We are currently running SQL Reporting Services 2000 and have the ability to open a linked report in either a new window or tab just by right-clicking on the link and selecting from the context menu. We are looking to migrate to SQL Reporting Services 2005 and when you right click on a linked report link, there is no option to open the linked report in either a new window or tab.
So my question is, is there a way to have linked reports open in either a new tab or window in SQL Reporting Services 2005? I searched this forum but all I saw were some round-about ways of accomplishing this using javascript. We have a lot of reports and would like to avoid altering each one to allow the ability to open a linked report in a new tab or window.
I am facing an Issue with my SSRS-Reports. I have a stacked column chart in my report and the columns are linked to another report, a sub-report with 6 parameters. Right now after clicking the columns, the sub-report get opened in the same IE-Tab, with relevant parameters and it works out correctly. Challenge is, to open the new report in a new tab / window.
My Current situation: A Chart report, with Action “go to report” on series properties with 6 parametersChallenge: open linked sub-report in a new tab.Info 1: new path of sub-report looks like this:
I have successfully connected to a sybase 11 database and have successfully run a couple of open query statements against this database, I have now placed this open query in a stored procedure and it works well, but when I want to pass parameter variables has part of my open query it does not like it. It asks me to declare the variable which is a parameter of the stored procedure. Is there any way I can pass in a variable value has part of my query
************************************************** *********************8 CREATE PROCEDURE qse_check_label_projectid @projectid char(18) AS
Select * from openquery(MRTEST32,'SELECT Project_id FROM DBO.MRT_PROJECT WHERE Project_id = @PROJECTID ') ************************************************** *************************** Please I believe there should be a way to pass a value through this open query function!
The following problem is in Access 2003 as front end and SQL Server Express holding the data. I have about 50 tables in Access linked to the SSE. When I try to open and work with the linked tables using the following code, some of the table works fine and other give error 3622. ******************************************** Dim Tab1 As Recordset, DB1 As Database, SQL1 As String Set DB1 = CurrentDb SQL1 = "SELECT * FROM Any_Table" Set Tab1 = DB1.OpenRecordset(SQL1, DB_OPEN_DYNASET) do the required work with Any_Table Tab1.Close: Set DB1 = Nothing ******************************************** I can not figure out why some table open fine and some give error. If I use ADO all tables will open without problem but it works much slower then the code above.
I appreciate any help. Thanks
I just got the solution from another forum, a dbSeeChanges option must be added to the open statment. Hope it may help someone, this issue is solved.
In my code, I need to update the table on the linked server according to the XML input. A table variable is used to store the value from XML.
But the collation of the linked database doesn't match with the default collation used by the table variable, so the table join fails.
I am thinking about to open the connection to the linked server directly, and use the target database. So the table variable collation should be as same as the target database collation.
Is it possible to open the connection to the linked server in c# ?
We are about to implement SSRS reports (SQL Server 2012), and have found one issue we don't like. The report looks great when we open it in pdf format. However, when we open it in Excel format, we want it to be the raw data, not look like the pdf report. I tried the simpl headers, and that removed the page header/footer. However, the report format was still in play.In other words, we would like the report when opened in Excel, to look just like it does when we open it as a CSV.I have tried to modify the config file a couple of times. Here is my latest attempt:
Essentially I have set Visible = "false" for the Excel type, and tried to duplicate the CSV, changing the name to make it look to the user like it is "Excel". This fails. I checked the event viewer, and I see two entries.. The RSReportServer.config file has been modified. (Information)The value for UrlRoot in RSReportServer.config is not valid. The default value will be used instead.I literally took the file, opened it in Notepad, pasted in my changes, from another notepad window, and tried to run the report. I did not see EITHER of the two names I expected, using the OverrideNames tag. As I said earlier, I was able to affect the outcome, by setting SimpleHeaders to true (or however it is identified). That did work in that the page header and footer was removed.
I have environment that use SSRS 2005 ad hoc reporting.
One of the users (out of 200) is unable to open or save reports in the report builder.
the user succeed to open the report builder, when he try to save report that he build from shema he get error. as well when he try to open an existing report that build in the report builder he also get an error,
On open the error is:
The numeric portion of 2pt cannot be parsed as a unit of the type point.
