Partition Scheme Using A Function

Feb 20, 2007

I can't seem to find a way to do the following:

create table part_table (
col1 int,
col2 datetime
) on psX (datename(week,col2))

I want to partition based on the week number of a date field.

So if I enter in data like the following in my part_table:

(1, 1/1/2007) should go into partition 1 for week #1
(52, 12/21/2007) should go into partition 52 for week #52 of the year

I tried adding in a computed column, but it says its nondeterministic.

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How To Attach The Existing Table To New Partition Function/scheme?

May 26, 2008

Normally we create a new table for tabler partitioning, like:

Code Snippet
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Sales]
[SalesID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[SalesDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[col_01] varchar(50) NULL,
[col_02] varchar(50) NULL,
) ON [ps_Sales](SalesDate)


PARTITION PFN_Sales TO ([FG_20080501], [FG_20080516], [FG_20080601], [FG_20080616],
[FG_20080701], [FG_20080716], [FG_20080801], [FG_20080816],
[FG_20080901], [FG_20080916], [FG_20081001], [FG_20081016])

But what if I have [dbo].[Sales] existed in db, that have attached to [PRIMARY]?

Alter table?

or I need to create a temp table first?

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T-SQL For Add Existing Table To The Partition Scheme

Sep 4, 2007

Hi ,

I had a table which is going to burst, and of course performance issue is come in to place. and now we thinking to apply to partition method into this table.

So is that possible to create a partition scheme and against the existing table? and how is the T-SQL statement will be look like.

Thanks for anyone for giving some clue...

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SQL 2012 :: How To Add New Filegroup To Existing Partition Scheme

Jul 10, 2014

How to add some more ranges to existing partition schema and function?

Already My table partitioned on date ranges,

6 partitions , each partition contains 6 moths data, so total data is 3 years.

i.e. 1 partition data- from jan2012 to Jun2012
2 partition data- from july2012 to dec2012
3 partition data- from jan2013 to Jun2013
4 partition data- from july2013 to dec2013
5 partition data- from jan2014 to Jun2014
6 partition data- from july2014 to dec2014
After Jan2015 data will go to Primary file group(Default)

Now customer wants to add two more file groups with these partitions ranges, i.e. jan2015 to jun15 and Jul15 to dec15.

File group and ndf file adding is OK, But

how to alter partition scheme and partition function with these additional ranges to existing partition function and scheme?

partitioned table size is 200 GB.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Use Variable In ALTER / CREATE PARTITION SCHEME Command For Filegroup?

May 9, 2010

Is it possible to use a variable to specify the filegroup in the ALTER/CREATE PARTITION SCHEME command?

I want the partition scheme to use the default filegroup for ALTER and CREATE PARTITION SCHEME. At the time the script is created, I don't know the default filegroup in the database.

My code:

declare @fileGroupName VARCHAR(50) = (select top 1 name from
sys.filegroups where is_default = 1)

Is failing:

Incorrect syntax near '@fileGroupName'.

Q: Is it possible to use a variable for the filegroup in the ALTER/CREATE commands? Is so, what is the correct syntax?

Q: If using a variable is not possible, is there another way to specify the default filegroup?

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Transact SQL :: Apply Partition Scheme To Existing Table In Query Windows

Jun 9, 2015

I have a non-partitioned table (TableToPartition) and I want to apply an existing partition scheme (PartSch) to it using a query. I didn't find any option so I used the StorageCreate Partition wizard to generate the script.why this clustering magic needed if it is dropped at the end? Isn't there another way without indexing to partition a table, say something with ALTER TABLE? (SQL Server 2012)

CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX [ClusteredIndex_on_PartSch_635694324610495157] ON [dbo].[TableToPartition]
DROP INDEX [ClusteredIndex_on_PartSch_635694324610495157] ON [dbo].[TableToPartition]

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Scheme Login Can't Access Tables Owned By Scheme

Dec 4, 2007


I've having some baffling problems with a java applicaiton!

I have an application server called WA01 which used to access two tables on an MS SQL 2000 server via a scheme login. The two tables are:


Both tables were owned by the scheme user, with enough permissions to read & write. The java application on server WA01 could happily read the data within the tables and write a bit flag back to each row.

