Packege Fails After Moving To Production Machine...
Oct 2, 2007
Hi everybody.
I have such problem:
After I move my integration services packege to another machine it failed. I tried to recreate connection manager, but result is the same. If I create a simple SQL task in that package and try to execute it - it fails with info:
SSIS package "Main_Package.dtsx" starting.
Error: 0xC00291EC at Execute SQL Task, Execute SQL Task: Failed to acquire connection "". Connection may not be configured correctly or you may not have the right permissions on this connection.
Task failed: Execute SQL Task
SSIS package "Main_Package.dtsx" finished: Success.
But when I create it(SQL task) in the new package - it works perfectly. Maybe somebody could help solving this problem.
Thanks for any information.
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Nov 16, 2006
Hi to everyone,
I'm facing a problem that drives me crazy. I've a web application that has the following problem. When I test the application on my developement machine all runs fine, but when I put into production server there is a problem in connection pooling. Look at the following image, the blue line is the number of connection in the pool and the violet line is the number of connection reclaimed. From the image it is clear that connection are returned on the pool only in block, maybe when the garbage collection pass and reclaim the object. The strange thing is that on my developement machine all is good, and also I'm using Enterprise Library and the connection are managed internally.- Thanks to everyone for any help.
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Dec 13, 2007
Hi SQL folks,
I've googled for this the whole yesterday and I couldn't find a complete solution.
I'm having a sql2005 database in my development machine and I need to copy all the content "Tables, Diagrams, PK columns and other data" to the remote production machine.
Using the Import/Export method didn't copied the relationships between tables, also it turned the PKs into just a standard columns
Can anyone help?
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Dec 7, 2001
ok ok, stop laughing. for real, is there any programatic way of doing this? whom ever created this database i inherited (SQL 2000) created the LDF and DATA files on the same drive and in the same folder for that matter. just trying to do a little disaster magament.
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May 2, 2007
1.) Can an aspnetdb.mdf database be configured and setup on one server and then be moved to a production server or is there something machine specific that keeps this from being possible? 2.) Is putting this file in the app_data folder something that is used only for SQL 2005 or SQL express? I had to set up a connection string in my SQL 2000 installation to get the connection to work.
Thanks for any input!
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Nov 22, 2007
i can install and run my package in my development system work fine.
The same package when i was installing in the production system error
error: the acquire connection method call to the connection manager "con name" failed with error code
I used sql server authentication and
tried the protection level
both encrypted password protected and sensitive with user key
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Jul 20, 2005
hello everyone. i am new to the group so i aplogize if this question hasbeen answered recently...our sql db machine is too old. we bought a new server with which to replaceit. the trick is, we want to keep the name of the machine and db instancethe same.obviously, we don't plan on having two machine with the same name on thenetwork at the same time. how do we handle this?my first thought is to name the new machine with a new name (mach2),transfer over all the db's, take the old one (mach1) off of the network.rename the machine/instance to the old one (mach1).if i do this, can i drop the original instance on the new machine(mach2)-->register the new (mach1)? will my data be there?Thanks so much for any relplies!!!
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Jan 15, 2007
I'm a beginner user. I'd like to move the whole database from a work station to a server, how should I do it in a safe way? First of all, I have a very basic question: How could I save a database in SQL Server? Thanks in advance.
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Sep 5, 2007
SQL Server 2005, when moving a machine to a different domain and changing the hostname the logins such as domainSQLServer2005MSSQLUSER$hostname$MSSQLSERVER are still showing the old hostname and domain name. Does anyone know what impact this has on the system and also if there is anyway to update these accounts without reinstalling SQL Server?
Future guru in the making.
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Apr 19, 2007
I have copied a C# express edition project from another machine and have opened the project up and changed the connection string but the project is not updating the database when I try to insert values from textboxes in forms. They seem do be getting into the dataset but not the sql datatabase.
I am getting alot of messages saying that it could not find the schema information for the dataset. Could these errors have anything to do with the project?
What else do I have to change in the project?
Thanks in advance.
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Jun 5, 2006
We plan on moving our sql 2000 db's to a sql server 2005 box this week.
What's the best way to point RS to the new database machine?
I'm not extremely familiar with Reporting Services and would like to know are there any "gotchas" in doing this?
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Mar 20, 2001
I am new to MS SQL 7.0, I like to know what is the best way to move the location of a database to a new path on the same machine.
I have mostly MS SQL 7.0 sp3, only one MS SQL 6.5 with sp5.
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Jun 24, 2002
I am moving my SQL 2000 Server from a Small Business Server to a full version of Windows 2000 Server and SQL 2000 Server. I have had no experience doing this but have backed up and restored my production databases for practice in case a of disaster situation. Is there anything special I need to do to move everything, including the system databases to a new server and not loose any of the user logons, etc.?
