we use a 3of9 barcode font (TrueType). It works fine with Visual Studio, but when the report is run on the server, the font's width is false (2 times larger, but the correct height...).
We've test different font (barcode or not) and the problem occurs with all True Type fonts but not the True Type Outlines fonts... (and we not find any True Type Outlines barcode font)
I have a report that uses a Garamond font and it renders correctly in HTML, but when the report is converted to PDF, the font changes (I believe to a variation of Arial, but that seems irrelevant). My Operations team has installed the Garamond font on both the web server as well as the Report Server, but the problem is still occurring.
I'm using a free barcode font so i can create scannable tickets via reporting services 2k5. When I print the tickets, everything seems fine. But when i export to PDF though, it looks like the barcode font shrunk. All the lines are pulled together, making scanning impossible. Is there a certain setting or so that i can use to ensure the font's width ?
-Update- The weird thing is: when i export it inside visual studio, the barcode is shown as it is supposed to in the pdf !?
I'd like to find where can I change the fonttype for annotations done in Control Flow. I mean, every time that I do that appears the one I chose by default TIA
I used a textbox with strikethrough font in my report. In preview, the report has that font and also in Print. But exporting to PDF has no strikethrough font. (Export to excel has this font). Can anybody help to resolve this.
I have a cube that has a Dimension set up with several values some of which are bools. While Browsing in Excel or SSMS, two new values, when used as a filter shows (All) (Blank) and (True) for selections instead of (All) (True) and (False).Â
I need to be able to suppress the printing of a particular value when exporting, but not when displaying on a web viewer on-line. I can place an IIF() condition around the field to do this, but do not know how to obtain a parameter/value/function which would recognize that the viewer has selected an export (To .PDF for example). I would prefer there be a direct parameter I can read from the RDL language, however recognizing the selection while setting up the viewer to be displayed in the code-behind and setting an external parameter is also an option.
Hello all, I am developing my own custom export type via the IRenderingExtension interface, and I am having a fundamental problem getting it to work.
I followed this guide written by James Yip, http://forums.microsoft.com/TechNet/AddPost.aspx?ForumID=82&SiteID=17, and managed to compile my SampleRenderer class and properly configure SRSS so that my 'Sample' export format is now available in the export dropdown in Report Manager.
However, upon actually exporting a report, the result is a blank file. I have absolutely no idea why the stream I create isn't getting through to the final file.
First of all, this is not in reference to using SRS (SQL Reporting Services) to render a report and then use one of the extensions to render the complete report as a pdf, tiff, excel etc. We have an opportunity to render a list of claims and then embed the supporting docs for each of the claims within the report. We don't have an issue referencing jpg and gif images via URLs and then rendering them within the report after the grid information. We do have an issue rendering tiff images within the report.
You can insert an image object into SRS at design time and have it render and you can convert a complete report to a tiff image but I cannot find a way to be able to render a tiff image when running the report. All you get is the red "x".
My question is has anyone encountered the same issue and, if so, what did you do to resolve the issue?
Running SQL 2008. Trying to copy data from one table into another table using SSIS Import/Export Wizard. Now, when I do a straight "Copy data from one or more tables or views", no problems. But when I use the "Write a query to specify the data to transfer", it will not let me get anywhere.
My source table has a field that is setup as "time". It has data, and no problems with the field. I even replicated my destination table structure exactly. But when I try to use the Import & Export wizard, for that one field I get an error stating the source field is unknown and it is labeled as "-1" instead of "time".
I found a couple of of workarounds. One is to cast the source field "time" as "datetime", and then end up with a "datetime2" field in the destination table. Works, but not what I want to store in that field. Second workaround is to use TSQL and use a "INSERT INTO...SELECT...FROM..WHERE.." statement. This works, and gives me the desired results with all data types being same in source and destination, but is a slight pain in the rear end.
I just want the Import & Export wizard to work. It should work. Why doesn't it know what "time" is? I even checked the MSSQLToSSIS10.XML mapping file the wizard is using. This is what it has for "time":
Not seeing the Review Data Type Mapping Screen in SQL Server Import and Export Wizard?
Is there only a certain version where that screen shows up?
I am trying to import data from an MS Access application to SQL Server and all of the connections are good, but some of the data isn't and if I let it migrate using this tool it crashes on the bad data and there is no data that migrates. The Review Data Type Mapping screen will allow me to bypass the records in error and load the rest. however, I can;t do that if I cannot see the screen.
I am running SQL 6.5 and 7.0 utilities on my NT 4.0 SP 5 machine. All of a sudden the query outputs in ISQL or query analyser are garbage. The font is overlaying each other, so that the only way I can view query output is by using the grid output selection in SQL 7.0 query analyser. This is the second company I've worked for where this issue has suddenly occured. I have reinstalled 6.5 and 7.0 to no avail. This is obviously some OS problem. Does anyone know how to overcome this?
I have made a database. And three tables db_ka, db_kha, and db_ga. Each tables have names stored in NEPALI LANGUAGE. I want SQL query which can give output of the name starting with "ka". HERE, "ka" is not in ENGLISH, it is stored in NEPALI language, hence, another font, [Preeti Font].
