Oracle Parameter Mapping In SSIS !
Mar 19, 2008
Hi pals,
I have a small problem in parameter mapping for Execute SQL Task.
I am using a delete statement with 2 conditions.
Followed by another Execute SQL Task which contains commit statement.
delete from tname where c1 = ? and c2 =?
where c1 is number(4) datatype and c2 is of varchar2(20) datatype in oracle.
The connection manager i am using is ORacle OLE DB provider.
I am passing 2 global variables i.e g_v1 of Int32 and g_v2 of String Type.
In the parameter mapping of the Executing SQL task, i am mapping these 2 variables for
c1 and c2 and changed the datatypes inside parameter mapping as Numeric for c1 and Varchar for c2.
I also set the property as ByPassPrepare = True.
When i am executing the package i getting INVALID NUMBER ERROR.
i believe the SSIS is unable to perform the implict datatype converison.
For the next run, i changed the g_v1 varible datatype to Double and also i changed the parameter mapping for c1 as Doble datatype.
This time it is working fine. I can see the Green signal for the 2 SQL Tasks.
But when i connected to Oracle check the count in the table, the data is not getting deleted.
I set the property RetainSameConnection = TRUE for oracle connection manager.
I am not able to trace this logical error.
The same is working fine in my local machine.
But i am facing the problem when i deployed the same on the client machine.
Is there any problem with parameter mapping?
What should be equialent Datatype for Oracle NUMBER datatype that should be used inside the SSIS package while declaring the global variable and
inside the parameter mapping.
Is there any way to see/look the sql statement which is formed after Parameter Subsititution inside the log file?
Can we print the SQL Statement Formed by the Execute SQL task inside a script task ?
Any help would be greatly appreciated !
Thanks in advance
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Mar 19, 2008
Hi Friends,
I have a small problem in parameter mapping for Execute SQL Task.
I am using a delete statement with 2 conditions.
Followed by another Execute SQL Task which contains commit statement.
delete from tname where c1 = ? and c2 =?
where c1 is number(4) datatype and c2 is of varchar2(20) datatype in oracle.
The connection manager i am using is ORacle OLE DB provider.
I am passing 2 global variables i.e g_v1 of Int32 and g_v2 of String Type.
In the parameter mapping of the Executing SQL task, i am mapping these 2 variables for
c1 and c2 and changed the datatypes inside parameter mapping as Numeric for c1 and Varchar for c2.
I also set the property as ByPassPrepare = True.
When i am executing the package i getting INVALID NUMBER ERROR.
i believe the SSIS is unable to perform the implict datatype converison.
For the next run, i changed the g_v1 varible datatype to Double and also i changed the parameter mapping for c1 as Doble datatype.
This time it is working fine. I can see the Green signal for the 2 SQL Tasks.
But when i connected to Oracle check the count in the table, the data is not getting deleted.
I set the property RetainSameConnection = TRUE for oracle connection manager.
I am not able to trace this logical error.
The same is working fine in my local machine.
But i am facing the problem when i deployed the same on the client machine.
Is there any problem with parameter mapping?
What should be equialent Datatype for Oracle NUMBER datatype that should be used inside the SSIS package while declaring the global variable and
inside the parameter mapping.
Any thoughts!
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Jan 29, 2008
I have migrated a DTS 2000 package to an SSIS package.
Half of it works fine, when stored procedures are called that don't use parameters they work fine on SSIS.
However when a SP is called with a parameter it can't find the parameter name ?
I have mapped the parameter under "parameter mappings" , the parameter is a simple date value
which is created at the beginning of the SSIS package in a SQL task.
it is saved as a global variable , and i have mapped this as the parameter , yet it still can't find the param. name ?
any sugestions ?
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Jun 15, 2007
I will really appreciate if someone can post step by step process to call an Oracle Stored Proc from SSIS. Here is the Stored Proc Spec:
PROCEDURE Interface_Begin
(p_from_dttm OUT varchar2,
p_error_code OUT number,
p_error_text OUT varchar2,
p_proc_name OUT varchar2);
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Apr 17, 2008
I have 2 questions on this
(1) I know how to use the ? ? ? and 0, 1, 2 notation in Parameter Mapping within Execute SQL Task. However, the interface allows me to give descriptive names to my parameters (other than the ordinals 0, 1, 2, ...). To be more clear, if you go into Parameter Mapping and click in Parameter Name column, you are not just restricted to typing in 0, 1, 2, ... You can type anything you want for the name. Does this suggest that I can use other things besides a "?" in my SQL command?
