I am working through a tutorial and have stumbled into something that does not quite make sense to me. I was wondering if someone could help me understand this.
I have created this SP, this all makes sense to me due to the assignment of the artistname column value to the @artistname variable. In other words what is on the right of the equal sign is assigned to what is on the left.
create procedure ShowPopStyle
@style varchar(30),
@artistname varchar(30) output
select @artistname = artistname
from artists
where style = @style
Now when you execute this SP, what does not makes sense to me is if I need to declare a variable to hold the output, which I presume is null, shouldn't the @returnname be on the left side of the equal sign instead of the right?
declare @returnname varchar(30) -- variable for the output from the procedure
exec showpopstyle 'Pop', @artistname = @returnname output
print @returnname
This is my SProc: CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.ap_Select_ModelRequests_RequestDateTime /* Input or Output Parameters *//* Note that if you declare a parameter for OUTPUT, it can still be used to accept values. *//* as is this procedure will very well expect a value for @numberRows */@selectDate datetime ,@selectCountry int ,@numberRows int OUTPUT AS SELECT DISTINCT configname FROM ModelRequests JOIN CC_host.dbo.usr_smc As t2 ON t2.user_id = ModelRequests.username JOIN Countries ON Countries.Country_Short = t2.country WHERE RequestDateTime >= @selectDate and RequestDateTime < dateadd(dd,1, @selectDate) AND configname <> '' AND interfacename LIKE '%DOWNLOAD%' AND result = 0 AND Country_ID = @selectCountry ORDER BY configname /* @@ROWCOUNT returns the number of rows that are affected by the last statement. *//* Return a scalar value of the number of rows using an output parameter. */SELECT @numberRows = @@RowCount GO And This is my code. I know there will be 100's of records that are selected in the SProc, but when trying to use the Output Parameter on my label it still says -1Protected Sub BtnGetModels_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Dim dateEntered As String = TxtDate.TextDim selectCountry As String = CountryList.SelectedValue Dim con As New SqlClient.SqlConnection con.ConnectionString = "Data Source=10.10;Initial Catalog=xx;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=xx;Password=xx"Dim myCommand As New SqlClient.SqlCommand myCommand.CommandText = "ap_Select_ModelRequests_RequestDateTime" myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProceduremyCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@selectDate", dateEntered) myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@selectCountry", CInt(selectCountry))Dim myParam As New SqlParameter("@numberRows", SqlDbType.Int) myParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output myCommand.Parameters.Add(myParam) myCommand.Connection = con con.Open()Dim reader As SqlDataReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader()Dim rowCount As Integer = reader.RecordsAffected numberParts.Text = rowCount.ToString con.Close() End Sub
In a Database "AP" of my SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE), I have a stored procedure "spInvTotal3":
CREATE PROC [dbo].[spInvTotal3]
@InvTotal money OUTPUT,
@DateVar smalldatetime = NULL,
@VendorVar varchar(40) = '%'
This stored procedure "spInvTotal3" worked nicely and I got the Results: My Invoice Total = $2,211.01 in my SSMSE by using either of 2 sets of the following EXEC code: (1) USE AP GO --Code that passes the parameters by position DECLARE @MyInvTotal money EXEC spInvTotal3 @MyInvTotal OUTPUT, '2006-06-01', 'P%' PRINT 'My Invoice Total = $' + CONVERT(varchar,@MyInvTotal,1) GO (2) USE AP GO DECLARE @InvTotal as money EXEC spInvTotal3 @InvTotal = @InvTotal OUTPUT, @DateVar = '2006-06-01', @VendorVar = '%' SELECT @InvTotal GO //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Now, I want to print out the result of @InvTotal OUTPUT in the Windows Application of my ADO.NET 2.0-VB 2005 Express programming. I have created a project "spInvTotal.vb" in my VB 2005 Express with the following code:
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.SqlTypes
Public Class Form1
Public Sub printMyInvTotal()
Dim connectionString As String = "Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS; Initial Catalog=AP; Integrated Security=SSPI;"
Dim conn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(connectionString)
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
cmd.Connection = conn
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.CommandText = "[dbo].[spInvTotal3]"
Dim param As New SqlParameter("@InvTotal", SqlDbType.Money)
param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
'Print out the InvTotal in TextBox1
TextBox1.Text = param.Value
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
End Class ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I executed the above code and I got no errors, no warnings and no output in the TextBox1 for the result of "InvTotal"!!?? I have 4 questions to ask for solving the problems in this project: #1 Question: I do not know how to do the "DataBinding" for "Name" in the "Text.Box1". How can I do it? #2 Question: Did I set the CommandType property of the command object to CommandType.StoredProcedure correctly? #3 Question: How can I define the 1 output parameter (@InvTotal) and 2 input parameters (@DateVar and @VendorVar), add them to the Parameters Collection of the command object, and set their values before I execute the command? #4 Question: If I miss anything in print out the result for this project, what do I miss?
