Out Of Memory Exception When Running A Package With XML Task
Jun 1, 2007
I'm running a package that has a XML Task in the control flow. This task tranforms a XML file with a XSLT.
The file is about 2 megs on a daily basis, but at the end of the month there is a full dump of data that makes the file to be around 400 megs. There is where my problem is.
I run this on my 2 GB memory workstation and when the memory gauge on the task manager reaches about 1.5gb the package fails with an "Out of memory exception".
I also run this package on a 8GB Ram server, and same applies.
Is there any way of making this package utilize all the available memory, I even increased the virtual memory to see if that helped my issue, but nothing.
I have an SSIS Package that loads data from a log file. Prior to loading the data I need to prepare the file. I run a script that cleans the file. Then I import the flat file into SQL Server.
Log File Management Task 1. Run Unix Log File Task 2. Import the new log file (flat file) into SQL Server
Error i.Unix.dtsx Message: The script threw an exception: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.
Is this because the system is running out of memory? The RAM on the server is 4gb. Below is a sample of the script. The job doesn't always fail; there are times when the job executes with success and other times when it fails.
Script Source Code ----------------------------------------------------------- ' Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Script Task ' Write scripts using Microsoft Visual Basic ' The ScriptMain class is the entry point of the Script Task. Imports System Imports System.Data Imports System.Math Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports System.IO Imports System.Text Imports System.Diagnostics Imports System.Globalization Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions Public Class ScriptMain '********** Begin Error Log Settings ********** 'Dim sSource As String = "i.SSIS.Unix.FileManager" 'Dim sLog As String = "Application" 'Dim sMachine As String = "." 'Dim ELog As New EventLog(sLog, sMachine, sSource) '********** End Error Log Settings **********
Public Sub Main() 'variables for the unix log file Dim newFile As String = "D:iLogunixlog.txt" Dim copyFile As String = "\server16iLogunixlog.txt" 'variables for working log files Dim oldFile As String = "D:i empunixlog.txt" Dim difFile As String = "D:i empunixdiff.txt" Dim trimdiff As String = "D:i empunixdifft.txt" Dim formatTemp As String = "D:i empunixlog_formatted.txt" Dim errorFile As String = "D:i empunixlog_bad.txt"
'delete unixlog.txt copy unixlog.txt 'if the file is on the local server delete it and copy the new file over 'if the file is not present copy the new file over Try If File.Exists(newFile) Then File.Delete(newFile) File.Copy(copyFile, newFile) Else File.Copy(copyFile, newFile) End If While Not File.Exists(newFile) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000) End While 'ELog.WriteEntry("FileCopy.Success".ToString(), EventLogEntryType.SuccessAudit, 4, CType(4, Short)) Catch ex As Exception 'ELog.WriteEntry("FileCopy.Failure" & ControlChars.CrLf & ex.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.Error, 2, CType(4, Short)) End Try
'open the old file; read backwards until we reach the carriage 'return and store that "seek" position; now open the new file and 'seek to that stored position. finally, read the rest of the file 'and write that data to the difference file. ' determine position of last line in the old file Dim lastLine As Long = GetLastLinePosition(oldFile) ' get all data in new file starting at position determined above Dim fi As New FileInfo(newFile) Dim buffer(fi.Length - lastLine) As Byte Dim fs As New FileStream(newFile, FileMode.Open) Try fs.Seek(lastLine, SeekOrigin.Begin) fs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length) fs.Close() ' write that new data to the difference file fs = New FileStream(difFile, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None) fs.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length) fs.Close() 'ELog.WriteEntry("FileCopy.Success".ToString(), EventLogEntryType.SuccessAudit, 4, CType(4, Short)) Catch ex As Exception 'ELog.WriteEntry("FileCopy.Failure" & ControlChars.CrLf & ex.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.Error, 2, CType(4, Short)) End Try
