Output Column Width Not Refected In The Flat File That Is Created Using A Flat File Destination?
May 11, 2006
I am transferring data from an OLEDB source to a Flat File Destination and I want the column width for all of the output columns to 30 (max width amongst the columns selected), but that is not refected in the Fixed Width Flat File that got created. The outputcolumnwidth seems to be the same as the inputcolumnwidth. Is there any other setting that I am possibly missing or is this a possible defect?
I have a text file that is comma delimited and im pulling it in with a flatfile connection manager. I want to read some of the data, then output another flat file but in a fixed column width. What settings do I made to the connection manager of the output flatfile ?
how do I make the output columns padded with extra space ? I intentionally set my output width larger than the input width, but the generated file is still jamming all the columns next to each other
Currently we're working on an SSIS package to extract data from a SQL Server database to several fixed width flat files.
Some of the data needs to be formatted/converted in a certain way DateTimes need to be formatted in ISO8601Booleans need to be 0/1 instead of False/True...Has anybody any idea what the preferred approach (best practice) would be to do these conversions?Convert everything in the select query? What about readability of your query? Do it somewhere in the package? If so, how?....
Need to know how I can get the dynamic filename created in the FlatFile destination for insert into a package audit table?
Scenario: Have created a package that successfully outputs Dynamiclly named flat files { Format: C:Test’Comms_File_’ + ‘User::FileNumber’+’_’+Date +’.txt’
E.g.: Comms_File_1_20150724.txt, Comms_File_2_20150724.txt etc} using Foreach Loop Container :
* Enumerator Set to: “Foreach ADO Enumerator” with the ADO object source variable selected to identify how many total loop iterations there are i.e. Let’s say 4 thus 4 files to be created
*Variable Mappings : added the User::FileNumber – indicates which file number current loop iteration is i.e. 1,2,3,4
For the DataFlow task have a OLDBSource and a FlatFile Destination where Flat File ConnectionString is set up as:
I am testing SSIS and have created a Flat File Destination. I defined the Flat File Connection as New for the first time and it worked fine. Now, I would like to go back and modify the Flat File Connection in the Flat File Destination Editor, but it allows only to create a New connection rather allowing me to edit the existing one. For testing, I can go back and create a new connection, but if my connection had 50-100 columns then it would be an issue to re-create it from scratch.
I have a simple SSIS package that runs a query on the db and outputs a fixed width flat file. I have all my column widths defined and in the connection manager i can preview the output. Everything looks great. All the fields fall where they should and each record is on it's own line.
When i run the SSIS program and then go open my text file with a text editor the ouput is all on the same line. I have tried changing my file format from fixed width to ragging right and adding a row delimiter but that doesn't work either. I feel like i'm missing something small here. It could even be an issue w/ my text editor (although i've tried to open the text file in multiple editors). In the flat file connection manager I have my file defined to be 187 characters long, So figure every 187 characters it should output a new line (it should add the carraige return right?).
I m using SSIS and i am transfering the data from Flat File Source to the OLE DB destination File. The source file contain some corrupt data which i am transfering to the other Flat file destination file.
Debugging is succesful but i am not getting any error output in the Flat file destination file.
i had done exactly which is written in the msdn tutorial of SSIS.
Plz tell me why i am not getting the error output in the destination flat file?
I am trying to create a program that transfers tables to flat files. At this point in time, I have suceeded in created one that creates delimited files.
However, I am now trying to create fixed-width files as you can do with the SSIS designer, but programatically.
Is there a way to programatically determine the width of a column from the source table? I can not seem to find any kind of function or member that stores this information or allows me to retrieve it.
I know what I need to change in order to set a width for a column, but I just don't know how to find the width without just asking the user to provide one.
I have a situation where a tab limited text file is used to populate a sql server table.
The tab limited text file comes from a third party vendor. There are fixed number of columns we need to export to the sql server table. However the third party may add colums in the text file. Whenenver the text file has an added column (which we dont need to import) the build fails since the flat file connection manager does not create the metadata for it again. The problem goes away where I press the button "Reset Columns" since it builds the metadata then. Since we need to build the tables everyday we cannot automate it using SSIS because the metadata does not change automatically. Is there a way out in SSIS?
How do i import a Varying Column Width Flat file into a Table using SSIS?
I have a flat file that has 4 columns with varying width Like I should read the file as Col 1 - (1 to 10 Characters) Col 2 - (12 to 21 Characters) Col 3 - (22 to 35 Characters) Col 4 - (36 to 38 Characters) At the end of the record is a "LF"
I think "Fixed Width" Columns allow me to define a standard column length for all the columns.. Right?
