL Query that will take a delimited field and return each item as a row.
Take the AuthorizedRoles and TabID fields from the Tabs table
AuthorizedRoles TabID
0; 15 ;17;______6
I would like to return a unique record for each Authorized Role
AuthorizedRole TabID
Any ideas?
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Jun 7, 2002
I have a row in a SQL table that has 4 numerical values, separated by comma. I'd like to take this and make it 4 separate columns. Values are not always the same length, but are always delimited by commas.
Any ideas how I could do this in T-SQL?
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Jan 19, 2006
I'm sure there is probably a very easy solution that I am just not seeing or can't Google...
I have a DataFlow that includes a column of Delimited values (i.e. Value1,Value2,etc..). As this DataFlow is populating a parent table, I need split the values into their own dataflow and populate a child table. I've tried a script transformation and couldn't figure out how to accept 1 delimited input row and output multiple rows after a split. Any ideas?
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Jul 9, 2015
All I have a situation where I need to split the column to rows which is delimited using commas and semicolons. Please find the below sample data.
Data in Tables
Test1, Test2, Test3
Desired output
Is there any way that I can get this output in SQL other than using the XML Conversion, since the data has some special characters in this.
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Nov 27, 2007
just a beginners question:
I have the following row with 2 fields:
Field 1: Task A
Field 2:� 1;2;3;4
The number of semicolon divided elements in Field 2 is variabel.
I would like to create new rows like:
Row 1 Field 1: A Field 2: 1
Row 2 Field 1: A Field 2: 2
Row 3 Field 1: A Field 2: 3
Row 4 Field 1: A Field 2: 4
I think I should use a Foreach Loop.
But I don't exactly how to do it?
best regards
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Oct 8, 2008
I have a parameter called Id in my SP which will be of nvarchar data type and i'm going to get the multiple ids at a time seperated by commas in that parameter from the application. Now my requirement is to update a table with these comma seperated ids in seperate rows.
For example, if i have 2 parameters called Id1 and Id2. Id1 will contain only one value and will be of int data type and Id2 will be of nvarchar data type as i can get multiple ids delimited by a comma from the application.
Suppose Id1 = 1 and Id2 = '1,2,3,4'. Then I have to update id2 in the tables seperately like wherever Id1 is '1' i need to update Id2 column for 4 rows with the value 1, 2, 3, 4 respectively in different rows.
how can i do this in T-SQL? How can i split the data of parameter Id2 in 4 different rows?
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Oct 13, 2004
I am passing in a string of dates, delimited by a comma.
01/01/04, 02/01/04, 03/01/04
I would like to enter each of these values into a table via an INSERT stored procedure.
Does anyone have any code for this?
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Mar 6, 2014
I have a single string "XYZ00001|Test_b|XYZ00002|Test_a|XYZ00003|Test_c" that will continue to grow over time.
Is there a way I can extract the values from the string into two separate columns?
XYZ0001 Test_b
XYZ0002 Test_a
XYZ0003 Test_c
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Oct 21, 2012
I have a stored procedure that is passed two values. Both are strings representations of GUID values, the first is a single value, the second is a comma delimited string of values.In the stored procedure I call a split function to separate the comma delimited values into a table and this is used in my WHERE clause to filter my select results.This is an example:
item.uiGUID as ItemGUID,
stores.strStoreName as Store,
location.strLocationName as Location
FROM tblItems as item
INNER JOIN tblStoreLocations as location
ON item.uiLocationGUID = location.uiGUID
INNER JOIN tblStores as stores
ON location.uiStoreGUID = stores.uiGUID
WHERE CAST(item.uiGUID as varchar(36)) IN (SELECT Value FROM dbo.Split(',',@ItemGUIDList))
When I run this query in the management studio, passing a list of 5 values in the second parameter, my results include one item for each of the 5 values. However, when I pass the parameters from my ASP project, (I've verified the values I think are being passed are indeed being passed), I only get one item.I believe the error is in my split function. Both split functions return the same results in the SQL management studio, but only one returns the correct results in the the ASP project.
