Oracle Vs Sql2000

Nov 12, 2004

hi to everyone,
What is faster an oracle or sql2000?

Thanks... :D

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Link SQL2000 And Oracle

Oct 31, 2004

hi, does anyone know how to link SQL2000 to Oracle? because i need to use a sql statement which involve both the SQL2000 table and an Oracle table.

Thanks in advance.

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Sql2000 && Sql2005, Want Localhost To Use Sql2000

Sep 17, 2006

 i have sql2000 & sql2005 on the same machine. I am unable to register my localhost in sql2000, get an access denied error. How can I make my localhost use sql2000 database?

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Migrate SQL2000 To SQL2000

May 13, 2008

i am in the process of Migrating SQL 2000 to my new SQL2000 server i want to know the what would the best way for me to migrate one SQL server to another SQL server on the same network and rename the new server to the old server and bring it up for use in our ecommerce website.

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Issues Using Parameterised Reports Connecting To Oracle Using ODBC And Microsoft OLE DB Provider For Oracle

Sep 12, 2007

I have an issue using parameterised reports connecting to Oracle using "ODBC" and "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle" using parameteried reports. The following error is generated "ORA-01008 not all variables bound (Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle)" and a similiar one for ODBC. It works fine for simple reports. Do these 2 drivers have issues passing parameters for a remote Oracle query?

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Output Column Has A Precision That Is Not Valid (loading From Oracle Using OraOLEDB.Oracle.1)

Apr 2, 2007


I'm loading from Oracle using the OraOLEDB.Oracle.1 provider since I need unicode support and I get the following error:

TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio

Error at myTask [DTS.Pipeline]: The "output column "myColumn" (9134)" has a precision that is not valid. The precision must be between 1 and 38.


Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0204018 (Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap)


For most of my queries to Oracle I can cast the columns to get rid of the error (CAST x AS DECIMAL(10) etc), but this does not work for:

1) Union

I have a select like "SELECT NVL(myColumn, 0) .... FROM myTable UNION SELECT 0 AS myColumn, .... FROM DUAL"

Even if I cast the columns in both selects (SELECT CAST(NVL(myColumn, 0) AS DECIMAL(10, 0) .... UNION SELECT CAST(0 AS DECIMAL(10, 0)) AS myColumn, .... FROM DUAL) I still get the error above.

2) SQL command from variable

The select basically looks like this:

"SELECT Column1, Column2, ... FROM myTable WHERE Updated BETWEEN User::LastLoad AND User::CurrentLoad"

Again, even if I cast all columns (like in the union), I still get the same error.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Setting Up Oracle Linked Server : Need Help : Sql2005 Running On XP Linking In Oracle 10.2

Oct 26, 2006

Is there any step by step help sites for setting up SQL 2005 linked (oracle 10) server?

I find MSDN articles but they referance winNT and 2000, I'm not getting very far and I'm not a DBA but need to get this working asap.

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Data Access :: Accessing Oracle Tables From Server Via Oracle DBLINK?

May 8, 2015

we recently got a scenario that we need to get the data from oracle tables which is installed on third party servers. we have sqlserver installed on ourservers. so they have created a DBLINK in oracle server to our sqlserver and published the DBLINK name.

what are the next steps that i need to follow on my sqlserver in order to access the oracle tables ?

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Oracle Connection Fail With Microsoft OLEDB Provider For Oracle MSDAORA.1

Feb 22, 2006


On my dev server I have working ssis packages that use connections Microsoft OLEDB provider for Oracle MSDAORA.1 and Oracle provider for oledb and OracleClient data provider.

I use one or the other according to my needs.

In anticipation and to prepare for the build of a new production server, I have build a test server from scratch and deployed to it the entire dev.

Almost everything works except Microsoft OLEDB provider for Oracle.

ssis packages on the test machine will return an error

Error at Pull Calendar from One [OLE DB Source [1]]: The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "one.oledb" failed with error code 0xC0202009.

Error at Pull Calendar from One [DTS.Pipeline]: component "OLE DB Source" (1) failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C.

[Connection manager "one.oledb"]: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.

An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Oracle error occurred, but error message could not be retrieved from Oracle.".

