Parse XML Attributes And Populate Columns Within DB With Stripped Data
Nov 16, 2011
I'm trying to write a stored procedure that will parse XML attributes and populate columns within a DB with the stripped data. I'm a complete novice who prior to this week knew nothing about SQL commands, My understanding at least is that I need to perform a bulk insert.
Example XML file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE Asset_Collection SYSTEM "Asset_Collection.dtd">
Name="Asset Collection"
Description="Random XML Feed Test"
[Code] ....
Table/Columns which need to be inserting into:
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Apr 29, 2015
I have a business need to create a report by query data from a MS SQL 2008 database and display the result to the users on a web page. The report initially has 6 columns of data and 2 out of 6 have JSON data so the users request to have those 2 JSON columns parse into 15 additional columns (first JSON column has 8 key/value pairs and the second JSON column has 7 key/value pairs). Here what I have done so far:
I found a table value function (fnSplitJson2) from this link [URL]. Using this function I can parse a column of JSON data into a table. So when I use the function above against the first column (with JSON data) in my query (with CROSS APPLY) I got the right data back the but I got 8 additional rows of each of the row in my table. The reason for this side effect is because the function returned a table of 8 row (8 key/value pairs) for each json string data that it parsed.
1. First question: How do I modify my current query (see below) so that for each row in my table i got back one row with 19 columns.
If updated my query (see below) and call the function twice within the CROSS APPLY clause I got this error: "The multi-part identifier "A.ITEM6" could be be bound.
2. My second question: How to i get around this error?
CROSS APPLY fnSplitJson2(A.ITEM5,NULL) B, fnSplitJson2(A.ITEM6,NULL) C
I am using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 version. Windows 7 desktop.
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Jun 13, 2008
I'm working on a sales commission report that will show commissions for up to 5 sales reps for each invoice. The invoice detail table contains separate columns for the commission rates payable to each rep, but for some reason the sale srep IDs are combined into one column. The salesrep column may contain null, a single sales rep id, or up to five slaes rep IDs separated by the '~' character.
So I'd like to parse the rep IDs from a single column (salesreplist) in my invoice detail table (below) to multiple columns (RepID1, RepID2, RepID3, RepID4,RepID5) in a temp table so I can more easily calculate the commission amounts for each invoice and sales rep.
Here is my table:
invoicenum int,
salesreplist [text] NULL,
reprate1 int NULL,
reprate2 int NULL,
reprate3 int NULL,
reprate4 int NULL,
reprate5 int NULL,
Here is some sample data:
1 A 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0
3 I~~~~ 15 0 0 0 0
4 A~B 5 5 0 0 0
5 I~F~T~K~G 5 5 2 2 2
6 A~B
As you can see, some records have trailing delimiters but some don't. This may be a result of the application's behavior when multiple reps are entered then removed from an invoice. One thing for sure is that when there are multiple reps, the IDs are always separated by '~'
Can anyone suggest a solution?
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Jun 30, 2015
I am working in SQL Server Master Data Services Version 11.0.5058.0 (SP 2).
I have been asked to group all the financial attributes together. When I move one of the attributes up using the arrows, it works good jumping over one attribute at a time. Then I reach a section of attributes where it leap frogs over 24 attributes.
It appears these 24 attributes are in a subgroup but there are no attribute groups and I removed the subscription view from the entity. If I move one of the 24 attributes in the group, it moves it outside of the 24 attributes.
This is under leaf member attributes. There are no collection or consolidated groups.
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Apr 7, 2014
What are attributes in columns that are not types?
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Dec 31, 2007
I have a column with varchar(2000) that contains events with time-stamps. The data looks something like this for a record:
03:14:46: abc 03:14:47: def 03:14:59: xyz 03:15:17: zzz
I would like to parse out each time-stamp and event to a separate columns, like
col1= 03:14:46: abc
col2= 03:14:47: def
col3= 03:14:59: xyz
col4= 03:15:17: zzz
The number of events are dynamic so number of time-stamps with events can be anything from 2-30 of them.
Anyone would suggest how I can resolve this?