When I use this version of the function it returns the correct table values to the calling application, but it chokes when the item list does not have a trailing comma. I figure that to be a bug in the SQL function.
( @Delimiter varchar(5),
@List varchar(8000)
RETURNS @TableOfValues table
( RowID smallint IDENTITY(1,1),
[Value] varchar(50)
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May 21, 2015
I was to split each record into multiple columns. The problem is some records need to be split into only 1 column, others may need to be split into more. Also need to remove the "/"'s. This is all dependent on where a "/" is found. Been beating my head for a while and getting nowhere.
create table #foo (myPK int, c1 nvarchar(425))
insert into #foo values (1,'/folder1')
insert into #foo values (2,'/lvl1/folder2')
insert into #foo values (3,'/folder1/lvl2/folder3')
insert into #foo values (4,'/f1/folder2/lvl3/fldr4')
Should return as:
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Nov 3, 2000
Probably this will be a silly question?
1. How can I Put all the Q documents from Microsoft that are related to SQL server? So that I can search fast.
2. How can I search SWYNK for all the ANSWERS that MAK/CRAIG/RAY replied to the threads. Its so weird that I answered someone and now I forgot the answer what I posted. Now I am having the same problem. I cant search.
3. I wanna put all SWYNK's Questions responses in one database say SQLSERVER, so that I can search all the threads.
I had sent many emails to SWYNK. No reply so far.
Any inputs r well appreciated!!!!!!
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Nov 2, 2003
Dear SQL,
Lets say I have a field: User_Names
and it can have more than one name
example: "Yovav,John,Shon"
How can I select all the records that has "Yovav" in them ?
I try some like this:
SELECT * FROM User_Table WHERE User_Names IN ('Yovav')
but it only works if the field User_Names only has "Yovav" in it with no extras...
is there some SQL function to tell if string is found in a field ?
Any hope 4 me ?
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May 22, 2007
I have the following table:id name1 yes2 no3 what4 is5 this6 niceThe amount of rows can vary from 1 to 50. I only need the name column.What SQL statement do I have to execute to get the following:yes,no,what,is,this,nice, (trailing , is acceptable)Thanks!
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Nov 14, 2014
I have a scenario wherein one of the column values in a row contains a string value which is non-delimited (as shown below). I need to split them by 2 characters and generate as many rows as count of set of 2 digits in that string.
Current record
RecordID Name CountyList
1 ABC 00
2 CDE 01020304
Expected output:
RecordID Name CountyList
1 ABC 00
2 CDE 01
2 CDE 02
2 CDE 03
2 CDE 04
I already have a solution in place to run it thru cursor and then do a while loop on the CountyList column by taking 2 digit value using Substring function (keeping start position dyanamic and jumping 2 positions).
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Oct 26, 2006
I don't know if this is possible, but I haven't been able to find anyinformation.I have two tables, for example:Table 1 (two columns, id and foo)id foo--- -----1 foo_a2 foo_b3 foo_cTable 2 (two columns, t1_id, and bar)t1_id bar------ ----1 bar_a1 bar_b1 bar_c2 bar_d3 bar_e3 bar_fWhat I'm shooting for is returning the result of a subquery as atext-delimited column. In this example, using a comma as thedelimiter:Recordset Returned:foo bars----- -----foo_a bar_a,bar_b,bar_cfoo_b bar_dfoo_c bar_e,bar_fI know that it's usually pretty trivial within the code that isquerying the database, but I'm wondering if the database itself can dothis.Is this possible, and if so, can someone please point me to how it canbe done?
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Nov 17, 2007
Hi everyone.
A delimited file is being sent to us from another company. The file is supposed to have 10 columns in each row. We are going to process the file using SSIS (2005)
Question - how do we handle the file if some of the rows are bad - are missing one or more columns?
If my package reads the file using a flat file source, when I run the package with a file where some of the rows have fewer than the expected 10 columns, my package abends on the flat file source task.
