Packege Success, Despite Task Failure
Sep 12, 2006
When I run my package, a task will fail, however, the package will claim that it was successful. Why is this, and how can I trigger a failed package when one task fails?
Thanks in advance.
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Feb 14, 2008
Please excuse my ignorance as I'm a complete noob when it comes to
I have 2 script tasks, each connected to an upstream task via Success and Failure constraints. Each script assigns a value to a variable, depending on whether the task succeeds or fails.
My code thus far is:
Code Snippet
Public Sub Main()
Dts.Variables("strEmailBody").Value = _
"Business Model Reporintg Control Complete - Status = Success"
Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success
End Sub
What i want to do is use a single script task depending on the success or failure of the package, setting the variable value accordingly.
If there are no errors Then
I've tried
Code SnippetIF CBool(Dts.Results.Success) Then...
But whislt it compiled, didn't evaluate correctly during runtime.
Can anyone suggest where I'm going wrong? Again I'm totally new to .net and I'm surprised I've gotten this far!
Thanks in advance.
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Jun 29, 2006
Hi all,
I have a stored proc that uses xp_cmdshell to boot off a batch file on the NT side of the box (box OS is Windows 2000 Advanced Server).
Here is the pertinent code:/*----- Kick off the NT bat job to suck over the data through the web service pipe*/
SELECT @NTCommand = 'D:TradeAnalysisWondaDataStoreJobsPullFromWONDA _InstitutionalRankings.bat ' + CONVERT(varchar(10), @ReqDate, 101)
EXECUTE @e_error = master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @NTCommand
SELECT @m_error = CASE WHEN ISNULL(@e_error, 0) <> 0 THEN (@e_error + 50000) ELSE @@Error END
IF @m_error <> 0 GOTO ErrorHandlerThe trouble is that the batch file is failing (soft error, caught internally to the batch file, which then kills itself, screaming loudly all the way).
The batch file is using the following "voice" in which to scream in pain as it dies (a.k.a., using this code to terminate itself, which kills the cmd shell and returns 13 as an error code)REM WonDBService.exe says we failed
Date /T
Time /T
EXIT /B 13
Meanwhile, back at the ranch (errr...back in stored procedure), what is being returned is a ZERO (in the first code block, @e_error is being set to ZERO when the xp_cmdshell returns from the bat file.
So, now that I have ruled out the obvious *LOL* how can I get my xp_cmdshell to realize it has failed miserably at the one, tiny, simple, not-too-much-to-ask, job that it is designed to do?
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Mar 18, 2008
I have a number of stored procedures that run one after the other. How do you code to get the success or failure so that some logic can be applied accordingly? I've heard of the TRY CATCH structure, but I new and have yet to use it. How many different ways can success or failure be handled in code?
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Jun 1, 2015
When I execute Parent SP, it should Return 1 when Child SP is executed Successfully and Zero when Child SP fail .below are sample SP
I tried several way , but did not get correct syntax to modify Parent SP give 1 or 0 on child SP execution
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Feb 23, 2008
ummm. sorry, I've read and seen the tutorials but somehow and missing this.
I have a foreach container. Inside a dataflow task, with an XML source, a data conversion (cause of urrr UNICODE) and and an ole DB data source.
By design (and for this simple example), I get a volation if I attempt to load loads with out deleting entries from my table. No biggie, I would just like this simple package to rename my file to extension .good or .bad depending on success of each loop.
Where and what do I need for this?
Thank you for any help or information!
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May 2, 2007
More of a general SOAP service call question.
Does anybody have any experience/advice on how to ensure that SOAP service call success/failures are returned to the calling app?
Consider a client that calls a SOAP service during which the client goes down and is unable to receive the SOAP response, the work having been done by the service. Similarly, the SOAP service may perform the task but a failure in the return makes the client think the process failed.
What would be the best way to ensure that the client is notified to avoid the call having to be made again?
Are there middleware tools that can be used to provide a form of message queuing for SOAP service calls?