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May 12, 2006
Not a SQL guy but can do enough to be dangerous :)Trying to update a record. We have records that have a field with datasurrounded by some comment text such as *** Previous Public Solution*** Start and *** Previous Public Solution *** End . What I am tryingto do is write a SQL statement that will:Check that field C100 = TICKET0001 (to test with one record beforerunning on whole db)Check that field C101 is = ClosedCheck that field C102 is nullCopy field C103 data to field C102 and strip out any words such as ***Previous Public Solution *** Start and *** Previous Public Solution*** endThanks for any help!Kevin
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Feb 2, 2006
I have a table where different types of values are stored in one field, but I need to seperate them into different fields based on a value in another field.
For (hypothetical) example:
There is an existing table with following info in three columns:
userid record recordtag
1 joe 1
1 j 2
1 jr 3
2 bob 1
2 a 2
2 sr 3
where recordtag indicates (1 for first name, 2 for middle initial, 3 for suffix)
I need to query these records for a report so it the output is:
userID firstname middleinitial suffix
1 joe j jr
2 bob a sr
What's the most efficient approach to create a query that will give me desired results? I have managed to create a very complex query that derives tables for each column I want to create and queries off of that derived table for the 'record' value based on the 'recordtag' values for a given 'userid'. The query is extremely slow, so I know there's some better way out there to get the results I want. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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May 6, 2008
A newbie question. I am tearing my hair out trying to work out how in Sql Server 2005 to get a printout (or even better a file I can save that i could incroporate in a wrod document), or both, which shows the structure of all the tables in my database.
I want to list all tables (or selected tables perhaps) , and all columns in those tables, with the attributes of each column (nvarchar(2) etc or decimal(18,5) etc). Just a simple listing of all tables and their columns and the attributes of those columns.
Surely this must be possible with a simple one click operation in Sql Server 2005. I have created a database diagram which gives me part of what I want, but that just shows the tables, relationships, and column names, not the attributes of each column which is what I need as well.
I don't want to have to start installing third party products to do this, and I have no great script writing capabilities. Surely such a basic function is easily acheivable with one or two clicks in Sql Server 2005 from a menu somewhere in sql server mangaement studio?
Thanks in Advance for your help.
Chris M
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Feb 2, 2015
I have data like below, I need to populate the ID_INDICATOR columns with the below condition
112014-06-09 00:00:002014-06-11 00:00:00GREEN
122014-06-13 00:00:002014-06-14 00:00:00AMBER
132014-06-17 00:00:002014-06-16 00:00:00RED
142014-06-17 00:00:002014-06-18 00:00:00AMBER
Red = If ID due date was overdue, i.e. if last task completed after the ID end date(2014-06-18 00:00:00).
AMBER= If any task in the ID is overdue but completed before the ID end date(2014-06-18 00:00:00)
Green = If all tasks were completed on time.
I am looking for the logic to implement the AMBER for the whole ID, because the TASK_ID 3 is overdue, but completed before the ID end date (2014-06-18 00:00:00).
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May 24, 2015
I'm using a DW from Northwind database to build a cube to do some analitical taks. I already create the cube and now I am "cleaning" the dimensions. I'm having some difficults to understand the logical off this part. The reason is that When I create the Data Source View, I only import the Foreign Keys that connect the Dimensions to Fact_Table. I have to drag the attributes of Dimension from Data Source View to the tab attributes?
Imagine this:
I have the following dimension:
When I create the cube only Customer_ID appears in attributes tab, it's normal?
One more question:
I don't want to create a hierarchy like:
Customer ID -> Name_Customer
Customer ID -> Date_of_Birth
Customer ID -> Address
Customer ID -> City
Customer ID -> Country
My idea is to create the following hierarchy:
Name_Customer -> Date_of_Birth -> Address -> City -> Country
But the first hierarchy that I show is always appears to me. Do you know what is happens?
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Oct 22, 2014
I have a table structure where there are multiple "/" separated values in two columns that I need to parse out into single records.
INSERT INTO CONFIGNEW(PlanID, GroupID, SubGroupID, ExternalCode) VALUES('101/201', '000005', 'LAA/OCA/UCA/XCA', '1', 'M231_1)
[Code] .....
The results I am looking to achieve are:
Is there an SQL statement that can be used to accomplish this?
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Feb 23, 2006
Basically like the topic says, I need to populate a filename with data from other columns and im having a tough time doing it.
