Packages Run Faster On BIDS And Slower On SQL Server

Feb 28, 2007

I am surprised to see that in Business Inteligence Studio debugging mode, my packages take shorter. And when I run it through Agent on the SQL Server where data actually resides, it take around 70% longer time.

The package is now very closed to data and database engine itself, in BIDS it wasnt.

Anybody knows why this happen ? Do I need to tune up something ?

Any input in this will sincerely be appreciated.

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SSIS - Package Performance Faster In BIDS?

Feb 22, 2008

I'm working on a fairly straight forward data transfer package and have found that the package runs dramatically faster when I run the package inside BIDS than with DTExec. When I run the package on the server using debug in BIDS, the job completes 1 million rows in around 6 minutes. When I run DTExec with the same package on the same server it is much slower and the package takes roughly 25 minutes to complete.

I know this sounds crazy and that it's supposed to be the other way around with DTExec running much faster, but I'm stumped as to what could be causing the issue. The machine this is running on is a two processor, dual core CPU with GB of RAM and I'm using terminal server to login and create the package with BIDS on SQL Server 2005 SP2.

The main feature of this package is a Foreach container that uses an ADO record set to loop over a set of values from a control table. There are a large number of iterations so the package loops frequently, but the data flow task is fairly simple and uses an OLEDB source and OLEDB destination to transfer data between two SQL Server 2005 databases.

The package works in either BIDS and DTExec, but I'm really puzzled why it would run so much faster inside BIDS?

Thanks in advance,

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Slower Execution Of SISS Packages

Apr 6, 2006


I am experiencing that my SISS packages are executing faster during development from within the Sql Business Intelligence Development Studio environment than when I execute them with dtexecui after I have deployed them as either File System Or Sql Server deployments.

After deployment the packages run about twice a long as they do from within Sql Business Intelligence Development Studio (i.e they reference the same data and are executed on the same machine).

In short the packages import data, during this import stage the data is massaged certain calculations are performed thereon where after this massaged data is used to perform further calculations.

A summary of tools used in SISS are Execute Sql Task, Flat File Source, Oledb Destination, Data Conversion, Aggregate, Conditional Split, Merge, For Each Ado Enumerators, Script Tasks, Derived Columns and Recordset Destinations.

In terms of time from within Sql Business Intelligence Development Studio when the packages are executed for 1 month's data the total combined time is about 10 minutes and when deployed as either File System Or Sql Server deployments they run for about 20 minutes. My problem is when they are executed for a years data instead of running for 120 minutes they run for at least 240 minutes or longer.

Is this normal or am I missing some settings when building the package for deployment?


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Reorder Packages In BIDS

Aug 15, 2007

How or is there a way to reorder the packages in BIDS? Right now they are ordered by when they are created with the newest ones on the bottom. I'd like to organize these in more of a logical order but am unsure of how to do so.

Any advise?


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BUG In BIDS When Developing SSIS Packages

Feb 1, 2007

There seems to be a BUG in BIDS when developing SSIS packages using the Import/Export Data wizard.

If you use the wizard to import a large number of tables, and then select all the tables, and then choose to delete exisiting data in each table, the PrologueSQL file does NOT get built correctly. Instead of having a

TRUNCATE tablename Go

for each table, it just has a bunch of "Go"s with nothing between them. In the step immediately prior, where you confirm what the wizard will do, it tells you, after each table, that it will delete any existing data...but it doesn't do this.

If, during the wizard, I select each individual table one at a time and tell it to delete existing data, then it will get built correctly, but not if I select them all at once...YET, if I do select the whole block, choose delete existing data, and then select any single table, it shows that table as being set up to delete existing rows.

This is very frustrating when trying to import large numbers of tables.

Am I missing something? or is this really a bug?

Thanks, Jeff

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BIDS Keeps Hanging When Opening SSIS Packages

Jun 5, 2007

BIDS hangs when I open any SSIS packages. "Microsoft Visual Studio Is Busy" message displays in the system tray. It indicates that Microsoft Visual Studio is waiting for an internal operation to complete; however, it never seems to complete. I have recycled the server hoping to break it loose, however nothing seems to free it up. I have not had this situation before and I cannot figure out why it is having problems. BIDS shows it is "Validating Data Flow Task". Has anyone encountered this problem before?

Would it be a true statement that whenever you use BIDS to alter a SSIS package the source has to be available because verification and validation is always done on the source and destination? If the source were not available could that cause the hang in BIDS???

