PAD Function In Data Tranformation Editor

Dec 21, 2006

I have a value with a float datatype in Excel that is actually a date. For example, the value displays 1272006 for January 27, 2006. I am trying to convert this value to a date. I can do this in several stages using T-SQL by converting the datatype to integer, using replicate to make it eight characters and than using substrings to make it look like 01-27-2006 which SQL Server will recognize as a date.

My problem is that there is nothing similar to a PAD (replicate) function using the Data Tranformation Editor in Integration Services. There is a replicate function but it merely functions to repeat a value. It doesn't appear to perform the same PAD function as the T-SQL replicate does. Here is my formula in T-SQL that works okay.

right(replicate('0', 8) + convert(varchar, cast([Date] as varchar)), 8)

I could do this by creating a staging table but I want to handle the entire transformation process within Integration Services. Can anyone offer me some advice? Thank you.


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How To Call A Function Using OLE DB Command Tranformation

May 22, 2007


i am trying to call a function from the SQL server using Ole DB command Transformation using [dbo].[ConvertToDate] ?,?,?,?

there are no errors while executing this transformation

but this function returns a value

Now i need to capture this value how do i do that using the OLE DB command Transformation or any other transformation


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Error Copying Data Using Data Tranformation Process

Jan 2, 2008

i've created a package that will copy data from an oracle table to a sqlserv table (that table elemenst are identical), when i click on the connecting line between the two connections it executes without any errors, but nothing is copied, when i try to execute the package i'm getting an error... where can i go to find out what's causing the error. There is no error message or number returned from dts, all i get is a red 'x' . There are 1236 records that need to be inserted and when i get the red 'x' it tells me 1236 records have been processed. When i click on tranformations and select test, it works, but since it's a test nothing is actually copied. I've got other packages that i've created that do the same thing with other tables and they work. I tried just copying one record and that worked, so i assumed it must be data dependent, i've checked all the fields and made sure they weren't null, i've checked to make sure there aren't duplicate primary key records. Without knowing what the actual error is I'm stumped ???

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Using Cint Function In Expression Editor

Apr 19, 2007

Hi, I am a new to Reporting Services...

I am using RS2000

I am trying to apply cint function in the expression editor for the textbox

eg. i type in =cint(Fields!firstfield.Value/Fields!secondfield.Value).

This is returning error

The value expression for the textbox €˜HoldDuration€™ contains an error: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.

Could you please let me know what I did wrong in this and how to correctly apply VB or any custom functions in the expression editor where the expession output would be a decimal value and you are interested in getting an integer value by rounding the fractional part.

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Is Possible To Call A VB.NET Function Within Derived Transformation Editor

Mar 5, 2008


In a nut shell I want to be able to instruction some Data Analysts on how to modify SSIS packages using the simpliest solutions possible. This is because there are many different data sources and some of these data sources have a huge number of fields, and yes you guessed it these data sources are subject to change on a regular basis.

A very common task they will need to do is to modify an SSIS package to do a to transform of a source date string format of "YYYYMMDD" into a date data type field within a table.

Similar threads have advised the use of the Data Flow Transformations->Derived Column for this sort of thing.

So within the Expression Text box I have inserted the following SSIS compatible SQL to convert the above string into a british format date data type; -

Code Snippet

But really what I want to be able to do is to instruct the Data Analysts to do is something like; -


Where I previously defined that behaviour of ConvertTextToDate as a public VB.NET function.

Can someone please help. I'm pretty certain I'm not the only one with this type of requirement.

Thanks in advance,


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Function That Works In Sql Server Management Studio Does Not Work In Derived Column Transformation Editor

May 12, 2007


I'm a relative SQL Server newbee and have developed a function that converts mm/dd/yyyy to yyy/mm/dd for use as in a DT_DBDATE format for insert into a column with smalldatatime.

I receive the following erros when using the function in the Derived Column Transformation Editor. First, the function, then the error when using it as the expression Derived Column Transformation Editor.

Can anyone explain how I can do this transformation work in this context or suggest a way either do the transformation easier or avoid it altogerher?

