Parameter Validation Failed

Mar 20, 2008

I've developed a report which works fine when I preview it in the Visual Studio report designer, but when it is uploaded to our report server and I try to access it via Internet Explorer, I get an error message saying: "
Parameter validation failed. It is not possible to provide valid values for all parameters. (rsParameterError) "

How would I know exactly which parameter is causing this problem? I've built a couple of reports in the past and they worked fine. The only thing I can think of which is different in this report is that I have a couple of date parameters - Start Date and End Date, which allows the user to select a date range for the data they want to view.

In the SQL Server database, the date value is defined as SmallDateTime and in the Report Parameters the data type is defined as DateTime.

In the database there are Nulls and blanks in some of the fields - could this be the cause of the error?

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Login Failed For User - Token Based Server Access Validation Failed With Infrastructure Error

Sep 9, 2015

Many a times see the below error in SQL Error log.

Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON'. Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors. [CLIENT: ]

Is this something to do here?

Note: If I run the below statement I know that the SQL Error log entry will go off, but wanted to know the real significance of this error?


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Validation Failed

Mar 20, 2007


Anyone can help me on this? I am using MS SQL 2005 Express Edition. When I am installing my 3rd party software that needs to connect to the database, i get this error . Thanks.

Validation failed:
1. No mdb connection.
2. No Microsoft SQL server connection.
3. Microsoft SQL Server collation is not valid.
4. Microsoft SQL server authentication is not valid.

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Validation Of Viewstate MAC Failed

Jun 6, 2007

I get this error in a web farm:

Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that <machineKey> configuration specifies the same validationKey and validation algorithm. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster.

I googled and found a bunch of references to .NET apps, but I wasn't sure how to fix it in SSRS.



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Password Validation Failed

Nov 24, 2007

PRM DBAccess Error: SQL Server Error: Password validation failed. The password does not meet Windows policy requirements because it is not complex enough.

This error shows up when i try to create a database on SQL Server 2005 for Primavera 5.0 from Primavera 5.0 database creating tool. I am using both the authentications on SQL Server 2005 but when i am creating database for Primavera i am using database authentication. However, this error doesnt come when SQL server 2000 is used.

Any ideas?

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Parameter Validation

Oct 17, 2006

Is it possible to create a server side or client side validation for parameter inputs? For example, I want a calender input to error when a user tries to put in a date past the current date time

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'OLE DB Destination' Failed Validation Error

May 2, 2007


I'm developing a SSIS package and am coming across this problem:

"Error at myTable [DTS.Pipeline]: component 'OLE DB Destination' (156) failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C.

Here's the situation with my package. It basically consists of a bunch of tasks to build a database and populate the tables from an Excel file.

The first task runs a SQL file to create all my DB tables, etc. The next set of tasks import data from the Excel file into the tables. All tasks have precedence constraints so that the SQL file will build the DB tables first.

Here's the problem. Everything works perfectly if my database ALREADY exists. The problem comes when the database does not exist. It seems like the SSIS does some sort of schema validation on my dataflow tasks to ensure that everything is ok.

Is there any way to bypass this validation so that my SSIS will run ok without the DB already existing? I know that everything WILL be ok because the ExecuteSQL task will create the structure for me.

I used to work with SQL 2000 DTS, and i never ran into this problem before. Previously, i could run the DTS no problem, however, i just couldn't open the transformations if the DB didn't exist.


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Disable Parameter Validation

Jul 3, 2007


Is there a way to disable parameter validation.



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Parameter Date Validation...

Feb 13, 2008

Hi all,

I have a report that have 2 date parameters (start and end date). How would I check that end date parameter move be equal or greater than Start date?


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Task Failed To Validate No Schema To Use In Validation Was Found..

