Hi, A quick background on the problem; My company is in the process of a migration from Windows Advanced Server 2K, SQL 2K to Server 2003 and SQL 2005. I'm not certain of the exact process used by our DBA to convert the DB, but I can access it, and all my tables/views/sprocs appear to be in the right place. I copied all my web files to our new server after the DBA was done with her job, made a new user on the new instance of SQL server, changed a few connection strings in my global.asa and global.asax, and ta-dah! Just like magic, the new site opened on our new servers without much resistance. Except.... None of the content on our sites is sorted. I cannot seem to get ORDER BY statements to work at all. They appear to be disregarded by SQL server when not in MODIFY mode for a particular view (in SQL Server Management Studio). So, when I MODIFY a view, add criteria (NOT SORT), save the changes, then OPEN, the criteria is respected. The filter is applied. BUT... If I MODIFY a view and add a SORT using ORDER BY (by hand or with the Manager) the sort is NEVER respected when the view is Opened through the manager or in my code. If I open any sorted view and then click MODIFY, and then RUN (without making ANY changes), the sort works with no problem whatsoever. To summarize/restate my case, if I OPEN any view in the system that has an ORDER BY criteria, the sort is NOT APPLIED. If I instead right-click and MODIFY, then click RUN, the SORT is APPLIED. I've tried sorting datetime and text fields, all with the same results - none. This single dumb issue has been delaying the migration of our servers for days! Can anyone help?
when i try the following SQL batch, I get a result-set which is not order by datetime column 'out_date',but if I delete clause INTO #fifo_temp, I get a correct result with correct order.
who can help me?thanks in advance ... select tag,stuff_id,stuff_name,cast(out_id as char(10)) as out_id,out_number,out_date,out_qty,remark INTO #fifo_temp from ##stuff_fifo UNION select tag,stuff_id,stuff_name,out_id,null,out_date,quant ity,remark from acc_cost.dbo.stuff_out where tag='A' and left(out_id,3) in ('XSA','TAP') ORDER BY out_date
DROP TABLE ##stuff_fifo select * from #fifo_temp
the following can get a correct result:
select tag,stuff_id,stuff_name,cast(out_id as char(10)) as out_id,out_number,out_date,out_qty,remark from ##stuff_fifo UNION select tag,stuff_id,stuff_name,out_id,null,out_date,quant ity,remark from acc_cost.dbo.stuff_out where tag='A' and left(out_id,3) in ('XSA','TAP') ORDER BY out_date
the select statement in the join orders the numbers asc and if you run everything below the case statement it works, but as you run the whole thing the order is no longer there.
I need the order to work. What am I missing?
--Assign Intern's students
Update tblObjectType3_14 Set [FldNumeric23764]= case when tID = 1 and Q.n <= 100 then 2 when tID = 2 and Q.n <= 150 then 2 when tID = 3 and Q.n <= 150 then 2 when tID = 4 and Q.n <= 130 then 2
Can someone tell me why SQL seems to ignore my order by clause?I tried to run through the debugger, but the debugger stops at theselect statement line and then returns the result set; so, I have noidea how it is evaluating the order by clause.THANK YOU!CREATE proc sprAllBooks@SortAscend varchar(4),@SortColumn varchar(10)asIf @SortAscend = 'DESC'Select titles.title_id, title, au_lname, au_fname,Convert(varchar(12), pubdate, 101) as PubDatefrom authorsinner jointitleauthoronauthors.au_id = titleauthor.au_idinner jointitlesontitleauthor.title_id = Titles.title_idORDER BY au_lnameCASE @SortColumn WHEN 'title' THEN title END,CASE @SortColumn WHEN 'au_lname' THEN au_lname END,CASE @SortColumn WHEN 'PubDate' THEN PubDate ENDDESCELSESelect titles.title_id, title, au_lname, au_fname,Convert(varchar(12), pubdate, 101) as PubDatefrom authorsinner jointitleauthoronauthors.au_id = titleauthor.au_idinner jointitlesontitleauthor.title_id = Titles.title_idORDER BYCASE @SortColumn WHEN 'title' THEN title END,CASE @SortColumn WHEN 'au_lname' THEN au_lname END,CASE @SortColumn WHEN 'PubDate' THEN PubDate ENDGO
