Optimize Access To SQL Server Performance

Dec 27, 1999

How can you optimize Access queries on linked SQL Server tables?

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How To Optimize Performance In Views.

May 30, 2008

Hi guys,

I'm have a table which is filled daily by a procedure. This procedure executes for around 2 hours.
Now i also want to create a clustered index view on this table.

Now during the time data is being inserted in this table, would the performance of server get hit.?
Since it think it would continiously be updating this view during this duration.

Is there a way i can temporarily disconnect the view?

Please advice.


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Optimize Insert To Access DB

Nov 27, 2006


I'm using access tables to store my data. to retrive data I use jet odbc engine in c++.

I want to insert a large amuont of records (about 20 mega records) to my database in the fasts way i can. if i use sql syntax (insert into table ()....) it's takes for ages (about 500 records per second).

if i'm writing a csv file and then use import (via access) it's much faster but here I have two problems
1.I dont know how to use the access import tool from c++.
2.I dont think I can distributie the access import tool with my product.

so my questions are :
1. Does any know any tool that insert records in an optimize way?
2. How can I use the access import tool in c++?
3. Can i use the jet engine to import csv files?

thank ishay

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SQL Server - Optimize Database

Jan 15, 2008

Hi,I am looking for websites/forum threads/replies about SQL Server Optimization. Does anyone have any good links that can help me?I am Googling the net but thought I might as well ask someone on this forum since I am sure I am not the first one looking for this information.Thanks in advance

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How To Optimize Database Size In SQL Server 2000

Sep 4, 2006

I designed a database for daily reporting system. It involves mainly INSERT operations and data retrieval. The problem here is the size of database is growing rapidly beyond the estimation. I changed the datatypes from int to tinyint, even after that i didn't find any difference in size of the database. Please suggest me solution by which i can optimize the database size also suggest me some tips by which i can estimate the database size. Please respond at the earliest possible.
My mail ID : akbar.t@tcs.com
Thanks in advance.

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I'm Flooding My SQL Server With INSERT / UPDATE Requests. How Do I Optimize?

Sep 29, 2005

I have an application that calculates a bunch of numbers and then inserts them into a table (or updates a record in the table if it exists).  In my test environment it is issuing 100 insert or update requests to the server per second and it could run for several hours.After a the first several hundred requests, the SQL server is bogging down (processor at 90-100%) and the application slows down while it waits on SQL to update the database.What would be the best way to optimize this app?  Would it help to loop through all my insert/update requests and then send them as one big batch of statements to the server (per 1000 requests or something)?  Is there a better way of doing this?Thanks!

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SQL Server 2008 :: Optimize Memory With Varchar (max) Datatype

Apr 9, 2015

I am building a table change log that will track each attribute update and include the original and new values.

[BatchYearMonthKey] [int] NULL,
[BatchYearMonthDayKey] [int] NULL,
[AccountID] [varchar](200) NULL,
[Attribute] [varchar] (200) NULL,
[Old_ValueAtrDefault] [varchar] (200) NULL,
[New_ValueAtrDefault] [varchar] (200) NULL,
[Old_ValueAtrLong] [varchar] (max) NULL,
[New_ValueAtrLong] [varchar] (max) NULL

The challenge that the spectrum of varchar lengths across the table. I have one attribute that requires varchar(max) and all other attributes (about 40) are varchar (200).

I am trying to accomplish the following:

Account ID Status
1 Enabled

Now changed to

AccountID Status
1 Disabled

My log table will look like the following:

[BatchYearMonthKey] BatchYearMonthDayKey] [AccountID] [Attribute] [Old_ValueAtrDefault] [New_ValueAtrDefault] [Old_ValueAtrLong] [New_ValueAtrLong]
201504 20150409 1 Status Enabled Disabled NULL NULL

My question:

I created two fields (Old_ValueAtrLong and New_ValueAtrLong) dedicated for the one attribute that is a varchar (max). I was trying to avoid storing [Status] for example that's a varchar(200) in a field that is varchar(max). Is this the right approach? Or are there other recommendations in how to handle storing the data in the most efficient manner?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Best Way To Optimize View That Contains Millions Of Rows?

Aug 26, 2015

I have one view which is based on couple of tables. Here is the definition of view. Which are the options i can use to optimize the view for better performance. This is one of the view which causing issue on database.

CREATE VIEW [dbo].[V_Reqs]
SELECT purchase.Req.RequisitionID, purchase.Req.StatusCode AS Expr2, purchase.Req.CollectionDateTime,
purchase.Req.ReportDateTime, purchase.Req.ReceivedDateTime, purchase.Req.PatientName, purchase.Req.AddressOne,
purchase.Req.AddressTwo, purchase.Req.City, purchase.Req.PostalCode, purchase.Req.PhoneNumber,


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Optimize Indexes ...SQL Server Index Tuning Wizard

Jan 8, 2006

I saw this tool for SQL-Server 2000 :

Is there anything similar for SQL-Server 2005 Express ?

Thank you very much for any help!


my favorit hoster is ASPnix : www.aspnix.com !

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Performance Issues - Access 2000 Frontend SQL Server 2000 Backend

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,Simple question: A customer has an application using Access 2000frontend and SQL Server 2000 backend. Data connection is over ODBC.There are almost 250 concurrent users and is growing. Have theysqueezed everything out of Access? Should the move to a VB.Net frontendtaken place ages ago?CheersMike

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SQL Server 2012 :: Optimize PIVOT Table To Include Unlimited Column And QTY Of SKU

Jan 24, 2014

Reformatting data in a PIVOT Table or find a better way to display.



KUM    1   12345
KUS    2   12345
SUK    1   12345
KHN    4   12345
DRE    1   12345

[Code] ....

Number of SKU's in order could be over 1000.

Looking to change my current pivot table to allow an unlimited number of SKU's and add QTY.

Data I am looking to get.  MAX of 15 SKUS Per line.

ORDERID    SKU1    QTY1    SKU2    QTY2    SKU3    QTY3    SKU4    QTY4    SKU5    QTY5    SKU6    QTY6    SKU7    QTY7    SKU8    
QTY8    SKU9    QTY9    SKU10   QTY10   SKU11   QTY11   SKU12   QTY12   SKU13   QTY13   SKU14   QTY14   SKU15   QTY15  
12345  KUM 1   KUS 2   SUK 1   KHN 4   DRE 1   HGF 2   FDE 1   CDS 1   GYT 1   POI 3   LKH 2   TTT 4   JHG 8   YUI 2   WQE 1  
12345  PMN 1   BVC 1   ABD 1  

[Code] ....