UPDATE nice_cls_calls_0027
SET vcarchivepath = 'G:Nice Storageicestorage.safeautonet.netSafe Auto Task - Logger (807101)2006_feb_1SC_807101_'start_time'_'=stop_time'_'=channel'_'=cls_call_id'.aud'
I need start_time, stop_time, channel, and cls_call_id to populate the filename. The first 2 are datetime fields in the db and no conversion is needed for them, just raw data. The remaining two are smallint and raw data is needed there also. Any help would be greatly appreciated. TY
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Sep 22, 2006
I'm looking for an efficient way to populate derived columns when Iinsert data into a table in SQL Server. In Informix and PostgreSQLthis is easily done using the "for each row..." syntax, but all I'vebeen able to come up with for SQL Server is the following:create table testtrigger(id integer unique, b integer, c integer)gocreate trigger testtrigger_ins on testtriggerfor insert asupdate testtrigger set c = (select ...some_function_of_b... fromtesttrigger t1,inserted t2where = id in (select id from inserted);gowhere id is testrigger's unique id field, and c is a field derived fromb.This seems terribly inefficient since each insert results in an extraselect and update. And if the table is large and unindexed (which itcould be if we are bulk loading) then I would imagine this would bevery slow.Are there any better ways of doing this?Many thanks,...Mike Dunham-Wilkie
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Jun 29, 2006
I have a master/detail scenario whereby to populate a formview, the user selects a row in the gridview. The SqlDataSource used to populate the formview needs to check 2 columns from the gridview, ZRef (which is the SelectedValue of the Gridview) and ZName (a string).
From searching the forums it looks like I have to programmatically assign the SelectParameters in order to get ZName from the gridview. Seems fair enough, so I set the parameters in the 'Selecting' event of the SqlDataSource. (Code shown below).
However the formview never shows. In debug I can see that the values I'm setting in the SelectParameters.Add are correct; and if I set the default values for those parameters in the SqlDataSource itself, everything works fine.
Can anyone point me to some sample VB code that does this - I'm sure this must be a common situation.
Protected Sub sdsOff_Selecting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.SqlDataSourceSelectingEventArgs)
Dim tmpSDS As SqlDataSource
Dim tmpLBL As Label
tmpSDS = CType(FormView1.FindControl("sdsOff"), SqlDataSource)
If tmpSDS Is Nothing Then
End If
tmpLBL = Me.GridView1.Rows(GridView1.SelectedIndex).FindControl("lblName")
If tmpLBL Is Nothing Then
End If
tmpSDS.SelectParameters.Add("ZRef", GridView1.SelectedValue) 'In debug, this shows 7 - which is correct
tmpSDS.SelectParameters.Add("ZName", tmpLBL.Text) 'In debug, this shows 'Fred Bloggs' - which is correct
End Sub
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Jul 23, 2005
I want to take the contents from a table of appointments and insert theappointments for any given month into a temp table where all theappointments for each day are inserted into a single row with a columnfor each day of the month.Is there a simple way to do this?I have a recordset that looks like:SELECTa.Date,a.Client --contents: Joe, Frank, Fred, Pete, OscarFROMdbo.tblAppointments between ...(first and last day of the selected month)What I want to do is to create a temp table that has 31 columnsto hold appointments and insert into each column any appointments forthe date...CREATE TABLE #Appointments (id int identity, Day1 nvarchar(500), Day2nvarchar(500), Day3 nvarchar(500), etc...)Then loop through the recordset above to insert into Day1, Day 2, Day3,etc. all the appointments for that day, with multiple appointmentsseparated by a comma.INSERT INTO#Appointments(Day1)SELECTa.ClientFROMdbo.tblAppointments = (...first day of the month)(LOOP to Day31)The results would look likeDay1 Day2 Day3 ...Row1 Joe, PeteFrank,FredMaybe there's an even better way to handle this sort of situation?Thanks,lq
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Nov 11, 2004
Hello all-
I have a specification table that has some attributes defined.
SpecId - Id of the specification
Attribute - Attribute of the spec. (Like Color, HP etc)
Value - Is the value of the attribute
Then I have a car table that actually has information about the cars. Intention is to take each specification and match the cars that match the specification. If the car has more attributes than the spec, we ignore the extra attributes for the match. But if the car has less attributes, we don't even consider the car as a match (even if the attributes present, match). To summarize, the car's attributes should be >= spec's attributes.
The code I have below is bad because I am joining the same tables twice. In addition, it fails in the condition "the car's attributes should be >= spec's attributes"
Any help is greatly appreciated.
