I am trying to build a Reporting Services report that reads data from SSIS package based on a parameter specified.
In the RS report I created a parameter and added it to the dataset (no changes in data source though, only -f <path to dtsx file).
In the SSIS package I created a user variable scoped to Package, in the default User userspace. No mapping has been done as I don't know where (and if) should I set it up.
The problem is I get an error message when trying to view the report in RS saying "A requested parameter does not exists in the package".
Any help and/or ideas are appreciated, I couldn't find anything on "the internets"
1, 2 and 3 parameter are text inputs. 4th is multi-value parameter and 5th is again a text input. I need to Pass a blank parameter to my 5th parameter.
1) I tried the below Expression in the "UploadedEnt" DataSet Properties and not in the "Main" DataSet.
I have taken the actual sql query (file) and I have just placed the select statement.
DataSet Name: UploadedEntselect distinct UploadEnt from ( SELECT DISTINCT col1, col2... ....) Ent
Order by 1OR logic has been applied in the Tablix Properties Filters as an expression.=Fields!value1.Value like Parameters!value1Param.Value Or Fields!value2.Value like Parameters!value2Param.Value Or Fields!value3.Value like Parameters!value3Param.Value Or Fields!value4.Value = Parameters!value4Param.Value(0) Or Fields!UploadEnt.Value = Parameters!UploadedEntParam.ValueFilter: Expression = TRUE2) I tried applying NULL check box which works perfectly but I do not want to apply that here.How to Pass a Blank Parameter?
Is it possible to use a parameter in a ldap query using the ADsDSOObject provider? I keep getting an error "The ICommandWithParameters interface is not supported by the "ADSDSOObject" provider". Command parameters are unsupported with the current provider.
I don't have a linked server on my DB server to Active Directory so I'm just querying in the SSRS report design. Here is my query for my dataset. If I hard code an example it works. Just doesn't work when I pass a parameter. I've tried making it an expression (= sign), Tried several syntax's, Tried everything I can think of. Is this possible? or do I just need to push for a linked server?
I have a stored procedure that on two fields it allows null. On the report, I have two DropDownList boxes that are populated with data, however, I would like the user to be able to have the option of not selecting an item from these list, thus passing null to the stored procedure.
When I goto "Report | Report Parameters" I have set these fields to "allow null" and "allow blank" and at the bottom I also gave it the default value of null.
When I run the report in preview mode, those two dropdownlist have a <Select a Value> and my assumption is since I want them to pass null, I will just leave them that way. However, when the report is ran, I receive an error saying "Please select a value for the parameter: (my parameter)". So it forces me to select an option at which I don't want to do.
I am working on a report where some customization is need to be delivered.. situation is , i have some parameter in report @USER_ID , @Report_Type where i am proving selection to user to select Report Type (Pending Or Completed) and passing USER_ID auto matically from URL string of user login(C# code).
I have another parameter @USER_IDS which is multiple selection for user and it will be filled with the users which lie under passed @USER_ID means i just need to add dataset with the query to select users from mapper table where reporting_head =@USER_ID, simple, but i have requirement to populate the underlined users with the selection of @USER_ID and @Report_Type and it need some TSQL code to populate so i am using Another store procedure and using same parameter as my main store procedure has .
Now i am using dataset with this store procedure  to fill my @USER_IDS  parameterÂ
Both parameters value will be passed from main report parameters now , when i am previewing a report i am getting error
and i also tried to write exec statement in dataset query with the main repport paramters but exec is not supported ..
I have two report , first is main report which is matrix and have one parameter User_ids which is multi value selection and my second report is basic chart of user_wise performance.
Now, my main report (matrix ) works fine for Multiple selection of users and i have putted one textbox on main report chart which has action properties set for chart report, when user click on chart button it must goes to chart with user selected in main report. Now , i have used expression for parameter to send it like ..
=join(parameter!user_id!value,",") which pass selected value to chartÂ
And when I am selecting single user it passing that value to chart parameter list but , when it is more than one user it errors with conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '121,128' to data type int. But my chart also works when passing 121,128 in user parameter in preview of report .
my dataset from sharepoint list. and this dataset value assign to parameter. i want when no any parameter is selected than it should filter like "ALL". when i select alow null value it give me prompt error you  can not select null in multivalue parameter.How can i do it. i am using share point list.
I am using reporting services 2012, Can we make visibility of report parameter dynamic, ie can we make parameter visible or hide on certain condition or its visibility depends on other parameters Is this feature  available in any other updated version of ssrs?Â
I have a report parameter called para1 which is a drop-down list and what I want to do is display another report parameter based on the para1 selection.
So for example, para1 contains a, b, c choices. if a user selects b, I would like para2 to display but if the user selects a or c, I don't want the para2 to display.
