I want to have a report query parameter which has many thousands of possible values (i.e. Customer Names). I need to provide the ability to allow a user to search for the customer they want and then have that customer's detail appear in the parameter.
Ideally I would like something like the ability to have a "Find" button next to the parameter that would kick off a "Find" report and then pass the value selected back to the original parameter.
The parameter in question is one of a numvber (6) on the actual report so have discounted the option of creating a "Find Customer" report as step 1 and then passing the selection forward to the actual report (Step 2) i.e. drill through.
Any thoughts/suggestions would be much appreciated as I know I will have many of these scenarios in the coming months as I will be using numerous parameters with large selection lists.
I know I can do a JOIN(parameter, "some seperator") and it will build me a list/string of all the values in the multiselect parameter.
However, I want to do the same thing with all the occurances of a field in my result set (each row being an occurance).
For example say I have a form that is being printed which will pull in all the medications a patient is currently listed as having perscriptions for. I want to return all those values (say 8) and display them on a single line (or wrap onto additional lines as needed).
Something like: List of current perscriptions: Allegra, Allegra-D, Clariton, Nasalcort, Sudafed, Zantac
How can I accomplish this?
I was playing with the list box, but that only lets me repeat on a new line, I couldn't find any way to get it to repeate side by side (repeat left to right instead of top to bottom). I played with the orientation options, but that really just lets me adjust how multiple columns are displayed as best I can tell.
Could a custom function of some sort be written to take all the values and spit them out one by one into a comma seperated string?
Hi,I need some advise on how to automate record selection on a storedproc. Here is my situation. I have a stored proc that I used onCrystal reports with two parameters - Acctcode and Subacct. When auser enters ' *' on these parameter, it means to report on allaccounts otherwise, report only on specific account.Here is my select statement with line numbers:Create proc rb_SubledgerRpt@Acctcode varchar(4), @SubAcct varchar(3)As3 Select AcctCode, SubAcct4 From GLDetails5 Where SubAcct <> ' '6 and AcctCode = @Acctcode -- for specific acctcode7 and SubAcct = @SubAcct -- for specific subacct8 Go-- If a user wants to see all Acctcode, and all Subacct, how do Idisable lines 6 and 7?Thank you in advance for your help.Edgar
I Hope someone can help me out with this problem.. its pretty NB.
I have a pair of multivalued parameters. So, parent and child... the child needs to get its selection based on the selection made by the user on the parent parameter ( the child parameter is hidden).
Fictional values: Parent Parameter: SelectAll, ALL , 1 , 2 Child Parameter: Home, Work, Play
If user selects "ALL" from the parent parameter I need Home and Play selected.
My idea was this: =iif(Parameters!Parent.Value(1) = "All","Home,Play") <-- in Available values.
However, the dataset that reads this value does not like the coma delimited string. This dataset is a cube created dataset, reading the child parameter.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Kind Regards, Neil
Is there any way to restrict the user from selecting the parameters. For example: I have a list of 100 values in a multi-value parameter. I want to to restrict the user to select at the most N number of values.
If possible, process only the N number of values will also do.
I created a report with a school parameter for all our schools in SQL report. The school parameter gets it's value from a query. The report is generated based on the selection made by the user. If user choose school "A", report is generated for school "A" and if user choose school "B" report is generated for school "B".
I am using a centralized user id and password for all users. A report URL (report link) is sent to user to access the report. Currently, from the school parameter (school drop-down list) users from any school may/can choose report for other schools other than theirs schoos. The content of the report is sensitive and we do not want anyone to see anyone else report.
I want to create a user based security, so based on the user id for school "A", he/she will only be able to see school "A" report but nothing else.
I was trying to accomplish this by creating linked report but it does not look realistic to create a folder for each school on the report server (which means about 180 or more folder for all our schools ). Does anyone else have better suggestions what can/should I do?
Im trying to create a drop down parameter whereby if i select a certain field, a different dropdown will be filtered off only the relevant selections, is this possible.
