Ordering Of Newly Added Indentity Value ?

Aug 1, 2007

Hi There

Can anyone tell me how an identity column decides what number to give which row.

I always thought that it was in order of the clustered index.

But i have found the following:

If you have Table A with a clustered index(not unique) say on the first 3 columns.

If the table is empty and you add an identity column, then afterward load it with data the value of the identity column seems to match the clustered index.

But if the table has no identity column and it is filled with data, and then you add an identity column the number for the identity column seems to be all over the place.

So basically how does a newly added identity column know what number to give each row, what if the clustered index is not unique? Is it random ?


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Retrieve The Identifier Of The Newly Added Row

Apr 14, 2005

Howdie y'all,
I'm quit new to SQL server and I'm getting there finally, but it's quit hard to find some good info on how to create stored procedures... But I've got the following one....
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spAddUser]@UserEmail VARCHAR(255),@UserPassword VARCHAR(16),@UserName VARCHAR(32)ASINSERT INTO [dbo].[tblUsers](UserEmail, UserPassword, UserName)VALUES (@UserEmail, @UserPassword, @UserName)GO
I actually would like to get value of the UserId column for the newly added record.
Can anyone of you folks help me with this?

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Retrieve Id Of Newly Added Row In Stored Procedure

Jan 5, 2006


I am trying to return the id of the newly added row after the insert
statement in my stored procedure. I was told to "RETURN
SCOPE_IDENTITY()", which i did. The problem is i do not know how to get
this value in asp.net?

I added this code below in my business layer. myDAL refers to an object
of my DAL layer. In my DAL layer, i have a addPara() method which will
help me dynamically add as many parameters. Someone please advise me on
what to do. Thanks

myDAL.addPara("@RETURN_VALUE", , SqlDbType.Int, , ParameterDirection.ReturnValue)

Stored Procedure:


-- INSERT the new record

-- Now return the InventoryID of the newly inserted record

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How To Reference The Primary Key Of A Newly Added Record In Trigger?

Jun 24, 2004

Please help me somebody solve my problem with my first :o trigger: ALTER TRIGGER partner_update ON dbo.partner FOR UPDATE AS INSERT INTO partner (name) SELECT name FROM deleted UPDATE invoice SET id_partner= *** WHERE id_partner = (SELECT id_partner FROM deleted) *** - here I want to add a "reference" to the newly added record's automatically generated primary key (not to the updated!) Is it possible?

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Feb 20, 2006

Arkadiy writes "Why @@indentity returns NULL after inserting new row?"

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BCP Into An Indentity Field

Jun 15, 2000

Hi folks!

I need to populate a table having an identity field with data (basically I want to make a copy of a table with identity column on another server). When I use BCP to insert data then the values in the identity field is not the same as in the data file but gets incremented from the original.

eg. if the records in the flat file are-
1, 'test1'
2, 'test2'

Now if i insert this into the table (say the last identity value was 100) then rows get inserted as-
101, 'test1'
102, 'test2'

Is there any way by which I can retain the values of the identity column to be same as in the file?


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Indentity Column

Feb 24, 2000

when I use the code

DECLARE @@nextidentval int
SELECT @@nextidentval = MIN(IDENTITYCOL) + IDENT_INCR(tss_Cable)
FROM tss_Cable t1

I get the following error.

error line 2 Incorrect syntax near IDENT_INCR.
error line 6 incorrent syntax near IDENT_INCR.

I would like to reset the identity without droping the table. I'm using
sql 6.5. I looked at Mark Lessard 12/17/99 respose on this issue and changed
the code to match his version but the same error occured.

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Reset Indentity

Apr 7, 2003

How do reset identity seed on table, for example I have table that has gap in the identity such as (1,2,3,5,6, etc..) and I want reset the entire table.

Thank You,

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Varchar(8) And Indentity

Feb 27, 2006

What is the best way to do Indentity(1,1) on fields which is varchar(8)?

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Indentity Insert

Jul 20, 2005

I'm doing a data transfer from Access to SQL Server, I wish to keep theidentity column (autonumber) values as all the data is already related. Itried the first table append query including the identity column, it worked.Was this fluke? Will it always work? I was under the impression that I wouldhave to issue a "set identity_insert on" before doing this. The SQL databasewill have absolutely no data before the transfer routines are run.

