Operation Of GetFiles Function Is Not Correct In SSIS

Mar 18, 2008

Dear All!
I have a script task that try to connect to a computer. In script task, I use code as following:

Catch ex As Exception

Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Failure
End try

In the case, strFullPath is IP address instead of ServerName then package run is not correct. (EX: strFullPath = \, Of course, This path is exist). Its a trange at that: When I run package form source then its suucess. But When I run it from Job of SQL Agent then its fiailure.
Pls help me to solve this problem.
Thank a lot!

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Correct Type For Operation: DataAdapter Vs. DataReader

Apr 8, 2008

I am reading multiple databases into a single dataset, putting each read into a new datatable in the set. Ultimately, I want to merge the multiple tables (they are all from different DB tables in different locations using the same schema). I am also combining this with data from an Oracle database which is in yet another table in the same dataset.

Here is my question:

I will not be propagating any changes to this data back to its original source, but I will be populating it out to Active Directory. (Don't worry; I'm not asking any AD questions here.) But I do want to run SELECT, DELETE, and UPDATE queries against the data in the dataset in memory without writing it out to a separate file. Based on that type of usage, would I be better to use a DataReader or a DataAdapter to do the read from the original database? If I use a DataReader, can I still update the data in memory? In either case, what's the correct methodology to update data in a dataset in memory?


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Is This A Correct Function?

Nov 28, 2007

Public Function Department() As String

Return IIf(Not dri.CRCompatibility.CRFunctions.isnull(Fields!DepartmentDescription.Value), (Parameters!lb_Department.Value, "DataSet_RP_GetReportLables") & ": " & Fields!DepartmentDescription.Value,(Parameters!lb_Department.Value, "DataSet_RP_GetReportLables"))

End Function

Where dri.CRCompatibility.CRFunctions is Custom assembly.

I am calling this function from the text box like this:Code.department().

When I run This SSRS report ,Gives me error: Reference to a non -shared member requires an object reference.
Anybody knows what the problem is?


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Code That Return Correct Number Of Record When Run Without Aggregate Function

Nov 26, 2013

I have sql code that returns the correct number of record when run without an aggregate function like count(myfield) and group by myfield. It always returns 86 row which is correct when Select DISTINCT is used. As, expected when DISTINCT is not used I get double the number if rows or 172. But when I count(myfield) and group by myfield the count is 172 and not 86. The strangest thing about this is that when I am grouping a set of items

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

The other group sum up correctly while others don't. What can explain this? Here is the code.

Select DISTINCT ws.p4Districtnumber, ws.cycle, ws.worksetid, count(msi.MeterSessionInputKey) as ASND
from fcs.dbo.WorkSet as ws
left outer join fcs.dbo.WorkAssignment as wa
on ws.WorkSetID = wa.WorkSetID
left outer join fcs.dbo.MeterSessionInput as msi
on wa.worksetkey = msi.worksetkey


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FTP Operation Using SSIS

Mar 26, 2008

i have FTP task in my SSIS package.

when executing FTP task,what i want each time i want to store copied file with new FileName(like timestamp attachto file name)
how i can do this?

Chetan S. Raut.

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Iterative Sql Statements / Update Operation Row By Row Using Ssis

Nov 6, 2007

Hi , I am trying to update a main table from its staging table based on certain criteria

like if the checksum doesnot match for the same Business/primary key update that row in the main table .

problem what i am facing is if there are two rows in the staging table with different checksum values the main table's corresponding row gets updated with only the first row from the staging table and ignores the second row in staging , i want the update to be capturing each row. is there a way to do this task repitively in ssis.

iam using execute sql task in ssis

first step to delete all matching checksum records in staging
next update non matching checksum into main table.

i want to repeat these two steps based until condition that count of rows in staging is equal to zero .

is there a way to acheive this please let me know.

for example

staging main table

name age checksum name age checksum
xyz 26 456 xyz 24 876
xyz 28 234

my result should have in main table

xyz 28 234

but instead i am getting xyz 26 456

i want the update statement row by row not set based . please help me with this

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Integration Services :: How To Perform Series Operation In SSIS