I created a re port using the Report builder. The report runs fine. I want to create a parameter on the report. I created a new dataset with the query "select distinct dept from table" . Then i created a new parameter to get the values from the second dataset. After running the reports when i selected 2 departemnts, its still showing all the records.
I've got a problem with increasingly long parameter lists for SProcs... Especially when one calls another SProc, and so on. Is there any way around this? Like can you dynamically construct a string and pass that? I'm just looking to see if more experienced players have found ways around this, or have just dealt with it by using well formed code.
Hi, i have a big problem. I´m having trouble with the select statement in SQL query language. The problem is that I need to retrieve various data from database and the input object is a list. The simple way of doing this is:SELECT <return values>FROM <datatable name>WHERE (<select data parameter>)My problem is that my where parameter needs to be an array list. The simple way of solving the problem would be using a for statement in my c# code and call my store procedure various times, but my array list can be too long and take a long time to connect and search data for each statement, so I need to access the database once.Can anybody help; I would appreciate it very much thx, Malcolm
We are using xml to pull data from a custom sharepoint list into sql 2005. We have set a parameter that allows the user to filter the data by surname, however when the user tries to filter the list the drop down box brings up a list of every record, so there are duplicate entries for each surname.
Is there a way of filtering this so that there is only one instance of the users surname instead of it showing all the records?
I have the following ASP code that builds part of the example SQL statement below (it's the same SQL as in my earlier thread here (http://www.dbforums.com/showthread.php?t=1214044) but a very different question):
if sFindTicketEventId > 0 then sSQL = sSQL & " AND [tblEvents].[id]=" & sFindTicketEventId if sFindTicketStandId > 0 then sSQL = sSQL & " AND [tblStands].[id]=" & sFindTicketStandId
SELECT [tblC].[id] AS CombinationID, [tblC].[availability], [tblC].[description], [tblC].[price] AS combinationPrice, [tblC].[combination_open], [tblT].[TicketID] AS TicketID, [tblT].[price] AS ticketPrice, [tblT].[availability], [tblT].[ticket_open], [tblT].[quantity], [tblT].[event_name], [tblT].[event_open], [tblT].[stand_name], [tblT].[stand_open], [tblT].[admission_start_date], [tblT].[admission_end_date], [tblT].[date_open], [tblT]., [tblT]., [tblT2].[description], [tblT2].[admin_description] FROM( SELECT [tblCombinations].[id], [tblTickets].[id] As TicketID, [tblTickets].[price], [tblTickets].[availability], [tblTickets].[ticket_open], [tblCombinations_Tickets].[quantity], [tblEvents].[event_name], [tblEvents].[event_open], [tblStands].[stand_name], [tblStands].[stand_open], [tblAdmissionDates].[admission_start_date], [tblAdmissionDates].[admission_end_date], [tblAdmissionDates].[date_open], [tblBookingDates].[booking_start_date], [tblBookingDates].[booking_end_date] FROM [tblCombinations] LEFT JOIN [tblCombinations_Tickets] ON [tblCombinations_Tickets].[combination_id] = [tblCombinations].[id] LEFT JOIN [tblTickets] ON [tblCombinations_Tickets].[ticket_id] = [tblTickets].[id] LEFT JOIN [tblEvents] ON [tblEvents].[id] = [tblTickets].[event_id] LEFT JOIN [tblStands] ON [tblStands].[id] = [tblTickets].[stand_id] LEFT JOIN [tblAdmissionDates] ON [tblAdmissionDates].[id] = [tblTickets].[admission_date_id] LEFT JOIN [tblBookingDates] ON [tblBookingDates].[id] = [tblTickets].[booking_date_id] LEFT JOIN [tblTicketConcessions] ON [tblTicketConcessions].[id] = [tblTickets].[ticket_concession_id] LEFT JOIN [tblBookingQuantities] AS [tblBookingMinQuantities] ON [tblBookingMinQuantities].[id] = [tblTickets].[booking_min_quantity_id] LEFT JOIN [tblBookingQuantities] AS [tblBookingMaxQuantities] ON [tblBookingMaxQuantities].[id] = [tblTickets].[booking_max_quantity_id] LEFT JOIN [tblMemberships] ON [tblMemberships].[id] = [tblTickets].[membership_id] WHERE 1=1 [B]AND [tblEvents].[id]=2 [B]AND [tblStands].[id]=3 --AND [tblAdmissionDates].[id]=@admissionDateId --AND [tblBookingDates].[id]=@bookingDateId --AND [tblTicketConcessions].[id]=@concessionId --AND [tblBookingMinQuantities].[id]=@bookingMinQuantityId --AND [tblBookingMaxQuantities].[id]=@bookingMaxQuantityId --AND [tblMemberships].[id]=@membershipId GROUP BY [tblCombinations].[id], [tblTickets].[id], [tblTickets].[price], [tblTickets].[availability], [tblTickets].[ticket_open], [tblCombinations_Tickets].[quantity], [tblEvents].[event_name], [tblEvents].[event_open], [tblStands].[stand_name], [tblStands].[stand_open], [tblAdmissionDates].[admission_start_date], [tblAdmissionDates].[admission_end_date], [tblAdmissionDates].[date_open], [tblBookingDates].[booking_start_date], [tblBookingDates].[booking_end_date] ) as [tblT] JOIN [tblCombinations] as [tblC] on [tblT].[id]=[tblC].[id] LEFT JOIN [tblTickets] as [tblT2] on [tblT].[TicketID]=[tblT2].[id]
I want to turn this SQL into a stored proc; there are currently about 8 parameters that I want to pass into it. The field value for each will be either NULL or a positive integer, and the paramater will be passed in as an integer.
If the passed parameter value is a positive integer then it should return all records where the corresponding field value matches that integer. If the passed parameter is 0, it should return all rows regardless of whether the field value is an integer or NULL.
And I can't for the life of me figure out how to do it. Do I need an IF statement in there or something?
I have created a ssrs report which connects to vertica database through odbc connection. When I try to pass parameter value through parameter (e.g.: column name IN (@parameter) ) then getting error message in query designer prompting "Error in list of values in IN clause. Unable to parse query text. ". Using sql server 2012 , visual studio 2010 version and HP Vertica 7.1 .
Hi, I have a need to display on screen AND email a pdf report to email addresses specified at run time, executing the report with a parameter specified by the user. I have looked into data driven subscriptions, but it seems this is based on scheduling. Unfortunately for the majority of the project I will only have access to SQL 2005 Standard Edition (Production system is Enterprise), so I cannot investigate thoroughly.
So, is this possible using data driven subscriptions? Scenario is:
1. User enters parameter used for query, as well as email addresses. 2. Report is generated and displayed on screen. 3. Report is emailed to addresses specified by user.
Does anyone know of a link or list that has all the parameters for the "rs:" section of the URL access parameter, except for the ones in the Microsoft books?
So at the moment, I don't have a function by the name CONCATENATE. What I like to do is to list all those different values that go with a single CASE_ID to appear as a a comma separate list. You might have a better way of doing without even writing a function
Ok, I want to write a stored procedure / query that says the following: Code: If any of the items in list 'A' also appear in list 'B' --return false If none of the items in list 'A' appear in list 'B' --return true
In pseudo-SQL, I want to write a clause like this
IF (SELECT values FROM tableA) IN(SELECT values FROM tableB) Return False ELSE Return True
Unfortunately, it seems I can't do that unless my subquery before the 'IN' statement returns only one value. Needless to say, it returns a number of values.
I may have to achieve this with some kind of logical loop but I don't know how to do that.
I have a select list of fields that I need to select to get the results I need, however, I would like to insert only a chosen few of these fields into a table. I am getting the error, "The select list for the INSERT statement contains more items than the insert list. The number of SELECT values must match the number of INSERT columns." How can I do this?
