Parameter Label With Multiple Values

Oct 22, 2007


I have a parameter "country" that currently has something like 50 labels (each with a different value) for different countries. I want to be able to design this so that I can select US, Canada and World. This requires me to put multiple values under the "World" label.

Is this doable in reporting services?

Thanks in advance,

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Parameter Setup: One Label Multiple Values --- Can This Be Done?

Mar 12, 2008

I reviewed many threads and looked through many pages in my book, I cannot find my answer.

I have a report in need of carrying multiple values per parameter label. Here is the report parameter and how it is used;

Our IS system considers A-Active, L-On Leave, P-Paid Leave to be "Active"
Our IS system considers T-Terminated, D-Deceased to be "Termed"

Instead of having to have the user click upon three options (A, L, P), I would like to group these and have the Label appear as "Active", while the two options for "Termed" (D, T), would appear as the second parameter option.

Does anyone know how I would get this correctly setup in the Report Parameters... module?

I have tried




Thank you,


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Parameters - Multiple Values For One Label - Possible?

Sep 18, 2007

Is it possible to have a parameter with one label but multiple values. For example:

Label Value

Machinist (100,200,300)

Is it possible to set up an expression that when the user selects this label it will look for the job codes 100, 200 and 300
and return all employees in those codes?


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Adding Values To A Parameter That Can Take Multiple Values

Jun 6, 2007

If I have a Select statement like this in my C# code:
Select * From foods Where foodgroup In (@foodgroup)
And I want @foodgroup to have these values ... "meat", "dairy", fruit", what is the correct way to add the parameter?
I tried
meat, dairy, fruit
'meat', 'dairy', 'fruit'
but neither worked. Is this possible?

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Multiple Values Of A Parameter

Feb 8, 2008

I have some 5 parameters which I've specified as multi-valued and my report uses a stored procedure. When I select all values in my dropdown (parameters) within my reports nothing shows up. How can I pass multiple values of a parameter into my stored procedure such that it works?

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SQL Report With Parameter For Multiple Values

Apr 20, 2007

I need to somehow set up a third parameter which allows me to control the tag quantity type either by ALL - % , IS NULL, or IS NOT NULL.

I tried TAG_QUANTITY LIKE :Tags but this would only work if I had the % option select and not the IS NULL or IS NOT NULL

Any thoughts on how to format the select statement?


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Analysis :: Default Multiple Values For A Parameter

Nov 5, 2015

I am trying to select some values as default for a parameter, I add my data set,add my parameter then I  select the values in the default pane, when I run the report I get :

'the default value expression for the query parameter contains an error[BC30451] name is not declared.

When I look at the expression of the default parameter (in the report data pane under the specify values) it appears like

=new Object() {[Sty].[ST].&[1], [Sty].[ST]..&[15]}
with a red scrible under the () 

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How To Pass Multiple Values To A Parameter While Cascading

Oct 9, 2006


I am using RS2005. i have a requirement in which i need to pass more than 1 value to a parameter. this parameter is used in a dataset for filtering.

Eg: if i have a parameter as @years, i want to assign values 2005, 2006 to it and use it in the dataset to filter like select.... where year in (@years).

How can i achieve this?


Vivek S

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Insert Multiple Values Based On Parameter

Jul 22, 2014

I need to write SP where user select SUN to MON check boxes. If user select Class A with sun,mon and wed check boxes then i need to insert data as below

A sun
A Mon
A wed

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SQL Server 2014 :: Linking Parameter To Multiple Values

Feb 17, 2015

Attempting to build a report were you can place a specific code in the parameter field and it will return all row values based on that particular code. I have a similar report that works great, but the specific code is just in 1 column, the one I'm trying to create has the potential to have that code in up to 20 different spots. I have the report built, but the issue I'm facing is linking the parameter. Is there a way to link 1 parameter to multiple column options?

Here's an example:

Docflo Distribution Group Queue Status Pend1 Pend 2 Pend 3 Pend 4 Pend 5
ABC ABC1 Catch All NEW 123 126 125 621 129
ABC ABC1 Various PENDED 621 123 872 542 630

Right now if I were to link the parameter to the Pend1 field, I would get every line I wanted that had Pend "123", but it would not include any of the lines where Pend "123" was in Pend 2, Pend 3, Pend 4, so on.

