Partition Function - Unknow Range Column

May 4, 2006


I need to create a partition table but the column on which I need to
create a partition may not have any logical ranges. So while creating
or defining partition function I can not use any range.


VALUES (1,100,1000);

Is there any way to define partition function in SQL Server something
like Oracle HASH partitions where logical range is unkown?



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SPLIT RANGE Partition Error

Feb 8, 2008

Hello All,

I am using SQL 2005 SP2. I have a table partitioned on date range. I am trying to SWITCH, MERGE and SPLIT partitions.
My SWITCH and MERGE work great. When the SPLIT query is executed, an error 9002 is thrown....

"The transaction log for database is full. To find out why space in log cannot be resued, see log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases."

Below are more details...

- All SWITCH, MERGE and SPLIT are executed in one TRANSACTION.
- After SWITCH and MERGE, I execute a query set the partition scheme "NEXT USED [PRIMARY]".
- Finally i execute SPLIT statement.

Could you please tell me where am I going wrong?

Any help would be appreciated.


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Number Of Rows And Range For Each Partition In A Table?

Mar 13, 2015

Is it possible to show the number of rows and the range for each partition in a table ?

This shows me the range but not the row count per partition

SELECT sprv.value AS [Value], sprv.boundary_id AS [ID] FROM sys.partition_functions AS spf
INNER JOIN sys.partition_range_values sprv
ON sprv.function_id=spf.function_id
WHERE ('myDateRangePF')

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Partition Function

Feb 25, 2008


I have names in the database which I want partition by last name - for example last names starting with A, B, C, D should go to the file group 1. last names starting with E, F, G, H should go to file group 2.

I am trying to use the following function - but do I specify in the function that last names with with A, B, C, D should go to the file group 1


Is there any way to modify partition function to accomplish this?

Any suggestions and inputs would help


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Partition Scheme Using A Function

Feb 20, 2007

I can't seem to find a way to do the following:create table part_table (col1 int,col2 datetime) on psX (datename(week,col2))I want to partition based on the week number of a date field.So if I enter in data like the following in my part_table:(1, 1/1/2007) should go into partition 1 for week #1(52, 12/21/2007) should go into partition 52 for week #52 of the yearI tried adding in a computed column, but it says its nondeterministic.

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Partition Function And File Group

May 16, 2008

Am I correct in assuming, in partitioning scenarion - the NUMBER OF PARAMETERS in a partitioning function is equal to number of file groups?

I think, therefore I am - Rene Descartes

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DB Engine :: Partition Function With Where Clause

Oct 29, 2015

I am facing issue in generating total sum and daily sum from table ThresholdData.

DailyTransactionAmount should be sum of todays amount in the table
TransactionAmount should be sum of all amount in the table.


1. I don't want to scan ThresholdData table twice.
2. I don't want to create temporary table/table variable/CTE for this.
3. Is there is any way to make it done in single query.

I hope, where criteria is not possible in partition function. I am trying query something as given below,

SELECT  TransactionDate,
  ROW_NUMBER() over (order by TransactionDate) AS TransactionCount,
  SUM(TransactionAmount) over (partition by id ) AS TransactionAmount, 
  SUM(TransactionAmount) over (partition by id ,CONVERT (DATE, @TodaysTransactionDate)) AS DailyTransactionAmount
 FROM ThresholdData
 WHERE id = @id
 AND transactiondate >= dateadd(d,-@TransactionDaysLimit,@TodaysTransactionDate)

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How To Attach The Existing Table To New Partition Function/scheme?

May 26, 2008

Normally we create a new table for tabler partitioning, like:

Code Snippet
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Sales]
[SalesID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[SalesDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[col_01] varchar(50) NULL,
[col_02] varchar(50) NULL,
) ON [ps_Sales](SalesDate)


PARTITION PFN_Sales TO ([FG_20080501], [FG_20080516], [FG_20080601], [FG_20080616],
[FG_20080701], [FG_20080716], [FG_20080801], [FG_20080816],
[FG_20080901], [FG_20080916], [FG_20081001], [FG_20081016])

But what if I have [dbo].[Sales] existed in db, that have attached to [PRIMARY]?