Thanks for the look see...


ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[convdate]


@indate nvarchar(10)


RETURNS nvarchar(10)



-- Declare the return variable here

DECLARE @outdate nvarchar(10)

set @outdate =




RETURN @outdate



And the error...

expression "lipper.dbo.convdate(eomdate)" failed. The token "." at line number "1", character number "11" was not recognized. The expression cannot be parsed because it contains invalid elements at the location specified.

Error at Data Flow Task [Derived Column [111]]: Cannot parse the expression "lipper.dbo.convdate(eomdate)". The expression was not valid, or there is an out-of-memory error.

Error at Data Flow Task [Derived Column [111]]: The expression "lipper.dbo.convdate(eomdate)" on "input column "eomdate" (165)" is not valid.

Error at Data Flow Task [Derived Column [111]]: Failed to set property "Expression" on "input column "eomdate" (165)".

(Microsoft Visual Studio)


Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0204006 (Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap)

Program Location:

at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper.CManagedComponentWrapperClass.SetInputColumnProperty(Int32 lInputID, Int32 lInputColumnID, String PropertyName, Object vValue)
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.DtsDerivedColumnComponentUI.SaveColumns(ColumnInfo[] colNames, String[] inputColumnNames, String[] expressions, String[] dataTypes, String[] lengths, String[] precisions, String[] scales, String[] codePages)
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.DtsDerivedColumnFrameForm.SaveAll()

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Editing Data In MSDE Data File From Outside Editor

Dec 20, 2006

Hi All,

Is it possible for someone to open a msde data file in an editor (text or hex) and modify the data, then save the file back to the filesystem?

I would think this would not be allowed but I want to confirm or see if anyone has had any experiences of someone doing something like this?



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DTS Tranformation Question

Feb 2, 2001

For a project currently in development, one of our developers would like to use DTS to perform the following actions. However we both have only just begun to work with this tool so we are somewhat inexperienced with DTS and looking for guidance.

We need a way to generate multiple output rows from a single input row.
For example, the input record contains the following fields: RSN1, RSN2, RSN3, and RSN4.
I want to generate four output records.
one record containing RSN1,
one record containing RSN2,
one record containing RSN3 and
one record containing RSN4.
Could DTSTransformStat_SkipFetch be used in this situation?

If someone could provide us with a sample or some suggestions on how best to do this, it would be greatly appreciated.


Michael Sinnott
Wausau Benefits

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Row Number Tranformation

May 3, 2006

I have looked to no avail...

Anybody see a dynamic way to set the seed in the Row Number Transformation? I do not see any expressions property and the only property that takes a variable is the FINAL number...

I would have though that a very common use would be to get the maximum IDENTITY from a table and use that value (after adding one) as the starting number for the rows being imported...

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How To Access Data In A SQL Command In The OLE DB Destination Editor

Jul 14, 2006

Instead of blindly inserting all my data from a previous task into a table using "Table" as the Data Access Mode in the OLEDB Destination editor. I would like to join this output with a reference table and insert only qualifying rows. Question is "how do I access the data from previous task so that I can do a meaningful equijoin" ? I know I have to use the "SQL Command" data access mode, but what next ?



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DTS Question Reguarding Text Import And Tranformation

