Apr 24, 2007


Attached proc is working fine. But how should I pass the value of @LexNexID without manul key in the value. How can I call this proc. to update comment in table tblSEMS_FTP_FINAL automatically


@lexnexid int,
@commentstring varchar(4000)

DECLARE @Comment varchar(4000)
--DECLARE @CommentString varchar(4000)

--SET @LexNexID = 1
SET @CommentString = ''


convert(varchar(4000),Comment) COMMENT

INTO @Comment


SET @CommentString = @CommentString + @Comment + '{CR}{LF}' + ' '

INTO @Comment


--PRINT @CommentString

update tblSEMS_FTP_FINAL
set comment = @CommentString
where lexnexid=@LexNexID


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Passing C# Value To The ASP SQL Query

Mar 31, 2007

Hi Guys,
Im trying to pass a value from a C# page to the corresponding ASP page.
I want to use this value in my SQL Query on the asp page within a Details View.
Ive made the variable public in c# page.
And im trying to concatenate it to my sql query within the <asp: SqlDataSource.

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Passing UserName To SQL

Jul 8, 2007

A beginner's question I'm sure.  When visitors have logged into my site, how do I then use their UserName as a parameter in an SQL WHERE clause so that I can pull up their detailed information.  I'm using VB if additional code is required.
Thanks in advance.

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Parameters Passing

Mar 14, 2008

 how to pass paremeters in sqldataadapter? here iam checking authentication using sqlcommand and datareader
like that if iam checking authentication using dataset and sqldatareader how to use parameters?
SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection("user id=sa;password=abc;database=xyz;data source=server");
// string str = "select username from security where username='" + TextBox1.Text + "'and password='" + TextBox2.Text + "'";
string str = "select username from security where username=@username and password=@password";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(str, cn);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@username", TextBox1.Text);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@password", TextBox2.Text);
SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();

if (dr.HasRows)
Session["username"] = TextBox1.Text;
FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(TextBox1.Text, false);

Label1.Visible = true;
Label1.Text = "Invalid Username/Password";
like that if iam checking authentication using dataset and sqldatareader how to use parameters?SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection("user id=sa;password=abc;database=xyz; data source=server");
cn.Open();ds = new DataSet();
string str = "select username from security where username=@username, password=@password";da = new SqlDataAdapter(str, cn);  //how to pass parameters for that
da.Fill(ds, "security");

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Passing DDL Value To Bit Field In SQL

Jan 2, 2004

I have a DDL with two values: 0 and 1. When I use

sqlcommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@fld", SqlDbType.Bit, 1))
sqlcommandl.Parameters("@fld").Value = System.Boolean.Parse(DropDownList1.SelectedValue)


sqlcommand.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@fld", SqlDbType.Bit, 1))
sqlcommandl.Parameters("@fld").Value = System.Convert.ToBoolean(DropDownList1.SelectedValue)

to insert the selected value in a sql2k database BIT field I am given this error:

System.FormatException: String was not recognized as a valid Boolean.

How can I solve this problem?

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Passing Xml String

Apr 27, 2004

i m tring to pass my xml string to my sql server but i receive empty value even tho my xml have it's value.
here's my code,

insert user(userName)
select xml_user
from OPENXML(@xmlHandle,'/NewDataSet',1)
with (xml_user nvarchar(20) 'table/user_name')

my XML code

Please advice on this matter.Thanks

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Passing Xml To Sql Server

Jun 16, 2004

i manage to passs an xml string to sql server based on the reference site( by Robbe Morris). From his way, i can only pass XML in this format
<order id="10">
<prod id="1" qty="1"/>
<prod id="2" qty="3"/>

Note : the value is stores as attribute (<prog id="1") . I am just wonder can i actaully pass my xml string to sql Server with this format
<order id="10">


and how can i read the value from this format in my stored procedure?


