I'm just learning Transact-SQL, so pardon if this is a dumb question. I would like to perform operations on neigboring rows in a database table column, and I have no idea how to do this. Say I have the following table:
Date (smalldatetime) | Value (money)
date1 | value1
date2 | value2
dateN | valueN
I have questions and answers from one table, I need to select questions as column names and answers column values as the results for the questions column.
I am having issues trying to write a query that would provide me the unique GUID numbers associated with a distinct PID if the unique GUID's > 1. To summarize, I need a query that just shows which PID's have more than one unique GUID. A PID could have multiple GUID's that are the same, I'm looking for the PID's that have multiple GUID's that are different/unique.
Hi I'm having a bit troubble by creating a SQL-sentence which substract the newest row from the second newest row in the same column. The table looks like this:
What I need is that the largest "Pricecalcid" that is 3100 equals "Price" 2500 and the second largest "Pricecalcid" eqauls 2800 results in a pricecalculation that substracts 2500 from 2800 for "Itemid" 100.
Hi All, I am working on a server movement work.The application is moving from sql server 2000/windows 2000 to sql server2005/windows 2003.I have a DTS package including some stored procedures which operates on the sql server. I am using xp_cmdshell for copying and deleting excel files.And I am using microsoft.jet.4.0 to fill the excel file with data from a temp table. The dts goes fine but it is not copying the excel template from one location to other.Again while deleting the 2 months old file i got an error saying cannot delete the files. It was running correctly in sqlserver 2000.I have enabled the xp_cmdshell feature in the configuration. Please help me and suggest me. Thanks
Hello,can I do this via SQL:example: tbltest has 5 rows:col1===ACFMRWhat I want is this:result:===============A, C, F, M, RDo I really have to go through the rows per SP? I could do this:SELECT UDF(col1)FROM tbltestAin't there a more simple way, maybe theres a T-SQL-command ?thxcandide_sh
I currently run SQL Server 2005 64-bit Developer Edition (Service Pack 2 - it will be SP 3 as soon as I can get hold of it). I am running this on a stand-alone box with Windows Server 2003 as the OS.
Soon, I will be buying another computer for a colleague who will be running SQL Server as specified above. However, I am not happy with Windows Server and am wondering about changing to either XP 64-bit or Vista 64-bit. The machine will not be networked.
I would welcome advice on this since, in some ways, I would be happy enough to use XP or Vista, and think that 64-bit development is more likely on Vista than on other Windows OS's. However, I am not convinced that SQL Server 2005 works with Vista and, like everyone else, have heard plenty of complaints about Vista.
Can someone please assist, we have a Database roughly 10GB in size,
For the past 2 days now we get the following errors. //////// FCB::Open failed: Could not open file D:MSSQL.1MSSQLDataHelpdesk.mdf for file number 1. OS error: 32(error not found).
For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp. //////// FCB::Open: Operating system error 32(error not found) occurred while creating or opening file 'D:MSSQL.1MSSQLDataHelpdesk.mdf'. Diagnose and correct the operating system error, and retry the operation.
For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp. ////////
I have code that instantiates a sqlserver object and starts a job. Ihave used this on numerous XP workstations successfully, when I triedto move this to a Windows 2000 Application Server attached to a SmallBusiness Windows 2003 network and run the code, I am receiving theerror:Automation Error. The Operating System Cannot Run %1.(Error Number -2147024714)The following is a code snippet:*********Dim app As New SQLDMO.ApplicationDim oSQLServer As New SQLDMO.SQLServerDim oJob As SQLDMO.JoboSQLServer.LoginTimeout = 30 ' ERROR OCCURS HEREoSQLServer.LoginSecure = True**********The code fails when setting the LoginTimout parameter. The SQLDMO.dllhas been registered successfully on the server.Any ideas whey the behavior of this code is different on my applicationserver vs the client workstations on the network?ThanksMike G
Are there any restrictions in the restored database after database mirroring?
I mean, Is it full mirror of my primary database?
What I want to do:
If my machine A(with primary database) will down I will redirect my clients to a real-time copied database - mirror server. I don't want to create cluster, but I want to use database mirroring function in ms sql 2005.
We were installing SQL Express 2005 on a Vista machine. This PC has a 64 bit CPU and a 64 bit Vista operating system. I know that we need to use WOW 64 to run SQL Express 2005. My question is how do I turn on WOW64 so I can run SQL Express 2005 Vista
I want to convert the row value as column name example:--> value ratio 3 4.166666666661 1.315789473680 00 0 To :-> value ratio ratio1 ratio2 ratio3 3 4.166 1.315 0 0 any ideas?