Apr 29, 2015

I have scenario in which I am getting a row from XLS and in that ro I have data for multiple tables based on if one table has some data or not

Search a table in database on basis of column in the xls row
STEP #1 If TABLE A has that row then do nothing and move to next step else insert new row into TABLE A and move to next step
STEP #2 If TABLE B has that row then do nothing and move to next step else insert new row into TABLE B and move to next step
STEP #3 If TABLE C has that row then do nothing and move to next step else insert new row into TABLE C and move to next step
STEP #4 If TABLE D has that row then do nothing and move to next step else insert new row into TABLE D and move to next step
STEP #5 If TABLE E has that row then do nothingĀ  else insert new row into TABLE E

Currently I am trying to achieve this by using multicast and from that multicast putting inputs into 5 OLE DB DESTINATION but by doing this some time one step execute earlier then previous and integrity constrain violated so getting error.

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Integration Services :: Not Enough Storage Is Available To Complete Operation In Ssis

Sep 29, 2015

In my data flow had LOOKUP.so it failed due to Not enough storage is available to complete this operation.

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SQL 2012 :: Current Operation Cancelled Because Another Operation In Transaction Failed

Nov 20, 2013

I'm using SQL Server 2012 Analysis services in Tabular mode and connected to Oracle Database and while importing, I'm getting below error after importing some rows.

OLE DB or ODBC error: Accessor is not a parameter accessor.. The current operation was cancelled because another operation in the transaction failed.

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Integration Services :: SSIS Package Cannot Perform Moving File Operation

Oct 25, 2015

I have an SSIS package, that move file from one folder (Download) to another folder (Working), where it will be processed and passed to (Processed) folder. The folder (Working) is created at run time and deleted after finishing process. I ran this package using SQL Server Agent (I created a sql job). My problem is that the package fails to move the file from Download to Working, Although it can move it to other folders (say I skipped Working and move it directly to the already-created folder "Processed").

I traced the problem and found the error "Access is denied", when run the package without Agent (double click). I provided the necessary permissions to all levels of folders to the user XX, which I made it the (SQL Server Agent Service Account) as well as the Job Owner. By this, the package executes successfully (again by double clicking it), but with Agent it FAILS.

Why Agent cannot move the file to the run-time-created folder (Working) ?

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NOT IN Function In SSIS

Oct 23, 2007

Hi ,

I was wondering what the best way would be to accomplish the following kind of a scenario where I want to select based on a where condition that uses the NOT IN function. I want to do this in a DFT.

select Col1,
from Table1
where Col1 not in ( select id from table2 )


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SSIS Function Calling Problem

Nov 7, 2007

I need to write SSIS package with 5 script task. I have one function which need to be called from each SSIS one by one. I wrote the that function at first SSIS task. For example:

Public Function Add() As Integer
Dim i, j As Integer
i = 10
j = 20
Return (i + j)
End Function

and I can call this function inside 1st SSIS task but how can I call this function on rest of 4 script task?

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Problem With Sleep Function In SSIS

Jun 22, 2006


I have a script task in SSIS which uses a sleep command. sleep(600000) which waits for 10 minutes. This works fine when i execute the package through GUI. But when i execute the same with Commandline, it does not work. Is there some thing which I have not set. I have also tried the Windows API call for sleep still it behaves the same way.

Any help??

Thanks in advance


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InitCap Function In SSIS Expressions

Sep 29, 2006

How can you create the infamous INITCAP function to be used in my column transformation expressions?

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Significant Bug In SSIS Import Function

Feb 8, 2007

I have encountered what I consider to be a significant bug when importing Excel spreadsheets using SSIS.

If in the first data row a particular column does not contain a value (i.e. it is null) then SSIS assumes that every row has a null value in that column. This disfunctional beahaviour has cost me hours and hours of wasted time loading and debugging data.

Hopefully someone from the appropriate area within Microsoft will read this post and get this bug fixed.