Hello all,The followinq qurey returns sometimes values of null to some of this columns, byK,byT,byD. the column F wil not contains any nulls, and 0 will be populated in it at any case of .Now, the problem is that when sorting out F the sort will not work when there is null parameters in byK because teh fact that a 0 values is greater then NULL value, and the sort of F will not take in considiration. So I guess the question is how can I sort NULL values and 0 values to be the same weight in the sort by command? SELECT A.gym_id as gym,s_id, week, gym_name, boxer, league, sum(points) points,sum(byK)as byK, sum(byT) as byT,sum(byPoints) as byPoints , sum(byD) as byD, count(C.gym) as F FROM A inner JOIN B ON A.gym_id = B.gym_id left JOIN C ON A.gym_id = C.gym WHERE (B.l_id = ?text group by A.gym_id order by points DESC,byK DESC,byT DESC, byPoints DESC, byD DESC,F ASC
I'm getting this "invalid descriptor index" exception while trying to fetch a record from the table. The query is "select * from <tablename> where <columnname> = 'xyz'". The column name is correct and indeed a record with 'xyz' value exists. The record is getting fetched too...! But I'm having this particular error while trying to retrieve a couple of fields with rs.getString(). The order of columns in the table is same as the order in which I'm retrieving them. And I'm not facing any problem retrieving another field which has width of 200 characters. I'll be very grateful indeed if someone can help me out of this particular problem...
When I try to add a SQL Server Database as a new item into the App_Data folder of my Web Project, I get this error demanding that SQL Server Express has to be installed. That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of. Is there some setting or something to make VS 2005 Pro work with a standard SS database? I don't want to use the express edition. I can't use SS's management studio with that.
Does Microsoft monitor this forum? I thought they were going to be taking technology forward; not backwards. I'm losing a lot of time having to install and uninstall and reinstall to get the environment into a mode that works lke I want it to work. If they didn't intend for SS standard edition to be used with VS 2005 Pro, then why did they include SS developers edition in the Pro package?
I have an Infopath form to edit the values in the NotifyMembers table. I want to list the email addresses alphabetically when the query returns data to the form. Unfortunately, I use EmailAddressID as an int in the table, so I need to join? the NotifyMember table with the EMailAddress table, which has a column EMail which is the address. Both have EmailAddressID as common fields.
I can't get the Shape command (edit SQL in the Datasource) to be happy with any syntax that I have tried.
For (non-working) example:
select "GroupCode","EmailAddressID","DelBit" from "dbo"."NotifyMembers" as "NotifyMembers" Join "dbo"."NotifyMembers"."EmailAddressID" On "dbo"."EmailAddress"."EmailAddressID" = "dbo"."NotifyMembers"."EmailAddressID" order by "dbo"."EmailAddress"."Email"
I'm using a Contoso database running on Power BI Desktop (Version: 2.28.4190.122). The databiase is actually a Contoso.pbix file provided for a book [URL]. I have a DAX query that summarizes a Products table by Product[Manufacturer] and gives a count of products by the manufacturers.My Problem is that the ORDER BY COUNTROWS doesn't work.
why the order by clause doesn't work when I'm confined to the Products table while the order by clause does work when I start with the Sales table? The numbers are correct in both queries.
This query doesn't sort
EVALUATE SUMMARIZE ( Product, Product[Manufacturer], "ProductCount", COUNTROWS ( Product ) ) ORDER BY COUNTROWS ( Product ) DESC
I am moving my site to a host that has SQL Server 2005. I am pretty goodwith Access, but I don't know much about SQL Server.I'm currently using SQL Server 2000, and I access it with Access 2000, whichmeans I can't do a lot.Would I be able to work in it using SAL Server Express? What I amparticularly interested in, is being able to run queries (views).I need to update stock every day. If I was using Access I would import orlink the new stock table, and then join the 2 tables by the product number -(the product table and the new stock table), and pull the records where thestock amounts were different, then copy the column from the stock table tothe product table (or do an update query, although copying is usuallyquicker and easier).I would do that, not just for stock amounts, but for price changes, to adddescriptions, and a few other things.How can I do that in SQL Server 2005? What program do I need to have on mydesktop to do that?Please explain in baby terms, if possible!Thanks!
