PAE, AWE And Pagefile
Jul 10, 2006
Can you please consider the following scenario:
Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition (32-bit)
SQL 2000 Enterprise Edition
Server with 8GB memory
1. If we enable /3GB and /PAE, the server can see and use 8GB memory, OS has 1GB, applications can use the remaining 7GB, can install 2 instances of SQL with a max server mem set to 3GB each, SQL should be able to allocate memory from the upper 4GB RAM. (True / False)
2. We only need to enable AWE if any single instance need to cache more than 4GB of data so we could for example configure one instance with AWE and set the max mem to 5GB and set the second instance to use 2GB max . (True / False).
3. 32-bit windows server OS can support a maximum of 4GB virtual memory, does this mean setting the pagefile to more than 4GB is a waste of disk space or does PAE extend this limitation ?
4.With AWE enabled, anything above the 4GB virtual space is used for data caching only (can't be used to manage user connections, locks, stored procedure compilations...etc). How does this work when running 2 separate instances with 3GB each and AWE disabled? would they receive 4GB of virtual pageable address space each ?
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Dec 19, 2006
Hello, I've been reading about this topic, and I've gotten myself moreconfused, not less.We have a single-processor license SQL Server Standard 2005 (xeon 2.8ghz) with 4 GB RAM in Windows Server 2003 SP1 Standard.I turned on the /3GB switch in boot.ini but not PAE or AWE, would it begood to have either one??
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Mar 14, 2008
Need some recommendations on . I have been tasked with building some SQL servers. The hardware config is:
4 Quad-core processors
64 GB of RAM (128GB of RAM coming in next group of servers)
4x73GB hard drives.
We normally build the servers with two Raid 1 disk groups. Mirroring the OS on one Raid group and keeping the default pagefile (for crash dumps) and then create another large pagefile on the other Raid group. We have been told from our parent company that we are to build the servers with a RAID 5 config and place the pagefile onto the same raid group as the OS. I know this is wrong and I need evidence to support my thoughts. If anyone has any links to whitepapers or research I would greatly appreciate it.
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Sep 19, 2007
I know the standard Microsoft recommendation is to make the pagefile at least 1.5 to 3 times larger then the amount of physical memory. However, if you're talking about a server with lots of memory such as 16GB or 32GB, would following this rule be unnecessary. With SQL 2000 running on Windows 2000 Server or Windows Server 2003 I typically see pagefile usage no more then 12% for a 2GB pagefile. Anything over 15% means I need to look at other indicators to see if a memory bottleneck has developed. If I have 32GB of physical memory and make the pagefile only 1.5 x 32GB I have a 48GB pagefile. 10% of this is 4.8GB, which I would hope I never see consumed.
Any thoughts?
Thanks, Dave
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