Page Width View AS Default

Jul 12, 2007

Hello all,

When viewing a report, there is an option in the left corner for the size ie. 100%, 150%, page width, whole page etc from the dropdown list.

I was wondering is there a way to make the ''Page Width" option the default view for a particular report or site ?

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Scaling Width Of Report To Fit To Page Width

Apr 9, 2007


I've a report projects where each report has a number of columns and the spec is to have all the columns print-out on the same page. Is there a setting that will auto-scale these columns to fit to the page or will I have to edit the font size and widths manually on each report to fit to the page?

Thanks for any comments.

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100% Width And Height Within A Master Page

Jun 2, 2006


We have a ReportViewer control sitting inside a master page's content placeholder. All works fine except when I set the width and height to 100% rather than a fixed size in pixels. This is what we require, as we'd like the control to resize automatically along with the page.

I'm aware of a fix whereby you remove the doctype statement from the page's script, but this seems to have no effect on a page which is based on a master page.

Is there any other way we can get our ReportViewer to work in a 100% width/height mode?

Thanks for any help in advance,


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Report Page Width With Dynamic Columns Through Parameters

Apr 18, 2007

I found the following paragraph while searching on here:

You could easily set up a parameter for each column and then display that column conditionally based on the parameter.

For instance, if you have a column that displays First Name, you could have a parameter called DisplayFirstName. Then in design view you'd select the whole FirstName column and in the Visibility-Hidden property set it to :

=iif( Parameters!DisplayFirstName.Value = false, true, false )

This could easily become a big, unwieldy report, though, if you have a great number of dynamic columns. Also, The width of the report is set at design time, and it includes the width of all your columns, not just the visible ones. This could cause you some pagination problems.

That is exactly my problem. I have lots of dynamic columns which causes the width of the report to be wide. Thus even though at run time the report only shows columns within a page, the report itself consists of a lot of white spaces after the selected columns. Does anyone know a solution to this? If not, I guess creating the rdl with code manually is the only way? Please advise. Thanks in advance.

- Will

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Reporting Services :: Expand Page Height And Width

Nov 11, 2015

I need to expand my page width and height. The report designer and report viewer allows me to do that. The expanded page does not export to the PDF Format.  I am stuck width 6 1/4 x 8/12 for the PDF format. I am using the windows report viewer.

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SQL 2012 :: Report Builder 3 Grouping (1st Row Needs Full Page Width)

Mar 8, 2014

I have a dataset for report builder 3 that has 8 fields. The data for the report needs to be grouped by the first field. The 2nd field is a string that describes the group field and this too needs to be on the same row as the group field. This 2nd field need nearly the full page width. The remaining 6 fields need to end up rendering below the first row. I can't figure out how to get report builder to put the first 2 fields on the first row and use the full page width.

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Export To Excel And Want To Set The Worksheet (print Mode) As One Page (width&&hight) - Landscape

Dec 14, 2007

Hi, This is because there are many columns need to display ,when users export to excel ,now they have to manually adjust the worksheet as one page . Therefore,as the title,can anyone help me?

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How To Set How Many Records Showed In Each Page In View Page?

Dec 12, 2007

I want to show more records in each page when i view report
Question is subject above
any idea? thanks

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Select Columns With Correct Width For Fixed Width Flat File?

Dec 6, 2013

I have like 100 columns and most of them work fine, but some will not work. I need to select the columns with correct width for fixed width flat file.

Here is typical SQL statment that works for most of them.

left(RTRIM(A.City) + Replicate(' ', 25) ,25) as [City]

The above one is not working, but many other works fine like the address. Why would it work for some, but not others?

It works fine if I use any char, but not space. i.e.

left(RTRIM(A.City) + Replicate('*', 25) ,25) as [City]

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Subreport Width Expanding Beyond Width Of Container Report

Mar 4, 2008

I have a subreport on my main report, and the subreport contains a matrix. When I run the report, the subreport seems to expand beyond the width of the main report. The matrix itself does not expand beyond the width of the body of the main report, but for some reason it seems that the subreport does. The subreport does not contain any headers that might be messing up the width. If I cut and paste the matrix from the subreport directly onto the main report, and remove the subreport, it prints fine. But as soon as I include the subreport on the main report it prints with blank pages because the subreport expands beyond the width of the body of the main report. I have checked the width and margins on the subreport and compared to the width of the main report and all looks good. Can anyone help?


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Max Width For Input Fixed Width Column

Jun 1, 2007

Is there a maximum width for fixed width column?

I'm trying to read in a flat file (which, admittedly, has one very wide column), and it keeps breaking because of truncation when it tries to read in the file.

Any ideas?

Jim Work

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Default Report Server Web Page

Jan 17, 2007

I've only just started working on Sql Server Reporting Services 2005, My role is mainly that of administrator (some other unfortunate sole will be doing the development)

However, I'm having some problems configuring the "Welcome" screen on the server. Currently it looks like a default web directory, I can click through to Data Sources and a directory containing the current test reports:

Looks like:
Wednesday, January 10, 2007 4:14 PM <dir> Data Sources
Wednesday, January 10, 2007 4:14 PM <dir> Test Reports

Clicking on Test Reports
[To Parent Directory]Wednesday, January 10, 2007 4:14 PM 15193 Basic Test Report

Question is:
Is there an XML (Or XSL) file somewhere where I can define how the website displays the report directories and names.
Do i need to build a custom web app?

A link in the right direction would be most appreciated!



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Setting Default Code Page

Nov 28, 2007

I've been reading some forums and I'm not able to get this to work. Basically I'm using an Oracle DB source and trying to import data into SQL server 2005. I guess the best connections to use are OLE DB.

Here are my current connections:
Source: Native OLE DBOracle Provide for OLE DB
Destination: Native OLE DBSQL Native Client

I'm running SP2 of SQL 2005.

Now, the issue is I'm not getting the code page stuff correct. In the data flow I'm just doing a OLE DB Source to SQl Server Destination. I'm not doing any transformations (I'm hoping to avoid doing that).

I'm getting an error:

[OLE DB Source [1]] Warning: Cannot retrieve the column code page info from the OLE DB provider. If the component supports the "DefaultCodePage" property, the code page from that property will be used. Change the value of the property if the current string code page values are incorrect. If the component does not support the property, the code page from the component's locale ID will be used.

I'm looking at how to set the DefaultCodePage property in various forums, but nowhere does it say exactly how to do this. I've tried changing the "Extended Properties" and added AlwaysUseDefaultCodePage=TRUE in there, but that doesn't work. I've tried changing the Locale Identifier to 1252 that doesn't work. I've tried a combination of the two, doesn't work. Can somebody tell me two things:

1. what's the best/fastest/industry used method to get data from Oracle into SQL server via SSIS (please include the type of connections).
2. How the hell do you set the DefaultCodePage property. I would love a screenshot on this one as well.


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How To Change The Default Page Of ReportServer

Apr 17, 2008

Hi All,
I need to change the default page that comes when i hit http://localhost/ReportServer in my browser.
Instead of listing the folders and reports i want to show my own page.
Is it possible to that?
Looking forward to your replies

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What Is The Default Page Size In Sql Server 2000....

Dec 7, 2000

What is the default page size in sql server 2000....?

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OLE DB Source To Flat File Destintation Using Fixed Width Columns - Determining Source Column Width

Feb 13, 2007


I am trying to create a program that transfers tables to flat files.
At this point in time, I have suceeded in created one that creates delimited files.

However, I am now trying to create fixed-width files as you can do with the SSIS designer, but programatically.

Is there a way to programatically determine the width of a column from the source table? I can not seem to find any kind of function or member that stores this information or allows me to retrieve it.

I know what I need to change in order to set a width for a column, but I just don't know how to find the width without just asking the user to provide one.

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You Are Not Authorized To View This Page

Jul 17, 2006

Our Reporting Services was working fine
i think maybe the secuity update messed our server

now we can't see out reporting default website
we messed around with the IIS and we were able to
get to show the home pages of the reporting services
when we click on the report it gets "not authorized to view pages"
we messed around more with IIS and get can't see the homepage
of Reporting Services
the secuity patch was framework 1.1
we did remove the patch but the same problem
we are not sure if this was the cause or not
anybody know what i can do to resolve
not access the website and fix
You are not authorized to view this page

Need help asap

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You Are Not Authorized To View This Page

Nov 30, 2006

I cannot access the SRSserver/reports page and get a 401 error, no matter what credentials I supply when prompted.

This is a 2005 SRS install, with a distributed model - the database is located on a separate server. The account I am using is an admin on both servers (and in SQL).

I've tried enabling anonymous logon on the /reports virtual directory and that didn't help

I've used Filemon to see if there were file system permission showed no failures.

I created a test text file in the reportmanager directory and am able to view that, so it's something that the home.aspx file is trying to do.

I'm able to connect to the remote SQL server with Management Studio and everything in the SRS Config app is green.


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Problem Viewing SQL Server Reporting Services Default Internet Page.

Mar 20, 2007


Picture tells more then 100 words. I cant get any components there.

How i can fix that?

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Procs View By Default Disabled On 2005

Jun 10, 2008

Hi Gurus,

Where can i enable procs view option on 2005 SERVER..
Please advice..


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Creating A View From ASP.Net Page (Problems)

Oct 6, 2006

Hello,I am having an error  when using the CREATE VIEW statement and trying to execute it from an page. I get an error that says something along the lines of 'dbo' schema does not exist or you do not have permissions to access it. I have checked and the user has been granted every permission I can think of (including setting it to the DB owner), but it does not work. I am able to execute all the Select, Update, Insert statements that I wish to, and when I copy the statement into the SQL 2005 Management studio query menu it works perfectly, it just gives the error message from the page.Here is an example (or as close as I can remember at this point) of some code I tried:myCommand.Connection = myConnectionmyCommand.Open()myCommand.CommandText = "Create View TestView as Select 1, 2"myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()myCommand.Close() Any help would be appreciated.Thanks,StuporMan 

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Problem With Setting Up IIS - You Are Not Authorized To View This Page

Mar 13, 2006

I am trying to set up IIS on our server (Windows 2003 with SQL Server
2000) and when I try to run a query in a browser I keep getting the
following messsage:-

You are not authorized to view this page

I have followed the tutorial (XMLStartup.doc) which was placed in
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL
Server80ToolsDevToolsSamplesxmlXMLStartup on installation, but
still get the above message when I get to the point of querying the

Is there something I am doing wrong or is there some security measure I
have not taken into account yet that is preventing me from runing

any help appreciated - Thanks

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From View Inserts The Value Of The Last Inserting At Page Reload A Second Time

Apr 19, 2007

Hi folks,
After getting a form view inserting some values into a mdb file, it inserts the same values a second time on page reload.
How may I cure this? Any suggestions?
VB Code is below.
many thanks in advance
 1 <%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="km_Eingabe.aspx.vb" Inherits="km_Eingabe" title="km-Eingabe" %>
2 <asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" Runat="Server">
3 <table style="width: 750px; height: 210px">
4 <tr>
5 <td style="height: 38px">
6 </td>
7 <td style="height: 38px">
8 <asp:DropDownList ID="dropdownlist1" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True" DataSourceID="AccessDataSource2"
9 DataTextField="polKennz" DataValueField="polKennz">
10 </asp:DropDownList>
11 </td>
12 <td style="height: 38px">
13 </td>
14 </tr>
15 <tr>
16 <td style="height: 235px">
17 </td>
18 <td style="height: 235px" valign="top">
19 &nbsp;&nbsp;
20 <asp:FormView ID="FormView1" runat="server" CellPadding="4" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1"
21 ForeColor="#333333">
22 <FooterStyle BackColor="#5D7B9D" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="White" />
23 <EditRowStyle BackColor="#999999" />
24 <EditItemTemplate>
26 </EditItemTemplate>
27 <RowStyle BackColor="#F7F6F3" ForeColor="#333333" />
28 <PagerStyle BackColor="#284775" ForeColor="White" HorizontalAlign="Center" />
29 <EmptyDataTemplate>
30 keine Daten vorhanden
31 <br />
32 <asp:LinkButton ID="NewButton" runat="server" CommandName="New" Text="Neuer Eintrag"></asp:LinkButton>
33 </EmptyDataTemplate>
34 <InsertItemTemplate>
35 Datum:
36 <asp:TextBox ID="DatumTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Datum", "{0:d}") %>'>
37 </asp:TextBox>
38 <br />
39 Fahrer:
40 <asp:TextBox ID="FahrerTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Fahrer") %>'>
41 </asp:TextBox>
42 <br />
43 polKennz:
44 <asp:TextBox ID="polKennzTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("polKennz") %>'>
45 </asp:TextBox>
46 <br />
47 neuer_Eintrag:
48 <asp:TextBox ID="neuer_EintragTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("neu") %>'></asp:TextBox>
49 <br />
50 aktuell:
51 <asp:TextBox ID="aktuellTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("aktuell") %>'></asp:TextBox>&nbsp;<br />
52 <br />
53 <asp:LinkButton ID="InsertButton" runat="server" CausesValidation="True" CommandName="Insert"
54 Text="Einfügen" OnClick="InsertButton_Click">
55 </asp:LinkButton>&nbsp;
56 <asp:LinkButton ID="InsertCancelButton" runat="server" CausesValidation="False" CommandName="Cancel"
57 Text="Abbrechen">
58 </asp:LinkButton>
59 </InsertItemTemplate>
60 <ItemTemplate>
61 Datum:
62 <asp:Label ID="DatumLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Datum") %>'></asp:Label><br />
63 Fahrer:
64 <asp:Label ID="FahrerLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Fahrer") %>'></asp:Label><br />
65 polKennz:
66 <asp:Label ID="polKennzLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("polKennz") %>'></asp:Label><br />
67 neu:
68 <asp:Label ID="neuLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("neu") %>'></asp:Label><br />
69 lfdNr:
70 <asp:Label ID="lfdNrLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("lfdNr") %>'></asp:Label><br />
71 aktuell:
72 <asp:Label ID="aktuellLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("aktuell") %>'></asp:Label><br />
73 Dienststelle:
74 <asp:Label ID="DienststelleLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Dienststelle") %>'></asp:Label><br />
75 <asp:LinkButton ID="NewButton" runat="server" CommandName="New" Text="Neuer Eintrag"></asp:LinkButton>
76 </ItemTemplate>
77 <HeaderStyle BackColor="#5D7B9D" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="White" />
78 </asp:FormView>
79 </td>
80 <td style="height: 235px">
81 </td>
82 </tr>
83 <tr>
84 <td>
85 </td>
86 <td>
87 </td>
88 <td>
89 </td>
90 </tr>
91 </table>
92 <asp:AccessDataSource ID="AccessDataSource2" runat="server" DataFile="~/App_Data/KfzDaten_Ansicht.mdb"
93 SelectCommand="SELECT DISTINCT [polKennz] FROM [qry_KennzeichenAlle_ohne_ausgesondert]">
94 </asp:AccessDataSource>
95 <asp:AccessDataSource ID="AccessDataSource1" runat="server" DataFile="~/App_Data/KfzDaten_Ansicht.mdb"
96 SelectCommand="SELECT DISTINCT [Datum], [Nutzer], [Fahrer], [polKennz], [aktuell], [neu], [gefahren] FROM [qry_Fahrtenbuch_letzter_Eintrag_pro_Kfz] WHERE ([polKennz] = ?)">
97 <SelectParameters>
98 <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="DropDownList1" Name="polKennz" PropertyName="SelectedValue"
99 Type="String" />
100 </SelectParameters>
101 </asp:AccessDataSource>
102 <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" DataSourceMode="DataSet" ConflictDetection="CompareAllValues" InsertCommandType="Text" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:KfzDaten_Ansicht_mdbConnectionString %>" ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:KfzDaten_Ansicht_mdbConnectionString.ProviderName %>"
103 InsertCommand= "INSERT INTO Tab_import_Fahrtenbuch([Datum], [Fahrer], [polKennz], [neu], [aktuell]) VALUES (@Datum, @Fahrer, @polKennz, @Eingabe_neu, @Eingabe_aktuell )" >
104 <SelectParameters>
105 <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="dropdownlist1" Name="newparameter" PropertyName="SelectedValue" />
106 </SelectParameters>
107 <InsertParameters>
108 <asp:FormParameter FormField="DatumTextBox" Name="Datum" Type="string" />
109 <asp:FormParameter FormField="FahrerTextBox" Name="Fahrer" Type="string" />
110 <asp:FormParameter FormField="polKennzTextBox" Name="polKennz" Type="string" />
111 <asp:FormParameter FormField="neuer_EintragTextBox" Name="neu" Type="Int32" ConvertEmptyStringToNull="false" />
112 <asp:FormParameter FormField="aktuellTextBox" Name="aktuell" Type="Int32" ConvertEmptyStringToNull="false" Direction="Input" />
113 </InsertParameters>
114 </asp:SqlDataSource>
115 &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;
116 </asp:Content>

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How To Transform Full Width String Into Half Width String?

Oct 9, 2006

Hi, everyone

There is a table t1 with two fields, such as,
1   Tokyo
2 Xian
3 America

For there are full-width and half-width strings in the values of the two fields, I can not select and get the right records. So I want to transform the two fields ID and NAME, I fail to find the function in the SQL Server 2005. Please give me some advice.

Thank you very much!

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Reporting Services :: Set Default Values For Selection List Navigator For Data Source View

Jul 14, 2015

How to set default values for selection list navigator without using parametrized queries for data source view.

