Order By Clause With Variables In A Stored Procedure

Mar 24, 2004

I need to include two input variables
in my Order By Clause in a stored procedure like ORDER BY @column @Dirction. But MS SQL does not allow me
to do so and gives an Error 1008.
How can i solve this problem?

Thanks for your help!!

View 6 Replies


ORDER BY Clause In A Stored Proc?

Apr 6, 2000

Can you put an ORDER BY clause in a stored procedure? What I'd like to do is have a stored procedure where the proc could be called, with an ORDER BY clause passed on as a variable,

as in:
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.select_all_from_users
@order_by varchar(100)

ORDER BY @order_by;

This doesn't work, I get the following nastygram thrown in my face "Error 1008: The SELECT item identified by the ORDER BY number 1 contains a variable as part of the expression itentifying a column position. Variables are only allowed when ordering by an expression refrencing a column name."

That's where I'm stuck. The variable @order_by WILL be refrencing a column name, at least it will in my opinion, but the SQL Server doesn't think so...

Any ideas or workarounds?

Alan McCollough

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How To Add Order Item Into A Purchase Order Using A Stored Procedure/Trigger?

Jan 4, 2008

Hey guys, i need to find out how can i add order items under a Purchase Order number.
My table relationship is PurchaseOrder ->PurchaseOrderItem.

below is a Stored Procedure that i have wrote in creating a PO:

CREATE PROC spCreatePO (@SupplierID SmallInt, @date datetime, @POno SmallInt OUTPUT)



INSERT INTO PurchaseOrder (PurchaseOrderDate, SupplierID) VALUES(@date, @SupplierID)




However, how do i make it that it will automatically adds item under the POno being gernerated? can i use a trigger so that whenever a Insert for PO is success, it automaticallys proceed to adding the items into the table PurcahseOrderItem?


ON PurchaseOrderItem




'What do i entered???'


help is needed asap! thanks!

View 14 Replies View Related

Stored Procedure Variables

Sep 19, 2000

I am kind of new to the sequel server and I have to write a stored procedure to create raw of my table. I wrote the following stored procedures, but I am not sure weather I can use variables in select statements as in the following procedure. Could you please explain what is the problem, why I am getting an error, when I am trying to create it? <The error says that there is an incorrect syntax near '@tbleName' in lines 21, 25 and 30>

Thank you very much!

/* Inserts raw into the talble tbleName. Called from other procs.
tbleName: The name of the table to insert
other variables: values to insert
checkParentId,..: items to be checked upon-parentid, position, parent primary key
0 : Successfully inserted a raw into the table
-1 : Position to insert is taken
-16: The specified parent does not exist
-17: Insert was unsuccessful
create procedure sp_acml_createRaw (@tbleName VARCHAR(50), @nameN VARCHAR(50),
@hrefN VARCHAR(50), @posN VARCHAR(50), @parentIdN VARCHAR(50),
@nameV VARCHAR(150),@hrefV VARCHAR(255),
@checkParentId VARCHAR(50), @checkPosition VARCHAR(50),
@checkParentKey VARCHAR(50))
/* Check weather the parent exist */
IF exists (select @parentIdN
from @tbleName
where @tbleName.@checkParentKey = @parentIdV) /* if parent exist */
/* Check weather the isertion position is correct */
IF exists (select @checkParentId from @tbleName
where @tbleName.@checkParentId = @parentIdV AND
@tbleName.@checkPosition = @posV)
return -15 /*Insertion position is incorrect - it is taken already*/
/* Insertion postion is correct */
insert into @tbleName(@tbleName.@nameN, @tbleName.@hrefN, @tbleName.@posN, @tbleName.@parentIdN)
values (@nameV, @hrefV, @posV, @parentIdV)
IF (@@ERROR != 0)
return -17 /* Insert was unsuccessful */
return 0
return -16 /* The parent specified was not found */
/* End of sp_acml_createRaw */

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Using Variables In Stored Procedure

Aug 25, 2004

I am writing a stored procedure that basically gets a whole lot of info. Simple enough... that part works. Now I want to add functionality to pass in sortBy and direction variables so the results can be sorted from a web page. The code I have is:



ALTER procedure GetRecruiterApplicants
@trackerGroup varchar(50),
@sortBy varchar(20),
@dir varchar(5)


set nocount on


SELECT distinct l.AccessCode, l.ApplicantGivenName, l.ApplicantFamilyName, l.DateCreated, l.DateApplicantAccessed, p.ApplicationTitle, l.disabled
FROM chamslinks l, chamsProjectIDs p, chamsGroups g
WHERE l.TrackerID IN (SELECT userid FROM #VU)
AND g.trackerGroup = @trackerGroup
AND p.groupTblID = g.groupTblID
AND p.ProjectID = l.ProjectID
ORDER BY l.@sortBy @dir

DROP Table #VU

set nocount off

The error I am getting is: "Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Procedure GetRecruiterApplicants, Line 24
Line 24: Incorrect syntax near '@dir'."

Any help?