here's my code:my $sth = $dbhSQL->prepare('{call proc(?,?,?)}');$sth->bind_param(1,"asd");$sth->bind_param(2,"klm");$sth->bind_param_inout(3,$no_go, 1000);$sth->execute;print "no go = $no_go";while(my @row=$sth->fetchrow_array){print "@row";}$sth->finish;Here's my stored procedure:CREATE PROCEDURE proc@id varchar(50),@iyt varchar(20),@no_go int OUTPUTASSET NOCOUNT ONDECLARE @id_err int,@ans_glue_err intBEGIN TRANSACTIONSELECT user_id FROM myTableWHERE user_id=@id AND iyt=@iytSET @id_err = @@ERRORIF @@ROWCOUNT <> 0BEGINSELECT date,date_mod FROM ans_glueWHERE user_id=@idSET @no_go = 0SET @ans_glue_err=@@ERRORENDELSEBEGINSET @no_go = 1ENDIF @id_err = 0 AND @ans_glue_err = 0BEGINCOMMIT TRANSACTIONENDELSEBEGINROLLBACK TRANSACTIONENDthe procedure runs perfectly in Cold Fusion, returning both recordsetsand output param, but in perl, it won't print the output param and Idon't know how to access the second recordsetHELP!
GO -- ============================================= ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spPK] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @varNSC varchar(4), @varNC varchar(2), @varIIN varchar(7), @varIMCDMC varchar(8), @varOut as int output AS Declare @varPK int set @varPK = 0 BEGIN
--This checks Method 1 --NSC = @varNSC --NC = @varNC --IIN = @varIIN begin if exists (select Item_id From Item Where NSC = @varNSC and NC = @varNC and IIN = @varIIN) set @varPK = (select Item_id From Item Where NSC = @varNSC and NC = @varNC and IIN = @varIIN) set @varOut = @varPK if @varPK <> 0 Return end
[There are some more methods here]
How do I get at the output value?
I have tried using derived column and ole db command but can't seem to grasp how to pass the value to the derived column. I can get oledb command to run using 'exec dbo.spPK ?, ?, ?, ?, ? output' but don't know what to do from here.
I have a table with a foreign key field. I need to retrieve all the records where the foreign key matches any of a set. In plain ol' SQL this is accomplished with the IN(a,b,c) statement but I can't get that to work in a stored procedure.
How would I do this? I can imagine that I could parse the input string and create a temporary table and use that to do a join but that seems rather convoluted.
Any tips highly appreciated! If I'm not being clear I'll gladly post more details.
Public Shared Sub My_UpdateCountsManaged( ByRef paramInOut As Integer)
'here I perform update statement using "paramInOut" passed form calling code
'then I return value to the calling code
paramInOut = 555
End Sub
End Class
Calling code specifies a parameter like this:
Code Snippet
Dim param as Sqlparameter = New SqlParameter("@paramInOut", SqlDbType.Int)
param.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput
param.Value = 999
When I execute the code, it surely gets back "555" from SP, the problem is that SP never gets "999" from calling code despite ParamDirection is InputOutput. It always receives 0. I am afraid I don't understand something fundamental ?
