I'm getting always an OutOfMemoryException after my program runs for a while. It's a smartphone application running on .NET 2.0 CF and using the SQL Server Mobile 2005. Sometimes it's even not a OutOfMemoryException but a SqlCeException. But it's always when the phone is having little free memory left.
I have also created a few custom controls (I even implemented the Disposable interface) to dispose all resources (Fonts, Bitmaps). I'm using all Pens and Brushes always in "using" blocks, to have them disposed immediately after having used them. The program does not have any static objects or lists of objects that are hold in memory for a long time.
I really don't understand why I get this exception. I see it always happen after doing a lot queries on the SQL Server Mobile. Is this tool using a lot memory? Can I flush somehow the memory of the SQL Server? Should I run also manually sometimes the GarbageCollector? Does this thing not run automatically?
Can anybody, perhaps of MSFT help me? I'm also willing to share the full source code with MSFT, if required.
I don't understand why I am having this error. It does create the database on AddSubscription() method but it is failing opening the database on Synchronise(). I have also tried uninstalling and then reinstalling all the SQL Mobile components in the following order.
I am developping a non-managed C++ application for PocketPC using a SQL Server mobile database.
The application is compiled for PocketPC 2003 and uses SQL Server Mobile v2. I use Visual Studio 2005. But I need to compile the application for Windows Mobile 5.0 devices. So I installed the WM5 SDK and had the WM5 into my project configuration.
The "ssceoledb.h" which I include incluses the "transact.h" file. But my problem is that this file is only provided with the PocketPC 2003 SDK and not in the WM5 SDK. So I cannot use the WM5 configuration project with SQL Server. I also tried with the last SQL Server Mobile 2005 (ie v3.0) and the "ssceoledb30.h" also includes "transact.h".
Did I miss something to install ? Do you know how I can resolve the problem ?
Using MS VS 2005 (incl SQL Server Mobile) MS Pocket PC 2005 SDK
I am working on a project that builds for Pocket PC on both Mobile 2003 and Mobile 5. The project uses/will use SQL Server Mobile to store local data.
Project created from new with support for both platforms. I include required header files ssceerr30.h and ssceoledb30.h.
Project builds fine in WM2003 configuration, release and debug.
When I build for WM5 the compiler cannot find the header file transact.h. This is included from within ssceoledb30.h. Same as under WM2003.
In WM2003 configuration if I highlight the ssceoledb30.h include in Visual Studio and open the header, it takes me to <Visual Studio dir>SmartDevicesSDKSQL ServerMobilev3.0. I then locate the include for transact.h and do the same, which takes me <Visual Studio dir>SDKPocketPC2003include. The file exists.
If I repeat the above 'browsing' under the WM5 configuration, ssceoledb30.h takes me to a different copy in the WM5 SDK directory. There is no diff between the file here and the other copy used by WM2003. If I attempt to open transact.h - file does not exist.
Fix (which I'm not too sure about, i.e. is it OK?) - If I copy transact.h to the WM5 SDK directory, the project builds.
Why has transact.h disappeared from WM5 SDK? I can find no ref's to this problem anywhere. Is my installation of the WM5 SDK corrupt? What else could I be missing? Is there a sample for SQL Server mobile (like the NorthwindOLEDB sample) that comes configured to build for WM5?
Hi folks, I'm new to Windows Mobile progamming, and new to this forum. Apologies in advance if I'm asking a boneheaded question, but I've done searches and can't find anything directly applicable to my problem.
I'm currently walking through the published MS tutorial in setting up an SQL Server 2005 Mobile application that subscribes to a publication on SQL Server 2005 to exchange information.
I've gotten almost all the way through... successfully set up the server components, creating the publication, etc. On the mobile side, I've been able run the cab files to install the SQL Mobile components and to create the project, add the reference to the dll, and instantiate an engine object. It compiles.
The step in the tutorial after that, though, where you specify the data source from the "data" menu, I've got a problem. When I try to use the "new connection" dialog from choosing the data connection, "MS SQL Server Mobile Edition" doesn't show up as a choice. I've tried choosing any of the other combinations, and in teh subsequent "Connection properties" section my database, SQLMobile (as in their sample) is available, but I get an error when I choose it and click OK. Clicking on "Test Connection" gives me a connection successful message.
My guess is that something about the Mobile server side components is not installed correctly on my development machine, but honestly I have no idea how to begin to fix it. Has anyone seen this problem before and know how to resolve it?