I have used the same installers for OS, SQL and Oracle SQL*Net on both dev and test machines. The install and then the restore/deployment on Test went fine.

Does anyone could point me to the right direction to solve this issue?



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Oracle Publication Error:The Permissions Associated With The Administrator Login For Oracle Publisher 'test1' Are Not Sufficient

Jan 12, 2006


I am trying to make an oracle publiching from sql server 2005 enterprise final release, i installed the oracle client  10.2 (10g) on the same server where sql server already installed, i made different connection to oracle database instance and it was  ok.


from sql server : right click on publication -New oracle publication-Next-Add Oracle Publisher-Add button-Add Oracle Publisher-i entered server insttance test1 and their users and passwords--connect --->

the oracle publisher is displayed in the list of publisher but when press ok i got the following error :

TITLE: Distributor Properties

An error occurred applying the changes to the Distributor.

For help, click:


SQL Server could not enable 'test1' as a Publisher. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)


An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)


The permissions associated with the administrator login for Oracle publisher 'test1' are not sufficient.
Changed database context to 'master'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 21684)

For help, click:



Any idea about this error ?


Tarek Ghazali
SQL Server MVP.


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Inserting Into Oracle Table That Has DATE_HIGH As A Partition And Need Oracle Sequence Used

May 11, 2007

Hi Everyone,

I've been searching for a solution for this for a week-ish, so I thought I would post my quesiton directly. Here is my scenario..

Source: MS SQL Server

Destination: Oracle 10g

The destination table has a partition set on a column called "DATE_HIGH". How do I populate this date high column in my package? Currently I just have a source object, and a destination object, but I'm unclear how to populate this field in the destination. I've read one blog that states "use OLE DB Command" - but that isn't enough information for me to implement - Can someone be more specific in these steps? Here is an example of what my newb-ness needs to understand

OLE DB Source (Select * from Table) ---> OLE DB Command (What query goes here?) --> OLE DB Destination.

Second part of my question: There is a second column called "ROW_NUM" and there is an Oracle Sequence provided to me... What objects do I need (Source, Destination, OLE DB Command etc...) and how do I call this sequence to populate on the fly as I'm loading data from my source?

If these are simple questions - my appologies, I am new to the product.

Best Regards,

Steve Collins

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Unable To Connect To Oracle Using Microsoft OLEDB Provider For Oracle

Aug 23, 2007

Hi everybody,

I have designed a DTS package which will migrate a view from Sqlserver 2000 to Oracle.My package is using Microsoft OLEDB provider for Oracle driver for connecting to oracle.Im able to execute this package on the my system ie on the system where sqlclient is installed(Oracle client is also installed on my machine) .But when im doing it on the server im not able to do it.The Connection to Oracle Fails.
I wanted to know in order to connect to Oracle from the server,is it necessary that Oracle has to be installed on the server?.If yes, is it enough if i install oracle client on the server or Oracle Server version has to be installed on Server.

Please suggest me wht should i do know?

Thanks in advance

Arvind L

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Trouble With: Linked Server To Oracle Using OraOLEDB.ORacle Provider

Jan 11, 2007



I am running SQL Server 2005 on Win2k3:

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio      9.00.2047.00
Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools      2005.090.2047.00
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC)      2000.086.1830.00 (srv03_sp1_rtm.050324-1447)
Microsoft MSXML      2.6 3.0 4.0 6.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer      6.0.3790.1830
Microsoft .NET Framework      2.0.50727.42
Operating System      5.2.3790

I have the OraOLEDB.Oracle provider installed to the (C:oraclexe) directory.

I am having problems querying from linked oracle server.  When i setup oracle as a linked server and purposely enter an incorrect password the query i run tells me i have an incorrect password.   So it at least knows that.  when i set the correct password and run a query I get this error:

(i replaced the real server name with "someServer".)

Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

The OLE DB provider "OraOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "SomeServer" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.

Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "OraOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "SomeServer".


This is how I set up my Linked server:

Provider: "Oracle Provider for OLE DB"

Product Name: SomeServer

Data Source: SomeServer

Provider String:  "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=SomeServer;User Id=MyLogin;Password=MyPassword"



The query I run is:

Select * from [Someserver].[schema or database]..[tbl_name]


Any help???  What am i missing?