SELECT     PKGCUSTOM4, [1] AS [SKU1], [2] AS [SKU2], [3] AS [SKU3], [4] AS [SKU4], [5] AS [SKU5], [6] AS [SKU6], [7] AS [SKU7], [8] AS [SKU8], [9] AS [SKU9], [10] AS [SKU10],
                      [11] AS [SKU11], [12] AS [SKU12], [13] AS [SKU13], [14] AS [SKU14], [15] AS [SKU15], [16] AS [SKU16], [17] AS [SKU17], [18] AS [SKU18], [19] AS [SKU19],

[Code] ....

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Performance With Access Frontend ?

Jun 22, 2004


we are having performance problems with a pure MS Access database across a WAN.
As a test we want to setup a MSSQL server , move the data to the server and run the MS Access clients through a ODBC interface.
The application uses much SQL methods to get the data ( docmd.runsql commands ). Only a few native queries are used.

Will this help the performance ?
If not , what do i need to do to get a better performance ?
It is a lot of work to build a new application so if it is possible whith the existing code it would be very nice .

Thanks in advance.

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How To Optimize Data Import With Huge Volumes And Joins Across Data Sources Not All SQL Server Based?

Jun 7, 2006

I need to periodically import a (HUGE) table of data from an external data source (not SQL Server) into SQL Server, with the following scenarios:
Some of the records in the external data source may not exist in SQL.Some of the records in the external data source may have a different value at different imports, but this records are identified univocally by the same primary key in the external datasource and in SQL Server.Some of the records in the external data source may be the same in SQL.

Due to the massive volume of the import, I would like to import only the records which are different from what I have in SQL Server (cases 1 and 2 above). In fact case 2 is the most critical.

I thought of making a query with a left outer join between the data in the external data source table (SOURCE) and the data in the SQL Server table (DESTIN). The join is done on the respective primary keys (composed keys of up to 10 columns) and one of the WHERE conditions will be that the value in SOURCE is different from the value in DESTIN.

The result of this query would be exactly what I need to import.
How to do this in SSIS??? I couldn't figure out how to join tables in different data sources yet.

In fact I cannot write a stored procedure to do that, since one of the sources is in a datasources not SQL Server.
I have seen the Lookup transformation in this article http://www.sqlis.com/default.aspx?311 but this is not exacltly what I want to do.
Another possibility is to use the merge join, but due to the sorting I believe its performances would be terrible!

Thanks in advance for your suggestions!

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How To Optimize This?

Jan 27, 2008

Hi.I have a sql:  1 SELECT ForumID, Title, Description,2 (SELECT PostID3 FROM (SELECT TOP (1) PostID4 FROM Forum_Posts5 WHERE (ForumID = Forum_Forums.ForumID)6 ORDER BY PostedDate DESC) AS derivedtbl_1) AS LastPostID,7
9 (SELECT Title10 FROM (SELECT TOP (1) Title11 FROM Forum_Posts12 WHERE (ForumID = Forum_Forums.ForumID)13 ORDER BY PostedDate DESC) AS derivedtbl_2) AS LastPostTitle,14
15 (SELECT PostedBy16 FROM (SELECT TOP (1) PostedBy17 FROM Forum_Posts18 WHERE (ForumID = Forum_Forums.ForumID)19 ORDER BY PostedDate DESC) AS derivedtbl_3) AS PostedBy20 FROM Forum_Forums21 WHERE (BoardID = @BoardID)I must use this code 3 times: SELECT  TOP (1) PostID / Title / PostedBy FROM Forum_Posts WHERE  (ForumID = Forum_Forums.ForumID)ORDER BY PostedDate DESCPlease help me optimize this.  

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Plz Help To Optimize.

Jul 3, 2006

A table fin_cutoff contains following type of data.

fin_beg_dt | fin_end_dt

2005-12-01 00:00:00.000 | 2005-12-31 00:00:00.000
2005-10-29 00:00:00.000 | 2005-12-01 00:00:00.000
2005-10-01 00:00:00.000 | 2005-10-29 00:00:00.000

I want to extract a row where the fin_beg_dt & fin_end_dt columns entries belong to current month

Following query is written for the same:

select fin_beg_dt,
from ecr_fin_cutoff
where month(fin_beg_dt_id) = month(getdate())
andyear(fin_dt_id)= year(getdate())
and month(fin_end_dt) = month(getdate())
and year(fin_end_dt)= year(getdate())

It is giving the appropriate results.
Please help me to optimize it.

Thanks in advance.


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How To Optimize The Sql Below?

Nov 8, 2006

I have a sql such sa below:

coalesce(T1.LocalNetID, T2.LocalNetID)as LocalNetID,coalesce(T1.BSCID, T2.BSCID)as BSCID,coalesce(T1.SiteID, T2.SiteID)as SiteID, coalesce(T1.CellID, T2.CellID)as CellID,
coalesce(T1.StrTime, T2.StrTime) as StrTime,
C10701 as '10701',C11601 as '11601'from
--Start for Opt_Cell_pBasicM of inner table--
LocalNetID,BSCID,SiteID, CellID,
((LocalNetID = 13 and BSCID = 2))
((RecordDataTime between '2006-01-01 00:01:00' and '2006-01-01 12:00:00'))
(GranularityPeriod <= 12)
--End for Opt_Cell_pBasicM of inner table--
as T1
full outer join
--Start for Opt_Cell_pCellRadioM of inner table--
LocalNetID,BSCID, SiteID, CellID,
((LocalNetID = 13 and BSCID = 2))
((RecordDataTime between '2006-01-01 00:01:00' and '2006-01-01 12:00:00'))
(GranularityPeriod <= 12)
--End for Opt_Cell_pCellRadioM of inner table--
as T2
on coalesce(T1.LocalNetID,NULL) = T2.LocalNetID and coalesce(T1.BSCID,NULL) = T2.BSCID and coalesce(T1.SiteID,NULL) = T2.SiteID and coalesce(T1.CellID,NULL) = T2.CellID
and coalesce(T1.RecordDataTime,NULL) = T2.RecordDataTime
--End for first join--

when num of the records of Opt_Cell_pBasicM and Opt_Cell_pCellRadioM
is greater than 1000000, the speed is very slow , how to optimize it ?