'remove the partial row from the difference file Try TrimFinal(difFile, trimdiff) 'ELog.WriteEntry("TrimFinal.Call.Success".ToString(), EventLogEntryType.SuccessAudit, 4, CType(4, Short)) Catch ex As Exception 'ELog.WriteEntry("TrimFinal.Call.Failure" & ControlChars.CrLf & ex.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.Error, 2, CType(4, Short)) End Try 'perform the file formatting sFormatFile(trimdiff, formatTemp, errorFile) ' Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success End Sub
Function GetLastLinePosition(ByVal fileName As String) As Long Dim pos As Long = -1 Dim fs As New FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite) Try fs.Seek(-2, SeekOrigin.End) ' -2 to skip a potential vbcrlf at the end of file While fs.Position > 0 fs.Seek(-1, SeekOrigin.Current) If fs.ReadByte = 10 Then pos = fs.Position Exit While Else fs.Seek(-1, SeekOrigin.Current) End If End While fs.Close() 'ELog.WriteEntry("GetLastLinePosition.Success".ToString(), EventLogEntryType.SuccessAudit, 4, CType(4, Short)) Catch ex As Exception 'ELog.WriteEntry("GetLastLinePosition.Failure" & ControlChars.CrLf & ex.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.Error, 2, CType(4, Short)) End Try Return pos End Function
Sub TrimFinal(ByVal difFile As String, ByVal trimdiff As String) Dim fi2 As New FileStream(difFile, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Read) Dim fo2 As New FileStream(trimdiff, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write) Dim sr2 As New StreamReader(fi2) Dim sw2 As New StreamWriter(fo2) Dim line2 As String Try Do While sr2.Peek <> -1 line2 = sr2.ReadLine() If (sr2.Peek <> -1) Then sw2.WriteLine(line2) End If Loop sw2.Flush() : sw2.Close() sr2.Close() fi2.Close() : fo2.Close() 'ELog.WriteEntry("TrimFinal.Success".ToString(), EventLogEntryType.SuccessAudit, 4, CType(4, Short)) Catch ex As Exception 'ELog.WriteEntry("TrimFinal.Failure" & ControlChars.CrLf & ex.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.Error, 2, CType(4, Short)) End Try End Sub
Sub sFormatFile(ByVal currentFile As String, ByVal tempFile As String, ByVal errorFile As String) Dim tfp As New Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser(currentFile) Dim sw As New System.IO.StreamWriter(tempFile) Dim swErrorFile As New System.IO.StreamWriter(errorFile) tfp.TextFieldType = FileIO.FieldType.Delimited tfp.SetDelimiters(",") tfp.HasFieldsEnclosedInQuotes = True tfp.TrimWhiteSpace = True Dim fields() As String Try While Not tfp.EndOfData Try fields = tfp.ReadFields() If fields.Length <> 23 Then 'write bad rows to error-file swErrorFile.WriteLine(String.Join(",", fields)) Else If fields(3) = "" And fields(13) = "" Then sw.WriteLine(Chr(34) & String.Join(Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34), fields) & Chr(34)) ElseIf IsDate(fields(3)) = True OrElse fields(3) = Format(CDate(fields(3)), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mms") And fields(13) = "" Then sw.WriteLine(Chr(34) & String.Join(Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34), fields) & Chr(34)) ElseIf IsDate(fields(13)) = True OrElse fields(13) = Format(CDate(fields(13)), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mms") And fields(3) = "" Then sw.WriteLine(Chr(34) & String.Join(Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34), fields) & Chr(34)) ElseIf IsDate(fields(3)) = True OrElse fields(3) = Format(CDate(fields(3)), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mms") _ And IsDate(fields(13)) = True OrElse fields(13) = Format(CDate(fields(13)), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mms") Then sw.WriteLine(Chr(34) & String.Join(Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34), fields) & Chr(34)) Else swErrorFile.WriteLine(String.Join(",", fields)) End If End If Catch ex As Exception 'ELog.WriteEntry("sFormatFile.TFP.Failure" & ControlChars.CrLf & ex.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.Error, 0, CType(4, Short)) End Try End While tfp.Close() sw.Close() swErrorFile.Close() File.Delete(currentFile) File.Move(tempFile, currentFile) 'ELog.WriteEntry("sFormatFile.Success".ToString(), EventLogEntryType.SuccessAudit, 0, CType(4, Short)) Catch ex As Exception 'ELog.WriteEntry("sFormatFile.Failure" & ControlChars.CrLf & ex.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.Error, 0, CType(4, Short)) Finally GC.Collect() End Try End Sub End Class -------------------------
Does my script seem okay for releasing the server memory usage?