I have a Lookup Transformation that matches the natural key of a dimension member and returns the dimension key for that member (surrogate key pipeline stuff).
I am using an OLE DB Command as the Error flow of the Lookup Transformation to insert an "Inferred Member" (new row) into a dimension table if the Lookup fails.
The OLE DB Command calls a stored procedure (dbo.InsertNewDimensionMember) that inserts the new member and returns the key of the new member (using scope_identity) as an output.
What is the syntax in the SQL Command line of the OLE DB Command Transformation to set the output of the stored procedure as an Output Column?
I know that I can 1) add a second Lookup with "Enable memory restriction" on (no caching) in the Success data flow after the OLE DB Command, 2) find the newly inserted member, and 3) Union both Lookup results together, but this is a large dimension table (several million rows) and searching for the newly inserted dimension member seems excessive, especially since I have the ID I want returned as output from the stored procedure that inserted it.
Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.
The following stored procedure sets a value for the @@RowCount global variable. How do I make use of it in the Data Access Layer? When I set the SPROC as the source for the object, the value numberRows does not appear to be an option. In the end I just want to set the value of @@RowCount to a Label.Text What should I do?ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.ap_Select_ModelRequests_RequestDateTime @selectDate datetime ,@selectCountry Int AS
SELECT DISTINCT configname FROM ModelRequests JOIN CC_host.dbo.usr_cmc As t2 ON t2.user_id = ModelRequests.username JOIN Countries ON Countries.Country_Short = t2.country WHERE RequestDateTime >= @selectDate and RequestDateTime < dateadd(dd,1, @selectDate) AND configname <> '' AND interfacename LIKE '%DOWNLOAD%' AND result = 0 AND Country_ID = @selectCountry ORDER BY configname SELECT @@RowCount As numberRows
I need to return a value to VB. I've tried returning a numeric value NUMERIC(25,20) via an output parameter but this didn't work. I'm know at a point in wich I created a bigint and multiplied the value so that the decimals are gone. However it only returns NULL?!?!?!?!!?!? Here's part of my stored proc
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.uspCalcWeightedAverage @StartDate2 varchar(10), @EndDate2 varchar(10), @InMarket nvarchar(50), @InProductType int, @InWeekDay int, @WeightedAverage bigint OUTPUTAS......SELECT @WeightedAverage = cast(10000000000 * (SUM(HHF.FACTOR) / COUNT(PDF.FLAG)) as bigint)FROM TBL_PRODUCTDEFS PDF INNER JOIN #DATESBETWEENINTERVAL DBI ON DATEPART(HH, [DBI].[DATE]) = [PDF].[HOUR] INNER JOIN tbl_historichourlyfactors HHF ON DATEPART(D,DBI.DATE) = HHF.DayID AND [PDF].[HOUR] = [HHF].[HOUR] AND DATEPART(M,DBI.DATE) = [HHF].[Month]WHERE PDF.MARKETID = @InMarketID AND PDF.PRODUCTTYPEID = @InProductTypeID AND [PDF].[WD-WE] = @InWeekDay AND HHF.MARKETID = @InMarketID AND PDF.FLAG = 1GROUP BY FLAG
When I retrieve the output param it returns a NULL value. the properties in VB say that the parameter has the following props: attribute 64 (Long) NumericScale 0 (Byte) Precision 19 (Byte) Size 0 (ADO_LNGPTR) Type adBigInt Value Null
I try to return it with the following code (got the code from a friend)