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My God, Who Can Help Me Optimize The Sql?

Nov 16, 2006

the sql of  create table is below:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Examp] (
 [LocalNetID] [int] NOT NULL ,
 [BSCID] [int] NOT NULL ,
 [SiteID] [int] NOT NULL ,
 [CellID] [int] NOT NULL ,
 [StrTime] [varchar] (30) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
 [M1] [int] NULL ,
 [M2] [int] NULL ,
 [M3] [int] NULL ,
 [M4] [int] NULL ,
 [M5] [int] NULL ,
 [M6] [int] NULL ,
 [M7] [int] NULL ,
 [M8] [int] NULL ,
 [M9] [int] NULL ,
 [M10] [int] NULL ,
 [M11] [int] NULL ,
 [M12] [int] NULL ,
 [M13] [int] NULL ,
 [M14] [int] NULL ,
 [M15] [int] NULL ,
 [M16] [int] NULL ,
 [M17] [int] NULL ,
 [M18] [int] NULL ,
 [M19] [int] NULL ,
 [M20] [int] NULL ,
 [M21] [int] NULL ,
 [M22] [int] NULL ,
 [M23] [int] NULL ,
 [M24] [int] NULL ,
 [M25] [int] NULL ,
 [M26] [int] NULL ,
 [M27] [int] NULL ,
 [M28] [int] NULL ,
 [M29] [int] NULL ,
 [M30] [int] NULL ,
 [M31] [int] NULL ,
 [M32] [int] NULL ,
 [M33] [int] NULL ,
 [M34] [int] NULL ,
 [M35] [int] NULL ,
 [M36] [int] NULL ,
 [M37] [int] NULL ,
 [M38] [int] NULL ,
 [M39] [int] NULL ,
 [M40] [int] NULL ,
 [M41] [int] NULL ,
 [M42] [int] NULL ,
 [M43] [int] NULL ,
 [M44] [int] NULL ,
 [M45] [int] NULL ,
 [M46] [int] NULL ,
 [M47] [int] NULL ,
 [M48] [int] NULL ,
 [M49] [int] NULL ,
 [M50] [int] NULL ,
 [M51] [int] NULL ,
 [M52] [int] NULL ,
 [M53] [int] NULL ,
 [M54] [int] NULL ,
 [M55] [int] NULL ,
 [M56] [int] NULL ,
 [M57] [int] NULL ,
 [M58] [int] NULL ,
 [M59] [int] NULL ,
 [M60] [int] NULL ,
 [M61] [int] NULL ,
 [M62] [int] NULL ,
 [M63] [int] NULL ,
 [M64] [int] NULL ,
 [M65] [int] NULL ,
 [M66] [int] NULL ,
 [M67] [int] NULL ,
 [M68] [int] NULL ,
 [M69] [int] NULL ,
 [M70] [int] NULL ,
 [M71] [int] NULL ,
 [M72] [int] NULL ,
 [M73] [int] NULL ,
 [M74] [int] NULL ,
 [M75] [int] NULL ,
 [M76] [int] NULL ,
 [M77] [int] NULL ,
 [M78] [int] NULL ,
 [M79] [int] NULL ,
 [M80] [int] NULL ,
 [M81] [int] NULL ,
 [M82] [int] NULL ,
 [M83] [int] NULL ,
 [M84] [int] NULL ,
 [M85] [int] NULL ,
 [M86] [int] NULL ,
 [M87] [int] NULL ,
 [M88] [int] NULL ,
 [M89] [int] NULL ,
 [M90] [int] NULL ,
 [M91] [int] NULL ,
 [M92] [int] NULL ,
 [M93] [int] NULL ,
 [M94] [int] NULL ,
 [M95] [int] NULL ,
 [M96] [int] NULL ,
 [M97] [int] NULL ,
 [M98] [int] NULL ,
 [M99] [int] NULL ,
 [M100] [int] NULL


and LocalNetID, BSCID, SiteID, CellID, StrTime are set index,

the sql i want to query is :