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SQL 2012 :: Import / Add Packages From MSDB To Data Tools / BIDS?

Jan 20, 2015

I have a bunch of packages in msdb. Is there any easier way to move those packages from msdb to DataTools/BIDS, instead of adding one package at a time using ADD option.

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Urgent -- BIDS Opening SSIS Packages In Text Mode

Apr 30, 2008

Hi All,

I am not able to open the package in BIDS. When I open the package I am seeing only the XML. Below I had given what I have done.

First I have installed Visual studio 2008 Professional and next I installed SQL Server 2005 with Integration services, database services, workflow components.

I am able to see the BIDS in Start --> All Programes --> Microsoft SQL Server 2005 --> "SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio"

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in Advance.

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Excecute Package Task From BIDs:How To Stop Child Packages From Appearing In The Ide

Mar 21, 2007

Hi I have completed my first SSIS master package which runs a whole lot of child packages depending on value of expressions on workflow. (refer

Each of my child packages is .dtsx file location and each Excute Package task uses the file connection.

The master parent package is also a dtsx file location which will be run by a SQL Server 2005 Agent

All good--problem is testing from BIDs--each time a Excecute package task is run--turns yellow a new tab appears apears in the design window --showing you that particular .dtsx file control flow detail. DTS never had this behaviour --can I turn this off in the BIDS ie as I have dozens of new tabs at run time which makes it very hard to keep track of the master package. All I want is the master package running from BIDs, and no new tabs appearing at run time???

Thanks kindly


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Help Cursor Based Stored Procedure Is Getting Slower And Slower!