Hello ia m trying to install SQL Server 2005 but i am unable to run it. I installed Net Framework 2.0 Then i have tried the following files: SQLEXPR.EXE SQLEXPR_ADV.EXE Then i installed Service PAck 1 for that but an error occoured during the install.
Basiclly i have no idea what i am doing here. It creates a configuration tools start menu item but it seems just like configuration. In C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2MSSQLBinn there is a file called sqlservr.exe but all it does is create a black console window and does nothing.
Hi,This is the log file for my SP1 on 2005 install. Can anyone pleaselook at this and tell me if this looks normal?I'm concerned about the following in the log:"Failed to read registry key: Debug"ANDall the entries that show "- Not Applied"What does this mean?According to SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('ProductLevel') my service pack is"SP1", so everything appears "normal".However, I had to apply the service pack a couple times because thefirst try gave "locked files" error. I did not reboot after theinitial SQL Server 2005 installation, which I think may have caused aproblem, but I don't know. I reapplied the SP1 two more times afterthe reboot. This is the log file from the third try (the second logfile looked identical).THANKS02/23/2007 14:51:31.778================================================== ==============================02/23/2007 14:51:31.778 Hotfix package launched02/23/2007 14:51:56.077 Attempting to install instance: SQL ServerNative Client02/23/2007 14:51:56.077 Attempting to install target: SQL102/23/2007 14:51:56.109 Attempting to install file: sqlncli.msi02/23/2007 14:51:56.140 Attempting to install file: \SQL1l$a08e113ab889fa7a0bHotFixSqlncliFilessqlncli.ms i02/23/2007 14:51:56.156 Creating MSI install log file at: C:WINDOWSHotfixRedist9LogsRedist9_Hotfix_KB913090_sqlnc li.msi.log02/23/2007 14:51:56.172 Successfully opened registry key: SoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsInstaller02/23/2007 14:51:56.188 Failed to read registry key: Debug02/23/2007 14:51:57.228 MSP returned 0: The action completedsuccessfully.02/23/2007 14:51:57.322 Successfully opened registry key: SoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsInstaller02/23/2007 14:51:57.338 Failed to read registry key: Debug02/23/2007 14:51:57.354 Successfully installed file: \SQL1l$a08e113ab889fa7a0bHotFixSqlncliFilessqlncli.ms i02/23/2007 14:51:57.369 Successfully installed target: SQL102/23/2007 14:51:57.401 Successfully installed instance: SQL ServerNative Client02/23/2007 14:51:57.41702/23/2007 14:51:57.432 Product Status Summary:02/23/2007 14:51:57.448 Product: SQL Server Native Client02/23/2007 14:51:57.480 SQL Server Native Client (RTM ) -Success02/23/2007 14:51:57.49502/23/2007 14:51:57.511 Product: Setup Support Files02/23/2007 14:51:57.527 Setup Support Files (RTM ) - NotApplied02/23/2007 14:51:57.54302/23/2007 14:51:57.574 Product: Database Services02/23/2007 14:51:57.590 Database Services (RTM 1399 ENU) -Not Applied02/23/2007 14:51:57.60602/23/2007 14:51:57.622 Product: Notification Services02/23/2007 14:51:57.637 Notification Services (RTM 1399ENU) - Not Applied02/23/2007 14:51:57.66902/23/2007 14:51:57.685 Product: Integration Services02/23/2007 14:51:57.700 Integration Services (RTM 1399 ENU)- Not Applied02/23/2007 14:51:57.71602/23/2007 14:51:57.732 Product: Client Components02/23/2007 14:51:57.748 Client Components (RTM 1399 ENU) -Not Applied02/23/2007 14:51:57.74802/23/2007 14:51:57.763 Product: MSXML 6.0 Parser02/23/2007 14:51:57.779 MSXML 6.0 Parser (RTM ) - NotApplied02/23/2007 14:51:57.79502/23/2007 14:51:57.811 Product: SQLXML402/23/2007 14:51:57.826 SQLXML4 (RTM ) - Not Applied02/23/2007 14:51:57.84202/23/2007 14:51:57.842 Product: Backward Compatibility02/23/2007 14:51:57.858 Backward Compatibility (RTM ) - NotApplied02/23/2007 14:51:57.87402/23/2007 14:51:57.889 Product: Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer02/23/2007 14:51:57.905 Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer(RTM ) - Not Applied02/23/2007 14:51:57.905
I have imported a TXT file every week on SQL 2000. Options, Fixed field File Type: ANSI Skip rows: 0 Row delimited: {CR}{LF} Text qualifier: DoubleQuote{"} (default grayed out).