The MS database has been moved to a new server which no longer allows the java application on server WA01 to access the tables via the scheme login, the only way the java app can view and update the tables is by changing the owner of the tables to dbo. The new server is still MS SQL 2000, with comparible security settings.

The java app keeps complaing of an unknown source when trying to access via scheme, is this a domain trust issue between the two servers? Any ideas would be welcomed. I'm not an SQL expert but have a good grasp of the security structure etc.



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Partition Function

Feb 25, 2008


I have names in the database which I want partition by last name - for example last names starting with A, B, C, D should go to the file group 1. last names starting with E, F, G, H should go to file group 2.

I am trying to use the following function - but do I specify in the function that last names with with A, B, C, D should go to the file group 1


Is there any way to modify partition function to accomplish this?

Any suggestions and inputs would help


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Partition Function And File Group

May 16, 2008

Am I correct in assuming, in partitioning scenarion - the NUMBER OF PARAMETERS in a partitioning function is equal to number of file groups?

I think, therefore I am - Rene Descartes

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DB Engine :: Partition Function With Where Clause

Oct 29, 2015

I am facing issue in generating total sum and daily sum from table ThresholdData.

DailyTransactionAmount should be sum of todays amount in the table
TransactionAmount should be sum of all amount in the table.


1. I don't want to scan ThresholdData table twice.
2. I don't want to create temporary table/table variable/CTE for this.
3. Is there is any way to make it done in single query.

I hope, where criteria is not possible in partition function. I am trying query something as given below,

SELECT  TransactionDate,
  ROW_NUMBER() over (order by TransactionDate) AS TransactionCount,
  SUM(TransactionAmount) over (partition by id ) AS TransactionAmount, 
  SUM(TransactionAmount) over (partition by id ,CONVERT (DATE, @TodaysTransactionDate)) AS DailyTransactionAmount
 FROM ThresholdData
 WHERE id = @id
 AND transactiondate >= dateadd(d,-@TransactionDaysLimit,@TodaysTransactionDate)

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Partition Function - Unknow Range Column

May 4, 2006

Hi,I need to create a partition table but the column on which I need tocreate a partition may not have any logical ranges. So while creatingor defining partition function I can not use any range.likeCREATE PARTITION FUNCTION my_part_func (NUMERIC(7)) AS RANGE LEFT FORVALUES (1,100,1000);Is there any way to define partition function in SQL Server somethinglike Oracle HASH partitions where logical range is unkown?ThanksSameer

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SQL Server 2012 :: Why Partition Function Works For Datetime2 But Not For Datetime1

Dec 20, 2013

DECLARE @DatePartitionFunction nvarchar(max) = N'CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION DatePartitionFunction (datetime) AS RANGE RIGHT FOR VALUES (';
DECLARE @i datetime = '2007-09-01 00:00:00.000';
WHILE @i < '2008-10-01 00:00:00.000'
SET @DatePartitionFunction += '''' + CAST(@i as nvarchar(10)) + '''' + N', ';

[Code] ....

Msg 7705, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Could not implicitly convert range values type specified at ordinal 1 to partition function parameter type.

However if I change to datetime2 it works

DECLARE @DatePartitionFunction nvarchar(max) = N'CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION DatePartitionFunction (datetime2) AS RANGE RIGHT FOR VALUES (';
DECLARE @i datetime2 = '2007-09-01 00:00:00.000';
WHILE @i < '2008-10-01 00:00:00.000'
SET @DatePartitionFunction += '''' + CAST(@i as nvarchar(10)) + '''' + N', ';

[Code] ...

Is the data type of the column used for partitioning. All data types are valid for use as partitioning columns, except text, ntext, image, xml, timestamp, varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), alias data types, or CLR user-defined data types.

In this case why isn't datetime works?

version is as follow:

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP1) - 11.0.3128.0 (X64)
Dec 28 2012 20:23:12
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Enterprise Evaluation Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.1 <X64> (Build 7601: Service Pack 1)

from [URL] .....

Table and index partitioning is supported in this edition

so I don't know why it fails!