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Passing Date Value

Oct 18, 2005

Hi,I have a problem while passing a date value to datefunction.My query is like that ..declare @todate varchar(20),@FromDate varchar(20)set @todate='18/10/2005'set @FromDate = '11/10/2005'print DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,convert(datetime,@todate)), 0)But i getting the error like this..Server: Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Line 4The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.Can any body help me ..Thanks and RegardsAJOSH

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Passing Parameter To SP Using IN

Jan 18, 2002


I have a stored proc as follows:

Create stored procedure sp_test
@Cno nvarchar (1000) AS
SELECT * FROM Contracts WHERE Cno IN (@Cno)

How do I actually pass the parameters to the stored proc?

sp_test "'cn01','cn02','cn03','cn04'" doesn't work.

In VB.NET this doesn't work either:
dim s as string = "'cn01','cn02','cn03','cn04'"
cmd.parameters.add(new sqlparameter("@Cno",nvarchar,1000))
cmd.parameters("@Cno").value = s

I don't want to parse the string inside the proc and then Exec the parsed string.

Jeremy Holt

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Passing A Table Name

Sep 3, 2004

I would like to pass the name of a table in my update query. It goes something like :

set @Table = 'TableA'

Company_id = @Company_id

However I get a syntax error when I try to pass the table name like this.

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Passing Information

Jun 21, 2007

What i am trying to do is have the contact information to be displayed also. The contact information is in dbo.CONTSUPP under column 'contact'. Is there anyway to pass that 'contact' value up to the parent select statement. So the result will show Company, Address1,...,Source, contact.

SELECT Company, Address1, Address2,
Address3, City, State, Zip,
Country, Phone1, Fax, Source
WHEREcontact LIKE '%test1%' OR
contact LIKE '%test2%' OR
contact LIKE '%test3%' OR
contact LIKE '%test4%'

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Passing Parameters To DTS In C#

Apr 17, 2004

I have a dts package file. I am able to execute the file thro C#. I want to pass userid, password, datasource through program. How to do this?

DTS.PackClass package = new DTS.PackClass();

string filename = @"c:abc.dts";
string password = null;
string packageID = null;
string versionID = null;
string name = "DTSPack";
object pVarPersistStfOfHost = null;

package.LoadFromStorageFile(filename, password, packageID,
versionID, name, ref pVarPersistStfOfHost);
package = null;


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Passing A Parameter Value

Apr 9, 2008

Hi ,

I have this situation,I need to store results of a Select Count(*) from TableA to a parameter and only if the value of the count(*) is greater than 50,000,a notification mail would be sent out to the table owner.Currently this is what I have done:
1) Use SQL task to include "Select Count(*) from TableA"
2) In parameter mapping tab of SQL Task, define the following
Parameter name : Table::Count
Direction: Input
Data Type: Numeric
Parameter Name : @Count
3) I have connected the SQL Task to a Send Mail Task [ Only If @count>50 000, then a mail should be sent out]
4) The constraints has been set as
Evaluation Operation : Expression and Constraints
Value: Success
Expression : @Count >"50000"

In SSIS tab > Variable
I have set the following
Variable Name : Count
DataType : Int32

Can someone advise me where I am going wrong, as when I execute the SQL Task turns greens and ends.Even when the count of tableA is greater than 50 000, no mails I sent out[send mail task does not get executed]

Thank You in Advance

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SQL / PHP / Passing Variables

Apr 28, 2008

I am pretty new to this and hope someone can help and I hope I can explain my problem.

I have a php form

<form action="cpesearch.php">
State: <select name="stname">
<option value ="ALL">all states</option>
<option value ="vic">VIC</option>
<option value ="sa">SA</option>etc etc etc

I am then connecting to my datatbase, assign the variables and doing the SQL query.

if ($dbc = mysql_connect ('localhost','root',''))
if (@mysql_select_db('database'))
$sname = $_GET['stname'];
$pname = $_GET['prname'];
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `cpe` WHERE eventdate >= CURDATE() AND state = ''.$sname.'' AND presenter = ''.$pname.'' ORDER BY eventdate ASC';
$r = mysql_query($sql) or die("Query failed".mysql_error($dbc));
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($r))
print "<div id="mainContent"> <p>".$row['state']."</p>".
etc etc etc

So my problem is... I have an events table with presenters and state (and other info). I want to be able to select each presenter and state or all presenters and/or states. Not sure then how to pass the variable into my sql statement if they want to select ALL.

