Page Numbering Per Group

Nov 8, 2007

I don't think this is possible, but I promised my users I would bring this question to the forum. The users want to have the page numbering change per each group on the report. The report is large, and there are up to 5 pages in each group. I have a large List Control surrounding the many tables on my report that controls the over all report grouping. Everything looks great and the users are pleased.

But when I try to add the Global!PageNumber and Global!TotalPages to the bottom of the List Control I get the error that the Globals properties can only be used in the Page Header and Page Footer section.

Is there any way around this? I could not think of a way around it, but I am not an expert in Reporting Services by any means.

Thank you,


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What's Microsoft Doing About Providing Page Numbering Per Group And Total Pages Per Group?

Nov 27, 2007


I've posted a feedback with Microsoft to see if we can get them to fix the issue described below, but so far no one from Microsoft has commented to let us know what they're doing about this problem! I'm posting this here to see if maybe we can get more people to rate this feedback or chime in on what a pain it is! Please feel free to add your own comments or how you had to work around this issue and whether or not you think this is something Microsoft should be addressing NOW.

Provide Individual Page Numbering per Group and Total Pages per Group

Currently in a Reporting Services report, you can't readily reset the page number for each group in a table, nor can you display the total number of pages per group. For example, if I'm printing invoices and each invoice is a separate group, I'd like to be able to print "Page 1 of 5" , "Page 2 of 5" etc. for the first invoice, then "Page 1 of 3" when the next invoice begins, and so on. This was easy in Crystal Reports. I realize that Crystal Reports has a two-pass process that enables that kind of pagination. However, this is REALLY important functionality that's just missing from Reporting Services and I'm hoping you'll provide it REALLY SOON! Yeah, I know there are work-arounds if you can know exactly how many rows of information there are on each page. But gosh! That's not practical, especially if you have second level groups inside the main group or text blocks in rows that can 'grow' to more than one line. I've read a couple of work-arounds, but none of them works correctly and consistently when more than one user is running the same report or when you print the report while you're looking at it on the screen. I still may need access to the overall report page number and the overall total number of pages, so don't get rid of that. It's just that if you're doing this already for the entire report, I don't see why you can't do it per group! Lots of people have been asking for this for years, and I don't understand why it hasn't been implemented.

I've read a few articles on this topic, but no one has come up with a decent work around. My theory is that Microsoft should be addressing this immediately. This is major functionality that's just plain missing from SSRS and should have been there from the start. If anyone from Microsoft can let us know what's going on with this issue or if anyone would like for me to clarify this further, feel free to let me know.


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Groupwise Page Numbering And Also Display The Total No. Of Pages In That Particular Group.

Feb 14, 2008


I am using SSRS (Sql server reporting services) for one of my report related to EIS-MIS.
i want group wise page numbering and also display the no. of pages for that particular group.

e.g suppose group 1 has 5 pages then it should display
page no. 1 /5, 2/5,3/5,4/5, 5/5. now suppose group change then it shold display 1/4 like this

I have already implemented groupwise page numbering using then custom code and i have call that function from the header portion of the report.
now the question is how can i display the total no. of pages in particular group?

For that i have add one count column in query itself but as we know we can't use field value in header and footer portion and also we can't use global variables in data portion.

So kindly guide me

Manoj Patel

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Page Numbering Per Grouping

Mar 28, 2008


Has anyone figured out how to reset the page numbers after a grouping and have it display in the format €˜Page X of Y€™? I can get it to reset the page number for each group and display €˜Page X€™ but it€™s the €˜of Y€™ part that is a problem.


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Numbering In Group

Jan 1, 2007

I want to add numbering in group in the reports.(number each row in the detail)

when I worked with access it was possible.

can I do it in the report services?


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Group Numbering Issue

Dec 20, 2006

Hi everyone,

The problem is about numbering groups. I'm trying to display data like this-

1. U.S

1.1 San Francisco

1.1.1 employee1

1.1.2 employee2

1.2 Dallas

1.2.1 employee3

2. UK

2.1 London

2.1.1 employee4

I've tried using RunningValue(1, Sum, "group_name") but it gives erroneous results. I'm using 3 lists, one at each group level. The outermost list (1st list) is grouped by "country" (group_1), 2nd one is grouped by city (group_2) and the innermost (3rd one) by employee name (group_3).

I can't figure whats wrong. Can anyone help me?

Thanks in advance.

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Group Totals On Last Page - How?

Mar 27, 2007

I have a report that groups by dept #, job code and earnings code.

9999 Administration

033 Secretary

200 Regular Pay 44.00 1000.00

300 Sick Pay 8.00 25.00

400 Overtime 3.00 75.00

8888 Janoitorial

055 Janitor

200 Regular Pay 24.00 800.00

300 Sick Pay 4.00 15.00

400 Overtime 1.00 45.00

On the last page of my report I want to sum the earnings totals by earnings number. For Example:


200 Regular Pay 68.00 1800.00

300 Sick Pay 12.00 40.00

400 Overtime 4.00 120.00

Can this be done?

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Apr 11, 2007

I have a sales report which is grouped by customer with a total for each customer and then a new page afterwards for the next customer - this works great however I am trying to put a grand total on (all customers) - this is appearing on a seperate page!!! - on crystal I used to put this field in the summary section, so it would appear on the bottom of the last page, has anyone got any ideas??????

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How To Avoid Page Break In A Group

Dec 20, 2007

how can i avoid a page break in a group.

Thanks in advance.

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Need All Rows Within Each Group To Be Shown On 1 Page

Jan 2, 2007


I have data that is grouped by a code number. One of the code numbers have over 600 rows, while other code numbers have around 10 to 20 rows within it.

When I run the report the code number that has over 600 rows gets split over 2 pages while the other code numbers each get their own page.

How do I make it so that when I run the report the code number that has over 600 rows gets all displayed on the 1 page instead of being split over 2?



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Needing To Add An Extra Page After A Group

Oct 26, 2007

I want to add an extra blank page after my group, anyone know how to do this? More specifically, I have a report that is grouped by State, when printing I want a blank page to appear before the start of a new State, this will help when the user prints duplex, etc.

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Page Break Before Group Footer..

May 20, 2008

I am using RS 2005 with SP2. I am trying to print a table Group footer on a brand spanking new page. I have checked the "Page Break at Start" of the Group, However in the Report view the footer starts printing directly below the end of the group, and not on a new page. I have also tried to add a rectangle to the group footer and selected Page Breaks before rectangle but the group footer still doesnt print on a page of its own. I would appreciate any suggestions.

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Oct 5, 2007

I am using three groups in my report on a table. The option "page break at end" is checked in all three groups. It is working fine as for report output is concerned but in print preview it generates extra pages. In print preview page break gets occured at every group regardless of the fact that group break occurs or not. As a result, it is generating extra pages. please help me out


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Avoid Page Break After Group

Apr 17, 2008


I'm trying to solve an undesired behaviour on my report. I have two nested drill-through groups (in fact, it doesn't matter if there two nested groups), and although I haven't ticked any option related to insert a page break after the group, if the group is too large to fit in a page, i get the first element of the group in the first page (collapsed), and the second element in the third page. So, by now, my report looks like this:

page 1:

+ Value1 |

page 2:

blank |

page 3:

+ Value2 |

page 3:

+ Value3 |
+ Value4 |

And what I want is that it looks like this:

page 1:
+ Value1 |
+ Value2 |
+ Value3 |
+ Value4 |

Is it possible to achieve that behaviour? How?

Thanks in advance, regards

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Page Break Before Group Footer

Feb 25, 2008

I have a report with a table. Inside the table I have a subreport in a group footer and I want to force a page break before the footer.

I've tried putting the subreport inside a rectangle and set the rectangle to have pages breaks but that doesn't work.

any ideas?


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Portrait Or Landscape And Page Break After Group Yes/No

Dec 5, 2007


I'd like a parameter for the report layout: Portrait Or Landscape. So is it possible to set the page high and width using an expression or in code based on my parameter?

Also on a similar note. I want a parameter for 'Page Break After X'. Is it possible to apply a page break after my table group X based on this parameter? I know if I edit the group I can tick 'page break at end' but I can't apply an expression to this.


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Reset Total Page Number In A Group

Sep 26, 2006

I know how to reset the page numbers with each group, but how do you reset the total page number within each group.

EX. Code for page of total pages

="Page " & Globals.PageNumber & " of " & Globals.TotalPages

EX. Code to reset within a group
Custom Code:
Shared offset as Integer
Shared currentgroup as object

Public Function GetGroupPageNumber(group as Object, pagenumber as Integer) as Object
If not (group = currentgroup)
offset = pagenumber - 1
currentgroup= group
end if
return pagenumber - offset
end function


What I need is code for a combination of the display code for page of total pages that resets within a group.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Another 'keep Together' Problem/group Split Across Page Break

Feb 18, 2008

How can I stop a group from being split across 2 pages?

1 table group
1 detail group consisting of 2 rows, can be N number of these per table group


<--page break should occur here-->

DG2row1<--but it is actually appearing somewhere like this-->

If TG can fit on one page, then it should do so

I can't put a page break after a group, as it may only be 4 rows, this would be too wasteful

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Group By Row Count And Force Page Break

Mar 23, 2007

Hello All!

Is there a "clean" way to group rows from a table by the row count, and then force a page break each time the count hits a maximum number (say 25 rows)?

As an alternative, can you set the maximum count of rows in a table, and then force a page break if it reaches that count? (this may actually be a better solution for my needs).


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May 16, 2008

I have a report that is grouped based on a field. There is no way to pre-determine the number of detail lines each group will have. Is there a way to set the print condition such that if any group details do not fit onto one page then the whole group should be printed on the next page. Something like this:


DetailLine1 -------------


DetailLine1 -------------


DetailLine1 -------------

If ALL Group2 details do not fit onto the same page print it on a new page. (I don't want each group on a separate page, I just want the group detail to start on a new page IF THEY DO NOT ALL fit on one page)

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Table Group Footer At Bottom Of Page: Possible?

Nov 29, 2007

I have a report (bills of lading for shipments) that uses a table to organize the data coming in and groups by customer. Each customer grouping has a header, body and footer in the table. A print run might generate 100 bills of lading, each between 1 and 4 pages long.

I have marked the group to force a new page when each new group occurs.

As it is the report runs beautifully EXCEPT that the footer prints wherever it happens to end up -- midway down the final page of the bill and looks quite goofy.

What I really need (and my client is really surprised that SSRS won't me) is to print the group footer at the bottom of the final page of each bill of lading.

Bills of lading may be several pages per customer, so until the group footer is hit, I don't want any footer info at all. As I said, it all works fine except for the final page of each bill, where the group footer occurs whereever it has ended up.



This post didn't get much of a response. So perhaps I should amend it -- If what I am trying to do is impossible, what would be the preferred way?

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Resetting Page Number On Group Break

Apr 21, 2008

I have a report where i do a page break for each supplier. I want to reset my page number to '1' when there is a group break.When i googled for this functionality i found the following chris Hay's blog which provides the solution.
But if i follow the same, I get #Error instead of page number during the run time.How do i resolve the error?
Also, I want to display the "page 1 of totalpages in group" like that. Is that possible?

Thanks in advance

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Reporting Services :: How To Page Break On Unique Identifier Group

Nov 2, 2015

I developed a main report containing numerous subreports.  But now I'm trying to page break on these subreports and because these subreports all have sub-sub reports, I get this error when I try to run this report..The value '22' is invalid. Valid values are between '0' and '1'. (rrRenderingError)..I am grouping on uniqueidentifers and I do not get errors on subreports that have sub-subreports.  How can I avoid this error and get these subreports to page break?  (I don't get any errors if I remove the page breaks).

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Reporting Services :: Hide Group Footer On Page Break

Sep 29, 2015

I have a group in my report that contains an empty footer row to get a better visibility. Because the row has a frame it should be hidden if its the last row on the page. How can I manage that?

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Reporting Services :: All Record Are Displaying On One Page - How To Display Page By Page

Nov 11, 2015

I have created one reports but all the records are displaying on one page.find a solution to display the records page by page. I created the same report without group so the records are displaying in page by page.

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Row Numbering

May 30, 2008


I am having trouble getting the results I am looking for from this query:

select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY TransTime, DriverNo ORDER BY TransTime) as CustCount
, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY Left(ToName,2), TransTime, DriverNo ORDER BY TransTime) As DelCount
, DriverNo
, Convert(VarChar(8), TransTime, 108) As TransTime
, Left(ToName,2) As AirPortCode
from transactions

The results I am trying to get would be like this:

CustCount DelCount DriverNo TransTime AirPortCode
-------------------- -------------------- -------- --------- -----------
1 1 042000 04:00:00 NW
1 2 042000 04:00:00 NW
1 1 042000 06:51:00 AA
1 1 042000 08:45:00 NW
1 1 042000 08:52:00 NW
1 1 042000 10:30:00 NW
1 1 042000 10:45:00 NW
2 1 042000 10:45:00 AA
1 1 042000 11:30:00 NW
1 2 042000 11:30:00 NW

But the closest I have gotten is:

CustCount DelCount DriverNo TransTime AirPortCode
-------------------- -------------------- -------- --------- -----------
1 1 042000 04:00:00 NW
2 2 042000 04:00:00 NW
1 1 042000 06:51:00 AA
1 1 042000 08:45:00 NW
1 1 042000 08:52:00 NW
1 1 042000 10:30:00 NW
1 1 042000 10:45:00 NW
2 1 042000 10:45:00 AA
1 1 042000 11:30:00 NW
2 2 042000 11:30:00 NW

The CustCount field should read 1 if there is only one unique AirPortCode during the TransTime with the specific DriverNo, but the query is counting both rows during that transtime. Any ideas?


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Oct 5, 2005

Hi guys,

I have a table with 3 col like below

col1 col2 col3
LastName FirstName Address City
Nilsen Fred Kirkegt 56 Stavanger
Rasmussen Nina Storgt 67

none of them are unique, some are null and there are about 800,000 rows

I want to insert a col before 1 or after 3 and have numbering from 1 to the last row. How can I do that?

Thank you

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Numbering In SQL

May 19, 2006

I have table with 10-20 rows with field P6 which is empty. I want toupdate numbers to P6 starting 1 and increasing by 1. I suppose it isdone by triggers but I don't know how to do that. Help :-)

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Row Numbering...

Sep 20, 2007

Good Day everyone...

I created a simple report for getting the top selling items of a store. I am getting the report well but my team mate requested to include a number at the first column that will hold the ranking of the item. Is there a function for including a rowrank or someway that i can add a column to my query that will provide the rowrank. Please show me how... c",)

thanks in advance guys...

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Please Help..Query With Numbering

Mar 31, 2006

Is It possible that, if there are 5 rows selected out, each row will automatically have the number from 1 to 5?

for example, after select query, results:

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Help Needed On Numbering

Sep 19, 2007

Hi All,

I've upsized my database from access to SQL server, now im very new to SQL etc and i've been reding up on sqential numbering etc and my mind is buzzing with ideas. This is my problem.

I have a table and a colum called PIR ID this colum needs to start the numbering at 372 and increment by 1 each time. Now initially this was o.k by using identify. However it's a problem when 2 users open the form in access they are given the same number.

Now my though on this was to initially have a seperate table called new PIRID and hold the next bumber in there, so that a new number is taken from the list and entered into the record on save ( does that make sense) now the code i've got up to so far is that i've created the table and i get stuck from there.

Can anyone help me with the code of format of code i'm meant to be using, i'm under the understanding that to perform this funtion i may have to use a trigger of some sort.

Thanks In advance

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Auto Numbering

Jul 23, 2005

Hello,For analyses and reporting I would like to add a 'ranking' to atable/view.Example:Using the 'order by desc' clause in query I get a list of Customersordered by Turnover (descending). I would like to add that rankingnumbers (same as recordnumbers) in the query. I would like to have thefollowing result:Cust_nr Cust_Name Turnover_2004 Ranking002234 Bayer 139.000 1003456 Rentokill 123.456 2001231 Air France 105.000 3etc.When the 'ranking' is part of the query/table I can use this ranking inan other query.Important: This questions is not about making an (empty) table structurefor filling in by an application and generating a new unique number eachtime a record is added.I hope you can help me.Thanks,Hans*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Numbering A Query

Jul 20, 2005

Is there a quick way to number a query?ie I want to number the records returned by a recordset consecutively.This seems like it should be simple but I haven't figured out how to do ityet.Any help is appreciated!TIACarter

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