Thanks for any advice,
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Jan 15, 2008
I have a bunch of SSIS packages that were created on a 32-bit machine (OS as well as SQL Server) where they run without error. I have moved them to a machine with a 64-bit OS as well as 64-bit Enterprise SQL Server, SP2. Initially I encountered errors with the packages that contained Script Transformation tasks where I had to set PreCompile=True. This allowed me to execute the packages individually. When I try and execute them as a batch, I encounter errors on various packages. They don't seem to be consistent - sometimes the error occurs on one package, the next time it will be on a different package. Sometimes they occur pre-execute, sometimes post-execute. Here are a couple of example errors:
[OLE DB Command [1007]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Communication link failure". An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "TCP Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. ".
[Insert Destination [1177]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Communication link failure". An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "TCP Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. ".
The source database is on a different server, but the destination database is on the same server as the SSIS packages for testing purposes. Any information would be appreciated...
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Jul 23, 2005
Dear All,We have a procedure that takes12 minutes to run on the first server butthat same procedure now takes 3 hours to run on the second server using thesame data. Does anyone have any suggestions why this is happening and howto make the procedure faster on the second serverThanks in advance.Jeff Magouirk
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Apr 5, 2007
Books On Line makes breaking out the report server databases on to a separate machine from the report server itself sound very easy. I have tried it and it is but I can't get the report server to connect to the databases once they are on the other machine.
Everything was done by the book(s). We use SSRS only for intranet use so all inside firewall. The SQL Server 2005 services on both machines (including the RS Windows service) all run as the same domain administrator account, this account was used to log in to RS Config Tool and it was told to use this account under Windows Authentication to connect to the database server. The two machines are in the same domain, even on the same switch. The only difference is the one with report server on is Windows 2000 Server SP4 and the one to which the rs databases are moving is Windows Server 2003 SP1. The account mentioned above has sysadmin rights on both SQL Servers, as well as having all the RSExecRole rights as specified in BOL. And it has rights to logon as a service in group policy on both machines. Its password hasn't been changed.
The RS Config Tool completed fine and reported no errors.
But when you try to connect to the report server you get the error:
"The report server cannot open a connection to the report server database. The logon failed. (rsReportServerDatabaseLogonFailed)" The log shows that a privilege required by the client is missing but doesn't specify what! I thought this was all taken care of when the RS Config Tool told it which account to connect with.
This is driving me daft. It should be so easy!! Does anyone have any idea what might be wrong? Nothing says I need to do anything with the encryption key when I am keeping the report server itself exactly as it was and just moving the catalog - or have I missed something here?
Grateful for any ideas.
IP Logged
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Oct 3, 2007
Hi everybody,
I moved my packages to the new machine, and have problem with parent variables.
When child package tries to get parent variable value I get an error:
Information: 0x40016042 at LoopPackage: The package is attempting to configure from the parent variable "MAIN_SesId".
Warning: 0x80012028 at LoopPackage: Process configuration failed to set the destination at the package path of "Package.Variables[User::MAIN_SesId].Properties[Value]". This occurs when attempting to set the destination property or variable fails. Check the destination property or variable.
Thanks, for any information.
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Jul 20, 2005
Any help would be greatly appreciated.My problem is that I need to set up a backup SQL Server 2000 machinewhich can be used in case of a failure to my primary. All databases(30 as of now) must be an up to the minute exact copy of productionand include most recent changes in data as well as any structurechanges (Tables, Views, SP's, Triggers, Users . . etc).When I tried this using Transactional Replication, the replicationprocess gets fouled up once I introduce any kind of structure changesto the DB. I've considered the idea of doing periodic backups andrestoring it to my backup SQL server, but this does not give me theconcurrency needed with 0 latency.I've seen articles that recommend using Transaction Replication with'Scheduled Table Refresh', and also doing database dumps to restore onthe backup machine, but I have not been able to find any documentationregarding this to try out. How can I implement this type of backupstrategy in SQL 2000?
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Mar 18, 2008
I am executing a SSIS package using dtexec. 64 bit version of dtexec works fine. But when i use 32 bit version of dtexec, it fails. i have local admin rights. Following is error description. Please help.
Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility
Version 9.00.1399.06 for 32-bit
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved.
Started: 9:24:30 AM
Error: 2008-03-18 09:24:32.54
Code: 0xC0202009
Source: IMALCRM Connection manager "IMAL SRC"
Description: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x800703E6.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Service Components" H
result: 0x800703E6 Description: "Invalid access to memory location.".