View 5 Replies View Related

Stored Procedure Variables

Aug 20, 2007

i ahve the following procedure


create PROCEDURE testflu @p_acad_period nvarchar (5)


/* Base Table fields */
DECLARE @t_student_id nvarchar (11)
DECLARE @full_time_student bit
DECLARE @student_id nvarchar (11)
DECLARE @acad_period nvarchar (5)
DECLARE @aos_code nvarchar (11)
DECLARE @aos_period nvarchar (5)
DECLARE @full_desc_static nvarchar (200)
DECLARE @full_desc_session nvarchar (200)
DECLARE @dept_code nvarchar (10)
DECLARE @aos_start_dt datetime
DECLARE @exp_length smallint
DECLARE @unit_length nvarchar (10)
DECLARE @student_year tinyint
DECLARE @hrs_per_week int
DECLARE @aos_end_dt datetime
DECLARE @no_of_weeks numeric
DECLARE @hrs_total decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @main_course_study_is_C2K tinyint
DECLARE @hrs_actual decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @hrs_actual_student decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @hrs_notional_course decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @hrs_notional_student decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @student_type nvarchar (10)
DECLARE @moa_code nvarchar (10)
DECLARE @qual_aim nvarchar (3)
DECLARE @numeric_qual_aim int
DECLARE @subject_code nvarchar (4)
DECLARE @subject_area_main nvarchar (10)
DECLARE @subject_area_group nvarchar (10)
DECLARE @course_group char (1)
DECLARE @FE_HE_type char (2)
DECLARE @nvq_lvl_ind nvarchar (1)
DECLARE @geolocn_code nvarchar (10)
DECLARE @surname nvarchar (40)
DECLARE @forename nvarchar (40)
DECLARE @birth_dt datetime
DECLARE @post_code nvarchar (8)
DECLARE @student_attend_mode nvarchar (10)
DECLARE @funding decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @key_skill_count smallint
DECLARE @additionality_yn bit
DECLARE @fee_waiver nvarchar (10)
DECLARE @start_date datetime
DECLARE @student_status nvarchar (10)
DECLARE @end_date datetime
DECLARE @spec_learn_disab nvarchar (2)
DECLARE @sldd_ind tinyint
DECLARE @age smallint
DECLARE @full_time_ind tinyint
DECLARE @age_1960_ind tinyint
DECLARE @tsn_ind tinyint
DECLARE @link_ind tinyint
DECLARE @ESOL nvarchar (3)
DECLARE @esol_ind tinyint
DECLARE @infill_ind tinyint
DECLARE @RP_entitlement tinyint
DECLARE @threshold1 datetime
DECLARE @threshold2 datetime
DECLARE @threshold3 datetime
DECLARE @student_full_cost_ind tinyint
DECLARE @fundable_ind tinyint
DECLARE @LP_entitlement tinyint
DECLARE @LP2_entitlement tinyint
DECLARE @LP3_entitlement tinyint
DECLARE @outcome nchar (10)
DECLARE @OP_entitlement tinyint
DECLARE @tenhour_ind tinyint
DECLARE @basicIT nchar (3)
DECLARE @basic_it_ind tinyint
DECLARE @special_needs_ind tinyint
DECLARE @Evening_course tinyint
DECLARE @RP_basic decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @RP_NTETS_weight decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @RP_enhance_NTETS decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @RP_enhance_Age decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @RP_enhance_TSN decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @RP_enhance_IT decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @RP_enhance_SLDD decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @RP_enhance_ESOL decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @RP_total decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @LP_basic decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @subj_area_weight decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @LP_weighted decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @LP_enhance_SLDD decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @LP_enhance_VOC decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @LP_enhance_AGE decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @LP_enhance_TSN decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @LP_enhance_HE decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @LP_enhance_FEE decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @LP_total decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @OP decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @spurs_total decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @student_SPURS_total decimal(18,2)
DECLARE @out_weight decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @main_course_study tinyint
DECLARE @exp_days int
DECLARE @act_days int
DECLARE @total_students bigint
DECLARE @total_enrolments bigint
DECLARE @acad_year_spurs decimal (18,2)
DECLARE @RP_1960 tinyint
DECLARE @RP_null_DOB tinyint
DECLARE @RP_disab2 tinyint
DECLARE @RP_disab3 tinyint
DECLARE @RP_disab4 tinyint
DECLARE @LP_1960 tinyint
DECLARE @LP_null_DOB tinyint
DECLARE @LP_disab2 tinyint
DECLARE @LP_disab3 tinyint
DECLARE @LP_disab4 tinyint
DECLARE @LP_infill tinyint
DECLARE @LP_infill_1960 tinyint
DECLARE @LP_infill_null_DOB tinyint
DECLARE @LP_infill_TSN tinyint
DECLARE @LP_infill_disab2 tinyint
DECLARE @LP_infill_disab3 tinyint
DECLARE @LP_infill_disab4 tinyint
DECLARE @LP_term2 tinyint
DECLARE @LP_term2_1960 tinyint
DECLARE @LP_term2_TSN tinyint
DECLARE @LP_term2_disab2 tinyint
DECLARE @LP_term2_disab3 tinyint
DECLARE @LP_term2_disab4 tinyint
DECLARE @LP_term3 tinyint
DECLARE @LP_term3_1960 tinyint
DECLARE @LP_term3_TSN tinyint
DECLARE @LP_term3_disab2 tinyint
DECLARE @LP_term3_disab3 tinyint
DECLARE @ndaq_qual nvarchar (12)


UPDATE delflu
SET tot_students = 0,
tot_enrolments = 0,
flu_total = 0,
processing = 1,
process_start = GETDATE(),
process_end = NULL
WHERE acad_period = @p_acad_period