Alter table?

or I need to create a temp table first?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Why Partition Function Works For Datetime2 But Not For Datetime1

Dec 20, 2013

DECLARE @DatePartitionFunction nvarchar(max) = N'CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION DatePartitionFunction (datetime) AS RANGE RIGHT FOR VALUES (';
DECLARE @i datetime = '2007-09-01 00:00:00.000';
WHILE @i < '2008-10-01 00:00:00.000'
SET @DatePartitionFunction += '''' + CAST(@i as nvarchar(10)) + '''' + N', ';

[Code] ....

Msg 7705, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Could not implicitly convert range values type specified at ordinal 1 to partition function parameter type.

However if I change to datetime2 it works

DECLARE @DatePartitionFunction nvarchar(max) = N'CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION DatePartitionFunction (datetime2) AS RANGE RIGHT FOR VALUES (';
DECLARE @i datetime2 = '2007-09-01 00:00:00.000';
WHILE @i < '2008-10-01 00:00:00.000'
SET @DatePartitionFunction += '''' + CAST(@i as nvarchar(10)) + '''' + N', ';

[Code] ...

Is the data type of the column used for partitioning. All data types are valid for use as partitioning columns, except text, ntext, image, xml, timestamp, varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), alias data types, or CLR user-defined data types.

In this case why isn't datetime works?

version is as follow:

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP1) - 11.0.3128.0 (X64)
Dec 28 2012 20:23:12
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Enterprise Evaluation Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.1 <X64> (Build 7601: Service Pack 1)

from [URL] .....

Table and index partitioning is supported in this edition

so I don't know why it fails!

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Error While Creating Inline Function - CREATE FUNCTION Failed Because A Column Name Is Not Specified For Column 1.

Apr 3, 2007


I am trying to create a inline function which is listed below.

USE [Northwind]







(SELECT ident_current('orders'))


while executing this function in sql server 2005 my get this error

CREATE FUNCTION failed because a column name is not specified for column 1.

Pleae help me to fix this error



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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: How A New Partition Function Apply For Current Data

Apr 15, 2015

I have a heavy database , More than 100 GB only for six month .every Query on it takes me along time and I dont have enough space to add more a way I decided to do partitioning. I create a partition function , on date filed and all Data records per month was appointed to a separate file.And is partitioning only for Future data entry?

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DB Design :: Alter Partition Function In Data Vault Where There Is 4 Table Dependency?

Aug 28, 2015

I'm currently stuck with a table that has 350 mil records. Querying this table is insanely slow so I had a better look at existing yearly partitioning. I already managed to partition on a month level which increased the performance/querrying a lot. I did this on the staging table where I used an alter statement to split the 2015 partition by 12 months.

However, in our project we used Data Vault. This means that we have 4 tables (hub, sathub, link, satlink), all carrying 350 mil records. The problem is that altering the partition function does not work. The server cannot handle this action. What the best way is to do this, without having to drop/reload all tables.

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Unknow Question In JOb !

Nov 30, 2007

I am Brazilian and would like to know as this the market for the analyst whom he manipulates and desenolve in Sql Server/oracle... In Brazil we have as base the 2000,00 5000,00 Reals.... as this the work market ai is....em relation to the wage?

Valter Lacerda
(55)+ 11 83009925

I need Power Guys!

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Unknow Error 8007007F

Feb 10, 2004

I need help!!!

When I try from Enterprise Manager to returns all rows from a table I received a popup with message "Unknow Error 8007007F"
I have sqlserver2000 with S.O Windows Advenced Server 2003 and when I run MDAC checker I obtain version 2.8.

odbcbcp.dll Expected version 2000.85.1022.0
oledb32.dll " " 2.80.1022.0
sqlsrv32.dll " " 2000.85.1022.0

Does anybody know what is happening??

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Build A Function In SP To Ask For Date Range

Feb 13, 2014

I have a store procedure that populates my form with data. now I need to add a function in there to prompt for begin date and end date to pull information for the selected date range. is there such functionality?

here is my SP:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[myprep]
select distinct

[Code] .....