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Apr 25, 2008

IDE: Visual Studio 2008
DB: SSCE 3.5

Code Snippet
String str_sql_insert = "INSERT INTO Person (Name, ShortName, Description, Tag) VALUES ('" + this.TextBox.Text.Trim() + "', '" + this.ShortNameTextBox.Text.Trim() + "', '" + this.DescriptionTextBox.Text.Trim() + "','" + this.TagComboBox.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim() + "); SELECT @@INDENTITY";

SqlCeConnection tempConn = dbman.getConn();
SqlCeCommand tempComm = new SqlCeCommand(str_sql_insert, tempConn);
Object ob = tempComm.ExecuteScalar();


When I run the application there is a error report on the last line of the code above:
[ Token line number = 1,Token line offset = 127,Token in error = SELECT ]

When I copy the SQL string into the QueryBuilder in the VS2008 it is works and returned a correct value.

I want to know is there something wrong with the sql string or the ExecuteScalar() cant execute 2 steps command?


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Using The Indentity Column

Feb 22, 2008

As an example I have three tables

ChildName (nvarchar)30
ChildID (INT) Set as €˜IDENTITY€™

ParentID (INT) Set as €˜IDENTITY€™

ChildID (INT)
ParentID (INT)

I have the following code.

Dim dbcnn As SqlClient.SqlConnection = New SqlClient.SqlConnection(dbsettings.getDatabaseString)

Dim dbcmd As SqlClient.SqlCommand
dbcmd_AddDriverRoute = New SqlClient.SqlCommand("usp_Insert", dbcnn)
dbcmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

dbcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ChildID ", cmb_child.SelectedItem)

dbcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ParentID ", "@@IDENTITY")


basically what I want to do is when a child is added I want to be able to insert ParentID (INT) Set as €˜IDENTITY€™ value into table3 ParentID (INT) .

I have my sql statement in place I am not sure how to take an identity value stored in the db.

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Indentity In 1 Column Table

Mar 24, 2008

i have table with one column
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblTest](
how do i insert values.(i,e identity)

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Resetting Indentity Columns

Nov 15, 1999

I would like to reset the Identity column in a table so it starts at the begining. I am planning to clean out this table.



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Stored Prcedure And @@indentity

Jul 12, 2005

I'm trying something new, and have hit a snag.

basically, I'm attempting to use two INSERT commands in a single SP. I want to use the PK from the new entry and apply that to the second.

here's the code;

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::
@fn varchar(50),
@ln varchar(50),
@add varchar(50),
@add2 varchar(50),
@ct varchar(50),
@cty varchar(50),
@st varchar(4),
@pc varchar(50),
@ph varchar(50),
@cp varchar(50),
@fx varchar(50),
@em varchar(50),
@pw varchar(50),
@uid varchar(50),
@rc bit,
--@indentity int OUTPUT,
@cid int





--SET @indentity = @@IDENTITY

INSERT INTO tblUserToCountySubscribedLKP (
UserID, CountyID
@@indentity, @cid
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::

I'm sure the problem is largely due to the fact that I am close to completely clueless on such things, but a bit of timely advice from the sage sql wizards here would be most welcome and greatly appreciated.

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Access Db @@indentity How To Get New Record

Jan 4, 2005

Hello folks,

I am using the following INSERT statement to add a new record in my table. I want to be able to get the Autonumber UserID field of the newly created record but I am getting the following error: "Characters found after end of SQL statement"

INTO tblUser
(LoginName, UserPassword, EmailAddress, City)
(@User, @UsrPassword, @EmailAddress, @City);

What is wrong in my statement?
How do I retrieve the Autonumber field of the newly created record?
How do I handle if the LoginName and/or EmailAddress already exists?

I want to be able save this INSERT statement as an Access Query and call it from my C# code.

I would appreciate any help.

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Alter Indentity Field

Mar 24, 2006

Hi Guys,
I'm using SQL server 2000.

How do I alter column/field from type int (with Identity = Yes Not For Replication) to just normail int field. No more identity. I want it to be done using SQL script( sql query analyzer).

Please help me on this, thx


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Is It Possible That DTS Skipped Indentity Attribut

Sep 11, 2006

I imported a table using DTS.
I run SQL statements in my original server database. It works well.
But when I run the same instructions within a stored procedure in my new workstation where I improrted the table I get this error:
Server: Msg 515, Level 16, State 2, Procedure InsertFichierPrix, Line 11
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Id', table 'myDBLive.dbo.FichierPrix'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
The statement has been terminated.

