Parsing The Data From One Column To Individual Columns?
Aug 16, 2012
I have data in SQLSever 2008 R2 in one column as following. I would like to run a sql statement and capture them into individual columns. Would that be possible? The column separator is |
MSH|^~&|HL7ADM|PYXIS|PAH|HL7PRX_PAH|201208131129 46||ZPM^ZPM|9442|P|2.3.1||||||| ZPM|C|console|N-HEART-ST|1|23|43025204|DOBUTAMINE 1000MCG/ML|U|1|1|1|CS3808|TEST, MONKEY|||1|||||0|1|0|20120813112839||||||||0||IV|| |||||||||||
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Jan 3, 2008
Iam new to SSRS please help me, my question as follows:
in my table fields are departmentid, studentexpected, student name, date attendance,sortorder
while grouping(drill down) the departmentid column , iam displaying student name, date attendance its working fine.
problem: while grouping(drill down) the studentexpected resultant column i need to display student name, date attendance fields.
in my database studentexpected column displaying studentlist like 28, 56,250, while grouping(drilldown) the individual lists like 28,56,250, i need to dispaly student name and date attendance fields.
my problem is while grouping(drill down) the departmentid column iam getting result for studentlist 28 as iam getting 28 student names and 28 attendancedates, this functionality is correct.
but while grouping(drilldown) the studentexpected resultant column iam not getting (assume for studentlist 28) 28 studentnames and 28 attendancedates.iam geting only 2 studentnames, 2 attendance dates, but i need respective list columns
in database iam taking sordorder as 7.
iam facing difficulty at the time filtering the studentname and attendancedates columns in table properties
which data i have to give in filter column for displying 28 student names and 28 date attendances fields at the time of grouping studentexpected column?
take below references:
database prview:
departmentid studentexpected student name date attendance sortorder
101 28 jack 12-31-2007 7
dapartmetid drilldown report preview:
departmentid studentexpected student name date attendance
+101 28 jack 12-31-2007
-- ---
-- --
-- ---
-- --
(assume 28 student names and 28 date attendance)
My Problem:
like above preview i have to dispaly respective studentexpected column results,
departmentid studentexpected student name date attendance
101 + 28 jack 12-31-2007
-- ---
--- ----
(here while drilldown the studentexpected resultant column like 28,56,250 ,i need to dispaly respective studentnames and respective date attendances)
which data i have to set in filter column in front end , how to solve above problem? help me
Thank You
Jacks V
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Feb 16, 2007
Wondering what's the preferred method for this. I've got a scenario that a user is updating some content on a page and I need to update my word catalogs for my search feature. I have some code currently to filter out words that are too small, make sure there are no duplicates and to count how many occurrences there are of each. What I'm wondering is, does it make more sense to do a loop in my code to run all the insert commands to place the new words in the database, should I try sticking them together in one string and parse them when they get up there or is there a better method someone can suggest?
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Jan 2, 2015
I am recieving complete row in one single column and I have pipe delimeter in this row . I want to retrieve the data in individual columns...Currently row is in one column
02|vinod sahu
Expected output
Col1 col2
02 VInod Sahu
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May 5, 2008
I'm designing a sales report. The user would like to be able to look at individual customers against total sales in a report.
I have a parameter that will allow the user to select from a list of customers. Then I need a column that will show that customers sales and the next column will show total sales. If I filter the data set by Customer I will only get that customer's sales. Can I filter on individual columns?
I tried something like
=Sum(IIF(Fields!Name.Value=Parameters!VendorName.Label,Fields!Coil_Weight.Value/code.Expon(Parameters!Units.Value),0))in the expression but that doesn't seem to work.
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Mar 4, 2008
I have an example situation that seems like it should have a super easy solution, but my jobs keep failing.
Here we go. . .
I have a SQL Server 2005 table as my source in a data flow task.
This table contains raw data.
We'll call it FACT_Product_Raw - which contains a field called ProductType varchar(1)
Let's say that ProductType contains values of "A" or "B" or "C" - or for that matter, some null and garbage values
I have a lookup table, LOV_Product_Types
This table contains 3 fields that will transform my raw data table
We'll call these fields ProdTypeID smallint, ProdTypeRaw varchar(1) and ProdType smallint
It contains pairs such that A = 1, B = 2, and so on.
Here's what I want to do.