It works fine. On SQL 2005, I cannot.
If I keep same settings as SQL 2000, I cannot see file from Preview. If I change to Delimited, I can see file but there is only one column.
My instance of SQL Server Developer stopped working after upgrade of OS from Vista to XP. I have also installed SP1 & SP2. Still it is not working. The message that I get when I start SQL Server Management Studio is "The application cannot start."
Attempting to link Access 2003 to SQL 2005, there is something keeping from doing so.
1 I setup the instance as sqlexpress.
2 I have a database shell there also.
3 It connects when I start the instance service.
4 My remote connections are configured to handle TCP/IP & Named Pipes.
Not in this order, but you get the idea. Now that I have these in place, I went first to the Access 2003 database to link the tables to this. When I came accross trouble in the form of need for a DSN to the domain for the things I created above.
In attempting to create one that looked functional, I came back to the same step. But, unsuccessful to link the tables again because browsing to that domain does not even show that particular file. This is the problem.
I do believe that once I am able to select a DSN, I will have a "healthy baby connection". I will then be the proud father of my first Server-side database setup!!!! But I am trying to get over these labor pains.
I'm using SQL Server 2005 (product version = 9.00.1406.00, product level = RTM, and edition = Developer Edition). I have a db with a number of tables; I created a Foreign Key in one table and added a Foreign Key w/ ON DELETE CASCADE to it -- all using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. When I delete the record in the table with the foreign key, the record in the other table does not get deleted. I tried doing this with a simple SQL script in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and in a simple .Net / ADO (C#-based) program. Only the record in the table that I'm specifically deleting is deleted.
Here's the table that is referenced by the foreign key (I told Server Management Studio to write out the script):
USE [CHNOPSDb] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[tblDeviceContainer] Script Date: 08/13/2007 16:47:03 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblDeviceContainer]( [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [DeviceContainerTypeID] [int] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_tblDeviceContainer] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [ID] ASC )WITH (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY]
Here's the table that has the foreign key to the above table (again, I told Management Studio to write out the script):
USE [CHNOPSDb] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[tblNode] Script Date: 08/13/2007 16:46:40 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_PADDING ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblNode]( [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [NodeName] [varchar](50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL, [NodeTypeID] [int] NOT NULL, [UnitID] [int] NOT NULL, [pDeviceContainerID] [int] NOT NULL, [NodeIndex] [int] NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Node] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [ID] ASC )WITH (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO SET ANSI_PADDING OFF GO USE [CHNOPSDb] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[tblNode] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_tblNode_tblDeviceContainer] FOREIGN KEY([pDeviceContainerID]) REFERENCES [dbo].[tblDeviceContainer] ([ID]) ON DELETE CASCADE
I then perform a delete using the following:
delete from tblNode where ID = 1;
It deletes the tblNode record but doesn't delete the tblDeviceContainer record that is referenced by tblNode.