Public Function RunProcedure(ByVal v_strStoredProcName As String, ByRef r_varParamValues() As Variant) As ADODB.RecordsetDim objAdoRecordset As ADODB.RecordsetDim objAdoCommand As ADODB.CommandDim lngCtr As Long On Error GoTo RunCommand_Error ' Create cmd object Set objAdoCommand = New ADODB.Command Set objAdoCommand.ActiveConnection = m_oAdoConnection objAdoCommand.ActiveConnection = m_oAdoConnection objAdoCommand.CommandText = v_strStoredProcName objAdoCommand.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc Call objAdoCommand.Parameters.Refresh 'Stop For lngCtr = 0 To UBound(r_varParamValues) If objAdoCommand.Parameters(lngCtr + 1).Direction = adParamInput Then objAdoCommand.Parameters(lngCtr + 1).Value = r_varParamValues(lngCtr) End If Next Set objAdoRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset objAdoRecordset.CursorLocation = adUseClient Set objAdoRecordset = objAdoCommand.Execute 'Stop For lngCtr = 0 To objAdoCommand.Parameters.Count - 1 If objAdoCommand.Parameters(lngCtr).Direction = adParamOutput Or objAdoCommand.Parameters(lngCtr).Direction = adParamInputOutput Then r_varParamValues(lngCtr - 1) = objAdoCommand.Parameters(lngCtr).Value End If Next Set RunProcedure = objAdoRecordsetRunCommand_Exit: ' Collect your garbage here Exit FunctionRunCommand_Error: ' Collect your garbage here Call g_oGenErr.Throw("WeatherFcst.CDbsConn", "RunCommand")End Function
I have a stored proc that I'd like to return an output param from. I'm using a SQLDataSource and invoking the Update method which calls the sproc.The proc looks like this currently: ALTER proc [dbo].[k_sp_Load_IMIS_to_POP_x]@vcOutputMsg varchar(255) OUTPUT AS SET NOCOUNT ON ; select @vcOutputMsg = 'asdf'
The code behind looks like this:protected void SqlDataSource1_Updated(object sender, SqlDataSourceStatusEventArgs e) { //handle error on return string returnmessage = (string)e.Command.Parameters["@vcOutputMsg"].Value; }
On the page source side, the params are defined declaratively: <UpdateParameters> <asp:Parameter Direction="ReturnValue" Name="RETURN_VALUE" Type="Int32" /> <asp:Parameter Direction="InputOutput" Name="vcOutputMsg" Type="String" /> </UpdateParameters>
When I run it, the code behind throws the following exception - "Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String'" PLEASE HELP! What am I doing wrong? Is there a better way to get output from a stored proc?
I have a stored proc that will insert a new row into a table with the values of the parameters you pass in. I need it to return the value of the ID that's generated by an Identity column once the row has been written and that value has been generated. If I just do a SELECT Max(), I could accidentally grab a row written by someone else, right?
My current sp looks like this:
-- @LabelID int output @LabelType int , @Logo int , @Field01 char(30)
INSERT INTO tbLabel (LabelType , Logo , Field01)
VALUES (@LabelType , @Logo , @PrintCC , @Field01)
How do I grab the new LabelID (the column is int, Identity) and return it from the stored proc. Any help would be greatly appreciated...
is it true that I will not be able to use the returned value from an sp that is called on every row from an oledb command transformation? I see all kinds of complaints on the web but cant determine if this would be a waste of time. I'd like to append the returned value (which is calculated and cannot be joined in the buffer) to the data on its way out of the transformation.
I keep getting an exception when trying to cast an output param as a float type. the SPROC is marked as float OUTPUT and the Cost column in the database is a float type as well. And there are no nulls in the cloumn either. here is how my code looks:
SqlParameter prmCost= new SqlParameter("@Cost", SqlDbType.Float,8); prmCost.Direction=ParameterDirection.Output; cmd.Parameters.Add(prmCost);
//...blah blah blah
//invalid cast gets throw on here (it happens with all my float types) productDetails.Cost=(float)prmCost.Value;
I have a variable @NetPay as type money, and a stored proc spGetNetPay. The output of spGetNetPay has one column NetPay, also with type of money, and always has one row.
Now I need assgin output from spGetNetPay to user variable @NetPay. How can I do That?
Set @NetPay = (Exec spGetNetPay) Sorry this does not work. Is it possible to create a user defined function?
I have little knowledge about User defided function. Is is the way I should go?
