I'm trying to construct a query that takes results from a table (zip codes, essentially) and strips out the results so that it's just the first 4 digits (rather than the first 4 digits + '-.....'). Which function would allow me to do this in management studio?
Hi, I have a web form that lets users search for people in my database they wish to contact. The database returns a paged set of results using a CTE, Top X, and Row_number(). I would like to give my users to option of removing individual people from this list but cannot find a way to do this. I have tried creating a session variable with a comma delimited list of ID's that I pass to my sproc and use in a NOT IN() statement. But I keep getting a "Input string was not in a correct format." Error Message. Is there any way to do this? I am still new to stored procedures so any advice would be helpful. Thanks
I am trying to get people from my table that have closed accounts. However, in my table many people have more than one account. They will have multiple closed accounts and some active accounts. I need to get the people with only closed accounts.
Values in the table
Code: name surname status Closed Number ----------- --------- ----------- ------------- ---------------------------- Jeff Burns closed 2012/01/01 142 Tina Drewmor closed 2008/05/20 546 Jeff Burns active 1900/01/01 354 Kyle Higgin active 1900/01/01 851 Tina Drewmor closed 2009/04/14 154
The query I am using so far is:
Code: select d.name, d.surname, s.status, s.closed, s.number from d d inner join s s on d.number = s.number where s.status = 'closed'
What I need to see in the results
Code: name surname status Closed Number ----------- --------- ----------- ------------ ----------------------------- Tina Drewmor closed 2008/05/20 546 Tina Drewmor closed 2009/04/14 154
Hi,Say I have a table Job with columns name, date, salary . I want to getthe name ,date and salary for the date when that person earned maximumsalary. I am using something likeSELECT X.name,X.date,X.salaryFROM job XWHERE X.salary IN(SELECT MAX(Y.salary) FROM job Y where Y.name= X.name);The problem is ; if a person earns maximum salary on two dates, both ofthe dates are printed. I just want to get any one of those two rows.I triedSELECT X.name,Min(X.date),X.salaryFROM job XWHERE X.salary IN(SELECT MAX(Y.salary) FROM job Y where Y.name= X.name);but it gives error.Can anybody please suggest a solution?Regards,Aamir
Have couple dbs with dash ( - ) in db name. Works fine. However, when I try to do operations with them in SQL Query analyzer, I keep getting errors, e.g.,
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 1 Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '-'.
We are in the process of upgrading our SQL 2K server to a cluster environment. Currently the server is setup as a default instance running on a single box with log shipping as a warm backup
It is required to create an instance name for the new cluster to work. My question is
1) Has anybody tried to have an instance name that dash (-) in it.
Example: \SERVERNAMExxx-xx-xxx
I am told that it is not possible to have a server instance named this way. Would like to know if this naming convention is possible under SQL2K If not what is the suggested workaround
This will save a lot of time in application modifications
I want to return the character(s) in a string directly after a dash (-) character. For example in the following numbers 72187-1 & 72187-2 I am interested in returning 1 & 2 respectively.
It is possible in my scenario that the number after the dash is two digits long, e.g.: 72187-12 in which case I want to return 12.
I want to return the character(s) in a string directly after a dash (-) character. For example in the following numbers 72187-1 & 72187-2 I am interested in returning 1 & 2 respectively.It is possible in my scenario that the number after the dash is two digits long, e.g.: 72187-12 in which case I want to return 12.
The Status code column in the source table will have a single 3 DIGIT alphanumeric code, and sometimes a longer string. I need a code that will automatically grab the 3 digit code before the dash.
Little bit of a newbie question here...I have a database with about 20 or so tables in a relational model. I am now working on an output scheme and had a quick question regarding best practices for outputting. Would it be best to
1) Set up a view that basically joins all of these tables together, then bind a DataSet/DataTable to it and output as needed? 2) Setup individual views for each table and run through them?
I continue to try and find "easy" solutions to what should be a straightforward problem of outputting the results from a stored procedure to a file.