I have 2 networked PC's both running vista ultimate
1st is Laptop and is running its own SQL Server at laptoplaptopSQL 2nd is Desktop and is running its own SQL Server at desktopdesktopSQL
Now both machines have seperate windows login accounts.
When I go SQL Server management studio I go to browse and each machine can see the other machines SQL Server, but when I go to login I get SQL Login falied for users" The user is not associaed with a trusted SQL server connection".
So I then go to logins new login and try to add my other pc's user account. The problem I see is that when I go to search and then location it only shows its own PC's location and not the location of my other networked pc? So if I am on Desktop and in my theory want to add laptopuser to the desktop SQL Server logins I get:
"create failed for login laptopuser
An exception occurred while executing Transact SQL statement laptopuser is not a valid windows NT name. give the complete name
We just upgraded to SQL Server 2005 from SQL Server 2000. The DB was backed up using Enterprise Manager and restored with SQL Server Management Studio Express CTP. Everything went as expected (no errors, warnings, or any other indicator of problems).
The DB resides in a DB Server (Server1) and the application we are running is a Client/Server system where the AppServer resides on Server2.
During the application's operation all read, create, and delete transactions work fine but no update works. When viewing details in Trace Log I see this message after attempting any update:
Could not find server 'Server1' in sysservers. Execute sp_addlinkedserver to add the server to sysservers. (7202)
I am having a question which is: What other associated tools/environment SQL Server 2005 Integration Services (SSIS) can work with? (like we know SSIS can work with other components of SQL Server 2005, Excel,XML files etc.), so what other tools it can work with?
Thanks a lot in advance for any guidance and advices for that.
I am new to SQL server. I just installed SQL Server 2005 enterprise edition .
I have not more experience in SQL but I need some tutorial about how to use SQL Server 2005 and create tables and make queries and relate tables . I can't find any exact location in Microsoft website about SQL Server enterprise edition and documentation where i can find beginner's resources. which feature we use for creating the tables and other features for making the database.
I am new to SQL server. I just installed SQL Server 2005 enterprise edition .
I have not more experience in SQL but I need some tutorial about how to use SQL Server 2005 and create tables and make queries and relate tables . I can't find any exact location in Microsoft website about SQL Server enterprise edition and documentation where i can find beginner's resources. which feature we use for creating the tables and other features for making the database.
I have Vista Ultimate installed and within Vista .NET Framework 3.0 is installed as a part of the operating system so I can't remove 3.0 Now for MS SQL Server 2005 Express I need .NET Framework 2.0 and the SQL Server 2005 doesn't work with .NET Framework 3.0 Can't install 2.0, get the message that 3.0 is already installed. Is there another version of SQL Server that works with .NET Framework 3.0 and runs under Vista Ultimate? Please help me!!
Problem: Moving data from mysql to sql server 2005
I am trying to pull data over from mysql to sql server. First the import wizard greys out so I have to put in 1 query at a time which is pain. and second it does not even work! it takes me through the end of the wizard for me to click finish and then says oops it does not work. there was an error!
Anyway i tried going through the ssis route cuz its going to be a nightly job. i used the ado.net odbc connection. It worked but the performance is really not acceptable. it took 5 mins to import 24000 rows where as dts was taking 1 sec to do this. i wish i could use the native mysql odbc 3.51 connector and import. can some one give me step by step instructions on how to do that ?
I hear someone mentioned of using excute sql task which can use mysql odbc 3.51 driver. but since i am new how do i get it to work. say for example in the excute sql task i run a statement like select * from addr. then what?
cuz eventually i want the result to be saved in a sql server table called addr. How can i get the result from that excute sql task and put it inside of an addr table in sql server. should i save the result to a variable of type object. but then how do i get the data from object and tell sql server in the designer that the result contains these columns and it needs to map to these columns in the addr table of sql server.
Very confused. i wish the first option would have given me results which an enterprise ETL gives. but apparently it is too slow that it wont be acceptable in a production envrioment. when i will have millions of rows coming in .