DECLARE @Specification TABLE
(SpecId VARCHAR(10),
(CarName VARCHAR(10),
INSERT INTO @Specification VALUES ('S1', 'Type', 'Sedan')
INSERT INTO @Specification VALUES ('S1', 'Transmission', 'Auto')
INSERT INTO @Specification VALUES ('S1', 'HP', '220')
INSERT INTO @Specification VALUES ('S2', 'Type', 'SUV')
INSERT INTO @Specification VALUES ('S2', 'Transmission', 'Manual')
INSERT INTO @Specification VALUES ('S2', 'HP', '300')
INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Accord', 'Type', 'Sedan')
INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Accord', 'Transmission', 'Auto')
INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Accord', 'HP', '220')
INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Accord', 'Color', 'Black')
INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Escape', 'Type', 'SUV')
INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Escape', 'Transmission', 'Manual')
INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Escape', 'HP', '300')
INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Explorer', 'Type', 'SUV')
INSERT INTO @Car VALUES ('Explorer', 'Transmission', 'Manual')
SELECT DISTINCT Spec.SpecId, Car.CarName
FROM @Specification Spec
ON Spec.Attribute = Car.Attribute
AND Spec.Value = Car.Value
WHERE Spec.SpecId NOT IN (SELECT Spec.SpecId
FROM @Specification Spec
ON Spec.Attribute = Car.Attribute
AND Spec.Value = Car.Value
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Apr 25, 2008
This is the type of data I have within my table and I need to take it from this to the example below
Types First Name Last Name
--------- ---------------- ----------------
6L4XX,6L5XX,6L8XX,6L9XX Bob Smith
6L4XX,6L5XX,6L8XX,6L9XX Dave Johnson
Types First Name Last Name
--------- ---------------- ---------------
6L4XX Bob Smith
6L5XX Bob Smith
6L8XX Bob Smith
6L9XX Bob Smith
6L4XX Dave Johnson
6L5XX Dave Johnson
6L8XX Dave Johnson
6L9XX Dave Johnson
I have to do this for MANY rows but I don't want to use a cursor. Should I be using Dynamic SQL? If so how should I go about starting out.
Thank You
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Oct 11, 2006
I am using CRM 3.0 and have a requirement to list all the the tables, attributes names and display names and datatypes. Is there any easy way to export this information from the CRM tool or prepare a SQL query that will list the information?
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Aug 14, 2007
I am using MSSQL v8 (if that matters)
The data looks like the following
| PBP 20070420 2:26pm |
Now the data in this field is not uniform it can be blank, a sentence or have a different pre fix, instead of PBP, but the date will be YYYYMMDD when it is supplied.
I need to find all the dates that are within the last 10 months. How do I perform this task?
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Mar 30, 2008
I have just inherited a new project consisting of data imported into sql 2005 from a multi-dimensional database. After finding the correct ODBC and importing the data I believed that I was done, but after reviewing the resulting structure I discovered why this was called a ��multi-dimensional�? database. The resulting imported data is completely de-normalized and resembles an excel spreadsheet more than a relational database. An example of this structure is the persons table. The table has multiple columns, some of which contain the multi-dimensional fields. These fields contain multiple values which are separated with a tilde, ��~�?. I need to parse out the data and normalize it. In the specific sample of data below I attempting to take the personid, associates, and assocattrib and insert them into a sql table, associates. This table references the persons table where the personid and the associates references the personid in the persons table.
Code Snippet
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[persons](
[namepkey] [int] PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
[nameid] [varchar](6) NOT NULL,
[lastname] [varchar](41) NULL,
[firstname] [varchar](50) NULL,
[mname] [varchar](50) NULL,
[sex] [char](1) NULL,
[race] [varchar](55) NULL,
[dob] [varchar](10) NULL,
[address] [varchar](28) NULL,
[city] [varchar](32) NULL,
[state] [varchar](25) NULL,
[zip] [varchar](127) NULL,
[hphone] [varchar](10) NULL,
[busphone] [varchar](50) NULL,
[profession] [varchar](28) NULL,
[employer] [varchar](42) NULL,
[eyecolor] [varchar](23) NULL,
[build] [varchar](14) NULL,
[complexion] [varchar](26) NULL,
[haircolor] [varchar](26) NULL,
[dlnumber] [varchar](36) NULL,
[dlstate] [varchar](27) NULL,
[jacketnumber] [varchar](130) NULL,
[height] [varchar](4) NULL,
[weight] [varchar](50) NULL,
[ethnicity] [varchar](25) NULL,
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[associates](
[associd] [int] NOT NULL REFERENCES persons(personid),
[namepkey] [int] NOT NULL REFERENCES persons(personid),
[assocattribute] [varchar](20) NULL
The purpose of normalizing this data will be to show the realationship(s) between people as it has been documented in the previous data structure, i.e. person 1 is an associate of person 336 and the attribute is WIT.