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Passing Recordset

Sep 12, 2006

can i pass recordset object(which have 10 records) from vb6 to stored procedures, if yes what is the datatype i have to declare in stored procedure

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Passing Input

Oct 31, 2007

Need help.

I’m trying to pass inputs from one stored proc to another but I’m having problems in passing them.

First proc (input_passing) should pass the following inputs – FirstName, LastNmae and RecordID to the second proc (input_receive) – then the second proc will diplay the outcome – YES/NO if there is a match.
First proc (input_passing)



OPEN tbInputs

INTO @RecordID, @FirstName, @LastName

SET @RecordID = RecordID from dbo.tbInputs)


INTO @RecordID, @FirstName, @LastName


CLOSE tbInputs
exec input_receive
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Second proc. (input_receive)

CREATE PROCEDURE input_receive
@RecordIDVARCHAR(11) = NULL,
@FirstNameVARCHAR(50) = NULL,
@LastNameVARCHAR(50) = NULL,
@RecordMatchBIT OUTPUT,

-- Declarations
-- END Declarations

-- ******* Initializations **********
SET @Count = 0
SET @Found = 0
-- DEFAULT to No File Match
SET RecordMatch = 0
SET @MatchedOn = 'NO FOUND'
-- ******* END Initializations **********

-- First check to see if the RecordID Matches
IF( @RecordID IS NOT NULL AND @RecordID <> '' )
IF( CAST( REPLACE(@RecordID, '-', '') AS DECIMAL(18,0)) > 0 )
SELECT @Count = COUNT(*)
FROM tbAlert
WHERE REPLACE(RecordID, '-', '') = REPLACE(@RecordID, '-', '')

IF( @Count > 0 )
SET @RecordMatch = 1
SET @MatchedOn = 'FOUND : RecordID'


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Passing Parameter To A URL

Mar 18, 2008

how can i pass report parameter via URL?

my jump to URL link is:

and i want to pass two parameters: billingmonth and phoneno

how can i do that?

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Passing Parameter

Jul 23, 2005

I have a stored procedure named "processInventory" like the following.Depending on the passed in parameters, I would like to add a WHEREclause for "select" action. For example, if any varchar type ofparameter is passed in, the where clause would use "LIKE" operator. Forexample, "Select * from Main where [s/n] like @Serial. All other typeswill use "=" operator. For example, "Select * from Main where MAKE =@Make and Type = @type".How could this be achieved? Thanks.CREATE PROCEDURE processInventory@Action varchar(7),@ControlNumber int = null,@AssetTag int = null,@Serial varchar(50) = null,@Description varchar(50) = null,@Make int = null,@Type int = null,@Model int = null,@Status int = null,@Networked bit = null,@LoginName varchar(50) = null,@Shared bit = null,@Org varchar(15) = null,@RecordDate datetime = null,@LastUpdate datetime = null,@ManufactureDate datetime = null,@Comment ntext = nullASdeclare @processError intset @processError = 0if @Action = 'Select' goto selectInventoryelseIf @Action = 'Update'beginif @ControlNumber = null return(1) --Required parameter value notspecifiedelsegoto updateInventoryendelseif @Action = 'Insert'beginif @Serial = null return(1) --Required parameter value notspecifiedelsegoto InsertInventoryendelseif @Action = 'Delete'beginif @ControlNumber = null return(1) --Required parameter valuenot specifiedelse goto deleteInventoryendselectInventory:if @Serial <> nullbeginselect * from Main where [S/N] like @Serialif @@Error<>0beginset @processError = @@Errorreturn @processErrorendendelseif @ControlNumber <> nullbeginselect * from Main where ControlNumber = @ControlNumberif @@Error <>0beginset @processError = @@Errorreturn @processErrorendendelseselect top 100* from MainupdateInventory:update MAINset [Org Asset Tag] = @AssetTag, [S/N] = @Serial, [Description]= @Description, Make = @Make, Type = @Type,Model = @Model, Status = @Status, Networked = @Networked,LoginName = @LoginName, Shared = @Shared,Org = @Org, [Date Of Record] = @RecordDate, [Date LastUpdated] = @LastUpdate, [Manuf Date] = @ManufactureDate,Comments = @Commentwhere ControlNumber = @ControlNumberif @@ERROR <> 0beginset @processError = @@ERRORreturn @processErrorendelsereturn(0) -- successful updateinsertInventory:insert MAIN([Org Asset Tag], [S/N], [Description], Make, Type,Model, Status, Networked, LoginName, Shared,Org, [Date Of Record], [Date Last Updated], [ManufDate],Comments)values(@AssetTag, @Serial, @Description, @Make, @Type, @Model,@Status, @Networked, @LoginName, @Shared,@Org, @RecordDate, @LastUpdate, @ManufactureDate,@Comment)if @@ERROR <> 0beginset @processError = @@ERRORreturn @processErrorendelse return(0) -- successful insertdeleteInventory:delete MAIN where ControlNumber = @ControlNumberif @@ERROR <> 0beginset @processError = @@ERRORreturn @processErrorendelse return(0) -- successful deleteGO