Jul 20, 2005

I am begginner at best so I hope someone that is better can help.I have a stored procedure that updates a view that I wrote using 2cursors.(Kind of a Inner Loop) I wrote it this way Because I couldn'tdo it using reqular transact SQL.The problem is that this procedure is taking longer and longer to run.Up to 5 hours now! It is anaylizing about 30,000 records. I thinkpartly because we add new records every month.The procedure works like this.The first Cursor stores a unique account and duedate combination fromthe view.It then finds all the accts in the view that have that account duedatecombo and loads them into Cursor 2 this groups them together for datamanipulation. The accounts have to be grouped this way because aaccount can have different due dates and multiple records within eachaccount due date combo and they need to be looked at this way aslittle singular groups.Here is my procedure I hope someone can shead some light on this. Myboss is giving me heck about it. (I think he thinks Girls cant code!)I got this far I hope someone can help me optimize it further.CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_PromiseStatusASBEGINSET NOCOUNT ON/* Global variables */DECLARE @tot_pay moneyDECLARE @rec_upd VARCHAR(1)DECLARE @todays_date varchar(12)DECLARE @mActivityDate2_temp datetimeDECLARE @tot_paydate datetime/* variables for cursor ACT_CUR1*/DECLARE @mAcct_Num1 BIGINTDECLARE @mDueDate1 datetime/* variables for ACT_CUR2 */DECLARE @mAcct_Num2 BIGINTDECLARE @mActivity_Date2 datetimeDECLARE @mPromise_Amt_1 moneyDECLARE @mPromise_Status varchar(3)DECLARE @mCurrent_Due_Amt moneyDECLARE @mDPD intDECLARE @mPromise_Date datetimeSELECT @todays_date =''+CAST(DATEPART(mm,getdate()) AS varchar(2))+'/'+CAST(DATEPART(dd,getdate()) AS varchar(2))+'/'+CAST(DATEPART(yyyy,getdate()) AS varchar(4))+''DECLARE ACT_CUR1 CURSOR FORSELECT DISTINCTA.ACCT_NUM,A.DUE_DATEFROM VWAPPLICABLEPROMISEACTIVITYRECORDS AOPEN ACT_CUR1FETCH NEXT FROM ACT_CUR1 INTO @mAcct_Num1 , @mDueDate1WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0)BEGINSELECT @rec_upd = 'N 'DECLARE ACT_CUR2 CURSOR FORSELECTB.ACCT_NUM,B.ACTIVITY_DATE,B.PROMISE_AMT_1,B.PROMISE_STATUS,B.CURRENT_DUE_AMT,B.DAYS_DELINQUENT_NUM,B.PROMISE_DATE_1FROM VWAPPLICABLEPROMISEACTIVITYRECORDS B (UPDLOCK)WHERE B.ACCT_NUM = @mAcct_Num1ANDB.DUE_DATE = @mDueDate1ORDER BY B.ACCT_NUM,B.DUE_DATE,B.ACTIVITY_DATE,CASEB.Time_ObtainedWHEN 0 THEN 0ELSE 1END Desc, B.Time_ObtainedOPEN ACT_CUR2FETCH NEXT FROM ACT_CUR2INTO @mAcct_Num2 ,@mActivity_Date2,@mPromise_Amt_1,@mPromise_Status ,@mCurrent_Due_Amt,@mDPD,@mPromise_DateWHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0)BEGIN----CHECK------------------------------------------------------------------------DECLARE @PrintVariable2 VARCHAR (8000)--SELECT @PrintVariable2 = CAST(@MACCT_NUM2 AS VARCHAR)+''+CAST(@MACTIVITY_DATE2 AS VARCHAR)+' '+CAST(@MPROMISE_AMT_1 ASVARCHAR)+' '+CAST(@MPROMISE_STATUS AS VARCHAR)+''+CAST(@mCurrent_Due_Amt AS VARCHAR)+' '+CAST(@mDPD AS VARCHAR)+''+CAST(@mPromise_Date AS VARCHAR)--PRINT @PrintVariable2----ENDCHECK------------------------------------------------------------IF @mDPD >= 30BEGINSELECT @tot_pay = SUM(CONVERT(FLOAT, C.PAY_AMT))FROM vwAplicablePayments CWHERE C.ACCT_NUM = @mAcct_Num2ANDC.ACTIVITY_DATE >= @mActivity_Date2ANDC.ACTIVITY_DATE < @mActivity_Date2 + 15----CHECK------------------------------------------------------------------------DECLARE @PrintVariable3 VARCHAR (8000)--SELECT @PrintVariable3 ='Greater=30 DOLLARS COLLECTED'--PRINT @PrintVariable3----ENDCHECK------------------------------------------------------------ENDELSE IF @mDPD < 30BEGINSELECT @tot_pay = SUM(CONVERT(FLOAT, C.PAY_AMT))FROM vwAplicablePayments CWHERE C.ACCT_NUM = @mAcct_Num2ANDC.ACTIVITY_DATE >= @mActivity_Date2ANDC.ACTIVITY_DATE BETWEEN @mActivity_Date2 AND@mPromise_Date + 5----CHECK----------------------------------------------------------------------DECLARE @PrintVariable4 VARCHAR (8000)--SELECT @PrintVariable4 ='Less 30 DOLLARS COLLECTED'--PRINT @PrintVariable4----END CHECK------------------------------------------------------------END----------------------------------------MY REVISEDLOGIC-------------------------------------------------------IF @rec_upd = 'N'BEGINIF @mDPD >= 30BEGINSELECT @mActivityDate2_temp = @mActivity_Date2 + 15--DECLARE @PrintVariable5 VARCHAR (8000)--SELECT @PrintVariable5 =' GREATER= 30 USING ACTVITY_DATE+15'--PRINT @PrintVariable5ENDELSE IF @mDPD < 30BEGINSELECT @mActivityDate2_temp = @mPromise_Date + 5--DECLARE @PrintVariable6 VARCHAR (8000)--SELECT @PrintVariable6 =' LESS 30 USING PROMISE_DATE+5'--PRINT @PrintVariable6ENDIF @tot_pay >= 0.9 * @mCurrent_Due_Amt--used to be promise amtBEGINUPDATE VWAPPLICABLEPROMISEACTIVITYRECORDSSET PROMISE_STATUS = 'PK',TOTAL_DOLLARS_COLL = @tot_payWHERE CURRENT OF ACT_CUR2--This statement updates the time that the status was placedinto PK.IF @mPromise_Status IN ('PTP','OP')BEGINUPDATE VWAPPLICABLEPROMISEACTIVITYRECORDSSET Status_Date = @todays_dateWHERE CURRENT OF ACT_CUR2ENDSELECT @rec_upd = 'Y 'ENDIF ((@tot_pay < 0.9 * @mCurrent_Due_Amt) OR @tot_pay IS NULL)AND( @mActivityDate2_temp > @todays_date )--need to put 1dayof month here for snapshot9/01/2004BEGINUPDATE VWAPPLICABLEPROMISEACTIVITYRECORDSSETPROMISE_STATUS = 'OP'WHERE CURRENT OF ACT_CUR2--This statement updates the time that the status was placedinto OP which is the original Activity Date.--The record will hold this date until it goes into PK,PB,orIP.IF @mPromise_Status IN ('PTP','OP')BEGINUPDATE VWAPPLICABLEPROMISEACTIVITYRECORDSSET Status_Date = @mActivity_Date2WHERE CURRENT OF ACT_CUR2ENDENDELSE IF ((@tot_pay < 0.9 * @mCurrent_Due_Amt) OR @tot_pay ISNULL)AND( @mActivityDate2_temp <= @todays_date )--need to put 1dayof month here for snapshot 9/01/2004BEGINUPDATE VWAPPLICABLEPROMISEACTIVITYRECORDSSETPROMISE_STATUS = 'PB',TOTAL_DOLLARS_COLL = case when @tot_pay is nullthen 0 else @tot_pay endWHERE CURRENT OF ACT_CUR2--This statement updates the time that the status was placedinto PB.IF @mPromise_Status IN ('PTP','OP')BEGINUPDATE VWAPPLICABLEPROMISEACTIVITYRECORDSSET Status_Date = @todays_dateWHERE CURRENT OF ACT_CUR2ENDENDENDELSE IF @rec_upd = 'Y'BEGINUPDATE VWAPPLICABLEPROMISEACTIVITYRECORDSSETPROMISE_STATUS = 'IP',TOTAL_DOLLARS_COLL = 0WHERE CURRENT OF ACT_CUR2--This statement updates the time that the status was placedinto IP.IF @mPromise_Status NOT IN ('IP')BEGINUPDATE VWAPPLICABLEPROMISEACTIVITYRECORDSSET Status_Date = @todays_dateWHERE CURRENT OF ACT_CUR2ENDENDFETCH NEXT FROM ACT_CUR2 INTO @mAcct_Num2,@mActivity_Date2,@mPromise_Amt_1,@mPromise_Status ,@mCurrent_Due_Amt,@mDPD,@mPromise_DateENDCLOSE ACT_CUR2DEALLOCATE ACT_CUR2FETCH NEXT FROM ACT_CUR1 INTO @mAcct_Num1 , @mDueDate1ENDCLOSE ACT_CUR1DEALLOCATE ACT_CUR1SET NOCOUNT OFFENDGO