Insert Query: insert into tsi_payments (PPID, PTICKETNUM, PLINENUM, PAMOUNT, PPATPAY, PDEPOSITDATE, PENTRYDATE, PHCPCCODE) SELECT DISTINCT tri_IDENT.IDA AS PPID, tri_Ldg_Tran.CLM_ID AS PTicketNum, tri_ClaimChg.Line_No AS PLineNum, tri_Ldg_Tran.Tran_Amount AS PAmount,
CASE WHEN tln_PaymentTypeMappings.PTMMarsPaymentTypeCode = 'PATPMT' THEN tri_ldg_tran.tran_amount * tln_PaymentTypeMappings.PTMMultiplier ELSE 0 END AS PPatPay,
tri_Ldg_Tran.Create_Date AS PDepositDate, tri_Ldg_Tran.Tran_Date AS PEntryDate, tri_ClaimChg.Hsp_Code AS PHCPCCode, tri_Ldg_Tran.Adj_Type, tri_Ldg_Tran.PRS_ID, tri_Ldg_Tran.Create_Time, tri_Ldg_Tran.Adj_Group, tri_Ldg_Tran.Payer_ID, tri_Ldg_Tran.TRN_ID, tri_ClaimChg.Primary_Claim, tri_IDENT.Version FROM [AO2AO2].MARS_SYS.DBO.tln_PaymentTypeMappings tln_PaymentTypeMappings RIGHT OUTER JOIN qs_new_pmt_type ON tln_PaymentTypeMappings.PTMClientPaymentDesc = qs_new_pmt_type.New_Pmt_Type RIGHT OUTER JOIN tri_Ldg_Tran RIGHT OUTER JOIN tri_IDENT LEFT OUTER JOIN tri_ClaimChg ON tri_IDENT.Pat_Id1 = tri_ClaimChg.Pat_ID1 ON tri_Ldg_Tran.PRS_ID = tri_ClaimChg.PRS_ID AND tri_Ldg_Tran.Chg_TRN_ID = tri_ClaimChg.Chg_TRN_ID AND tri_Ldg_Tran.Pat_ID1 = tri_IDENT.Pat_Id1 LEFT OUTER JOIN tri_Payer ON tri_Ldg_Tran.Payer_ID = tri_Payer.Payer_ID ON qs_new_pmt_type.Pay_Type = tri_Ldg_Tran.Pay_Type AND qs_new_pmt_type.Tran_Type = tri_Ldg_Tran.Tran_Type WHERE (tln_PaymentTypeMappings.PTMMarsPaymentTypeCode <> N'Chg') AND (tln_PaymentTypeMappings.PTMClientCode = 'SR') AND (tri_ClaimChg.Primary_Claim = 1) AND (tri_IDENT.Version = 0)
I have a a table that holds a list of words, I am trying to add to the list, however I only want to add new words. But I wish to return from my proc the list of words with ID, whether it is new or old.
Here's a script. the creates the table,indexes, function and the storeproc. call the proc like procStoreAndUpdateTokenList 'word1,word2,word3'
My table is now 500000 rows and growing and I am inserting on average 300 words, some new some old.
performance is a not that great so I'm thinking that my code can be improved.