I see following error when I execute a SSIS package as part of a job from within SQL Server
OnInformation,006-CIS-SQL,apdsvcPM2SQL,VistaMain,{F902B487-D543-4F31-AC80-EF088CD0CBA4},{74325B35-DC59-4B51-AE8E-756BCC879633},10/18/2007 6:15:12 AM,10/18/2007 6:15:12 AM,1074036748,0x,The buffer manager detected that the system was low on virtual memory, but was unable to swap out any buffers. 4 buffers were considered and 4 were locked. Either not enough memory is available to the pipeline because not enough is installed, other processes are using it, or too many buffers are locked.
SQL Server has 6 GB memory allocated to it. How can I best troubleshoot this issue?
I'm trying to develop an SSIS package that will eventually do many things, but I can't get it to do very basic things.
My current test package has 2 tasks in it:
1) File System Task ( FST )
2) Execute SQL Task ( EST )
When running just the SSIS package via the VS2005 IDE ( as startup project ), everything works fine. The FST moves a file from DIR_A to DIR_B and the EST inserts a test record into the test table.
If I set my C# app to the the startup project and execute the package from within the C#, it kinda works. The FST works fine, but the EST does not work and the package returns a "FAILURE" code to the C#.
The EST is incredibly basic. This is the SQL text:
insert into tmpssis ( tmpdata ) values ( 66 );
I'm using ADO.NET, Direct input, FALSE for IsQueryStoredProcedure, and it's using the only connection I've set up to the database.
The FST block runs - the file gets moved, but then it fails on the SQL block for some reason.
I have a DTS package that I brought over from SQL server 2000 in to SQL Server 2005. I have installed all of the legacy components to run the DTS packages but I need to debug an ActiveX script task. In SQL Server 2000 I could turn on Just-In-Time debugging and use the stop operator (in my vbscript) to break the running script and launch the debugger.
I don't see how to do this in SQL Server 2005 Management Studio. Is it possible to debug a script object in a DTS package running in SQL Server 2005?
I'm trying to run a task that executes a script file (cmd). When i run it with in bids with my own users (domain admin) it works. When i start a cmd prompt and try to run the cmd file directly from the network location where it is it works (with my own rights and with the sql server agent user).
Now when i try to run in from smss > agent jobs > job and run job it never completes. Im not getting any error message either it just keeps on running on the step ??? It seems like a rights issue, but the account running the sql server agent is able to execute the cmd file directly from the command prompt.
There are no errors in any error logs anywhere and no error is displayed...
Ps. Im running the job step as a integration service pacgake.
A series of export/import jobs are scheduled on a dozen databases sitting on one of our servers, and are run at regular intervals through the day. Some of the jobs are failing with the following error recorded in the 'View Job History..':
EXCEPTION: Insufficient memory for this operation. Process Exit Code 2. The step failed.
Will this be cured by increasing the memory available to SQL Server (it has 512Mb already, 1/2 of the total physical RAM)? Also, why are only some jobs failing and others completing? Should I run performance monitor when the next schedule is?
I have an XML file about 25MB. When I read it with openrowset it gives me 'System.OutOfMemoryException'. The machine I'm running has 16GB of RAM and memory is definetely not exceeded. When I run smaller XML files it works fine.
I've read that older versions of SQL Server had this problem and it was caused by the parser having limited amount of memory. Is this still the case? Is there a way to change this?