I created a ssis package which exports the data from oledb source to flat file (csv format). For this i have OLEDB source and Flat File as destination. I generate the file and filename dynamically with the column names in the first row. So if the dynamically generated file name already exists , then i want to append the data in the same existing file. But I dont want to append the column names again. I just want to append the rows to the existing rows.
so lets say first time i generate a file called File1_3132008.csv.
Col1, Col2 1,2 3,4
After some days if my ssis package generates the same file name i.e. File1_3132008.csv, this time i just want to append the rows to the existing file. So the file should look like this- Col1, Col21,23,45,67,8
But instead my file looks like this if i set Overwrite propery to false
Col1,Col2 1,2 3,4 Col1,Col2 5,6 7,8
Can anyone help me to get the file as shown in the highlighed
I have a simple enough task to complete that I cant seem to find the answer to.
The task is this
Select table x from the database and write it to a flat file complete with that tables column headings.
Now Ive managed to set up an ole db datasource and selected the table and Ive also linked it to the flat file output. So now I can generate a flat file from the database. However no column headings appear in the flat file.
I cant seem to find anywhere (like a checkbox) that will also output the column headings to the flat file.
Now I can add in Headings manually in the properties of the Flat File Destination object but the columns that appear in the flat file dont appear to be in the order that I requested them in the SQL.
So the question is how do I automatically have the column headings appear for flat file output (ideally without me having to manually add them in).
If it cant be done and I have to use a vb.net script instead then would anyone have an example script of how to do it?
Thanks in advance for anyone who manages to answer this.
I am stuck with a problem and need your help. As we know, all columns that go to error flow of flat file source connection are displayed as a single column e.g. FlatFileSourceErrorOutputColumn, but my requirement is to extract the first column value from this FlatFileSourceErrorOutputColumn, my data is dilimeted by "|" pipe operator. I have created a script component to deal with this. However if we take FlatFileSourceErrorOutputColumn column as input column in script component, it comes as BLOB data. I wrote below code in transformation script component to extract BLOB data from column in string form and then do a Left function search to take first column out.
When I am running this script component I am getting '??????????' question marks as a result in Row.Pname.
Can anyone please help me understand if I am doing anything wrong in this script or suggest a better way to take the data out?
I appreciate your help.
Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)
I have a package in which there are only one Data flow Task and it has only three components. 1) Source , which is a SQL db 2) destination and 3) OLE DB Destination flat file Error output file. I want the error file to be created ONLY if there is any error while dumping the data into destination DB. But , the issue is, the error flat file is being created inspite of No error while dumping the data from Source to Destination.
I am running my package in sql server 2012, in which i am giving network path for flat file destination. And its working fine. But if i give m local path, its giving me error " cannot open data file" ...
1. Flat File Source 2. Conditional Split, Case Good = !ISNULL(KEY) Case Error = ISNULL(KEY) 3. Case Good -> Writes to Good Flat File (with timestamp in the title) 4. Case Error -> Writes to Error Flat File (with timestamp in the title)
Most job runs have no errors but the error file is created as a zero byte file anyway. If there are no error records I don't want the error file created. How might I accomplish this?
Hi, There's a lot of information on importing data from text files, but not a lot on exporting data to text files... I've checked but found no info on this.
I'm trying to export data from SQL Server to a fixed-width flat file and wondering if I'm doing it the right way.
I use a view as source (using a OLEDB connection manager) and I can see the data without problem.
I defined a Flat File Destination (using a flat file connection manager). When setting up the flat file connection manager, I am asked for a file... Does this mean one should create manually a template file with the desired output format? So I used a production file as template since we're replacing an existing process.
After having set up everything, I run the SSIS only to see all the data on the same row. There are no CRLF...
When I create the file connection manager, there's no way to mention the row delimiter. In the properties I see a "Row Delimiter" field and when I try with "{CR}{LF}" it makes no difference. Interesting to note that, contrary to the HeaderRowDelimiter field, the RowDelimiter field has no drop-down control to give choices.
So I had to return the CRLF as the last field of the source view (SELECT .... ,'CRLF' = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) FROM ...) to make it work.
I have a flat file. It's fixed-with with CRLF record delimiters (a.k.a. Ragged Right format).
Some fields are null, and represented by the text NULL.
I'm trying to import the file into SQL via an OLE DB connection. The target table is a SQL 2000 data table. Two of the fields in the target database are of type smallint.
When I run PREVIEW on the data source (Flat File), everything looks good & correct. I added the convert columns task to convert my strings to smallint. This is where things go haywire.
After linking everything up, the conversion gives me a "Cannot convert because of a possible loss of data." All of my numbers are < 50, so I know this isn't the case. Another SSIS bogus error
My first instinct is the SSIS doesn't understand that NULL means null. I edited the file and replaced all instances of NULL with 4 emtpy string chars. Still no good. It seems to be having a hard time parsing the file now.