DELETE FROM delflubase
WHERE (acad_period = @p_acad_period)

SET @total_students = 0
SET @total_enrolments = 0
SET @acad_year_spurs = 0.00


SELECT stmaos.student_id, stmaos.acad_period, stmaos.aos_code, stmaos.aos_period, stcstatd.full_desc, stcsessd.full_desc AS SessionDescription,
stcsessd.dept_code, stcsessd.aos_start_dt, stcsessd.exp_length, stcsessd.unit_length, ISNULL(stmaos.student_year, 0) AS student_year,
stcsessd.hrs_per_week / 100 AS hrs_per_week, stcsessd.aos_end_dt, stcsessd.no_of_weeks, stcsessd.hrs_total / 100 AS hrs_total,
stmfesqa.student_type, stcsessd.moa_code, stcfesdt.qual_aim, stcfesdt.subject_code, delsubj.subj_area, ISNULL(delsubj.subj_course_group, 0)
AS subj_course_group, stcfesdt.nvq_lvl_ind, stcsessd.geolocn_code, stmbiogr.surname, stmbiogr.forename, stmbiogr.birth_dt, stmadres.post_code,
stmaos.attend_mode, stmfesqa.fee_override, stmaos.start_date, RTRIM(stmfesqa.course_status) AS course_status, stmfesqa.course_status_dt as end_date,
stmfesqa.spec_learn_disab, FLOOR(DATEDIFF(day, stmbiogr.birth_dt, stsacper.age_date))/365 AS Age, delESOL.subj_code AS ESOL, delspurs.threshold1, /* Log No.132694 - SQL changed*/
delspurs.threshold2, delspurs.threshold3, stmfesqa.outcome, delbasicIT.qual_aim AS basicIT, ISNULL(delsubjarea.subj_area_weight, 0.00)
AS subj_area_weight, ISNULL(deloutwgt.weighting, 0.10) AS weighting, ISNULL(stmaos.additionality_yn, 0) AS additionality_yn,
stcsessd ON stmaos.aos_code = stcsessd.aos_code AND stmaos.acad_period = stcsessd.acad_period AND
stmaos.aos_period = stcsessd.aos_period INNER JOIN
stcfesdt ON stmaos.acad_period = stcfesdt.acad_period AND stmaos.aos_code = stcfesdt.aos_code AND
stmaos.aos_period = stcfesdt.aos_period INNER JOIN
stmfesqa ON stmaos.student_id = stmfesqa.student_id AND stmaos.aos_code = stmfesqa.aos_code AND
stmaos.acad_period = stmfesqa.acad_period AND stmaos.aos_period = stmfesqa.aos_period INNER JOIN
stmbiogr ON stmaos.student_id = stmbiogr.student_id ON stsacper.acad_period = stmaos.acad_period AND
stsacper.start_date <= stcsessd.aos_start_dt AND stsacper.end_date >= stcsessd.aos_end_dt INNER JOIN
delspurs ON stmaos.acad_period = delspurs.acad_period INNER JOIN
stcstatd ON stmaos.aos_code = stcstatd.aos_code LEFT OUTER JOIN
deloutwgt ON stcfesdt.nvq_lvl_ind = deloutwgt.nvq_lvl_ind LEFT OUTER JOIN
delbasicIT ON stcfesdt.qual_aim = delbasicIT.qual_aim AND stcfesdt.subject_code = delbasicIT.subj_code LEFT OUTER JOIN
delESOL ON stcfesdt.subject_code = delESOL.subj_code LEFT OUTER JOIN
stmadres ON stmbiogr.student_id = stmadres.student_id AND stmbiogr.perm_add_id = stmadres.add_id LEFT OUTER JOIN
delsubjarea RIGHT OUTER JOIN
delsubj ON delsubjarea.subj_area = delsubj.subj_area ON stcfesdt.subject_code = delsubj.subj_code left outer join
stcstdet on stmaos.aos_code = stcstdet.aos_code inner join
nicisreports.dbo.ndaqquals on replace(stcstdet.text_field1,'/','') = nicisreports.dbo.ndaqquals.qual_ref
where stmaos.acad_period = @p_acad_period
and (stmaos.return_ind = 'F' OR stmaos.return_ind = 'B')
AND (stmaos.stage_ind = 'E')
AND (stcfesdt.qual_aim IS not null)
AND (stcfesdt.qual_aim IS not null)
and (stmfesqa.fund_source <> '09' OR stmfesqa.fund_source IS NULL)
and stmaos.start_date is not null
and stmaos.start_date <= getdate()

OPEN @base
INTO @student_id, @acad_period, @aos_code, @aos_period, @full_desc_static, @full_desc_session,
@dept_code, @aos_start_dt, @exp_length, @unit_length, @student_year,
@hrs_per_week, @aos_end_dt, @no_of_weeks, @hrs_total,@student_type,
@moa_code, @qual_aim, @subject_code,@subject_area_group, @course_group,
@nvq_lvl_ind, @geolocn_code, @surname, @forename, @birth_dt, @post_code,
@student_attend_mode, @fee_waiver, @start_date, @student_status, @end_date,
@spec_learn_disab, @age, @ESOL, @threshold1, @threshold2, @threshold3, @outcome, @basicIT,
@subj_area_weight, @out_weight, @additionality_yn,@ndaq_qual

when i run the follwoing i get

exec testflu '06/07'