Your time and any knowledge sharing is greatly appreciated. Thank you, -Dana
When I try and connecto to SQL CE I always get an invalid operation exception. I"m afraid that I did not follow the proper install for Orcas Beta 2. I can't remember if I was supposed to uninstall SQL Mobile 2005 first or not.
All I know is when I try and use my SQL CE I can't connecto to a DB / sdf file ?
Any help would be appreciated I"m just starting to use SQL CE.
This is a great tutorial and it's a shame one of the more important steps was missed. In the €œCreate the snapshot user€? section you you find the steps to create the snapshot_agent account. Then in the €œCreate the snapshot folder€? section you find the share and folder permissions. However, at no point do the instructions advise you about adding the snapshot_agent to the SQL Server Logins. The result is that agent cannot perform the initial snapshot but you won't find this out until 50 steps later after Step 10 in the section €œCreate a new subscription".
To get back on track, openthe Object Explorer's Security section and add the snapshot_agent to your logins. Then using the "User Mappings", set an appropriate level for the SQLMobile database role. Once completed you then need to run the agent.
Right-click the SQLMobile publication you created and select "View Snapshot Agent status". From that dialog you can select "Start" to run the agent. When it completes, you can return to the tutorial section "Create a new subscription" and continue with the tutorial.
I am studying the tutorial in SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition Books Online, and the topic is Creating a Mobile Application with SQL Server Mobile. I have got a problem when creating a new subscription after created a new SQL Server Mobile database. And the problem is shown below:
New Subscription Wizard
- Beginning Synchronization (Success)
- Synchronizing Data (100%) (Error) Messages * Failure to connect to SQL Server with provided connection information. SQL Server does not exist, access is denied because the IIS user is not a valid user on the SQL Server, or the password is incorrect. HRESULT 0x80004005 (29061)
* 無法完æˆ?作æ¥ã€‚
- Finalizing Synchronization (Stopped)
- Saving Subscription Properties (Stopped)
Before I have met this problem, I have finished all the task. And I can browse the localhost web site by using anonymous account even I use internet explorer or browse the directly in IIS.
Hi I have an issue while attempting to clean/build my Integration Services solution which prevents me creating my deployment SSIS deployment package. The solution comprises of around 73 packages totally a physical file size of 103 MB. Most packages are ~1/2 MB with a ~1/2 packages around the 4/5/6 MB I cannot seem to clean or build/rebuild the solution as I keep getting the following exception message Error 1 Error loading €˜PACKAGE_NAME.dtsx' : Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.. C:FOLDER1PACKAGE_NAME.dtsx 1 1 This randomly occurs with different packages but the commonality is it occurs with the package above 4MB. My workstation has Windows XP Professional with SP2 and 2GB RAM and Visual Studio 2005 with SP1 and SQL Server 2005 with SP2. A look at task manager in Windows shows the devenv.exe process to be ~675MB when the above exception occurs. There are no other applications running in the background. Can anybody kindly suggest any possible resolutions or any known fixes for this problem? Maybe the possible to build SSIS packages from a command prompt? Many Thanks in advance
My application create quite a lot log file to submit to the server under WiFi coverage to monitor the application. (log is just txt file). as time goes on, submitsql method throw OutOfMemoryException. I agree my log file is quite big, 80K each and 6 log files to submit. My log submitter is an instance object. I also tried static object but it doesn't help either.
I have been getting "System.OutOfMemoryException: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown" errors, that in turn cycles the SSRS server. I have SSRS 2005, SQL 2005, Win2003 STD, and 4GB RAM on box. We discovered this issue by running 5-10 big reports and Report-Builder-Model queries. If we stay on "normal workload" the system runs fine.
I found KB articles and TechNet articles that say increase below settings from default, which above 100% will use PageFile (virtual memory) for possible resolution.
Does anyone know if my "new settings" are right (based on how I read the TechNet articles)?
when I´m trying to save a SSIS Package in Visual Studio I´m having the following problem:
=================================== Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown. (Microsoft Visual Studio) ------------------------------ Program Location: at System.String.GetStringForStringBuilder(String value, Int32 startIndex, Int32 length, Int32 capacity) at System.Text.StringBuilder.GetNewString(String currentString, Int32 requiredLength) at System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(Char value) at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.VsIntegration.Designer.Serialization.BufferTextWriter.Write(Char ch) at System.IO.TextWriter.Write(Char[] buffer, Int32 index, Int32 count) at System.IO.TextWriter.Write(Char[] buffer) at System.IO.TextWriter.Write(String value) at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.Serialization.DtrDesignerSerializer.SerializePackage(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, Package package, TextWriter textWriter) at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.Serialization.DtrDesignerSerializer.SerializeComponent(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, IComponent component, Object serializationStream) at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Serialization.DesignerComponentSerializer.Serialize(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, Object value) at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.VsIntegration.Designer.Serialization.DataWarehouseDesignerLoader.Serialize() at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.VsIntegration.Designer.Serialization.BaseDesignerLoader.Flush(Boolean forceful) at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.VsIntegration.Designer.Serialization.BaseDesignerLoader.Flush() at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.VsIntegration.Designer.Serialization.DataWarehouseContainerManager.OnBeforeSave(UInt32 docCookie)
The dtsx is around 8MB size, I have installed the service pack, what else could be?