All we can think of doing is writing .net code to process the file as the first step of the package or even outside the package, to remove bad rows from the file before it hits SSIS.
Browsing through a couple of threads here similar to mine, it appeared to me that MS staff responded by stating the functionality of the flat file source may be enhanced in the future to handle this?
Thank you, Glen
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Oct 9, 2001
I have a table with column person_name and I want to update that table and
insert the values of different columns FIRST_NAME and LAST_NAME.
Anybody can tell me the T-SQL code to do above problem?
Thank you very much!
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi, all:I have a form which lets users choose more than one value for each question.But how do I insert each value as a separate row in my table (instead ofhaving the values submitted as a comma-delimited list)?Thanks for your help.J
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Oct 6, 2015
I have a table like this :
ID Description ParentID Level
B.01 Parent 1 H
B.01.01 Parent 1.1 B.01 H
B.01.01.01 Parent 1.1.1 B.01.01 H
B. Detail 1 B.01.01.01 D
B. Detail 2 B.01.01.01 D
[Code] .....
That means, only select Level=H, and display the last record of H with concatenated the description of each rows delimited with comma.
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Jul 23, 2005
Whats the best way to do the following?Field1 in Table1 contains numbers and characters seperated by #Examples: aaa#01, kjhkjhjh#21 and jlkjlkj#123How can I create two new fields in Table1, one containing what is tothe left of the # and the other what is to the right?Regards,Ciar�n
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Aug 21, 2007
not sure if this is possible...
but lets say i make a select like
select products, stock from table
and my rs is
chair | 1
couch | 3
lamp | 2
is there anyway in the select to make any row that has stock of more than 1 to make a new row... so my rs would come back as
Any info would be helpful...
~ moe
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Mar 23, 2007
I have the field LocationID (string)which has values like
"AZ001","AZ002","IN002","IN004" first 2 will be always alphabets and remaining 3 will be numbers,
I want to split it like "AZ" ," 001"
"IN" "002"
"IN" "004"
now i will populate dropdownlist with unique values of "AZ" "IN"
according to first dropdownlist how i will populate second dropdownlist?
So how to write sql query for splitting? and then populating the dropdownlist ?
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Apr 14, 2006
I have the following fields in table A:
GL_ID| Date |GL_Name_VC | Amount Period_TI|Year_SI
1000|31/12/2005 | Sales | -8,000.00 | 12 | 2005
1000|06/01/2006 | Sales | -6,000.00 | 01 | 2006
1000|20/01/2006 | Sales | 2,000.00 | 01 | 2006
1000|28/01/2006 | Sales | -4,000.00 | 01 | 2006
The above database is running on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and i would like to query
for a report that looks something as below:
Period | Date | GL_Name_VC | Debit | Credit| Net Change | Balance
01 |01/01/2006|Opening Bal | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8,000
01 |06/01/2006|Sales | 0 | 6,000 | 0 | 0
01 |20/01/2006|Sales | 2,000 | 0 | 0 | 0
01 |28/01/2006|Sales | 0 | 4,000 | 8,000 |6,000
The formula for the above calculated fields are as below:
Opening Balance = carried forward balance from Year 2005
Debit = All positive amount
Credit = All negative amount
Net Change = Total Credit - Total Debit in Period 01
Balance = Total of Net Change + Opening Bal
Guys, hope someone out there can help me with the sql command for the above report?
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Apr 11, 2006
I have the following fields in table A:
GL_ID| Date |GL_Name_VC | Amount |Period_TI|Year_SI
1000|31/12/2005 | Sales | -8,000.00 | 12 | 2005
1000|06/01/2006 | Sales | -6,000.00 | 01 | 2006
1000|20/01/2006 | Sales | 2,000.00 | 01 | 2006
1000|28/01/2006 | Sales | -4,000.00 | 01 | 2006
The above database is running on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and i would like to query
for a report that looks something as below:
Period | Date | GL_Name_VC | Debit | Credit| Net Change | Balance
01 |01/01/2006|Opening Bal | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8,000
01 |06/01/2006|Sales | 0 | 6,000 | 0 | 0
01 |20/01/2006|Sales | 2,000 | 0 | 0 | 0
01 |28/01/2006|Sales | 0 | 4,000 | 8,000 |16,000
The formula for the above calculated fields are as below:
Opening Balance = carried forward balance from Year 2005
Debit = All positive amount
Credit = All negative amount
Net Change = Total Credit - Total Debit in Period 01
Balance = Total of Net Change + Opening Bal
Guys, hope someone out there can help me with the sql command for the above report?