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Oracle Parameterized Queries To Update Oracle Table Do Not Work

Apr 23, 2007

Oracle and MS drivers do not support parameterized queries, so update table set column=? where primarykey=? does not work for Oracle.

Anyone knows how to update an Oracle table through SSIS?



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How To Migrate Oracle Applications 11.03/Oracle 8.05 To Navision 4.0/ms Sqlserver

Oct 29, 2005

need a clue about how to migrate the data from an Oracle applications 11.03 and underlying Oracle 8.05 database to navision 4.0 running sql server 2000


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Oracle Error ORA-12154 From An Application Which Never Uses Oracle

Mar 14, 2008

My application which ran perfectly well yesterday suddenly stopped working in this morning with following error message. I didn't change anything, at least I believe. Interesting thing is that I don't use any Oracle connection but connects to MS SQL Server 2005 Express version locally. Error messages are different according to the connection string though I don't think it makes difference:
ConnectionString = <add key="Databasehandtool1" value="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;Database=handtool;SSPI=true" />ErrorMessage from VS2008 ="Unable to get records. Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
ConnectionString = <add key="Databasehandtool1" value="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;Database=handtool;User Id=handtool_DB;Password=mypassword" />ErrorMessage from VS2008 =  "Unable to get records. Unable to connect to database. ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified."   By the way, the application was generated from IronSpeed 5.1 Enterprise. My development environment is : VS2008, SQL2005 EXPRESS, Windows XP SP2, ASP.NET 2.0 
We have actually an Oracle server in the network though. My gut feeling is that something might have changed in my network server during the night but how come it can possibly affect my application running on my local PC. I checked the connection of local SQL Express Server from SQL Server Management Studio and it connected well with UserID=handtoo_DB and showed all tables and stored procedures required for the application. So there is no problem in SQL Server database side.
I would welcome and appreciate any input.

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Using SSIS For ETL From Oracle 10g ODS Into Oracle DW And From There Into SSAS Cubes

May 2, 2007


This might seems a little 'out there', but has anyone tried doing ETL from an Oracle 10g ODS into an Oracle 10g DW, and from there into SSAS2005 cubes?

Any caveats houghtscomments on doing this?



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ASP.NET 2.0 And SQL2000

Sep 5, 2006

Hi,I have made a web application using SQL Server 2005
Express with a few admin pages that require login. I used the SQL
Server Managment Studio Express to setup users and groups and it works
fine. But the web server has SQL Server 2000 and all I get is a
user id and password to access the database. It seems I cannot use the
Login control I put on my "login.aspx" page becuase it uses the
integrated authentication which chokes on 2000. I am afraid I wonlt be
able to use some of the 2.0 features such as profiles, ... Is
this the way 2.0 works with SQL Server 2000? Should I ditch the ISP if
they only give me a single access to database with no provisions to
create users. (I was told I had to create a "Users" table and manually
assign ids and passwords and that I can only use the user id and
password they supplied to setup the connection string in the script.)I appreciate your help. 

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SP1 On SQL2000

Mar 8, 2001

Does anyone know when SP1 will be available for SQL2000??

Steve Bajada

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SQL2000 On NT4

Oct 23, 2000

Are there any advantages/disadvantages of running SQL2K on NT4 as opposed to running on WIN2K?

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Jan 7, 2008

pls tell me abt log shipping in sql2000

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MSDE && SQL2000

Jul 13, 2006

I am developing a Crystal Reports App in VS2005 (VB).  I was originally working on an XP machine with MSDE and stored procedures where it worked fine.
I then transferred the development to a Win2003 machine with SQL2000 and am now getting the following error;
 Failed to open a rowset. Description: 'Get_Calls_By_MLO_Date' expects parameter '@DT1' which was not supplied.  Plus some other error detail.
Here is the SP.
CREATE PROCEDURE Get_Calls_By_MLO_By_Date  @DT1 datetime, @DT2 datetimeASSELECT MLO, CallNo, DT, Type FROM ActionsWHERE dt >= @DT1 AND dt <= @DT2 AND ActionID=1 ORDER BY MLO, DTGO
If I transfer everything back to the XP machine it works fine.
Any ideas?