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Passing The Same Data To Every SP

Jan 17, 2008


I have a slight problem. I would like to pass some form of out of band data to every SP when called using ADO.NET.

A little more info is needed I think. I need to pass a unique identifier to ever SP my application calls and have that identifier available to use by the SP.

As my application has many many SP's in use I am trying to avoid adding an extra parameter to each and every one. I was really hoping for the ADO command object to have a property I could use to pass 'user defined' data to the database engine.

For example:

My SP's write to an audit trail table. The audit trail needs to record the user that executed the SP, this user might not be the same user that logged on to the database (depends on the connection string really). So, instead of adding an extra param to each SP, I want to access some data from the ADO command that was used to call the SP.

Can anyone help, or have I just confused everyone?


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HELP! Passing Parameters

May 30, 2006

Still need help passing a criteria parameter query from a SQL Function (i.e. @StartDate) to a report header in Access Data Project where header = 'Transactions As Of [StartDate].

If anyone knows anywhere I can get help on this, I would really appreciate it. Thanks.

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Aug 29, 2007

Is there a way to pass the "select all" option to a multi-select parameter from a URL string?

Thanks, Eva

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Passing Recordsets

Sep 26, 2007


I'm having SSIS block right now and thought I'd see if anyone had a simple solution to this.

What I have is SSN data coming in from several different tables, which needs to be inserted into a SurrogateSSN table which just uses an Identity field for the surrogate.

I normally build a seperate package for each detination table, so in each package that has SSN data in the source, I need to insert into the SurrogateSSN table (then I can use the surrogate values later in my package).

What I'm looking for is a simple solution if possible (preferrable using existing non-script tasks, or very short script), where I can pass in the SSN. Is there way to create a package that will accept a recordset (of SSN's) for this insert, that I can call from several different packages, and pass in the recordset of SSN's?

Thanks for your ideas

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Varible Passing

Apr 26, 2006


When i try to execute the following stmt using sqlcmd, it is giving me error.

c:>sqlcmd -i "c:sqlconfigDDLLogging.sql" -v LogDir='c:sctclogs'

the error is
Sqlcmd: ':sctclogs'': Invalid argument. Enter '-?' for help.

but when i pass just -v LogDir='csctclogs' it work fine.

The problem is with ":" when i put colon it throws error.

Any help to execute the above command would great.