I wanted to turn off 'Enforce Foreign Key Constrain' using SQL. However, it did not work on the SQL Server 2005 database.
For example, running following SQL in Management Studio, and the result showed that 'Enforce Foreign Key Constrain' property for the newly created constraint was still enabled.
Does anybody know any way to get around with this problem. It is quite important for my software.
Hi all, We have a SQL Server 2005 64-bit, and recently I upgrade from build 3042 to 3054 and I try to do a maintenance plan for transaction logs(TL) backup, including cleanup for two days (have full backup every night).
Problem I have is that I want the TL files to dump in a different location(due to disk space), so I put in the UNC path in the "Create a backup file for every database - >Folder:\FileServerTLDBLogs"
NB: if using the local drives, it work
Check List Security: - The account that I used to create the plan is an sa account - The location that I dump the TL files, I have full access to the folder
SQL Statement: exec xp_cmdshell 'dir FileServerTLDBLogs' (it list all files)
Is this a bug for 64-bit? because I can do this on SQL Server 2005 32-bit and it's work perfectly
I am getting an error saying incorrect syntax near fIt works in SQL Server 2005, but I cannot get it to work in SQL Server 2000 The error appears to be in the section that I marked in Bold. CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[pe_getReport] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @BranchID INT, @InvestorID INT, @Status INT, @QCAssigned INT, @LoanOfficer nvarChar(40), @FromCloseDate DateTime, @ToCloseDate DateTime, @OrderBy nvarChar(50)ASDECLARE @l_Sql NVarChar(4000), @l_OrderBy NVarChar(500), @l_OrderCol NVarChar(150), @l_CountSql NVarChar(4000), @l_Where NVarChar(4000), @l_SortDir nvarChar(4)BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON; SET @l_Where = N' Where 1=1' IF (@BranchID IS NOT NULL) SET @l_Where = @l_Where + N' AND f.BranchID=' + CAST(@BranchID As NVarChar) IF (@Status IS NOT NULL) SET @l_Where = @l_Where + N' AND f.Status=' + CAST(@Status As NVarChar) IF (@InvestorID IS NOT NULL) SET @l_Where = @l_Where + N' AND f.InvestorID=' + CAST(@InvestorID As NVarChar) IF (@QCAssigned IS NOT NULL) SET @l_Where = @l_Where + N' AND f.QCAssigned=' + CAST(@QCAssigned As NVarChar) IF (@LoanOfficer IS NOT NULL) SET @l_Where = @l_Where + N' AND f.LoanOfficer LIKE ''' + @LoanOfficer + '%''' IF (@FromCloseDate IS NOT NULL) SET @l_Where = @l_Where + N' AND f.ClosingDate>=''' + CAST(@FromCloseDate AS NVarChar) + '''' IF (@ToCloseDate IS NOT NULL) SET @l_Where = @l_Where + N' AND f.ClosingDate<=''' + CAST(@ToCloseDate AS NVarChar) + '''' IF @OrderBy IS NULL SET @OrderBy = 'DateEntered DESC' SET @l_SortDir = SUBSTRING(@OrderBy, CHARINDEX(' ', @OrderBy) + 1, LEN(@OrderBy)) SET @l_OrderCol = SUBSTRING(@OrderBy, 1, NULLIF(CHARINDEX(' ', @OrderBy) - 1, -1)) IF @l_OrderCol = 'InvestorName' SET @l_OrderBy = 'i.InvestorName ' + @l_SortDir ELSE IF @l_OrderCol = 'BName' SET @l_OrderBy = 'b.BName ' + @l_SortDir ELSE IF @l_OrderCol = 'StatusDesc' SET @l_OrderBy = 's.StatusDesc ' + @l_SortDir ELSE IF @l_OrderCol = 'QCAssigned' SET @l_OrderBy = 'q.LoginName ' + @l_SortDir ELSE SET @l_OrderBy = 'f.' + @l_OrderCol + ' ' + @l_SortDir SET @l_CountSql = 'SELECT f.FundedID As FundedID FROM FundedInfo AS f LEFT OUTER JOIN Investors AS i ON f.InvestorID = i.InvestorID LEFT OUTER JOIN Branches AS b ON f.BranchID = b.BranchID LEFT OUTER JOIN Status AS s ON f.Status = s.StatusID LEFT OUTER JOIN QCLogins AS q f.QCAssigned = q.LoginID ' + @l_Where + ' ORDER BY ' + @l_OrderBy CREATE TABLE #RsltTable (ID int IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, FundedID int) INSERT INTO #RsltTable(FundedID) EXECUTE (@l_CountSql)SELECT f.DateEntered As DateEntered, f.LastName As LastName, f.LoanNumber As LoanNumber, f.LoanOfficer As