LocalNetID, BSCID, SiteID, CellID, StrTime,
Sum(M1) as M1,Sum(M2) as M2,Sum(M3) as M3,Sum(M4) as M4,Sum(M5) as M5,Sum(M6) as M6,Sum(M7) as M7,Sum(M8) as M8,Sum(M9) as M9,Sum(M10) as M10,Sum(M11) as M11,Sum(M12) as M12,Sum(M13) as M13,Sum(M14) as M14,Sum(M15) as M15,Sum(M16) as M16,Sum(M17) as M17,Sum(M18) as M18,Sum(M19) as M19,Sum(M20) as M20,Sum(M21) as M21,Sum(M22) as M22,Sum(M23) as M23,Sum(M24) as M24,Sum(M25) as M25,Sum(M26) as M26,Sum(M27) as M27,Sum(M28) as M28,Sum(M29) as M29,Sum(M30) as M30,Sum(M31) as M31,Sum(M32) as M32,Sum(M33) as M33,Sum(M34) as M34,Sum(M35) as M35,Sum(M36) as M36,Sum(M37) as M37,Sum(M38) as M38,Sum(M39) as M39,Sum(M40) as M40,Sum(M41) as M41,Sum(M42) as M42,Sum(M43) as M43,Sum(M44) as M44,Sum(M45) as M45,Sum(M46) as M46,Sum(M47) as M47,Sum(M48) as M48,Sum(M49) as M49,Sum(M50) as M50,Sum(M51) as M51,Sum(M52) as M52,Sum(M53) as M53,Sum(M54) as M54,Sum(M55) as M55,Sum(M56) as M56,Sum(M57) as M57,Sum(M58) as M58,Sum(M59) as M59,Sum(M60) as M60,Sum(M61) as M61,Sum(M62) as M62,Sum(M63) as M63,Sum(M64) as M64,Sum(M65) as M65,Sum(M66) as M66,Sum(M67) as M67,Sum(M68) as M68,Sum(M69) as M69,Sum(M70) as M70,Sum(M71) as M71,Sum(M72) as M72,Sum(M73) as M73,Sum(M74) as M74,Sum(M75) as M75,Sum(M76) as M76,Sum(M77) as M77,Sum(M78) as M78,Sum(M79) as M79,Sum(M80) as M80,Sum(M81) as M81,Sum(M82) as M82,Sum(M83) as M83,Sum(M84) as M84,Sum(M85) as M85,Sum(M86) as M86,Sum(M87) as M87,Sum(M88) as M88,Sum(M89) as M89,Sum(M90) as M90,Sum(M91) as M91,Sum(M92) as M92,Sum(M93) as M93,Sum(M94) as M94,Sum(M95) as M95,Sum(M96) as M96,Sum(M97) as M97,Sum(M98) as M98,Sum(M99) as M99,Sum(M100) as M100
LocalNetID, BSCID, SiteID, CellID, StrTime,
Sum(M1) as M1,Sum(M2) as M2,Sum(M3) as M3,Sum(M4) as M4,Sum(M5) as M5,Sum(M6) as M6,Sum(M7) as M7,Sum(M8) as M8,Sum(M9) as M9,Sum(M10) as M10,Sum(M11) as M11,Sum(M12) as M12,Sum(M13) as M13,Sum(M14) as M14,Sum(M15) as M15,Sum(M16) as M16,Sum(M17) as M17,Sum(M18) as M18,Sum(M19) as M19,Sum(M20) as M20,Sum(M21) as M21,Sum(M22) as M22,Sum(M23) as M23,Sum(M24) as M24,Sum(M25) as M25,Sum(M26) as M26,Sum(M27) as M27,Sum(M28) as M28,Sum(M29) as M29,Sum(M30) as M30,Sum(M31) as M31,Sum(M32) as M32,Sum(M33) as M33,Sum(M34) as M34,Sum(M35) as M35,Sum(M36) as M36,Sum(M37) as M37,Sum(M38) as M38,Sum(M39) as M39,Sum(M40) as M40,Sum(M41) as M41,Sum(M42) as M42,Sum(M43) as M43,Sum(M44) as M44,Sum(M45) as M45,Sum(M46) as M46,Sum(M47) as M47,Sum(M48) as M48,Sum(M49) as M49,Sum(M50) as M50,Sum(M51) as M51,Sum(M52) as M52,Sum(M53) as M53,Sum(M54) as M54,Sum(M55) as M55,Sum(M56) as M56,Sum(M57) as M57,Sum(M58) as M58,Sum(M59) as M59,Sum(M60) as M60,Sum(M61) as M61,Sum(M62) as M62,Sum(M63) as M63,Sum(M64) as M64,Sum(M65) as M65,Sum(M66) as M66,Sum(M67) as M67,Sum(M68) as M68,Sum(M69) as M69,Sum(M70) as M70,Sum(M71) as M71,Sum(M72) as M72,Sum(M73) as M73,Sum(M74) as M74,Sum(M75) as M75,Sum(M76) as M76,Sum(M77) as M77,Sum(M78) as M78,Sum(M79) as M79,Sum(M80) as M80,Sum(M81) as M81,Sum(M82) as M82,Sum(M83) as M83,Sum(M84) as M84,Sum(M85) as M85,Sum(M86) as M86,Sum(M87) as M87,Sum(M88) as M88,Sum(M89) as M89,Sum(M90) as M90,Sum(M91) as M91,Sum(M92) as M92,Sum(M93) as M93,Sum(M94) as M94,Sum(M95) as M95,Sum(M96) as M96,Sum(M97) as M97,Sum(M98) as M98,Sum(M99) as M99,Sum(M100) as M100
LocalNetID, BSCID, SiteID, CellID, StrTime,
Sum(M1) as M1,Sum(M2) as M2,Sum(M3) as M3,Sum(M4) as M4,Sum(M5) as M5,Sum(M6) as M6,Sum(M7) as M7,Sum(M8) as M8,Sum(M9) as M9,Sum(M10) as M10,Sum(M11) as M11,Sum(M12) as M12,Sum(M13) as M13,Sum(M14) as M14,Sum(M15) as M15,Sum(M16) as M16,Sum(M17) as M17,Sum(M18) as M18,Sum(M19) as M19,Sum(M20) as M20,Sum(M21) as M21,Sum(M22) as M22,Sum(M23) as M23,Sum(M24) as M24,Sum(M25) as M25,Sum(M26) as M26,Sum(M27) as M27,Sum(M28) as M28,Sum(M29) as M29,Sum(M30) as M30,Sum(M31) as M31,Sum(M32) as M32,Sum(M33) as M33,Sum(M34) as M34,Sum(M35) as M35,Sum(M36) as M36,Sum(M37) as M37,Sum(M38) as M38,Sum(M39) as M39,Sum(M40) as M40,Sum(M41) as M41,Sum(M42) as M42,Sum(M43) as M43,Sum(M44) as M44,Sum(M45) as M45,Sum(M46) as M46,Sum(M47) as M47,Sum(M48) as M48,Sum(M49) as M49,Sum(M50) as M50,Sum(M51) as M51,Sum(M52) as M52,Sum(M53) as M53,Sum(M54) as M54,Sum(M55) as M55,Sum(M56) as M56,Sum(M57) as M57,Sum(M58) as M58,Sum(M59) as M59,Sum(M60) as M60,Sum(M61) as M61,Sum(M62) as M62,Sum(M63) as M63,Sum(M64) as M64,Sum(M65) as M65,Sum(M66) as M66,Sum(M67) as M67,Sum(M68) as M68,Sum(M69) as M69,Sum(M70) as M70,Sum(M71) as M71,Sum(M72) as M72,Sum(M73) as M73,Sum(M74) as M74,Sum(M75) as M75,Sum(M76) as M76,Sum(M77) as M77,Sum(M78) as M78,Sum(M79) as M79,Sum(M80) as M80,Sum(M81) as M81,Sum(M82) as M82,Sum(M83) as M83,Sum(M84) as M84,Sum(M85) as M85,Sum(M86) as M86,Sum(M87) as M87,Sum(M88) as M88,Sum(M89) as M89,Sum(M90) as M90,Sum(M91) as M91,Sum(M92) as M92,Sum(M93) as M93,Sum(M94) as M94,Sum(M95) as M95,Sum(M96) as M96,Sum(M97) as M97,Sum(M98) as M98,Sum(M99) as M99,Sum(M100) as M100
LocalNetID, BSCID, SiteID, CellID, StrTime,
Sum(M1) as M1,Sum(M2) as M2,Sum(M3) as M3,Sum(M4) as M4,Sum(M5) as M5,Sum(M6) as M6,Sum(M7) as M7,Sum(M8) as M8,Sum(M9) as M9,Sum(M10) as M10,Sum(M11) as M11,Sum(M12) as M12,Sum(M13) as M13,Sum(M14) as M14,Sum(M15) as M15,Sum(M16) as M16,Sum(M17) as M17,Sum(M18) as M18,Sum(M19) as M19,Sum(M20) as M20,Sum(M21) as M21,Sum(M22) as M22,Sum(M23) as M23,Sum(M24) as M24,Sum(M25) as M25,Sum(M26) as M26,Sum(M27) as M27,Sum(M28) as M28,Sum(M29) as M29,Sum(M30) as M30,Sum(M31) as M31,Sum(M32) as M32,Sum(M33) as M33,Sum(M34) as M34,Sum(M35) as M35,Sum(M36) as M36,Sum(M37) as M37,Sum(M38) as M38,Sum(M39) as M39,Sum(M40) as M40,Sum(M41) as M41,Sum(M42) as M42,Sum(M43) as M43,Sum(M44) as M44,Sum(M45) as M45,Sum(M46) as M46,Sum(M47) as M47,Sum(M48) as M48,Sum(M49) as M49,Sum(M50) as M50,Sum(M51) as M51,Sum(M52) as M52,Sum(M53) as M53,Sum(M54) as M54,Sum(M55) as M55,Sum(M56) as M56,Sum(M57) as M57,Sum(M58) as M58,Sum(M59) as M59,Sum(M60) as M60,Sum(M61) as M61,Sum(M62) as M62,Sum(M63) as M63,Sum(M64) as M64,Sum(M65) as M65,Sum(M66) as M66,Sum(M67) as M67,Sum(M68) as M68,Sum(M69) as M69,Sum(M70) as M70,Sum(M71) as M71,Sum(M72) as M72,Sum(M73) as M73,Sum(M74) as M74,Sum(M75) as M75,Sum(M76) as M76,Sum(M77) as M77,Sum(M78) as M78,Sum(M79) as M79,Sum(M80) as M80,Sum(M81) as M81,Sum(M82) as M82,Sum(M83) as M83,Sum(M84) as M84,Sum(M85) as M85,Sum(M86) as M86,Sum(M87) as M87,Sum(M88) as M88,Sum(M89) as M89,Sum(M90) as M90,Sum(M91) as M91,Sum(M92) as M92,Sum(M93) as M93,Sum(M94) as M94,Sum(M95) as M95,Sum(M96) as M96,Sum(M97) as M97,Sum(M98) as M98,Sum(M99) as M99,Sum(M100) as M100
LocalNetID, BSCID, SiteID, CellID, StrTime,
M1 , M2 , M3 , M4 , M5 , M6 , M7 , M8 , M9 , M10 ,M11 , M12 , M13 , M14 , M15 , M16 , M17 , M18 , M19 , M20 ,M21 , M22 , M23 , M24 , M25 , M26 , M27 , M28 , M29 , M30 ,M31 , M32 , M33 , M34 , M35 , M36 , M37 , M38 , M39 , M40 ,M41 , M42 , M43 , M44 , M45 , M46 , M47 , M48 , M49 , M50 ,M51 , M52 , M53 , M54 , M55 , M56 , M57 , M58 , M59 , M60 ,M61 , M62 , M63 , M64 , M65 , M66 , M67 , M68 , M69 , M70 ,M71 , M72 , M73 , M74 , M75 , M76 , M77 , M78 , M79 , M80 ,M81 , M82 , M83 , M84 , M85 , M86 , M87 , M88 , M89 , M90 ,M91 , M92 , M93 , M94 , M95 , M96 , M97 , M98 , M99 , M100
from examp
) as T1
group by
LocalNetID, BSCID, SiteID, CellID, StrTime
) as T2
group by
LocalNetID, BSCID, SiteID, CellID, StrTime
) as T3
group by
LocalNetID, BSCID, SiteID, CellID, StrTime
) as T4
group by
LocalNetID, BSCID, SiteID, CellID, StrTime