Hi I am running a stored procedure which first puts the data in a temp table and then gives the output... the output is supposed to generate a report based on data from temp table
However when i run it, the first 2 statements are
(15345 row(s) affected)
(407 row(s) affected)
abd then the select statement runs...due to this, the report in ASP returns an error...does anyone know how i can suppress the first 2 lines and get only the actual data as output
When I run a script in query analyzer using a script (A "GO" statement exists after each SQL) I get the results on screen as soon as each query completes. When I run thru stored proc, I can get the result only after the whole procedure completes execution. Is there any way to get the outpout immediately as soon as each query completes? This will be useful in tracking thre progress of a stored proc. Thanks Satish
The procedure will write about 30,000 records or so and then quit writing to the file. Is there a setting I have to modify to write more records or is there a better way to do this?
Dear All,How can I show the resultrecords of a SP.I can be done by doubleclick the SPname?But how to do it by code.I want the following interfaceIn my form the user1 selects a SP (combobox showing a userfrinly name)2 adds the related parameters3 and then click the show result-buttonbut the .execute command doen't show teh records.I want the same output as you have doublclicking the SPname in theobjectwindow.Thanks,Filip
I have two stored procedures one generates an output parameter that I then use in the second stored procedure. 1 Try2 Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand("JP_GetChildren", myConn)3 myCommand.CommandType = Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure4 5 myCommand.CommandType = Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure6 myCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@ParentRule", Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar))7 myCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@PlantID", Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar))8 myCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@New_ReleasingRulePrefix", Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar))9 myCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@New_ReleasingRuleSuffix", Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar))10 myCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@New_PlantID", Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar))11 myCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@New_RuleSetID", Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar))12 myCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@Count", Data.SqlDbType.Int))13 myCommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@IDField", Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar))14 15 Dim OParam As New SqlParameter()16 OParam.ParameterName = "@IDFieldOut" 17 OParam.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output18 OParam.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar19 myCommand.Parameters.Add(OParam)20 21 22 myCommand.Parameters("@ParentRule").Value = txtParentRule.Text23 myCommand.Parameters("@PlantID").Value = txtStartingPlantID.Text24 myCommand.Parameters("@New_ReleasingRulePrefix").Value = txtReleaseRuleFromPrefix.Text25 myCommand.Parameters("@New_ReleasingRuleSuffix").Value = txtReleaseRuleFromSuffix.Text26 myCommand.Parameters("@New_PlantID").Value = txtEndingPlantID.Text27 myCommand.Parameters("@New_RuleSetID").Value = txtEndingRuleSetID.Text28 myCommand.Parameters("@Count").Value = 129 myCommand.Parameters("@IDField").Value = " " 30 myCommand.Parameters("@IDFieldOut").Value = 031 32 myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()33 34 Dim IDField As String = myCommand.Parameters("@IDFieldOut").Value35 If i run this stored procedure in sql it does return my parameter. But when i run this code IDField comes back null. Any ideas
HiI have this code snippet[CODE] string connstring = "server=(local);uid=xxx;pwd=xxx;database=test;"; SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connstring); //SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("getInfo", connection); SqlDataAdapter a = new SqlDataAdapter("getInfo", connection); a.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; a.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@Count", SqlDbType.Int).Value = id_param; DataSet s = new DataSet(); a.Fill(s); foreach (DataRow dr in s.Tables[0].Rows) { Console.WriteLine(dr[0].ToString()); }[/CODE] When I seperately run the stored procedure getInfo with 2 as parameter, I get the outputBut when I run thsi program, it runs successfully but gives no output Can someone please help me?
I have a stored procedure that inserts a new record, and returns the ID value for the newly inserted record. The procedure works fine, but I'm unable to get that return value in my code. Here's what I have: IF OBJECT_ID ( 'dbo.dbEvent', 'P') IS NOT NULL DROP PROCEDURE dbEvent GO CREATE PROCEDURE @Name varchar(200) ,@Location varchar(200) AS INSERT INTO Event ( NAME , LOCATION ) VALUES ( NAME , @LOCATION ) SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()
And my code behind: public Int64 Insert(SqlConnection Conn) { try { using (SqlCommand Command = new SqlCommand("dbo.dbEvent", Conn)) { Command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; Command.Parameters.Add("@ID", ID).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; Command.Parameters.Add("@NAME", SqlDbType.VarChar, 200).Value = PermitName; Command.Parameters.Add("@LOCATION", SqlDbType.VarChar, 200).Value = Location; if (Conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) Conn.Open(); Command.ExecuteNonQuery(); Int64 _requestId = Convert.ToInt64(Command.Parameters.Add("@ID", SqlDbType.BigInt).Value.ToString()); return _requestId; } I'm getting the error that I have "Too many arguments specified" in my Insert() method. When I test the procedure in Query Analyzer, it works fine and returns the correct value. Any suggestions? Don't I need to declare that return value in my .NET code as an output parameter?
