Paging Records On SQL 2000 : Followup Question

Jan 26, 2007

You are right, I did not include the exact query since it has a whole
of joins and many where clauses in it.
I did not want to make the post very hard to read, hence I simplified

In the Stored proc I am using a String variable @SQLString
varchar(2000) to hold the entire select statement, and then executing
that SQL using EXEC (@SQLString).

Thus for debugging, I used Query Analyzer, and within the Analyzer I am
using the Select statement.
So in my test I do not use any stored proc.

so one select statement says:

Select * from ( Select Top 600 * from
( Select Top 2000 * from
( Select Top 2000 PermitNumber, HouseNumber, OnStreetName,
FromStreetName, ToStreetName, WorkStartDate as "WorkStart",
tbl_Permittee.Permittee_name as PermitteeName, PermitteeNumber,
PermitType_ID as "Type",


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Transact SQL :: Paging Of Records Which Are Keep Updating

May 7, 2015

I would like to use the following code for querying summary records with paging.

DECLARE @PageNumber AS INT, @RowspPage AS INT
SET @PageNumber = 1
SET @RowspPage = 10
* FROM summary
WHERE NUMBER BETWEEN ((@PageNumber - 1) * @RowspPage + 1) AND (@PageNumber * @RowspPage)
ORDER BY create_date

Paging is implemented for fast response since the data pool is very large up to 10000000.

The above query works fine in testing. However, in reality, since new records are keep inserting to the tables, I have concern about the accuracy of viewing another page of result.

E.g.  At 12:00pm, the result of page 1 (5 per page)  is
R20, R19, R18, R17, R16

After 2 mins, 12:02pm, the user press next page button
Since records R21, R22, R23, R24, R25, R26 are inserted
page 2 result would be R21, R20, R19, R18, R17

So the result is showing many records same as page 1 which has already been seen. Could this situation be improved?

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Paging Records On SQL Server Using Derived Tables

Jan 24, 2007

I am using derived tables to Page data on the SQL Server side.I used this link as my mentor for doing paging on the SQLServer wanted to use USER PAGING, thus I used the following code:CREATE PROCEDURE UserPaging(@currentPage int = 1, @pageSize int =1000)ASDECLARE @Out int, @rowsToRetrieve int, @SQLSTRING nvarchar(1000)SET @rowsToRetrieve = (@pageSize * @currentPage)SET NOCOUNT ONSET @SQLSTRING = N'selectCustomerID,CompanyName,ContactName,ContactTitle from( SELECT TOP '+ CAST(@pageSize as varchar(10)) +'CustomerId,CompanyName,ContactName,ContactTitle from( SELECT TOP ' + CAST(@rowsToRetrieve as varchar(10)) +'CustomerID,CompanyName,ContactName,ContactTitle FROM( SELECT TOP ' + CAST(@rowsToRetrieve as varchar(10)) +'CustomerID,CompanyName,ContactName,ContactTitle FROM Customers as T1ORDER BY contactname) AS T2 ORDER BY contactname DESC ) AS T3)As T4 ORDER BY contactname ASC'EXEC(@SQLSTRING)RETURNGOWhen I use this. Assume that the Total records returned by the SQLquery is 1198.Thus when I am on Page1 the above Stored Proc (SP) willreturn the first 1000 records.This works absolutely fine.Now I am on Page2, now I need to retrieve only the remaining 198records.But if I use the above SP, it will return the last 1000records.So to tweak this I used the following logic to set the@pagesize variable:Declare @PageCount intselect @PageCount = @TotalRows/@PageSizeif @currentPage @PageCount SET @PageSize = @TotalRows%@PageSizeSince I am on Page2 the above logic will set the PageSize to 198 andnot 1000.But when I use this logic, it takes forever for the SP toreturn the 198 records in a resultset.However if the TotalRows were = 1800, and thus the PageSize=800 orgreater, this SP returns the resultset quickly enough.Thus to get over this problem I had to use the other logic i.e. usingApplication Paging (i.e. first storing the entire result set into aTemp table, then retrieving only the required records for the PAGE)Can anyone suggest what is wrong with my user paging logic?????TIA...