I tried using both XML task and file system task with the thought that one of those would actually be able to output a file from a variable, but both of those tasks threw fits when I tried using different variable types (file system required a string, but the XML result set never seemed to throw anything but an object) so I decided to just try a script task and do everything "manually".
So my latest gyrations have been thus:
1) Set execute sql task to output XML and push to a script task to write a file
2) Set execute sql task to output a full result set and push to a script task to write a file
Number 1 was the only one I could get working, because I kept getting this error with Number 2 that said the variable wasn't a recordset (maybe it was null?)
I can actually create files now via the script task, but it seems like the variable that should get the results from the stored procedure isn't getting anything. I tried using a MsgBox to see what was actually being passed to the script task, and all I got was the number 0 which I'm assuming is the default for the object type.
What's the best way to debug this? The package runs without errors, and I'm not familiar with debugging in SSIS. How can I tell if the stored procedure is returning results into the result set variable?
I have a problem when returning address information from a table that contains foreign/extended characters. The results combine different words as one result, e.g. 'Angouleme' and 'Angoulême' are returned as a single result. Is there a way to ensure that these two values are returned separately?
Hi AllIm generally a vb programmer and am used to referencing multiple recordsreturned from a query performed on an sql database and im trying to movesome functions of my software into sql stored procedures. So far ive beenable to move the functions relatively easily but im unsure about how tooutput multiple values from an sql stored procedure. By this i mean forexample one of the stored procedures may take your username and return thecontents of a single field in a record of one of the tables, but i wouldlike to be able to return for arguement sake the contents of a single fieldfrom two records if possible. Under VB im used to referencing the recordsetwith a (1) after it to reference the corresponding record from the query. Iwas wondering if there is a way to do something similar to this with storedprocedures if possible ?Thanks for any help
Always sorry to have to ask what is most likely such a simple question. However I'm in no way a programmer, I'm just patching something together using scripts I've found all over the shop.
I'm reading in an excel source using a dataflow script component. I build up a SQL String in Vb.Net using the output column names and query the spreadsheet via microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 then processing it in code. I don't want to use the Excel Source task btw, more for the fact I want to learn from this as well as other less important reasons.
This all works fine. Adding new columns to the output means the query string dynamically changes without the script ever having those columns defined in code. Easy stuff so far.
The issue I have is writing back into the outputbuffer the results without explicitly mapping the result to the output column names.
An easy example to see is..
Excel Spreadsheet Looks like..
ServerName Server1 Server2 Server3
Output Column Names.. ServerName
Code Snippet..
While Reader.Read
With OutputBuffer
.ServerName = Reader.GetString(0)
End With
End While
Instead of defining what the column name (servername) is, I want to map back by matching the source column header to the output column name. By doing this I won't ever need to change any code when I add or remove output columns.
Could someone lend a hand with this, and I'll buy you a virtual beer or two. I've already spent more time searching for an answer than I have writing the code thus far, and I think my heads getting more and more muddled by it.
I have an ActiveX component in my SSIS package, and it is written in VB. Something is going wrong, and I'm not sure what. I works fine when run from Visual Studio, but when I move it to our server and try to run it from a job there, it fails. I'd like to know WHERE in the component it is failing, so I'd like to send output to something as it goes along, so I can see how far it is getting.
How do I send text to an output or log file?
I can't use MsgBox, because, of course, when it runs as a job, it is putting that message box up on the server, where there is no-one to respond to it, so it hangs. I'm in the process of converting it from a DTS to SSIS, and it does have several instances of MsgBox now. And it's locking up -- on one of them.
I have logging turned on for the job step, and it is writing to a dbo.sysdtslog90 table, but all it tells me is that it is starting that ActiveX script task.
What can I replace the MsgBox with, so that it outputs somewhere to a file? Is there a simple command, like WScript.Echo or Console.WriteLine (neither of which I can get to work)?