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Feb 26, 2014
I am trying to split a row that currently has information like this:
area: north,south,west
however I want the area column to display the information like this:
I have wrote a split function and it worked fine in other work I did...
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Nov 28, 2007
Hi All
I have a matrix with single row. The no. of column varies and sometimes goes to 10-15. So it goes to next page and while exporting it inserts blank pages when exported to PDF. I need the column width at least 2.5cm. I need to break the matrix to next row instead of it going to next page say after 6th or 8th column. I tried to work with the example given in the site by Chris Hays. But it is showing matrix for each Row Group, which doesn't meet my requirement.
I had a work around which worked by putting two matrix one below the other and filtering the columns to be shown in each matrix.
If anybody faced this issue or anybody solved the issue kindy reply which will be very helpful for me.
One more doubt, Can I get the Column number of the matrix?
Thanks in advance
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Jun 22, 2007
I have a query that returns a table similar to:
State Status Count
CA Complete 10
CA Incomplete 200
NC Complete 20
NC Incomplete 205
SC Incomplete 50
What sort of query will allow me to reformat the table into:
State Complete Incomplete
CA 10 200
NC 20 205
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Nov 9, 2005
Here's a question for the SQL gurus out there:
I have a varchar(20) field DIAGNOSISCODE in a table that can either be null, or contain up to 3 comma-separated codes, each of which relates to a description in another table. For example, some sample rows might be
Now I need to structure a query to return these values from this single field as three fields CODE1, CODE2, CODE3, with NULL as appropriate for example
CODE1=8060, CODE2=4450, CODE3=NULL.
I have been using CASE along with CHARINDEX and PATINDEX but it it becoming extremely messy. Can anyone think of a "neater" way to return three fields from this one field?
Any help very greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Simon.
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Aug 3, 2006
i want to write a code that can split the addresses into multiple fields. anyone can point me out where to start?
lets say i have "12 north plaza boulevard apt.16" and i want it to become:
plaza blvd
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Jun 21, 2007
I know this should be simple but I can't figure it out. I am reading in a csv file to a conditional split task, all I want to do is split the file based on a field. Some values in field will have a suffix say ABCD while others wont. So my conditional split says Right(FieldA,4)=="ABCD" which then splits file in two directions or at least it's meant to. Problem is that it does not work. I think it has something to do with the field type in the csv file although I have tried using a Data Conversion task but to no avail all the field values with ABCD suffix are ignored by my conditional split and head off the same way as other values. Funny thing is is that if I manually add a value to the file with a suffix of ABCD and run task again then the conditional split works on the manually added row and all rows with suffix of ABCD. It's like it does not recognise previous values as string until one is added manually.
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Feb 27, 2012
I have a table which looks like
Low High
cx01 cx04
sn05 sn08
I need output like
How to get this output using sql query?
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Jun 7, 2008
1 I am a programmer
2 I am a doctor
Destination Table
1 1 I am a pro
1 2 grammer
2 1 i am a doc
2 2 tor
Please someone help me on this.
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Apr 4, 2014
I have a string stored in field v_images in table tbl_DealerFeed_temp. This string is split by the "|" character. I want to create a SQL query to grab this string, split it, and insert it into tbl_Vehicles_photos. I also need to pass the value d_id into the photos table:
vp_id, d_id, vp_image_name
The vp_id is the unique ID. I need to populate the d_id and vp_image_name field with my values.
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