Here is the SQL statements that I run on the original Database:

insert into fichierprix(nomfichier, version, descriptionfr, typeclient,....) values(@NomFichier,'Actuelle', @NomFourFr, 'MembreAcheteur', ....)

And here is my SP that I run on the new imported database:

CREATE PROCEDURE InsertFichierPrix @NomFichier varchar(50), @NomFr varchar(50),@NomAn varchar(50)

declare @NomFourFr varchar(50)
declare @NomFourAn varchar(50)

SET @NomFourFr='liste fournisseur ' + @NomFr
set @NomFourAn='liste fournisseur ' + @NomAn

insert into fichierprix(nomfichier, version, descriptionfr, typeclient,...) values(@NomFichier,'Actuelle', @NomFourFr, 'MembreAcheteur'...)


And here is the execution of my Stored proc on the destination database:

execute insertfichierprix @NomFichier='myfilename2', @NomFr='fournifr1',@NomAn='Fourniang1'

Thank you for helping me.

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Id (indentity) Is Increments On Faults.

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,When i eg. manually ad entries to a table and, cancels the insert Ms SQLincrement the counter on the ID anyway. Is there a way to avoid thisbehavior?RegardsAnders

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MS SQL Server Indentity Jumps

Jul 20, 2005

Hi AllI have a table in SQL Server with ID having indentity inrement by one.Table has not any trigger. Frequently ID in the table jumps.Any help !!!Thanks

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Drop Indentity From Column

Dec 6, 2007

I am trying to remove the Indentity property from a column so I can do some clean up. Then will need to add it back. Adding Indentity property back is not a problem, but cant figure out how to remove it in the first place.

Any help would be greatly apprecaited.


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How To Make Indentity Column Continually?

Nov 16, 2004

Hello, everyone:

I have a table with an indentity column as first column. At beginning it is continue such as 0-50. I delete last 20 columns by hand. The 0-31 is left. When the new data is inserted, I hope the new indentity column begin from 32. How to do that? Now the indentity column begin from 51 as the new data is inserted.

Thanks a lot


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Adding A Indentity Column In An Existing Table.

Feb 20, 2008

Dear Friends,

I need a SQL Query to add a identity coloumn for anExisting table. (ie) when i try to alter the table i want to add an identity coloumn.

Thanks in advance.

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Return The ID Of A Newly Inserted Row.

Jun 5, 2008

I am using Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition, ASP.NET 2.0 and SQL Server 2005 Express Edition.I'm using a DetailsView control with the default set to "Insert". (DetailsView1)I'm using a table adapter for the datasource. (ordersDS) I
have a table with the first column as an identity integer. When using
the DetailsView control (default is set to insert) and I click the insert button to insert a new
record, how can I get the identity integers value of the newly inserted
 Thank you in advance

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Getting Newly Created Id Number(asap)

Nov 8, 2007

 hello, i have a problem in my sql. im using a stored procedure and i want to get the newly created id number to be used to insert in the other table.it works like:insert into table() values()select @id = (newly created id number)  from tableinsert into table1() values(@id) something like that.    

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Execute A Dts Package From A Newly Created JOB

Feb 17, 2000

I am trying to execute three dts packages from a Job that I created. When creating the steps I am setting the Type To: Operating System Command(CmdExec).

The Command I am using is: dtsrun /S servername /E /dtsPackageName

For some reason whenever I try to run thes jobs it fails. Within this Job I have three steps. For each step I am using the same job but with a different package name. I have a trusted connection so my command should work just fine. What am I doing wrong. Can some please explain this process.


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Using Newly Created Column For Doing Further Calculation

Apr 12, 2015

I am trying to create a simple query like this -

10*Column_1 AS Column_4,
10*Column_2 AS Column_5,
-- I am not being able to understand how to do this particular step Column_1*Column_5 As Column_6
FROM Table_1

First 3 Columns are available within the Original Table_1
The Column_4 and Column_5 have been created by me, by doing some Calculations related to the original columns.

Now, when I try to do FURTHER CALCULATION on these newly created columns, then SQL Server does not allows that.

I was hoping that I will be able to use the Newly Created Columns 4 and 5 within this same query to do further more calculations, but that does not seems to be the case, or am I doing something wrong here ?

If I have to create a new column by the name of Column_6, which is actually a multiplication of Original Column_1 and Newly Created Column_5 "I tried this - Column_1*Column_5 As Column_6", then what is the possible solution for me ?