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Paging Records On SQL Server Using Derived Tables : More Question

Jan 25, 2007

I did use query plans to find out more. ( Please see the thread BELOW)I have a question on this, if someone can help me with that it will begreat.In my SQL query that selects data from table, I have a where clausewhich states :where PermitID like @WorkTypeorder by WorkStart DESC@WorkType is a input parameter to the Stored proc and its value is'01%'When I use the above where clause, all the Sorts in the ESTIMATED QueryExecution plan show me a COST of 28%.However if I change the query manually to say:where PermitID like '01%'order by WorkStart DESCThe COST of the Sort (in ESTIMATED Query Execution plan) reduces to 2%and at the beginning of the PLAN, there is a Bookmark Lookup whichincludes the above where clause.Whereas with the FIRST example , the BookMark Lookup in the beginningdoesn't show that where condition.Can anyone help me better understand this anomaly?TIA=====================================I am using derived tables to Page data on the SQL Server side.I used this link as my mentor for doing paging on the SQLServer wanted to use USER PAGING, thus I used the following code:CREATE PROCEDURE UserPaging(@currentPage int = 1, @pageSize int =1000)ASDECLARE @Out int, @rowsToRetrieve int, @SQLSTRING nvarchar(1000)SET @rowsToRetrieve = (@pageSize * @currentPage)SET NOCOUNT ONSET @SQLSTRING = N'selectCustomerID,CompanyName,ContactName,ContactTitle from( SELECT TOP '+ CAST(@pageSize as varchar(10)) +'CustomerId,CompanyName,ContactName,ContactTitle from( SELECT TOP ' + CAST(@rowsToRetrieve as varchar(10)) +'CustomerID,CompanyName,ContactName,ContactTitle FROM( SELECT TOP ' + CAST(@rowsToRetrieve as varchar(10)) +'CustomerID,CompanyName,ContactName,ContactTitle FROM Customers as T1ORDER BY contactname) AS T2 ORDER BY contactname DESC ) AS T3)As T4 ORDER BY contactname ASC'EXEC(@SQLSTRING)RETURNGOWhen I use this. Assume that the Total records returned by the SQLquery is 1198.Thus when I am on Page1 the above Stored Proc (SP) willreturn the first 1000 records.This works absolutely fine.Now I am on Page2, now I need to retrieve only the remaining 198records.But if I use the above SP, it will return the last 1000records.So to tweak this I used the following logic to set the@pagesize variable:Declare @PageCount intselect @PageCount = @TotalRows/@PageSizeif @currentPage @PageCount SET @PageSize = @TotalRows%@PageSizeSince I am on Page2 the above logic will set the PageSize to 198 andnot 1000.But when I use this logic, it takes forever for the SP toreturn the 198 records in a resultset.However if the TotalRows were = 1800, and thus the PageSize=800 orgreater, this SP returns the resultset quickly enough.Thus to get over this problem I had to use the other logic i.e. usingApplication Paging (i.e. first storing the entire result set into aTemp table, then retrieving only the required records for the PAGE)Can anyone suggest what is wrong with my user paging logic?????TIA...

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Better Method To Count Records In Custom Paging For SQL Server 2005

Jul 24, 2006

heres my problem, since I migrated to SQL-Server 2005, I was able to use the Row_Number() Over Method to make my Custom Paging Stored Procedure better.  But theres onte thing that is still bothering me, and its the fact the Im still using and old and classic Count instruction to find my total of Rows, which slow down a little my Stored Procedure.  What I want to know is:  Is there a way to use something more efficiant to count theBig Total of Rows without using the Count instruction???  heres my stored procedure:
SELECT RowNum, morerecords, Ad_Id FROM (Select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Ad_Id) AS RowNum, morerecords = (Select Count(Ad_Id) From Ads) FROM Ads)  as testWHERE RowNum Between 11 AND 20
The green part is the problem, the fields morerecords is the one Im using to count all my records, but its a waste of performance to use that in a custom paging method (since it will check every records, normally, theres a ton of condition with a lot of inner join, but I simplified things in my exemple)...I hope I was clear enough in my explication, and that someone will be able to help me.  Thank for your time.

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Paging In Sqlserver 2000

Aug 3, 2007

If i have a select query and i need to get it result by paging(for example from row x to row y ) without using cursor .
Is there any way to do it ?

Nb : like ROW_NUMBER in SqlServer 2005 and ROWNUM oracle.

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Paging In Sqlserver 2000

Aug 3, 2007

If i have a select query and i need to get it result by paging(for example from row x to row y ) without using cursor .
Is there any way to do it ?

Nb : Maybe like ROW_NUMBER in SqlServer 2005 and ROWNUM in oracle.

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Followup To Collation Question

Sep 4, 2002

I'm searching the Books Online but can't (as yet) discover the difference between SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS and Latin1_General_CI_AS. CP1 is code page 1252, but what's the 'default' if I don't specify CP1?



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View Vs Function Followup Question

Aug 23, 2007

I was thinking about Luis' post about a similar question here. After thinking about this, I was left with this particular question:

What is the difference between an inline TVF that takes no arguments and a view? Do / should these optimize the same?

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Ghost Records In SQL 2000

Jul 14, 2006

Where did this thread go?

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I Need To Take The Records From My MS Access DB And Migrate Them To SQL 2000

Jun 11, 2005

I need to take the records from my MS Access DB and migrate them to SQL.  I have both db table structures somewhat mapped out and its only about 43 records or lines.  The data in Access is all kept in a single table and in SQL I need to have it populate seperate individual tables.

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Select 100.000.000 Records In Sql Server 2000

Jan 18, 2006

Hi all, i have a trouble when i want to select 100.000.000 records in a table, Pls, give me a solution thanks

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How To Insert Multiple Records Into Sql 2000 Table At Once ?

Nov 25, 2004

I am new to Slq 2000 Database,Now I create an application with sql 2000,
in my database I have two 2 table lets' say "OrderHead" and "OrderDetail",they look like this:
OrderHead orderdetail
---order no ----orderno
---issuedate ----itemname
---supplier ----desccription
---amount -----price
Now I created a user-defined Collection class to storage order detail data in memory
and bind to a datagrid control.
I can transfer Collection data to xml file ,my problem as below :
There have multiple records data in my xml file,and I want to send the xml file as argument to a store procedure in sql 2000

anyone can give me some advise or some sample code ?

thanks in advanced!

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Writing 1mill Records To MSSQL 2000 Per Day

Dec 26, 2006


Has anyone worked on a system that needs per day around 1 Million writes, almost that many reads and deletes once every 1-2h. File sizes range from 2KB-1MB only that 85% of the files are in the 1-8KB range.

This is all done in a single table with a GUID key.

If yes could you tell me what problems did you encounter, any suggestions etc.

Thank you in advance

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MS SQL Server 2000 - Search A Table With 300,000+ Records In Less Then A Second Or Two

Oct 14, 2005

I have one table with 300,000 records and 30 columns.For example columns are ID, COMPANY, PhONE, NOTES ...ID - nvarchar lenth-9COMPANY - nvarchar lenth-30NOTES - nvarchar length-250Select * from databasewhere NOTES like '%something%'Is there a way to get results from this query in less then 1-2 secondand how?

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Updating More Than 10000 Records SQL Server 2000

Jul 20, 2005

Hi allI just ranUPDATE dbo.tbl_forecastedSET update_ref = 0but it only updated the first 10000 records. I'm wondering if anyone cantell me why this is, and can I get around it.I have looked on google and found a few references, but nothing in too muchdetailsthanks in advanceAndy

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How To Randomly Select Records From Sql Server 2000 To ASP.NET(vb Language)

Mar 19, 2008

Hai friends,,
  I have a table name "Student"
it contain 2 fields no ,name
no      name
1        Raja
2        Larsen
3        Ravi
4        Ankit
5        Eban
my questions  is I have a webform random.aspx
whenever any user open a webform random.aspx
it should display anyone of name  in a random order..... CODING:-
Dim cn As New System.Data.sqlclient.SqlConnectionDim rd As sqlDataReader
cn.ConnectionString = "Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=master;password=david;"
cn.Open()Dim cmd1 As New SqlCommand("select no,name from Student", cn)  ' how i can chage to random order....
rd = cmd1.ExecuteReader
Response.Write(rd(0) & "." & rd(1))
thank u..

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Maximum Number Of Records Per Second That Can Be Inserted Into SQLServer 2000.