End Error
Error: 2008-03-18 09:24:32.54
Code: 0xC020801C
Source: Load Fund Detail V_FUND_DETAIL [16]
Description: The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "IMA
L SRC" failed with error code 0xC0202009.
End Error
Error: 2008-03-18 09:24:32.54
Code: 0xC0047017
Source: Load Fund Detail DTS.Pipeline
Description: component "V_FUND_DETAIL" (16) failed validation and returned er
ror code 0xC020801C.
End Error
Error: 2008-03-18 09:24:32.54
Code: 0xC004700C
Source: Load Fund Detail DTS.Pipeline
Description: One or more component failed validation.
End Error
Error: 2008-03-18 09:24:32.54
Code: 0xC0024107
Source: Load Fund Detail
Description: There were errors during task validation.
End Error
DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_FAILURE (1).
Started: 9:24:30 AM
Finished: 9:24:32 AM
Elapsed: 2.078 seconds
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Jul 20, 2005
I have created a DTS package that pulls data in from Oracle into SQLServer. When I run it directly on the server (from EnterpriseManager), it works fine. When I run it from Enterprise Manager on aclient machine that does not have the Oracle client software, it doesnot run, giving me the error: "The Oracle client and networkingcomponents were not found...". I was hoping I wouldn't need to havethe client software installed on a machine other than the server whereSql Server is running. The problem here is that there are a number ofmachines from where I would like to execute this DTS package that I donot want to install/configure the Oracle client software. I don'tquite understand why the configuration of the client is importanthere. In my mind, when I am using enterprise manager from a clientmachine, I am using it sort of like a terminal services client toconnect to the server. I guess there is a lot more happening in thebackground.Thanks for any feedback,Marcus
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Feb 6, 2008
Hi all,
my PKG have a variable "strI"D and have a value like 'ABC'.
When execute the PKG from utility I can set dinamicaly the new value for that variable...but this action overwrite that one in the pkg or the value set in the PKG always is last choose.
I got a trouble if the variable value must be empy for dinamic set from execution utility...or if it isn't dinamic set is failure.
Thanks, Alen
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Sep 12, 2006
When I run my package, a task will fail, however, the package will claim that it was successful. Why is this, and how can I trigger a failed package when one task fails?
Thanks in advance.
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May 14, 2008
Hi all,
i am tring to install and configure reporting services in Windows 2003 SP2- 64 bit machine as part of installing SCE 2007, and i followed the procedure for confiurng all the options in reportingservices config tool,
all the options show green flag and still could not proceed further as the following error is coming
"The Selected Sql server reportin service instance is not configured , please configure to continue" which halts the further process,
I have installed SQL Server 2005 edition and installed Sql server 2005 SP2 also,
any inputs on this issue , i would welcome them,
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May 13, 2008
Hi All
One of the step in sql agent job is to execute the SSIS package to copy files from remote shared location to local server where sql server is installed. The account on which SQL agent runs as has access to remote shared location. However SSIS package always fails with following error:
An error occurred with the following error message: "Access to the path '\sharedlocationBCKTST105092008.csv' is denied.".
We have tried using proxies but same issue come with proxy also.
When using proxy, we created a proxy for a user who has access on that shared folder on Windows server(from which files are to be copied). If we login to SSIS server with the above user and execute SSIS package manually it works fine. However if we login with different user and run the job via SQL agent using proxy of the above user, then job fails throwing same above mentioned error
Any help is highly appreciated.
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May 29, 2008
I've SQL Server running on 64 bit. When I schedule a package to run every night which has excel data transformation, it fails. Initally I had a problem running through BIDS also but then I found in project properties you can switch this off by specifying property Run64BitRuntime by false. After going through some forums, many have suggested that when scheduling a package, modify the command arguments to run as 32bit runtime. These command argumnents can be generated from making use of tool DTExecUI.exe Even after using generated command arguments from this tool, it doesn't help.
Below is my command argument and the error message generated.
/FILE "D:DevDWLoadAll.dtsx"
/CONFIGFILE "D:DevDWdevCongig.dtsConfig"
/CONNECTION "customers.dtsx";"D:DevDWcustomers.dtsx"
/CONNECTION "Addresses.dtsx";"D:DevDWAddresses.dtsx"
/CONNECTION "Counties.dtsx";"D:DevDWCounties.dtsx"
/CONNECTION "Countries.dtsx";"D:DevDWCountries.dtsx"
/CONNECTION "ExcelLoad.dtsx";"D:DevDWExcelLoad.dtsx"
/CONNECTION Test;""Data Source=TestDW;Initial Catalog=TestStagingDW;Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;"" /MAXCONCURRENT " -1 " /CHECKPOINTING OFF /REPORTING E
Executed as user: DWUserSQLServiceAcc. ...0.3042.00 for 64-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved. Started: 00:05:00 Error: 2008-05-28 00:06:02.31 Code: 0xC0202009 Source: Excel Load Connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040154. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Service Components" Hresult: 0x80040154 Description: "Class not registered". End Error Error: 2008-05-28 00:06:02.31 Code: 0xC020801C Source: Copy Data Excel Source [5052] Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" failed with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed. End... The package execution fa... The step failed.
