I am a novice Visual Studio user. When creating reports in Visual Studio, I get an extra blank page with a report heading when I save the report as a .pdf and print from Adobe. I recently created a report with 2 grouping levels and I get 2 blank pages (w/report header only) between every full detail page. I've checked my report properties and grouping settting several times. I've also checked the properties for each of the lines defined in my report and nothing indicates that it would cause a problem. Note: My report consists of a header, a body with a table-header-detail-2 grouping levels-footer, and a report footer. I would REALLY appreciate any suggestions for solving my problem. Also, when I view the report on the Preview Pane it looks exactly as I would expect. The extra pages only appear when saving as a .pdf and printing from Adobe.:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
I want each item of the list in a new page. So I checked the "Insert page break after this table" of the table properties to make sure that the next table is rendered on the next page.
But printing or exporting the report, a blank page with just the header and the footer is printing.
Is there a way to remove this last extra blank page?
In SRSS 2005 (SP2) my page header seems to take up the same amount of space on the 1st page it would take if it were to print; I have PRINT ON FIRST PAGE set to false - the header doesn't print - it just leaves the same amount of space. How do you get the report to ignore that. I do have a report header built into the body of my report. I have tested this by increasing the size of my page header and it does move the report up or down on the 1st page by that amount.
This seems like a simple Microsoft Based Reporting System 101 feature...But I can not find out how to do it (among other things that seem like it should work with Microsoft rendering to Microsoft).
How do I make the SSRS 2005 Header for the Report print on each of the pages in excel once it is rendered from SSRS?
All I want is an answer by MSFT that says "YES" it can be done and how or "No" it is not currently available.
I noticed I am not the only one with this type of simple question: (see this unanswered post) http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=1281464&SiteID=1
I am using SQL Server report 2008/2012 (SSRS) and my report viewer contains body content with 3 Row groups. While printing the report, data print with blank space and move to continue data to next page.
Departure flight : 70 rows First Page : 42 rows printed Second Page : 23 rows printed [ Supposed to be print 28 , if the total count of records more than 23 and less than 42 then the page print only 23 records ] Third Page : 5 rows printed
Departure flight : 42 rows First Page : 42 rows printed [Report max. record allowed to print 42 rows so if total record is 42 then print perfectly ]
Departure flight : 26 rows First Page : 23 rows printed [Supposed to be print 26, if the total count of records more than 23 and less than 42 then the page print only 23 records ] Second Page : 3 rows printed
I need some help. I am writing a report in SSRS 2005 that I then need to export to Excel. When I put a report header I would expect the header to not display in the Excel spreadsheet until the Print Preview or the Print. The report footer works just fine I put some text in the footer, and it shows up in the footer. The header though, shows up as a row in the Excel spreadsheet that then causes columns to merge. How do I get the report header to act like a page header?
I have a report that I created and the report was working until I added some fields to a group footer row in a table.
My table has 5 group levels. I had information displaying in the 5th level header group and detail. It was working fine. Then I added some fields to the 4th level group footer. Now it displays only the Page header, Table header, and the 4th level group footer data.
What happened to the rest of the data?
All the cells and rows I want to display have the Visibility Hidden set to false. I tried removing the objects I added (to the 4th level group footer) and it still does not work. Is this a bug or did I set something that is hiding the data.
I am working on conversion of Crystal reports to SSRS. The existing report has two level of grouping. So I have included 2 list inside a third list and then done the grouping. Is there another way to do multiple grouping ? Every thing is working fine except for getting one extra blank page at the end of report with only header and footer. I have properly checked the body height and width and page margins. It has something to do with list but i cant figure out what.
There is a one header in the report, when I publish and hit the report in IE(internet explor) the header appears fine on first page when I go to next page this header does not appear.
But in mozilla the header is visible on every page of the report. so it is working fine in mozilla.
I need to have an automated process to generate and send out csv data on a set schedule. Using the sp_send_dbmail routine is working great except for one small problem I am having trouble getting around.
I am specifying a query to be run and including the results as a file attachment. The customer wants a csv file with column names.
The attachment always includes a 'separator line' of dashes between the column header and the actual data. Is there any way to eliminate this line of dashes? When I use @query_result_header = 0 flag, it removes the line of dashes, but the column names are also removed as well.
I want to keep the column names, but just remove the line of dashes.
Hi All, In my SSRS report. I have a report which has only one page. In preview it is showing as only 1 page but when I am printing the report. I am getting two printouts with the second page as a blank.. Please help me in printing the page that contains report. Intially I used a Page header, at that it used to print the blank page with a header only. Now as I removed the header it is printing the page without header i.e Blank Page.. So please help me in prinitng a single page that has the report. It is urgent,..
I have created web based ssrs report with Report viewer and I am trying to add Command button to print result of report reside in ReportViewer and I have worked with code to generate. Is there any other way to work around without writing function or java script on Extra print button to print ssrs report.
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
I'm hoping that someone can shed some light on this for me... I'm using SSRS SP2 and I have a basic report using a single list object which, at the moment, should print only two pages based on the results of the underlying query. When previewing the report, it shows the two pages. But when the report is printed or exported, there is a blank page before each report page.
What I've done so far: 1) Verified the properties of the list object and made sure that 'Insert a page break before this list' is not checked
2) Ensured that there are no hidden objects that could be causing this behavior 3) Ensured that the report size + margins are within the boudaries of an standard 8.5x11 paper size
Any suggestions on something that would solve this issue?
How can I print a field that is in the dataset on each page? I added a textbox in the Page Header and use =Fields!ProjectName.value in the value property. I got an error "Fields cannot used in page header and footer."
How can I have the table header shows on each page? Currently if the data goes to the second page, there is no table header.
Hello, If I have a report that includes a page header, the report viewer will render the report at the full width, but if I hide the page header and show only the body it will use the absolute width of the report.
I have a 7" wide report, with .75" borders set on each side.
Interactive & Print size are set to 8.5x11 Changing these sizes has no effect on the behavior of the viewer, which appears to ignore them.
When I view this report in the local viewer the contents fill the window if there is no page header. If I enable the page header then the report is drawn at 8.5" wide, leaving a _big_ white border on the right side. Any comments or workarounds that anyone knows? I know the local viewer is not a standard configuration (at least it seems) but it is what we need to use.Thanks,//Andrew
When i view the Report from SSRS Report preview Tab it's working fine, But when i deploy that and try to view in the IE I am seeing the Body background color in between the image and page border of the page footer how to solve that?
hi i am very concerned about this problem in my report.
to solve this problem i increased the height of page footer,blank page vanishes but the page footer is not printing on every page,it is only printing on 1 st page .
i am having probelm because the records from the dataset are more than the page limit , page break is there but no footer is printing on the second page only blank space is there.
I am using BCP to export the contents of a view into a text file. Everything is running jsut ifne, except the resulting file has a blank first line. Is there a way to preven this?
BCP statement is as follows:
bcp "select pospay from son_db.dbo.vw_pos_pay order by account desc, code asc" queryout D:eliteUSbankPositivePay_Currentx340.d150364i. d100.txt -T -c
I have a report with several matrix objects. The data contained in each matrix is simple. One matrix has one column of labels and a column of data. The other has 3 columns of data. Both matrix's only show about 25 rows of data. A variable amount of data is displayed above the matrix's so that sometime the render across a page boundary. Whenever this happens the matrix doesn't render rows down to the bottom of the page. A considerable amount of empty space is left on the page, the completed matrix is displayed on the next page. I'm wondering how to get the matrix to render in this empty space.
This problem only occurs when I view the report on screen, in the Visual Studio "Preview" window, or from the Report Server web site. Tiff, pdf and printed output doesn't contain the extra space.
I've tried adding my matrix to a List and a Rectangle to see of this would fix the problem but it didn't help.
I've check the dimensions and margins or the page and I don't think I have any sizing problems, everything should fit on the page.
I have a fairly large report with multiple matrix tables. They grow to a fixed width horizontally and may grow to various heights vertically. I have the interactive height set to zero so that it displays on the web page on one screen. When I go to print this report, I am getting a blank page between each page with data. Here are my dimensions:
height: 15 in
width: 8.5 in
interactive height: 0 in
interactive width: 8.5 in
left margin: .5 in
right margin: .5 in
top margin: .5 in
bottom margin: .5 in
height: 13.3875 in
width: 6.9 in
Would this problem be due to the fact that my matrix tables span an area greater than a normal page height in design mode even before they grow dynamically? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
When I export to PDF or Tiff, I am getting an extra blank page at the bottom of the document. Any ideas what might be causing this blank page during my export?
I think I know the answer but I have a report that is supposed to print in Ledger. It has a header that has report information on the left and on the right has page count and date run. When the user resizes the page to letter, only the first part of the header shows (left piece with report information). Instead of resizing the header it seems it truncates it. Is there a way to resize it. If I move the right side over it looks centered on the Ledger size.
Hello, I printed Browser Report,but it is getting Blank pages in middle, that is header part only visible for 2 pages and then data getting printed, any ideas??
I have a report that looks and works fine in the native 'screen layout' but when I select the Print Layout option, a blank page is inserted after each page. These blank pages contain the header and footer, but not the body section of the report. Has anyone else seen this sort of thing? Is there something in my report layout causing this, or is it a bug in the Print Layout rendering?
I keep getting extra space at the bottom of each page on my report when it is deployed to the web server but I don't get this extra space on the report server. Does anyone know if this is in the report layout or if the problem is in the web page itself?
I want to add an extra blank page after my group, anyone know how to do this? More specifically, I have a report that is grouped by State, when printing I want a blank page to appear before the start of a new State, this will help when the user prints duplex, etc.
I am desging my report with few text boxes , List , Matrix Tools and binding them with proper fields
if matrix having no data it is working fine but when ever the matrix having data, then also it is working but am Getting One extra empty page why this is happening i am not getting
I use RS2000 SP2. I would like to set table header to Print titles option when export a report to excel. I try to create text boxes in stead of table on Page header area. This way seems good, however, this way is difficult for preventing merged cell problem.
Does anyone know good solution? Does it solve at RS2005?
I am having a main report having two subreports, say M1,S1 and S2 respectively.
The issue is S2 normally tend to go beyond one page, for all pages except first page of the of the subreport I am getting the page header and footer blank,
Actually this is not loading the ReportItems that are used in main report but it shows text boxes containing strings for eg . "My Name" and date functions eg Today()
We really like using the Matrix reports, but we were finding that every Matrix report that we created would spawn an extraneous blank page. We tried putting the matrix in a rectangle, which works well for positioning other items on reports, but this had no effect on the problem.
Then we tried placing the matrix in a list with the list group details set to "=Nothing". It worked great - no more extra pages. Looked and didn't see this tip mentioned elsewhere so thought it might be worth sharing.
Here's a tricky SQL question that has definitely driven me to the end ofmy rope. I'm using Oracle 9i and I need to perform some simplemultiplication on a field and then display it with a percent sign usingthe COLUMN command. Here's the code thus far:COLUMN price format 9,999.99 HEADING 'Charged%'SELECT pricecharged * .231 as priceFROM VT_examdetailThe output from this reads:Charged%---------23.1034.6534.65....The kicker here is that I need to add a percent sign to the right of theoutput, so that it reads:Charged%---------23.10%34.65%34.65%....I thought I could do this by just adding "|| ('%')" into the SELECTstatement, but when I do this the decimal position defined in the COLUMNcommand is lost. Does anyone know another way around this?Thanks,Alex