I am trying to load a XML file into a string variable using a XML Task. The file is 67,936 KB. When I excecute the package in the dev environment I get the following error:
[XML Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.".
Has anybody run into this before? In the next step I pass the XMLData string to a stored procedure which loads it into a table with a XML data type column.
Recently upgraded SQL Server 2005 x64 to SP2 and upto Build 3159. Since then the Maintenance Plan for Index Reorgs has failed with a System.OutOfMemoryException error. No other errors are logged anywhere. The plan report file has no information either.
I have a large package (I know the recommendation is to have one package per data flow.) It has 20+ data flows in it. Personally I have found it much too complex to manage dozens of packages just because I want to have more than one data flow in my package.
I have been working on this package in an iterative manner over the past several months. Recently, I noticed I started getting the error message: "Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown" when I went to save my package. This is _extremely_ frustrating, because when this happens, all the changes I have made are generally lost. Occasionally, I have noticed if I close some other BIDS windows, or just wait a bit, I will be able to click save again, and it will actually save. Usually, I am forced to just "end-task" Visual Studio.
Other than splitting the package up into 20 separate packages, is there a way around this problem? I would rather put up with the lost changes than switch to dealing with 20 separate packages. It just makes things to difficult to manage when everything is split up into so many packages - particularly when I am passing variables around from parent to child packages.
Hi, My server configuration is Intel Xeon(R) X5355 @ 2.66GHz, 3.75 GB RAM Win 2k3
I have been receiving the above mentioned error when I try to use the out of the box feature of "Export To Excel" provided in the Reporting Services, the reports are hosted on MOSS 2007 using the Reporting Services Add-In. The number of pages generated by the report is 500+, so I don't think exporting a report of around 500 - 1000 should give out a memory exception since we have sufficient RAM on the server.
suggested that this problem could be circumvented by getting the replication object early and then continuously using the same object for subsequent replications.
I did this and it works a lot better now but ever so often I get another error which is
Native Error 28559 SQL Mobile encountered problems when opening the database
My only option at this point is to stop and start the application which cures the problem.
I receive error 25123 on my PPC (audiovox 6600) in a reproducable way (usually) with .net 2.0 application that is using SQL CE that I wrote:
Open the application Connect to the database Close the applicaton Re-Open the application Connect to the database <-- Error occurs
I will also receive the error if my application isn't the first application launched (or very close to the first to launch).
I don't believe it's a memory issue as according to the memory manager I have plenty of memory:
At boot up only start screen items loaded: 18.46 Used 49.89 Free Launch Resco File Explorer to click EXE: 19.18 Used 49.18 Free Launch my application (no DB connection): 23.64 Used 44.71 Free Connect to the DB and do select count(*) from a table with 0 rows: 26.27 Used 42.08 Free Close the application (this.Close() on the form: 19.38 Used 48.97 Free Relaunch App and connect to DB receive error: around 38 Used around 30 free
I was unable to reproduce the issue right now while typing this message, the last sets of numbers are from memory, and include other applications that are currently running.
The only way I have to get SQL CE to load again is to soft reset the PPC. If the application is able to connect to SQL CE at least once it is fine up till I close it and re-open the application. So it either connects and runs great, or it can't connect at all.
Any help in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated. Wayne
This is my error text... how do I get this nonsense to stop?!
Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown. (Microsoft Visual Studio)
------------------------------ Program Location:
at System.String.GetStringForStringBuilder(String value, Int32 startIndex, Int32 length, Int32 capacity) at System.Text.StringBuilder.GetNewString(String currentString, Int32 requiredLength) at System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(Char value) at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.VsIntegration.Designer.Serialization.BufferTextWriter.Write(Char ch) at System.IO.TextWriter.Write(Char[] buffer, Int32 index, Int32 count) at System.IO.TextWriter.Write(Char[] buffer) at System.IO.TextWriter.Write(String value) at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.Serialization.DtrDesignerSerializer.SerializePackage(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, Package package, TextWriter textWriter) at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.Serialization.DtrDesignerSerializer.SerializeComponent(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, IComponent component, Object serializationStream) at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Serialization.DesignerComponentSerializer.Serialize(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, Object value) at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.VsIntegration.Designer.Serialization.DataWarehouseDesignerLoader.Serialize() at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.VsIntegration.Designer.Serialization.BaseDesignerLoader.Flush(Boolean forceful) at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.VsIntegration.Designer.Serialization.BaseDesignerLoader.Flush() at Microsoft.DataWarehouse.VsIntegration.Designer.Serialization.DataWarehouseContainerManager.OnBeforeSave(UInt32 docCookie)
When running the package in VisualStudio it runs properly, but if I let this package run as part of an SQL-Server Agent job, I got the message "The script threw an exception: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown." on my log and the package ends up with an error.
Both times it is exactly the same package on the same server, so I don't know how the debug or even if there is anything I need to debug?
I need to export(import) data from Pocket PC(SQL Mobile Server) to SQl Server 2005(central data storage) in real time, if anyone knows how it would be better and faster to do...Maybe someone have done something like this...
Sorry for my English, I use it at first for last 6 years...)))
Is there a difference with sql replication between sql server 2005 64bit and sql server 2005 32bit? Both are on a Windows 2003 server. One is 32 bit and the other one is 64 bit. The first time I set up sql replication (test environment), it was on a 32 bit sql server. This worked fine. The second time I wanted to set up replication (live environment), it was on a 64 bit sql server. This didn't worked fine.
I can't call the sqlcesa30.dll file on the 64bit server with IIS. So I called the dll via a remote IIS server. This worked but gave me the following error when calling the following URL: http://domain/PDASYNC/sqlcesa30.dll?diag
SQL Server Mobile Server Agent Diagnostics 2007/07/31 14:26:55
General Information
Item Value
Server Name domain
URL /PDASYNC/sqlcesa30.dll
Authentication Type Anonymous
Server Port 80
Server Software Microsoft-IIS/6.0
Replication Allowed
RDA Allowed
Logging Level 0
Impersonation and Access Tests
Action Status ErrorCode
Impersonate User SUCCESS 0x0
ReadWriteDeleteMessageFile FAILURE 80070003
SQL Server Mobile Modules Test
Module Status ErrorCode Version
SQLCERP30.DLL SUCCESS 0x0 3.0.5207.0
Reconciler Test
Reconciler Status ErrorCode
9.0 Database Reconciler SUCCESS 0x0
8.0 Database Reconciler FAILURE 0x8007007E
SQL Server Module Versions
Module Version
sqloledb.dll 2000.86.1830.0
9.0 replrec.dll 2005.90.2047.0
9.0 replprov.dll 2005.90.2047.0
9.0 msgprox.dll 2005.90.2047.0
8.0 replrec.dll 2000.80.760.0
8.0 replprov.dll 2000.80.760.0
8.0 msgprox.dll 2000.80.760.0
After seeing this I looked up what ReadWriteDeleteMessageFile could mean. It appeared to be some NTFS acces problem. But when I checked the security settings, it all seemed to be ok.
Has anyone any idea what else to check? Or is sure that I must have done something wrong?
I am looking for a detailed tutorial that explains how to set-up merge replication services for a major project. I have seen all of the claims that SQL Mobile Server 2005 is able to connect to a merge publication with SQL Server 2000. However, where are the tutorials? I must have a proof of concept in a few days to quote this project. Can anybody help with this issue? Thanks!
After installing MSDE(with SP4) and SQL Server 2000 SP4 Replication Components, the SQL Server 2005 Mobile Server Tools installation fails when running the System Configuration Check with a SQL Server requirement Error.
"You must first install the Replication Components for SQL Server 2000 SP 3a or higher or the SQL Server 2005 Replication Components"
Am I getting this error because I'm using the Desktop Engine version of the SQL Server 2000??
My apologies in advance for maybe appearing a little novice-like in my questions. That's because I am.
I have a large table containing some 8500 records, migrated from Access to MS SQL. I can access it through VS.NET without any trouble. I've partially built an app for my WM5 device using VS.NET, with nice forms, etc., and want to be able to view the records present in the large table via the forms.
So I need to know the easiest way to acces the data via my WM5 device, using forms designed in VS.NET. I have SQL Server and SQL Server Mobile - can I move the data from the SQL Server tables into a new SQL Server Mobile database?
Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated.