Does anyone know of a way to keep from exporting a page header when rendering in Excel. We have a default header (title and logo) that I would like to suppress so that users don't need to delete the rows prior to sorting (to eliminate merged cells).
I need some help. I am writing a report in SSRS 2005 that I then need to export to Excel. When I put a report header I would expect the header to not display in the Excel spreadsheet until the Print Preview or the Print. The report footer works just fine I put some text in the footer, and it shows up in the footer. The header though, shows up as a row in the Excel spreadsheet that then causes columns to merge. How do I get the report header to act like a page header?
Is there a way to avoid exporting the page header to Excel (or any other renderer). My reports seem to lose their charm without the headers (setting Print on First/Last Page to false), and at the same time, the users don't want the headers exported to Excel.
There was a requirement to have the table header as part of frozen rows in excel when exported because there are about 1000 rows in the report and the column header has to be retained during scrolling. Since only page headers will be frozen in excel export, the text boxes was copied from the table header row to the page header. After all text boxes were copied, the table header row was removed. After modifying the report, I noticed that the excel export report took more than half an hour for exporting the data. I tried to reproduce the problem in a sample and I was able to reproduce it using AdventureWorks data source. This report before modifying takes 1 minutes to export. After moving all the column headers to page header, it takes 25 minutes to export. Has anybody faced this issue and is there any solution for this performance problem? Thank you. Here are the steps to reproduce:
1. Create a new data source for AdventureWorks database 2. Create a new report with the AdventureWorks data source and with the query 'SELECT * FROM Person.Contact' 3. Run the report and export in excel format and note down the time taken for the same - Approx it will less than a minute. 4. Open the report layout and include a page header (Report->Page Header) and move the title from body to the page header. 5. Select each column header, copy the cell and paste in the page header and align it with the column in the body. Alternatively, a new textbox for each column can be created and arranged in the page header. (As a result, there are 16 textboxes in the page header). 6. Now, run the report and export in excel format and note down the time taken and please notice that it takes 25 minutes. 7. Delete some of the text boxes in the page header, the excel export takes less time and is dependent on the number of textboxes in the page header.
I've built a fairly straight forward report in RS that looks normal in preview mode and in PDF format with out any issues.But when I export it to Excel report header is not appearing in each page.Any ideas as to why this is occurring?thanks in advance,Ramesh KS
Fit an intere table in same page without page break for save the excel export.
My table has a Group for order my dates.
I need to have the intere table in the same page, i don't care about blank space at the end of the page.
I can't use the page break beacuse i need an excel export in a unique sheet.. I have tested.. every page'll have a different sheet in your excel export
This seems like a simple Microsoft Based Reporting System 101 feature...But I can not find out how to do it (among other things that seem like it should work with Microsoft rendering to Microsoft).
How do I make the SSRS 2005 Header for the Report print on each of the pages in excel once it is rendered from SSRS?
All I want is an answer by MSFT that says "YES" it can be done and how or "No" it is not currently available.
I noticed I am not the only one with this type of simple question: (see this unanswered post)
I have a sum on a reportitems cell in my header: =Sum(ReportItems!textbox1.Value)
When I run the report, it looks excellent. My issue is when I export it. When I export to Excel, it looks just like it did. When I export to PDF, it gives me a total per page, not for the report.
Does ReportItem behave differently when rendered between excel and PDF? Or is it because I am putting a SUM on a ReportItems cell?
I have a report that I need to reference data in my Page Header. I am referencing 2 data fields in my report body to do this. The report will render fine and the data is present in my Pager Header; however, when I export to Excel, the data is missing; only my labels are present. What's even stranger is that it works just fine if I export to a PDF file.
Below is the expression code from one of the fields in my Page Header :
="From: " & ReportItems!dtBegDate.Value
Again, the report will render fine and my data is present. It only comes up blank when I export to Excel. The only part of the data that makes it over is the text (i.e. "From:")
I have the t-sql script that generates database report of space used for 200 databases on MS SQL Server 2000. How can I dump the contents of this report to an Excel spreadsheet and/or a Web page html file?