Apr 7, 2006

Summary: Maximum number of records per second that can be inserted intoSQLServer 2000.I am trying to insert hundreds (preferably even thousands) of recordsper second in to SQLServer table (see below) but I am getting thefollowing error in the Windows Event Viewer Application log file:"Insufficent Memory......"And very few records were inserted and no errors where sent back viathe JDBC.By removing the indexes on the table we have stopped getting the errormessage and have managed to load the table at 300 records per second.However I have couple of questions:1) Are the indexes definitely to blame for this error and is thereanyway of getting around this problem i.e. keeping the indexes in placewhen inserting?2) How should I configure SQLServer to maximise the speed ofinserts?3) What is the limiting factor for inserting into SQLServer?4) Does anyone know of any metrics for inserting records? At wantpoint should we consider load balancing across DBs.I currently populate 1.6 million records into this table. Once againthanks for the help!!CREATE TABLE [result] ([id] numeric(20,0) NOT NULL,[iid] numeric(20,0) NOT NULL,[sid] numeric(20,0) NOT NULL,[pn] varchar(30) NOT NULL,[tid] numeric(20,0) NOT NULL,[stid] numeric(6,0) NOT NULL,[cid] numeric(20,0) NOT NULL,[start] datetime NOT NULL,[ec] numeric(5,0) NOT NULL,)GOCREATE INDEX [ix_resultstart]ON [dbo].[result]([start])GOCREATE INDEX [indx_result_1]ON [dbo].[result]([id], [sid], [start], [ec])GOCREATE INDEX [indx_result_3]ON [dbo].[result]([id], [sid], [stid], [start])GOCREATE INDEX [indx_result_2]ON [dbo].[result]([id], [sid], [start])GO

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Add/Edit/Delete Records With Remote SQL Server 2000 Database

Dec 2, 2007

Using 2.0 or Visual Web Developer Edition 2005 I could not find a single example with Datagrid Control or Form View Control, to achieve the basic functionality ofAdd/Edit/Delete Records with Remote SQL Server 2000 Database. When I searched for these examples I found many videos and examples using local database and in learning path of Visual web express editions, very goodexamples and videos using local SQL Server 2005 database, BUT not with the remote database.
My question Is it possible to get the basic functionality of Add/Edit/Delete Records with Remote SQL Server 2000 Database using ASP.Net 2.0 Datagrid and FormView controls?
This question looks like, a lazy developer question!! but, in my learning path I found GREAT videos in Visual Studio Web Developer Express edition and learned simple way of drag and drop the controls assign create local database and their connections, and few clicks to add/edit/delete records using datagrid and formview controls. In real life those are not much useful because many of web interfaces are with sql server 2000 and we need to convert them into ASP.Net. Similarly I wanted to drag and drop couple of controls and less coding etc. and accomplish basic functionality of add/edit/delete records using remote database sql server 2000.
If possible please help me out.
Wondering is it possible to get the functionality of add/edit/delete records using datagrid/formview with remote sql server 2000, the way they explained in bigginers learning videos ... I am referring to (
If possible and you think it is possible please guide me to that URL where I can learn the great functionalty n implement..!!

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Copy Table And/or Records From SQL Server 2000 To 2005 Express

Apr 7, 2006

How can I copy a table from my sql server 2000 db to my sql server 2005 express edition?
I have a project in VS.NET 2005 and I have a db in App_Data folder. However, when I look into that folder, there is nothing visible. I now need to copy a table from my existing sql server 2000 to my db located in my project's App_Data folder.
Any help would be appreciated..

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Trace Auditing For ( New Records And Updates For A Particular Date) - SQL Server 2000 Sp4

Apr 26, 2007


I have few tables. I want to identify the RECORDS for a table which has been created/modified for a particular date and time. I don't want to write a trigger to capture the event for add/update.

Is there any system table which track for date and time using stored procedure each individual records which has been last updated or newly created records??

Note : The application already created without lastModified date and each table... so, we don't want to modify the application or db.

Database : SQL Server 2000 sp4

thanks in advance.

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SQL 2012 :: Query To Make Single Records From Multiple Records Based On Different Fields Of Different Records?

Mar 20, 2014

writing the query for the following, I need to collapse the continuity. If the termdate for an ID is one day less than the effdate of the next id (for the same ID) i need to collapse the records. See below example should i write the query which will give me the desired output. i.e., get min(effdate) and max(termdate) if termdate is one day less than the effdate of next record.

ID effdate termdate
556868 1999-01-01 1999-06-30
556868 1999-07-01 1999-10-31
556869 2002-10-01 2004-01-31
556872 1999-02-01 2000-08-31
556872 2000-11-01 2004-01-31
556872 2004-02-01 2004-02-29

output should be ......

ID effdate termdate
556868 1999-01-01 1999-10-31
556869 2002-10-01 2004-01-31
556872 1999-02-01 2000-08-31
556872 2000-11-01 2004-02-29

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How To Work With Huge Amount Of Records In A Table Using MSSQL Server 2000?