SET @SQL = 'Select * FROM IdentipassNew.dbo.CBORD_Interface_Final' SET @BCPBody = 'bcp "' + @SQL + '" queryout "d:smartcardcbordudfcbordbody.txt" -T -fc:cpbody.fmt'
Problem is, there is over 85,000 records in that set and that is too big for the text file, so I was wondering if it would be possible to select like 30,000 records output those to a text file, then select the next 30,000 and create another file, then finally get the remaing records and put that in another text file. Can someone point me in the right direction as to how to accomplish this?
Iam attempting to generate files containing more than 1000 characters per line by outputting the results of a stored procedure via osql to a flat file. Osql (and isql) appear to force a newline after 1000 characters, even when specifiying a -w2000 parameter.
I have also tried to output the results of the stored procedure via DTS and this appears to do the same thing!
Does anybody know how to prevent osql (or isql) from forcing the newline?
I need to create a linked server to a SQL 2005 server (B) from another SQL 2005 server (A). Problem is that Server B's name has a dash in it, and SQL Server doesn't like dashes in the name when running a query against the linked server. Server B's network name is Server-B. For example, from Mgt Studio on Server A, I've created a link to Server B whose name is Server-B, so in my query from Server A, I issue: SELECT * FROM Server-B, and get the following error message:
Hi , I have a database that records the users entrance to a building.The dates are recorded also .I have written some codes that to detect the period of dates that the person has entered.Lets say that a person named as jhon has entered the building on the days 02/08/2006 and 05/08/2006 and 11/08/2006 .Those dates are formated as dd/mm/yyyy . So that john has entered building for 3 times and the periods for the dates are one after another entrance is 3 days + 6 days =9 days .If you divide 9 by 3 we get the arithmetic average number 3 .So that we can say as john visits this building every 3 days and we can guess the next day that he may come. I have coded this and works great .I will paste the codes to the end of my message.But a master programmer friend of mine has said that I should have get this result by without writing code , by just using sql database .But some kind of stored procedure I mustn't use.So that I thought it can be done by views in sqldb .By using sql server enterprise manager I tried to use views but I could not succees. Can anyone guess this ? Here are my vb codes ... database data types : entry_id : int , identity user_id : int movie : nvarchar (50) dateenter : datetime stored procedure that selects the data from db: CREATE PROCEDURE veri_al ( @user_id int ) AS SELECT entry_id ,user_id, movie, dateenter from uye_aktiviteleri where (user_id=@user_id) ORDER BY entry_id ASC GO Code:Dim conn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection conn.ConnectionString = "data source=localhost;initial catalog=AFM;uid=nusret;pwd=araz" Dim command As New SqlClient.SqlCommand command.CommandText = "[veri_al]" command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure command.Connection = conn command.Parameters.Add("@user_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4).Value = Val(TextBox1.Text) If Not IsNumeric(TextBox1.Text) Then Exit Sub End If Try Dim adapter As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter adapter.SelectCommand = command Dim ds As New DataSet adapter.Fill(ds, "uyeler") DataGrid1.DataSource = ds.Tables("uyeler") Dim recordcount As Integer 'Found the recordcount recordcount = ds.Tables("uyeler").Rows.Count Dim mydatarow_ilk As DataRow Dim mydatarow_son As DataRow 'in stored procedure I used ORDER BY entry_id ASC so that first datarow 'will always be the first visit date and the last record of the 'datarow will be the last visit date mydatarow_first= ds.Tables("uyeler").Rows(0) mydatarow_last = ds.Tables("uyeler").Rows(recordcount - 1) Dim first_date As String Dim last_date As String first_date = mydatarow_first("dateenter") last_date =mydatarow_last("dateenter") Dim average_ As Integer 'What is the aveare of the visits ortalama = DateDiff("d", first_date , last_date ) / recordcount Label2.Text = "Member had visited for " & recordcount & "times" Label3.Text = "by average he/she comes here " & ortalama & " day to another." Dim last_time_visit As Integer last_time_visit = DateDiff("d", last-date , DateTime.Today()) Label4.Text = "Until the last visit it had been" & last_time_visit & " days" Label5.Text = "Guess for the next visit is" & DateAdd("d", average_ , last_date) ' MsgBox("average visits" & ortalama & " days" ) Catch z As Exception MsgBox("error : " & z.Message()) Finally MsgBox("Successfully calculated") End Try End Sub
Hi,I have a table of Locations around the country. My system produces reportsbased on these Locations. I also have a table containing Brick Codes e.g.Brick Post CodeAB51 AB51AB52 AB52AB55 AB55AB56 AB56AL01 AL1AL02 AL2AL03 AL3AL04 AL4How can I compare the first 3 or 4 letters of the postcode in the Locationstable to the corresponding entry in the Brick Codes table so I can add it tomy report?Thanks for your help
I have another question about ADO (using C++). I have searched the MSDN but I haven't found a answer to my question (maybe I'm just too stupid)... If I make a connection to my SQL Server there may occur some errors, but how to find out what went wrong ?