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Feb 19, 2015
I have a SSIS pkg that gets data from SQL and do data conversion and Insert into OLE db AS400 destination, There is a flag column in SQL table , that has to be updated to true, once the records are inserted in AS400 how do i do that in SSIS
SQL oledb ---------> dataConversion ---------------> AS400 OLE db Destination
update SQL table Flag column<---------------------------------|
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Mar 11, 2008
I have an SSIS package that executes a stored procedure. In that stored procedure is a try/catch block. If the try isn't successful, it goes to the catch block which does a rollback. So when I execute the SSIS package, it tells me that the stored procedure was ran successfully because there essentianlly were no errors and everything ran fine, but in reality, everytime it goes into the catch block and does a rollback, I want the SSIS package to fail as well. How would I send back a failure to the SSIS package from the stored procedure?
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Jun 10, 2015
I have configured smtp email in MS sql server and configure email to schedular job when schedular jobs become failed. Can i configure email so that email will be sent from scheduler job on both success of job and Failure of job?
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Sep 4, 2007
We are using SSIS to load some 100k records from flat file to Oracle Destination. We are using Oracle 10g client.
But during the execution after some 5hrs or 6hr with 900k records upload we are getting the message Package execution completed. In the Execution results there is no message related to success or failure and the tasks in the Data Flow where yellow in color. What might be the problem? Any information regarding this case will be helpful for us.
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Nov 8, 2006
I've created a simple package that contains only one task that is an execute sql task. When I run only this single task from Business Intelligence development studio it runs successfully. But when I run the whole package (also from Business intlligence studio), the package fails.
The data source I access is ODBC. I'm sure the real reason for the error is the bad ODBC driver of the data source but this can't be changed. So I need to know what is different from running only a task in a package to running the whole package. If I knew that I might be able to adjust some setting and make it work.
Any help welcome.
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Mar 26, 2008
I'm debugging a SSIS package in Visual Studio and I have a task that failes but the overall package is reporting success. The deployed package in SQL2005 is doing the same thing.
Task failed: FactVisitApplicationInventory
SSIS package "PACE to PACE DW PROD.dtsx" finished: Success.
The program '[4652] PACE to PACE DW PROD.dtsx: DTS' has exited with code 0 (0x0).
I have set FailPackageOnFailure=True, FailParentOnFailure=True, and MaximumErrorCount=0 on this task and am executing just this single task in Studio and I can't get the Package to report a failure.
Any ideas?
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Mar 6, 2008
I have a SSIS job, one of the last steps it performs is to execute a SQL 2000 DTS package. This has to be done as a SQL 2000 DTS package as it is performing rebuilds of SQL 2000 Analysis Services dimensions and cubes. We've found that when the DTS fails the SSIS job is happily completing showing as a success, we would prefer to know it went wrong.
As far as I'm aware SSIS merely starts the DTS off and doesn't care about it's result. I've taken a look in to turning on the logging for the execute DTS package and thought that the ExecuteDTS80PackageTaskTaskResult would give me the answer I need...but is merely written to the log not available as an event-handler. It also looks like it is not safe to put a SQL task in as the next item to go look at the SQL 2000 system tables to look at the log for the DTS package as the SSIS documentation warns that the DTS package can continue to run after the execute DTS package task has ended.
Ideally I want any error raised within the DTS package to cascade up to be an error in the SSIS job, I can then handle it appropriately. I cannot find a way to do this. Is there a way?
If not, can anyone suggest how in the remainder of the SSIS tasks I can be sure that the DTS has completed before I start any other tasks that will check for the SQL 2000 log of its execution?
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Jun 17, 2015
Exec Prcoess task with source : ftp
destination :ftpunzip
work directory ftpunzip
executable : c:Program FilesWinZip
i am using expressing.
It is doing the unzip but getting this error
package process on server server1 has failed within the Task 'Unzip Files' with the following errors:
> File/Process "WZUNZIP.EXE" does not exist in directory "c:Program FilesWinZip".
This is the error message i am getting it
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Nov 30, 2006
when I run a package from a command window using dtexec, the job immediately says success.
DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_SUCCESS (0).
Started: 3:37:41 PM
Finished: 3:37:43 PM
Elapsed: 2.719 seconds
However the Job is still in th agent and the status is executing. The implications of this are not good. Is this how the sql server agent job task is supposed to work by design.
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Feb 6, 2008
Hi all,
my PKG have a variable "strI"D and have a value like 'ABC'.
When execute the PKG from utility I can set dinamicaly the new value for that variable...but this action overwrite that one in the pkg or the value set in the PKG always is last choose.
I got a trouble if the variable value must be empy for dinamic set from execution utility...or if it isn't dinamic set is failure.
Thanks, Alen
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Oct 2, 2007
Hi everybody.
I have such problem:
After I move my integration services packege to another machine it failed. I tried to recreate connection manager, but result is the same. If I create a simple SQL task in that package and try to execute it - it fails with info:
SSIS package "Main_Package.dtsx" starting.
Error: 0xC00291EC at Execute SQL Task, Execute SQL Task: Failed to acquire connection "". Connection may not be configured correctly or you may not have the right permissions on this connection.
Task failed: Execute SQL Task
SSIS package "Main_Package.dtsx" finished: Success.
But when I create it(SQL task) in the new package - it works perfectly. Maybe somebody could help solving this problem.
Thanks for any information.
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Sep 5, 2000
I want to know if it's possible to retrieve what kind of error have occurred when the on Failure workflow is execute in a DTS package.
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Oct 18, 2005
We are unable to get a file from a VMS FTP site. The specific error message is:
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Mar 12, 2001
I am having a problem with the scheduled task I am running. There had been an error message 5702 which says "The SQL Server is terminating this process". I don't understand what this means. And if I try to force the job to run, it says that the SQLExecutive service is not running on the particular server. And this prevents the task from being run. But when I try to check for the said service, it is running. I don't know what is happening here. Please help me.
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Oct 15, 2007
Hi all,
I have set up a package that copies data from one server to another server, then delete the data from the source tables. Now I want to add a task where it asks if the copying data was successful, then delete the data, ELSE stop the package and give an error msg, or some kind of a roll back so I don't delete the data without copying it to the destination server.
So what I want to ask is is that possible using Execute SQL task to write the script? if not how do I approach to it?
And I need some help with the roll back script as well..( IF previous task fails ..... ELSE Go on to the next task )
any help is appreciated!
MODERATOR COMMENT: Please don't wipe out your posts.
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Oct 20, 2004
How do I set an On Failure when a Tranform Data Task fails? I'm pulling in a text file and if the set the On Failure for the text file connection it says "Defining precedences between the selected items is not valid", and if I set the On Failure for the database connetion is doesn't execute when the tranform data fails. Any ideas on how capture this error?
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Apr 4, 2007
i use email task and it dosent send an email at all....this task causes an error..
If i need to set up email for the package if the package fails...
or how should i set in the sql server agent...iknow there is an option there but i dont know how to..
Please let me know...
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Apr 26, 2007
I tried to set up the send Mail Task and got the following message, however can't receive any message:
SSIS package "Package.dtsx" starting.
Error: 0xC002F304 at Send Mail Task, Send Mail Task: An error occurred with the following error message: "Failure sending mail.".
Task failed: Send Mail Task
SSIS package "Package.dtsx" finished: Success.
The program '[3628] Package.dtsx: DTS' has exited with code 0 (0x0).
Can somebody tell me why?
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Aug 16, 2004
In my DTS package, is there any way to pass the task name and error description to another task that gets called on the task's failure?
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Sep 25, 2007
The send mail task in ssis was failing with following error
[Send Mail Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "Failure sending mail.".
Progress: The SendMail task is completed. - 100 percent complete
Task Send Mail Task failed
The firewall for SMTP server was opened.
And successful in sending mail using Database Mail task from the sql server
Do any one have idea why this difference is? Do any one ever faced similar issue?
One reason I could found is McAfee virus scan policy is stopping the SSIS Send mail task.
(source: 9/25/2007 9:00:04 AM Blocked by port blocking rule C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90DTSinnDtsDebugHost.exe Anti-virus Standard Protection : Prevent mass mailing worms from sending mail
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Jan 10, 2008
I have written an SSIS package with a Transfer SQLServer Objects task which I want to use to copy database objects from a SQL Server 2000 database to SQL Server 2005.
When I run this task, I find the following error:
[Transfer SQL Server Objects Task] Error: Execution failed with the following error: "Version80 database compatibility level is not supported
Is there a way around this aside from changing the compatibility level of my SQL Server 2005 database?
