Pakcage Error...How To Read Files On A Different Domain?
Mar 2, 2006
So did some troubleshooting on the my previous post -
Thanks to everyone who tried to help... So I got some insight into what is happening.
My package was having trouble reading files on a remote domain although I mapped the drives locally. This does not cause either running the package to failed either through directly running under VSS, or Execution Utility. But it failed when I try to schedule it through SQL server agent.
I wonder if it is the security context problem and asking for help of how to get around that issue.
So I have a for each file loop container that retrieve filenames on a remote domain which has a different security account then my local account. So how I got around that was to map that drive locally to a drive letter...example W:
then I use W: as my path within my package. I was trying to figure out where I can declare the connection within my package specifically, but don't know if I could do that.
If I run this through VSS or exectuion utility, it works okay. I was able to see W: and all the files on that mapped drive and read in the data.
However, when I schedule it under SQL agent, it doesn't see any files then exited the package as success right the way, because it has nothing to do....
So is there a different between the security context on mapped drive between VSS and my SQL agent? If so...How do I get around that challenge?
BTW, the two domain do not have share accounts between each others. I had to specified and map the drives explicitly.
I have been trying to schedule a package I design to run off hour, but unable to do so. Here is a strange issue:
1. I am able to run and excute the package successfully through VSS. After I finished designing all my flows and containers, my exceution was successful to all my data sources.
2. I was able to deploy and run the actual package by sending to my local file system and it runs successfully through Execute Package Utility.
HOWEVER!!! when I tried to schedule this package through file system under sql server agent to run at night or through start job within SQL agent always failed...
I am puzzled so I added some logging on the package. The error message shows the following....
<message>The connection "{087B883F-D188-440A-9501-FF38CF5CEC28}" is not found. This error is thrown by Connections collection when the specific connection element is not found.
<message>Failed to acquire connection "". Connection may not be configured correctly or you may not have the right permissions on this connection.
But I thought if I had set the connection correctly to remember my passwords and using SQL server standard login within my package (connection manager) and should resolved the connection issues....
Why did it failed when I try to run it under sqlagent? But not through Execute Package Utility? Is there is a special setting I need to do for it to run under sql agent?
I notice within the job step when I choose the file source to point to my package... there was a tab called data sources where it has the connections I defined in my package. Does it matter if I put a check box on them or not? Either way they failed to connect.
I have two database files, one .mdf and one .ndf. The creator of these files has marked them readonly. I want to "attach" these files to a new database, but cannot do so because they are read-only. I get this message:
Server: Msg 3415, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 Database 'TestSprintLD2' is read-only or has read-only files and must be made writable before it can be upgraded.
What command(s) are needed to make these files read_write?
Im using SQL Server 2000 on a server, and theres clients that need to connect to the sql server, and the clients are the users that have domain ids.
Firstly i run the sqlserver under local system user (default).And the clients which is login into a domain and can automatically login with windows authentification. But before i have already added the domain name for the client in the security login of sql server.
Then, i change the sqlserver services to be run under a local user with no admin right. After that, i cannot use windows authentification, i have to use sa. The reference i used for applying this is written in this url :;en-us;Q283811
The problem is i need to use both the sqlservices to be run under local with no admin right user and i need to use windows authentification.
I have an SSIS package that creates a new file and saves results into that file. However, the requirement has it that I need to create this file on a server residing in a different domain. How can I achieve this in an SSIS package when it is scheduled as a job?
I am trying to automate a rather complicated file import routine using a DTS package. I'm getting on ok with it but have now reached the limits of my knowledge.
At the moment I am sent a file every month e.g. "perf04-05m1.csv". I then rename it to "import.csv" and run the DTS package. I would like to make the process more dynamic so that the the DTS package takes in the most recent file no matter it's filename e.g. I don't have to re-name the file to "import.csv" in order for the DTS package to run.
I have had a look at BOL and think that I need to use either a Dynamic Properties Task or a Global variable but I'm not sure how to tie it all together, can anyone offer any pointers or know of any good articles I can have a look at. I may also need to dynamically alter some of the SQL statements within the DTS package as well.
Some records got deleted from our DB. We don't have any triggers to log this delete transaction. Is there anyway to find out from log files or someother places to find out about this deletion. Is this information stored in transaction log. We do complete backup every night. So I think the transaction log will be truncated after the complete backup right? Please advise on this.
I saw some .trc files will be created by SQL Server Express I would like to view them (I suppose they are 'trace files') in order to find info about problems I encounter.
Somewhere I read 'SQL Server Profiler' should be used to read them but (to me) it seems that's not being installed using the downloads I found (SQLEXPR_ADV.exe and SQLEXPR_TOOLKIT.exe) so I wonder how to get it or how to view them differently
Hi I have decided to approach the problem here
by using a Stored procedure, someone mentioned it's possible for a SP to read the contents of a text file ?
IS it ?
For example i have a DB table with fields to,from,subject,body
problem is the body field references a file (full path) and i need to extract all info into a txt file the full txt body, so can i perform some sort of inner operation on the select body .. part of the SP ?