I am running Visual Studio 2005. I have an SSIS Package which is consuming a huge amount of memory. During the execution of the package the memory keeps increasing. Until finally i get an Out of Memory exception. I have run this package using dtexec, and in the BIDS. No difference. I do have some script components and have added some code to get the assemblies in the current appdomain. I do see that one particular assembly is increasing on every loop. VBAssembly every time it hits the script component is increasing by 6, and along with it the memory is climbing. What is this VBAssembly being used for is there an update to SQL Server Integration Services that I need?
I'm working on a large scale project that is currently in production. We have a big process that recently changed to use In-Memory Tables with SQL 2014 for performance efficiency.
The Process uses:
51 In-Memory SQL Tables. 50 Stored Procedures (not native) that loads data(Insert) from about 150 regular Tables and IM tables. 300 Validations (short stored procedure not native) Selecting from those 50 In-Memory Tables (And insert to In-Memory table that save the validation errors if exists on In-Memory table).
At the end of this process we clean the table from the data that relavnt to etch prosses(DELETE FROM WHERE)
B.T.W No UPDATE STAT on In-Memory are used-when we test the prosses it slow as down and cause some locks.
We are calling this process from ADO.Net, loads stored procedure first and then validations, each SP use different SQL Connection. In normal use, everything works fine and takes about 1.5 second.
Under stress test (6 Clients X 100 Tasks) for 30 minutes. After several minutes we are starting to get this SQL Exception (1 SQL Exception for every 20 tasks):
41301. A previous transaction that the current transaction took a dependency on has aborted, and the current transaction can no longer commit.
Transactions in Memory-Optimized Tables
The Exception is not clear. We are not using BEGIN TRANSACTION in the process. The SQL Exception occurs in different stored procedures each time.
Hi, I'm running a CLR stored procedure through my web using table adapters as follows: res = BLL.contractRateAdviceAdapter.AutoGenCRA() 'with BLL being the business logic layer that hooks into the DAL containing the table adapters. The AutoGen stored procedure runs fine when executed directly from within Management Studio, but times out after 30 seconds when run from my application. It's quite a complex stored procedure and will often take longer than 30 seconds to complete. The stored procedure contains a number of queries and updates which all run as a single transaction. The transaction is defined as follows: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- options.IsolationLevel = Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadUncommittedoptions.Timeout = New TimeSpan(1, 0, 0) Using scope As New TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, options) 'Once we've opened this connection, we need to pass it through to just about every 'function so it can be used throughout. Opening and closing the same connection doesn't seem to work 'within a single transactionUsing conn As New SqlConnection("Context Connection=true") conn.Open() ProcessEffectedCRAs(dtTableInfo, arDateList, conn) scope.Complete() End Using End Using ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I said, the code encompassed within this transaction performs a number of database table operations, using the one connection. Each of these operations uses it's own instance of SQLCommand. For example: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dim dt As DataTable Dim strSQL As StringDim cmd As New SqlCommand cmd.Connection = conn cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text cmd.CommandTimeout = 0Dim rdr As SqlDataReaderstrSQL = "SELECT * FROM " & Table cmd.CommandText = strSQL rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader SqlContext.Pipe.Send(rdr) rdr.Close() ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Each instance of SQLCommand throughout the stored procedure specifies cmd.CommandTimeout = 0, which is supposed to be endless. And the fact that the stored procedure is successful when run directly from Management studio indicates to me that the stored procedure itself is fine. I also know from output messages that there is no issues with the database connection. I've set the ASP.Net configuration properties in IIS accordingly. Are there any other settings that I need to change? Can I set a timeout property when I'm calling the stored procedure in the first place? Any advice would be appreciated.
We have built two testing apps for sending and receiving files across the network reliably using SQL Express as the database backend. The apps seem to be working fine under light load. However during stress test, we always get the following exception:
"System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding."