(2) What is Parameter Size? Is this like a data type? If so, why am I allowed to type in anything I want in there?
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Dec 13, 2007
Hi All,
I am using a stored procedure defined as follows:
-- =============================================
-- Author: <Author,,Name>
-- Create date: <Create Date,,>
-- Description: <Description,,>
-- =============================================
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetPriority] @PriorityID TINYINT
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
SELECT [Priority]
FROM [MTD Dashboard].[dbo].[Priority] WHERE [Priority ID]=@PriorityID
I want to use this stored procedure in a Execute SQL Task. What should be the SQL Statement, Parameter mappings and Result Set?
Can someone please help me in doing this.
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Jun 12, 2007
I have used Data Flow component that refers to named query of data source view. It is a OLE DB source.
The SQL Command property of data flow component shows SELECT * FROM Tablename as I defiend in named query. I have modified the query to accept a parameter as SELECT * FROM Tablename WHERE Status = ?
Now I need to pass the package variable to this parameter. How to I pass using ParameterMapping property?. What is correct way of passing the parameter mapping ? I tried with @[TestNS:tatus] variable. But it throws error The parameter mapping string is not in the correct format.
Thanks in advance
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Mar 9, 2006
I am trying to assign the same package variable value to three different parameters in a query. The variable contains the name of a database which the user will input during package execution. First I check to see if the database exists (if it does I drop it), then in either case I create the database. See code:
if exists
select name
from sys.databases
where name = ?
drop database ?;
create database ?;
This is the error I am getting:
[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "if exists ( select name from sys.databases where name = ? ) begin drop database ?; end; " failed with the following error: "Syntax error, permission violation, or other nonspecific error". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
My "User::DestinationDatabase" variable is mapped to 0,1,2 using an OLE DB connection. Any suggestions would be welcome.
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Apr 25, 2007
Hi there,
I am working on SSIS package that gets data from SQL 2005 Database and writes that to a flat file. But I need to write the count of records as part of the header.
Here is what i am trying:
The OLE DB Source is calling a stored procedure and returning two things i.e. a resultset and an output parameter. The data access mode is SQL Command.
Code SnippetEXEC [Get_logins] ?, ?, ? OUTPUT
In the Set Query Parameters dialogbox, all the three patameters are mapped to three different user variables.
What is happening is that the user variable that is mapped to output parameter is never updated. The header property expression is written as follows
Code SnippetRIGHT("0000000000" + (DT_STR, 10, 1252)@LoginCount, 10)
I tried to watch the variable in watch window but to no avail. Any guidance if it is bug or I am missing some thing? Any thoughts, how can I accomplish this? I have also tried adding Row Count Transformation but its variable has the same behaviour. If I set the value of @LoginCount variable to some value, this initially set value is successfully written to the file header.
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Jul 12, 2006
Hi, I am trying to use an integer as input parameter for my task I get suck on the parameter data type.
The input parameter is define as @Control_ID variable as Int32 in SSIS. When I got into the parameter mapping of Execute SQL Task, I don't find the Int32 data type. I used to try Short, Numeric, Decimal and so on, but all of those data type didn't work. and it returns the following error message:
SSIS package "DCLoading.dtsx" starting.
Error: 0xC002F210 at Update Control_ID, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "use DCAStaging
update DCA_HFStaging set
[dbo].[Control_ID] = P0 where [Control_ID] is null
" failed with the following error: "The multi-part identifier "dbo.Control_ID" could not be bound.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
Task failed: Update Control_ID
Warning: 0x80019002 at DCLoading: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (1) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.
SSIS package "DCLoading.dtsx" finished: Failure.
Any help?
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Dec 17, 2007
I have a Execute SQL Task to execute a stored procedure. It has no input and output parameters.