Aug 20, 2006

I have a package with an XML Task with OperationType = Validate. The source is a string variable and the second operand is a file connection to a schema file. The schema file <include>'s other schemas. I run the package in debug mode in Visual Studio with no errors. I exit Visual Studio. Then I open Visual Studio again and run the package in debug mode like before and it fails in the xml task with error: "Task failed to validate "No schema to use in validation was found.". I don't understand why it fails since no changes were made. The strange thing is that if I click the File Connection Manager for the schema file and click Browse and then reselect the same schema file again then it runs OK. Note that I have to exit Visual Studio and not just close the package in order to repro the error. It seems like exiting Visual Studio frees some resource that is essential to the validation. Reselecting the schema file in the Connection Manager seems to restore the resource. (SP1)

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Replication :: Article X Failed Data Validation (rowcount Only)

Jun 6, 2015

I've created a merge replication a few days ago. it works correctly, but today when click synchronize publications, some of then encounter this error :

Data validation failed for one or more articles. When troubleshooting, check the output log files for any errors that may be preventing data from being synchronized properly. Note that when error compensation or delete tracking functionalities are disabled for an article, non-convergence can occur. (Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number:

[Code] ....

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Package Failed Validation From The ExecutePackage Task Error

Feb 8, 2006

I have an SSIS package which calls two other SSIS packages as part of it's control flow (using the Execute Package task). Both packages are stored in the same parent folder on the same server. The first child package runs successfully, the second does not. It ran fine for days until yesterday. Not sure what I might have done. I have tried to delay validation and recreate the connection. No go. Has anyone else run into this. I am running SQL 2005 RTM and VS 2005 RTM on XP Pro SP2. Any suggestions would be welcome.

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Data Validation For Datetime Parameter In SSRS

Aug 29, 2007


I wanted to know more about validation of SSRS parameters. I have a simple report which has a parameter called startdate of DateTime datatype. The datetime parameter in SSRS takes manual input as well. So, the user can enter any junk value. I want to ensure that the input parameter is in correct format and I want to display an error msg when the format is incorrect. My report has the following VB code for validation:

Public Function Validate( ByVal startdate As String) As Boolean
If IsDate(startdate) = True Then
Return True
Return False
End If
End Function

And my report has a textbox which has the expression property set to;

the textbox on the report has to display if the entered date is valid or not.

But, when i enter an erroneous date, SSRS doesn't render the report and throws a generic error. This happens even before the code written for validating the parameter executes.

Also couldn't find a way to disable the manual input for the datetime parameter. Even that would solve the problem.

Another alternative was to make the startdate parameter as string, but i want the calendar control button to be provided for the user.

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Ssis Package Failed Validation Even ProtectionLevel Set As EncryptSensitiveWithUserKey In Studio 2005

Jul 20, 2007

I am creator of this package. This package used to work fine both from studio and deployed on server. I come back this project, but can't get package even runing debug in studio with protectionLevel set as EncryptSensitiveWithUserKey or EncryptSensitiveWithPassword.

Does anyone see this problem before?

Here is my error message:

OnError,PC6071,SLCNTFJ3845,Get Address Parcel Route,{948E2EC3-4B1D-4465-B5B9-2DD95F91B1B3},{35E95EAA-0C59-4D79-A07E-6E876D603253},7/20/2007 9:54:27 AM,7/20/2007 9:54:27 AM,-1071611876,0x,The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "GEODB" failed with error code 0xC0202009.

OnError,PC6071,SLCNTFJ3845,Get Address Parcel Route,{948E2EC3-4B1D-4465-B5B9-2DD95F91B1B3},{35E95EAA-0C59-4D79-A07E-6E876D603253},7/20/2007 9:54:27 AM,7/20/2007 9:54:27 AM,-1073450985,0x,component "get parcel from Sub Struct" (75) failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C.

OnError,PC6071,SLCNTFJ3845,Get Address Parcel Route,{948E2EC3-4B1D-4465-B5B9-2DD95F91B1B3},{35E95EAA-0C59-4D79-A07E-6E876D603253},7/20/2007 9:54:27 AM,7/20/2007 9:54:27 AM,-1073450996,0x,One or more component failed validation.