How would I link the parameter to more than 1 column so it would return all rows with a specific code no matter which Pend column it was in?

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Transact SQL :: How To Pass Multiple Values Into A Single Parameter

Jun 1, 2015

Below is the query for my procedure 

ALTER PROC [dbo].[sp_GetInvitationStatusTest]
@invited_by NVARCHAR (50)
-- SELECT * FROM dbo.Merck_Acronym_Invitations WHERE invited_by=@invited_by
select distinct t1.invited_isid as 'ISID', t1.invited_name as 'NAME',t1.invitation_status as 'STATUS',

[Code] ....

If you look at the where clause i have invited by , i get the desired output if i just provide 1 name in the execution such as exec [dbo].[sp_GetInvitationStatusTest] 'marfilj' But my requirement is to make the procedure work with more than one input variable such as exec [dbo].[sp_GetInvitationStatusTest] 'marfilj','sujith' now i should get the output for 2 people but if i run this i receive the following error Procedure or function sp_GetInvitationStatusTest has too many arguments specified.

how to make my procedure work with more than 1 input variable?

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Label In Parameter

May 7, 2007


Is it possible to create a row of "labels" in a multi-value parameter list?

i mean something like this:

Name, Age

JJ, 12

PP, 10



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Transact SQL :: How To Make Procedure Work For Multiple Values In Parameter

Jun 7, 2015

Below is the stored procedure i have it works fine if i have 1 value passed to @invited_by but i want to modify but i want this code to be working for multiple inputs .Lets say if i do

exec [dbo].[sp_GetInvitationStatusTest] 'Test1 . I get the desired output but i want this procedure to work for
exec [dbo].[sp_GetInvitationStatusTest] 'Test1,Test2'.
USE [merck_acronyms]


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Passing Multiple String Values Separted By A Comma As One Parameter

Oct 16, 2007


I have a stored procedure that accepts one parameter called @SemesterParam. I can pass one string value such as €˜Fall2007€™ but what if I have multiple values separated by a comma such as 'Fall2007','Fall2006','Fall2005'. I still would like to include those multiple values in the @SemesterParam parameter. I would be curious to hear from some more experienced developers how to deal with this since I am sure someone had to that before.

Thanks a lot for any feedback!

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Disply Parameter Label. Not Value

May 9, 2008

Hi all,

In Table Detail session,

Will popup as numbers. 1 2 3 4 etc.
I set parameter as Value 1 = Label "First" Value 2 = Label "Second"

Is that possible to show the lable of Fields that I set in Parameter?

Advice plz.

Thank you

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SQL Server 2008 :: Table Valued Function Where Parameter Has Multiple Values

Jan 29, 2015

Is it possible to pass multiple values to a TVF, such as using an IN clause?

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Reporting Services :: Selecting Data Using One Parameter With Multiple Text Values

Oct 9, 2015

I am using SSRS 2008 R2 Report Builder 3.0 (10.50.4276.0) . I have simple set of data which has a persons Title and Name e.g. Mr Smith, Miss Jones, Doctor Foster

The report has a parameter where the user can select which records to show based on the matching titles (Mr, Miss, Doctor)

The Query for the report uses Title in (@Title) where @Title is the only parameter which can take multiple values. The report works correctly for any 1 value selected, but as soon as 2 or more values are ticked in the drop down, it fails.

I believe the parameter value is being passed into the query with a comma separating the values e.g. Mr,Miss which causes the IN statement to give an error, as the statement would be where Title IN ('Mr,Miss') which does not match any of the data values.

The parameter value passed needs to be 'Mr','Miss' for the IN statement to work. What statement do I have to put in the report query to get it to select any of the data rows where the title matches any 1 of the selected values?

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Reporting Services :: How To Filter MDX Query Using SSRS Report Parameter With Multiple Values

Oct 14, 2009

I am creating a SSRS report using a SSAS cube as it data source.  The user would like to select multiple values from a reporting parameter that is then used as a filter on the MDX statement.  I am bale to have the report work successfully when only one value is selected but not when multiple values are selected; the report uses only the first value from the reporting parameter when it contains multiple values.  How do I filter an MDX query using a SSRS report parameter with multiple values?

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Display Multi Value Parameter LABEL

Mar 6, 2007

I have a multi value parameter in my report.
I want to know how can I display all of the selected values in this parameter in a text box.
Whan I try to use this parameter in a textBox it automaticly take the value:
Parameter.param.Value(0) Whice take only the first select value.