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Why SSIS Package Slower And Slower

Mar 1, 2008

hi, friends, please look at this:

I have a SSIS package, and inside it I do something like below:

1. I have a SQL component, to give back a object to store the records.
2. I have a VB script component, I direct the object I got in 1 step into the script as a dataset.

My problem is:
I run the package in the SQL SERVER 2005 Store Procedue like this:

dtexec.exe package.dtsx
loop untill i>t

I control the it runs 30 times. But I found that the speed is slower and slower.
the first time, it takes about 600 s, but the last time, it takes the 1800 s.

The package don't drop the object it create during the loop in the Store Procedue ?

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Integration Services :: Remotely Execute Packages On SSIS Server - Packages Are Deployed In File System

Apr 22, 2015

We manage some SSIS servers, which has only SSIS and SSIS tools installed on them and not the sql server DB.

SSIS packages and configuration files are deployed on a NAS. We run the SSIS packages through DTEXEC by logging in to the server.

We want to allow developers to run their packages on their own on the server, but at the same time we dont want to give them physical access on the server i.e we do not want to add them into RDP users list on server properties. We want them to allow running their packages remotely on the server.

One way We could think of is by using powershell remoting and we are working on that. But is there any other way or any tool already present for the same.

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ASP Application Becomes Slower In SQL Server 2005.

Feb 6, 2008

Hi all,
My ASP application is running fast in SQL Server 2000. But when we shifted it to SQL Server 2005, it becomes very slow.

I have created the indexes also. There is lot of data in the tables.
Is there any option to build the indexes for previous data.

Please help....


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SQL Server Slower After 2005 Upgrade

Jul 20, 2007

We have an extensive stress test for our OLTP application.that runs slower after upgrading to SQL Server 2005.

We have done the following:

- applied SP1 and SP2

- updated statistics (sp_updatestats)

- recompiled all stored procedures

Some behavior we notice in Perfmon over the course of the 1-hour test is:

- Average CPU Utilization is up from 22% to 32% and we're trying to figure out why

- Compilations per second are up from 200 to 250

- Recompilations per second are down from 5 to 1 (which is good).

- Memory utilization is identical.

- We see exagerated spikes in response times. The general performance

seems pretty good - but there are periodic spikes that hurt our averages.