During stress test, both the sender and receiver are running on the same machine. Sender creates file fragments, store them in the sender database and then send out to the network. File fragments will be deleted from the sender database when the sender receives acknowledgement from the receiver. On the receiver side, file fragments will be stored in the receiver database as they are coming in from the network. Corresponding file fragments will be deleted from the receiver database when a complete file is received.
There is maximum of about 1500 updates and 1500 deletes per second on the sender database. On the receiver side, maximum is about 300 updates and 300 deletes per second. Our goal is to send 30 GB of data (it should run for about 10 hrs). As said before we never have a good completed test run, a "timeout" exception is always thrown from the sender app (when it tries to end a transaction). It could happen as early as 1.5 hrs after we started the test. Note that although we are sending 30 GB of data, but at any point in time the database shouldn't be too big (should be well within 4 GB limit) because we delete file fragments relatively soon.
Next we changed the "Query Wait" setting in the Management Studio Advanced setting from the default "-1" to a very big number, then we have a successful run of sending 30 GB of data.
- First of all, are we not doing this properly in terms of dealing with SQL Express? Is SQL Express able to handle long running heavy load transactions for hours?
- We also noticed even before we got the timeout exception, the memory usage of sqlserver.exe keeps growing. Maybe it doesn't have a chance to cleanup internally. If the app hammers SQL Express for hours, I wonder how does it handle fragmentation? I assume it needs some sort of de-fragmenation, otherwise performance will degrade significantly...
- Seems like the Query Wait setting plays an important role here, any guideline on how to pick a reasonable value? Or should we pick a relatively small number and then do re-try in our app when we get timeout exceptions?
- Is it possible that we are running into some SQL Express resource limits? Any idea of how can we tell other than the VM size of sqlserver.exe?
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
I have created SSIS package which will refresh cubes daily. Actually i am using IBM db2 provider since ETL table and SSAS 2005 are resides in IBM db2 database.
I have a scenerio where i will update lastprocessedtime in this ETL table once my cubes get processed. So i am using SQL Execute TASK for this operation. Here in SQL STATEMENT i am using update statements. when i click parse query, I am getting error like "SQL TASK : Exception HRESULT: 0xC0202009".
I am quite new using SSIS and I have a problem with catching an (SOAP) exception from a Web service task. Some times my web service task can fail and when the web service is failing, it is throwing an exception. When the task succeeds the result is being put into a variable, That part is not a problem.
But catching an exception is. I have tried to use a script task and tried to get exception from the dts object model. I have not yet succeeded on that. But it might be a possible way to go. A different approach might be creating an OnError event on my web service task which I can create a task when triggered. But I have not found any solution yet and I hope some people out there have done this before or have a solution on this.
I need some suggestions how to achive the followings using Data Flow Task?
I have a csv file containing some logs from a different system. CSV file contains columns Code & ErrorMessage.
I also have a SQL table called filters. This table also contains code column.
I need to do the following two things
1. Get all record from csv file where code does not exists in Filters (SQL table)
2. Gell all record from csv file where code does exists in Filters(SQL Table) and ErrorMessage contains a specific keyword.
I can add a derived column with the following function
IsExists = FINDSTRING(ErrorMessage,"MyKeyword",1) which will tells me if MyKeyword contains in the message but I donot know how to filter IsExists > 0 and how to do exception join?
I have an execute process task that kicks off gzip to uncompress files within a for each loop. We get a LOT of bad files which causes gzip to throw an unexpected EOF error. This gets bubbled up into SSIS as a Win32 unhandled exception error which then throws up the VS JIT Debugger interface. I know what these errors are and do not want to debug. Is there anyway that I can simply ignore the exception and just throw it away?
Hi-We've got an ASP.Net web app that runs off a Microsoft SQL Server2000 backend. After a few days the SQL server is completely out ofmemory and crawls. It looks like there could be some connections thataren't being closed or something. Is there a good way to figure outwhere the problem is. Looking at the current activity in EnterpriseManager there are a lot of threads sleeping and a few that arerunnable. Any ideas?Thanks
We have a problem with MS SQL 2005 Standard on a Windows 2003 x64 Box.