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: How A New Partition Function Apply For Current Data

Apr 15, 2015

I have a heavy database , More than 100 GB only for six month .every Query on it takes me along time and I dont have enough space to add more a way I decided to do partitioning. I create a partition function , on date filed and all Data records per month was appointed to a separate file.And is partitioning only for Future data entry?

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DB Design :: Alter Partition Function In Data Vault Where There Is 4 Table Dependency?

Aug 28, 2015

I'm currently stuck with a table that has 350 mil records. Querying this table is insanely slow so I had a better look at existing yearly partitioning. I already managed to partition on a month level which increased the performance/querrying a lot. I did this on the staging table where I used an alter statement to split the 2015 partition by 12 months.

However, in our project we used Data Vault. This means that we have 4 tables (hub, sathub, link, satlink), all carrying 350 mil records. The problem is that altering the partition function does not work. The server cannot handle this action. What the best way is to do this, without having to drop/reload all tables.

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Table Scheme Capture

Jun 14, 2007


I'm wondering if SSIS can capture the table schema structure, including the primary keys, foreign keys and indexes applied from the source table to the destination table? My source tables will be coming from AS400/DB2 and I'm using OLEDB Provider for DB2. I would like to automatically generate the table schema of my destination table in SQL Server 2005 (thru SSIS) as similar as my source table from AS400.


May Lanie

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OPENROWSET, Unicode And Encoding Scheme

Nov 14, 2007

I have an automated system, which keeps on collecting data and put them in a datafile with data delimited by tabs. This datafile will be sent to OPENROWSET and data gets inserted into the database. Recently I observed a situation in which a character(é) gets inserted as two characters(é) adn that is creating lot of problems. I was able to observe, the character é in UTF-8 gets changed to é in UTF-7 format.
This strange situation comes while inserted data into an nvarchar field. In the format(.fmt) file, which will be sent as one of the arguments to OPENROWSET, this field is specified as "SQLCHAR" datatype with collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS.

My questions are,

1) In which codeset OPENROWSET reads the datafile? Is there any way to specify to OPENROWSET to read in a specific format(i.e. as Unicode data or non-unicode data etc.)?
2) Can we specify datatype as "SQLCHAR" and collation type as "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS", in format file, for unicode characters? If this is wrong,what is the alternate for Unicode characters?
3) Is there any other place the problem can be?

Thanks in advance.

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Dont Know About Database Level Locking Scheme

Apr 20, 2007

I m using sql server 2005
i have got one request ,to apply page level locking on database
can nyone how it is done
i can do that for a single script and for session(transaction isolation level)
but dont know about database level locking scheme

thanks in advance

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Scheme(s) For Preventing Fraudulent Updates To The Database

Feb 14, 2008

we're in a business where customers often ask for a foolproof scheme that even prevents folks with DB privileges from fraudulently inserting, updating or deleting data. The scheme must be so air tight that a judge can be convinced of its reliability.

What are the most effective schemes out there?

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Indexing In SQL Server Star Scheme Data Warehouse

Jan 19, 2007

Hi all,

Our star schema design has one fact table and 3 dimensions.

The FK's in the fact do not necessarily make up the primary key. So I have an identifier in the fact table as PK. Here is my index assignment:

Fact Table - Clustered Index on PK
Non Clustered Index 1 on FK1
Non Clustered Index 2 on FK2
Non Clustered Index 3 on FK3

Each Dimension Table - Clustered Index on PK
Non Clustered Index on Attribute. This is the attribute that will be used in reports / cubes.

Is the above design good to start with?



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Help On Partition

Jul 6, 2006

i have a table named table1 sitting on a a partittion scheme px.

table1 is partitioned on u_id by tens,

first partion u_id=0 to 9

second partion u_id=10 to 19

third partion  u_id=20 to 29

ans so on and so forth


i have a table named table2 with

records having u_id = 13 to 16

obviously belonging to the second partion.


i want to load table2  to table1 as fast as i could with

the following requirements:

all contents of partition 2 of table1 must be deleted before loading

table2 ceases to exist after the operation

how will i do that.