The Initilizer for 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.Design.Constants' threw an exception
On Save the error is:
System.IO.StreamReader: Deserialization failed: The type initializer for 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.Design.Constants' threw an exception. Line 2, position 2
Please note that I succeed with second user to create ad hoc report on the first user
computer. I also failed to with the first user to create ad hoc on another computer.
Im having the fallowing error when I try to open/access a linked server Error: Error 7302: Could not create an instance of OLE DB provider 'MSOLAP.2'. OLE DB error trace [Non-interface error: CoCreate of DSO for MSOLAP.2 returned 0x80004005].
I have already tried to create the server using SEM and also with SQL syntax in ISQLW. Code: EXEC sp_addlinkedserver @server='LINKED_OLAP', @srvproduct='', @provider='MSOLAP.2', @datasrc='MyServerName.MyDomain, @catalog='MyDataBase'
Im allowed to create the linked server but I cant use it.
Hi,We have 2 servers. Server1 is a 2000 box, with SP3 (yes I know it isnot up to date). Server2 is a 2005 box, SP2.I set up Server1 (2000) to have a linked server to Server2 (2005). Thereason I did this is because we are using a stored procedure onServer2 to send mail, as we have found that using mail on 2000 doesn'talways work as advertised.When I set up the linked server on the 2000 box, for security I justset it up to use a SQL Server user on the 2005 box. The SQL Serveruser on the 2005 box has permissions to run the stored procedure forsending mail.Here's the weird thing though. When calling the stored procedure onthe 2005 box from the 2000 box, sometimes we get an error that "Thedefault database cannot be opened", and the query does not run on the2005 box. However, it only happens *sometimes*. Other times, the queryruns fine.Since the problem seeemed to be with the default database, I changedthe SQL Server user on 2005 default database to the SAME database thatcontains the stored procedure.However, I just don't understand why it's even TRYING to open thedefault database, since when we called the linked server we are doingso as, and it's referencing the default database in the name:EXEC Server2.DefaultDatabase.dbo.StoredProcedureNameHowever, after changing the user's default database to"DefaultDatabase" as shown above, the query runs fine.Why are we having this problem? That is, if I change the defaultdatabase to something other than "DefaultDatabase", then the querydoesn't run, even though the database name is referenced in the abovequery??Obviously, this is not desireable, because that means we can only runqueries that are in "DefaultDatabase", which may not always be thecase.Thanks much
I want to use this as the data from which to build a report model. As linked servers don't show up in the Data Source View wizard, I created a view in SQL Server:
create view MyExcel as select * from XL_SPS_1...Sheet1$
Okay, great, now the view shows up in the DSV wizard and I can create the data source view. However, when I create a new report model based on this data source view, the Report Model Wizard tells me at "Create entities for all tables" that I've got an error when it processes dbo_MyExcel that "Table does not have a primary key."
I assume this is where the identifying attributes for the entities in the report model are taken from, so I really can't go further. Does anyone have an idea as to how to add a primary key to a linked server (Excel) in SQL 2005? Can this be done? Other than importing spreadsheet data to a SQL table, how can I get around this?
How do I get data on my linked report based on my grouped subtotal and grand total from the main report. The subtotal and grand total are calculated columns.
I have a 3 columns in my matrix in the SSRS summary report. Actn_COAST, ActnCITY and NumbOfAccts.
The following is code for my summary report. The results are shown below.
SELECT Distinct ActnCITY, Count(ACCT) as NumbOfAccts, CASE WHEN ActnCITY in ('NY', 'OH', IN, 'NJ', 'SC', 'NC') THEN 'EAST COAST' WHEN ActnCITY IN ('CA'. 'NV', 'UT', 'WA', 'OR') THEN 'WEST COAST' ELSE 'OTHER' END AS Actn_COAST
FROM tbl1 where ACTNDATE between @STARTDT and @EndDT
Code for my detail report contains the following SQL
SELECT * FROM tbl1 where ACTNDATE between @STARTDT and @EndDT AND @ActnCITY = ActnCITY
I have linked my report based on the NumbOfAccts column. I am able to get data if I click any of the NumbOfAccts values related to the state I want. However when I am not sure how to make the subtotal and grand total work. I want when I click on the subtotal of either coast, I should be able to see records of that coast e.g., if I select 37 I should be able to see all the records in East Coast. If I click on the Grand Total, I only want data related to those 2 coasts.
