Parent/Child Rows In Report, Nested Table, Textbox Value In Filter Condition
Mar 26, 2008
Hi All,
I am working on SQL server 2005 Reports.
I have one report, one dataset is assigned to it, and one table which displays it.
Now I come accros requirement that, the column value in the filter condition for the table is present in one textbox.
I can not use textbox i.e. reportItems in filter condition. Can someone suggest me how to use textbox value in filters?
I want to display parent/child records on report. I am not getting the proper solution.
The data is like this:
Sequence ItemCode IsParent
1 XYZ 0 'do not have child record
2 PQR 1 'have child records with sequence no 3
3 ASD 0
3 VDC 0
4 ASR 1 'have child records with sequence no 5
5 ASR 0
If IsParent = 1, that record has child records with sequence = parent sequenece + 1
I think u can understand the data I need to bind, and it is like:
On + click we can do show/hide of child records.
I m not getting how to achive this in SQL server report. Can u give some hint?
I have two tables that are related by keys. For instance,Table employee {last_name char(40) not null,first_name char(40) not null,department_name char(40) not null,age int not null,...}Employee table has a primary key (combination of last_name and first_name).Table address {last_name char(40) not null,first_name char(40) not null,street char(200) not null,city char(100) not null,...}Address table has a primary key (combination of last_name, first_name andstreet in which (last_name, first_name) reference (last_name, first_name) inemployee table.Now I want to delete some rows in Address table based on department_name inEmployee table. What is sql for this delete?I appreciate your help. Please ignore table design and I just use it for myproblem illustration.Jim
I have a fairly simple SSIS project that has nested parent-child packages. I am trying to find the best way to manage the connections strings so as to make the package portable across machines and environments. Currently there is one "master" package which calls 6 child packages. 1 of these child package calls 3 child packages of its own.
For the database connections, I've settled on creating a standardized .dtsConfig file for each server/login. This is a relatively small number (intially 8) that I don't expect to grow much.
I've taken a different approach for the file-system connections used by Execute Package components that call the child packages. For each package that has child packages, I store all the connection strings (paths) to the child packages in a single .dtsConfig file. This works well for the top-level "master" package where I can pass in the .dtsConfig file (that has the paths to the child packages) as a run-time option in the Execute Package Utility.
However, this approach seems to fall apart for the 2nd generation package that in turn call 3rd generation packages because I don't know how to get the .dtsConfig file (with the 3rd generation .dtsx package paths) path to this downstream dtsx package.
Though I'm sure there are others, the only two solutionsI can think of now are (a)don't nest packages beyond 1 parent/child relationship -- not really an option or (b)Store the path of .dtsConfig files for each .dtsx package as an environment variable on each machine. This option is unappealing because it would require adding an environment variable for every .dtsx package that has child packages. I don't think it would take long for this to grow into a large number, that would make managing environment variables cumbersome.
So far my experience with SSIS has been that there was a simple solution for each scenario I had. So this hoop jumping I'm going through seems to indicate I am just missing something.
I am in the process of creating a Report, and in this, i need ONLY the row groups (Parents and Child).I have a Parent group field called "Dept", and its corresponding field is MacID.I cannot create a child group or Column group (because that's not what i want).I am then inserting rows below MacID, and then i toggle the other rows to MacID and MacID to Dept.
Given the sample data and query below, I would like to know if it is possible to have the outcome be a single row, with the ChildTypeId, c.StartDate, c.EndDate being contained in the parent row. So, the outcome I'm hoping for based on the data below for ParentId = 1 would be:
1 2015-01-01 2015-12-31 AA 2015-01-01 2015-03-31 BB 2016-01-01 2016-03-31 CC 2017-01-01 2017-03-31 DD 2017-01-01 2017-03-31
declare @parent table (Id int not null primary key, StartDate date, EndDate date) declare @child table (Id int not null primary key, ParentId int not null, ChildTypeId char(2) not null, StartDate date, EndDate date) insert @parent select 1, '1/1/2015', '12/31/2015' insert @child select 1, 1, 'AA', '1/1/2015', '3/31/2015'
I need to read a file and write parent/child relationship rows. I cannot seem to fugure out how I can generate keys that I an use for the relationship.
I looked at using a variable, but have no joy - I cannot instantiate the variable and it errors - notsure wy.