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Help With Partition

May 15, 2008

Hi All,

Can someone take a look at my code and tell me what i'm doing in wrong. The script runs fine but when i go to table property it says the table is not partitioned. Thanks for your help.

create database [mypartition]

USE [mypartition]
ALTER DATABASE mypartition ADD FILEGROUP Y2000_filegroup
ALTER DATABASE mypartition ADD FILEGROUP Y2001_filegroup
ALTER DATABASE mypartition ADD FILEGROUP Y2002_filegroup
ALTER DATABASE mypartition ADD FILEGROUP Y2003_filegroup
ALTER DATABASE mypartition ADD FILEGROUP Y2004_filegroup
ALTER DATABASE mypartition ADD FILEGROUP Y2005_filegroup
ALTER DATABASE mypartition ADD FILEGROUP Y2006_filegroup
ALTER DATABASE mypartition ADD FILEGROUP Y2007_filegroup
ALTER DATABASE mypartition ADD FILEGROUP Y2008_filegroup
ALTER DATABASE mypartition ADD FILEGROUP Y2009_filegroup

USE mypartition
ALTER DATABASE mypartition
(NAME = mypartition_detail_2000,
FILENAME = 'F:ss_datadatadetail_2000.ndf',
TO FILEGROUP Y2000_filegroup;
ALTER DATABASE mypartition
(NAME = mypartition_detail_2001,
FILENAME = 'F:ss_datadatadetail_2001.ndf',
TO FILEGROUP Y2001_filegroup;
ALTER DATABASE mypartition
(NAME = mypartition_detail_2002,
FILENAME = 'F:ss_datadatamdetail_2002.ndf',
TO FILEGROUP Y2002_filegroup;
ALTER DATABASE mypartition
(NAME = mypartition_detail_2003,
FILENAME = 'F:ss_datadatadetail_2003.ndf',
TO FILEGROUP Y2003_filegroup;
ALTER DATABASE mypartition
(NAME = mypartition_detail_2004,
FILENAME = 'F:ss_datadatadetail_2004.ndf',
TO FILEGROUP Y2004_filegroup;
ALTER DATABASE mypartition
(NAME = mypartition_detail_2005,
FILENAME = 'F:ss_datadatadetail_2005.ndf',
TO FILEGROUP Y2005_filegroup;
ALTER DATABASE mypartition
(NAME = mypartition_detail_2006,
FILENAME = 'F:ss_datadatadetail_2006.ndf',
TO FILEGROUP Y2006_filegroup;
ALTER DATABASE mypartition
(NAME = mypartition_detail_2007,
FILENAME = 'F:ss_datadatadetail_2007.ndf',
TO FILEGROUP Y2007_filegroup;
ALTER DATABASE mypartition
(NAME = mypartition_detail_2008,
FILENAME = 'F:ss_datadatadetail_2008.ndf',
TO FILEGROUP Y2008_filegroup;
ALTER DATABASE mypartition
(NAME = mypartition_detail_2009,
FILENAME = 'F:ss_datadatadetail_2009.ndf',
TO FILEGROUP Y2009_filegroup;

USE [mypartition]
CREATE partition FUNCTION detail_part_function (varchar(10)) AS
RANGE LEFT FOR VALUES('2001','2002','2003','2004','2005','2006','2007','2008')

USE [mypartition]
PARTITION detail_part_function TO
(Y2000_filegroup, Y2001_filegroup,Y2002_filegroup,Y2003_filegroup,Y2004_filegroup,Y2005_filegroup,Y2006_filegroup,Y2007_filegroup,Y2008_filegroup,Y2009_filegroup)

-- Now just create a table that uses the particion scheme
USE [mypartition]
/****** Object: Table [dbo].[partitioned_table] Script Date: 05/14/2008 09:44:21 ******/
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[partitioned_table](
[id] [int] NOT NULL,
[fiscal_year] [varchar](10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[id] ASC
) ON detail_part_scheme(fiscal_year)


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Partition On Value

Feb 9, 2006

I can see lot of documentation on Range Partitioning. Is there any other type of partition supported in SQL Server 2005?

For example, I have a Fact table having Billion rows. It has a column called BATCH_ID. A BATCH_ID corresponds to 10-20 Million rows and it is a running sequence number like 1,2,3 etc. (not an identity column). Is there anyway I can specify a partition function with BATCH_ID column as an int value? Will the SQL Server automatically does the partition on each int value in that case? If not, what is the best way to do it?