- I examined perfmon for waits and nothing jumped out.

- A small handful of application workflows are much slower, while most are roughly identical.

I realize there could be a zillion different causes. But if anyone has experience upgrading a large OLTP solution which uses a mixture of dynamic SQL and stored procedures to SS2005 - and tuning the upgraded database - please offer any suggestions.

Our current plan includes (a) running the Best Practices analyzer which already uncovered a trace flag we may want to use since we're running on an 8-way, (b) rebuilding indexes, and (c) examine a SQL Trace this time around too since it appears the slowness is isolated to certain application workflows.

Please offer any suggestions that have worked for your team.

Thanks so much!


PS I will post all the things we end up doing in the end once we get performance equal or better - hopefully the latter!!!

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OpenWithServiceComponents 5 Times Slower For Oracle Than For SQL Server?

Apr 28, 2004


I am experiencing some problems accessing an Oracle database through
OLE DB from an MTS application using OpenWithServiceComponents (which
is supposed to give me connection pooling).
When I connect to a SQL Server database it only takes 3.1 ms to open a
connection, while with Oracle it takes 15.5 ms (both DB's running on
the same machine, I made 1000 calls and took the average).
Am I doing something wrong, am I missing something here?
I have tried to use the plain Open method, but in this case it takes
5.4 ms with SQL Server and 31.4 ms with Oracle.
Is Oracle really that much slower when accessing it through OLE DB?

Thanks for any advice/hints!

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SQL Server Make Load Slower At The First Time From Localhost.

Feb 16, 2004

I dont know if it's just a beginner issue.

My project with database connection inside, I mean DataBound or whatever the name is make my website load slower because there's a delay about 8 til 9 seconds when in its first load from localhost, after the first load my project run very fast and it just take 1 second or less to reload.
The problem will show up again after I restart my computer and trying to load my project from localhost at the first time.
How do I make my project to load very fast with just 1 second or less at the first time from localhost?


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Which Is Faster And Less Server-intensive?

Aug 29, 2005

File I/O or SQL Database calls?Note that my SQL Server is on a separate server, so that cuts down on the web server resources needed per query, but it increases the time necessary for the query to happen.

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Access 2000 Queries Performing Slower On More Powerful Server

Jun 27, 2001


We have recently upgraded our production server from a dual pentium II 400mhz server with 384Mb of RAM to a triple 700mhz Pentium III system with 2gb of RAM . However, since switching over, all of our Access queries on the SQL7 databases are either running extremely slowly or not at all despite the DSN's being set up correctly . Does anyone have any ideas why, and more importantly, how I can resolve this???


Pete Burton
(IT Support)
Durham Aged Mineworkers Homes Association

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Same Store Proc Run 100x Slower In Identical Sql-server Setup

May 13, 2008

Please let me know what type of Traces I can run to identify the underlying cause.

Both setup are in Dev. This is a brain teaser. Same everything but 100x slower.

@AN_CustID int,
@LastName varchar(30),
@FirstName varchar(30)
select @AN_CustID = 2824, @LastName = 'XXXXX', @FirstName = 'XXXXX'


DECLARE @SdxLastName char(4)
DECLARE @TheFirstName varchar(30)
DECLARE @HitCountLastNameOnly int
DECLARE @HitCountFirstName int
DECLARE @ThresholdLastName int
DECLARE @ThresholdFirstName int

-- Set minimum row hit count for when to use the first name in addition to last name for search
SET @ThresholdLastName = 2 --if we get at least this number of rows back, ignore the first name completely
-- Set maximum row hit count for when to use the exact first name instead of first name soundex in addition to last name soundex for search
SET @ThresholdFirstName = 12 --if we get over this number of rows back, look for exact first name match

@AN_CustID = ISNULL(@AN_CustID, 0),
@LastName = RTRIM(ISNULL(@LastName, '')),
@FirstName = RTRIM(ISNULL(@FirstName, ''))

IF @AN_CustID < 1 OR @LastName = '' RETURN --required params

-- Whenever a doctor's first name is unknown, the user will enter "DR"; therefore, do not soundex the first name in this case
IF @FirstName='DR.' OR @FirstName='DR' SET @FirstName=''

-- Get the soundex of the specified physician
SELECT @SdxLastName = dbo.aif_Soundex(@LastName), @TheFirstName = dbo.aif_Soundex(@FirstName)