Server MS 2003 Server x64 R2 Quad Core 2.13GHz Memory: 12 GB
MS Sql 2005 Standard, Sp2
The Sql process uses only 80MB of RAM (from 8 GB) so this machine is very slow. We set the min and max Memory in SQL without success. SQL ist very slow. Has anyone here some hint's to solve this problem? Thank'.
I am in the process of moving from a 32-bit SQL Server 2005 Enterprise (9.0.3054) to a 64-bit SQL Server 2005 Enterprise (9.0.3054 with 4 CPUs and 8GB of memory on Win 2003 SP2) and the process has been very frustrating to say the least. I am having a problem with packages that I created on my 64-bit SQL Server. I am importing a few tables from the 32-SQL Server into the 64-bit SQL Server using the Task --> Import to create the package.
Sometimes when I am creating a package I get the following error in a message box:
SQL Server Import and Export Wizard
The SSIS Runtime object could not be created. Verify that DTS.dll is available and registered. The wizard cannot continue and it will terminate.
Additional information: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt. (System.Windows.Forms)
Other times when I run a package that has run successfully before I get the following error:
Faulting application dtexecui.exe, version 9.0.3042.0, stamp 45cd726d, faulting module unknown, version, stamp 00000000, debug? 0, fault address 0x025d23f0.
The package appears to hang when running. By this I mean that the Package Execution Progress shows progress up to a point then it just stops. (The package takes about 17 seconds to run normally) CPU usage is at 1% and the package cannot be stopped.
I have deleted and re-created the package several times and I have also re-installed the service pack on the SQL Server (9.0.3054) but that did not help.
The master package has a configuration file, specifying the connect strings The master package passes these connect-strings to the child packages in a variable Both master package and child packages have connection managers, setup to use localhost. This is done deliberately to be able to test the packages on individual development pc€™s. We do not want to change anything inside the packages when deploying to test, and from test to production. All differences will be in the config files (which are pretty fixed, they very seldom change). That way we can be sure that we can deploy to production without any changes at all.
The package is run from the file system, through a job-schedule.
We experience the following when running on a not default sql-server instance (called dkms5253uedw)
Case 1: The master package starts by executing three sql-scripts (drop foreign key€™s, truncate tables, create foreign key€™s). This works fine.
The master package then executes the first child package. We then in the sysdtslog get:
Error - €ścannot connect to database xxx€? Info - €śpackage is preparing to get connection string from parent €¦€?
The child package then executes OK, does all it€™s work, and finish. Because there has been an error, the master package then stops with an error.
Case 2: When we run exactly the same, but with the connection strings in the config file pointing to the default instance (dkms5253), the everything works fine.
Case 3: When we run exactly the same, again against the dkms5253uedw instance, but now with the exact same databases defined in the default instance, it also works perfect.
Case 4: When we then stop the sql-server on the default instance, the package faults again, this time with
Error - €śtimeout when connect to database xxx€? Info - €śpackage is preparing to get connection string from parent €¦€?
And the continues as in the first case
From all this we conclude, that the child package tries to connect to the database before it knows the connection string it gets passed in the variable from the master package. It therefore tries to connect to the default instance, and this only works if the default instance is running and has the same databases defined. As far as we can see, the child package does no work against the default instance (no logging etc.).
We have tried delayed validation in the packages and in the connection managers, but with the same results (error).
So we are desperately hoping that someone can help us solve this problem.
Hi all, I am creating a dts package to export files from one database to another database. I tried to search for ways to execute the files and found out that i need to add reference to Microsoft.Sql.managedDts. However, I cannot find this reference from my reference. Do i have other alternatives to run this file?
I am receiving an error on my master package that executes a number of other packages. The individual packages work fine when executed by themselves. However, I am getting the following error when I attempt to execute it from another package:
Error: Failed to acquire connection "conneciton". Connection may not be configured correctly or you may not have the right permissions on this connection.