Server: Msg 16924, Level 16, State 1, Procedure testflu, Line 210
Cursorfetch: The number of variables declared in the INTO list must match that of selected columns.

i am unsure cos from what i can see i ahve included all, am i missing something

View 7 Replies View Related

Variables In Dynamic SQL In A Stored Procedure

Aug 23, 2007

I am taking my first steps into stored procedures and I am working on a solution for efficiently paging large resultsets with SQL Server 2000 based on the example on 4Guys: http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/webtech/042606-1.shtml
The problem with my stored procedure is, is that it doesn't seem to recognize a variable (@First_Id) in my dynamic Sql. With this particular sproc I get the error message: "Must declare the scalar variable '@First_Id'"It seems to be a problem with 'scope', though I still can't yet figure out. Can anyone give me some hints on how to correctly implement the @First_Id in my stored procedure? Thanks in advance!
Here's the sproc:
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.spSearchNieuws(@SearchQuery NVARCHAR(100) = NULL,@CategorieId INT = NULL,@StartRowIndex INT,        @MaximumRows INT,@Debug BIT = 0)ASSET NOCOUNT ONDECLARE @Sql_sri   NVARCHAR(4000),@Sql_mr    NVARCHAR(4000),@Paramlist NVARCHAR(4000),@First_Id  INT, @StartRow  INTSET ROWCOUNT @StartRowIndexSELECT @Sql_sri = 'SELECT @First_Id = dbo.tblNieuws.NieuwsId FROM dbo.tblNieuwsWHERE 1 = 1'IF @SearchQuery IS NOT NULLSELECT @Sql_sri = @Sql_sri + ' AND FREETEXT(dbo.tblNieuws.Nieuwskop, @xSearchQuery)'              IF @CategorieId IS NOT NULLSELECT @Sql_sri = @Sql_sri + ' AND dbo.tblNieuws.CategorieId = @xCategorieId'SELECT @Sql_sri = @Sql_sri + ' ORDER BY dbo.tblNieuws.NieuwsId DESC'SET ROWCOUNT @MaximumRows SELECT @Sql_mr = 'SELECT dbo.tblNieuws.NieuwsId, dbo.tblNieuws.NieuwsKop, dbo.tblNieuws.NieuwsLink, dbo.tblNieuws.NieuwsOmschrijving, dbo.tblNieuws.NieuwsDatum,                 dbo.tblNieuws.NieuwsTijd, dbo.tblNieuws.BronId, dbo.tblNieuws.CategorieId, dbo.tblBronnen.BronNaam, dbo.tblBronnen.BronLink, dbo.tblBronnen.BiBu, dbo.tblBronnen.Video,                dbo.tblCategorieen.CategorieFROM       dbo.tblNieuws INNER JOIN                dbo.tblBronnen ON dbo.tblNieuws.BronId = dbo.tblBronnen.BronId INNER JOIN                dbo.tblCategorieen ON dbo.tblNieuws.CategorieId = dbo.tblCategorieen.CategorieId AND                 dbo.tblBronnen.CategorieId = dbo.tblCategorieen.CategorieId         WHERE dbo.tblNieuws.NieuwsId <= @First_Id          AND 1 = 1'               IF @SearchQuery IS NOT NULLSELECT @Sql_mr = @Sql_mr + ' AND FREETEXT(dbo.tblNieuws.Nieuwskop, @xSearchQuery)'           IF @CategorieId IS NOT NULLSELECT @Sql_mr = @Sql_mr + ' AND dbo.tblNieuws.CategorieId = @xCategorieId'     SELECT @Sql_mr = @Sql_mr + ' ORDER BY dbo.tblNieuws.NieuwsId DESC'IF @Debug = 1PRINT @Sql_mr  SELECT @Paramlist = '@xSearchQuery NVARCHAR(100),     @xCategorieId INT'EXEC sp_executesql   @Sql_sri, @Paramlist,     @SearchQuery, @CategorieIdEXEC sp_executesql   @Sql_mr, @Paramlist,     @SearchQuery, @CategorieId 

View 8 Replies View Related

Stored Procedure With 2 Variables, How To Use Them In The WHERE Statement?

Sep 29, 2005


I need a stored procedure with this basic setup:

@Type int

CASE @Type = 1111 THEN CardType = 1111 ELSE CardType = 2222 END


I know that the part after WHERE is wrong. But what I would like to achieve is this:

if the @type variable equals 1111 then get alla the rows with that value in the CardType-column. The same if @type = 2222, and if @type is any other value, then choose all rows regardles of the CardType value.

How can this be done?


View 2 Replies View Related

Stored Procedure Input Variables

Feb 9, 2006


I want to convert a SQL query as shown below into a stored procedure:

select name
from namelist
where town in ('A','B','D')

If I want to make the town as the input variable into the stored procedure, how should I declare the stored procedure? As far as I know, stored procedure could only handle individual values, and not a range of values.


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Table Variables In Stored Procedure

Jan 11, 2006

I am using a table variable inside a stored procedure that I am trying to execute from an OLE Datasource task in IS.  I know there was a problem doing this in DTS, which would result in an Invalid Pointer error.  I am not getting that error, but I am getting an error that says "[OLE DB Source [55]] Error: A rowset based on the SQL command was not returned by the OLE DB provider."  The stored procedure runs fine on it's own.

Any thoughts?