-- Determine how many rows are returned based solely on similarity of the last name
@HitCountLastNameOnly = COUNT(*) FROM PhysicianMstr p (NOLOCK)
p.AN_CustID = @AN_CustID
AND p.Active = 1
AND @SdxLastName = dbo.aif_Soundex(RTRIM(p.LastName))

-- Check if using just the last name soundex returns too few rows
IF @HitCountLastNameOnly < @ThresholdLastName
-- Determine how many rows are returned based on last name soundex or first name soundex
@HitCountFirstName = COUNT(*)
FROM PhysicianMstr p (NOLOCK)
p.AN_CustID = @AN_CustID
AND p.Active = 1
@SdxLastName = dbo.aif_Soundex(RTRIM(p.LastName))
OR @TheFirstName = dbo.aif_Soundex(RTRIM(p.FirstName))
-- If too many rows, switch to exact match on first name instead of soundex of first name
IF @HitCountFirstName > @ThresholdFirstName
SET @TheFirstName = @FirstName
SET @HitCountLastNameOnly = -1 --negative value indicates first name exact match, not soundex

-- List physicians with similar sounding names
RTRIM(p.LastName) AS LastName,
RTRIM(p.FirstName) AS FirstName,
RTRIM(p.StateLicNo) AS UPIN,
RTRIM(mis.Specialty) AS Specialty1,
RTRIM(pm.Degree) AS Degree,
PLEPhysicianMstrMI p (NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN PhysicianMstr pm (NOLOCK) ON
p.AN_PhysicianID = pm.AN_PhysicianID
LEFT JOIN PLEPhysicianSpecialtyMstrMI mis (NOLOCK) ON
p.PLEPhysicianSpecialtyMIID = mis.PLEPhysicianSpecialtyMIID
pm.AN_CustID = @AN_CustID
AND p.Active = 1
@SdxLastName = dbo.aif_Soundex(RTRIM(p.LastName))
OR @TheFirstName =
-- Include first name only when we don't have the minimum number of rows
WHEN @HitCountLastNameOnly < 0 THEN p.FirstName --exact first name match
WHEN @HitCountLastNameOnly < @ThresholdLastName THEN dbo.aif_Soundex(RTRIM(p.FirstName))
ELSE '****' --force false for first name test
ORDER BY p.LastName, p.FirstName

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Sql Server Express Faster Than Workgoup?

Feb 27, 2007

I have a site running on 2 separate virtual private servers. VPS #1512mb MemSQL Server ExpressVPS #21G MemSQL Server WorkgroupThe site will allow the upload of text files and insert each row of data into the database.  With VPS #1, I can process 3000 inserts in about 5 seconds, however, in VPS #2, it takes 14.5 seconds.  The code is the exact same.  The DB for VPS #2 was created from a restore from a backup created from VPS #1. There are a couple tables with multiple indexes, and I reindexed the VPS #2 after restore. Any ideas why SQL Express would be running so much faster?  Just for a test, I installed SQL Express on VPS #2 and it also runs slow.  So, what is it with VPS #1 that makes it much faster?Any help would be greatly appreciated.-Ken 

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TIPS On How To Access Ms Sql Server From Vb6 Faster

Apr 1, 2004

please post your idea, experiences what is fastest way to maniulate ms sql server using vb6 .


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Can Run SSIS Job In BIDS But Not Scheduled From SQL Server

Mar 27, 2008

This seems to ba a common problem, but none of the things I have tried seems to work.

I built a simple job in SSIS. It performs a select against an Oracle 10g db and returns the data to a table in SQL server 2005.

Job runs fine from BIDS but will not run when set up from SQL Server.Data from log:

Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility
Version 9.00.3042.00 for 32-bit
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved.

Started: 1:17:55 PM
Error: 2008-03-27 13:18:01.59
Code: 0xC0202009
Source: TestDTS Connection manager "FSRPT.genesys_dts"
Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name
End Error
Error: 2008-03-27 13:18:01.65
Code: 0xC020801C
Source: Data Flow Task OLE DB Source [1]
Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "FSRPT.genesys_dts" failed with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.
End Error
Error: 2008-03-27 13:18:01.66
Code: 0xC0047017
Source: Data Flow Task DTS.Pipeline
Description: component "OLE DB Source" (1) failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C.
End Error
Error: 2008-03-27 13:18:01.66
Code: 0xC004700C
Source: Data Flow Task DTS.Pipeline
Description: One or more component failed validation.
End Error
Error: 2008-03-27 13:18:01.67
Code: 0xC0024107
Source: Data Flow Task
Description: There were errors during task validation.
End Error
DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_FAILURE (1).
Started: 1:17:55 PM
Finished: 1:18:01 PM
Elapsed: 5.919 seconds

I set protection level to ServerStorage and saved to SS2005. I am using MS ODBC driver for Oracle. Installed client is Oracle Using TNSNAMES file.SS2005 is installed locally and I am running job under proxy using my credentials.