I dropped the convert task and tried editing the data source, and set the two smallint fields to smallint instead of string (SSIS formats). I get the same conversion error.
Changing the NULL values to 0 fixed the problem, but they're not 0. They're null.
Short of creating another script that converts all zeros to NULL using the aforementioned hack, I'm out of ideas.
I'm I missing something or is SSIS just incapable of handling nulls in fixed-width flat file formats?
We're having issues exporting a set of data from SQL to a fixed width flat text file by just doing a right click on the DB, then choosing Tasks > Export Data. You can not specify a row delimiter when you choose a Fixed Width format. The only way around this that we've found is to specificy char(13) and char(10) at the end of the SQL select statement. Without row delimiters you end up with 1 giant record rather than 20,000 regular sized records. Is there any other way around this that we're missing?
Using Ragged Right is not an option either since the record lengths will be inconsistent if the last field doesn't contain a consistent length to the data.
I am sorry, I am posting this message again, since I did not get anyreply.I want to export a table into a "fixed width" file using SQL 2005import export wizard.This is the version I have:SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.2047.00For some reason it joins all the rows together. For EX: if the tableis like this:Create table Mytable (col1 varchar(50) null, col2 varchar(60) null,col3 varchar (100) Null)Insert into MyTable values ("abcdef", "12345", "8900")Insert into MyTable values ("xxxxxxx", "11111111", "22222222")Insert into MyTable values ("yyyyyyyyy", "5555555555555555","6666666666")Insert into MyTable values ("abcdef", "12345", "8900")Insert into MyTable values ("xxxxxxx", "11111111", "22222222")Insert into MyTable values ("yyyyyyyyy", "5555555555555555","6666666666")It is not exporting every row in a single line. Actually if I open itin "Ultra Edit", it is all in one line.I used to do this regularly with SQL 2000 import export wizard and itexported every row in one line.I looked at the setting:The header row delimiter has {CR}{LF}Code page has 1252 Ansi-Latin.In the Advanced tab:String:dt_str.I tried changing the header row delimiter to just {CR} or just {LF}.Also I tried changing the string to dt_text and nothing seems to help.Please help.Thank you
Hi-I have a sql database (2005) that I need to extract a report from that looks somehintg like SELECT * From Empl_Hours WHERE some_flag <> 'true' .The thing works fine, but the problem is this: I need to insert a record in the 1st row that looks like "Static_text"+row_count() +"more_static_text"where row_count is the actual # of rows that were retrieved. Thanks in advance for any help.DAn
I can't use DTS nor DTSwizard as I need to put it in a .sql and run it through a command line via .bat file (it's more for the users).
Each row ends with an EOL character, the fields are all fixed width, but I have a little problem here, some rows are empty but just with a EOL character.
I am using SSIS to create a weekly data extraction that will be emailed to an external agency. I can extract the data, create the file and email it without any problems but I want to compress and encrypt it before I send to give some measure of protection to sensitive data it would contain.
If I did this manually, I would simply use Winzip to compress and encrypt the file to be sent. How can I achieve a similar result programtically?
I have created a package and when i was trying to configure a flat file destination, i am getting the following error:
The component could not be added to the Data Flow task. Could not initialize the component. There is a potential problem in the ProvideComponentProperties method. (Microsoft Visual Studio)
Error at Extract Test Flat File [DTS.Pipeline]: The module containing "component "" (245)" cannot be located, even though it is registered.
Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0048021 (Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap)
------------------------------ Program Location:
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper.CManagedComponentWrapperClass.ProvideComponentProperties() at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.PipelineTaskDesigner.AddNewComponent(String clsid, Boolean throwOnError)
Say I am going to write to a different Flat File for every product. So if there are 10 products in the data. There should be 10 Flat Files. Also the file name should include the Product Name And Product ID.
It is being done in a single Data Flow Task.
Right now the Property Expression for the File Name is which is not working)
i am trying to load almost 15 csv files to my oledb destination can i use for each container to map the source columns dynamically to destination table during data flow task
I have a database app, and we're implementing various data export features using SSIS.
Basically, it's a couple of straight extracts of various recordsets/views, etc. to CSV (flat files) from our SQL Server 2005 database, so I'm creating an SSIS package for each of these datasets.
So far, so good, but my problem comes here: My requirements call for users to select from a list of available columns the fields that they want to include in their exported file. Then, the package should run, but only output the columns specified by the user.
Does anyone have any idea as to the best way to accomplish this? To recap, at design time, I know which columns the users will have to choose from, but at run time, they will specify the columns to export to the flat file.