Using SQL Server 2008R2 and Report Builder 3.0..I have an action set in a text box of a table. My intent is to pass the value of that text box (which is variable) to a sub-report in a popup window. Here's my code: URL....The parameter of the report I'm trying to open is @SONum.I'm guessing my error is involved in the formatting of how the value of the parameter is being passed. I've also seen examples where the report server and report values were parameterized, but I don't know where to define
Parameters!ServerAddress.Value anywhere.Do I need to have something set up a certain way within the report I'm opening? Here's the report Parameter settings on the report I'm trying to open.
We have an SSrS report that has a tablix cell with a textbox that is a hyperlink to another SSrS report. We pass parameters to the report using the textbox properties>Action set to "Go to report" and setting the parameters to the value of a field and a parameter as shown below. We want to set action to "Go to URL" and to pass these variable parameter values in the URL. How is that done? URL....
I'll go to a dataset, open up the query designer, add a new parameter, then refresh the fields, but the parameter won't be added as a report parameter. If I go to the dataset properties under the list of parameters, the value in the dropdown will be blank. However, sometimes this will automatically add.Â
Is this a bug in Visual Studio? How do I get around this?Â
I have a main report and 2 sub reports. I would like to pass the total Premium Paid from 2nd Sub report , and Total Bonus received from 3rd Sub report back to main report.
My scenario is actualy much more complicated than what i had attached below, which i cannot join the query for the 3 different reports together. But for demo purpose, i created the following sample scenario.
My main report is to display the sales summary by person by location.
A person may have more than 1 account number, and each account number is entitly for bonuses. As illustrated below.
I would like to know how does subreport accept multi value, and how should i modify my expression so that the sub report will display correctly.
My main report will pass dynamic number of account number to sub report, it depends on how many account number a person has. I have my sub report parameter Data Type set as "Allow multiple values" and the visibility is "Visible".
Currently, I am using the following expression to try to pass multi value from main report to sub report. I had tested the result of that expression. It is showing the following result when there are 3 account numbers to pass to sub report.
1534896 1563498 1593548
With that expression, when only one account no is pass from main report to sub report, the sub report will display the result. But when more than one account numbers are passing over, the sub report display nothing, it is blank.
*Note: I cannot put the account number into a multivalue parameter in the main report and pass from that parameter to sub report. I know this will workd BUT I had tried that by setting the default value in the multivalue parameter to the dataset that consists of the account number. That involves 100 thousand plus plus account numbers and it will for sure over the limit of 8000 characters.
we can  assign one parameter value for each excecution of  [SSISDB].[catalog].[set_object_parameter_value] by calling this catalog procedure..
Example: If I have 5 parameters in SSIS package ,to assign a value to those 5 parameters at run time should I call this [SSISDB].[catalog].[set_object_parameter_value] procedure 5 times ? or is there a way we can pass all the 5 parameters at 1 time .
1. Wondering if there is a way to pass multiple parameters in a single execution (for instance to pass XML string values ??) 2.What are the options to pass multiple parameter values to ssis package through stored procedure.?
I have created a ssrs report which connects to vertica database through odbc connection. When I try to pass parameter value through parameter (e.g.: column name IN (@parameter) ) then getting error message in query designer prompting "Error in list of values in IN clause. Unable to parse query text. ". Using sql server 2012 , visual studio 2010 version and HP Vertica 7.1 .Â
I am creating simple report in ssrs and pass one parameter only. It will work perfectly (here user enter the parameter value). but i need that i should select the value in drop down box. i had tried many time and did different ways but I am unable to do it.
First i gave the parameter in my sql query in Data set (like WHERE COUNTRY = @COUNTRY) and i checked the Parameters tab in the data set. Here by default comes the Parameter Name: COUNTRY and Parameter value: [@COUNTRY].
Next i select COUNTRY Parameter in the Report Data Pane. and go to properties Here in General Tab: Name COUNTRY Prompt: COUNTRY, Select Get values from query in available values Tab (and also i tried with Select Get values from query in Default Value Tab) and Select Data set: Data Set1, Value field: COUNTRY and Label Field COUNTRY. And Click Ok
And tried to preview the report, it throwing below error
"An error Occured during local report processing. The definition of the report is invalid. The Report Parameter 'COUNTRY' has a DefaultValue or a ValidValue that depends on the report parameter "COUNTRY". Forward dependencies are not valid.
How can I achieve dropdown list.What i missed? Even i unable to do it Multi valued parameters and Cascading parameters.
Actually i am working on SQL Express 2012 version.
We already used Oracle Datasatage Server the following Query statement for Source and Lookup.here there is parameter maping in the SQl Statement . How can achive in SSIS the Folowing Querystatment?