LoanOfficer, f.ClosingDate As ClosingDate, i.InvestorName As InvestorName, b.BName As BName, s.StatusDesc As StatusDesc, q.LoginName As LoginNameFROM FundedInfo AS f LEFT OUTER JOIN Investors AS i ON f.InvestorID = i.InvestorID LEFT OUTER JOIN Branches AS b ON f.BranchID = b.BranchID LEFT OUTER JOIN Status AS s ON f.Status = s.StatusID LEFT OUTER JOIN QCLogins As q ON f.QCAssigned = q.LoginID WHERE FundedID IN(SELECT FundedID FROM #rsltTable) ORDER BY CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'DateEntered ASC' THEN f.DateEntered END ASC, CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'DateEntered DESC' THEN f.DateEntered END DESC, CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'LastName ASC' THEN f.LastName END ASC, CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'LastName DESC' THEN f.LastName END DESC, CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'LoanNumber ASC' THEN f.LoanNumber END ASC, CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'LoanNumber DESC' THEN f.LoanNumber END DESC, CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'LoanOfficer ASC' THEN f.LoanOfficer END ASC, CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'LoanOfficer DESC' THEN f.LoanOfficer END DESC, CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'ClosingDate ASC' THEN f.ClosingDate END ASC, CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'ClosingDate DESC' THEN f.ClosingDate END DESC, CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'InvestorName ASC' THEN i.InvestorName END ASC, CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'InvestorName DESC' THEN i.InvestorName END DESC, CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BName ASC' THEN b.BName END ASC, CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'BName DESC' THEN b.BName END DESC, CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'StatusDesc ASC' THEN s.StatusDesc END ASC, CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'StatusDesc DESC' THEN s.StatusDesc END DESC, CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'LoginName ASC' THEN q.LoginName END ASC, CASE @OrderBy WHEN 'LoginName DESC' THEN q.LoginName END DESCENDGO
I am using Access 2003 as a front-end to a SQL Server 2005 database.I make design changes using SQL Server Management Studio. I have atable that includes a datetime column. I create a view and sort bythe datetime field. When I initially look at the result it is sortedcorrectly. Then I save the view and re-open it and it is not sorted.I've simplified the view so it only contains the date field and itstill does not sort. Here is the view:SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT Period_DateFROM dbo.Period_SummaryORDER BY Period_Date DESCThe date seems to be a random order.I don't have this problem in the SQL Server 2000 version of thedatabase.Help please!Thanks,Jerry
I currently have three SQL Server instances installed on my notebook. One is v8, which I believe is used by an accounting application. The other two are as follows:-
The second one (SQLEXPRESS) fails to start generating the following error:-
The SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) service terminated with service-specific error 17058 (0x42A2).
Other services listed in SQL Server Configuration Manager are:-
SQL Server Integration Services - which runs apparently normally.
SQL Server Analysis Services (MSSQLSERVER)
SQL Server Reporting Services (MSSQLSERVER)
SQL Server Browser
The last thre of these are run under LocalSystem.
I have been trying to install the SQLServer SP2 to the SQLEXPRESS instance for some number of days now, but each time it runs, it fails to install.
I am beginning to wonder if there is a sequence of installation for each of the above instances that should be followed. Can anyone give me any suggestions, or answers to the above problems?