Thanking you,

Best regards,


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Passing Value To A Variable

Aug 9, 2007

This is pretty simple but I am doing somethin really stupid somewhere, I am trying to pass a value to a variable declared in a package using some SQL code, I declared a variable "var1" and assigned the scope to the package , then I dropped a execute SQL task within the package and wrote a simple sql code that would get the maximum id from a table, "select max(id) from table" , now I want to assign the variable this max in the parameter mapping tab I select the variable give it a parameter name of 0 and size of -1 along with direction of "output". everythin looks simple but when I try to use this variable value in my next execute sql task it behaves weirdly, I am trying to update anothet table using this variable value, so I add another task and put this code in there " update table2 set id = ? " , and on the parameter mapping tab I set the direction as input, however when I look at the column it updated th column with a weird number , xomethin like "230072408" which doesnt mean anything. I know that tha max value of ID is 10.
Please help.


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Passing ExecutionInstanceGuid To Sp Changes Value

Dec 18, 2007

I am passing System::ExecutionInstanceGuid to a stored procudure using the Execute SQL task (OLEDB connection). When it is being passed as a GUID (through the parameter mapping screen), the wrong value gets passed to the procedure. If i change the Parameter Data Type to VARCHAR, it passes the correct value.

This is also true for the PackageId.

Has anyone seen this?


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Passing Parameter To A Dts

Jun 17, 2005

I don't understand how to pass a parameter to a dts package from another. In SQL 2000 you can map a variable with a variable of the package you will call.

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Passing Dynamic SQL

Feb 21, 2008

I was passing dynamic SQL to a parameter called 'SQL' and executing like =PARAMETERS!SQL.VALUE in the Generic Query Designer. Unfortunately my Dynamic SQL has grown to the point where it will no longer fit in a URL as it can exceed the 2048 limit. I've been tinkering with ways to get this into Reporting services using other methods but have thus been unsuccessful. Anyone have any ideas on this?

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Passing Parameter Using .SQL

May 11, 2006

Hi all

I need to pass parameters when I call a .SQL file.
Is there a way to do this in SQL Server?


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Regarding Parameter Passing

Dec 21, 2006

Hi guys...

As of now I'm working on a certian report which needs to pass a certain parameter to another dataset... I'm refering to the dataset of the same report. Can anyone tell me how this is done? I really need to know it to finish my report...

Thanks a bunch in advance!

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Passing XML To An Endpoint

Apr 9, 2007


I have created an Endpoint based on a stored procedure that has a parameter of datatype XML. I have added a reference to the endpoint in a web project, I have no problems accessing but I do have a question on how to pass XML or an entire XML file to the XML datatype? How is this done in I have loaded the XML file into a vb string but this is not compatible with the sql server xml datatype? Any examples anywhere?


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Automate Passing

Dec 19, 2006


i already have a program that when you click a button it will get the new transactions in the database then pass it to another database now i need to automate the passing... once there is a new entry in the database it should automatically pass it to the other database. how could i do this?!


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Passing Value To SqlDataSource Dynamically

Jul 10, 2006

Following is my code which is not working.
<asp:SqlDataSource ID=events runat=serverSelectCommand="SELECT * FROM TBL_EVENT WHERE SECTION_ID=<%= Session("ID")%>"ConnectionString = "<%$ appSettings:SQLConnectionString %>"</asp:SqlDataSource>
I want to pass the value of Session("ID") into that query. How can I do that?

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Passing Parameters In TableAdapter

Jul 28, 2006

A little new to ASP.NET pages, and I'm trying to pass some parameters to a SQL 2000 Server using a TableAdapter, code is as follows:
TestTableAdapters.test_ModemsTableAdapter modemsAdapter = new TestTableAdapters.test_ModemsTableAdapter();
// Add a new modem
modemsAdapter.InsertModem(frmRDate, frmModem_ID, frmProvisioning, strDecESN );
And the error I get when loading the ASP.NET page is as follows:
Compiler Error Message: CS1502: The best overloaded method match for 'TestTableAdapters.test_ModemsTableAdapter.InsertModem(System.DateTime?, string, string, string)' has some invalid arguments
Now I realized the four strings that I am trying to pass to the server refer to ID's on Textboxes on the web page. Not sure if that might be the problem for databinding... ? Or is it my statement for the adapter?

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