SQL Express 2005 SP2 Windows Server 2003 1GB Ram....(I know, I know)
CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Tokens] ON [dbo].[Tokens] ( [Token] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = ON, DROP_EXISTING = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] GO CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[SplitTokenList] ( @TokenList varchar(max) ) RETURNS @ParsedList table ( Token varchar(255) ) AS BEGIN DECLARE @Token varchar(50), @Pos int SET @TokenList = LTRIM(RTRIM(@TokenList ))+ ',' SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(',', @TokenList , 1) IF REPLACE(@TokenList , ',', '') <> '' BEGIN WHILE @Pos > 0 BEGIN SET @Token = LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(@TokenList, @Pos - 1))) IF @Token <> '' BEGIN INSERT INTO @ParsedList (Token) VALUES (@Token) --Use Appropriate conversion END SET @TokenList = RIGHT(@TokenList, LEN(@TokenList) - @Pos) SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(',', @TokenList, 1) END END RETURN END GO
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[procStoreAndUpdateTokenList] @TokenList varchar(max) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; create table #Tokens (TokenID int default 0, Token varchar(50)) create clustered index Tind on #T (Token) DECLARE @NewTokens table ( TokenID int default 0, Token varchar(50) )
--Split ID's into a table INSERT INTO #Tokens(Token) SELECT Token FROM SplitTokenList(@TokenList) BEGIN TRY BEGIN TRANSACTION --get ID's for any existing tokens UPDATE #Tokens SET TokenID = ISNULL( t.TokenID ,0) FROM #Tokens tl INNER JOIN Tokens t ON tl.Token = t.Token
return the list with id for new and old SELECT TokenID, Token FROM #Tokens WHERE TokenID <> 0 UNION SELECT TokenID, Token FROM @Tokens COMMIT TRANSACTION END TRY BEGIN CATCH DECLARE @er nvarchar(max) SET @er = ERROR_MESSAGE(); RAISERROR(@er, 14,1); ROLLBACK TRAN END CATCH; END GO
Hi all, From the "How to Call a Parameterized Stored Procedure by Using ADO.NET and Visual Basic.NET" in http://support.microsft.com/kb/308049, I copied the following code to a project "pubsTestProc1.vb" of my VB 2005 Express Windows Application:
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.SqlDbType
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim PubsConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;integrated security=sspi;" & "initial Catalog=pubs;")
Dim testCMD As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("TestProcedure", PubsConn)
testCMD.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Dim RetValue As SqlParameter = testCMD.Parameters.Add("RetValue", SqlDbType.Int)
Console.WriteLine("Number of Records: " & (NumTitles.Value))
End Sub
End Class
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The original article uses the code statements in pink for the Console Applcation of VB.NET. I do not know how to print out the output of ("Book Titles for this Author:"), ("{0}", myReader.GetString(2)), ("Return Value: " & (RetValue.Value)) and ("Number of Records: " & (NumTitles.Value)) in the Windows Application Form1 of my VB 2005 Express. Please help and advise.
in one invoice has many po# number i already get the po number individually using explode... the ouput like this 001 002 003 and so on it is ok for that
but my problem is
i want to the po# should be selected i mean like a menu ..like the user select the which po# should be updated....
but i dont know how..
is there anyone can help me?
to elaborate more...
i can display the po# already without commas like in invoice# 1111 i can already display the po# number like this 001 002 003
after that i want it to be like a menu that user will only select the which po# should be updated..using arrow keys down and up....i mean just like selecting..
SELECT Distinct a.group_code, a.group_name + '-'+ a.group_note As full_name , b.station_nbr, b.beg_eff_date, b.end_eff_date, Round( e.C02_pct,3)As C02_pct, MAX( e.sample_date)As Highest_Sample_Date, d.station_name from [HOU-TIES01].TIES_Gathering.dbo.group_detail a Inner Join [HOU-TIES01].TIES_Gathering.dbo.station_group b on a.group_code = b.group_code Inner Join [HOU-TIES01].TIES_Gathering.dbo.station_type c on b.station_nbr = c.station_nbr Inner JOIN [HOU-TIES01].TIES_Gathering.dbo.station d ON c.station_nbr = d.station_nbr Inner JOIN [HOU-TIES01].TIES_Gathering.dbo.gas_analysis e ON d.station_nbr = e.station_nbr Where (b.station_nbr=e.station_nbr)and (b.group_code = a.group_code) and (a.group_type = 'NPN')and( b.end_eff_date >=DATEADD(mm,DATEDIFF(mm,0,dateadd(mm,-0-datepart(day,0),getdate())),0)) and ( (c.type_code = 'WHM')or ( c.type_code = 'CRP'))and (e.sample_date Between DATEADD(mm,DATEDIFF(mm,0,dateadd(mm,-0-datepart(day,0),getdate())),0) and DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm,0,getdate()), 0)) and e.seq_nbr = (select max(x.seq_nbr) From [HOU-TIES01].TIES_Gathering.dbo.gas_analysis x Where x.station_nbr = b.station_nbr and x.sample_date= e.sample_date ) and e.C02_pct = (Select max(x.C02_pct) From [HOU-TIES01].TIES_Gathering.dbo.gas_analysis x Where x.station_nbr = b.station_nbr and x.sample_date= e.sample_date ) Group by a.group_code, a.group_name, a.group_note, b.station_nbr, b.beg_eff_date, b.end_eff_date, e.c02_pct, d.station_name order by a.group_code
ok. Here is how the data looks. Group code station_nbr beg_eff_date end_eff_date C02 sample_date 0004 D01G000819 2007-09-01 3000-12-31 0.40 2007-10-02 0004 D01G000819 2007-09-01 3000-12-31 2.49 2007-10-09
What I am trying to do is to select the most current sample date. In this case "2007/10/09" when station_nbr and group_code are the same for both dates.