I have a table that has a column for each month and I want to use a view to convert each row into 12 rows with a one month column. The month column will have 1 - 12 in it depending on the month. I need to convert it this way to push it into an Essbase cube. I know I can use the union operator to do this, but I would rather not read the table 12 times. Is there a way to do this just reading through the table once? My Hyperion Essbase book gives an Oracle example for swapping rows and columns by using a decode function. Is there a similar function in SQL Server?
Hi, I need to update column week14 in table PastWeeks with data from Eng_Goal and then result of some calculation from table AverageEngTime in the row Goal and Used respectively. I used the following and was not successful. Please advice. Thank you.
i have 2 columns like Col1====col2 username=======saif====mr@hotmai.com email=======saif@hotmail.com name======saifullah I want to get these records from sql like username email name saif saif@hotmail.com saifullah ________________________________- how can I achive this
1). which category has how many regisrtantids (like 277 has how many registrantids) 2). group the registrants by category so that i can find which registrants are in category 277 for example)
Do I need to create a function which generates a table from csv ? I have created a function but not sure if it will work in this situation with IN clause.
I am looking to transpose a row into multiple columns. I have a member's data who might be associated with multiple labs for that one member. Instead of having multiple records for that member, I would like to have one record per member with multiple rows for the lab data.
Hello, This is my first post so please be kind. I have been attempting to convert a query I built in MS Access for use in MSSQL 2000, the syntax for these is different so I was frustrated to find out I could not use the access query.
I have 4 columns one containing a user Id and the others costs, I wish to total the costs per user ID at the end of each row.
So far I have managed to convert about half of my access query, this gives mev the clientID's and costs in columns but I cannot for the life of me get the costs in a total. It's annoying because my access query works perfectly.
This is my Access query: SELECT DISTINCT Holiday_Bookings.ClientID, Holiday_Bookings.Booking_Cost, Room_Facilities.FacilityCost, Rooms.CostPerNight, Rooms!CostPerNight*Nights_Stayed+Holiday_Bookings!Booking_Cost+Room_Facilities!FacilityCost AS TotalCost, [TotalCost]*17.5/100+[TotalCost] AS [Total+VAT] FROM Room_Facilities INNER JOIN (Hotels INNER JOIN (Holiday_Bookings RIGHT JOIN Rooms ON Holiday_Bookings.ClientID = Rooms.ClientID) ON Hotels.HotelID = Rooms.HotelID) ON Room_Facilities.FacilityID = Rooms.FacilityID;
And this is what I have been able to salvage into MSSQL format:
SELECT Holiday_Bookings.ClientID, Holiday_Bookings.Booking_Cost, Rooms.CostPerNight, Room_Facilities.FacilityCost FROM Rooms INNER JOIN Room_Facilities ON (Rooms.FacilityID = Room_Facilities.FacilityID) INNER JOIN Holiday_Bookings ON (Rooms.Clients_ID = Holiday_Bookings.ClientID)
How can I total the three columns and add the tax?
I am struggling on this issue and was hoping if anyone out there canhelp me.Here is the setup: I have a table with the following data:TableName: TranDetailMerchID ItemName Price------------------101 A 5101 B 3.5101 C 0102 B 7.6102 C 4102 E 65102 G 4103 K 35Table DesignMerchID intItemName varchar(50)Price floatWhat I would like is a report that looks like thisMerchID A B C E G K101 5 3.5 0102 7.6 4 65 4103 35This report can change on every run depending on data in tableTranDetail. The column name in report depends on ItemName in tableTranDetail. As seen in the above report, there is no data for Items D,F, H, I, J and hence they do not show up in the report.What I need: Code for a stored procedure that can get me this data.Thanks for your help...DBA in despair!
I have a column that has text delimited by a percent sign that I wishto turn into rows.Example:A column contains ROBERT%CAMARDA, I want to turn that into two rows,one row with ROBERT and antoher row with CAMARDA.I will have source rows that have zero, one, or many percent signdelimiters that will correspond to that many rows (One percent signwill create 2 rows, 2 percent signs will create 3 rows and so forth).Any thoughts?TIARob
Hi Friends,How to transpose the columns into rowsi want to convert the table which looks like thisID Name HomePhone WorkPhone Email1 test1 678364 643733 Join Bytes!2 test2 678344 643553 Join Bytes!to a table which should look like thisID Name Device1 test1 6783641 test1 6437331 test1 Join Bytes!2 test2 6783442 test2 6435532 test2 Join Bytes!Thanks in AdvanceArunkumar