Any suggestions???
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May 3, 2007
On a multi node Win2003 x64 R2.
When preforming install for 2nd SQL instance. Setup fails with log entries
Task did not appear to start on machine NODE2 : 267013
Task did not appear to start on machine NODE3 : 267013
Note: first install worked fine - after getting over MSDTC issues...
Also have confirm task scheduler service is running on all nodes.
Anyone with some insights?
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Feb 28, 2000
We have both a production SQL 7 server, QA, and Development. From time to time, I want to move just the data from the production server to the other 2 servers without modifing the objects that may have been changed such as stored procedures and rights. Is there a way using the SQL tools provided that we can just move the data. Becuase also what happens is that the rights to the objects change which means my developers no longer have access to the tables for selects in QA since the changes where overwritten by production where they do not have the rights.
Ricky Kelley
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Sep 14, 1999
I am running on mssql 6.5, sp4. We have been trying to use EM transfer manager to move one test database on one server to another database on another server.
We are dealing with 135 tables on this database. The transfer works up until about the 80th atble and then just dies but the scheduled task says it failed and check error log. The transfer creates the tables on the destination database but only loads the data until this one table.
WE use all of the options in EM Transfer manager which are st as defaults.
THere is no one on the source or destination databases locking this table.
Other smaller databases were successfully transferred from one database on one server to the other database on the other server without any problems today and yesterday.
Has any one run across something like this?
David Spaisman
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Aug 1, 2007
I currently have a SQL Server cluster setup with a Primary DB Server SERVER1 and the Standby server SERVER2. SERVER1 has been failing more than normal is the past few weeks and its takes upto 5 mins for SERVER2 realize that SERVER1 is down. I am looking for a better way to implement a backup server on production with minimum downtime. Please adivse..
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May 4, 2007
I am using Script Transformation to output a new column as image[DT_IMAGE]
field to store serialized object. In the VB script, the sample code as
Row.serializedobject.AddBlobData ( binaryArrayReturnedFromC#dll )
The package always runs fine on my developing machine and will halt on other
machine at AddBlobData after certain number row records were processed. I am
stuck here. Anyone has any suggestion?
What I need is reading data from mutiple tables in one database and writing
into a single table in another datable. In order preserve all the columns
data, I use input column fields to construct a new object and then serialize
it, and store the serialize data into detination db table. (The object and
serialization function is coming from c# dll.)
Dim b As BusinessLicense = New BusinessLicense()
b.ApprovalDate = Row.approvaldate
b.BusinessId = Row.busid
b.BusinessName = Row.busname
b.NaicsCode = Row.naicscode
b.NaicsDescription = Row.naicsdescr
b.OwnerName = Row.ownername
b.Phone =
b.Pkey = Row.pkey
b.RenewalDate = Row.renewaldate
b.StartDate = Row.startdate
b.Suite = Row.suite
Row.serializedobject.AddBlobData(Serializer.Serialize(b)) '''----This is blocking line
Row.infoType = BusinessLicense.TYPE
Both machine is xp with sp2. and standard SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1399.06
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Nov 28, 2006
Hi All,
I have enterprise version software CD1 and CD2 of SQL server 2005
when i try to run setup.exe..the following error pops -up
The image file Setup.exe is valid, but is for a machine type other than the current machine
MY OS version is windows 2003 32bit Operating system...
I am suspecting the binarie may be of 64bit.. How do we check the binaries are 32 bit and 64 bit software
Thanks for your Help
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Oct 2, 2000
Hullo all
I have two machines,
One is a standalone machine and the other is on a domain network. How can I run a stored procedure/job on the standalone machine from the domain machine ?
running the procedure as a Domain user results in a failed job/stored proc.
also creating an sql login and attempting to run it as that user also fails. How can I solve this problem ?
please e-mail me at if you have any thoughts...
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi All;We are going to change our application server. We will copy all of ourDatabase from Mic 2000 Server OS to Mic 2003 Server OS. I found anarticle that how to move all the folders from same OS. My question isthat Would the 2003 OS be a problem when we copy all of the MC SQL 2000folders to New OS ? Has anybody done this before? Could you gimme yoursuggestions please?ThanksASA
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