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Reporting Services :: All Record Are Displaying On One Page - How To Display Page By Page

Nov 11, 2015

I have created one reports but all the records are displaying on one page.find a solution to display the records page by page. I created the same report without group so the records are displaying in page by page.

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I Need To Pass Data Entered /created On The First Page To The Next Page And Populate The Next Page With Some Data From The Fir

Nov 28, 2006

Hello I have a project that uses a large number of MS Data access pages created in Access 2003 and runs on MS SQL2005.

When I am on lets say my client, (first page in a series) data access page and I have completed the fields in the (DAP), I am directing my users to the next step of the registration process by means of a hyperlink to another Data access page in the same web but in a linked or sometimes different table.

I need to pass data entered /created on the first page to the next page and populate the next page with some data from the first page / table. (like staying on the client name and ID when i go to the next page)

I also need the first data access page to open and display a blank or new record. Not an existing record. I will also be looking to creata a drop down box as a record selector.

Any pointers in the right direction would be appreciated.
I am some what new to data access pages so a walk through would be nice but anything you got is welcome. Thanks Peter€¦

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SQL Server 2012 :: Use Of Default Keyword As Parameter Default - What Value Is It

Aug 11, 2015

@pvColumnName  VARCHAR(100) = Default,  

However, I am unable to determine what is the value for Default. Is it '' ?

Default is not permitted as a constant - below fails to parse:

AND (@pvColumnName = Default OR t1.[COLUMN_NAME] Like @vColumnName)

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Expression After Table Object Forced To Display On The Last Page Even There Are Still Spaces At The Bottom Of The First Page.

Oct 16, 2006

The following objects are placed on the Report body of the Report pane of SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services :

<textbox: expression1>
<textbox: expression2>

<table:table1 with at least 30 columns and 30 expressions>

<textbox: string1> - considered as the Title in the Footer section of the report

<texbox:string2> <textbox:expression3>
<textbox:string3> <textbox:expression4>
<textbox:string4> <textbox:expression5>

I can't find any explanation why is it string1 and string 2 of the footer section of my report displayed separately from the expression3 which is aligned on it and the rest of the object on the second page.

The expected design is that all Footer items should be displayed together of whether it is placed on the first page or on the last page.

As a workaround of this, I converted string 1 into an expression (Added = and enclosed the string with double quote).. As a result, all of the items in the Footer section are now placed together on the last page of the report.

I also remember one of the issue I encountered before where the Footer items where placed together on the first page and still have space at the bottom of the page, but then expression 6 is forced to display (alone) on the last page of my report.

I can't find any discussion related to this, I wish somebody could give me an idea why RS behaved like this.

Thanks in advance

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Fit An Intere Table In Same Page Without Page Breaks Excel Export In A Single Sheet.

Feb 14, 2008

Fit an intere table in same page without page break for save the excel export.

My table has a Group for order my dates.

I need to have the intere table in the same page, i don't care about blank space at the end of the page.

I can't use the page break beacuse i need an excel export in a unique sheet..
I have tested.. every page'll have a different sheet in your excel export

I need something like this

page 1


page 2


but an unique sheet in the excel export

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Local - Including Page Header Forces Viewer To Expand To Page Size

Jul 17, 2007

If I have a report that includes a page header, the report viewer will render the report at the full width, but if I hide the page header and show only the body it will use the absolute width of the report.

I have a 7" wide report, with .75" borders set on each side.

Interactive & Print size are set to 8.5x11
Changing these sizes has no effect on the behavior of the viewer, which appears to ignore them.

When I view this report in the local viewer the contents fill the window if there is no page header.
If I enable the page header then the report is drawn at 8.5" wide, leaving a _big_ white border on the right side.
Any comments or workarounds that anyone knows? I know the local viewer is not a standard configuration (at least it seems) but it is what we need to use.Thanks,//Andrew

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How To Access A .asp Page Or .aspx Page From A Store Procedure In Sql Server 2000

Sep 21, 2006

Hi, I wanted to know that can we access a webpagefrom a store procedure in sql server 2000 like we run a exe file from sql server. Bye.

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DBCC SHRINKFILE: Page 4:11283400 Could Not Be Moved Because It Is A Work Table Page.

Jul 20, 2007


I issued this command on Tempdb but it doesnot shrink the file.

dbcc shrinkfile (tempdev_3,1)




DBCC SHRINKFILE: Page 4:11283400 could not be moved because it is a work table page.


I have checked that there are no tables associated with any user in tempdb. Any help is appreciated.



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