I have 2 tables EmployeeA(Eng) and EmployeeB(Spanish) kept in seperate mdb's. I want to add the records into Sql Server 2005 table called StateEmployee.
Procedure: 1. Loop through 2 containing table EmployeeA in mdb and other containing tbl EmployeeB in diff mdb's. 2. Pick a file from EmployeeA and EmployeeB, both at the same time. 3. Count the total no of rows in both files. If equal proceed. 4. Compare the 'employeeid' of one row of employeeA to the employeeid of EmployeeB. 5. If employee id matches, load both the rows in Sql server else file it to the error table. 6. Loop through all rows simultaneously till end of row. 7. Go to next mdb.
How do i go about this step by step. I am fairly new to SSIS.
I have written a small code that is used to read records from a txt or a csv file, but when i try to read from a txt or csv file which is in unicode, i get the following error
No value given for one or more required parameters........this error is recieved on the following line
The code for reading from a file is as follows
Dim dtrow As DataRow
Dim cmdtxt, file, path
Dim dtadpt As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim Command As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand
Dim Conn As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
file = 'name of the file'
path = 'path of file'
Conn = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
cmdtxt = "Select * from " & file & " where id = " & id
Command = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand(cmdtxt, Conn)
dtadpt.SelectCommand = Command
this code works if i choose a csv or txtfile which is in ANSI format. But i want to read from a unicode file because i have some information in that unicode format that i want to store
i need to store a bmp or zipped file in a field of a ms sql db. i read the file using vb6, and in my mind i think sto store it in binary mode. the files could be more of 12 mega. whitch kind of field a could use?
I just want to know how to search text/record inside the Html files. I had one column in my database named €˜Path€™ I saved the html file names in this column and the physical files in a folder. Full Text search is enabled on this column. Whenever I try to search it returns nothing.
Just need one small example to know how it works, what functions used to search inside the files and how.
I have a package that reads a fixed width flat file data into a single CHAR column in an sql server 2005 table.
In the "Columns" tab of the Flat File Connection Manager, I set the RowDelimiter value to {LF} and nothing for the ColumnDelimiter (since I read the entire row from the flat file into a single column in my sql table).
However, in the "Advanced" tab, the ColumnDelimiter Misc property shows {LF}. This was working fine for me.
The problem I was facing was with some files which were recently identified to have rows containing a special character (probably ASCII ZERO) in the middle of the row. So, now if the record was having 400 characters and the 200 th character had this special character, the package was writing the first 200 characters into the sql table and ignoring the rest of the characters.
I am sure that the special character was ASCII ZERO - I wrote a script to read each character in the line and find the ascii code for it.
Has anyone faced this problem ever. If so, pls let me know your solution or any ideas that can help sort this problem. Your help would be much appreciated.
a. Read data from Different CSV files. b. insert and update data to Data base in multiple table using joins.
This execution runs for 1-2 hours.I can use C# with, but only concern I see is if in between execution fails due to some connection or other error. All insert data has to be cleaned up again.I feel writing and Store procedure inside transaction, which will take path's for CSV file as input and insert data in database. using transaction we will have flexibility rollback to original state.
I'm trying to upgrade from SQL Server 2000 to 2005. The problem I am having is that when I try to attach the existing db files I get a message that says "database cannot be upgraded because it is read only or has read only files...."
Thing is... there is no write protection on the files.
Can anyone advise me on how to overcome this problem so that I can attach the db, please?
I'm contemplating a sql server archive strategy that rolls really old data off any sort of dbms and onto low cost media like dvds in a non relational archive format. I dont want to ever worry about these archives spanning different versions of sql when i go to retrieve a range of data that happens to span sql versions (eg one disc was sourced from 2005 another by 2008 but my report needs a union of both).
So I'm thinking about neutral/efficient formats for these archives and a live homegrown catalog that can determine exactly what disc(s) need to be mounted based on passed from and to date parameters...all so that the data that might span discs (and versions and maybe even schemas) can be merged and loaded into my sql version d'jour's "throw away" archive database for a one time report or other unplanned activity.
I remember raw data types being very convenient as an ETL format for our customers who have ssis, but wouldn't want our sqlexpress customers to be left without the archiving capability. Do the "things" that read and write raw data files really originate in some special T-SQL command that all sql editions can use, or is it strictly an ssis thing?
We are in the process of upgrading to a new SQL 2012 server but we have many packages that load data from dbf files created with FoxPro into one of our databases. We have not converted the packages and run them with DTS but we get the following error:
Error: 2013-08-26 11:05:27.36 Code: 0xC0209303 Source: BenchmarkLoad Connection manager "OLEDB NPIONE.Investment.middleTierSQL" Description: The requested OLE DB provider SQLNCLI.1 is not registered. If the 64-bit driver is not installed, run the package in 32-bit mode. Error code: 0x00000000.
[Code] .....
I searched for OLEDB and ODBC drivers for SQL 2012 64 bit but cannot find any that is newer than the 2005 that we have. What can I do short of changing the source files to overcome this issue?
I need to import multiple flat files with different formats into different tables of the sql server database and not able to figure out the best way out in ssis to do so...