i built a stored procedure with inserting in to customers table. i have one column with identity. so want to take that identity column value in the same stored procedure. so how can i write that procedure with insert in to statements in that stored procedures.
can any one tell me. also how to get that value in ado.net 2.0. friends please tell me.
I've an existing SQL 2000 Stored Procedure that return data in many (~20) output parameters.
I'm starting to use it in a .Net c# application and it seems to insist that I setup all the output parameters: SqlParameter param = cmd.Parameters.Add("@BackgroundColour",SqlDbType.TinyInt); param.Direction=ParameterDirection.Output; even if I only need the value of a single one. Is this right? Is there a way to avoid coding every one every time?
Hi,Got an annoying SQL / .net error. I've created a stored procedure to take in an ID and map this to an ID table and get another ID out. So i have one ID in and one out. I get the following error:Procedure 'sp_SvrMapping' expects parameter '@rID', which was not supplied.Any idea why this happens? surely the output ID doens't need to be defined before its retrived? If so how?Thanksdrazic19p.s. code for both below.**************************************************CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_SvrMapping ( @uID int, @rID int OUTPUT ) As SELECT @rID = rID FROM tbl_mapping WHERE uID= @uIDGO************************************************** Dim conStr As String = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("str_connAuth") Dim myConn As New SqlConnection(conStr) Dim myComm As New SqlCommand("sp_SvrMapping", myConn) Dim test As String = "1" myComm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure myComm.Parameters.Add("@uID", CInt(test)) myConn.Open() myComm.ExecuteNonQuery() <--- error called If Not IsDBNull(myComm.Parameters("@rID").Value) Then MappedServerAccount = myComm.Parameters("@rID").Value End If myConn.Close()
EXEC('SELECT COUNT(docid) AS Total FROM docs WHERE ' + @QueryFilter)I want to get the cound as an output parameter.I can get output parameters to work only when I dont use EXEC. I need to use EXEC for this case since @QueryFilter gets generated in the stored procedure based on some some other data.How can I get that count using ouput parameter?
I'm using stored procedures in SQL7 to return a list of items to a website where they are presented. A new requirement is to present these items in a random order on the website. I have two approaches to this one, either making the result from SQL7 random or presenting the ordered results randomly. Since the presentation logic is used several times (different country subsites), it would be the easiest way to get a randomized result from the stored procedure, which would mean that I only have to change the procedure.
Any thoughts on how to accomplish this, that is returning a list of items but in random order, so that the presentation sequence would be different for each access to the website ??
Any help would be appreciated : )
Eirik Kjølsrud Systems Developer, Apropos Internett - Norway
I should validate a USER and if the user is not a valid user it should return a message to the front end application for this I have a procedure like this .
Basically I need to pass an output parameter to the front end application returned by this procedure.
Create procedure test @userid VARCHAR(20) AS Declare c1 cursor AS Select userid from USERS_TBL
Open Cursor C1 FETCH NEXT from C1 INTO @Temp While @fetch_status = 0 BEGIN If @Temp <> @Userid -- IF the USER is not a valid USER ...It should not execute the Futher code(statement) it should exit the procedure by returning the error statement. --- --- --- FETCH NEXT from C1 INTO @Temp END
can we use output parameter with insert query in stored procedure. suppose we insert a record and we want to get the id column of this record which is identity column. we want to get this value in output parameter. ie insert record and get its id column value in output parameter.