Open Navigation Link In A New Window
Dec 9, 2005
I have a report with a hyperlink. When I go to the navigation tab, it does not give me any options to open the link in a new window. I have a link to show help and I do not want the user to actually move away from the reports
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Feb 22, 2007
When i giving a url passing some Jump to Url of cell navigation properties..
In VS Studio its opening in new window ..but when deployed in server and its opening same browser while my requirement is to open in new window..
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Jun 26, 2006
I am using SSRS Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Designers
Version 9.00.1399.00. I want to open linked report in new window.
I tried whats mentioned in but i get an error on Window.Open method.
How do I solve the problem?
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Nov 21, 2007
Is there a way to combine the Bookmark and report link functionalities in reporting services. For example, I have two reports. When I click a link in first report, I would like to be able to navigate to second report but not at the top of the report but at a particular report item way down in the second report, sort of like an anchor on an HTML page. Can I do this?
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Nov 3, 2014
Post installation of SQL Server 2014 Express edition, I am able to connect to the Database Instance.
But while opening a new query window in SSMS or opening a table getting the error:
Package 'RadLangSvc.Package, RadLangSvc, Version, Culture=Neutral, Public Token=89845dcd8080cc91' failed to load
Object reference not set to an instance of an object. (mscorlib)..Have already tried installing the componentsDACProjectSystemSetup_enu.msi, TSql LanguageService_enu.msi, DACFramework_enu.msi from path VS 2010 WCU DAC.
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Apr 13, 2007
Hello :
I have a report which calls another report, and I want that everything the links clickable on my reports open one new
I know that there is a way of defining that C# but I managed to make it walked.
Is that you an idea to say that I want everything click on my report call another report but in a new window.
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Oct 25, 2006
hi, I got a problem with reporting services 2005.
I have to create a link activated by clicking on an image.
In the image navigation properties I inserted the link in "jump to url" but the problem is that no new window is opened, the url is opened in the initial report page.
I tried to use jscript this way:"myurl","", "scrollbars=yes,width=800,height=600,left=0,top=0");
but in this case the url opens in a new window but a blank page is shown in the report page.
How can I solve this problem and open the url in a new window without changing the report page?
Thanks in advance and sorry for my english
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May 8, 2007
I have areport which needs to jump to another report when clicking on a text box.
I have used the following code in the jump to url
= "javascript:void('http://houapps277/ReportServer/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?%2fIMS-Reports%2fCR000619','_blank'))"
This does not open any page and when i rightclick to open in new page it gives the url as
This works fine though when I give this in jump to url and google opens
= "javascript:void('','_blank'))"
What am I doing wrong here.
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Aug 5, 2005
Is there anyone can help me to run window when after done with installation, i wana open but i got message" this installation package could not be opened. verify that the package exists and that you can access it. or contact the application vedor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package" My comp is running w/ Win home XP. thanks
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May 7, 2007
I have areport with a text box. The text box is hyperlinked to another report url. The report opens in a new page when previewed with RS 2005 but when deployed the report opens in teh same page from where it is referenced.
How can I set a property with the texbox to always open in a new page the hyperlinked report.
Thanks in advance
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Aug 17, 2005
Hello guys,I've one query regarding accessing SQL Server. I want to use SQL Server jobs scheduling functionality. Is it possible to open SQL Server's jobs window from VB.NET? (Server -> Management -> Jobs) Pls. help me to solve this query. Thanks in advance. Waiting for yr reply.
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Feb 21, 2014
I want to open a pdf file in a new window by clicking on its URL in SSRS reoprt. I heard that it is possible with Java script. So I tried with ="javascript:void'yoururl&rs:Command=Render"')" in the SSRS expression. It is working only for https and http.
But the URL which I want to open is as follows.
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Mar 7, 2008
Hi All,
I have seen many posts in this regard and tried different alternatives but could not succeed.
I have a url to non reporting services application from the ssrs report.
Initially i have tried with this url :
="http://bl-Kalyke/proactis/Main/IPopUpInvoiceByInvoiceNo.asp?Connection=DINR&UserName=SSRSL&Password=55r5l&Company=MAIN&InvoiceNo=" + mid(Fields!VoucherNumber.Value,4,7)
It is working fine, but the problem is, it is opening in the same window of the browser.