OnError,PC6071,SLCNTFJ3845,Get Address Parcel Route,{948E2EC3-4B1D-4465-B5B9-2DD95F91B1B3},{35E95EAA-0C59-4D79-A07E-6E876D603253},7/20/2007 9:54:27 AM,7/20/2007 9:54:27 AM,-1073594105,0x,There were errors during task validation.


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SQL Server Reporting Services - Report Datetime Parameter Validation

Jan 23, 2007


How can we validate the
input values from user for a datetime
type report parameter?
i.e. Validating whether
the date is correct and in required

Thanks in

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SQL Security :: Token-based Server Access Validation Failed With Infrastructure Error

Feb 15, 2009

We have a new Win 2008 Enterprise x64 server running SQL 2008When we try to connect to the server using Windows Authentication, from a user account which is a domain administrator, we get the following message:"Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error"What needs to be configured here for this to work ?

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Failed To Convert Parameter Value From A String To A Guid?

Jul 3, 2007

 Hi all,I have setup my database that have 3 columns:1. Primary Key2. UserId (UniqueIdentifier, Guid I guess) - I set it up so I can insert the value from the Membership table (UserId) for some relationship.3.  Another Foreign key with just an int. I tried to build a DAL, ran a test and received this error: "Failed to convert parameter value from a String to a Guid." Before I setup my UserId to be UniqueIdentifier and let it be just an Int, I don't have any problem retrieving data. Here is the SELECT query that I built with the DataSet:SELECT     aspnet_Users.UserId, t_music.MUSIC_TITLEFROM       t_user_viewedJOIN        aspnet_Users ON aspnet_Users.UserId = t_user_viewed.UserId JOIN       t_music ON t_music.MUSIC_PK = t_user_viewed.MUSIC_PK_FKWHERE   aspnet_Users.UserId = @UserId Any help would be greatly appreciated,Kenny. 

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Failed To Convert Parameter Value From A String To Int32

Apr 15, 2012

i am trying to save data from unbound datagridview but i get the error " format exception unhandled- failed to convert parameter value to a int32" the following is my code:

Private Sub btnPlace_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPlace.Click
' Modify the following code to correctly connect to your SQL Server.
Dim Connection As New SqlConnection("Server=.SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Store Management System;Integrated Security=SSPI ")


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Failed To Convert Parameter Value From A String To A Datetime

Nov 1, 2007

Hi I am having this problem. I have created a stored proc that uses dynamic sql. Now this works fine when I use it in Query Analyzer.

Now when I try to use this in Reporting services it gives me the error:
Failed to generate fields for the query
Check the query syntax or click refresh on query toolbar.
Failed to convert parameter value from a string to a datetime

My sotred proc is as:


CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[rptDetailedAuditsIssued]


@param1 varchar(50) ,

@param2 varchar(50),

@param3 varchar(50),

@param4 datetime ,

@param5 datetime




declare @strSQL varchar(500)

set @strSQL = 'SELECT * FROM v_DetailedAuditsIssued WHERE '

if @param1 <> ''


set @strSQL = @strSQL + 'strRegion = ' + @param1 + ' AND '


if @param2 <> ''


set @strSQL = @strSQL + ' strTaxTypeCode = ' + @param2 + ' AND '


if @param3 <> ''


set @strSQL = @strSQL + ' strAuditType = ' + @param3 + ' AND '


set @strSQL = @strSQL + ' (dtmIssuedDate BETWEEN '''

+ CONVERT(nvarchar(30), @param4, 101) + ''' AND '''

+ CONVERT(nvarchar(30),@param5, 101) + ''')'

exec (@strSQ


When I run

rptDetailedAuditsIssued '','','','1/1/2000','1/1/2001'in query editor it runs fine. But gives me that error every time I run it in SSRS. I think I got this problem but in earlier cases I used to set the param values to null in Repservices and it worked but its not working this time. This time it stops complaining but does generate any fields.