Is there a simple way of doing it?


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Null Label In Parameter Area

Mar 8, 2007

We have some reports that allow null values for parameters and I find the "Null" label next the parameters in the report viewer to be completly the wrong thing i want to show to business users.

Has anyone worked out a way to change this label to something more meaningful?


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Baffled Trying To Display A Parameter Label

Sep 19, 2007

I have two parameters: year and month. The Month parameter includes All, 1, 2, ect..

I tried to display the parameter slected with the following expression:


MonthName(Parameters!DateShippedMonth.Label)) & ", " & Parameters!DateShippedYear.Label

I want it to either display the label (All) or the name of the month. I get an error when All is the parameter selected but not when any month is selected. If I removed the MonthName() function, I don't get an error but I also don't get the month name.

Any ideas?

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Integration Services :: Pass Multiple Parameter Values To SSIS Package In 2012 Through Stored Procedure?

Jul 9, 2015

we can  assign one parameter value for each excecution of  [SSISDB].[catalog].[set_object_parameter_value] by calling this catalog procedure..

Example: If I have 5 parameters in SSIS package ,to assign a value to those 5 parameters at run time should I call this [SSISDB].[catalog].[set_object_parameter_value] procedure 5 times ? or is there a way we can pass all the 5 parameters at 1 time .

1. Wondering if there is a way to pass multiple parameters in a single execution (for instance to pass XML string values ??)
2.What are the options to pass multiple parameter values to ssis package through stored procedure.?

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Automatically Print Multiple Copies Of The Same Report With Different Label On Letter Size Paper

Dec 31, 2006


I am new to reporting services and I'm really stuck on a design problem. Can someone please help me?

I would like to design my own print function. When a user clicks on the print icon (preferably the one that came with reporting services), the report is automatically printed twice, once with "For Person A" and the second time with "For Person B" on it. It doesn't matter where these two labels are placed on the page. These two reports need to be printed on letter-size paper regardless of user's selection. How do I do this with minimum amount of code?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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How To Use Default Parameter Values With A Date Parameter From A Cube/Reducing Parameters

Oct 15, 2007


I have parameters in my report. The user can choose the year, month and date (3 parameters).
Now I want to set default vaules for the parameters , so that the user sees the report for example for the current day without selecting the parameters. I tried to set the type of the parameters to DateTime and the default value for example for the year to "=Today().Year" . But when I execute the report an error occures . Something like : no validValue for this parameter.

My Attributes for the year month and date are from an Analyis Services Cube from a Server Time dimension .
Does somebody know how to make it possible to set default values for this parameters?

Other question :

Does somebody know how I can reduce the values for a parameter. For Example I have a parameter "year" from a server time dimension from a cube. The values which are available are "Year 2004", "Year 2005", "Year 2006", "Year 2007".
But I want that the user only can choose "Year 2006" or "Year 2007" ant not every Year or "All".
Or Other Example: The User should only choose a Date that is int the past or Today but not a Date in the future.

Thanks !


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Is It Possible To Dynamically Populate A Parameter List With Values Based On Another Parameter Value?

Aug 11, 2005

Is it possible to fill a parameter list with values based on another parameter value?
Here's what I have so far (which hasn't worked)...
I'd like to generate a report listing information for a student.  The report viewer would first select a school from the first drop-down menu, and then the second drop-down menu would populate with the list of students at that school.
I have a dataset that calls a sp which returns a list of schools (SchoolID and SchoolName fields from the database table).
I have another dataset that calls a sp (with SchoolID as the parameter) which returns a list of students for that school.
Both datasets return the appropriate data when tested individually, but when I set up the Report Parameters and build the report, these errors come up...
The value expression for the query parameter '@SchoolID' refers to a non-existing report parameter 'SchoolID'.
The report parameter 'Student' has a DefaultValue or a ValidValue that depends on the report parameter "SchoolID".  Forward dependencies are not valid.
...Is it possible for the reoprt to generate a list of available parameter values based on the value selected for another parameter?
Any help you can give me would be great!!  Thank you

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How Do I Enter In A Default Values For A Report Parameter That Accepts Multi Values

Apr 11, 2008

I have my stored procedure set to
Territory_code IN (@Territory)

, now , how do i enter in more then one value. When i select the multi value check box, it gives me more spaces. But then doesnt recognize the values when i put in more then one. am i doing something wrong?