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SSIS Convertion Function From Integer To String

Dec 1, 2005

Hello all

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Using Datediff Function To Return 1st Of Month. Different Results With T-SQL And SSIS

May 15, 2007


I regularly use the T-SQL date functions to return the 1st of a particualr month.


SELECT DATEADD(m,DATEDIFF(m,0,getdate()),0)

returns 2007-05-01 00:00:00.000

i.e the first of the current month at midnight.

However, when I try to use a similar expression as a derived column in SSIS it returns a completely different date.


returns 30/05/2007 00:00:00

Any ideas why and how I can obtain the first of a particualr month using SSIS derived column?

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SSIS-Use Stored Procedure/function As The Data Source

Jan 28, 2008

How do I use stored procedure or a user defined function as the data source in my SSIS package.
I am very new to SSIS.

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Subsystem 'SSIS' Could Not Be Loaded (reason: This Function Is Not Supported On This System)

Apr 30, 2008

Hi, I am trying to create a maintenance plan on an MSX server and push it out to a TSX server. When I try to run the job on the TSX server it goes into suspended status.

If I look in the SQLAGENT log I see the following error

2008-04-30 15:04:11 - + [125] Subsystem 'SSIS' could not be loaded (reason: This function is not supported on this system)
2008-04-30 15:08:19 - + [125] Subsystem 'SSIS' could not be loaded (reason: This function is not supported on this system)
2008-04-30 15:09:28 - + [125] Subsystem 'SSIS' could not be loaded (reason: This function is not supported on this system)
2008-04-30 15:27:36 - ! [LOG] Step 1 of job 'SystemDatabases.Back Up Database (Full) (Multi-Server)' (0x97394B08F6599040A18D93367FBDB5F7) cannot be run because the SSIS subsystem failed to load. The job has been suspended
2008-04-30 15:35:13 - + [125] Subsystem 'SSIS' could not be loaded (reason: This function is not supported on this system)
2008-04-30 15:50:27 - ! [LOG] Step 1 of job 'SystemDatabases.Back Up Database (Full) (Multi-Server)' (0x97394B08F6599040A18D93367FBDB5F7) cannot be run because the SSIS subsystem failed to load. The job has been suspended

my sql info is
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3239.00 (X64)
Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation
Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 2)

any advice would be helpful

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Calling Scalar Valued Function From SSIS OleDB Command Transformation

Mar 2, 2007

Hi There,

I need to call a function to calculate a value. This function accepts a varchar parameter and returns a boolean value. I need to call this function for each row in the dataflow task. I thought I would use an oledb command transformation and for some reason if I say..

'select functioname(?)' as the sqlcommand, it gives me an error message at the design time. In the input/output properties, I have mapped Param_0(external column) to an input column.

I get this erro.."syntax error, ermission violation or other non specific error". Can somebiody please suggest me what's wrong with this and how should I deal this.

Thanks a lot!!

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Set Operation

Aug 2, 2000

I am running SQL Server 7. I have an user that need to run the Set Identity On a table, and he gets an error message:
Server: Msg 8104. The current user is not the database or object owner of table 'tpartners'. Cannot perform SET operation.
I can grant this user with DBO user role, then he can edit anyting on the database.
Is there a work around that he can run the Set cmd and I don't need to grant him the DBO user role?

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No Log Operation

Jul 20, 2005

HiI have a database with full recovery model.Every night at 11.00pm performs full backup, and dayly every 3 hoursperforms differential backup, and trasnactional log backup performsevery 15 minutes during a day.I am interested what operations i can not recover from log ordifferential backup.I saw that when i drop table i can recover it from log backup, but isthere some operation that can not be recoverThanks a lotAlex*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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How To Use Not In Operation

Apr 6, 2007

Dear friends, I was not able to find any perfect toolbox item to use "not in" operation on my selected columns, also how can we use multiple join conditions in the merge join item? Thanks,

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Correct Me????