I have 2 files for a report (rdl and data). If I am trying to open the report using the File->Open->File->*.RDL , the VS will open the XML report definition.
I went to my comp ->rt cick->manage-IIS->default website->rt click->properties->directory security->annoymouse accessEDIT->under Default domain it was blank, and i added a domain there.
And i was getting error opening up the reports from localhost.
I changed everything to same as it was previosly, and I am getting the error:
The report server cannot open a connection to the report server database. A connection to the database is required for all requests and processing. (rsReportServerDatabaseUnavailable) (rsRPCError) Get Online Help
Cannot open database "ReportServer$SQLExpress" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'NGESComputer name$'.
I am trying to open a file on a network drive from a report. The file's location that I need to open is stored in the db for each record. I have tried using javascript to open a new window using the File:/// prefix. I have been able to open a new windows and navigate to a URL in this fashion by using a javascript window.open call and placing it in the navigation tab of the textbox. When I try this with a file, however, I get an access denied message. I was thinking to try opening the file by using the System.Diagnostic.Process.Start() method from code, but I'm not sure how to wire that up to the OnClick event of the textbox on the report. Does anyone have any ideas?
<asp:HyperLink ID="HL1" runat="server" Target="_blank" NavigateUrl=http://Reportserver/virtualfolder/Deployedfoldername/Reportname¶metername=parametervalue">Click on Report</asp:HyperLink></div>
I can't really test this out at the moment till i get a go ahead from the IT Department that SSRS is up and running and i can deploy the reports.
I was wondering what would the effects be for each code in their respective pages ? Would the aspx be able to pop up the report page in a new window automatically ? OR the second piece of code is a better way of doing it ?
I have areport with a text box. The text box is hyperlinked to another report url. The report opens in a new page when previewed with RS 2005 but when deployed the report opens in teh same page from where it is referenced.
How can I set a property with the texbox to always open in a new page the hyperlinked report.
When i click on this link it opens report manager and the NTIEE Reports folder.But i want to open direclty the report.Name of the report is NTSID_LookUp which is depoyed inside NTIEE Reports folder.Pls let me know how i can open a report through my web application.
I want to open a pdf file in a new window by clicking on its URL in SSRS reoprt. I heard that it is possible with Java script. So I tried with ="javascript:void window.open('yoururl&rs:Command=Render"')" in the SSRS expression. It is working only for https and http.
I have created a report with MySQL using ODBC connection.It works on my localhost server.then when i deployed it on the production server i get error saying.i checked my data source connection to my localhost and both have the same setting.what could be wrong.please help i am very desperate to make this work.thanks. An error has occurred during report processing. Cannot create a connection to data source 'Payment'. For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors
Hi. Some time when I open our report server, system display error and list like this:
TITLE: Connect to Server ------------------------------ Cannot connect to VFFSERVER4. ------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Client found response content type of 'text/html; charset=utf-8', but expected 'text/xml'. The request failed with the error message: -- <?xml version="1.0" ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" > <head> <title>Server Unavailable </title> </head> <body> <h1><span style="font-family:Verdana;color: #ff3300">Server Application Unavailable </span></h1> <p> <span style="font-family:Verdana;"> The web application you are attempting to access on this web server is currently unavailable. Please hit the "Refresh" button in your web browser to retry your request. </span></p> <p> <b>Administrator Note: </b> An error message detailing the cause of this specific request failure can be found in the application event log of the web server. Please review this log entry to discover what caused this error to occur. </p> </body> </html> --. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.RSClient)
I am using SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition and have created several reports, deployed them to SQL Server and tested them.
Everything works correctly, but when I open the Report Manager using localhost/Reports, the page takes several minutes to connect and open. I am doing this on a new laptop I use for development and testing, so I can see where it would be a little slow, but a few minutes seems extreme. I don't have any problem with SQL Server itself, nor with VS 2005.
Are there any tips or setup issues which might affect the startup speed?
I have created a report with MySQL using ODBC connection.It works on my localhost server.then when i deployed it on the production server i get error saying.i checked my data source connection to my localhost and both have the same setting.what could be wrong.please help i am very desperate to make this work.thanks. An error has occurred during report processing. Cannot create a connection to data source 'Payment'. For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors
We have a "folder hiriarchy" in reporting services with permission for different users to only create reports in their own folder. However, it would be nice if they (in report builder) could open eachothers reports, modify them and then save them in theri own folder. In this case, if they find a useful report that someone else has created, they could just make their own small modifications and save it in their own folder.