I also looked to see if I can write to a DB table that maintains key id, but not sure how to do that.
I alo thought of setting up the parent table key to be auto-increment,but canot see how I can read this so that I can us it in the child row inserts.
My Question: Does anyone know of a decent way (i.e. I do not want to loop to insert each row and check the SCOPE_IDENTITY() field or anything like that) to copy parent/child rows to their same respective table besides using the method I have listed below (my manager does not really like the idea of the "PreviousID" field)? More details are listed below.
My Table Situation: I have a parent table and a child table. Both tables have an identity column as the primary key. The relationship between the tables is established using the parent table's primary key to the column in the child table that stores the relationship. The identity column in both tables is the only column that is unique in the tables.
Sample Data (made up and simplified for visualization purposes): ParentTable - "Items" ID ItemCategory Price 1,T-Shirt,$20 2,Blue Jeans,$50 3,T-Shirt,$40
My Need: I need to make a copy of the records (keeping the parent/child relationship intact) to the same table as the source records. For example, in my data example above, I may need to make a copy of all the "T-Shirt" items and their child records. As the parent records are copied, they will be assigned new keys since the primary key is an identity. Obviously, this new key needs to be used when creating the child records, but I need to somehow associate this new key to the new child records.
Possible Solution: I know this can be achieved by adding another column to the parent table to store the "PreviousID" (INT NULL). Using this new field, when I want to copy the "T-Shirt" items, I would insert the new records and store the ID of source records (i.e. the identity value of the row that was copioed would be stored in this "PreviousID" field). Once the parent record has been copied, I could then insert the child records, and I could join on the "PreviousID" field to get to the new ID to use for inserting the copies of the child records.
I am trying to create a SSRS report that needs to show average for both parent and child rows. In the example below i need to show an average of ErrorRecAge column for Company, then for cic_Group and one grand total/avg. How can this be done from single query (as below) and using SSRS built in functions/codes? I am also curious to know if this can be done from TSQL directly (ex. something similar to running sum/total). I appreciate the help.
CustomerCorrection.Id As ParentId,
cc_company As cc_company2,
ccError.Id As ErrorId,
COALESCE(cic_Group,'Other Errors') As cic_Group,
COALESCE(cic_Code,'Unknown') As ErrorCode,COALESCE(cic_Description,'Unknown') As ErrorDescription,
DateDiff(hh,cc_entrydt,getdate())/24.00 AS ErrorRecAge
I have a report which I have created 3 or 4 child reports from. If I make a change to the format of an object within the parent report (e.g. the colour of a text box) then the change appears on the child reports as I would expect.
The problem is that if I make a change to the properties of the report (e.g. the margins or the page size) then the change is NOT picked up in the child reports.
Does anybody have any solution to this annoying problem.
I want to create a report in SSRS against a cube in SSAS 2005.
I have a Sales fact table, a Products dimension which is related directly to the fact table, and a Categories dimension which is related to the fact through Products (referenced dimension).
Fact --> Products --> Categories
In the Categories dimension i have also implemented a parent-child hierarchy. Only leaf category members are joined to Products.
Is it possible to create a report, drilling down from parent categories to child categories to products?
I 've already implememted the categories parent-child report but when i add the Products dimension in the flattened rowset, the Products seem to be joined to non-leaf category members.
I want to create a report based on an AdventureWordsAS parent-child dimension.
I created a new report item. In the Data tab i created a new dataset using AnalysisServicesAS data source. I dragged and dropped into the designer [Organization].[Organizations] and [Measures].[Financial Reporting].[Amount] from the metadata pane.
How can i configure a table control in the Layout tab, to create a drilldown report? How do i set the Group On and Parent Group fields if i have only one attribute?
I've 2 tables QuestionAnswers and ConditionalQuestions and fetching data from them using CTE join and I'm seeing repetitive rows (not duplicate) like, If you have multiple answers for 1 question, the output is like
where london where paris where toronto
why us why japan why indonesia
I want to eliminate the repetitive question and group them as parent child items.
with cte as ( select cq.ConditionalQuestionID from ConditionalQuestions cq inner join QuestionAnswers qa on cq.QuestionID=qa.QuestionID where cq.QuestionID=5 and qa.IsConditional='Y') select distinct q.Question, a.Answer from QuestionAnswers qa inner join Answers a on a.AnswerID = qa.AnswerID inner join Questions q on q.QuestionID = qa.QuestionID inner join cte c on c.ConditionalQuestionID = qa.QuestionID;
In my data warehouse, I have one level of Parent-Child hierarchy in DimEmployee table - Employee and Manager, linked to each other using a column, ParentEmployeeKey. This table also has historical data stored - a slowly changing dimension of Type 2. I also have a Fact table that gives me information related to Sales - FactSales. In this table, we have SalesAmount stored at Employee level, one Employee can have multiple Sales. Besides, FactSales is also related to DimDate table using DateKey.