when there is no data in table, it will take more than 3 minutes on my computer!

how can i optimize the sql to speed it?



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Optimize LIKE

Feb 6, 2007

It's bad enough that SQL CE 2.0 doesn't support views, when I use "LIKE" in a SELECT statement (eg., SELECT ... WHERE fldname LIKE '%word%'), the response is terrible to the point that it doesn't come back. In my case, the 'word' can be anywhere in 'fldname'.

How do you optimize the LIKE operator? I created an index on the field but it didn't make a bit of difference.

Thank you.

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Feb 2, 2007

Hello friends,
I’m facing performance related problem while running following query on SQL Server 2000.
This query is basically used to find last location of each unit that are passed. Here I am passing data like “‘26','27','28','29','30','31','32','33','34','35','36','37','38','39','40','41','42','43','44','45','46','47','48','49','50'" in @Units variable. But it takes too much time and I don’t get output. Table is having around 5 Million records.
SELECT    Alias, tblUnit.UnitID,  Location, Latitude, Longitude,Convert(varchar(10),UnitHistoryDate,1) + ' ' + substring(Convert(varchar(40),UnitHistoryDate,109),12,9)  + ' ' + substring(Convert(varchar(40),UnitHistoryDate,109),25,2) as [Date/Time], unithistoryid
tblUnitHistory ON  tblUnit.UnitID =  tblUnitHistory.UnitID
WHERE tblUnitHistory.UnitHistoryDate
IN (SELECT MAX(UnitHistoryDate) FROM tblUnitHistory WHERE  tblUnitHistory.UnitID in (' + @Units + ') GROUP BY tblUnitHistory.UnitID)
AND tblUnit.UnitID in (' + @Units + ')
ORDER BY tblUnit.UnitID
Table Structure:
UnitHistoryID                             int   Primary Key
UnitID                                       int                    
Location                                    varchar(200)     
Latitude                                     decimal            9         
Longitude                                  decimal            9         
Speed                                       decimal 5         
BatteryVoltage                           decimal 5         
ReasonCode                              int
DistanceFromLastLocation            decimal 9         
UnitHistoryDate                         datetime
1. Clustered Index on Column UnitID
2. Non-clustered Index on Column UnitHistoryDate
3. Non-clustered Index on Column UnitHistoryID
Please help me to write optimize query and suggest me the steps to require making this query faster. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Optimize This Query?