Thank You for all your help!!!! From the Jr.in SQL
This is a new query and I am facing a new problem. Here I am requesting all the records for a Contract Number 'GTH00001' for the specific date of 2/2/2007. I want the SUM(c.rcpt_nom_vol)AS Receipt and the b]SUM(c.rcpt_fuel)As Allocated_Fuel[/b] But Instead I am getting 147 records for Contract Number'GTH00001'for the date of 2/2/2007.
Declare @Req_Contract_nbr char (8), @Req_Day int, @Req_month int, @Req_year int
Set @Req_Contract_nbr = 'GTH00001' Set @Req_Day = '2' set @Req_month = '2' Set @Req_year ='2007'
SELECT Distinct a.contract_nbr, c.beg_eff_date, c.rcpt_dlvry_ind, SUM(c.rcpt_nom_vol)AS Receipt, SUM(c.rcpt_fuel)As Allocated_Fuel from dbo.contract a Inner Join dbo.NOm b on a.contract_nbr = b.contract_nbr Inner Join dbo.Nom_vol_detail c on c.Nom_id = b.Nom_id where (a.contract_sub_type = 'INT') and (a.Contract_type_code ='GTH') and (DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm,0,getdate()), 0) < a.current_expirtn_date) and (c.rcpt_dlvry_ind ='R') and a.contract_nbr= @Req_Contract_nbr and Day(c.Beg_eff_date) = @Req_Day and (month(c.Beg_eff_date)= @Req_month ) Group by a.contract_nbr,c.beg_eff_date, c.rcpt_dlvry_ind, c.rcpt_nom_vol, c.rcpt_fuel
I have a SSRS report with four parameters,and I want to be able to enter information for two of the parameters and run the report opposed to all four of them. However, when I select allow blanks and only select the parameters that I want to run the report by, the report come back blank..Essentially, I want to be able to the run report by different parameters without having to enter information for all parameters at the same time.
Hi, I have set of 2 DTS packages, one of which calls the other by forming a command-line (dtexec) using a Execute Process task.
From the parent package-> Execute Process Task-> dtsexec /F etc... /<pkg variable> = "servername"
Each of the parent and the called package have a variable: "User::DWServerSQLInstance" which is mapped to the SQL server connection manager server name property using an expression. The outer package has the above variable and so does the inner called package (which gets assigned through the command line from the outerpackage call to inner)
I "sometimes" get the following error:
OnError,I4,TESTDOMAdministrator,ACDWAggregation,{A1F8E43F-15F1-4685-8C18-6866AB31E62B},{77B2F3C7-6756-46EB-8C01-D880598FB4B3},5/22/2006 5:10:28 PM,5/22/2006 5:10:28 PM,-1073659822,0x,The variable "User::DWServerSQLInstance" is already on the read list. A variable may only be added once to either the read lock list or the write lock list.
Help would be appreciated!
I have seen other posts on this but, not able to relate the solution to my scenario.