My problem lies in attempting to parse out the associates and assocattrib columns and relate them to the appropriate personid. The personid relates to each associate and assocattrib and the tilde, ~, separates the values ordinal position which, in sql, would be separate rows. For example the single row:
personid associates assocattrib
58201 252427~252427~252427 VICT/SUSP~WIT~RP
Should be:
58201 252427 VICT/SUSP
58201 252427 WIT
58201 252427 RP
The imported data can have no associates:
personid associates assocattrib
152683 NULL NULL
or up to 69 associates, I am not even going to try to paste all of that here.
There are over 400,000 rows that I am looking at parsing, so any way of doing this in t-sql or the clr would be GREAT. This data is stored in SQL 2005 standard SP2. The specific machine is our test/reporting server, so I am not necessarily concerned with the best performing solution, I am leaning more towards providing some free time for me.
Any help or suggestions, including better ideas on the table structure, would be greatly appreciated.
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Nov 16, 2006
This is a general question about data modeling. I'm more curious than anything else.
There is much talk about over-training data model, and I'm sure there are under training as well. As a rule of thumb, depending on the algorithm, what is a good ratio of attributes vs data points?
-Young K
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Dec 4, 2013
I have a table with one of the column of xml type. the column contains xml like given below. I want to read this xml from the table and show as below with T-sql query
"EmployeeID" "IndustryDome" "description "
Where Description value comes from the value of AllDome/ITEM/Dome /Description whose Dome equals to IndustryDome value
1166586 3951LX01 Description10
<GetEmployeeDetails xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<return xmlns="">
[Code] ....
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May 5, 2014
declare @xml table (xmldata xml)
insert @xml select
N'<parseObject name="Motel">
<field name="vehicleno" fieldType="int" fieldSize="">
[Code] ....
I want to extract data in in table format
ParseObjectName FieldType FieldSizeGrammar
Motel VehicleNo Int NULL li > span.i-phone-biz_details-wrap
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Nov 10, 2014
I am trying to parse data separated through text (ie abc1, abc2, abc3, abc4, etc).
ID ParseData
1 [abc1.Pants/abc2.Orange hat /abc3.Purple shirt /abc4./abc5./abc6./abc7./abc8.]
2 [abc1.Gray Shoes/abc2.Striped jacket /abc3./abc4./abc5./abc6./abc7./abc8.]
3 [abc1.Blue jeans/abc2./abc3./abc4./abc5./abc6./abc7./abc8.]
New Data (abc1, abc2, abc3, etc each have a field in the new data set)
ID ParseData abc1 abc2 abc3 abc4 abc5 abc6 abc7 abc8
1 [abc1.Pants...abc8.] Pants Orange hat Purple shirt
2 [abc1.Gray...abc8.] Gray Shoes Striped jacket
3 [abc1.Blue...abc8.] Blue Jeans
If I only want the data in between abc1 and abc2, between abc2 and abc3, etc, what would be the best way to do that?
My code so far looks like:
@string varchar(100) = '[abc1.Pants/abc2.Orange hat /abc3.Purple shirt /abc4./abc5./abc6./abc7./abc8.]',
@searchString1 varchar(20) = 'abc1',
@searchString2 varchar(20) = 'abc2';
SELECT newstring
FROM dbo.SubstringBetween(@string,@searchString1,@searchString2);
This returns 'Pants.'How do I continue to parse between abc2 and abc3? between abc3 and abc4?And then continue to ID2?Should I be referencing the ParseData field instead of string of data that I want to parse?
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Jun 7, 2007
We're importing data from a progress db. Some of the columns contain arrays or delimited values which represent accounting periods.
Currently I'm passing the arrays row by row to a stored procedure which parses and inserts each value as a row for the applicable accounting period, it works but is very slow.
Any Ideas?