I have tried to present my problem in the simplest possible manner. The actual query has many original columns from Table_1 and many Calculated columns that are created by me.And now I have to do various calculations that involve making use of both these type of columns.

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Retrival Of Newly Inserted Rows

Aug 9, 2006

Rajesh writes "Hi
I have a table. I need to see the newly inserted row on the day. i.e. newly inserted data alone. I dont have any date field in the table."

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What Happened To My Newly Created SQLCLR ??

Feb 21, 2006


I had DTS the Northwind sample database from SqlServer 2000 to 2005. It's went ok and no errors. Then, I created a SP named upGetCustomer, bascially it queries the Customers table and list some of it's fields and order by CustomerId,CustomerName, Country decrementally. SP is so simple and has no errors.

Then, I created a SqlServer project in VS2005 using C#. Add store procedure class as below,
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;
public partial class StoredProcedures
public static void Customers(string customerid)
using (SqlConnection sqlConn =
new SqlConnection("context connection=true"))
SqlPipe sqlPipe = SqlContext.Pipe;
SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter("@custId", SqlDbType.VarChar, 5);
param.Value = customerid;
SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand();
sqlCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
sqlCmd.CommandText = "upGetCustomer";
SqlDataReader rdr = sqlCmd.ExecuteReader();

I had taken method of created SQLCLR from source in Microsoft website, but coding is mine, and hopes it is correct. I used SqlConnection string as 'context connection=true' which I still not quite sure what does it means, hopes it mean current connection I am using on my Windows authentication.

The project did compiled & deployed OK on the VS2005 side.

The problem is that when I tried to locate the assembly on the Sql Server 2005, but can't find it anywhere on Sql Server.

I did try complied and deloyed again, it keeps saying there is an error in deployment as customers assembly is already exist on the database. I then, tried to remove this assembly on the database using SQL script, drop assembly customers in the Northwind database but got error saying it does not exist. So where is it???

Please help...

Thank you

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Using @@Identity Or Scope_identity To Pass A Newly Generetad ID

Jun 11, 2007

I need to pass the ID of a newly inserted product in my products db to a wizard step so that I can achieve the following:
Wizard Step 1: Enter product details
Wizard Step 2: Choose product image and upload to file system, then write to DB. 
All help is appreciated!

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Using Newly Created Column For Doing Further Calculations In SAME Query

Apr 12, 2015

I am trying to create a simple query like this -

10*Column_1 AS Column_4,
10*Column_2 AS Column_5,

-- I am not being able to understand how to do this particular step Column_1*Column_5 As Column_6

FROM Table_1

First 3 Columns are available within the Original Table_1

The Column_4 and Column_5 have been created by me, by doing some Calculations related to the original columns.

Now, when I try to do FURTHER CALCULATION on these newly created columns, then SQL Server does not allows that.

I was hoping that I will be able to use the Newly Created Columns 4 and 5 within this same query to do further more calculations, but that does not seems to be the case?

If I have to create a new column by the name of Column_6, which is actually a multiplication of Original Column_1 and Newly Created Column_5 "I tried this - Column_1*Column_5 As Column_6", then what is the possible solution?

I have tried to present my problem in the simplest possible manner. The actual query has many original columns from Table_1 and many Calculated columns that are created by me. And now I have to do various calculations that involve making use of both these type of columns.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Calculate On Newly Created Columns

Aug 2, 2014

I have a table that I have created a table and desire to do some basic math by adding a few new columns. The problem is that i cant get this to work without create many new select statements. The new columns that I wish to add refer to other newly created columns. Is there a way I can do this with CTW or subqueries? Unless it is a best practice to chain out the logic for the newly created columns

I have an example from AdventureWorksDW since the data is very accessible. I can safely create EMP_TENURE and PTO_REMAINING is this select statement. I would then need to create a new select statement to define 'BONUS' and then another select statement to define 'NEW_COL1' and so on.

Im still pretty new at SQL and am trying to learn how to complete such a task using subqueries or CTE.

NAME = [LastName] + ',' + [FirstName]

[Code] ....

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Template Table Used In My Newly Created Database

Jun 18, 2008

I created a database called sports and then created a table which I'm going to use as a template for other tables within the same database.

What is the proper way to structure and implement copying this template table?

Should I store the template table under the system tables folder?

How do I copy the template table and create a new table from this template?

Thanks you

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