I have a SSIS package with Script task ,it performs basic operation of moving files to one location to another .It works fine in VS2012 environment and when i write a SQL job to execute the package ,it fails ,below is the error :
Code: 0x00000001    Source: Script Task_MoveOldFilestoArchive     Description: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. End Error DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_FAILURE (1). Started: 9:54:57 AM Finished: 9:54:58 AM Elapsed: 1.029 seconds. The package execution failed. The step failed.
I have searched extensively and not been able to find a solution to this problem.
The problem: We have one SSIS package will sometimes 'finish' executing (or crash from a .NET exception) when it certainly has not made its way through all of the data flow components. There are no SSIS error messages, no warnings, and it never happens at the same location in the package's pipeline. The only thing that is instantly visible is a command window that flashes on the screen and disappears too quickly to see anything,.
Sometimes the package does actually complete without any problem, but most of the time, it does not.
What we see: If the packages is being run through the "Execute Package Utility" (by double clicking the dtsx file), after a bit, a command window flashes on the screen and instantly disappears (no text is visible), then the €śExecute Package Utility€? disappears. The event viewer of the machine then shows:
If the package is running within visual studio, again the command window flashes on the screen, then the "Execution has completed" prompt appears, but any "running" component remains Yellow (no red), both within the data flow and control flow (we do not have any event handlers set up). Neither our SQL Log provider, nor the "Execution Results" tab in visual studio show any type of error message... all SSIS messages just stop right in the middle of the many OnPipelineRowsSent log events (so there is no PackageEnd log event when this happens). The event viewer on the machine contains no useful messages when running within visual studio.
And other packages: Are fine. This is only the case for this one package... we have nearly a dozen other packages, all very similar in design, that complete without issue.
We have also tried re-creating this troublesome package from scratch with no avail. <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--> About the package: The Data Flow is pulling rows from 3 different external SQL data sources (400k-500k rows total), sorting and merging the rows, performing some basic lookups, then SCD'ing the results. This Data Flow is executed multiple times within 2 nested for loops (these nested loops give us particular dates, i.e. years 2000 through 2008, then months 1 through 12 for each year). There is not a single script task in the package. The problem seems to happen most as the data is being pulled from the sources and merged together, but it is not limited to this area.
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]--><!--[endif]--> The environment: We€™ve tried to use multiple machines with the same result. The current machine specs are as follows: SQL Server 9.0.3042 (SP2) Windows Server 2003 R2, Enterprise x64 Edition, SP2 3.00GHz x 16 processors, all 64 bit 63.5 GB of RAM Over 1 terabyte of hard disk space .NET 2.0.50727.42
The package was designed using: Visual Studio 2005 with SP1 Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Designer - Version 9.00.3042.00
Hi,i am having a strange problem running memory intensive queries on SQLserver.I am doing an update on a table with 9 million records from anothertablewith 50 records.the query i am running isupdate table1set var1 = b.var2from table2 bwhere key1=b.key1this query hanges for ever. I had thought that there was a problem withmy machine...but once out of the blue it ran in 16 minutes.I am running a 1 Ghz PIII with 512 MB of memory.Any ideas as to what could be the issue ?RegardsRishi
When running a step within my DTS package I'm receiving the following error - "Provider generated code execution exception: "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION".
I think it may be something to do with my global variable, but I'm not sure as I'm pretty certain I've set it all up correctly.
I have one SSIS package which is written in Visual studio business intelligence tool. For that SSIS packages i have scheduled a job from SQL server management studio 2005. I mean i have scheduled a job in SQL server agent. This job which i have scheduled contains 6 SSIS packages and the other 5 SSIS packages executes successfully but this only fails giving sone com.Interop exception.
But it is failing giving some com.interop exception. Not sure what type of error is this?