In terms of code I have e.g. something like that: try { connection->Open(ConnectionString,Username,Password,ADODB::adConnectUnspecified); ...} catch (_com_error& e) { long numErrors = connection->Errors->Count; for (long i=0; i<numErrors; i++) { ADODB::ErrorPtr pErr = connection->Errors->GetItem(i); ..... }}
Now I could get the error number by pErr->GetNumber(). But with which symbolic constant has this to be compared to find out which error occured ?? I didn't find any...Or is there another better way to do this ?
How can I test sql codes and don't want to connect to company database? My company is using sql server 2000. Below is the test codes which create a simple table, calculate and just want to check before writing more complicated codes.
create table EquipmentUptime ( equipmentId int not null ,transactionId int not null ,dateOccured datetime not null ) go -- insert into EquipmentUptime values (1,200,'01/01/2007') insert into EquipmentUptime values (2,200,'01/01/2007') insert into EquipmentUptime values (3,200,'01/01/2007') insert into EquipmentUptime values (2,100,'02/12/2007') insert into EquipmentUptime values (1,100,'02/25/2007') insert into EquipmentUptime values (3,100,'03/10/2007') insert into EquipmentUptime values (1,200,'03/14/2007') go -- select equipmentId ,100*(cast((cast(sum(UpDays)as decimal(6,3))/cast(365 as decimal(6,3))) as decimal(4,3))) 'PctUpTime' from ( select c.equipmentId ,datediff(dd,c.[UpDate],c.DownDate) 'UpDays' from ( select a.equipmentId ,a.dateOccured as 'UpDate' ,coalesce( (select top 1 b.dateOccured from EquipmentUptime b where transactionId=100 and b.equipmentId=a.equipmentId and b.dateOccured >= a.dateOccured order by b.dateOccured asc ),'01/01/2008') as 'DownDate' from EquipmentUptime a where a.transactionId=200 ) c ) d group by d.equipmentId
I have a table with a primary key, what I really need is something like an IDENTITY, but with the character 'X' and the last to digits of the year added on the front. Is there another way to update the field automatically like an IDENTITY would do, automatically incrementing as fields are inserted.
I apologize for the length of this message, but I think I need to include all this info so that the problem is understood. I am having what appears to be a problem capturing the return code from a failed BCP.