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Passing Variables To Stored Procedure

Mar 21, 2008

I have a stored procedure. Into this stored procedure i need to pass values to a 'IN' statement from asp.net. So when i am passing it , it should b in like a string variable with the ItemIds separated by commas. the procedure i have is :

create procedure SelectDetails
@Id string
Select * from DtTable where itemid in(@Id)

Here the itemid field in DtTable is of type int. Now when i execute the produre it is showing error as the Itemid is int and i am passing a string value to it.
How can i solve this problem?

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Executing Stored Procedure With Variables

Nov 21, 2006

I have a foreach loop in my SSIS script. I am able to successfully enumerate through an input query. I have a script task inside of my container. I would like to use this task to formulate a Stored Procedure and save this procedrue in a variable so I can use in a future Execute SQL task.

Here is a copy of the code (Which Does Not Work) I am using in the script task to set the variables.

Public Sub Main()

Dim vars As Variables

Dim DropVariable As String

Dim CreateVariable As String

Dim InsertVariable As String

DropVariable = "Execute dbo.[sp_DropTable] '" + RTrim(Dts.Variables("varTable").Value.ToString) + "'"

CreateVariable = "Execute dbo.[sp_CustomTables] '" + RTrim(Dts.Variables("varTable").Value.ToString) + "'"

InsertVariable = "Execute dbo.[sp_InsertTable] '" + RTrim(Dts.Variables("varTable").Value.ToString) + "'"

Dts.VariableDispenser.LockOneForWrite("varDropTable", vars)

Dts.VariableDispenser.LockOneForWrite("varCreateTable", vars)

Dts.VariableDispenser.LockOneForWrite("varInsertTable", vars)

Dts.Variables("varDropTable").Value = DropVariable

Dts.Variables("varCreateTable").Value = CreateVariable

Dts.Variables("varInsertTable").Value = InsertVariable



Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

End Sub

View 4 Replies View Related

Stored Procedure With 'TOP' Clause

May 10, 2004

I'm trying to create a stored procedure which has the 'TOP' clause, in SQL Server 2000.The syntax is

@Remain int


exec('SELECT TOP' + @remain + 'logdetailid
FROM boxdetail
WHERE logdetailid in (SELECT TOP' + @remain + 'logdetailid
FROM boxdetail
ORDER BY logdetailid Desc)
ORDER BY logdetailid ASC')

Syntax check is ok,but i get an error "The ORDER BY clause is invalid in views, inline functions, derived tables, and subqueries, unless TOP is also specified

View 8 Replies View Related

IN Clause In The Stored Procedure

Mar 2, 2006

I am doing something like this: idlist is the list of id's(intergers)
create proc spTest(@idlist varchar(1000))asbeginselect * from stuwhere id in (@idlist)end
exec spTest  '1,2,3'
But I am getting an error saying that cannot convert a varchar to int.
I think its just some syntax that I am missing. Any clues on doing this??

View 7 Replies View Related

Stored Procedure Using IN Clause

Jul 4, 2001

i'm new to this so if i'm missing something please go easy on me!!
i'm using access97 and sql server 7
i have a stored procedure that i want to pull back a list of details, to do this i have constructed a sql statement which uses the in clause
ie select * from tblx where tblx.strname in (xxxxx)
i have created and declared a variable called strName so my statement now reads
select * from tblx where tblx.strname in (@strName)

can i pass accross many values in the @strName variable?? - there might be one value there might be twenty - i know using vba how to put the values into my pass through query (which calls the sp), but i can't get the syntax right for sql server to accept this as more than one value (it works fine with a single value)

can any one help - if not i might have to go back to linked tables again which i was trying to escape from

View 1 Replies View Related

Use A Stored Procedure In A Where Clause

Feb 27, 2008

I'm trying to write a stored procedure that uses a second stored procedure in its where clause. I have a stored procedure that accepts two parameters and outputs a float. What I'd like to do is have a stored procedure that accepts one parameter and has a select statement such as:
Select * from table WHERE STOREDPROCEDURE(@param1,table.field)>5

If anyone can give me some advice I'd apprectaite it. Thanks

View 2 Replies View Related

Use A Stored Procedure In A Where Clause

Feb 27, 2008

I'm trying to write a stored procedure that uses a second stored procedure in its where clause. I have a stored procedure that accepts two parameters and outputs a float. What I'd like to do is have a stored procedure that accepts one parameter and has a select statement such as:
Select * from table WHERE STOREDPROCEDURE(@param1,table.field)>5