The stored procedure is defined as follows:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SetSLATimePriority]
DECLARE @PriorityID tinyint,@MAXPriorityID tinyint
SET @PriorityID=1
SET @MAXPriorityID=0
SELECT @MAXPriorityID=MAX([Priority ID]) FROM [MTD Dashboard].[dbo].[Priority]
WHILE @PriorityID<=@MAXPriorityID
SELECT @Priority= [Priority] FROM [MTD Dashboard].[dbo].[Priority]
WHERE [Priority ID]=@PriorityID
SELECT @SLATime= [SLA Time in hours] FROM [MTD Dashboard].[dbo].[Priority]
WHERE [Priority ID]=@PriorityID
UPDATE [MTD Dashboard].[dbo].[Remedy Dump-Filtered]
SET [SLA Time] = @SLATime WHERE [Priority] like @Priority
SET @PriorityID=@PriorityID+1
The Properties of Execute SQL Task are set as follows:
Result Set: None
Connection Type: OLEDB
SQL Source Type: Direct Input
SQL Statement: EXEC ? = [dbo].[SetSLATimePriority]
IsQueryStoredProcedure: True
ByPassPrepare: False
Parameter Mapping:
Variable Name : User::IntValue
Direction: ReturnValue
Data Type: Long
ParameterName: 0
I am getting the following error, when I run this package.
[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "EXEC ? = [dbo].[SetSLATimePriority]" failed with the following error: "Invalid parameter number". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
I am not able to figure out, where exactly the problem is.. Can some one please help me out?
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Feb 12, 2007
For the Data Driven Subscription in SSRS we are using the following stored procedure
In Step 3 - Create a data-driven subscription
create procedure spRSGetReportSettings
@ReportID as integer
) as
set nocount on
declare @t as table(y int not null primary key)
@cols as nvarchar(max),
@y as int,
@sql as nvarchar(max)
set @cols=stuff(
(select N',' + quotename(y) as [text()]
from (select ParameterName as y from Reportsettings where reportid=1) as Y
order by y
For XML Path('')),1,1,N'');
set @sql=N'select * from
(select reportid,parametername, parametervalue from ReportSettings where reportid= ' + Cast(@ReportID as varchar(5)) +' ) as D
pivot(min(parametervalue) for parametername in(' + @cols +N')) as p'
exec sp_executesql @sql
Basically the idea is to maintain a single report parameter setting table for multiple reports.
Structure of the table is as given below
ReportID, ParameterName, ParameterValue.
Using Pivot we can generate the ParameterName/ParameterValue combinations for each report. This stored procedure is working fine in query editors(Management Studio)
But, in SSRS it is giving any results.
In Step 4 - Create a data-driven subscription,
Get the value from the database drop down, I am not getting any database columns.
Please help.
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May 8, 2008
I am trying to to make a dynamic column mapping using the SSIS, the mapping will be stored in a seperate table, and based on the file name, the necessary mapping will be applied.
Please advise its possibility.
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Dec 21, 2006
My Destination columns are more than source columns....
So, how to do column mapping if my source and destination columns are different?
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May 25, 2007
I'm creating a DTSX that will load flat file data into a table. Pretty easy, eh? Not with dates and times ...
The column in the destination table is a datetime data-type.
The date format in the source flat file is "m/d/yyyy" ("5/27/2007"). I know it doesn't have a time portion, long story!
When I create the package and transform the flat file data into the SQL Server Destination, the table column returns as a timestamp datatype. Moreover, there's no mechanism (that I've found) to force the destination datatype to datetime. There's DB Date, DB Time, FileTime, etc ... but no plain-old datetime.
Any help? An answer? An online resource? A book?
Thanks a mill'
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Jan 28, 2008
Hi all,
I am transferring a huge Database running on PostgreSQL to SQL SERVER using SSIS. I have already mapped all the columns between source and target tables. Is it possible in SSIS to get a graphical diagram showing all the source and targets tables and its mapping?
Thanks in Advance,
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Oct 10, 2007
I created a Stored Proc to compute all the data I need to export to a CSV file.
I use the provider MS OLE DB Provider for SQL Server.
It's a very simple package with a single Data Flow Task.
This flow task is using an OLE DB Source to call a simple SQL Command : Exec MyStoredProc.
There are no params.
This Stored Proc is using table variables to compute the data.
It takes about 10 seconds to return anything.
The problem is that the mapping doesn't work with the OLE DB Source.
There are no fields at all shown in the mapping screen.
I tried to replace the Stored Proc by a version which only returns fields and no data.