The field is a Varchar 20

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Refreshing Parameter Values When A Higher Level Parameter Changes

Apr 30, 2007

Hi All.

I have a parameter (hidden) that gets its value using an expression base on another parameter.
When in the designer, the first time when the designer loads I can select the Parameter that controls the child parameter (expression lies in the default value section). The value changes.

When I change the parent parameter again, the value of the child parameter does not seem to change.

How can I make this parameter change automatically when the parent is changed ?

Any help will be appreciated.


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Accessing Values Parameter Values From Another Report

Sep 20, 2007

Hi, How can I display a value of a report parameter from one report into a textbox on another report??

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Reporting Services :: Selecting Multiple Parameters Values For Comma Separated Values In SSRS?

Jun 17, 2012

I am SSRS user, We have a .net UI from where we want to pass multi select values, but these values are comma separated in the database. how can I write a sql query such that when I select multi values on my UI, the comma separated values are take care of.

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Retrieving Multiple Values From One Field In SQL Server For Use In Multiple Columsn In Reports

Mar 30, 2007

I am trying to create a report using Reporting Services.

My problem right now is that the way the table is constructed, I am trying to pull 3 seperate values i.e. One is the number of Hours, One is the type of work, and the 3rd is the Grade, out of one column and place them in 3 seperate columns in the report.

I can currently get one value but how to get the information I need to be able to use in my reports.

So far what I've been working with SQL Reporting Services 2005 I love it and have made several reports, but this one has got me stumped.

Any help would be appreciated.


I might not have made my problem quite clear enough. My table has one column labeled value. The value in that table is linked through an ID field to another table where the ID's are broken down to one ID =Number of Hours, One ID = Grade and One ID= type of work.

What I'm trying to do is when using these ID's and seperate the value related to those ID's into 3 seperate columns in a query for using in Reporting Services to create the report

As you can see, I'm attempting to change the name of the same column 3 times to reflect the correct information and then link them all to the person, where one person might have several entries in the other fields.

As you can see I can change the names individually in queries and pull the information seperately, it's when roll them altogether is where I'm running into my problem

Thanks for the suggestions that were made, I apoligize for not making the problem clearer.

Here is a copy of what I'm attempting to accomplish. I didn't have it with me last night when posting.

--Pulls the Service Opportunity

SELECT cs.value AS "Service Opportunity"

FROM Cstudent cs

INNER JOIN cattribute ca ON ca.attributeid = cs.attributeid

WHERE = 'Service Opportunity'

--Pulls the Number of Hours

SELECT cs.value AS 'Number of Hours'

FROM Cstudent cs

INNER JOIN cattribute ca ON ca.attributeid =cs.attributeid

WHERE ='Num of Hours'

--Pulls the Person Grade Level

SELECT cs.value AS 'Grade'

FROM Cstudent cs

INNER JOIN cattribute ca ON ca.attributeid =cs.attributeid

WHERE ='Grade'

--Pulls the Person Number, First and Last Name and Grade Level

SELECT s.personnumber, s.lastname, s.firstname, cs.value as "Grade"

FROM student s

INNER JOIN cperson cs ON cs.personid = s.personid

INNER JOIN cattribute ca ON ca.attributeid = cs.attributeid

WHERE cs.value =(SELECT cs.value AS 'Grade'

WHERE ca.attributeid = cs.attributeid AND'Grade')

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Multiple Columns With Different Values OR Single Column With Multiple Criteria?

Aug 22, 2007


I have multiple columns in a Single Table and i want to search values in different columns. My table structure is

col1 (identity PK)
col2 (varchar(max))
col3 (varchar(max))

I have created a single FULLTEXT on col2 & col3.
suppose i want to search col2='engine' and col3='toyota' i write query as








Every thing works well if database is small. But now i have 20 million records in my database. Taking an exmaple there are 5million record with col2='engine' and only 1 record with col3='toyota', it take substantial time to find 1 record.