If anyone can give me some advice I'd apprectaite it. Thanks

View 1 Replies View Related

Stored Procedure Where Clause

Jul 23, 2005

I have an existing query from MS Access that I want to convert it toSQL Server Stored Proc. My problem is on how to convert the WHEREclause.This is the query from MS Access:SELECT SchYrSemCourseJoin.SchYrSemCourseID, Students.IDNo, [LastName]& ", " & [FirstName] & " " & [MiddleName] AS Name,Program.ProgramTitle, Program.ProgramDesc, SchYrSem.SchYr,SchYrSem.Sem, SchYrSem.Year, SchYrSem.Section AS Section1,Major.Major, Course.CourseCode, Course.CourseTitle, Course.Unit,SchYrSemCourseJoin.Final, SchYrSem.SchYrSemIDFROM (Program INNER JOIN Students ON Program.ProgramID =Students.ProgramID) INNER JOIN ((Major INNER JOIN SchYrSem ONMajor.MajorID = SchYrSem.MajorID) INNER JOIN (Course INNER JOINSchYrSemCourseJoin ON Course.CourseID = SchYrSemCourseJoin.CourseID)ON SchYrSem.SchYrSemID = SchYrSemCourseJoin.SchYrSemID) ONStudents.IDNo = SchYrSem.IDNoWHERE ((([LastName] & ", " & [FirstName] & " " &[MiddleName])=[Forms]![Rating Report Dialog]![SubName]) AND((SchYrSem.Year) Like IIf(IsNull([Enter Value]),"*",[Enter Value])));This is a stored proc that I have currently created:CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.Rating@LastName nvarchar(50)AS SELECT SchYrSemCourseJoin.SchYrSemCourseID, Students.IDNo,[LastName] + ', ' + [FirstName] + ' ' + [MiddleName] AS Name,Program.ProgramTitle, Program.ProgramDesc, SchYrSem.SchYr,SchYrSem.Sem, SchYrSem.Year, SchYrSem.Section AS Section1,Major.Major, Course.CourseCode, Course.CourseTitle, Course.Unit,SchYrSemCourseJoin.Final, SchYrSem.SchYrSemIDFROM (Program INNER JOIN Students ON Program.ProgramID =Students.ProgramID) INNER JOIN ((Major INNER JOIN SchYrSem ONMajor.MajorID = SchYrSem.MajorID) INNER JOIN (Course INNER JOINSchYrSemCourseJoin ON Course.CourseID = SchYrSemCourseJoin.CourseID)ON SchYrSem.SchYrSemID = SchYrSemCourseJoin.SchYrSemID) ONStudents.IDNo = SchYrSem.IDNoWHERE ((([LastName] + ', ' + [FirstName] + ' ' +[MiddleName])=@LastName)) ReturnGOMy problem is on how can I add the second criteria which is the FieldYear on my stored proc. The query above (MS Access) returns all therecords if the Parameter Enter Value is null.Anyone know how to do this in stored proc? I want to create a storedproc that will have the same results as the query above.Thanks in advance.

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Help With WHERE Clause In Stored Procedure

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I have an sp with the following WHERE clause@myqarep varchar(50)SELECT tblCase.qarep FROM dbo.tblCaseWHERE dbo.tblCase.qarep = CASE @myqarep WHEN '<All>' THENdbo.tblCase.qarep ELSE @myqarep@myqarep is returned from a combo box (ms access)...the user eitherpicks a qarep from the combo box or they leave the default which is'<All>'they problem i'm having is that if the record's value fordbo.tblCase.qarep is null...the record does not show up in theresults...but i need it toany help is appreciated.thanksPaul

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Tuning Stored Procedure, Variables And Different Optimisers

Nov 15, 2007

HiI've heard 2 things recently, can I confirm if their true/false?(1) If you have a stored procedure and you want to optimise it you cancall exec proc1,you could also use define/set for each of the variables and copy thecode into query analyser,this then makes it easier to tune. However the optimiser worksdifferently for these variables than it does for variables passed intothe query via exec and will produce a less optimalplan(2) There is a different optimiser used in query analyser than thatused otherwise? A colleaguehad a problem where a stored procedure called from dotnet code wasrunning slowly butone run from query analyser via exec, with exactly the same arguments,was running quicklyta

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Passing System Variables To Stored Procedure

Sep 24, 2007

How do I pass system variables to a stored procedure? Is it possible to have an OLE DB transformation with the following sql command: exec InsertIntoLog @MachineName, @TaskName...? Do I have to use a Derived Transformation first to 'convert' variables into columns and then use exec InsertIntoLog ?, ? ...

Thanks for the help.

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How To Concatenate Stored Procedure Varchar Variables

Oct 11, 2007

Hi , I am trying to write a stored procedure (i have given it below).i am basically trying to join 4 strings into one based on some if conditions.But the result gives only the intially assaigned string and rest are not getting concatenated.i have provided teh stored procedure below along with the inputs and result i got.Can anyone Please help me to acheive this set ANSI_NULLS ONset QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONgoALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[TestSearch] @distributorId int, @locationId int, @orderTypeId int, @fromDate Datetime = NULL, @toDate Datetime = NULL, @OrderStatus varchar(500) = NULL, @TaxAuthority varchar(500) = NULL, @TaxStampType varchar(500) = NULLASBEGINDeclare @SQL varchar(8000)Set @SQL ='select * from Orders AS a INNER JOINOrderLines AS b ON a.Id = b.FkOrder INNER JOINTaxStampTypes AS c ON b.FkTaxStampType = c.Id where ''' +CONVERT(VARCHAR(8),@fromDate ,1) + ''' <= CONVERT(VARCHAR(8),a.OrderDate ,1) and ''' +CONVERT(VARCHAR(8),@toDate ,1) + '''>= CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), a.OrderDate,1)and a.fkordertype = '+ convert(varchar(1),@orderTypeId) +'anda.FkDistributor = ('+ convert(varchar(50), @distributorId)+',a.FkDistributor)anda.FkLocation in ('+convert(varchar(10),@locationId)+',a.FkLocation)and'IF(@OrderStatus != null)Beginset @SQL= @SQL + 'a.FkOrderState in ('+ @OrderStatus +') and' EndIF(@TaxAuthority!= null)Beginset @SQL = @SQL +'a.FkTaxAuthority in ('+@TaxAuthority+') and'EndIF(@TaxStampType!= null)Beginset @SQL = @SQL + 'c.id in ('+ @TaxStampType+ ')and'End--Execute (@SQL1)select (@SQL);ENDHere is the Input Given to stored Procedure for executing:DECLARE @return_value intEXEC @return_value = [dbo].[TestSearch] @distributorId = 1002, @locationId = 3, @orderTypeId = 1, @fromDate = N'06/10/07', @toDate = N'10/10/07', @OrderStatus = N'2', @TaxAuthority = N'1000', @TaxStampType = N'1000'SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_valueHere Is The Output i get when I execute the stored procedure: select * from Orders AS a INNER JOIN OrderLines AS b ON a.Id = b.FkOrder INNER JOIN TaxStampTypes AS c ON b.FkTaxStampType = c.Id where '06/10/07' <= CONVERT(VARCHAR(8),a.OrderDate ,1) and '10/10/07'>= CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), a.OrderDate,1) and a.fkordertype = 1 and a.FkDistributor = (1002,a.FkDistributor) and a.FkLocation in (3,a.FkLocation) and--Ajay