Then the mapping would work just fine.
The package is then compiling and working fine.
But everytime I put back the real stored proc, even without changing the SQL Command, the SSIS execution breaks at execution.
It keeps saying :
"Error: 0xC0202005 at Data Flow Task, OLE DB Source [477]: Column "RecordType" cannot be found at the datasource."
My guess is that SSIS doesn't wait the 10 secs and thinks the Stored Proc is not returning anything.
What can I do to make this work ?
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Aug 3, 2007
I have a condition where if column5 is equal to 1 then put column6 into the destination column "dest6", if it is not equal to 1 then put column6 in destination column "dest7"
What is the best way to do this in SSIS?
If I have to use the conditional split then do I have to copy my complete mappings, exact change this one column?
Thank for the help this mapping will take me a long time!
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Jul 16, 2014
I am new to SSIS and i got 1 assignment.
In my destination table i am having some 30 columns and the CSV files what i get may have 10 columns or 20. How do I map columns between source and destination dynamically?
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Jan 4, 2008
I had to use use ssis 2005 in a short project recently & had littletime to work it out. I was importing a whole bunch of flat files intoSQL Server tables with many derived columns and transformations inbetween.It seems to automatically map columns from the flat file to columns inthe sql table where the names of the columns are equal. But can italso do it automatically on position, so flat file column 1 goes tosql table colum 1, etc, etc? In each flat file I had to manually clickand drag the columns across to map them which took a very long time asthere were hundreds of columns in some tables!Thanks.
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Apr 18, 2007
I am just starting out with SSIS and trying to get the feel of data cleansing using it. But on my very first project for data cleansing I've got into this weird error.
My data flow is very simple, it has a OLE DB source, Fuzzy Lookup and OLE DB destination. I've built three tables for this purpose, one is source, one is reference (it will be used to match for the real entries in fuzzy lookup) and the last is the destination table.
In all the three tables I've a field of City which I'd like to Fuzzy lookup in the reference table and if it crosses certain confidence level, I'd like to insert to the destination table. City in all the tables has the same datatype, defined in the same way, it is varchar(50).
But when in the fuzzy lookup I try to map the Source tables City field to reference tables City field, it gives me this error:
The following columns cannot be mapped:
[City, CityRef]
One or more columns do not have supported data types, or their data types do not match.
Although as I have mentioned before, both have same data types and are defined in the same manner (i.e. I've just selected the datatypes for those columns and all the other settings are left to default). I just cannot understand why this is happening, plz help me with this. FYI I've also tried to give the City Column different datatypes in all the tables like varchar(max), text, Only to be greeted with the same error message.
Waiting for your reply!!
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Nov 2, 2007
I have a script and on one of the tables I keep loosing the mapping of the last 4 fields. If I go into the task it will ask me if I want it to automatically fix it and I say yes and remap fields but when I run it it bombs and comes back and when I go back into it it tells me there is a problem with same fields. It also rearanges the order and puts these fields last.
I have tried deleting and redoing the transformation only to have the same thing happen. Almost seems like a bug in software. I have seen this before but usually when I fix it it does not return.
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May 2, 2007
This might seems a little 'out there', but has anyone tried doing ETL from an Oracle 10g ODS into an Oracle 10g DW, and from there into SSAS2005 cubes?
Any caveats houghtscomments on doing this?
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Jan 12, 2008
Hello everyone,
I am having a little problem with a simple package and I do not know if this is a known issue or that I am missing something.
I have a data flow task, a simple one, with an oledb source pulling data, using a select statement, from a sql server 2005 instance, and an ole db destination pointing to a table in a sql server 2000 instance. Both intances are standard edition. The table in the destination has a column which allow null values and has also a default constraint (getdate()), and this column is not present in the source. When I map the columns in the destination, I leave this column as "ignore", not being mapped to any column from the source. The problem is that when I execute the task, SSIS is trying to insert NULL value into this column, so the package fail with the error "can not insert NULL value into column myColumn". I wonder why is it trying to insert NULL value if the column is not mapped to any column from the source.
Is this a known issue or I am nissing something in the settings?
If the destination table has rowversion or identity columns, there is no problem ar all. I ignore those columns in the mapping and SQL Server feeds them as expected.