I have a requirement wherein I need to make a PowerPivot report out of a PowerPivot data model, that is capable of getting filtered using a timeline, and displays SalesAmount for the Sales occurred in the date range selected on the timeline for a Manager as well as his subordinates in the same report, a Manager's SalesAmount should be an aggregated sum of Sales made by the Manager himself and the Sales made by his subordinates. When the selected date range in the timeline changes, the report must reflect this change.
The approach I tried was adding the ParentEmployeeKey column to FactSales in the data Warehouse, and then adding another roleplaying dimension 'DimManager' in my data model to connect to FactSales based on ParentEmployeeKey of fact with EmployeeKey of DimManager. The problem with this approach is this will only give me Manager related aggregations and I will have to create two separate reports for subordinates and managers.
The following table is a merged view of data from DimEmployee and FactSales. On report, I need to display either of the following:
I was wondering if it's possible to create a report using lists and not tables that uses hierarchial data structure. I know how this would be done if I were to use a table but I like to use lists because of the freedom of object placements within them. Below is the standard recursive(hierarchial) example query from the AdventureWorks database that you would use for a table with detail grouping.
Select C.FirstName + ' ' + C.LastName + ' - ' + E.Title As Name, E.EmployeeID, E.ManagerID From HumanResources.Employee As E Join Person.Contact As C On E.ContactID = C.ContactID Order By E.ManagerID
Does anyone know how I would use just lists without using tables? Thanks.
I have a problem with a reporting services 2005 report. The data source is OLEDB for OLAP 9.
The report contains all the members of a parent child dimension. An example of the implementation is defined in the post following the forum msdn: Http://
The report works fine in web. The problem is when the report is exported as Excel, the groups disappeared and the entire dimension is ragged down.
Normally toggled groups in reporting services are exported to Excel with the appearance '+' or '-' on the left side of the sheet. This feature is very useful to hide / show lines.
It seems that with the implementation specified in the msdn post above, It is not possible to export correctly the report in Excel.
So my questions are:
Has someone already encountered this problem? Are there solutions with a different implementation?
Hai, Iam new to SSRS please help me, my question as follows:
in my table fields are departmentid, studentexpected, student name, date attendance,sortorder while grouping(drill down) the departmentid column , iam displaying student name, date attendance its working fine. problem: while grouping(drill down) the studentexpected resultant column i need to display student name, date attendance fields.
in my database studentexpected column displaying studentlist like 28, 56,250, while grouping(drilldown) the individual lists like 28,56,250, i need to dispaly student name and date attendance fields.
my problem is while grouping(drill down) the departmentid column iam getting result for studentlist 28 as iam getting 28 student names and 28 attendancedates, this functionality is correct.
but while grouping(drilldown) the studentexpected resultant column iam not getting (assume for studentlist 28) 28 studentnames and 28 attendancedates.iam geting only 2 studentnames, 2 attendance dates, but i need respective list columns
in database iam taking sordorder as 7.
iam facing difficulty at the time filtering the studentname and attendancedates columns in table properties
which data i have to give in filter column for displying 28 student names and 28 date attendances fields at the time of grouping studentexpected column?