I want to ADD a field to FACT_Product_Raw that contains the "looked up" value from LOV_Product_Types.
Let's say that I want to add the ProdTypeID field to my _Raw table.
I have used the _Raw table as both my source and destination
It blows up every time.
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Nov 7, 2006
Hello smart SQL people,
I have a field in the DB that contains name value pairs in the form of csv. Is there a neat trick (using a stored proc) to get it to be diplayed as in columns (maybe create a view around it or somthing?) ?
Select 'name1=val1;name2=val2;name3=val3' as MyData
--> Returns
How can i get it to return
name1 name2 name3
val1 val2 val3
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Sep 22, 2015
I'm attempting to use T-SQL to strictly parse/pull Names from a string field like such: CN=John Doe,OU=xyz,DC=ituy,DC=qwer,DC=org...I would like the ultimate result to be JUST the full name John Doe (pretty much everything after the first = sign and before the first comma. I'm attempting combinations of REPLACE, STUFF, PATINDEX and SUBSTRING, but to no avail.
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Jul 6, 2015
getting result as given below.
id Name Data
id Name Data
103 CC
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Dec 22, 2000
I am trying to parse a query column that has both a city name and state code within it. What I would like to do is parse the queryed column and seperate them by the ",". Can someone please help?
Select Name, Address1, Left(Address2, ",") as City, Right(Address2, ",") as State
From tblPersonalInfo
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Nov 26, 2013
How to accomplish a join when the join condition has to be parsed from another column? I need a list of all the exchange part numbers with exchange part pricing, but need the description from the original part number. Example:
Part Number Description Cost
123-456-1 A ROUND THINGIE 5
150-387-1 EXCH - 123-456-1 2
Needed record is
Part number ExchangePart Description Cost
123-456-1 150-387-1 A ROUND THINGIE 2
Something like
SELECT PART# as exchangepart,
when substring(descr, 1,4) = 'EXC-' then trim(substring(DESCR, 5, 25))
when substring(descr, 1,3) = 'EXC-' then trim(substring(DESCR, 4, 26))
when substring(descr, 1,6) = 'EXC - ' then trim(substring(DESCR, 7, 23))
when substring(descr, 1,5) = 'EXCH-' then trim(substring(DESCR,6,24))
[Code] .....
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May 18, 2006
Hi,I have a varchar column with values like:000 BNP=Item one HOP=Item two LLT=Item three001 LLT=Item one002 BNP=Item one LLT=Item twoI want to parse this rows into a table similar to the following output:000 BNP=Item one000 HOP=Item two000 LLT=ItemThree001 LLT=Item one002 BNP=Item one002 LLT=Item twoHas anybody done a similar assignment? Can you share me your solution?Thank you much!Edgar J.
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Jan 14, 2008
Hello everyone,
I have a package that extracts data from a Flat File. If any errors or truncation occur during the extraction of the input data, the package should fail. All fields that have erroneous values should be reported in the log file.
My Solution:
- I have created a Data Flow Task that contains a Flat File Source Adapter and a dummy destination.
- I have left the default "Error Output" configuration of the Flat File Source adapter, namely if a truncation or an error occur for a certain column, then the reaction is "Fail Component".
This configuration gives me only the first erroneous column in the row being processed.
Is it possible to make the Flat File Source adapter continue parsing the current row before it fails? This way, I would be able to get all the erroneous columns in the row in one shot.
Thanks in advance...
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Mar 7, 2008
I have a tabel called "Daily" which has 5 columns, "TesterID", "Activity", "Hours Given", "Hours Used", "Delta".
The data for "TesterID" and "Hours Given" columns are taken from a table called "Tester".
Data for columns "Activity" and "Hours Used" taken from table called ALD.
"Delta" column is the difference between Hours Given and Hours Used.
For "Hours Given" in table "Daily", the data source should change every 12 hours.
For Monday-Friday Mornings, "Hours Given" should read data from "Tester.Weekdays_day" and for Monday-Friday Nights it should read data from "Tester.Weekdays_Night" and for Saturday-Sunday Mornings it should read from "Tester.Weekend_Day" and for Saturday-Sunday Nights it should read from "Tester.Weekdays_Night" .
How to do that? Please Help. Thank you.