It is probably something I am just overlooking. I have been crawling the forums for a couple of days. I have no issues (so far) running any other jobs.

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Can I Install BIDS Without Installing SQL Server?

Mar 11, 2008


Can I install just Business Intelligence Development Studio without installing SQL Server?

Salman Shehbaz.

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SQL Server Express 2005 Can't Launch BIDS

May 6, 2008

After re-installing SQL Server Express 2005 and the Toolkit BIDS will not launch. Windows is looking for a file devenv.exe. Does anyone know how to get around this problem?

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Reporting Execution From BIDS Vs Report Server

Jul 4, 2007

I execute a report in BIDS and I also deploy and execute the same report from the browser. I felt that the report was taking a longer time in report server.

Upon attaching the profiler, I notice that when the report is executed from BIDS, it fires only 4 queries whereas the same report fires 5 queries from report server.

Can it be that BIDS does some type of caching and services the report preview from its own memory without firing the MDX to the server (perhaps because of using local cube concept?)

or (more likely) something is wrong at my end.

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Package Works In BIDS, But Not In SQL Server 2005

May 3, 2007

Most of my packages that I've created in BIDS will NOT run in SQL Server 2005. The simplest one that I have fails during a script task that calls external managed code. I've done all the steps outlined in "Referencing Other Assemblies...", but I'm still getting "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." Here's a sample of a script that's having a problem. The line in green is the one that seems to be cause of the error. This is extremely frustrating. This code will even run from a command line console without error. Why is it so difficult to deploy one of these projects with managed code?

Code Snippet

Public Sub Main()
Dim variable1 As String = DirectCast(Dts.Variables("packagevariable1").Value, String)
Dim variable2 As String = DirectCast(Dts.Variables("packagevariable2").Value, String)
Dim variable3 As Integer = DirectCast(Dts.Variables("packagevariable3").Value, Integer)
Dim variable4 As String = DirectCast(Dts.Variables("packagevariable4").Value, String)
Dim filePath As String = DirectCast(Dts.Variables("filePath").Value, String)
Dim variable5 As String = DirectCast(Dts.Variables("packagevariable5").Value, String)
Dim results As Boolean
Dim fileGenerator As IProviderInterface
Dim intFactory As integrationServiceFactory = New ProviderIntegrationServiceFactory()

fileGenerator = intFactory.GetProviderEnrollmentGenerator(variable2, variable5)
results = fileGenerator.GenerateFile(variable3, variable1, filePath, variable2)

If results Then
Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success
Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Failure
End If

End Sub

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Only 9999 Rows After MERGE JOIN In SQL Server BIDS

Feb 5, 2007

I've gote 2 Tables with about 50.000 rows and I left outer join them with MERGE JOIN.

The result are 9999 rows. Has anybody got the same problem. Maybe it's a bug!?

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Can't Deploy A Report From BIDS To A Remote Reporting Server

May 14, 2008

I've recently installed Reporting Services 2005 on a Windows 2003 Server. Both have had SP2 applied and other necessary patches. I can't deploy a report from my desktop machine to the Reporting Instance. I get the following error:

A connection could not be made to the report server http://db04SSRS/ReportServer. (Microsoft Report Designer)
The request failed with HTTP status 503: Service Unavailable. (System.Web.Services)
Program Location:
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.ReportingServices2006.ReportServiceAuthentication.GetAuthenticationMode()
at Microsoft.ReportDesigner.Project.ReportServiceClient2006.CheckAuthenticated()
at Microsoft.ReportDesigner.Project.ReportClientManager.DetectEndpointAndAuthenticate(String url, ICredentials credentials, String& authCookieName, Cookie& authCookie, EndpointType& endpointType)
at Microsoft.ReportDesigner.Project.ReportClientManager.GetCredentials(String url)
at Microsoft.ReportDesigner.Project.ReportProjectDeployer.PrepareDeploy()

Also, from SQL Server Management Studio while logged onto the Windows 2003 Server, I can connect using http://localhost/ReportServer, but I CAN NOT connect with just the servername db04SSRS. I can connect to the Analysis Services and the Database Engine with just the servername

I've seen several threads with similar issues, but none of the solutions have worked.