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Apr 9, 2008
I have a third party application with a ntext field that I need to parse the data out of. The data looks like this:
<xmlF><FNumber type="int">2421</FNumber><AttachmentPath type="string" /><RequesterId type="int">232</RequesterId><Requester type="string">John Smith</Requester><RequestDate type="DateTime">3/24/2008 11:23:27 AM</RequestDate</xmlF>
The fieldname is Data and the tablename is ProcessData
Again, this looks like xml, but the field type is ntext. I would like to create a view displaying the parsed data in fields. How would I go about parsing the data?
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Apr 21, 2015
Can i have a combination of sources some with Unique Identifiers and some without?
I need to know what happens when I have option “Create Code values automatically” selected for the entity and same time pulling Unique Identifier for other sources in same entity stage table.
When we select option “Create Code values automatically” for the entity we creates, then during load from external source to MDM stage we don’t send any values to MDM stage “Code” field and in next step when we execute the stored procedure to load the data from MDM stage to MDM model, it assigns the Code values to each record in MDM stage and MDM model.
I need to know whether after executing the store procedure, will it assign Code values for only NULL records in MDM stage and not give us any error for the records that already have Code values present in MDM stage.
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Jul 31, 2015
Data Scenario – Sitemaster entity has two attributes (Region and Country).
Region and Country are both domain-based attributes on separate entities [Region and . The Country entity has a domain based attribute on REGION.
Data relationship looks like this… REGION > COUNTRY
Customer Requirement
Customer would like the MDS UI to filter the Country drop-down options based on the Region selection.
To my knowledge – the only filtering that can be done is based on user security using Hierarchy Membership Permissions.
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Feb 21, 2008
When trying to process my minding model (using Association Rules) i receive the following errors
Errors and Warnings from Response
Error (Data mining): The 'Items Recommendations' mining model has 64675 attributes. This number of attributes exceeds the attribute limit of 5000 allowed by the current version of the algorithm associated with the mining model.
Errors related to feature availability and configuration: The 'Unlimited data mining attributes.' feature is not included in the 'Standard Edition' SKU.
I searched through the internet and found that a hotfix can be installed to make it work ( I emailed microsoft and they provided me back with the hotfix and a password.
I tried to install the fix but i couldnt. It needed a prerequisit fix. So i installed SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 from (
Then tried to install the fix for my unlimited attributes problem.
I tried to process my module after installing the fix and restarting my computer, but am still gettin the same error.I created another new model but the problem still exists.
Am i missing something here? Any idea to make it work?
Is there any alternative? I need to use all the elements in my datasource view.
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Jun 16, 2015
I am trying to erase some erroneous bad data in my table. The description column has a lot of </div>oqwiroiweuru</a> weird data attached to it, i want to keep the data to the left of where the </div> erroneous data begins
update MyTable
set Description = LEFT(Description(CHARINDEX('<',Description)-1)) where myid = 1
that totally works.
update MyTable
set Description = LEFT(Description(CHARINDEX('<',Description)-1)) where myid >= 2
gives me a Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function. The statement has been terminated error.
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Jun 11, 2015
We are using a table that may give 1 to and unknown number of data elements (ie. years) . How can we break this to show only three years in each row. Since we don't know the number years we really won't know the number of rows needed. Years are stored in their own table by line.
car make year1 year2 year3
A volare 1995 1996 1997
a volare 1997 1998 1999
b toyat 1965 1966 1968
We can pivot out the first X# but we don't know how many lines so we don't know how many rows we will be creating.
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Jul 20, 2006
Here is what I have and (somewhat understand). I’m using Visual Web
Developer 2005 Express Edition and have setup my application to use form authentication
(which automatically creates the ASPNETDB.MDF file with several default tables
and views). I’m using the CreateUserWizard
which is fine…but I need to collect additional information like (firstname,
lastname, address…and on..). What I’ve
done. I’ve created a tabled named
UserProfile and set UserId as the primary key (uniqueidentifier).
I then setup a 1-to-1 relationship
between aspnet_Users and UserProfile (which I think is correct). On my UpdateContactInfo.aspx page (where
users go to update their personal information) I use a hidden label control
(UserValue) to receive the UserId during the page_load event as below:
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load UserValue.Text = Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey().ToString() End Sub Now with the UserID available I need to populate the
UserProfile table with the UserId, firstname, lastname, address of the
currently logged in user. How can I do this and am I on the
right track..?
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