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Oct 15, 2015
how to split a single column into multiple columns with | delimited. For example I have column old_values in this I have a data with | delimited and I need to split this data into multiple columns.
xxx yyy zzz aaa bbb ccc ddd
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Aug 16, 2007
How to display 2 columns of Data in 1 column?
If I use like this
Select Names, 'myData' from emp
The output is:
Name1 myData
Name2 myData
Name3 myData
But, I need to display like this
please advise
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Jan 13, 2005
This is probably a very basic question for most people in this group.
How do i split the data in a column in to 2 columns? This can be done in access with an update query but in MS SQL server I am not sure.
Here is an example of what i want to acheive
FName LName
John Doe
thanks for the help
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Nov 20, 2014
I need splitting one column data into number of columns.
Name. Below are the sample of names
Doxycycline 200 mg capsule
Effexor 100 mg tablet
Duragesic 50 mcg/hr Transderm Patch
Ambien CR 6.25 mg Tab
My desired results are below..
name dosemeasmisc
Effexor 100mgtablet
Duragesic 50mcgTransderm Patch
Ambien CR 6.25mgTab
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May 16, 2007
I m extracting data from Excel-sheet and inserting into SQL Server 2005 Database using SSIS(SQL Server Integration services).
Having 2 columns in excel-sheet and want to insert those into 1 column of SQL Table.
Can anyone help me about, how can I insert data from 2 columns into 1 column in SSIS. Is Export/ Import column or Copy Column or Merge will work..
Plz reply soon..
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Jul 21, 2014
I want to grab some key value pairs from the text in sql column
some text[Key1=Val1]some text[Key2=Val2][Key3=Val3]some text
I want a function which takes Keyname as input & returns the value related with it if found.
GetValueFmKey('Key1') should return Val1 and like on.
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May 12, 2006
Hello All,
I have come across this issue with the Flat File Source when the delimiter is set to a comma.
In the data snippet above and with the setting of using a comma as a column delimiter
and a " as the text qualifer.
the data will be parsed in this fashion:
"""KAILUA as a column:
HI""" as a column
CA as column
when it should be
"KAILUA,HI" as a column
CA as column.
Is there a way to let the Flat File Source to let it know not to parse the data in multiple quotes ?
Thank you
Eric Flores
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Jun 13, 2008
I'm working on a sales commission report that will show commissions for up to 5 sales reps for each invoice. The invoice detail table contains separate columns for the commission rates payable to each rep, but for some reason the sale srep IDs are combined into one column. The salesrep column may contain null, a single sales rep id, or up to five slaes rep IDs separated by the '~' character.
So I'd like to parse the rep IDs from a single column (salesreplist) in my invoice detail table (below) to multiple columns (RepID1, RepID2, RepID3, RepID4,RepID5) in a temp table so I can more easily calculate the commission amounts for each invoice and sales rep.
Here is my table:
invoicenum int,
salesreplist [text] NULL,
reprate1 int NULL,
reprate2 int NULL,
reprate3 int NULL,
reprate4 int NULL,
reprate5 int NULL,
Here is some sample data:
1 A 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0
3 I~~~~ 15 0 0 0 0
4 A~B 5 5 0 0 0
5 I~F~T~K~G 5 5 2 2 2
6 A~B
As you can see, some records have trailing delimiters but some don't. This may be a result of the application's behavior when multiple reps are entered then removed from an invoice. One thing for sure is that when there are multiple reps, the IDs are always separated by '~'
Can anyone suggest a solution?
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Aug 31, 2007
When quering a table with given criteria, For ex:
select notes, jobid, caller from contact where status in (6) and jobid = 173
I am getting this:
This job will be posted to Monster for 2 weeks. 173 906
Waiting for full budget approval 173 906
TUrns out we're uppin 173 906
What should I do so that these three columns for the same jobid from the same caller appears in only one column, either separated by a comma or semicolon?
Please HELP!!!!!
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Sep 12, 2001
Help -
I need to import data into an existing table. Most import rows were unique, so I had no problem using DTS and appending. However, some import rows match existing rows except for one column/field that contains updated/new data, and I have to either replace the entire row with the imported row, or replace the individual field with the new data. How do I do that when there are many rows to import? It would take forever typing in all the data using UPDATE. Thanks in advance for your help!