I create a stored proc to use BCP to load a table:
create procedure sp_bcp_load as declare @RC int execute @RC = master..xp_cmdshell "bcp JON..W4KPV in e:inetpubftprootfinreslaw4kpv.g4000.data /Sdbmtss1 /m 0 /f d:mssqluserdatafinresW4KPV.fmt /Usa /P /e d:mssqluserdatafinrescp1.err /t""|"" /r "
select 'Return code from bcp = ', @RC if @RC <> 0 BEGIN print 'BCP Error.' return (8) END GO
If I execute the SP, and encounter a transaction log full error, the return code is still zero:
1000 rows sent to SQL Server. 45000 total 1000 rows sent to SQL Server. 46000 total Msg 1105, Level 17, State 2: Server 'DBMTSS1', Line 1:
Can't allocate space for object 'Syslogs' in database 'Jon' because the 'logsegment' segment is full. If you ran out of space in Syslogs, dump the transaction log. Otherwise, use ALTER DATABASE or sp_extendsegment to increase the size of the segment.
(54 row(s) affected)
----------------------- ----------- Return code from bcp = 0
If I execute the SP again, it correctly returns a non-zero value:
Msg 1105, Level 17, State 2: Server 'DBMTSS1', Line 1: Can't allocate space for object 'Syslogs' in database 'Jon' because the 'logsegment' segment is full. If you ran out of space in Syslogs, dump the transaction log. Otherwise, use ALTER DATABASE or sp_extendsegment to increase the size of the segment.
(6 row(s) affected)
----------------------- ----------- Return code from bcp = 1
(1 row(s) affected)
BCP Error.
Does anybody have an idea why this behaves this way? Any suggestions on how to trap an error on the first call?
hey all i am stuck with this little problem I have a table with people's names and addresses and i have one column for the zip codes. sometimes it includes 5 digit zip codes like '70820' and some times it includes all nine digits like '70820-4565'
is there anyway to move the last 4 digits of the long zip codes into a new column? and remove the dash?
I am posting this information simply as an FYI. This is in reference to the MS-SQL command "CONVERT"
I spent over 2 hours :rolleyes: screwing around trying to find out different ways of formatting dates from MS-SQL into something that makes sense for what I needed. I googled everything I could think of and found multiple references that said the info is available on MSDN.. but I could not find it. What I did find were thousands of relatively useless references to "format codes" for converting dates, but with no references to what the different format codes would ultimately yield, or what format codes were available to use.
What I ended up doing was writing a small script to generate a list of all of the variations I could find.
Below is the script, and the output that it yielded. Now, before I get bombarded with "there is a better way" I know there probably is. But this is the way that I needed to do it this particular time. If there are technical errors in my explanation, anyone is welcome to correct them. But after 2 hours of messing with this for what should have been a super simple single .0009 second command, I am just irritated beyond belief that it had to be this complicated to find any useful information on the subject. That is why I am creating this. Hopefully it helps someone else.
The format for the MS SQL CONVERT command is :
CONVERT( length_of_output, date, format_code )
length_of_output : is exactly that . the number of characters that you want returned as your result. If you use a length of 6 you will only see the first 6 characters that are returned. I found the longest valid length to be 28 characters, but I went as high as 128 just for giggles and to see if it revealed any secrets.
date : is a valid date, I used directly the getdate() function
format_code : well.. that's the tricky part. See below.
What I did was ran a script that originally went from 1 to 20,000. It crashed at 15. Apparently the format codes are not totally sequential. So I put in an on error resume next.
What I found is that : 1) the codes are not uninterrupted sequential numbers. 2) the code output repeats every 255 3) negative numbers can be used, but its pointless. 4) useful valid codes are in the ranges of : 0-14, 20-25, 100-114, 120, 121, 126, 130 and 131 5) 0-25 typically represent "short dates" with the year being only 2 digits, but there are exceptions 6) 100 and above always returned a 4 digit year. the exception was 130 and 131, I don't know what it was trying to do.
Here is the script i ran
<% on error resume next
for iintCounter = 0 to 256 SQL = "SELECT CONVERT(CHAR(128), getdate(), " & iintCounter & " ) as TheDate" Set rsTheDateFormat = TheDatabase.Execute(SQL)
I have files with area codes that are several years old. Everything I've seen about updating area codes deals with area codes that are current and are about to split in the near future. How would I go about bringing old area codes up to date?