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Locks In SQL2000

Jun 1, 2007

How to lock a Row in SQL2000 so that nobody can select that row.
I applied ROWLOCK, but i am not finding the way.
My query is "SELECT * FROM tablename WITH (ROWLOCK)"
Is this the correct way to write locks.
I would be thankful if u help me

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SQL2000 DTS To Excel

Apr 18, 2006

I am exporting data to an Excel file via a scheduled DTS package. I need to be able to either overwrite the existing Excel file or delete it. I haven't found a way to do this yet. Any help, comments, or direction will be appreciated. TIA

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I Need Your Help,About SQL2000 DataInsert

Apr 25, 2006

I want to insert some data into my SQLServer,For example:insert into xcjl(zch,xcsj) values('027741',getdate())
but ,the "zch" maybe have a few data,I want to insert these step by step,how can I do?

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Using Sp_ For User Sp&#39;s In SQL2000

Feb 20, 2001

Hi all,

We're beginning to migrate our 6.5 DB's to SQL2000. A question came up regarding naming conventions for stored procedures. In BOL it says that for SQL2000:

"Stored procedures with the prefix sp_ are first looked up in master. If a user-defined stored procedure has the same name as a system-supplied stored procedure residing in master, SQL Server always finds the system-supplied stored procedure. "

Behavior in 6.5 was the opposite: SQL Server searched the current database followed by a search in master.

We started several months ago renaming user stored procedures to "usp_XXX", but we still have many non-system sp's that still use "sp_". I'm looking for opinions of whether we should bite the bullet now and rename all our non-system sp's at this time; prior to moving our production environment to SQL2000. Will we see a performance gain since SQL will not have to hit master first before going to the current DB?

Any and all opinions welcome!


Tom Rosebrook

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BCP Sql65/sql2000 Help!

Jan 9, 2002

When bcp'ing in data into an sql 6.5 table that is NOT nullable, records in the text file that contain nulls are ommited, but valid records without nulls are inserted.
However, using exactly the same table structure and files on a newly installed sql 2000 server (sp2), as soon as the first invalid record in the text file (i.e. with a null value)is encountered, bcp'ing is terminated and NO records are inserted.
I can't find any option in bcp/sql 2000 to allow me to carry out a load as before.
The help files state that the default no. of invalid records allowed is 10 (both versions sql), and explicitly setting the -m option of bcp to 10 still doesn't work.
Most of the data i receive has at least one duff record
Is there an option in sql 2000 that allows me to have x number of duff records inserted before a full rollsback occurs?

I can't find anything in technet, msdn or books online.

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SQL2000 And Licensing

Aug 7, 2001

In a replication environment:

Does SQL 2000 standard edition support replication if it would be configured as a subscriber.
Is SQL 2000 Enterprise Edition required for a Publisher and Distributor or can you get away with standard edition.
In a web site environment how many CALs are needed when users access the database via webservers and middleware.


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Jan 18, 2001

I am experimenting with the FOR XML AUTO clause in SQL2000, but instead of nicely structured XML I get one continuous string oftags that can't be parsed by IE5.5

The BOL seem to indicate just running the query in Query Analyser will produce nicely formatted XML output - can anybody tell me what is wrong?

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Sql2000 Upgrade

Jan 5, 2001

I need some strong points for the management to convince them to upgrade to sql2000 now than waiting for 6 months.
We are currently in process of developing this new product. All development is on sql7. I want to upgrade our database to sql2000 now rather than waiting after the release which might be in another 3 months.

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SQL2000 Will Not Install

Jan 4, 2003

I crashed my HP portable that has SQL2000 ENT installed and I re-installed XP-Pro +SP1 and when I install SQL2000 ENT it refused to install saying ENT cannot install in this O/S. Did I miss anything ?

I went and checked another XP-Pro W/S and SQL2000 is intalled OK.

Anybody has any idea ?



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Sql7 And Sql2000

Aug 26, 2002

Does a script that run with sql7 automatically run with sql2000?
I would like to know if my script will run if I change version.

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Trigger To Sql2000...

Nov 26, 2003

Is it possible to fire a update trigger from SQL6.5 table to update a SQL2000 server database table field value? (upgrade this 'legacy' to sql2k now is not an option)

If it is not possible, is there a way to accomplish it?


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