Oct 12, 2007

I have a nightly job that aggregates data into a summary table.  Each night, an additional item may or may not be added, so the table is cleared and repopulated.  I've got this working fine.  Now, I am being asked to track when an item first appears in the summary table.  Here is the code I am using to do this.  I realize it is very poor performance, but I don't know how to make it better.
MyTable Columns:  id INT PK  ,v1 VARCHAR(4)  ,v2 VARCHAR(10  ,v3 DECIMAL  ,item1 BIT  ,item2 BIT  ,item3 BIT
MyTable2 Columns:  v1 VARCHAR(4)  ,v2 VARCHAR(10  ,v3 DECIMAL  ,item INT  ,FirstKnownDate DATETIME
All columns are NOT NULL.1 DECLARE @iNextRowID INT
2 ,@iCurrentRowID INT
3 ,@iLoopControl INT
4 ,@v1 VARCHAR(4)
5 ,@v2 VARCHAR(10)
6 ,@v3 DECIMAL
8 /* This is a loop that executes for a dynamic number of items, eg item1=1, then item2=1, etc */
9 SET @iLoopControl=1
10 SELECT @iNextRowID=MIN(id) FROM MyTable WHERE item1=1
12 IF ISNULL(@iNextRowID,0) <> 0 BEGIN
13 SELECT @iCurrentRowID = id
14 ,@v1 = v1
15 ,@v2 = v2
16 ,@v3 = v3
17 FROM MyTable
18 WHERE id=@iNextRowID
20 WHILE @iLoopControl = 1 BEGIN
21 IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM MyTable2 WHERE v1=@v2 AND v2=@v2 AND v3=@v3 AND item=1) BEGIN
23 /* COLUMN */ (v1,v2,v3,item,firstknowndate)
24 SELECT @v1, @v2, @v3, 1, GETDATE()
25 END
27 SELECT @iNextRowID = NULL
28 SELECT @iNextRowID = MIN(id) FROM MyTable WHERE id>@iCurrentRowID AND item1=1
30 IF ISNULL(@iNextRowID,0) = 0 BEGIN
32 END
34 SELECT @iCurrentRowID = id
35 ,@v1 = v1
36 ,@v2 = v2
37 ,@v3 = v3
38 FROM MyTable
39 WHERE id=@iNextRowID
40 END
41 END42 /* This is the end of the items loop */
This query takes 5 minutes to do straight inserts without the test for exists in the loop for 3 items.  MyTable has just under 96,000 rows in it. MyTable2 has 121,857 rows in it. It is not about 55 minutes and it is still running with the exists so that a row isn't inserted twice. Is there anything I can do to optimize this? EDIT: The query just finished running again with the test for exists on each row. It shouldn't have inserted any new rows, but it took 57 minutes and inserted another 114,115 rows. Not good. Anyone see what is wrong with the query?

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Optimize SQL Statment

Mar 9, 2008

Hello, I have three sql select statments I would like to combine into one.  I have created a statment that works but I am not sure if it is a good solution performance wise.  Is there a better way to run this query?
Thanks Very Much!!
 if exists (Select Top 1 snapsht_id, snpsht_flname, site_url, iWidth, iHeight, isFullPage, fp_flname, fp_iWidth, fp_iHeight
From SiteIndex Where update_freq = 0 and nextupdate < GetDate() Order By nextupdate)
Select Top 1 snapsht_id, snpsht_flname, site_url, iWidth, iHeight, isFullPage, fp_flname, fp_iWidth, fp_iHeight
From SiteIndex Where update_freq = 0 and nextupdate < GetDate() Order By nextupdate
if exists (Select Top 1 snapsht_id, snpsht_flname, site_url, iWidth, iHeight, isFullPage, fp_flname, fp_iWidth, fp_iHeight
From SiteIndex Where nextupdate < GetDate() Order By importance desc)
Select Top 1 snapsht_id, snpsht_flname, site_url, iWidth, iHeight, isFullPage, fp_flname, fp_iWidth, fp_iHeight
From SiteIndex Where nextupdate < GetDate() Order By importance desc
Select Top 1 snapsht_id, snpsht_flname, site_url, iWidth, iHeight, isFullPage, fp_flname, fp_iWidth, fp_iHeight
From SiteIndex Order By nextupdate 

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Can't Seem To Find A Way To Optimize This...

Nov 14, 2007

Hi, We have surveys that gather data and we're trying to find the best way to query this data for reporting. It is not too late to change everything so we're open to any suggestions. Here is my current setup:

Results table from which each row represents a user that filled in the survey so it contains a unique identifier, a survey identifier and some other data which we use elsewhere.

Result_Answers table which holds the answers for each result. So it contains the result ID, the question ID and the answer ID

Questions and Answers table which hold the actual text for each identifier used in result_answers.

What we're trying to do is retrieve the count for each answers (thats easy) based on a set of conditional answers. For exemple:

Q1 - Are you male or female

Q2 - What is your age group

Q3 - What type of music do you listen to.

So lets say I want the count of each answers for each question but limited to the results that answered male on Q1 and 18-25 OR 25-35 on Q2. The only way I found to do this is create a cursor to loop trough each questions, select the result IDs that answered Q1 correctly and then remove from that temp table each result ID that didn't answer the subsequent questions correctly. This gives me a page long query with a cursor and multiple IN commands (for when there's more than one answer valid for a single question)

I'm not saying the results are abysmal, I'm still getting my results inside 2s with a bit over 1 million rows in those tables. But unfortunatly, this is basically only one survey... I can only imagine that it will get longer and longer as we add more surveys.

So my question is: Is there a better way to query this data or worst case, is my table schema not efficient enough? In both cases, how can I fix/optimize it?

I'm really hoping you guys can help me out!