Thanks in advance for all help in this

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Os Partition Problems

Jul 3, 2004

I recently installed MSSQL 2000 and sp3a onto a windows 2003 server in a test lab. I configured one big c: partion on this os and installed the db in the default location.

I need to detach the db's on this server and re-attach them onto another MSSQL 2000/sp3a server running 2003 os with a partition scheme like this:

c: = 20 gigs for the os
e: = 600 gigs for the data

I could not re-attach the db's onto the e:default path odatabase

Is there a work-around for this? This makes sense to me as to why it is not working and was an install oversight on my part but there has to be a way to overcome this delima?

Thanks in advance,

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Table Partition

Nov 22, 2005


Please help me how to do the Horizontal table partition??
I have to split the table in to multiple sub tables with same columns and less rows and then I have to use each sub table.

Thanks you in advance....


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PROCESS A Partition.

Oct 10, 2007

Hi everybody

Does anyone know where I can find code to PROCESS a Partition using DSO.

Thank a lot.

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Max() Over (partition By ) Gives Error

Mar 31, 2008

I keep getting this error:

Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 12
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'over'.

What am I missing? The max() over statement looks just like the statement in the documentation.

select RegistrationId,
max(Sequence) over(partition by RegistrationId) as 'maxsequence'
from registration
where OrderId = '68379449583' and
Year = '2008' and
Active = 'Yes'

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Partition SQL Server

Aug 28, 2007


I am using SQL Server 2000 SP3 Version Can I create instances of SQL server 2000 even if it's already installed?

Thanks for your help in advance!

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Partition Table

Feb 27, 2008


I have a partitioned table (1.7 billion rows) that is across 97 partions. The table is partitioned on datetime field.

When I query only this table with datetime field in where clause I see that cleary it outperforms the unpartitioned table.

When this table is joined to 3 tables it performs no better than
the non-partitioned table... it seems that the query does a partition scan.

The part. table has a 3 part composite clustered index and
a NC index on the partion field value.

Would appreciate any feedback.


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Mar 7, 2008

SUM(qtycolumn) OVER (PARTITION BY columnA, Column B)

is this function supported by Sql Ce?

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Partition Setup For SQL 05 ??

Nov 14, 2007

HI all,

I am in the progress of migrating my 2000 install over to SQL05 and onto a couple of new boxes. I have 2 Dell 1850's to set up mirroring on and wanted to know your opinion on the best partition setup. The 1850's are a 2 disk machine so it has to be a RAID 1 setup. I am just unsure of the benefit of partitioning the logical drive to seperate the log files from the data files.

Should I partition the drive, a 300G SCSI into 2 partitions and keep the logs on one partition and the data on another? Can anyone tell me if there is a benefit to doing this?

If there is a more pratical solution can you explain?

Thanks in advance!

Sydney Australia

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How Does SQL Server Know Which Partition To Look At?

Mar 27, 2007

Most examples for SQL Server 2005 involve a sales table that you split based on date, i.e. sales records prior to 2000 go to this partition, and the ones after that go to another one. Nice and simple.

Say I have a sales table:

id Amount Date
1 10 1/1/1999
2 9.99 1/1/2007

Now then, I put all the records prior to 2000 in it's own partition.

So when I do something like this: SELECT * FROM Sales WHERE DATE = 1/1/1999
the SQL server will know which partition to look at. Very nice.

Now then, if I do this: SELECT * FROM Sales WHERE id = 1
How will the SQL server know which partition to look at?

Thank You!

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Truncate Partition

Oct 31, 2006

hi list

i have a table named stgBudgetFact, that is partitioned on DivisionID.

each DivisionID goes into its own partition, which is on its own file group.

the etl guru on the project wants to be able to truncate the partition, not do a delete from the table based on DivisionID.

Is it possible to truncate the partition somehow (remove rows where DivisionID = 3 for instance without ALTER DATABASE, where the medicine is worse than the disease) and then reestablish the partition so we can restart a failed load by division?

i really hope something like this is possible



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