Dec 21, 2005

one of our forth coming projects, with ASP.Net/C#/MSSQL Server, We have
to deal with a Business table having about 15 millions of records. We
want to know, that which methodologies should we adopt, both regarding
front end and back end perspective, so the site could give optimised
performance. Also in place of a Dedicated Server, the Hosting Company
provides MSDE (that come with .net). Will this create any problem with
this project, that have such a huge table? Should we go for some
advanced database technique, such as, Clustering, Spliting Tables, etc.

Followings are the fields that the business table contains:

ID, Category ID (which comes from a Category table, each business is
under a category), BusinessName, SignupDate, Address1, Address2, Phone
Hours Of Operation, Years in Business, LicenseNumber, DiscountCoupon, Website

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Oct 12, 2004

Is there any way to implement a paging scheme such that only the required records are transferred from SQL Server to the app?

The only support I can find such as the DataAdaptor.Fill will bring all the records back from SQL Server and then create the page...

This obviously still takes time and memory based on the entire query, not the page size.

Any ideas?

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SQL Paging

Jul 26, 2005

I have a table with a lot of records.  I want to make paging without passing all the data back to a dataset.  I know how to select the top n rows but how do I select 10-20 for example. 

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T-SQL Paging

Dec 9, 2005

How can I do paging in my SQL Server stored procedure.
I have thought of a way, but I need to :

"SELECT TOP @Count..."

which is not allowed :S

What can I do to get around this?

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Paging In Sql 2k

Dec 11, 2003

I have noticed that the server i'm running SQL2k on is starting to page out of the norm. I can see that the regsvc and sqlservr svc are showing high page faults/sec. I have 3 gigs of ram and set the max that sql can use to 2 gigs. It is currently using only 168 MB and still will show high paging at random times. I know I can add more ram but that doesn't seem to be the problem. I have also stopped unnecessary services at the os level.

Any other suggestions to fix this?

Thanks in advance.

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Paging In RS

May 9, 2008

Hi there

I've managed to make it query that return a dataset that have 2 views utilising the "Filter" in RS. I treat this as a single record with multiple views.

Now let say if I have a stored precedure that pass 2 parameters one is called state and year and accepting 'ALL' for every possibility of State and Year and construct that into single dataset with 2 views similar like above.

How do I breakdown this in the reporting services so it will have paging?

This is a simple dataset:

RECORDID, ReportViewType, State, Year, VALUE
1, "VIEW1", "NSW", 1, null
1, "VIEW2", null, null, 10000
2, "VIEW1", "NSW", 2, null
2, "VIEW2", null, null, 11000
3, "VIEW1", "VIC", 1, null
3, "VIEW2", null, null, 11003
4, "VIEW1", "VIC", 2, null
4, "VIEW2", null, null, 11001

I would like to break down (paging) this per recordid. Each page obviosuly has 2 views using the same data set with different FILTER.

Do I need to put into a LIST then inside that list put 2 TABLES? Is this possible?!?!


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Paging Query

Aug 2, 2006

I have created a stored proc for paging on a datalist which uses a objectDataSource.
I have a output param itemCount which should return the total rows. Them I am creating a temp table to fetch the records for each page request. My output param works fine if I comment out all the other select statements. But returns null with them. Any help would be appreciated.
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[CMRC_PRODUCTS_GetListByCategory]( @categoryID int, @pageIndex INT, @numRows INT, @itemCount INT OUTPUT )AS
SELECT @itemCount= COUNT(*) FROM CMRC_Products where CMRC_Products.CategoryID=@categoryID  Declare @startRowIndex INT; Declare @finishRowIndex INT; set @startRowIndex = ((@pageIndex -1) * @numRows) + 1; set @finishRowIndex = @pageIndex * @numRows 
DECLARE @tCat TABLE (TID int identity(1,1),ProductID int, CategoryID int, SellerUserName varchar(100), ModelName varchar(100), Medium varchar(50),ProductImage varchar(100),UnitCost money,Description varchar(1500), CategoryName varchar(100), isActive bit,weight money)
INSERT INTO @tCat(ProductID, CategoryID,SellerUserName,ModelName,Medium,ProductImage,UnitCost,Description,CategoryName, isActive,weight)SELECT     CMRC_Products.ProductID, CMRC_Products.CategoryID, CMRC_Products.SellerUserName,  CMRC_Products.ModelName, CMRC_Products.Medium,CMRC_Products.ProductImage,                       CMRC_Products.UnitCost, CMRC_Products.Description, CMRC_Categories.CategoryName, CMRC_Products.isActive,CMRC_Products.weightFROM         CMRC_Products INNER JOIN                      CMRC_Categories ON CMRC_Products.CategoryID = CMRC_Categories.CategoryIDWHERE     (CMRC_Products.CategoryID = @categoryID) AND (CMRC_Products.isActive = 1)
SELECT    ProductID, CategoryID,SellerUserName,ModelName,Medium,ProductImage,UnitCost,Description,CategoryName, isActive,weightFROM         @tCat WHERE TID >= @startRowIndex AND TID <= @finishRowIndexGO