But the requirement is to open the url in the window. so i have tried withis url :
="javascript:void('http://bl-Kalyke/proactis/Main/IPopUpInvoiceByInvoiceNo.asp?Connection=RNID&UserName=SSRSL&Password=55r5l&Company=MAIN&rs:Command=Render','_blank','resizeable=1,toolbar=1,status=1,menu=1,top=20,left=20,width=740,height=730 InvoiceNo=" + mid(Fields!VoucherNumber.Value,4,7) + "'))"
i am not able to find where i am going wrong. So help me in this regard.
Thanks in advance.
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Dec 18, 2012
Below is my navigation URL link ..I want the drill through to open in new tab rather than new window..I believe i need to change the newwin.
="javascript:void('"+ Globals!ReportServerUrl + "?" +Â Globals!ReportFolder + "%2fReportName&rs:Command=Render" +"&YQM='+escape('"+Parameters!YQM.Value.ToString() +"') +'&Status='+escape('"+Parameters!Status.Value.ToString()
+"') + '', 'newwin', 'screenX=0,left=0,screenY=0,top=0,status=1,menubar=1,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,toolbar=1,location=1'))"
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Aug 28, 2007
Bit of a strange one here. We have a SQL Express instance running with one database which is accessed by a VB6 client application.
Performance between the application and the database isn't great, but bizarrely if you open a Query window from the Management Studio (against the database) the performance dramatically improves - to the extent that it is visually noticeable from within the application.
So, I'm thinking that the database connections being made by the application are taking longer because of instance name resolution or the like and with the Query window open this resolution is performed quicker.
Has anyone come across this situation? I can re-create it on several different computers each with their own Express instance and I've not found anything about this on the net.
Here's the connection string used by the application - I have tried various permutations of values to no avail:
Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Initial Catalog=SampleDB;Data Source=(local)sqlexpress;Trusted_Connection=yes
Thanks very much
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Oct 23, 2006
I couldn't find an 'SQL Server Agent' Forum , so I'm posting this here...sorry.
I'm using a job to run a batch file with several robocopy commands in it.
The step in the scheduled job runs a SSIS package saved in the Server Package Store.
The SSIS package uses an 'Execute Process Task' control flow item.
The 'Execute Process task' simply calls and execute the batch file. (WindowStyle property = Maximized)
The package/job runs fine in both Visual Studio and in Management Studio. However when run from the latter (SQL Management Studio Job) the command prompt window (dos screen) doesn't open so I can't tell at what stage the batch file is in at any given time.
How can I get the window to open? By the way the window does open if I run the SSIS from Visual Studio.
Thank you
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Oct 15, 2007
Using SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services and want to open new IE window to link to a site.
We are using IE 6.0.
I am using the following Navigation "Jump to URL" in report:
This works as expected if I am not using the DNS alias to reference Reporting Services. But if I use the DNS alias when referencing Reporting Services, then when I click the link in the report I get the "Cannot find server or DNS Error" in the IE window that opens. Everything else works correctly in the reports when I use the DNS alias.
Anyone have a clue why this is happening?
Thanks, DR
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Feb 5, 2008
I have a report that returns a field with the location of a .csv file on the network. The value of the field looks like this:
I need to let the user click a link to open the file. Simply making the Jump To Url under navigation the field value doesn't work; it's not clickable. I've tried a javascript new window command, but I'm no good at javascript.
All my google results turn up unrelated items because I'm searching "ssrs open file" or "ssrs open file in windows explorer".
Any ideas?
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Jun 29, 2015
I want to be able to open URLs in a new window in my SSRS report, and the URLs keep changing in every record. The problem is these links are not the only things present in the record, and there is other data present. I keep seeing examples where they are considering only a link to be present in the record with no other data.
Also the data in the record includes HTML tags and I checked the option that says "HTML - Interpret HTML tags as styles" on the placeholder properties window.
Example of data in the record:
Hello! Welcome to google, the most used search engine.
Click on to go the website
So when I click on the URL, it should open in a new window.Â
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Nov 2, 2013
I'm working on a report to show financial transactions from a table over a certain period. For most transactions there is a PDF document that is stored in a separate table in a binairy format. In my report I would like to include a link on every line with transaction information in the report that opens the PDF that is linked to that transaction. Just to be clear, I don't want to embed the PDF in the report but I want the users of the report to have the option to view the PDF that is related to that transaction in their standard pdf reader (adobe).