I was thinking this i can address this issue if i merge both columns in a Single column, but i cannot figure out what format i save it in single column that i can use query to extract correct information.
for e.g.;
i was thinking to concatinate both fields like
col4= ABengineBA + ABBToyotaBBA
and in search i use




Result = 1 row

But it don't work in following scenario
col4= ABengineBA + ABBCorola ToyotaBBA






Result=0 Row
Any idea how i can write second query to get result?

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'Insert Into' For Multiple Values Given A Table Into Which The Values Need To Go

Sep 1, 2007

Please be easy on me...I haven't touched SQL for a year. Why given;

Code Snippet
USE [Patients]
/****** Object: Table [dbo].[Patients] Script Date: 08/31/2007 22:09:29 ******/
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Patients](
[ID] [varchar](50) NULL,
[FirstName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[LastName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[DOB] [datetime] NULL,

do I get

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 3

Incorrect syntax near ','.
for the following;

Code Snippet
(ID, FirstName,LastName,DOB) VALUES
( '1234-12', 'Joe','Smith','3/1/1960'),
( '5432-30','Bob','Jones','3/1/1960');

Thank you,

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SqlDataReader - Pulling Multiple Values Into Multiple Variables

Mar 29, 2007

Hello all,I'm trying to request a number of URLS (one for each user) from my database, then place each of these results into a separate string variables. I believed that SqlDataReader could do this for me, but I am unsure of how to accomplish this, or if I am walking down the wrong road. The current code is below (the section in question is in bold), please ignore the fact that I'm using MySQL as the commands work in the same way. public partial class main : System.Web.UI.Page{    String UserName;    String userId;    String HiveConnectionString;    String Current_Location;    ArrayList Location;    public String Location1;    public String Location2;    public String Location3;    //Int32 x = 0;    private void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)    {        if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)        {            UserName = Membership.GetUser().ToString();            userId = Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey.ToString();            HiveConnectionString = "Database=hive;Data Source=localhost;User Id=hive_admin;Password=West7647";            using (MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection conn = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection(HiveConnectionString))            {                // Map Updates                 MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand Locationcmd = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(                        "SELECT Location FROM tracker WHERE Location = IsOnline = '1'");                Locationcmd.Parameters.Add("?PKID", MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDbType.VarChar, 255).Value = userId;                Locationcmd.Connection = conn;                conn.Open();                MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader LocationReader = Locationcmd.ExecuteReader();                 while (LocationReader.Read())                {                        Location1 = LocationReader.GetString(0);                        //Location2 = LocationReader.GetString(1); // This does not work..                }                                LocationReader.Close();                conn.Close();                // IP Display                MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand Checkcmd = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(                        "SELECT UserName FROM tracker WHERE PKID = ?PKID");                Checkcmd.Parameters.Add("?PKID", MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDbType.VarChar, 255).Value = userId;                Checkcmd.Connection = conn;                conn.Open();                object UserExists = Checkcmd.ExecuteScalar();                conn.Close();                if(UserExists == null)                {                    MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand Insertcmd = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(                        "INSERT INTO tracker (PKID, UserName, IpAddress, IsOnline) VALUES (?PKID, ?Username, ?IpAddress, 1)");                                        Insertcmd.Parameters.Add("?IpAddress", MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDbType.VarChar, 15).Value = Request.UserHostAddress;                    Insertcmd.Parameters.Add("?Username", MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDbType.VarChar, 255).Value = UserName;                    Insertcmd.Parameters.Add("?PKID", MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDbType.VarChar, 255).Value = userId;                    Insertcmd.Connection = conn;                    conn.Open();                    Insertcmd.ExecuteNonQuery();                    conn.Close();                }                else                {                    MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand Updatecmd = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(                        "UPDATE tracker SET IpAddress = ?IpAddress, IsOnline = '1' WHERE UserName = ?Username AND PKID = ?PKID");                    Updatecmd.Parameters.Add("?IpAddress", MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDbType.VarChar, 15).Value = Request.UserHostAddress;                    Updatecmd.Parameters.Add("?Username", MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDbType.VarChar, 255).Value = UserName;                    Updatecmd.Parameters.Add("?PKID", MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDbType.VarChar, 255).Value = userId;                    Updatecmd.Connection = conn;                    conn.Open();                    Updatecmd.ExecuteNonQuery();                    conn.Close();                }            }        }    } Can anyone advise me on what I should be doing (even if its just a "you should be using this command) if this is not correct? In fact any pointers would be nice !Thanks everyone! 

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