Jan 24, 2007

MS SQL 2000 sp4 on WinXp Pro SP2I am very new to this so please let me know what I can do to make iteasier for you to understand the problem.I have a non delimited text file. This text file has several columnsthat for the most part are fixed length but..The fixed format starts with a variable length number( char 10) as thefirst column and a max (char 30) description field and another (char50) long description field.if the (char 30) description field has a measurement ( ie 4.5" ) thenthe first field stats with a ". The subsequent description will endwith a "" or double quote. The fields can only work if the doubleqoutes are replaced with a single space and then the leading singlequote is deleted. If this is done in this order then the fixed fieldlengths work.example of actual data***************This example does not have any quotes in it*****1015304 Sof Sand Block Holder RUDOLPHINTE BH y N N nbrd EA 1.00000 .83 1.25This example does have the quotes**********"10154 Rud Zeb NonDisf Cush Cur ve 180Gr 7"" RUDOLPHINTE DUZ180F5 y N N nbrd EA 1.00000 .43 .65"This is the next several lines***************1015401 Rud Blk Disf Cush Curved 100/180Gr RUDOLPHINTE DUB100/1 y N N nbrd EA 1.00000 .46 .691015402 Rud Blk Disf Cush Curved 100Gr RUDOLPHINTE DUB100F5 y N N nbrd EA 1.00000 .46 .691015405 Rud Myl Disif Violet 100 Gr RUDOLPHINTE GLMM100F y N N nbrd EA 1.00000 .43 .651015406 Rud Myl Purple Disf 80Gr RUDOLPHINTE GLMM080F y N N nbrd EA 1.00000 .43 .651015407 Rud Myl Light Green Disf 120Gr RUDOLPHINTE GLMM120F y N N nbrd EA 1.00000 .43 .65"1015408 Rud Myl Yellow Disf 180G r 7"" RUDOLPHINTE GLMM180F y N N nbrd EA 1.00000 .43 .65"end of example*******************right now I am doing this by hand in notepad and then importing toexcel to generate a csv file. Can anyone suggest a better way to dothis or just point me to an example.Thanks very much for any

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Adding Custom Script Tranformation Component Programatically.

Oct 11, 2007

Hi All,

I am new to SSIS. I am working in adding SSIS components programmatically. I have added Data flow task, Lookup transformation, OLEDB Source and OLEDB Destination.

Now, i am facing problems in adding Custom Script tranformation component programatically. Please help me out.


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Integration Services :: Script Transformation Editor Won't Open In Data Tools - BI

Aug 17, 2015

From SQL Server 2014, using SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio - BI, I'm trying to edit a Script Component within an SSIS Data Flow Task. The 'Edit Script...' button is enabled and turns a nice shade of blue when moused over, but a click has no effect. Perhaps I'm missing a component of VSTA? Everything else seems to work correctly. What might I be missing?

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Integration Services :: Can't Preview Data In Excel Source Editor Unless Sheet Is Open?

Nov 10, 2010

I have a package which has an Excel source with the 'Data access mode' set to SQL command and then a sql select statement.  When I try and hit the 'Preview...' button below the 'SQL command text' window I get the following error:

 "Error at Standard Data Flow Tasks [source tasks name]: No column information was returned by the SQL command"
Ordinarily this would be down to the fact that my SQL is shocking, I hit the 'Preview...' button whilst the workbook the source is pointing at was open and it works fine??
I can't figure this out, but needless to say the package errors with a NEEDSNEWMETADATA when I try and run it.

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Expression Editor On Custom Properties On Custom Data Flow Component

Aug 14, 2007


I've created a Custom Data Flow Component and added some Custom Properties.

I want the user to set the contents using an expression. I did some research and come up with the folowing:

Code Snippet
IDTSCustomProperty90 SourceTableProperty = ComponentMetaData.CustomPropertyCollection.New();
SourceTableProperty.ExpressionType = DTSCustomPropertyExpressionType.CPET_NOTIFY;
SourceTableProperty.Name = "SourceTable";

But it doesn't work, if I enter @[System:ackageName] in the field. It comes out "@[System:ackageName]" instead of the actual package name.

I'm also unable to find how I can tell the designer to show the Expression editor. I would like to see the elipses (...) next to my field.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you

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SQL Server 2008 :: Function To Replace Data In A Column With X Based On LEN Of Data

Sep 4, 2015

I need to create a function that replaces the data in a column with an 'X' based on the LEN of the data in the column. I created one that does a replacement, but it fills the column based on the max data length, and not the current length of the string or integer. An example of what I'm trying to accomplish.

Original data in a varchar(30) column:

replaced with

My current function is replacing the data like this:

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Sql Editor

Mar 9, 2006

I like a new sql editor instead of the query analyzer.
The QA dont show the outlining, bracket injuctions and intellilist.
Wich editor able this functions?

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Programming Editor

Dec 16, 1999

Just curious,

What do all of you use to create and edit stored procedures? I am looking for a better way to code than to use the default window supplied with Enterprise Manager.