Query 2: (look up )
please anyone give the sample control flow and how to pass the parameter?
I'm facing to set report parameter  report parameter need to be date time so that calendar will be displayed but data set field is integer data type?Now report shows error message.
I have an issue where I need to set a whole bunch of internal parameters' values to the result of a dataset first executed with the report...nothing new or majestic about it.  The problem is that the 'First dataset', under some parameter values, return no records..it is empty (which is fine). But this meas that these internal parameters error my report as the 'NEED' a value even though I have specified a default, I still get the 'Paremeter X is missing a value' error. I just want the other datasets, which are reliant on these erroring parameters to either execute with parameter values of 0 or not execute at all. Thus I want the sub datasets to return with blank data in this case or not execute at all.  How can I achieve this?
I am trying to run the report by passing the parameters using url.
I get the error when I add the "Year" parameter in the above url, after adding this I get error "The full path must be less than 260 characters long; other restrictions apply. If the report server is in native mode, the path must start with slash. (rsInvalidItemPath)
I am passing parameter through URL for SSRS report viewer. My parameter value contains '&' character like "P&B Ltd". It is showing below error :
The path of the item '..//' is not valid. The full path must be less than 260 characters long; other restrictions apply. If the report server is in native mode, the path must start with slash. (rsInvalidItemPath)
Is it possible to save a report parameter somewhere in the report to use it for subsequent refresh or report runs of the same report?
I have a value that is dynamically calculated. The report is called from Microsoft Dynamics CRM. When calling the report from CRM first time the report shows the correct data. But when I want to show detail data by clicking on a bar in a bar chart the report lost its CRM context and shows the wrong data in the whole report (from completely different account).
On strategy against this could be to save the parameter (id of the account from who I select the data) in a "parameter" for later use.
Is this and how is this possible, or is there any other way to accomplish this.
So the user can enter a value for Location and Source and select the date range.BUT I also want the user to be able to put in nothing for the Location and Source so the query would return everything for that date range.
So if they did this the query would be
I have set the parameters @Location and @Source to "Allow blank value" in the datasets for the location and source I have :
So a blank will show on the drop down and when I run the query for the Query Designer in the Dataset Properties the results does show a blank record for the first record.BUT when I Run the report there are no blanks in the drop downs for the location or source. And there is no '<blank>' selection in the drop down either. And the drop down insist the user selects a value from both of the drop downs.
 Lob parameter is in the same dataset , But Year parameter is from different Dataset(Year_Param_DS).But If I am passing second parameter (Year) like Sum(Fields!Year_list.Value, "Year_Param_DS") i am not able to open the popup.
If i am removing the sum word Main report is giving an error that "Report item expressions can only refer to fields within the current dataset scope or, if inside an aggregate, the specified dataset scope."e syntax (I am working using MDX query) to pass two parameter through url, one from same dataset and 2nd is from another dataset.Or it is not possible to pass the value field from other Dataset in URL (Go to URL option).
Currently i am setting up a report. The data source comes from pre-defined custom datasets where i've pre-entered the parameters for both Month and Year.
I already have one table up and working, but now i need a new table below it with a % column for each month so it gives visibility for the trend in recent months. As the interactive parameters are already in place; when i try to create the table it comes through with the specific month that the parameters are set too, and change when the parameters are altered.Is there a way to ignore the parameters for this table; or get around it?
So this is my first time posting on MSDN but I am running into an issue I don't know how to circumvent. This issue isn't causing my report not to run but it makes it very confusing for end users. Â I am building a report for a user and he was cascading parameters. The parameters are Department (the Parent), Site (the Child) and Vehicle Class (the grandchild).
Here is my issue: If I select 2 Departments named Dept1 and Dept2, the Site parameter populates. If Dept1 and Dept2 have sites named the same, example fleet, Fleet shows up in the site parameter twice.Â
Then the Vehicle Class parameter populates. Now if at those sites they have the same vehicle class, lets say 1/2 ton pickup, 1/2 ton pickup is in the vehicle class parameter twice.Â
All three of these parameters are populated by a query and all of the queries are using SELECT DISTINCT. I know I could manually input values for the parameters but there are to many departments and sites and they all vary to much depending on the department.Â
Is there a way to to only have distinct values populate the parameter even if the parents have the same child?
@partno is defined a multivalue parameter.when I enter a single part number or leave it empty data is properly returned.when I enter multiple part numbers data is not returned. I have tried: 604-02394, 604-03492 in the parameter prompt.I have tried entering those parts on separate lines in the parameter prompt:
604-02394 604-03492
my sql query : and (fpartno in (@Partno) or '' in (@Partno))...I only want to see those two parts in the report.