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Need Help To Optimize Query

May 25, 2005

Hi all,

I need help to optimize this query:


SELECT s.konto, s.sifra_partnera, s.temeljnica, s.rbr, s.duguje, s.potrazuje, s.saldo
FROM saldakonti s
s.datum<'2005-01-01' AND
s.uplata='R' AND
EXISTIS (SELECT t.temeljnica, t.rbr FROM saldakonti t WHERE
t.konto=s.konto AND
t.sifra_partnera=s.sifra_partnera AND
t.vezni_broj=s.vezni_broj and
t.datum<'2005-01-01' AND
(t.uplata='S' or t.uplata='U')
GROUP BY t.temeljnica, t.rbr
s.konto, s.sifra_partnera, s.temeljnica, s.rbr, s.duguje, s.potrazuje, s.saldo

Currently this query takes forever to execute. Any suggestions appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

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Best Practices To Optimize A DB ?

Sep 1, 2004

What are the best pactices to optimize performance accsiing an SQLServer DB ?

commands, mantenance plan...


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How To Optimize DB With Command

Feb 17, 2012

is there any command to optimize a database for eg: after 1 month if DB is full of mess then with one command every thing will be in sorted order or something like that to increase the efficiency and speed, is there any thing like that in MSSQL 2005?

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Optimize Query

Feb 26, 2004

Can someone look at this sql statement and tell me if it can be sped up? Also I have to add to it by joining it with another table. How do I do that? Just by nesting another join?


Set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
sql = "SELECT td.TeamID, td.TeamName, rt.PartID, rt.Effort, rt.UnitMeas, pd.MinMilesConv "
sql = sql & "FROM TeamData td INNER JOIN PartData pd ON td.TeamID = pd.TeamID "
sql = sql & "JOIN RunTrng rt ON pd.PartID = rt.PartID "
sql = sql & "WHERE rt.TrngDate >= '" & Session("beg_date") & "' AND rt.TrngDate < '" & Session("end_date")
sql = sql & "' AND pd.Archive = 'N' AND pd.Gender = '" & sGender & "' AND pd.Grade >= " & iMinGrade
sql = sql & " AND pd.Grade <= " & iMaxGrade & " ORDER BY td.TeamID"
rs.Open sql, conn, 1, 2

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Query Optimize.

Mar 25, 2004

Hi all,

Table 'A' is having 105 fields & 233000 records.
One Clusterd Primary Key & 10 nonclusterd key.

If I joined with table 'A' or 'Select * from 'A' , Query takes more time so please let me know best way to structure query or table, Indexes etc.

Reply to me asap positivaly ....

M. G.

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Optimize Query.

Apr 1, 2004

Hi All,

please look into below query.

SELECT TOP 101 Cert_WarehouseDetails.CertID, Cert_WarehouseDetails.UnderwriterID,
Cert_WarehouseDetails.WarehouseEntriesID, Cert_WarehouseDetails.DivisionWarehouseLocID,
Cert_WarehouseDetails.TypeID, Cert_WarehouseDetails.ReportingType, Cert_WarehouseDetails.CertWHID,
Cert_WarehouseDetails.ClientPolicyDivisionID, Cert_WarehouseDetails.RecordNO, Cert_WarehouseDetails.InsuredValueX,
Cert_WarehouseDetails.PremiumTotalX, Cert_WarehouseDetails.StatusX, Cert_WarehouseDetails.StatusID,
Cert_WarehouseDetails.AuthorizeDateX, Cert_WarehouseDetails.CodeX, Cert_WarehouseDetails.IssuedDateX, Cert_WarehouseDetails.BillofLadingDateX,
DOGX, Cert_WarehouseDetails.ConveyanceNameX, Cert_WarehouseDetails.LogonNameX , Cert_WarehouseDetails.ClientNameX,
(CASE WHEN UnderwriterID = 0 THEN ' ' ELSE tblClientUsers.FirstName + ' ' + tblClientUsers.LastName END) AS OwnedBy,
(CASE WHEN UnderwriterID = 0 THEN CAST(' ' AS NVARCHAR) ELSE CAST(TakeOwnershipDate as nvarchar) END) AS OwnedDate