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Failed To Convert Parameter Value From String To Guid

Aug 1, 2007

Hi All,

I can run the report if I write following in the query and run it as text in report designer's data tab it works fine.

exec abc '9B95363B-F82D-4E55-AD89-2AD928AC981F',NULL,NULL,'07/03/2006',07/08/2006'

But when I am trying to run it as stored procedure as follow
and I assign the same value for the parameter in Define Query Parameter dialog box. it gives following error.

an error occured while executing the query.
Failed to convert parameter value from string to guid.

Additiona Information :

failed to convert parameter value from a string to a guid.(

Thanks for help.

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Failed Searching Records By Using SQLCommand Parameter LIKE '%@keywords%'

Aug 8, 2007

I use SQL Server 2005 Developer. I failed to search the records by using SQLCommand Paramater. Please find the code below.
However, when I hardcode like  LIKE '%sudoku%' , it works. Could aynone help?
Andy.private bool searchProducts(string keywords)
command.CommandText = "SELECT Product.ProductID, Product.Name, Product.Image, ProductPrice.Price, ISNULL(SpecialProduct.PromoDiscount,0) as PromoDiscount FROM Product INNER JOIN ProductPrice ON Product.ProductID = ProductPrice.ProductID LEFT OUTER JOIN SpecialProduct ON Product.ProductID = SpecialProduct.ProductID WHERE Product.Name LIKE '%@keywords%' ";
command.Parameters.Add("@keywords", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100);
command.Parameters["@keywords"].Value = keywords;

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Failed To Convert Parameter Value From A String To A Guid Error

Feb 10, 2008

Hi, i have some problems passing a guid parameter to a stored procedure; the code is below and the error i get is;
 Failed to convert parameter value from a String to a Guid
  conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["LocalSqlServer"].ConnectionString);
cmd = new SqlCommand("spInsKeyswap_history", conn);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

MembershipUser mu = Membership.GetUser(User.Identity.Name);
guid gdUserID = mu.ProviderUserKey;

cmd.Parameters.Add("@user_title", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@first_name", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@last_name", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@email", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@birthday", SqlDbType.VarChar, 15);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@alternate_number", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@msisdn", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@call1", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@call2", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@call3", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@new_sim_msidn", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@dealer_id", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@status_code", SqlDbType.Int);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@support_id", SqlDbType.Int);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@return_value", SqlDbType.Int);

cmd.Parameters["@user_title"].Value = txtTitle.Text.ToString();
cmd.Parameters["@first_name"].Value = txtFirstName.Text.ToString();
cmd.Parameters["@last_name"].Value = txtLastName.Text.ToString();
cmd.Parameters["@email"].Value = txtEmailAddress.Text.ToString();
cmd.Parameters["@birthday"].Value = txtBirthday.Text;
cmd.Parameters["@alternate_number"].Value = txtAlternate.Text.ToString();
cmd.Parameters["@msisdn"].Value = txtNew.Text.ToString();
cmd.Parameters["@call1"].Value = txtCall1.Text.ToString();
cmd.Parameters["@call2"].Value = txtCall2.Text.ToString();
cmd.Parameters["@call3"].Value = txtCall3.Text.ToString();
cmd.Parameters["@new_sim_msidn"].Value = txtOld.Text.ToString();
//get logged in users user_id from membership
cmd.Parameters["@dealer_id"].Value = gdUserID;
cmd.Parameters["@status_code"].Value = 1;
cmd.Parameters["@support_id"].Value = 0;

cmd.Parameters["@return_value"].Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;

int returnValue = (int)cmd.Parameters["@return_value"].Value; 

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Failed To Convert Parameter Value From A String To A Int32.(stored Procedures)

Jun 20, 2007

i had writen a stored procedure for inserting vlaues frma form into sql but iam getting this error can any pls help me
Failed to convert parameter value from a String to a Int32
my stored procedureALTER PROCEDURE sp_addcustomer