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Paging Problems

Dec 13, 2006

I am using a stored procedure to page some objectsThe procedure looks like this:
CREATE PROCEDURE sw20aut.sw20_Kon( @sid_nr INT, @sid_stl INT = 35, @kid int )AS BEGIN     SET NOCOUNT ON      DECLARE  @rader INT, @sid_antal INT, @ubound int, @lbound int  SELECT          @rader = COUNT(*),          @sid_antal = COUNT(*) / @sid_stl      FROM          sw20aut.sw_kontakter WITH (NOLOCK)  WHERE  kund_id = @kid AND del = '0'
 IF @rader % @sid_stl != 0 SET @sid_antal = @sid_antal + 1     IF @sid_nr < 1 SET @sid_nr = 1     IF @sid_nr > @sid_antal SET @sid_nr = @sid_antal     SET @ubound = @sid_stl * @sid_nr  IF(@sid_antal > 0) SET @lbound = @ubound - (@sid_stl - 1)  ELSE SET @lbound = 0      SELECT          CurrentPage = @sid_nr,          TotalPages = @sid_antal,          TotalRows = @rader
 DECLARE @ename VARCHAR(64), @fname VARCHAR(64), @konid VARCHAR(64) SET ROWCOUNT @lbound SELECT @ename = enamn, @fname = fnamn, @konid = kon_id FROM sw20aut.sw_kontakter WITH (NOLOCK)  WHERE kund_id = @kid AND del = '0' ORDER BY enamn, fnamn, kon_id SET ROWCOUNT @sid_stl SELECT kon_id, enamn, fnamn FROM sw20aut.sw_kontakter WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE enamn + fnamn + '~' + CAST(kon_id as VARCHAR(64))  >= @ename + @fname + '~' + @konid AND (kund_id = @kid AND del = '0') ORDER BY enamn, fnamn, kon_id SELECT startid = @konid SET ROWCOUNT 0END
The big problem is that i need to display objet with the same name. In my book the best identifier is the PK and therefor i have sorted as above by ordering after LastName, FirstName, ContactId
After som thinking ive reached the conclusion that this dont work if the idnumbers isnt of the same length. as long as they are(for example two people named John Smith, one with id = '23' and one with id = '87' it works. If there ids would have been '23' and '1203' it will not work correctly) of the same length it works fine.
What im wondering is if anyone have a good solution to this? Only thing i can think of is filling all idnumbers with zeros to equal length. Dont know how and if this will affect performance though. Anyone has a practical solution to this?

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Paging Technique

Aug 8, 2007

I am using Sql Server 2000.
I have a table named Cities which has more than 2600000 records.
I have to display the records for a specific city page wise.
I don't want to compromise with performance.
Can anyone has the idea?
Waiting for your fruitful response.
Happy Day And Night For All
Muhammad Zeeshanuddin Khan

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Paging , Sql Select From To ?

Feb 10, 2008

Hello To make pagination I would like to retrieve only the record from x to y ...I couldn't find how to do to in sql , I was thinking so if there is a way to do it with a sqldatasourceI make my request , put it in a sqldatasource and bind it to my datalistis there a way to "filter the sqldatasource ?" to make what I need ? Thx in advance ? 

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Custom Paging

May 23, 2005

Im in the process of trying to teach myself SqlServer, comming from Oracle.  How the heck do I get the equivlent of  %ROWNUM pseudo-column in SqlServer?  Top just isn't doing it for me.
 Oracle Example wrote:
Select * from foo where foo%ROWNUM > 10 and foo%ROWNUM <20;

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