( SELECT tblCertificates.[CertID] AS CertID, tblCertificates.[UnderwriterID] AS UnderwriterID, tblReportingType.[TypeID] AS TypeID, tblReportingType.[ReportingType] AS ReportingType, NULL AS WarehouseEntriesID, NULL AS DivisionWarehouseLocID , tblCertificates.CertID AS CertWHID, tblCertificates.ClientPolicyDivisionsID AS ClientPolicyDivisionID, tblCertificates.CertificateNo AS RecordNO, tblCertificates.TotalInsured AS InsuredValueX, (CASE WHEN tblCertificates.Status=101 or tblCertificates.Status=104 or tblCertificates.DivReferral=1 THEN 0 ELSE PremiumTotal-tblCertificates.Discount END) AS PremiumTotalX, tblStatus.Description AS StatusX, tblStatus.StatusID AS StatusID, (CASE WHEN tblCertificates.Status < '105' and tblCertificates.Status <> '103' THEN null ELSE AuthorizeDate END) AS AuthorizeDateX, tblCurrency.Code AS CodeX, tblCertificates.IssuedDate AS IssuedDateX, tblCertificates.BillofLadingDate AS BillofLadingDateX, tblCertificates.DescriptionofGoods AS DOGX, tblCertificates.ConveyanceName AS ConveyanceNameX, tblClientUsers.LogonName AS LogonNameX , tblClient.ClientName AS ClientNameX, tblCertificates.TakeOwnershipDate AS TakeOwnershipDate, tblCertificates.ClientID AS ClientID, tblCertificates.Producer AS BrokerID, tblCertificates.SBU AS SBU, tblCertificates.AssociationID AS AssociationID, tblCertificates.AssuredName AS AssuredName, tblCertificates.UserID AS UserID, tblCertificates.Demoflag AS Demoflag FROM tblCertificates, tblReportingType,tblcurrency,tblClientUsers,tblCli ent,tblStatus WHERE tblCertificates.reportType = tblReportingType.TypeID AND tblCertificates.PremiumCurrencyType = tblCurrency.ID AND tblclientUsers.UserID = tblCertificates.UserID AND tblcertificates.ClientId = tblclient.ClientID AND tblStatus.StatusID = tblCertificates.Status
SELECT NULL AS CertID, NULL AS UnderwriterID, tblReportingType.[TypeID] AS TypeID, tblReportingType.[ReportingType] AS ReportingType, tblWarehouseEntries.[WarehouseEntriesID] AS WarehouseEntriesID, tblWarehouseEntries.[DivisionWarehouseLocID] AS DivisionWarehouseLocID , tblWarehouseEntries.WarehouseEntriesID AS CertWHID, tblWarehouseEntries.ClientPolicyDivisionID AS ClientPolicyDivisionID, tblWarehouseEntries.WarehouseEntriesID AS RecordNO, (CASE WHEN ValueCurrencyType=0 THEN 0 ELSE UnitValue END) AS InsuredValueX, (CASE WHEN tblWarehouseEntries.StatusID=101 THEN 0 ELSE PremiumSum END) AS PremiumTotalX, tblStatus.Description AS StatusX, tblStatus.StatusID AS StatusID, (CASE WHEN tblWarehouseEntries.StatusID < '105' THEN null ELSE ApprovalDate END) AS AuthorizeDateX, tblCurrency.Code AS CodeX, tblWarehouseEntries.IssuedDate AS IssuedDateX, tblWarehouseEntries.PeriodEndDate AS BillofLadingDateX, LocName AS DOGX, '' AS ConveyanceNameX, tblClientUsers.LogonName AS LogonNameX , tblClient.ClientName AS ClientNameX, tblWarehouseEntries.TakeOwnershipDate AS TakeOwnershipDate, tblWarehouseEntries.ClientID AS ClientID, tblWarehouseEntries.BrokerID AS BrokerID, tblWarehouseEntries.SBU AS SBU, tblWarehouseEntries.AssociationID AS AssociationID, tblWarehouseEntries.AssuredName AS AssuredName, tblWarehouseEntries.UserID AS UserID, tblWarehouseEntries.Demoflag AS Demoflag FROM tblWarehouseLoc, tblWarehouseEntries, tblReportingType,tblCurrency ,tblClientUsers,tblClient, tblDivisionWarehouseLoc,tblStatus WHERE tblWarehouseEntries.reportTypeID = tblReportingType.TypeID and tblWarehouseLoc.WarehouseLocationID = tblDivisionWarehouseLoc.WarehouseLocID and tblDivisionWarehouseLoc.DivisionWarehouseLocID = tblWarehouseEntries.DivisionWarehouseLocID and tblWarehouseEntries.PremiumCurrencyType = tblCurrency.ID and tblWarehouseEntries.UserID = tblClientUsers.UserID and tblClient.ClientID = tblWarehouseEntries.ClientID AND tblStatus.StatusID = tblWarehouseEntries.StatusID

) AS Cert_WarehouseDetails LEFT JOIN tblClientUsers ON Cert_WarehouseDetails.UnderwriterID = tblClientUsers.UserID

WHERE 1 = 1 AND Cert_WarehouseDetails.Demoflag = 0 and
(convert(datetime,convert(nvarchar,Cert_WarehouseD etails.IssuedDateX,101)) >= '1/1/2003') and
(Cert_WarehouseDetails.IssuedDateX is not null and
convert(datetime,convert(nvarchar,Cert_WarehouseDe tails.IssuedDateX,101)) <= '3/31/2004')
ORDER BY Cert_WarehouseDetails.RecordNO

In above query,as
1. Union (INNER) query returns me 200000 records.

2. If I run above query it takes 18 sec because no index on Cert_WarehouseDetails.RecordNO and i'm ordering on that.

3. When I avoid to 'ORDER BY Cert_WarehouseDetails.RecordNO' then query takes 2 sec.

4. In this case Do I have to use 'nvarchar'
convert(datetime,convert(nvarchar,Cert_WarehouseDe tails.IssuedDateX,101)) <= '3/31/2004')

5. Why do we have to use 'nvarchar' can you explain to me in above statement..

Can you provide me alternate solution so I can make it fast.

Please reply to me asap. Thanks in advance.

M. Jain

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How To Optimize This Sql Statement?

May 1, 2004

I have a very simple T-SQL statement which takes hours to run. The statement is something like:

update table1 set column1 = coalesce(table2.column1, ''),
column2 = table2.column2, column3 = table2.column3
from table1, table2
where table1.column4 = table2.column4

The machine is a P3 800 512 ram and 80G HD with 8M cache. I'm running Windows 2000 Server and SQL Server 2000. Table1 has about 500,000 records and Table2 has about 2 millions records. I have added non-clustered indexes for table1.column4 and table2.column4.

When I check Execution Plan, it has Hash Match/Aggregate which costs about 50%.

Thank you for any help.

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Ways To Optimize The SP

Jun 24, 2008


Can any one suggest me in optimizing the SP.
To execute single SP it takes nearly 50 seconds.
Can i know what are ways to optimize the SP.


Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part

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Optimize The Query...

Jan 24, 2008


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Best Way To Optimize Certain Tables

Jul 23, 2005

I have a SqlServer 2000 running 7 databases. One in particular is slowerthan the rest specificaly on certain tables. It seems the problem comesfrom the volume of data, but I don't think 3000 lines can be considered abig table. I have indexes on the principal keys, but it did not help.thank you

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Help To Optimize Query

May 18, 2006

Hi,I have these two tables in a DatabaseITEMSIDnumeric (Primary key)ZDIDnvarchar 3 (not null)IDF_Familynumeric(not null)Descriptionnvarchar40 (not null)DATASIDnumeric(Primary Key)IDF_Itemnumeric(Foreign key)IDF_Referencenumeric(Foreign Key)[Date]smalldatetime(not null)Containernchar10(not null)Averagedecimal(not null)[%Compliance]decimal(not null)[%OutOfRange<MinTg]decimal(not null)[%OutOfRange>MaxTg]decimal(not null)Targetdecimal(not null)[Min]decimal(not null)[Max]decimal(not null)The table DATAS has 4000000+ recordsI'm running this query:SELECT DISTINCT I.ID, I.ZDID, I.IDF_Family, I.DescriptionFROM Items as I, Datas as DWHERE D.IDF_Item = I.ID AND I.IDF_Family = 84AND D.Date BETWEEN '5/18/2004' AND '5/18/2004'it's taking 4-5 minutes to run.The result is correct, there is no thing on that date.I've done a reindex, but still the same thing.What can I do?Thanks

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