(@customerid as int,
@fname as char(10),@lname as char(10) ,
@companyname as char(10),@email as nvarchar(50),
@address as char(10),@city as char(10),
@zip as char(10),@country as char(10),
@phone as nvarchar(50),@state as char(10)

ASinsert into customer(customerid ,fname ,lname ,companyname, email , address ,city,zip,country,phone,state)
values(@customerid ,@fname ,@lname ,@companyname,@email,@address,@city,@zip,@country,@phone,@state)
 SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(Session["conn"].ToString());
cn.Open();SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
cmd.Connection = cn;cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;cmd.CommandText = "sp_addcustomer";
//SqlParameter p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10,p11;cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@customerid",SqlDbType.Int));
cmd.Parameters["@customerid"].Value =CustomerID.Text;cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@fname", SqlDbType.Char));
cmd.Parameters["@fname"].Value = fname.Text;cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@lname", SqlDbType.Char));
cmd.Parameters["@lname"].Value = lname.Text;cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@companyname", SqlDbType.Char));
cmd.Parameters["@companyname"].Value = companyname.Text;cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@email", SqlDbType.NVarChar));
cmd.Parameters["@email"].Value = email.Text;cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@address", SqlDbType.Char));
cmd.Parameters["@address"].Value = address.Text;cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@city", SqlDbType.Char));
cmd.Parameters["@city"].Value = city.Text;cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@zip", SqlDbType.NVarChar));
cmd.Parameters["@zip"].Value = zip.Text;cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@country", SqlDbType.Char));
cmd.Parameters["@country"].Value = Country.Text;cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@phone", SqlDbType.NVarChar));
cmd.Parameters["@phone"].Value = Phone.Text;cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@state", SqlDbType.Char));cmd.Parameters["@state"].Value = state.Text;
Response.Redirect("main.aspx?st=Employee added successfully");

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Sqlhelper Class Failed To Convert Sql Parameter To A String Error

Oct 17, 2007

I'm getting this error and I'm not really sure what is wrong.  I'm using the sqlhelper class which was writen by microsoft, so I figure the code is right.
 Here is code of me passing in the strings.  Yes I tried puttinga .ToString() on the end of the sqlparameters.
public class LoginSelectData : DataAccessBase{private EndUser _enduser;public LoginSelectData(){    StoredProcedureName = StoredProcedure.Name.VERIFYUSER.ToString();}public DataSet Get(){DataSet ds;LoginSelectDataParameters _loginselectedataParameters = new LoginSelectDataParameters(this.Enduser);DataBaseHelper dbhelper = new DataBaseHelper(StoredProcedureName);ds = dbhelper.Run(base.ConnectionString, _loginselectedataParameters.Parameters);return ds;
}public EndUser Enduser{get { return _enduser; }set { _enduser = value; }}
public class LoginSelectDataParameters{private EndUser _enduser;private SqlParameter[] _parameters;public LoginSelectDataParameters(EndUser userinfo){this.Enduser = userinfo;
 private void Build(){
SqlParameter[] parameters = {new SqlParameter("@username",this.Enduser.Username),new SqlParameter("@password",this.Enduser.Password)
Parameters = parameters;}public SqlParameter[] Parameters{get { return _parameters; set { _parameters = value; }
}public EndUser Enduser{get { return _enduser; }set { _enduser = value; }}

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SQL Validation

Mar 10, 2004

I am working on a query application, and I want to do syntax validation before I submit the dynamically sql to the database. The expression will include ANDs, ORs, IN, (,),>,<,etc. Anyone done this already? any code snippets?


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Xml Validation

Aug 10, 2006


I am running the following:

DECLARE @h uniqueidentifier --conversation handle

DECLARE @msg xml; --will hold the message





SET @msg = '<InventoryUpdate>





MESSAGE TYPE [](@msg);

Now to test errors comming back on the aueue i sed to make the xml tags wrong, then the target would send a error back on the queue with xml validation failed (both queues have validation well_formed_xml). However now in testing i cannot even send the message i get an invalid xml error straight away, i am not sure why this is , i know the xml is not valid but the send used to work and i would get an erro rback, as the xml is validated by the ttarget, but this no longer works it ails strainght away, with no thing in any queue. What could be causing this ?