Do most of you use the Query Analyzer? Are there third party products you like using better?

Thanks for the info..


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What's A Good SQL Editor?

Oct 28, 2004

Hi everyone

I'm wondering if there's a better SQL Editor than MS Query Analyzer on the market? I like a lot of the functionality provided by QA but want extra stuff like you get in VB6: intelli-sense (sytanx prompting), auto-complete (CTRL+Space provides list of sp's and tables, etc.) plus any other time saving features.

I've tried a few products but nothing quite hits the mark. Is there a program you use and recommend I trial?

Cheers - Andy

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XML Editor In SQL 2005

Jun 25, 2007

Does anyone know if it is possible to use the XML Editor in SQL 2005 to write xml files from scratch?
If possible, how is the editor being started?
As of my current knowledge, I am only able to start the XML Editor by clicking on the content of a XML data type column within the sql query result pane.



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Sql Script Editor

Mar 21, 2008


I am looking for a sql script editor that enables printing in color like sql query analyzer does it on screen but unfortunatly not when printing.

any suggestion is welcome


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Any Editor For Rdlc?

Nov 2, 2007

I would like to use SQL client-side reporting in ASP.NET. However, our customer would like to edit the report sometimes, is there any existing graphical editor to edit .rdlc file?

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OLE DB Source Editor

Dec 20, 2006


I am using SSIS to extract data from sql server and import into MDB file. In
the process, under data flow task, I have used OLE DB Source Editor as source. Here
i have choosen SQL Command as mode of data population. In the box below i
have typed the following statements.

"Exec Site_Address"

I have used many temperory tables in this procedure.
When i run this procedure in the query analyzer window i get the desired data which has to be imported to an MDB. After typing the above statements and when i
click the button preview i can see the data. But when i click the
Columns.... i dont see anything there. I am unable to see any columns there.
This is getting to my nerves because, when i use OLE DB as Destination i am
unable to map the columns and i get an error.

I dont know how to solve this problem. cannot we map columns in temp tables .... or wat is it ??

Please help me to find a solution.

I will also paste the procedure code that i have used.

Create procedure Site_Address



create table #Data_For_Site_Address_Table


unitid varchar(20),

city varchar(50),

cust_num varchar(40),

zip varchar(20),

CountryID varchar(20),

CreatedBy varchar(20)


-- tblcrdsiteaddress

insert into #Data_For_Site_Address_Table

select distinct * from


(select top 1 fsu.ser_num

from fs_unit fsu

where ca.cust_seq <> 0 and fsu.cust_num = ca.cust_num

order by desc) as UnitID,,ca.cust_num,,


WHEN like 'Luxembourg' THEN 'LU'

WHEN like 'Deutschland' THEN 'DE'

WHEN like 'Austria' THEN 'AT'

WHEN like 'Czech Republic' THEN 'CZ'

WHEN like 'Denmark' THEN 'DK'



WHEN like 'Egypt' THEN 'EG'

WHEN like 'Germany' THEN 'DE'

WHEN like 'Hungary' THEN 'HU'

WHEN like 'Jordan' THEN 'JO'

WHEN like 'Korea, Republic Of' THEN 'KR'

WHEN like 'Poland' THEN 'PL'

WHEN like 'Switzerland' THEN 'CH'

WHEN like 'United Kingdom' THEN 'GB'

ELSE '- N/A -' END AS CountryID, CA.CreatedBy

from custaddr ca

) al

where unitid is not null

Select TT.Unitid as Short_Site_Name, TT.City as Site_Name,'N.A' as Street_Po_Box,TT.Zip as Postal_Code_City, Null as State_Region,

TT.CountryID as CountryID,Null as Zone, Null as Note, TT.CreatedBy as UserID, GetDate() as Date, 'A' as [Action]

From #Data_For_Site_Address_Table TT



Meher Krishna.V

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Custom Editor

Mar 28, 2006


If I implement a custom editor by inheriting from UITypeEditor, Can I invoke it at RUN TIME from a standard control other than PropertyGrid, say a comboBox or a button ?