I seem to remember that the font size and type can be controlled in SQL Server 6.5 and the process controlls the fonts displayed throughout the program - Enterprise Manager, Query Tool, etc.
I have just re-installed 6.5 and the fonts are way too small.
In my application I need to make the report in different languages.I made a table for report parameters, like:create myTable (language_id int not null,parameter char(50) null,constraint PK_lang_ID PRIMARY KEY (language_id))and then tried:insert into myTable values(1, 'Bank info') - for Englishinsert into myTable values(2, '????') - for Chinese.it worked OK ( I have installed "Chinese" language in server)but when run:select * from myTablethen I get:1 Bank info2 ?????And in Application it is also coming like: "????"What is wrong ? Do I have to do some additional installation staff forChinese in SQL Server ?Any idea will be helpful and greatly appreciated
How come the fonts available in Visual Studio Reporting Services is different from the ones in Word? I need add some embedded commands to a report and in order for the receiving application to be able to interpret these commands they need to be in Courier (stupid I know).
How can I achive this? Is there some way to add new fonts to VS?
Because I have two fields separated by line feed (chr(10)), I need to format the first field as bold. Obviously, that Format(...,"Bold") does not work. Anybody has came across this before, please enlighten.
We are currently using reporting services to display reports in our application. Amongst the reports there is one that shows barcodes (using an idautomation font).
We've installed the font on every pc that uses the software, and it works on all but 4.
Now we've checked the following:
The user signs in on another pc and it works. So not user related The user uses the font in a word document. So nothing wrong with the font itself.
Seems like a long shot, but I'd really like to show "CO2" (chemical formula for carbon dioxide) with the "2" as a subscript, in a report text box. The "CO2" would be embedded as part of a sentence, e.g. "The CO2 emissions..." Is there any way to do this?
I just have a simple question on font dependencies in reference to deployed reports. In my company, we run citrix presentation servers feeding terminal sessions out to users in remote areas.
My question is, in a terminal session, do the fonts used in the reports need to be installed on the users' local machine (who is connecting via terminal session) or is it enough to just have it on the servers feeding out the terminal session?
For example, we create a report with Arial Narrow font. Our servers hosting citrix presentation server did not have this font installed, so we installed this font on the servers (thus they're displaying correctly). Obviously the server hosting our reporting services has the font. Now a user connects to the server, is granted a terminal session, launches reporting services, report is generated with the correct font displayed, and finally prints the report.
Will the report print in Arial Narrow if the users' local machine doesn't have this font install? I remember reading somewhere that the fonts do not embed, hence the reason for installing the font on our citrix servers.
I realize this is kinda out of the scope of this forum, but perhaps someone on here uses terminal services and can answer this for me. I do plan to test this out when I get home tonight. I'd test it right now, but my computer at home isn't on therefore I can't remote home (plus wake-on-lan isn't configured) to do an actual test. Just thought I'd get some insights from other people.
I have a table detail where i need to merge the information on two columns. The difficult thing is, the 2nd column must have a different font size when i render the report. Also the merging of the two columns should not generate a space between the contents of both columns. I have done concatenation using the '&', the only problem is the data in the second column inherits the font size of the first column. I have used textboxes, but it generates spaces if the data in the first column contains lesser characters.
I'm trying to figure out how to insert a special character that will make the values in the column BOLD when I use that table as reference in my Word Mailmerge. For starters, I was able to insert char(10) as carriage return, so when I use the values from that table in my mailmerge, the char(10) is effective, meaning, the carriage returrn is working, but how about making the font bold? Please help.
Example is:
insert into table(customer_address) values ("123 hayworth drive" + char(10) + "new land grove" + char(10) + "chicago" + char(10))
This value when used in a Word Mailmerge, will be displayed as: 123 hayworth drive new land grove chicago
Now, how do I insert a special character for bold font?
I used two symbols (”¬€¬ and ”´) in my reporting services page and they appear fine in Internet Explorer. However, when I try to export the page to a PDF file, they appear as question marks.
Can someone tell me why or how to work around this?
I'm using Reporting Service to print checks. Everything seems ok when I design and deploy and view the reports. But when I try to export to pdf, the MICR font I'm using does not work. I've tried a couple of different MICR fonts from the web and they either get replaced by a standard font or disappear altogether. I would love to know why that is.
I want to set properties such as font family, font size, etc as high as possble in the report.
Is it possible to have textbox fonts inherited from a container like a list, or report?
Currently it seems I need to set fonts on every textbox.
Similarly, when I use report designer to put a textbox on a report, the textbox decides the Font is Normal, Arial, 10pt, Normal. Where is this setting stored?
I am trying to store RichTexBox information, such as the formating of the paragraph, color, font and etc. Is that possible to store this kind of information in Sql Server 2005 Compact Edition without stripping down the properties one by one?
I am trying to store a sentence which contain of multiple color or font for different words. Is there anyway to store those information?
Is it possible to dynamically set the font weight (bold vs normal) for a matrix row label? I always get an invalid value message box from the expression editor. For example: