Mar 27, 2008Has anyone used the 'previous' function to return the previous row of data? I have tried this
=previous(Fields!SomeColumn.value) - when I run the report, no data returns.
Has anyone used the 'previous' function to return the previous row of data? I have tried this
=previous(Fields!SomeColumn.value) - when I run the report, no data returns.
I have 12 month report and I need show volume and difference between current and prev month volume, what is the smart way to do this, do I need to put prev month value onto same row horizontally? I think should be some other smart way, I heard about LEAD function?
This what I think for now, It should be listed per ClientID also, in my example I have single ClientID for simplicity.
I tried to do LEAD but with not success..
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#t') is not null drop table #T;
10001 ClientID,
is it possible to use the window functions to count the number of rows in the previous 24hours from the current row.
I have a table of events like:
User, TimeStamp, etc...
I want to identify the row which is the event number 50 in the past 24 hours.
does the window functions can do this? and how?
the ROW PRECEDING etc... appear to not have enough feature to support time related function.
Stream-insight is able to create this type of query, but I have to do it directly in SQL.
I am in the middle of taking course 2073B €“ Programming a Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Database. I noticed that in Module9: Implementing User-Defined Functions exercise 2, page 25; step 2 is not returning the correct answer.
Select employeeid,name,title,mgremployeeid from dbo.fn_findreports(2)
It returns manager id for both 2 and 5 and I think it should just return the results only for manager id 2. The query results for step 1 is correct but not for step 2.
Somewhere in the code I think it should compare the inemployeeid with the previous inemployeeid, and then add a counter. If the two inemployeeid are not the same then reset the counter. Then maybe add an if statement or a case statement. Can you help with the logic? Thanks!
Here is the code of the function in the book:
** fn_FindReports.sql
** This multi-statement table-valued user-defined
** function takes an EmplyeeID number as its parameter
** and provides information about all employees who
** report to that person.
USE ClassNorthwind
** As a multi-statement table-valued user-defined
** function it starts with the function name,
** input parameter definition and defines the output
** table.
CREATE FUNCTION fn_FindReports (@InEmployeeID char(5))
(EmployeeID char(5) PRIMARY KEY,
Name nvarchar(40) NOT NULL,
Title nvarchar(30),
MgrEmployeeID int,
processed tinyint default 0)
-- Returns a result set that lists all the employees who
-- report to a given employee directly or indirectly
DECLARE @RowsAdded int
-- Initialize @reports with direct reports of the given employee
INSERT @reports
SELECT EmployeeID, Name = FirstName + ' ' + LastName, Title, ReportsTo, 0
WHERE ReportsTo = @InEmployeeID
SET @RowsAdded = @@rowcount
-- While new employees were added in the previous iteration
WHILE @RowsAdded > 0
-- Mark all employee records whose direct reports are going to be
-- found in this iteration
UPDATE @reports
SET processed = 1
WHERE processed = 0
-- Insert employees who report to employees marked 1
INSERT @reports
SELECT e.EmployeeID, Name = FirstName + ' ' + LastName , e.Title, e.ReportsTo, 0
FROM employees e, @reports r
WHERE e.ReportsTo = r.EmployeeID
AND r.processed = 1
SET @RowsAdded = @@rowcount
-- Mark all employee records whose direct reports have been
-- found in this iteration
UPDATE @reports
SET processed = 2
WHERE processed = 1
RETURN -- Provides the value of @reports as the result
Need getting a query which I will get previous year, previous month first day everytime i run the query.
Ex: If i run the script on 9/10/2013 then result should be 8/1/2012. (MM/DD/YYYY)
how can i do this
search between 2 rows
day before Last day of the Previous Month + day Last day of the Previous Month"
Code BlockSELECT empid, basedate, unit_date, shift, na
FROM dbo.empbase
WHERE (basedate = DATEADD(d, - 2, DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m, 0, GETDATE()), 0))) AND (shift = 5)
(basedate = DATEADD(d, - 1, DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m, 0, GETDATE()), 0))) AND (shift = 1)
Hi. Is it possible in SQL query to find record previous or next in comparison with record found with clause WHERE (example of query below)? I need to find record with ProblemID less than or greater than 10. Regards Pawelek.
SELECT ProblemIDFROM dbo.tblProblemsWHERE (ProblemID = 10)
I'm kindof at a lose for how to ask my database to show me the last payment amount and payment date for clients and also show me the previous payment amount and payment date for clients based on a date range.
Could anyone offer any pointers or examples?
Thank you very much.
We could use a very simple table and field setup like this just so you could show an example:
Hi Friends
do you have any soluyion or function for last day of Previous Month
I'm not really strong in SQL. My goal is to compare the beginning mileage of a vehicle record with it's previous ending mileage reading. I have something that works, but it feels clunky. I wonder if there is a better method, ie a join. Here's what I have:
SELECT A.Trolley_num, A.Date, A.Speedo_start, A.Speedo_end,
(SELECT B.Speedo_end FROM Daily_Trolley AS B
WHERE B.Trolley_num = A.Trolley_num
AND B.Date =
(SELECT Max(Date) FROM Daily_Trolley AS C WHERE C.Trolley_num = A.Trolley_num
And C.Date < '1/23/2005')) AS PrevSpeedoEnd
FROM Daily_Trolley AS A
WHERE A.Date='1/23/2005'
ps: I inherited this db; I'm aware that "Date" should not have been used as a field name.
I have a table of vehicle usage records with fields including vehicle number, driver, date/time, starting odo, ending odo. I'm looking to compare the starting odo of a given record to the ending odo of the last time that vehicle was used. I also need to return other fields from that previous record, like the date/time and driver.My users basically run a report for any given day, and the vehicles used on that day need to be compared to their most recent usage (most recent relative to the record at hand). This is to ensure that the vehicle hasn't been used in the interim and not recorded (which may indicate theft).I've got a very convoluted process in place, but I'd like to see if it can be streamlined. The current process is done in Access and has a number of queries built on other queries. It is very slow. The data is in SQL Server. Any thoughts on the best ways to accomplish this?TIA
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a View there I need my criteria to select 13 months from previous month.
Example. This is 3/1/2007 - I need to query 2/1/2007 to 2/1/2006.
I have a table that holds images. I want to get the previous image id and the next image id based on the current ID:
So if the current image ID is "21" I'd like to return 4 and 56.
Ok so someone answered my last quesiton about finding what tables are in a Stored procedure. Is there an opposite of that. If I wanted to type in a table and it shows all the stored procedures that use that table.
View 3 Replies View RelatedPlease see DDL and INSERT statements below.Let's say that some process throws out the second row, where theClocktime = '02/01/2005 12:34'Without the use of a cursor, how can I retrieve the PREVIOUS value forthat employee? Pseudo SQL might be something like:SELECT*FROMtblTestWHEREfldCLocktime = THE-ONE-IMMEDIATELY-BEFORE '02/01/2005 12:34'ANDfldEmployeeID = 1TIAEdwardif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =object_id(N'[dbo].[tblTest]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') =1)drop table [dbo].[tblTest]GOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblTest] ([fldTestID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[fldEmployeeID] [int] NULL ,[fldClocktime] [datetime] NULL ,) ON [PRIMARY]GOINSERT INTO tblTest(fldEmployeeID,fldClocktime)VALUES(1,'01/01/2005 12:34')INSERT INTO tblTest(fldEmployeeID,fldClocktime)VALUES(1,'02/01/2005 12:34')INSERT INTO tblTest(fldEmployeeID,fldClocktime)VALUES(1,'03/01/2005 12:34')
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow can i calculate the last day of the previous month?Help me,please
View 3 Replies View RelatedNewbie question. I am using a query that pulls month-to-date data that has the following where clause:
WHERE (MONTH(datefield) = MONTH(GETDATE())) AND (YEAR(datefield) = YEAR(GETDATE()))
this works just fine but what I would like for it to do is give me the previous month of data if the if it's
the first day of the month and then any other day give me month to date. Is this possible?
Thanks in advance,
I need your help for my SQL query. I have a table like this
ClmA ClmB ClmType
1 | 10 | 0
2 | 20 | 0
3 | 30 | 1
4 | 40 | 0
5 | 50 | 1
And its the result that i want to get.
ClmA ClmB ClmType ClmResult
1 | 10 | 0 | 10
2 | 20 | 0 | 30
3 | 30 | 1 | 30
4 | 40 | 0 | 70
5 | 50 | 1 | 80
Let me explain. When retrieving a row, an extra column should be added.It's value should be the sum of previous rows whose type is the same with the encountered one. I made it with a function but it's performance was terible with large tables. I have tables larger then fifty housands rows.
I have this function in access I need to be able to use in ms sql. Having problems trying to get it to work. The function gets rid of the leading zeros if the field being past dosn't have any non number characters.For example:TrimZero("000000001023") > "1023"TrimZero("E1025") > "E1025"TrimZero("000000021021") > "21021"TrimZero("R5545") > "R5545"Here is the function that works in access:Public Function TrimZero(strField As Variant) As String Dim strReturn As String If IsNull(strField) = True Then strReturn = "" Else strReturn = strField Do While Left(strReturn, 1) = "0" strReturn = Mid(strReturn, 2) Loop End If TrimZero = strReturnEnd Function
View 3 Replies View RelatedHi all,
I executed the following sql script successfuuly:
USE pubs
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.AuthorsForState(@cState char(2))
RETURN (SELECT * FROM Authors WHERE state = @cState)
And the "dbo.AuthorsForState" is in the Table-valued Functions, Programmabilty, pubs Database.
I tried to get the result out of the "dbo.AuthorsForState" by executing the following sql script:
USE pubs
SELECT * FROM shcInLineTableFN
I got the following error message:
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid object name 'shcInLineTableFN'.
Please help and advise me how to fix the syntax
"SELECT * FROM shcInLineTableFN"
and get the right table shown in the output.
Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang
How to Get previous record thru sql query
For the example
my table:
1 usera item1 1.00 01/02/072 usera item1 2.00 02/02/073 userc item2 3.00 03/02/07
--how to use the query to make them join became like this (get/join with the next record)
1 usera item1 1.00 01/02/07 item1 2.00 02/02/073 userc item2 3.00 03/02/07 null null null
>.<need help ... thanks alot
currently have my website that is functional...but would like to add some navigation to my photos which are displayed using a repeater tied to a SQL database. (live example can be viewed here)
the above link shows a gallery page that displays all the photos within a given shoot (using a querystring to display the unique ID of the photo shoot). When you click on one of the images within the shoot a page called is called displaying the selected photo by passing the shoot ID and the unique ID of the photo itself through a querystring.
I would like to add navigation to the page displaying the photo that would allow the user to go to the next photo, previous photo, first and last phot within the specific SHOOT ID.
I am using a repeater to display the photo with the following sqlDataSource:
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:Connection %>"SelectCommand="SELECT usr_Photos.*, usr_PhotoShoot.* FROM usr_Photos INNER JOIN usr_PhotoShoot ON usr_Photos.Shoot_ID = usr_PhotoShoot.Shoot_ID WHERE usr_Photos.Photo_ID = @ID AND usr_Photos.Shoot_ID = @Shoot"><SelectParameters><asp:QueryStringParameter DefaultValue="" Name="ID" QueryStringField="ID" /><asp:QueryStringParameter DefaultValue="" Name="Shoot" QueryStringField="Shoot" /></SelectParameters>
I am having trouble figuring out a way to add the functionality i would need to change photos within the specific photo shoot without having to go back to the gallery page. any help or ideas you could point me in would be great...thanks in advance...
I use the following sql in a view to return the last payment date and amount made by clients. What I need is a way to return the payment date and amount for the payment prior to the last one.
Any help is appreciated very much,
SELECT dbo.tblPaymentReceipts.Client_ID, dbo.tblPaymentReceipts.PaymentDate AS LastPayDate, SUM(dbo.tblPaymentReceipts.AmountPaid) AS LastPayAmtFROM dbo.tblPaymentReceipts INNER JOIN (SELECT Client_ID, MAX(PaymentDate) AS LastPayDate FROM dbo.tblPaymentReceipts AS tblPaymentReceipts_1 GROUP BY Client_ID) AS A ON dbo.tblPaymentReceipts.Client_ID = A.Client_ID AND dbo.tblPaymentReceipts.PaymentDate = A.LastPayDateGROUP BY dbo.tblPaymentReceipts.Client_ID, dbo.tblPaymentReceipts.PaymentDate
I'm wanting to migrate an existing customer's database into a new products db. The previous contractor used seperate tables for each product type, where I chose to use one "products" table.
My challenge has been that the previous db uses attributes that aren't common across all products. Would it be best to do a products_attribute table? If so, how would I query the previous products db and seperate the information during an insert between "product A" and "product A attributes"?
Sample existing table:
ID, Name, Price, Weight, Attr1, Attr2, Attr3, Attr4, Attr5, Attr6
New table: Products
ID (auto), ProductName, Price, Weight
- Products_Attribute table
- ... ?
I'm trying to add a next and previous button to a popup window I have on a photo gallery -
Having trouble with the sql
I know I would have 2 select statements that would each return 1 result set.
I know how to get the top ( and bottom by ordering descending and doing Select Top 1)
But how would I get the next one up!
I would hate returning the entire image section and perform the calcuation in the business tier :(
Is there any way to check previous row in SQL Query?
I have a table with these column :
Audit_Time (datetime)
I want to delete record from database in which the Audit_time is <'01/05/2004'.
However before deletion, I want to check, if the Changes value is 'OLD' And the previous value is 'NEW', I will check the Audit_time of the NEW instead of OLD.
Table :
Row Name1 Name2 Audit_Time(mm/dd/yyyy) Changes
1 ABCD EFGH '01/01/2004' ADD
2 ABCD EFGHIJ '01/04/2004' NEW
3 ABCD EFGH '01/04/2004' OLD
4 Klarinda Rahmat '02/08/2004' NEW
5 Klarinda Rahmat '01/04/2004' OLD
In this case, I want to delete row 1,2,3 Where the audit_time are < '01/05/2004'.
Row 5 the audit_time also < '01/05/2004', however the changes='OLD' and the previous value changes='NEW', so I will check the Audit_Time of row 4 which is not < '01/05/2004'.
So I can't delete row5.
Is there any way to check previous row or the row before a specific row in SQL.
Any suggestion is welcomed.
Thank you in advanced.
I need to select a spesific record using the recordkey and then select the previous and the next record as well. (which leaves me with a recordset containing three records)
Is this possible?
Is there an easy way to calculate a sum for the previous three months?
[Code] .....
Desired Output
Date,Area,PropertyID,Volume,DaysInMonth,3MonthSum, DaysInMonthSUm
[Code] .....
I am trying to code a rule at the moment which sets a value based on the value of the previous row. This is as far as I have got so far. I am trying to run it as a set based command and I believe I may need to make use of a numbers table.
Anyway the code is....
declare @data table
(ID int identity(1,1),
DeviceID int,
EventTypeID int,
EventID int)
[Code] ....
So the output is currently incorrect. Each DeviceID needs to have a ID assigned to the MIN(ID) which isn't yet in the code above. This ID has to be sequential across the full table and not dependent on ID.
Next the rule is coded in the case statement above.
So for each DeviceID, when the EventType goes from 1, 2 or 4, to 0 or 3, the following record after the 0 or 3 will have a new EventID. And conversely when the EventType goes from 0 or 3 to 1,2, or 4, the record that is the 1, 2 or 4 will have a new EventID.
if i wanted to say find sales of year where dates are ytd and ytd of the previous year date and year
View 1 Replies View RelatedDear All,
replication is not working for me now, how can i find the old snapshots and resore them to the present snapshot?
Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.
I can get the name of the month by doing this...
Datename(month,getdate()) as monthName
But I am not able to get the previous Month? How can I do that I thought by putting -1 it would do that for me, but it doesn't.
I need to get the previous price for all my PROMOTION records but not when the previous record is a type PROMOTION also it needs to keep going back to get the price.
I have created a table with RANK in which works OK to get previous price for all but how can I say if previous price is type PROMOTION go to next previous prices...
Bets way to show an example is with a jpeg image I have but having trouble inserting into this message...
SELECT a.[StartPrice]
,ISNULL(b.[Price],a.[Price]) AS [Price Before]
,a.[Price] AS [Promotion Price]
[Code] ...
[Code] ....
Want I'm trying to do select PriceCode PROMOTION and get previous price:
Get previous price
But in this example it picks up the PROMOTION before and I need to ignore this and get rank 1 price for both