What are the possible methods in ssis to do so and if possible the process which can be dynamic as file names or columns might change in future.
I have a SSIS package which reads an excel file and loads data into a table using script component(C#) as a source. The package runs without any errors when I manually run it on my machine and on the server. But the package fails when run as a SQL Server Agent job.
I tried all the possible fixes I found on the web but still can't get it to work.
-A "master domain" AD, a "sub domain" AD, a trust relationship between the two (sub trust master) -A sql server 2005 on a win server 2003 in "sub domain" AD -A linked server to "sub domain" AD -A linked server login using a "sub domain" admin acccount -A view to this linked server -A grant on masterDomain/Domain Users to the database -A grant on subDomain/Domain Users to the database -We want all connections done through "Windows Authentication" not "Database Authentication".
Queries on the view work fine using "sub domain" user accounts. Queries on the view fail using "master domain" user accounts (including master domain admin accounts)
"Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The OLE DB provider "ADsDSOObject" for linked server "ADSI" reported an error. The provider indicates that the user did not have the permission to perform the operation."
All connections are done through "Windows Authentication" not "Database Authentication".
Can we establish cross domain connectivity with "Windows Authentication" ?
Below are details of the implementation:
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT * FROM OPENQUERY(ADSI, 'SELECT displayname, givenName, sn, cn (etc...) FROM ''LDAP://OU=PEOPLE,DC=subDomain,DC=com'' WHERE objectCategory = ''Person'' AND objectClass = ''user'' ')
In SQL Server Mngt Studio in Server Objects/Linked Servers/Providers/ ADSI properties security tab I have:
"connections will: <be made using this security context> Remote login:'subDomainAdminAccnt' With password: 'subDomainAdminAccntPassword'
Error: Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The OLE DB provider "ADsDSOObject" for linked server "ADSI" reported an error. The provider indicates that the user did not have the permission to perform the operation.
Msg 7320, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Cannot execute the query "SELECT displayname, givenName, sn, cn
FROM 'LDAP://OU=PEOPLE,DC=subDomain,DC=com'
objectCategory = 'Person'
AND objectClass = 'user'
" against OLE DB provider "ADsDSOObject" for linked server "ADSI".
After using ADMT to migrate the domain user or group into the root domain, when I use enterprise manager to try and change the permissions allocated to that domain user/group, i get the 'Error 15401 NT user or Group not found'.
This is a correct error as the user is now in the root domain, however sql (in sysxlogins) still thinks its in the child domain.
Is there a simpler way, other than collecting the users permissions, deleting the user from SQL then adding back in with the correct domainusername format, then adding the permissions back?
I tried renaming the 'name' in sysxlogins (not recommended) and while that worked, whenever I tried to add the migrated user to another database, the login name was missing and would not resolve.
I believe it is something to do with the SID not matching.
we recently migrated from our in-house domain to the Enterprise domain. Everything went smooth except for the fact that I can no longer accept my dBs using my SA or my domain admin account. There is only 1 account I can get into the management studio with but it has no admin privileges, so I can't make any  password changes or add accounts. I don't have a test environment so kind of hesitant to experiment with our production system.
When we try to run aggregation or purge queries on some tables we are getting following message:
" error [I/O error (bad page ID) detected during read at offset 0x000001ad65a000 in file 'E:MSSQL2KDataGenesys_DataMartGenesys_Datamart.mdf '. Severity 24, State 2, Procedure 'PWMGENESYSDB1 n u! ll', Line 1]"
After this we executed DBCC CHECKDB. Attaching the output obtained after executing this command, to fix these errors we executed DBCC repair_allow_data_loss. I am attaching output for this also. Pls go thru the logs and pls let me know what could be the problem and how it can be addressed.
I am trying to execute a SSIS package from a client through BIDS, but when I start BIDS, I am getting the error -
SqlWb.exe : Application error - The instruction at "0X77D...." referenced memory at "0X00000002". The memory could bot be "read". Click on OK to terminate the program. Click on CANCEL to terminate the program.
Please help.
Other information:
I have tried running the package on the server and it executes properly. I really dont know why this is a problem with the SQL Server clients alone. I have also tried googling around and could not find any resolution. Can anyone point me to the right direction please!!!
I have tried rebooting the system, I have ran the script to look for duplicate sids and am still having the issue when trying to add a domain group to SQL. I get the Error 15401: Windows NT user or group'miTrust Legal' not found. Check the name again. Running SQL 2000 Std, with SP3a, and the collation is set to SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_BIN, which makes this instance case sensitive, and the group name is spelt right and am following the case sensitivity of the name as well.
I am installing SQL Server 2005 on a server (Windows Server Enterprise Edition 2003 SP2) that is not domain controller and on the screen "Service Account" I checked the box "Customize for each service account" and typed a domain account (it has permission to "logon as a service"), its password and domain, and when I click the "Next" button, I am getting the error below:"SQL Server Setup could not validate the service accounts. Either the service accounts have not been provided for all of the services being installed, or the specified username or password is incorrect. For each service, specify a valid username, password, and domain, or specify a built-in system account. "