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Two Order By's In Same Stored Procedure?

Jul 20, 2005

Is it possible to have to ORDER BY statements in the same storedprocedure?I am trying to use the same stored procedure for two different pagesbut the data returned needs to sorted DESC on one page and ASC onanother. Below is my SP:CREATE procedure sp_getLeads@p_SortType int,@p_PropID intASSELECT ID, PropID, Name, StatusFROM LeadsWHERE PropID = @p_PropIDIF @p_SortType = '1'(ORDER BY DateCreated DESC)ELSEIF @p_SortType = '2'(ORDER BY DateCreated ASC)ENDRETURN 1GOCan someone tell me what I am doing wrong?

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Stored Procedure Parameter And IN Clause

Dec 9, 2003

This works:

WHERE ltrim(str((DATEPART(yyyy, dbo.Media_Tracking_Ad_History.ADDATE))) IN ('2003','2004','2005'))

This doesn't:

WHERE ltrim(str((DATEPART(yyyy, dbo.Media_Tracking_Ad_History.ADDATE))) IN (@strYears))

@strYears will work if I only pass a single value such as 2003. I've tried every combination of single and double quotes I can think of to pass multiple values but nothing works. Any suggestions?

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Like '%abc%' Clause In Stored Procedure Problem?

Mar 22, 2004

I write a stored procedure as:

select * from tableName where firstName like '%' + @keywords + '%'
(assuming @keywords is declared with varchar)

when I use QA, it runs perfect and returns something that has words in between for matching up firstName, but when I use with the following code (Data access layer) it wouldn't return.. it will only return the matched text.. (ex. if i input 'ke', it suppose return kelvin, kelly, okey something like that, but somehow it only retunrs the whole words that's matched)

Is there something wrong? The code for DAL is as follows.

Public Function GetOrderList(ByVal keywords As String) As DataSet
Dim myConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConnectionString"))
Dim myCommand As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter("sp_GetList", myConn)

myCommand.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

Dim paramKeywords As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@keywords", SqlDbType.NVarChar)
paramKeywords.Value = keywords

Dim myDS As New DataSet

Return myDS
End Function

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Dynamic WHERE Clause To Stored Procedure

May 25, 2004

Hi all!
I need to create a stored procedure with a parameter and then send a WHERE clause to that parameter (fields in the clause may vary from time to time thats why I want to make it as dynamic as possible) and use it in the query like (or something like) this:

@crit varchar(100)

SELECT fldID, fldName FROM tblUsers
WHERE @crit

Of course this does not work, but I don't know how it should be done, could someone please point me in the right direction on how to do this kind of queries.


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Dynamic Where Clause In Stored Procedure

Jul 23, 2004

Hi, I have several parameters that I need to pass to stored procedure but sometimes some of them might be null. For example I might pass @Path, @Status, @Role etc. depending on the user. Now I wonder if I should use dynamic Where clause or should I use some kind of switch, maybe case and hardcode my where clause. I first created several stored procedures like Documents_GetByRole, Documents_GetByRoleByStatus ... and now I want to combine them into one SP. Which approach is better. Thanks for your help.

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How To Add A Where Clause By Parameter In A Stored Procedure

Aug 1, 2005

What i want is to add by parameter a Where clause and i can not find how to do it!CREATE PROCEDURE [ProcNavigate]( @id as int, @whereClause as char(100))ASSelect field1, field2 from table1 Where fieldId = @id    /*and @WhereClause */GOany suggestion?

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Help With Dynamic Where Clause In Stored Procedure

Aug 20, 2007

I have a stored procedure being called based on user search criteria. Some, the colour and vendor fields are optional in the search so i do not want that portion of the procedure to run.

at this point i keep getting errors in the section bolded below
it never seems to recognize anything after the if @myColours <> 'SelectAll'