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Unattended Install Of SSMS/BIDS After SQL Server Express

Dec 19, 2006


I'm currently trying to develop an unattended installation of the Client Tools to be distributed to developers workstations.

All is well on 'clean' machines, but the problems arise when an instance of SQL Server Express is already present. The install fails, and the reason isn't clear from the log files.

I know Express installs a couple of the Client Components (like Config Manager), and I believe this is what it blocking me.

Has anyone tried this scenario?

Would I be best to REMOVE the Client_Components first, and then re-install them with SSMS etc.? Or is there a better method?

I have to leave the Express Database instance untouched as I'm not responsible for its installation or maintenance.



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Newbie Question: How To Move A Package From BIDS To SQL Server 2005

Feb 8, 2006


I have problems with executing packages in the SQL Server 2005 and before I go into the details I would like to check, if my workflow is correct.

Can someone explain me the best way to move a package from BIDS to a SQL Server? I would like to store the packages in the SQL Server.

In addition if I login to Integration Services with SQL Server Management Studio I can see in the folder "stored packages" my package but I cannot view the folder "MSDB". Ususally I receive an error message from the named pipe provider, that I could not connect to the server (I am using Windows Authentication and my login is an administrator on the SLQ Server box)

Thanks in advvance


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Calling SSIS Packages From ASP.NET - Packages With File System Tasks End Abruptly

Jan 9, 2007

I've run into a problem with SSIS packages wherein tasks that write or copy files, or create or delete directories, quit execution without any hint of an error nor a failure message, when called from an ASP.NET 2.0 application running on any other machine than the one where the package was created from. By all indications it appeared to be an identity/permissions problem.

Our application involves a separate web server and database server. Both have SQL Server 2005 installed, but the application server originally only had Integration services. The packages are file system-deployed on the application server, and are called using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime methods. For all packages that involve file system tasks, the above problem occurs.

When the above packages are run using the command prompt (either DTEXEC or DTEXECUI) the packages execute just fine. This is expected since we are using an administrative account. However when a ShellExecute of the same command is called from ASP.NET, the same problem occurs.

I've tried giving administrative permissions to the ASPNET worker process user to no avail.

I have likewise attempted to use the SQL Server Agent job approach but that approach might not be acceptable for our clients since it means installing SQL Server 2005 Database services on the application server.

I have read the relevant threads in this forum, namely and but failed to find any solution appropriate for our set up.

Anybody got any idea on how to go about this?

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Why Does 8 Bcp's Run Slower Than 4 Bcp's?

Mar 22, 2007

I am not sure if this is the correct forum but here goes!

We rebuilt our SqlServer 2000 Trans replication the other night. It used to run in 3 hours but now it runs in 9.5 hours (7 hours bcp out, 2.5 hours bcp in). We have a dedicated distributor box (4 processors), a 4 processor publisher, and a 2 processor subscriber. None of the systems exhibited any processor stress or unusual disk activity. The network tests OK (tested with file xfers). But the bcp's wrote data at 2.5 to 4 minutes per 100k rows, and they loaded the data at about 100k rows in 10 seconds or less.

As you know, Replication Snapshot uses bcp on each source table to build a collection of flat-files. Then it uses bcp to load those files into the subscribing tables. Because bcp is the workhhorse here, I decided against posting this in the Replication forum.

The only change I know of is increasing MaxBcpThreads from 4 to 8. This parameter specifies the number of bulk-copy operations that can be performed in parallel. I was thinking that 8 bcp's might somehow be killing the drive where all the bcp files are written.

Any ideas?

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Everything Slower With SP2?

Apr 12, 2007

I installed SP2 two days ago and it seems like my SSIS-packes now take longer time than before - the very opposite of what I was hoping for.

Anyway, here are some data from runs on our performance environment. No new data is added to the source database between the runs, but I do a full process of the cubes every time (time is in seconds):


Load dimensions..................200.................................270

Load fact data.......................800...............................1600

Process cubes....................2100...............................2600

So, as you can see, everything is going slower with SP2. I have yet to look into if there are any specific steps in the packages that take longer time than before, but it's odd that all packages take a longer time to execute. Especially that cube processing is slower suprises me.

Has anyone experienced something similar? Thanks!

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