Is there a neat way to find an ordinal value from a table,for example the median or 95th percentile value in a column,without walking through the table in ascending or descendingorder?Thanks,Jim GeissmanCountrywide Home Loans
I would like to add a field to a query that returns an ordinal number indicating which row of the results it is. Anybuddy know how? eg. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7....
Machine is Windows XP, Client is SQL2K . I tried rebooting without any luck. Uninstalled , reinstalled. After reboot when I try using SQL Clients (EM or QM) it returns the same errors regarding some Ordinal 29 and a big key from registry.. Please help
Is there any way to select columns by ordinal position rather than by name?
Something like Select t.[1] as col1, t.[2] as col2 FROM table t
The question comes because of a very specific situation where I've got 2 databases that have exactly the same schema at a column/datatype level but the column names are different. There are a few other ways to skin the cat but I'm interested if it can be done this way - without a join to syscolumns.
I need to access columns from a data flow by ordinal position in a script transformation (I'm parsing an excel file which has several rowsets across the page). The first problem I encountered is the generated BufferWrapper does not expose the columns collection (i.e. Input0Buffer(0) does not work) but I got around that by implementing my own ProcessInputs(InputId, Buffer) method instead of using the wrapper.
My problem now is that the column ordinals are in some random order (i.e. Column "F1" is ordinal 1 but Column "F2" is 243). Where in the object model can I map between the name and the ordinal - it's not jumping out at me?
PS Why is the script editor modal, it's frustrating having to switch between the Visual Studio environment and the VSA one.
Hi I am having a problem in auditing the column data in tables.My requirement is i have write a trigger which is capable of auditing the columns which are going to be added in the future also with out using dynamic there any way to do so. I feel if i can get the column data based on ordinal position then it is possible. Can any body suggest. My set Up is like this I have a base_table to be audited. I have a Audit_spec table which contains name of the table and columns to be audited. And Audit table which actually captures the table name,column name ,old value and new value. I have to audit only those columns in the Audit_spec spec. If schema changes(Like new column added) happens to base_table and I want that column to be audited.with out any changes to my trigger code i should handle the newly added column ..
When creating xml fileformat its throwing me error "invalid ordinal".
When created non-xml file format, no error, and was also able to load data file into sql table. Not sure why bcp (Version: 10.50.1600.1) is not able to create xml file format.
C:>BCP "MyGDB.dbo.Items_Import" format nul -f"C:AnkitTempBCPItemsMaster.xml" -x -w -T -S"(Local)"
SQLState = HY000, NativeError = 0 Error = [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Invalid ordinal for field 2 in xml format file.