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Analysis :: Range Function - How To Get Last 60 Days Before A Month Starts

Apr 20, 2015

I am trying to get the last 60 days before a month starts. I have a set that is returned from the query below :

   non empty
   [Measures].[TRANSACTIONS Count] on 0,
   non empty ([TRANSACTIONS].[Days].[Days],                                                          
                                     [TRANSACTIONS].[Transaction Month].[Transaction Month])  on 1 from [cube]   

I can get the cummulative count of last 60 days before month 2 by hardcoding the day of transaction of start of month like below :

 [Measures].[Cumm Account Count]
    AGGREGATE( [TRANSACTIONS].[Days].CurrentMember:NULL ,[Measures].[TRANSACTIONS Count])

   non empty [Measures].[Cumm Account Count] on 0,
   non empty [TRANSACTIONS].[Days].&[3]:[TRANSACTIONS].[Days].&[3].lead(60) on 1 from  [cube];
and for subsequent months by using the dates that the following month starts. How can I achieve the above result without having to use the day numbers, I tried to use the tail function (to get the months and star date) but it wont work because the range function  accepts members only...

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SQL 2012 :: Partition Existing Table On Foreign Key (datetime) Column?

May 28, 2015

Is it possible to partition an existing table on a foreign key (datetime) column? Also would partition switching work?

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Does SQL Server Move Records Between Partitions When Updating The Partition Key Column?

Apr 4, 2007

If I run an UPDATE query on a table which is partitioned by the column I am updating - will the records be moved to another partition?

ie. I have a table where Historical bit column marks whether a particular record should go to Partition1 (=0) or Partition2 (=1). Now, I update a record in that table and change the Historical column value from 0 to 1. What happens with that record?

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SQL Server 2008 :: No Option To Automatically Partition Table Based On Unique Values Of Column?

Jun 17, 2015

A common partitioning scenario is when the partition column has the same value for every record in the partition, as opposed to a range of values. Am I the only person who wonders why there isn't an option to automatically partition a table based on the unique values of the partition column? Instead of defining a partition function with constants, you ought to be able to just give it the column and be done. This would be particularly valuable for tables partitioned on a weekly or monthly date; when new data is added it could simply create a new partition if one doesn't already exist.

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Error: Out Of Range Value Adjusted For Column??

Apr 26, 2008

$picid = $_GET['picid'];

$commentby= $_REQUEST['commentby'];
$commentby= filter_text($commentby);
$commentby= mysql_real_escape_string($commentby);
$comment= $_REQUEST['comment'];
$comment= filter_text($comment);
$comment= mysql_real_escape_string($comment);
$action = $_REQUEST['action'];

if($action == 'post_comment'){
$insert_comment = "INSERT INTO comments ( picid, comment, commentdate, commentby) VALUES ('".$picid."', '".$comment."', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, '".$commentby."')";

if (!mysql_query($insert_comment))
die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
header("Location: ");

Error: Out of range value adjusted for column 'picid' at row 1

picid is of int datatype :/

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Insert Out Of Range ID Value Into Identity Column?

Feb 7, 2007

I need to import some data into a table that is in a merge bi-directional publication. The table has an identity column that is being "auto managed". The ID numbers I need to import are not within any of the assigned "ranges". They are less than any of the current ranges.

Turning ident_insert on does not work because of the check constraints error. The merge replication triggers validate the ID range as well.

Edit: using SQL 2005 standard publisher and subsciber. Publication is 2005.

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Grouping Column Currency By Range

Apr 11, 2007

HI all -

I need to group data in a sql report by currency values. I have a report that shows part numbers and 4 columns making up manufacturing costs and then a 5th column showing total costs. I would like to add a 6th column that groups the total costs by ranges. The example would be, group all costs > 20000, group all costs 1000 > x > 20000 , and finally all costs < 1000.

How can I accomplish this?