Any help is much appreciated.
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Dec 2, 2006
I am developing an SSIS package and need the execution of the package to continue even if one of the tasks within the package fails. I have an OnError event handler for this task which fires when it fails but want the rest of the package to continue.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
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Jan 29, 2008
I've got a couple of backup database tasks setup to run one after the other. The are set up the same, Alldatabases, backup to a device each, and overwrite every time. The task on databases full works fine but the one on logs fails every time, right away with the following rather esoteric error pulled from logging in the event log.
Event Type: Error
Event Source: SQLISPackage
Event Category: None
Event ID: 12550
Date: 29/01/2008
Time: 09:54:11
User: OILCATSsqlservice
Event Name: OnError
Message: The Execute method on the task returned error code 0x80004003 (Object reference not set to an instance of an object.). The Execute method must succeed, and indicate the result using an "out" parameter.
Operator: OILCATSSqlService
Source Name: Back Up Database Task 1
Source ID: {BF117128-FB4C-470D-AC00-4C68797C2C97}
Execution ID: {450BA60C-2EBF-453B-B3E4-80FBC2042F83}
Start Time: 29/01/2008 09:54:11
End Time: 29/01/2008 09:54:11
Data Code: -1073594108
What is this elusive Execute method that is only relevant to the log aspect of this task?
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Nov 2, 1999
I'm "trying" to set up Replication. The Publishing/Distribution server is in one domain, and the subscribing server is in another. Both domains are fully trusted.
The synchronization step builds the .tmp file, but the repl_subscriber Distribution task bites the dust with an error message, "28000[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] Login failed".
The setting on the distribution options dialog box is ODBC, SQL Server. I'm not using a special login/password. I've even tried putting a user name and password there, and it doesn't work. The ODBC connections test out fine on both servers. Any suggestions where I've gone wrong?
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Apr 18, 2006
I have a relatively simple SSIS package that I'm building for a data mining process. The package starts with an OLE DB data source, passes the results of a SQL Command (query) along to a conversion step, which then gets sent to a Term Lookup task. The Term Lookup then writes the result to an OLE DB Data Destination. Pretty simple. The OLE DB data source query returns about 80,000 rows if you run it through SQL WB. The SSIS editor shows 9,557 rows make it out of the source, and into the conversion step, 9,557 make it out of the conversion and into the lookup, and about 60,000 rows make it out of the lookup and are written to the results table. Then the package fails with the following errors listed on the progress screen. I was assuming that the 9,557 was some type of batching that was occurring in the process, but now I'm not so sure.
[DTS.Pipeline] Error: The ProcessInput method on component "My Component" (117) failed with error code 0xC02090E5. The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running.
[DTS.Pipeline] Error: Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC02090E5.
[DTS.Pipeline] Error: Thread "WorkThread1" received a shutdown signal and is terminating. The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is causing the pipeline to shutdown.
[DTS.Pipeline] Error: Thread "WorkThread1" has exited with error code 0xC0047039.
[My Data Source Error: The attempt to add a row to the Data Flow task buffer failed with error code 0xC0047020.
[DTS.Pipeline] Error: The PrimeOutput method on component "My Component" (1) returned error code 0xC02020C4. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.
[DTS.Pipeline] Error: Thread "SourceThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047038.
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Feb 17, 2007
I'm perplexed and in need of a sanity check ...
Instance of SQL2K5-SP1 on Server2003R2. Created two databases Test1 and Test2, create single 2-column table (tblTest)in Test1 with one row of data. Create SSIS package to transfer the table and its data to database Test2 using "Transfer Objects Task". Fails with error code 1073548784.
I have tested for security issues and don't beleive these to be the cause: I have monster privelidges and can successfully use SSIS packages to execute CREATE TABLE etc.
Have also tried most combinations of Task options (eg COPY ALL OBjects etc etc)
Have tried this on three different servers: same results.
This simple test is the result of distilling down problems I'm having with SSIS manipulating some 60G within some 300 tables, so I'd really like to use the power this task promises!
My head is getting a little sore from scratching - any advice gratefully received.
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