The problem is that I cant't seem to find a securitysetting that allow this. Either they can create/modify/delete the reports in a "folder" or they can't even open them in report builder...
I am newbie and working with an application that ueses report server 2000 to make reports.
The problem is somebody has moved the database and changed some acounts and now I can not either get any report from the server or install my changes for reports. I used to run this commando to install changes for reports:
here is the error message i get when i try to install:
System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: The report server cannot open a connection to the report server database. The logon failed
when I browse to http://IpAddress:32808/reportserver I get following:
The report server cannot open a connection to the report server database. The logon failed. (rsReportServerDatabaseLogonFailed) Get Online Help
Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.
at IIS Manager for default web site Enable Anonymous Access is checked and on the database server and the web.config file use same account and password.
but I heard that somewhere there is encrypted password that i have to change it too.
ReportingServicesService!runningjobs!13!1/3/2007-10:45:21:: e ERROR: Error in timer Database Cleanup (NT Service) : Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ReportServerDatabaseUnavailableException: The report server cannot open a connection to the report server database. A connection to the database is required for all requests and processing. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.GetConnection(DbConnection owningObject) at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.GetConnection(DbConnection owningConnection) at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionClosed.OpenConnection(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open() at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.ConnectionManager.OpenConnection() --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
The error happens on Reporting Service version 9.00.3017.00 (the version we are running in Production). The Reporting Service and its database are actually resided in the same physical server. And the strange thing is that it does not prevent any functionalities or features working except when I launch the Management Studio on that server, it usually takes 2 minutes to load up. (any other server would just take 5 -10 seconds).
I am getting the following error, when trying to deploy. the report should point to a server which is in my network, but the report is on my machine. where i am trying to deploy locally but point to a different machine.
I tried to open a SQL Server 2005 Reporting Service report in ASP.Net 2.0 using ReportViewer. The following is my code.
Dim param(2) As Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportParameter param(0) = New Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportParameter("ProjectID", Me.cboProject.SelectedValue) param(1) = New Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportParameter("RunBy", Session("strEmployeeName")) Me.ReportViewer1.ServerReport.SetParameters(param)
Me.ReportViewer1.ServerReport.ReportServerCredentials = New _ clsReportServerCredential(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("strReportViewUser"), _ System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("strReportViewPassword")
Me.ReportViewer1.ServerReport.ReportServerUrl = New Uri(http://SQL2005/ReportServer/) Me.ReportViewer1.ServerReport.ReportPath = "/nsPortalReports/rptIssuesByRole" Me.ReportViewer1.ServerReport.Refresh()
I need help with passing multiple parameters. I got an erron on the second parameter (parm(1)). The error was
"Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'New' can be called without a narrowing conversion: 'Public Sub New(name As String, values() As String)': Argument matching parameter 'values' narrows from 'Object' to '1-dimensional array of String'. 'Public sub New(name As String, value As String)': Argument matching parameter 'value' narrow from 'Object' to 'String' "
Hello, when I log onto Report Manager web server using Windows Authentication, I need this user to be directed to a default sub folder.
For example: if I have folder A and sub folder 1 and 2. I need to be able to log in and be directed to sub folder 1. I was able to set up view role and access folder A. But then I need to click on folder 1 to view / create my reports.
I created a report using report builder and uploaded into the report manager. I gave the following roles to the user (Browseer, My Reports and Report Builder). The user can access the URL and the folder , but when he clicks on the report, he is getting the following error "There are no items in the folder, click here for more information"...But the report exists in that folder.
What I am trying to do is to open an existing report in a Print Friendly format . What is the simplest way to do this using Visual Studio?
Here's the sort of thing I hope is feasible:
I can open my Report on a web page , then on that page can be a button / link for the user in case they want to open that report in a separate window. So I'd like to jump to that page by jumping to an URL and sending all parameters
something like :
http://Dev_Server/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=%2fMy+Reports%2fTest+Report&rsaramOne=Parameters!paramOne.value + paramTwo=Parameters!paramTwo.value + etc all other parameters , I have on that report