Code to do the following:
Once a user clicks on the link to view the PDF I need the code to get the binairy data of the PDF file from the table, convert it back to a PDF and open it in the default pdf reader (for example adobe reader). If it can't directly open the file then it's maybe possible to activate the 'open or download' pop up that you also get when you download something from a website.Â
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Feb 20, 2008
I have created an Access2003 project (existing data) that links to external data. First I connected to a SQL Server 2000 database. Success. Then I tried to set up a Transact SQL data connection to a legacy MDW-secured Access97 database. (A third-party VB6 application goes against it, and we don't have the source code, so we cannot upgrade it.)
The Transact SQL link tests OK but I cannot select any of the tables or queries from the list presented. However, with the same credentials, I can use these same objects in Excel 2003.
When setting up the link in Access2003, I specify JET 4.0 OLE DB Provider, I enter the MDW file on the All tab, a username and a password on the Connection tab where I browse to the MDB file, and specify Shared Deny None on the Advanced tab. When I test the connection, it tests OK ("Test connection succeeded"). Yet on the "Select the Database and Table/Cube which contains the data you want" dialog, "(Default)" appears in the grayed-out dropdown. Then, beneath that dropdown, there is a grid with Name and Description columns. The grid contains query names but the grid is not enabled. The list of queries is this table is grayed out. Neither of the scrollbars works.
BUT... if I use the SAME username and password in Excel2003, and specify the same MDW, there is no problem working with these same database objects in the legacy Access97 database. WHAT IS DIFFERENT ABOUT THE WIZARD IN EXCEL THAT ALLOWS IT TO SUCCEED AND THE WIZARD IN ACCESS THAT CAUSES IT TO FAIL HERE? In Excel, the list of available providers says Microsoft Access Driver, not JET 4.0 OLE DB Provider.
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Feb 3, 2006
When trying to link to an SQL table in Access 2003, the software appears to be malfunctioning.
The sequence of events is File - Get External Data - Link Tables - Files of Type: ODBC Databases().
The Problem: On two of my computers, the select data source window does not pop up, preventing me from linking to any ODBC data source.
Observations: This function has worked normally in the recent past and works on other computers running Access 2003. One difference between the computers working and non-working computers is Norton Antivirus 2006 (recent upgrade).
Has anyone experienced anything like this? What's going on?
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Dec 14, 2006
Dear members,
In MSDN, it says that it is recommended to use windows authentication to connect to SQL Server rather than use mixed authentication.
I create user deltasqluser on windows OS, and I specify in my webform ASP.NET script below :
protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label Label1;
private string _connString = @"data source=deltasql2000;initial catalog=northwind;integrated security=false;user id=deltasqluser";
comment : I login to my windows as deltakoronx, and I want to every user (including me), connected to sql server through IIS, will be identified as deltasqluser not as user's login (impersonate)
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(_connString);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
cmd.Connection = conn;
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
cmd.CommandText = "select suser_sname()";
string userName = cmd.ExecuteScalar() as string;
Label1.Text = userName;
at web.config, I add :
<identity impersonate="false" userName="deltasqluser" password="" />
at IIS webApplication1's properties, tab "Directory Security", at "Authentication and access control" section, I checked "enable anonymous access" with user : DELTAIUSR_DELTA and checked "Integrated Windows Authentication",
at query analyzer, I login as "sa" and execute script below :
exec sp_grantdbaccess 'deltasqluser','northwind'
when I run the ASP.NET script, error at conn.Open(); with error message :
Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE'.
What should I do so that IIS login to SQL Server as user deltasqluser not as "NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE" ?
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Oct 16, 2006
Add parameter to "navigation" url -
I'm trying to add a parameter to my JUMP TO URL but it doesn't work.
basiclly i'm useing javascript there:'');
i want to change the XXX with a value from the dataset.
I tried -' + Fields!ME.Value ');
or -' & Fields!ME.Value ');
it didn't worked :(
any help?
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Jan 5, 2007
I have created a one-page client summary report. My problem is that I can only get the report to show one client and there are many. How do I add record navigation functionality to my report?