take below references:
database prview:
departmentid studentexpected student name date attendance sortorder
101 28 jack 12-31-2007 7
dapartmetid drilldown report preview:
departmentid studentexpected student name date attendance +101 28 jack 12-31-2007 -- --- -- -- -- --- -- -- (assume 28 student names and 28 date attendance) My Problem:
like above preview i have to dispaly respective studentexpected column results,
departmentid studentexpected student name date attendance 101 + 28 jack 12-31-2007 -- --- --- ---- (here while drilldown the studentexpected resultant column like 28,56,250 ,i need to dispaly respective studentnames and respective date attendances)
which data i have to set in filter column in front end , how to solve above problem? help me
Below is my sample data of my table named "Groups"
Code: with Groups as ( select 1 as GroupId,'Oracle' as GroupName,0 as IdParentGroup union all select 2 as GroupId,'Microsoft' as GroupName,0 as IdParentGroup union all select 3 as GroupId,'IBM' as GroupName,0 as IdParentGroup union all select 4 as GroupId,'SunMicrosystem' as GroupName,1 as IdParentGroup union all select 5 as GroupId,'peoplesoft' as GroupName,1 as IdParentGroup union all select 6 as GroupId,'mysql' as GroupName,1 as IdParentGroup union all select 7 as GroupId,'Nokia' as GroupName,2 as IdParentGroup union all select 8 as GroupId,'EShop' as GroupName,2 as IdParentGroup union all select 9 as GroupId,'Meiosys' as GroupName,3 as IdParentGroup union all select 10 as GroupId,'UrbanCode' as GroupName,3 as IdParentGroup ) select * from groups;
Expected result:
Code: with ExpectedResult as ( select 'Oracle' as GroupName,'SunMicrosystem' as SubGroup union all select '' as GroupName,'peoplesoft' as SubGroup union all select '' as GroupName,'mysql' as SubGroup union all select 'Microsoft' as GroupName,'Nokia' as SubGroup union all select '' as GroupName,'EShop' as SubGroup union all select 'IBM' as GroupName,'Meiosys' as SubGroup union all select '' as GroupName,'UrbanCode' as SubGroup ) select * from ExpectedResult;
some sample query to how to achieve this parent-child has the same table.
I'm an entre level junior programmer. My question is kind of confusing but I'll try to put it as simple as I can.
First we have a main table called "job1". This table consists the order information. The file_id is the unique id and the primary key for this table. This table also pertains other information such as customer data (max limit 5), job data etc. This table is actively (non-stop) used throughout the day.
We have a non-interactive process which will take customers information from the main table and insert into the child table table "jobcust". Jobcust would have file_id, cust, cust_type. For example, if Job1 table had fiel_id=100 and cust1="Tom" and Cust2="David", now Jobcust will have two records file_id, cust1 and file_id,cust2. The main problem is the child table needs to be updated right away and our non-interactive process is good at doing that.. but it is causing a major DATA LATENCY. I would like to ask you all, if you know any better way of doing this without any process.. like in the back end with a trigger/procedure or something like that.
how can we delete parent table as well as child table using a single query applied on parent table, can someone please help me onn this topic? it will be very nice of you guys.
so if i give input say categoryid=1[This falls under main category-boxing] i need to get result as 1 boxing [main category] 4 mayweather [sub category] 5 tyson [sub category] 6 clinton woods [sub category]
if i give categoryid=5[Note:Tyson] result should be as 1 boxing [main category] 5 tyson [sub category]
In SQL Server 2000, I have a parent table with a cascade update to a child table. I want to add a record to the child table whenever I add a table to the parent table. Thanks
I need to add a child table that will tell us who the participants counselor is, what I did was I did a Make Table query based off the primary key of the Parent table and made that the link (foreign key) for the People_tbl and the Counselor_tbl, so if the counselor changes then the user adds the record to the counselor tbl and then puts in the Effective date. The problem is that when I run a report it doesn't show the present counselor always shows the old counselor?
Code: SELECT Student_ind.StudentFirstName, Student_ind.StudentLastName, Student_ind.[Student ID], People_tbl.[Family ID], People_tbl.FirstName, People_tbl.LastName, People_tbl.[Parent ID] FROM People_tbl RIGHT OUTER JOIN Student_ind ON People_tbl.[Family ID] = Student_ind.[Family ID] WHERE (People_tbl.LastName = @Enter_LastName) AND (People_tbl.FirstName = @Enter_FirstName)
SO when i try to load from Master table to parent and child table i am using using expresssion like
select B.ID,A.* FROM FLATFILE_INVENTORY AS A JOIN DMS_INVENTORY AS B ON A.ACDealerID=B.DMSDEALERID AND A.StockNumber=B.STOCKNUMBER AND A.InventoryDate=B.INVENTORYDATE AND A.VehicleVIN=B.VEHICLEVIN WHERE convert(date,A.[FtpDate]) = convert(date,GETDATE()) and convert(date,B.Ftpdate) = convert(date,getdate()) ;
If i use this Expression i am getting the current system date data's only from Master table to parent and child tables.