It give following type error:
Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility Version 9.00.3042.00 for 32-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved. Started: 11:00:00 PM Error: 2008-03-27 23:00:00.81 Code: 0x00000000 Source: Execute DTS 2000 Package Task Description: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80040427): Execution was canceled by user. at DTS.PackageClass.Execute() at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.Exec80PackageTask.Exec80PackageTask.ExecuteThread() End Error DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_FAILURE (1). Started: 11:00:00 PM Finished: 11:00:00 PM Elapsed: 0.579 seconds. The package execution failed. The step failed.
I get the same error when i try to execute the package from Visual studio Business Intelligence tool.
Can you please help me out as to what is this "System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException" exception occuring when scheduling or executing the job.
For first time I'm testing this task and surprisingly, when I try "Edit Package" option:
1)The DTS host failed to load or save the package properly 2)The selected package cannot be opened 3)Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component
But after these messages you can see all the tasks but they haven't name!!
It seem as if RCW mechanism has failed between managed and unmanaged coded-partially.
I don't dare to follow doing more stuff, I don't know if that package is well-loaded or not from there. ?ż
Greetings everyone, I am attempting to build my first application using Microsofts Sql databases. It is a Windows Mobile application so I am using Sql Server Compact 3.5 with Visual Studio 2008 Beta 2. When I try and insert a new row into one of my tables, the app throws the error message shown in the title of this topic. '((System.Exception)($exception)).Message' threw an exception of type 'System.NotSupportedException'
My table has 4 columns (i have since changed my FavoriteAccount datatype from bit to Integer) http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k71/Scionwest/table.jpg
Account type will either be "Checking" or "Savings" when a new row is added, the user will select what they want from a combo box.
Next is a snap shot of my startup form. http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k71/Scionwest/form.jpg
Where it says "Favorite Account: None" in the top panel, I am using a link label. When a user clicks "None" it will go to a account creation wizard, and set the first account as it's primary/favorite. As more accounts are added the user can select which will be his/her primary/favorite. For now I am just creating a sample account when the label is clicked in an attempt to get something working. Below is the code used.
account.FavoriteAccount = 1;//datatype is an integer, I have changed it since I took the screenshot.
financesDataSet.BankAccount.Rows.Add(account); //The next three lines where added while I was trying to get this to work. //I don't know if I really need them or not, I receive the error regardless if these are here or not.
catch (global:ystem.InvalidCastException e) { //Stops at the following line, this error was caused by 'if (this.financesDataSet.BankAccount[num].FavoriteAccount == 1)'
throw new global:ystem.Data.StrongTypingException("The value for column 'FavoriteAccount' in table 'BankAccount' is DBNull.", e);
I have no idea what I am doing wrong, all of the code I used I retreived from Microsofts help documentation included with VS2008. I have tried used my TableAdapter.Insert() method and it still failed when it got to
if (this.financesDataSet.BankAccount[num].FavoriteAccount == 1)
in my refreshDatabase() method it still failed.
When I look, the data has been added into the database, it's just when I try to retreive it now, it bails on me. Am I retreiving the information wrong?
I have a for each loop that populates from a set of flat files into a Sql Server table, I run the Flat file Import via a dts package embedded into Execute DTS 2000 Task. I want to pass the Sourcefile Name that is fetched by the For Each Loop to assign it Global Variable in DTS. how this can be made ?
While Creating a script task in Control Flow, I am getting "Package Validation Error". Here is the complete message:
Error at Validate File and Load Data: The task is configured to pre-compile the script, but binary code is not found. Please visit the IDE in Script Task Editor by clicking Design Script button to cause binary code to be generated. (Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.VsIntegration)
As mentioned in the message, I opened the script IDE and added the code I need. When I close the VSA IDE, package designer displays the same error message.
The worst part of whole story is that if I close the package designer and reopen it, I find that all the code I wrote in the script task has been deleted by the package designer. This is not at all acceptable as I saved the package the and still lost all my work. I did all the coding from scratch for that task.
Please respond if anyone faced similar problem.
Thanks in advance!
PS: If any one from Microsoft is reading this, please see what you guys are coding there. Due to the buggy software you deliver, I am loosing my credibility.<P< P>