Thanks in advance,
Alejandro Mesa
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Jun 25, 2007
I have created a package which transfers data from a SQL server source to an Excel Destination. The DataFlow Task works fine , if i pre-define the column names in the Excel Destination... But i run into an error when i give the blank excel sheet as my destination. I am unable to map any columns
A sample example is as shown above .. In the column mappings field only one column in the Excel shows up for mapping and eventually throws the error "[Excel Destination [42]] Error: The number of columns is incorrect. "
How do we proceed in this case , where in we do not want to give pre-defined coulmn names in the Excel Destination sheet.
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Nov 2, 2015
I have some source files is there today it will have 4 columns..Tomorrow it will have 10 package is dynamically load the data to destination table..How we have do it in Using script task...
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Sep 8, 2015
The only way to add a new column to an existing mapping that I know is to go to advanced editor and refresh. This however keeps only the default mapping (where the field names match), the rest is wiped out, so need to restore the mapping manually after that. Risky and annoying at the same time. Is there any alternative?
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Aug 16, 2007
I use lookups to map surrogate of level 1 dimensions to my fact tables in SSIS.
But how to handle a level 2 dimension with a ValidFrom and a ValidUntil date field?
I do not use an IsCurrent column, because this could problem with late arriving facts.
- In dts I used an SQL statement like this:
update SA
SET SA.DimProdRef = Dim.RecordID
FROM SAWarenEingang SA, DimProd Dim
where SA.ProduktNumber = Dim.ProduktNumber
and SA.ArtikelkontoBewegungsdatum between Dim.ValidFrom and Dim.ValidUntil
Now in SSIS I want to handle the whole thing in the data flow without using a staging table:
- Using Lookups: I would have to pass the date column for each inside the fact table into the lookup. That does not work.
- Using Execute SQL in the data flow: would be very slow, because the statement will be executed for any line in the dataflow
Any ideas?
Best regards,
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Jan 22, 2007
Everything I have read says that this is possible in Oracle 9 and greater versions, but I can't get it to work...
Here is my query:
select * from employee where employee_id in ('111','222')
This works fine in the data tab until I replace the values with a parameter. I get the pop-up to enter the parameter values but no matter how I enter them, I don't get any rows returned. I've tried entering them as '111','222' and as 111,222 and changing the parameter type from a string to an int, but nothing seems to work.
I am running this on SQL Server RS 2005 and my Oracle driver (Oracle in OraHome92) is version 9.02.
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Nov 30, 2006
I am calling an Oracle stored proc which contains an IN and an OUT parameter also.
To the stored proc, I pass two reports parameteres. I get following error when I execute the report:
PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to <Procedure name>
Where am I going wrong?
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Jul 19, 2007
I am relatively new to reporting services so I've been figuring this out as I go, but basically I am in the process of converting BI reports from another reporting service to the MS reporting services. The reports themselves have been recreated without a hitch but the parameters gave me issues. Frankly I needed more control over the parameters then RS allowed in order to match the features in the previous BI solution.
To solve this I decided to build a vb .net or asp .net front end and get the parameters, do whatever needs to be done, then pass them to a report viewer. Great, except a lot of my parameters are "from query" and the whole point of using these new reports is to avoid having oracle installed on the client computers. The only way I know of now to get these "from query" parameters is to run the query client side, meaning oracle needs to be installed.
Basically I am looking for either a way to obtain the "from query" parameter options from a report and pull them out for use in a or application, or another idea of how to get around this problem. Basically I want to be able to handle the parameters completely within the app, then just generate the report.
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Aug 16, 2006
ActivityDate is a report parameter set up as a date that I'm trying to pass into an Oracle query. The specific WHERE clause is
When I run the query from the Data tab, all works as expected. I suspect the reason is that I under the date as 2005-12-31. If I enter the date as 12/31/05, the query fails ("Not a valid month") unless I change to function's format to 'MM/DD/YYYY' in which case I, again, get good results.
But when I run the report from Preview, I get no results at all no matter what format I use in the function.
Any chance any of you have seen this and know how to work with it?
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Jul 5, 2006
I need to extract rows using date as parameter... where source contains millions of rows but few thousands per date.
I tried using SQL command in data access mode in OLE DB Source Editor but having problem with passing parameter...
Anyone has solution?
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