If it is possible, could you please let me know how to do it or could you please direct me to some URL which shows how to do it.

Do I have to create a custom control that inherits from control for doing this ?

Thank you.


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T-SQL Editor For SQL CE 3.5 In VS 2008

May 27, 2008

Hi. Is there a T-SQL Editor for SQL CE 3.5 in VS 2008 other than the Query Designer?

I'm used to writing and running sql queries using the MSSMSE 2005 query editor and was looking for something similar in the VS 2008 as MSSMSE 2005 can't open sql ce 3.5 db files. I've found the T-SQL Editor (Data->T-SQL Editor) but unfortunately it only seems to work with regular SQL Server databases and not sql compact sdf files.

Am I missing something or is Query Designer the only way to go (I really hate how it messes with my queries and doesn't let me execute only parts of the queries I write :/ )?

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MDF File Editor Required.

Aug 12, 2006

I have just installed MS SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server Management Studio Express on my server but when I try to open a MDF file for manual editing I am told no editor exists. Is the software I have installed able to open a MDF file?

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Web Based SQL Table Editor

Jun 21, 2004

Is anyone aware of a tool that will allow users to update the values of a sql table via a web page? What I am looking for is a tool that when given the name of a table will generate a web front end to allow editing of the table.


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Which Is A Good SQL Server Editor

Aug 2, 2005

Hi,I am looking for a good SQL Server Editor which can be used forwritting stored procedures, doing queries etc. It should have featureslike autocomplete and so on. Any recommendations.Thanks !

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[Help Request]Editor Error

Mar 28, 2007

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How Do I Use If Inside Sql Task Editor

Aug 29, 2006


lets say i have an input param calld x.

i want to use it inside sql task:

i try to put if(? = 0)


do somthing


but i get an error.

the variable is configured correctly in the mapping input as i have succeeded to do the

same with insert: insert into y values(?)

why it does not work with if statment? how can i use it?



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ForEach Loop Editor

Oct 9, 2006


Trying to through a process together and using the "ForEach Loop" task. When configuring the task and using the ForEach Loop Editor I do not have the "ForEach File Enumerator" in the drop down. Anyone know whats going on or what I need to do to make this appear. I only see 5 selections: ADO, ADO.Net Schema Rowset, Variable, NodeList, and SMO Enumerators. I am also using the SQL 2005 eval with SP1.



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Property Expressions Editor

Oct 10, 2007


I am trying to load some text files to a SQLServer database. My text files are going to have a name like orders_200709.txt. I am trying to use variables and expressions to evaluate the datepart, YYYYMM. The problem I am facing is with the 'Property Expressions Editor'. When I click on the ellipsis ..., I get the editor, but I am not able to add a new expression; not able to view properites etc. Everything is like in a Disable mode. Does anyone know the cause of this?


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How Do You Call RMD On A Component That Has No Editor?

Sep 2, 2007

I have a custom component that has no editor (i.e. NoEditor=TRUE in DtsPipelineComponent attribute).

This component derives all of its metadata based on the input (hence no editor is needed). What this means is that if the input changes in any way (e.g. the datatype of a column changes) my component will fail validation. That's not a problem, the problem is my Validate() method returns DTSValidationStatus.VS_NEEDSNEWMETADATA but ReinitializeMetaData() is not being called.

I get the familiar warning from the component:
Warning 1 Validation warning. Data Flow Task: Normaliser: The component has inconsistent metadata. TestHarness.dtsx 0 0

and when I double-click on the component I get the familiar dialog box:
TITLE: Editing Component
The component is not in a valid state. Do you want the component to fix itself automatically?

but when I click on 'Yes', nothing happens. RMD never gets called.

The workaround is to detach and reattach the input (which results in a call to ReinitializeMetadata() ) or set NoEditor=FALSE in DtsPipelineComponent attribute but I'd rather not have to do that because strictly speaking the user has no need to edit the component through advanced properties.

Is there another way around this problem? Is there a way to call RMD on a component that has no editor?


[Microsoft follow-up]

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