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Mar 27, 2007

I think I have read online a recommendation about not using XML VALIDATION in a production environment, due to performance reasons. Is it recommended using other that NONE validation in production, and is there available documentation for a scale that grades performance hits for various types of validations?


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Sqlmaint.exe Failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029). The Step Failed.

Jan 3, 2001

I get the following error when I try to run my scheduled job.
sqlmaint.exe failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029). The step failed.

Any ideas Thanks in advance

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Package Failed : Failed To Decrypt Protected XML Node DTS:Password With Error

Apr 21, 2008

Dear all,

I've built SSIS package and made a job to execute it automatically but it always returns an error. The job returns OK but when we looked at the Log File viewer, it conatins this error log :

Key not valid for use in specified state

Failed to decrypt protected XML node "DTS Password" with error

What's wrong with the package ?
Thanks in advance.

Best regards,


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Fix For Transmission_status Message Connection Handshake Failed [...] The Logon Attempt Failed

Mar 30, 2007

Full message:

Connection handshake failed. An OS call failed: (8009030c) 0x8009030c(The logon attempt failed). State 66

Under these conditions, setting trustworthy on on the sending and receiving databases will solve this issue

1) Communicating between multiple instances

2) Using Kerberos security (NT Authentication, i.e. not certificates)

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Stuck Between Failed To Generate User Instance And An Attempt To Attach...failed

Sep 29, 2005

I wrote an application using Visual Studio 2005 beta 2 which uses a SQL Express .mdf file, included in the project, for the database.  After installing Visual Studio 2005 RC and the SQL Express that comes with it (I followed all of the uninstall instructions first) I can no longer add a SQL Express database to any of my projects, nor can I open the SQL Express database in my original project.  When I try either of these tasks, I get the "Failed to generate user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in starting the process for the user instance.  The connection will be closed."  I read the thread which dealt with this error, and changed the connection string for the database file that had worked before to User Instance = false.  The moment I click Test Connection or OK, I get the error: "An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file C:<path to project>EngSQL.mdf failed.  A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share." (<path to project> is actually a full path, I didn't want to type the whole thing out. :) ).  A search for this error turns up a solution of setting User Instance = false, which puts me in a catch 22 position.

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Log Shipping Failure Sqlmaint.exe Failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029). The Step Failed.

Sep 13, 2001

I have log shipping set up between 2 SQL 2000 SP1 Servers on Win 2000. The db is small 10 meg, and when the restore job on the backup server fails I am getting "sqlmaint.exe failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029). The step failed." as the message, the maint paln on the primary server show no error. Anyone seen this before? The restore has worked 3 out of 5 times

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Maitenace Plan Check Database Integrity Task Fails With Failed:(0) Alter Failed For Server 'xyz'

Feb 21, 2008


I am administering several SQL Servers running SQL Server 2005 SP2 Build 3042.
I have a common maintenance plan that runs on each of the servers. The maintenance plan runs
fine on all the servers except for one. On the one server the Database Integrity check fails with the following error:

Check Database integrity on Local server connection
Databases: <list of databases>
Include indexes
Task start: 2008-02-21T00:05:42.
Task end: 2008-02-21T00:05:46.
Failed0) Alter failed for Server €˜XYZ€™

I created a test maintenance plan to just do the integrity check and selected one database only and this also failed with the same error message. I ran this test maintenance plan and configured it for each of the databases in question and it failed each time.
If I run the DBCC manually against the databases they all report fine.

I read some of the post that talked about the €œAllow Updates€? being set incorrectly but that does not apply to my problem since my configured and run values are set to 0.

Does anyone know what the problem could be?

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