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Incrementing Dates And Displaying Range As Column

Mar 19, 2013

I'm using SQL Server 2000 sp2...I have created a view that gives me customer info from which I need to create a view and or table that gives me a 24 monthly columns of the sum of each account_number monthly revenues (going back 24 months from this month)..The columns I'm pulling from are these:


Here's what I have so far:
SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT Account_number, Customer_Name, SUM(Order_net_price) AS 'CM - 24'
FROM dbo.Customer_Feed
WHERE (First_insert_date >= DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm, 0, GETDATE()) - 24, 0)) AND (First_insert_date < DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm, 0, GETDATE()) - 23,
GROUP BY Account_number, Customer_Name
ORDER BY Account_number

I've basically hacked out a way to get the monthly totals for each account. What I would like to do is so be able to repeat the query but increment the date range 1 month until reaching the present or last FULL month and display these sums in individual columns named CM - n (where CM means current month and 'n' is the # of months back from to make this query run over again the 23 other times I need it to and display those months sum totals in individual columns.

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Comparing Nvarchar(max) Column Using Like To Non-ASCII Range

Sep 25, 2006

Our database defines the long_value column as nvarchar(max). I want to find out which rows actually contain non-ASCII characters in that column, but this clause also returns rows with only ASCII characters:where long_value like (N'%[' + nchar(128) + N'-' + nchar(65535) + N']%')

What am I doing wrong?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Range Group Summary Of Particular Column

Jun 3, 2014

I have column which stores People count based on department, Now I want to keep them in the batch of 1000, If the running summary of (No of people) from departments reached 1000 then it should start sum(no of people) from 0 to 1000

Is there any running summary kind of function which can start sum record with in range of 0-1000

For Ex. My Data stored like this
Dept People Count
CSE 200
IT 250
EEE 312
ECE 214
MEC 337

Batch Grouping
Dept People Count BatchSum
CSE 200 200
IT 250 450
EEE 312 762
ECE 214 976
MEC 337 337 (Note here since its crossing 1000, its resetting and starting summary)

I implemented this with While Loop & if condition, But its very slow, is there any other way to achieve it in better way.

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Query Server To Find All Partitioned Tables, Partition Name, Column Used, Partitioned By

Dec 17, 2007

I want to find a way to get partition info for all the tables in all the databases for a server. Showing database name, table name, schema name, partition by (maybe; year, month, day, number, alpha), column used in partition, current active partition, last partition (for date partitions I want to know if the partition goes untill 2007, so I can add 2008)

all I've come up with so far is:

Code Block

SELECT distinct From sys.partitions p
inner join sys.objects o on (o.object_id = p.object_id)
where o.type_desc = 'USER_TABLE'
and p.partition_number > 1

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Query To Find A Value In Column B Based On An Aggregate Function On Column A?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,Suppose I have a table containing monthly sales figures from my shopbranches:Branch Month Sales-----------------------London Jan 5000London Feb 4500London Mar 5200Cardiff Jan 2900Cardiff Feb 4100Cardiff Mar 3500The question I am trying to ask is this: in which month did each branchachieve its highest sales? So I want a result set something like this:Branch Month----------------London MarCardiff FebI can do a "SELECT Branch, MAX(Sales) FROM MonthlySales GROUP BY Branch" totell me what the highest monthly sales figure was, but I just can't figureout how to write a query to tell me which month corresponded to MAX(Sales).Ideas anyone?Cheers,....Andy

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SQL Server 2008 :: Return All Rows From Any Table Containing Value Range In Specified Column?

Sep 3, 2015

I have several databases to deal with, all with + 250 tables. The databases are not identical and do not conform to a specific naming convention for table names. Most but not all tables have a column called "LastUpdated" containing a date/time (obviously). I'd like to be able to find all rows within a whole database (table by table) where the date/time is greater than a specified date/time.

I'm looking for a reliable query that will return all the rows in each of the tables but without me having to write hundreds of individual scripts "SELECT * FROM [] WHERE LastUpdated > '2015-01-01 09:00:00:000'", or have to look through each table first to determine which of them has the LastUpdated field.

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How To Return Hourly Minimum Count Of Column For A Given Range Of Date

Nov 26, 2015

This is the code I have written and I am trying to retrieve minimum count of PQpageId for every hour for a given date of range.

,PQIM.PageURL as PageDescription
,CONVERT(Date,NCPI.RequestDateTime) AS [Date]
FROM dbo.NewCarPurchaseInquiries AS NCPI WITH (NOLOCK)

[Code] ....