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Nov 25, 2015
I'm new to SSRS (We are using SQL 2014) and have been asked to create a report from SharePoint list data. One of the columns in my list contains XML data. I need to pull three different fields from this XML. I see lots on using xml as a datasource but I'm using a SharePoint list as my datasource. Before I get too far down the wrong road I thought I'd ask here if there was a built in means of parsing XML or if I should look at using the Text Function under Common Functions in the Epression builder?
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Jun 4, 2014
I am trying to pivot data based on columns value in year column... but results are not showing up correctly. I want to see all columns after pivot.I want to Pivot based on year shown in the data but it can be dynamic as year can go for last 3 years
I am also using an inner join as i have two amount columns in my code and i want to show both amount columns for all displayed year.I am able to pivot but I need in output all the columns like this Id,MainDate, Year1,Year2,Year3(if any), AMT1 for YR1, AMT2 for Yr1, , AMT1 for YR2, AMT2 for Yr2, AMT1 for YR3, AMT2 for Yr3,
Here is some data:
--[FileType] [varchar](19) NOT NULL,
--[dType] [char](2) NOT NULL,
--[dVersion] [char](2) NOT NULL,
--[Id] [char](25) NOT NULL,
--[MainDate] [char](40) NULL,
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May 31, 2007
I have one column in a matrix component and it has about 7 items, but the only the items which have values on the page appear at the top of that page.
This is for a labratory so the columns are the different Patient Types and the rows are the different Test Mnemonics. If one of the Patient Types is not used in any of the tests on that page, it doesnt show up. How to I make sure all Patient Types show up on every page?
Thank you all.
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Sep 1, 2006
I am trying to interpret some of the results I observe when trying to match similar records using a fuzzy lookup transform, but it's not entirely clear how the overall row similarity score is calculated. In particular, sometimes rows with lower individual column similarity scores will achieve a higher similarity and confidence score than a matching row with higher individual column scores.
The transform is configured with 6 text fields set to fuzzy mapping and a minimum similarity of 0, and 3 additional numeric fields with an exact mapping. It is set to return a maximum of 2 matches per lookup and to do an exhaustive search of the reference table.
For example, from the following matching pair of records Match 1 is picked over Match 2 even though it's individual scores are lower.
Match 1 Match 2
----------------- -----------------
_similarity_author 1.0 1.0
_similarity_title 0.85344648 1.0
_similarity_headline 0.0125 0.0125
_similarity_summary 0.0125 0.0125
_similarity_picture 1.0 1.0
_similarity_caption 1.0 1.0
_similarity 7.8429267E-2 7.3196657E-2
_confidence 0.55728668 0.44271332
In another case both matching records have *identical* scores for every mapped column and yet their similarity and confidence scores are different.
Clearly there are other factors involved in calculating the overall row score. Anybody know what these are?
Fernando Tubio
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Apr 17, 2007
I have a SSIS package with a Data Flow task. This task transfers the data from SQL Server 2000 to a table in SQL Server 2005.
I deployed and tested this package on the Test Server. Then put this package in a job and executed it - Works fine.
On the production server- If I execute the package through DTEXECUI, it works fine. But when I try executing it through a job- the job fails and it gives me following error:
Description: The external metadata column collection is out of synchronization with the data source columns. The "external metadata column "T_FieldName" (82)" needs to be removed from the external metadata column collection....
What I don't understand is, why are there no errors displayed when I execute the package through DTEXECUI.
Can anyone help me to resolve this issue.
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Apr 21, 2000
Do anyone know of any functions I can use to parse the following data eg.
M 3480-7 should be 3480
M 3477-19 should be 3477
M 28-10 should be 28
Thanks in advance,
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Nov 7, 2003
I have a SQL Server table that holds XML documents. Is there a known SQL Server XML parser ? can I export XML data into a readable format ?
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Sep 13, 2005
Does anyone know any good URL's for examples on parcing data using SQL?
As an example, i've got First/Middle/Last name of a person inside a single field, I want to turn that into 3 fields.
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Mar 5, 2008
Table1 includes a column for email address. I'd like to parse everything up to 8 chars before the '@' symbol in this column. My script doesn't appear to be working, and I'd appreciate any assistance in troubleshooting it!
select substring(UPPER(substring(email,1,charindex('@',email)-1)),1,8)
from table1
The error produced is;
Invalid length parameter passed to the substring function.
What am I doing wrong? The logic in the script looks good to me...
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