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Mar 16, 2007
I have a link on the header to jump to another report. It was working fine on test server but when deployed to production, is giving the followin error. Any suggestions
The path of the item "(null)" is not valid. The path must be less than 260 characters long and must start with slash. Other restrictions apply. (rsInvalidItemPath)
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Jan 24, 2007
Hi all,
I'm trying to design a website with my old MS Access Application as a template, because my users know that style. I use textboxes to display data from the MSSQL 2005 database, one record and 20 fields per page ....and i would like to navigate through the records with 4 buttons: first, last, next and prior, placed on the page.I tried a lot of things, and my last attemt was a Stored Procedure with a Cursor to do the trickbut.... it did not work
It's very easy to do this in MS Access.
Can anyone tell me a simple way to do this ?
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Jan 25, 2007
Hi everyone I stumbled across this problem recently and have tried to figure out a good solution and have come up with nothing.
Environment: ADO.NET, ASP.NET 2.0, MS SQL 2000, C#
Problem: I have a set of data which I order according to two columns of data in the set. One column is a varchar or a date value (depending on what the user has chosen from GUI controls) and the other is an identity column. This dataset contains lots of data so its not feasible to pull the entire dataset to the client, also everything must be performed via (no stored procedures). When the user selects one of the records I load another page and drill down into the record details (think of this as the record details page). This is fine and easy but on this record details page I would like to keep a Next and Previous button so users can move to the next record in the set (remember this set is sorted somehow on the previous page). My question is how can I know what next record should be? It would seem I need to attach a sequential number to the rows of data so I can easily grab the next one in the set. Solutions to this seem to make use of a temp table which I dont think is possible via
Is there a decent performing way to do this through
Thanks for all insight.
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Jan 30, 2007
Here's a sample matrix:
Men Women Total
Full Professor 36 12 48
Assoc. Professor 16 9 25
Assistant Professor 11 14 25
Total 63 35 98
Now, it's easy enough to make the values clickable so that somebody can drill down to a report that shows detail about the people. I have also discovered how to turn off clickability on the totals. However, what I really want is for the totals to be clickable so that, for example, if I click on the 63, I see a report that shows all men. Likewise, If I click on the 48, I want to see a report that shows all Full Professors. What currently happens when the totals are clickable is that if I click on the 63, I get all men who are full professors (36 records instead of 63). If I click on the 48, I get all Full Professors who are men. (36 records instead of 48).
Is there any way to send different parameters (or even no parameters) to the secondary report if the subtotals are clicked instead of the regular results?
Thanks in advance!
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Sep 11, 2007
Can I have a report that is nothing more than a parameter and when the user selects from the list it will jump to another report based on which parameter was selected?
I can create a report with a text box that I can click to jump. I'd like to be able to eliminate the click on text box if possible and jump directly from parameter select pull down box.
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Sep 14, 2007
I have a report with a Matrix table. When it€™s fully populated I have 5 rows. These rows are different categories in a CRM system. In these categories there are a lot of Opportunities listed. The thing here is that category 1-4 exist in one table, really a view, and category 5 exist in another different view. So to gather all the information into one single Matrix table to later have subtotals and stuff I just made a little Union of the two select queries.
Now one the column in the table is of course Topic. And from here my client wants to be linked to the right CRM card. The problem I have encountered is that how can I have to different addresses on one single cell in the table?
In the Navigation pane in the cell that corresponds to the Topic, for now I have an address like this:
=string.Format("http://{0}/SFA/opps/edit.aspx?id={1}", Parameters!srv.Value, Fields!objectid.Value)
What I need to change when it€™s a category 5 Opportunity is €œopps€? to €œcat5€?and add €œ&etc=10008€? to the end of the address. Any ideas?
PS. {0} and {1} are parameters, one server parameter and one opportunity ID parameter.
Kind Regards
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Feb 20, 2007
Hi all,
I have got a report with external hyperlink.
When I put this link in TextBox properties >> Navigation >> Jump URL of my gridView : it works.
However, if I put "" + Fields!ID.Value it doesn't work. I haven't not link in my report.
And if I put!ID.Value my report create a hyperlink to!ID.Value and no
Thanks for you help.
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Dec 27, 2006
I have a doubt regarding use of navigation controls in a report and exporting the report. For example using a drilldown functionality in a report. After the report is generated one can export the report in whatever format he wants (PDF,TIFF, XML,...).
In this case, with the drill down functionality in the report, the details of the report are visible only when the plus sign is clicked. Suppose now the plus sign is not clicked and one exports the report in a PDF or TIFF format.
In the PDF file, the navigation or the drill down functionality is now not useful right ? There is no way to view the detail fields of the report now, using the PDF file right?
Thanks in advance,
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