This is the output I get :

-------- ---------- ---- --------
1 04-11-2015 8 2359
1 05-11-2015 8 2332
1 06-11-2015 8 2008
1 07-11-2015 8 1964
1 08-11-2015 8 2139
1 09-11-2015 8 54

[Code] ....

But I am expecting

-------- ---------- ---- --------
1 09-11-2015 8 54
1 11-11-2015 9 10
1 11-11-2015 10 4
2 11-11-2015 8 10
2 11-11-2015 9 2
2 11-11-2015 10 1

For ex: Pqpageid 1, at 8am on date 4-11-2015 has a count of 2359 and on 9-11-2015 at 8 am it has count 54then it should return date 9-11-2015 and count 54 for hour 8 like wise for every pageid and hour from 8 to 23 it should return the min count from given date of range.

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Transact SQL :: How To Find Whether A Column Lies In Range Of Smallint / Int / Bigint

May 12, 2015

,ErrorMessage=ISNULL(ErrorMessage,'')+'| DrawingRevisionNumber DataType Is Not Valid, smallint expected(-32768 AND 32767)'
FROM ZPTSMGR.ProjectDrawingRaw P
WHERE  P.LogId=@LogId AND   P.ProjectId=@ProjectId AND  P.Revision > 32767   (P.Revision  NOT BETWEEN  -32768 AND 32767)  --SMALLINT RANGE  -32768 to 32767.

--DataType Range
--tinyint DataType  (MinVal: 0, MaxVal: 255). Its storage size is 1 byte.
--smallint DataType from -2^15 (-32,768) through 2^15 - 1 (32,767) and its storage size is 2 bytes.
--int DataType   -2^31(-2,147,483,648) to 2 ^31-1(2,147,483,647). Its storage size is 4 bytes.
--Bigint DataType -- from -2^63 (-9223372036854775808) through 2^63-1 (9223372036854775807). Its storage size is 8 bytes.

The SQl statement fails, and not able to update it. The IsError flag need to set since the value does not lies in given range of smallint.--------say 457896523 which is not a small int value

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Correlated Subquery Column Referencing Outer Date Range

Aug 25, 2006

Any ideas how can I pass date range values from the where clause of an outer query to the inner correlated subquery ... without using a stored procedure because I am using Report Builder?

Using the simplified sql below I need the average freight charge between the dates for all of the ShipCountry's orders. (I have hard coded the dates for demo purposes only as it is these that I need referenced from the outer query's where clause.)

/* how do I get to the outer query's date range ? */
(SELECT AVG(Freight) FROM Orders WHERE ShipCountry = O.ShipCountry AND OrderDate between '01-jan-1997' and '01-jan-2000') AS CountryAverageFreight
Northwind.dbo.Orders O
ShipCity = 'Paris' and OrderDate between '01-jan-1997' and '01-jan-2000'


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DB Design :: Create Two Column With Math Function In One Column?

Oct 5, 2015

How Can I Create Two Column with Math Function In one Column  Like Below. 

Create Table Tbl_V_Voucher_Details
Id Int IDentity (1,1) Primary Key, 
Catid Int Foreign Key References Tbl_V_Voucher_Info(Id),
ItemId Int Foreign Key References Tbl_V_Item(Id),
Discription varchar
Qty Int,
Price Float,
Qty * Price As Total 

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SQL2005 Cannot Backup A Restored SQL2000 Database With Unknow Database Full-text Catalog Database

Nov 15, 2007

We replicate a SQL2000 database (DataBaseA) to a SQL2000 database (DataBaseB) by using the Restore function and hasn't change its logical name but only the physical data path and file name. It is running fine for a year. We use the same way to migrate the DataBaseB to a new SQL2005 server with the Restore function and the daily operation is running perfect. However, when we do the Backup of DatabaseB in the SQL2005, it just prompt the error message

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The backup of full-text catalog 'DataBaseA' is not permitted because it is not online. Check errorlog file for the reason that full-text catalog became offline and bring it online. Or BACKUP can be performed by using the FILEGROUP or FILE clauses to restrict the selection to include only online data. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

Please note we left the DataBaseA in the old SQL2000 server.

Please help on how we can delete the Full-text catalog from DatabaseB so we can do a backup

Many Thanks

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