Nov 22, 2005

I've created C#.net program (behind code style). 
when I run it in Internet explorer, the following error occurs in IE window.
pls instruct me how to handle and correct this error.
And how to initialize the connectionstring...  Great thank!
Server Error in '/' Application.
The ConnectionString property has not been initialized. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.InvalidOperationException: The ConnectionString property has not been initialized.
Source Error:
An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.  
Stack Trace:
 [InvalidOperationException: The ConnectionString property has not been initialized.]   System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open() +809   CodeBox.BehindCode.getSubject() +80   CodeBox.BehindCode.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) +31   System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e) +67   System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +29   System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain() +724 
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:1.0.3705.0; ASP.NET Version:1.0.3705.0

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Correct Use Of While

Oct 16, 2000

I have a simple while process to use with a trigger to insert values
into another table. IN VB this was simple but the while in TSQL seems
a little different. If anyone can point out my flaw greatly appreciated.

while @cnter < @nodays
--insert values
insert into table values (value1, value2)
--then increment counters and repeat
set @sdate = @sdate + 1
Set @cnter = @cnter + 1
How or what is the best way to loop back?

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What Is Correct ?

Mar 4, 2001

If you start receiving continuous error messages by e-mail indicating that the transaction log is full. After 2 days, the messages suddenly stopped. What could be the reason?

Windows NT App log is full or SQL Server Agent stopped

I think SQL Server Agent stopped
How do you think..and why ?


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What Is Correct ?!!!!^_^

Mar 5, 2001

If you start receiving continuous error messages by e-mail indicating that the transaction log is full. After 2 days, the messages suddenly stopped. What could be the reason?

Windows NT App log is full or SQL Server Agent stopped

I think SQL Server Agent stopped
How do you think..and why ?


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Is This Correct

Apr 24, 2008

Im new to SQL so please bear with me & help me as to why Im not getting the desired results.

I want to find the difference between two sets of tables that reside in different databases but contain the same data.
a. records that are only in A but not in B
b. records that are only in B but not in A

Here is what I wrote using something that I found in this forum -


CREATE TABLE #Prowess(ID INT NOT NULL, First_Name VARCHAR(50), Last_Name VARCHAR(50))

SELECT bb.beenumber, be.FirstName, be.LastName FROM beebusiness bb
join beeentity be on bb.beebusinessguid = bb.beebusinessguid

SELECT cast(sa_ss as INT), first_name, last_name from ml

PRINT '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
PRINT '------------------------COMPARISION REPORT Between Prowess & SDK--------------------------'
PRINT '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

PRINT 'TOTAL Difference ('+ +

SELECT @First_Name = First_name, @Last_Name = Last_name, @ID = ID
PRINT ' * '+@First_Name+@Last_Name



SELECT @First_Name = First_name, @Last_Name = Last_name, @ID = ID
PRINT ' * '+@First_Name+@Last_Name



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Plz Correct This

May 5, 2008

declare @var varchar(50)
set @var= 'COLUMNNAME'
select ID, a.@var , b.@var
from rooper a
join jim_rooper b on b.id = a.id
join b_rooper bb on bb.id = a.id
where a.@var != b.@var

All that Im trying to do here is instead of using a columnname, Im trying to substitute it with a variable so that it can be referenced at multiple places...

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T-SQL Correct Or Not???

May 28, 2008


I am writing T-SQL pls tell me wheather it is correct syntax or not

SET @Chg1 = 'declare @AntID numeric exec casp_Switch_BackupData @AntID = #ANTID#'
SET @Chg1 = REPLACE(@Chg1,'#ANTID#','@AntID')
EXEC (@Chg1)

As I am getting following output
Command(s) completed successfully.


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Is It Correct?

Jun 2, 2008


i want to use IN query like

select ... from ...
where field1 in (...)
and field2 in (....)

when i write query like this, the result is display.
but its wrong.
is it correct?

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Is This Correct?

Aug 29, 2005

Dim strsql As String

strsql = "insert into MYENTRY(entryid) "
strsql &= "VALUES ("
strsql &= "'" & strtheEntryid & ")' "

I am not sure if this is correct snytax?

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Is This Correct?

Jun 28, 2006


if row.col1 = nothing then ...

instead of (sql2k) if dtssource("col1") = null then...


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