CREATE Procedure PG_getAdvWheelSearchResults3
@SearchDiameter NVarchar( 20 ),
@SearchWidth NVarchar( 20 ),
@minOffset int ,
@maxOffset int ,
@boltpattern1 NVarchar( 20 ),
@VendorName NVarchar( 40 ),
@myColours NVarchar( 40 )
SELECT *, dbo.VENDORS.*, dbo.WHEEL_IMAGES.Wheel_Thumbnail AS Wheel_Thumbnail, dbo.WHEEL_IMAGES.Wheel_Image AS Wheel_Image,
dbo.WHEELS.*, dbo.VENDOR_IMAGES.Vendor_Thumbnail AS Expr1, dbo.VENDOR_IMAGES.Vendor_AltTags AS Expr2
WHERE (dbo.VENDORS.Vendor_Active = 'y') AND (FILTER_CLIENT_WHEELS5.FCW_Active = 'y')
AND (WHEEL_CHARACTERISTICS.Wheel_Diameter =@SearchDiameter)
AND (WHEEL_CHARACTERISTICS.Wheel_Width =@Searchwidth)
AND (WHEEL_CHARACTERISTICS.Wheel_Bolt_Pattern_1 = @boltpattern1)

if @myColours <> 'SelectAll'
and WHEEL_CHARACTERISTICS.Wheel_Search_Colour = @myColours
end if

AND (cast(WHEEL_CHARACTERISTICS.wheel_Offset as int(4)) BETWEEN @minOffset AND @maxOffset)


Anyone know how i should word the if...statements?
I have not found anything that works yet.

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Can't Use Stored Procedure In Query Where Clause???

Jan 17, 2008


By reading answers on the web I have found out that I can't use a stored procedure in a where clause of my query, but I can use a User defined function. This almost fits my needs but not quite. The function would work great if it could insert the results of its query into our cache table but you can't insert stuff into external tables to the function.

The problem is that our stored procedure/function does looping to find parent objects way back up the tree to find out permissions for certain records. Since the stored procedure and function do so much querying to find the root most object that has permissions set there is a lot of reads in our call. We would like to cache this process so that next time they look for permissions it only does one read first. But in order for our caching to work the function needs to insert the results it found in our cache table which it can't do and the stored procedure can't be used in a where clause so that doesn't work. Any suggestions?

Query looks like this, the query is built on the fly through code.

select Title, Descriptions FROM defects df WHERE dbo.fnHasProjectRights(df.ProjectID);

and that function first checks the cache table to see if it has ran before for that projectID and if not then starts doing all its logic to get permissions.

Any suggestions how to approach this? I just wish functions could insert and or stored procedures could be used in the where clause since they can insert.


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Order By Clause In View Doesn't Order.

May 18, 2006

I have created view by jaoining two table and have order by clause.

The sql generated is as follows

SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.UWYearDetail.*, dbo.UWYearGroup.*
dbo.UWYearGroup ON dbo.UWYearDetail.UWYearGroupId = dbo.UWYearGroup.UWYearGroupId
ORDER BY dbo.UWYearDetail.PlanVersionId, dbo.UWYearGroup.UWFinancialPlanSegmentId, dbo.UWYearGroup.UWYear, dbo.UWYearGroup.MandDFlag,
dbo.UWYearGroup.EarningsMethod, dbo.UWYearGroup.EffectiveMonth

If I run sql the results are displayed in proper order but the view only order by first item in order by clause.

Has somebody experience same thing? How to fix this issue?


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Inconsistent Sort Order Using ORDER BY Clause

Mar 19, 2007

I am getting the resultset sorted differently if I use a column number in the ORDER BY clause instead of a column name.

Product: Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition
Version: 9.00.1399.06
Server Collation: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

for example,

create table test_sort
( description varchar(75) );

insert into test_sort values('Non-A');
insert into test_sort values('Non-O');
insert into test_sort values('Noni');
insert into test_sort values('Nons');

then execute the following selects:
order by
cast( 1 as nvarchar(75));

order by
cast( description as nvarchar(75));



Any ideas?

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Stored Procedure - Local Variables Show As NULL

Mar 18, 2008

 I have a stored procedure where I gather some data and then insert the data into a table variable.  I then attempt to go through each row of the table variable, asign the values to local variables to be inserted into other tables.  However, the local variables show as NULL.BEGIN
DECLARE @tblcontact table
SOKey int,
Cntctkey varchar(60),
Cntctownerkey int,
LASTNAME varchar(32),
FIRSTNAME varchar(32),
WORKPHONE varchar(32),
EMAIL varchar(128),
processed int DEFAULT 0

INSERT INTO @tblcontact (SOKey, Cntctkey, Cntctownerkey, LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME, WORKPHONE, EMAIL)

@sokey int,
@cntctkey int,
@cntctownerkey int,
@name varchar(65),
@email varchar(128),
@phone varchar(32)

WHILE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM @tblcontact WHERE processed = 0)
SELECT @ID = MIN(SOKey) FROM @tblcontact WHERE processed = 0

SELECT @cntctkey = (CAST(LTRIM(REPLACE(Cntctkey,'CN',' '))AS int)),@cntctownerkey = Cntctownerkey, @name = FIRSTNAME + ' ' + LASTNAME, @phone = WORKPHONE, @email = EMAIL, @sokey = SOKey
FROM @tblcontact
WHERE @ID = SOKey AND @cntctkey <> '43778'

INSERT INTO tciContact (Cntctkey, Cntctownerkey, CreateType, EMailAddr, EmailFormat, EntityType, ExtUser, Name, Phone, UpdateCounter)
VALUES (@cntctkey, @cntctownerkey, '0', @email, '3', '401', '0', @name, @phone, '0')

UPDATE tsoSalesOrder
SET Cntctkey = @cntctkey, UserFld4 = 'temp'
WHERE SOKey = @sokey

UPDATE @tblcontact
SET processed = 1 WHERE @ID = SOKey

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