My Problem is If i do this in my local sserver using the above Expression if i loaded today date and if need to load yesterday date i can change my system date to yesterday date and i can run this that yeserday date data alone will get loaded from Master to parent and child tables.
If i run this expression to remote server i cannot change the system date in server.
while using this Expression for current date its loads perfectly but when i try to load yesterday data it takes current date date only not the yesterday date data.
What is the Expression on which ever date i am trying load in the master table same date need to loaded in Parent and child table without changing the system Date.
hi, i have two tables with parent/child relationship - pipeline and pipelineStatus. the select statement like this:
SELECT * FROM pipeline INNER JOIN pipelineStatus ON = pipelineStatus.parentID
i got multiple records for each because of multiple records of pipelineStatus. Is it possible to get only one record for each with last record of pipelineStatus table? (stored procedure ok)
Below is my sample data of my table named "Groups"
with Groups as ( select 1 as GroupId,'Oracle' as GroupName,0 as IdParentGroup union all select 2 as GroupId,'Microsoft' as GroupName,0 as IdParentGroup union all select 3 as GroupId,'IBM' as GroupName,0 as IdParentGroup union all select 4 as GroupId,'SunMicrosystem' as GroupName,1 as IdParentGroup union all
[Code] ....
Expected result:
with ExpectedResult as ( select 'Oracle' as GroupName,'SunMicrosystem' as SubGroup union all select '' as GroupName,'peoplesoft' as SubGroup union all select '' as GroupName,'mysql' as SubGroup union all
[Code] ....
How to achieve this parent-child has the same table.
I am trying to update a parent table with a summation of its child records. The child records are being deleted because the transaction has become invalid because payment was made with a bad check or there was a posting error. So a rollback of sorts is required.
Here are is the DDL for the tables and DML for the data:
Code: DECLARE @t1 TABLE ( [Year] int NOT NULL, [Parcel] varchar(13) NOT NULL, [InterestDateTime] datetime NULL, [Principal] decimal(12, 2) NULL, [Penalty] decimal(12, 2) NULL,
[Code] ....
I tried to use a Merge statement with an ON MATCH for each TransType, but it complained that I could not have multiple update statements. OK. So I tried a MERGE with single update statement with a case and it complained that I was updating the same parent multiple times, which I was and want to! So, I tried the following update statement and it still does not work, though no error message.
Code: update t1 set t1.Principal = t1.Principal + (case when t2.TransType = 'R' then t2.Payment else 0 end), t1.Penalty = t1.Penalty + (case when t2.TransType = 'P' then t2.Payment else 0 end), t1.Interest = t1.Interest + (case when t2.TransType = 'I' then t2.Payment else 0 end) from @t1 t1 inner join @t2 t2 on t2.YEAR = t1.YEAR and t2.Parcel = t1.Parcel
I'm playing with CTE and just want to expand my skills and ask how you would build this tree structure to fill that [Tree] column for table like in sample below:
/* CREATE TABLE #T1 (child_id INT, parent_id INT, tree VARCHAR(MAX))
insert into Hier select 'subramanium','Manickam' union all select 'subramanium','Munuswamy' union all select 'Munuswamy','senthil' union all select 'Munuswamy','sasi' union all select 'Munuswamy','uma' union all select 'manickam','vijay' union all select 'manickam','bhavani' union all select 'manickam','dhanam' union all select 'uma','varsha'
Delete from Hier where child='uma'
I tried:
select parent from Hier where parent not in(select Child from Hier) and parent <> 'subramanium' Getting resultset as: parent ====== uma
I need to know whether my select statement is correct or not,if its correct,how to write the same in CTE?
I have a table called "College". In a table, I have to create a structure for multilevel parent-child relationship
For Example,
1) State has number of colleges, Number of colleges has Number of dept. , Number of dept. has no. of subjects, no. of subject has number of chapters and the hierarchy goes on.
Expected Output is, College 1 Dept 1 subject 1 subject 2 subject 3 Dept 2 Dept 3
[Code] ....
I tried in so many ways, I do not know how to query in single table.
I have two table both say A and B.If i insert a record in A that record should be inserted in B.If i delete a record in A that record should be deleted from B.Is that possible.If yes please tell me.Thankyou in advance,vishnu