-- Space Usage report for MS SQL Server 2000 databases USE MASTER; GO EXEC sp_msforeachdb @command1="use [?] exec sp_spaceused"
Hi, This is because there are many columns need to display ,when users export to excel ,now they have to manually adjust the worksheet as one page . Therefore,as the title,can anyone help me?
I have a Sales report with 3 lists each being nested inside of the other and they also each contain a Matrix. Top list is for Region, followed by District and then State. I have page breaks setup so that each region appears on it's own page, followed by each District summary appearing at the top of the page with a breakdown on that page for that Districts states. In total the report exported to PDF or printed runs around 19 pages. This report when exported to PDF or printed works fine.
When I export it to excel I get a full document map on the first worksheet. I then get 10 worksheets of information breaking off the last 9. The document map links reflect the absence of this data by not actually being links from that point on. If I remove page breaks so that the number of pages created are less than 10 excel worksheets the export works fine and my document map links are created.
So does the export to Excel have a limitation on the number of Worksheets that can be created? In my case it appears to happen at 10 each time. Oh and by the way I've attempted this in VS.2003 and 2005 and SQL Reporting Services 2000 and 2005 for the same reports.
I have a report that I created and the report was working until I added some fields to a group footer row in a table.
My table has 5 group levels. I had information displaying in the 5th level header group and detail. It was working fine. Then I added some fields to the 4th level group footer. Now it displays only the Page header, Table header, and the 4th level group footer data.
What happened to the rest of the data?
All the cells and rows I want to display have the Visibility Hidden set to false. I tried removing the objects I added (to the 4th level group footer) and it still does not work. Is this a bug or did I set something that is hiding the data.
There is a one header in the report, when I publish and hit the report in IE(internet explor) the header appears fine on first page when I go to next page this header does not appear.
But in mozilla the header is visible on every page of the report. so it is working fine in mozilla.
Hello, If I have a report that includes a page header, the report viewer will render the report at the full width, but if I hide the page header and show only the body it will use the absolute width of the report.
I have a 7" wide report, with .75" borders set on each side.
Interactive & Print size are set to 8.5x11 Changing these sizes has no effect on the behavior of the viewer, which appears to ignore them.
When I view this report in the local viewer the contents fill the window if there is no page header. If I enable the page header then the report is drawn at 8.5" wide, leaving a _big_ white border on the right side. Any comments or workarounds that anyone knows? I know the local viewer is not a standard configuration (at least it seems) but it is what we need to use.Thanks,//Andrew
When i view the Report from SSRS Report preview Tab it's working fine, But when i deploy that and try to view in the IE I am seeing the Body background color in between the image and page border of the page footer how to solve that?
In SRSS 2005 (SP2) my page header seems to take up the same amount of space on the 1st page it would take if it were to print; I have PRINT ON FIRST PAGE set to false - the header doesn't print - it just leaves the same amount of space. How do you get the report to ignore that. I do have a report header built into the body of my report. I have tested this by increasing the size of my page header and it does move the report up or down on the 1st page by that amount.
I think I know the answer but I have a report that is supposed to print in Ledger. It has a header that has report information on the left and on the right has page count and date run. When the user resizes the page to letter, only the first part of the header shows (left piece with report information). Instead of resizing the header it seems it truncates it. Is there a way to resize it. If I move the right side over it looks centered on the Ledger size.
Anyone know why cells within a matrix that are formatted as numeric export to Excel with a cell format proprty of "General"? Cells within a table however export with an appropriate format.
I am having a main report having two subreports, say M1,S1 and S2 respectively.
The issue is S2 normally tend to go beyond one page, for all pages except first page of the of the subreport I am getting the page header and footer blank,
Actually this is not loading the ReportItems that are used in main report but it shows text boxes containing strings for eg . "My Name" and date functions eg Today()
I'm doing a local report which requires me to have a data field on page header(company name & address particularly). Since it is not possible to place a data field on page header, what I did was placed the field instead on the body, and then I placed a text box on the page header and then reference the data fields in the body to the textbox.
Everything looks ok, but I found out that when I try to move to another page, all the values on the header will be empty. It seems that it requires that the same data fields should exist in the body of report.
Are there any other workaround here? I just need the values on the page header persist all through out the report. BTW I'm doing a report that contains combination of fields and table, to be specific, I'm creating a resume / bio data.
I've added a hidden field to my report so I can show the value in the page header using ReportItems. However it only works for the first page - the value is blank on subsequent pages. Does the hidden field need to appear on all pages of the report? Would I need to make it a hidden field in a repeated list or table?
I am trying to put my parameters in my page header.It do works fine.I am using a textbox to hold the value of my parameters.I use
= Join(Parameters!resourceParams.Label, ", ")
in my textbox expression.But my problem is,when there are too many values specified(because i am using a dropdown with multi select) the page header,overlaps the body of my report. The page header's text overlap the contents of my report body.What could be the reason or work around for this?? Thanks guys
I have problem with Reporting services header showing time..
I designed the one report. That report Size is 8inch x 41 inches..
What are problems i having in this reports:
1. Report header is not coming in second pages. ( For report header i am not using the report header area, Because the header informations will varying based on the data's. That's Why I placed in the detail sections)
2. While Seeing the preview time it is showing only 11 page ( for 2 record) after exporting to PDF format it showing 32 pages.
How i can solve the above problem.. I have to get is all the page's i have to show report header in all the pages.
I am using SQL Server 2005 , & VS.Net 2005 With November 2006 CTP
And Send your valuable suggestions to following mail id's and
I want to include a value from my result set in the header of my report but get the "You cannot reference a field value in the page header or footer" message. Here's why I want to do it:
The report uses three parameters: Date1, Date2 and Type. If Type is set to DATES the stored proc uses dates 1 and 2 as criteria to limit the returned records. Because Dates 1 and 2 are set in the report I can use the parameters collection to get those values and include them in the title of the report. If the Type paramter is set to MONTH, dates 1 and 2 are ignored and the stored proc determines what the dates are going to be using a UDF called from within the proc. The only way I could think of to get these calculated dates back from the proc was to insert them into the temp table it creates. Cheesy, I know... but I got the dates to the result set. Problem is I can't use them for what I need. So... to make a short question very long... how can I get the values in the result set into something I can use in the header or footer?
I want to display a phone directory by department.
I created a list and told it to group on department and then I put a table in the list that had PhoneNo, EmployeeName as the columns.
Now the list works in that it seperates that table out by department (so 5 departments means 5 instances of the table with a text box above the table but inside the list with DepartmentName.Value).
The problem though is that text box only appears once for each table, the first time the table is generated. I can't get the department name to display at the start of each page.
Do I need another sublist or something, how can I get the department name textbox to appear at the start of each page for my list?
So what I have is: DEPARTMENT NAME: Sales ---(table starts here) .............5555...Smith .............lots more names....... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PAGE BREAK - - - - - - - - - - ---(table continues on from last page...) .............4444...Johnson .............3246...Benson ---(table ends here) ------------------------------------new iteration of this, so the next department is IT and this all repeats again
What I want to get is:
DEPARTMENT NAME: Sales ---(table starts here) .............5555...Smith .............lots more names....... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PAGE BREAK - - - - - - - - - - DEPARTMENT NAME: Sales (this is repeated as it is the start of a new page, in a perfect world I'd be able to even say "Continued..." after the department name on all pages that were not the first page it appeared) ---(table continues on from last page...) .............4444...Johnson .............3246...Benson ---(table ends here) ------------------------------------new iteration of this, so the next department is IT and this all repeats again with department name at the start of each and every page
The problem I am running into is I want to make sure the header/footer is on each next page,if the grade report goes more than 1 page (so pages aren't separated from each other or mixed up). I could put a textfield as a footer at the bottom the list control but that would just appear at whatever length page 2 ended up being (basically you could have a "footer" at mid-page if the whole list only took up 1.5 pages).
hi, in sql server reporting services,i need to display page header in first page only but it is repeating in every page.can any one tell me how to suppress or hide page header in otherpages.
I'm trying to get the following sql to work in a textbox. I have select the textbox properties and it's value is =datename(m,dateadd(m,-1,current_timestamp))
I would like the results of "October"
however I get the following error
The value expression for the textbox €˜textbox1€™ contains an error: [BC30451] Name 'datename' is not declared.
I'm pretty new to this so I do not know excatly what that error means.