Hi all,Is it possible to pass command line arguments to a package when running it from within VS? I want to set the value of a variable via the commandline, and found that you can to this in DtExec with the "/set Package.Variables[...].Value;..." syntax. According to the docs, you should be able to pass the same argument via the 'CmdLineArguments' property in the 'Properties' dialog of an SSIS project in VS (CmdLineArguments. Run the package with the specified command-line arguments. For information about command-line arguments, see dtexec Utility), but unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work (even though the exact same argument does work when entered in DtExec)
Does any know of a technique to filter out headers dashes and row count in an output file of an isql result? These switches seem to be available when running as isql/w, but not the command line. The -h-1 argument for no headers had no effect. Thanks in advance. Ron Hurley
I am passing some /SET commands on the command line when I execute packages I created in SSIS and have run from the SQL Server Job manager. When I put these same /SET commands on the command line arguments section of the project properties page I would expect they would be passed into the executed package when it is run thru BIDS. But the variables still have their defined values when the packages executes.
Is there a trick to getting command line arguments to work in the debugger for SSIS/BIDS??
Hi, I'm looking into the idea of building an enhanced version of dtexec.exe that builds in some extra logging features. My utility will execute packages using the Package.Execute() method.
Thing is, I'd still want to support all of the command-line options that dtexec supports. For example, my utility should accept "/set package.variables[myvariable].Value;myvalue" and pass it through to the executing package but I can't find a way of doing it using Package.Execute().
Am I missing something or is this just not possible?
I have created a job in SQL Server 2005 in which one of the step executes a .NET console application which is created in .NET to update some status to database before the next step. i need some help in sending some status back to sql job when i come accross any problem in the console application for ex when there is a exception i need to send some status to the job, so the job gets failed permanently. i tried few other methods of updating some temporary status database with this error information and have another intermediate step in the job to check for the status... it worked but i dont like doing it. please let me know if there is any other method to do this.
(I asked this question in another forum, but think it may be more of asql question)Hi.I bet this is a 101 question, but i'd appreciate any help!I am in the 'where...' section of the configure data source wizzard .(Visual Studio 2005) Column:(From my table) I select 'UserName' from drop-downOperator: I select '=' from drop-downBUT how do I get the UserName (The user is signed into the app) to pass to the where clause?Is it from the Form? Profile? Session?Ive tried Form.Page.User.Identity.Name.ToString; Form.NamingContainer.Page.User.Identity.Name.ToString; Profile.UserName; NOTHING works. IF I set the default value to a user name (eg joe_user) it retrieves fine, but I need it to retrieve for the currently signed in user. THANKS In advance.... Dan
The program shortcut "Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt" seems to be mising from the "Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt" Start menu added by the current Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Toolkit. Where is it? How to workaround?
I am trying to do Download details SQL Server 2005 Samples and Sample Databases (April 2006) -> GettingStartedWithSQLSamples.htm which says "a. Open a Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 command prompt. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, point to Visual Studio Tools, and then click Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt." but I can find no such command prompt within "Visual Studio Tools", only "Visual Studio 2005 Remote Debugger{, Configuration Wizard}".
What's wrong? How to fix or workaround? I'd install .NET SDK 2.0 to get it's Command Prompt but that's about 570MB merely for a command prompt!
I have an SqlDataSource control on my aspx page, this is connected to database by a built in procedure that returns a string dependent upon and ID passed in. I have the followinbg codewhich is not complet, I woiuld appriciate any help to produce the correct code for the code file Function GetCategoryName(ByVal ID As Integer) As String sdsCategoriesByID.SelectParameters("ID").Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Input sdsCategoriesByID.SelectParameters.Item("ID").DefaultValue = 3 sdsCategoriesByID.Select() <<<< THIS LINE COMES UP WITH ERROR 1End Function ERROR AS FOLLOWS argument not specified for parameter 'arguments' of public function Select(arguments as System.Web.DatasourceSelect Arguments as Collections ienumerable
Help I have not got much more hair to loose Thanks Steve
I have the following stored procedure ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.TextEntered @searchString varchar(30) /* ( @parameter1 datatype = default value, @parameter2 datatype OUTPUT ) */ AS Select GAVPrimaryKey, NAME from towns where NAME like @searchString order by NAME
RETURN doesn't work!!!! I would like to produce the following where s is @searchString: Select GAVPrimaryKey, NAME from towns where NAME like 's%' order by NAME Any ideas how I might acomplish this I have tried almost everything !
I am running my "execute process task" in a foreach loop that uses two variables (file paths) from the recordset that feeds into it.
My executable line looks like this: C:Program FilesWinZipWZZIP.EXE , which runs the command line Winzip executable and my argument line looks like this: -rp @ZipArch @ZipTxt.
When I replace the variables with literal strings, the process works (only once, of course).
My Argument won't parse in the expression editor, nor does the process run when embedded in the foreach loop. What am I doing wrong? Thanks for your help.
Hi all,The command is as follows:BCP asdos+_reports..StageCONTACTINFO OUT C:16E8.tmp -w -b10000 -t"|" -r-Sblrkec28791dsqlserver -Uadmin -Padmin -eC:ERRCONTACTINFO.txtHere, since the first argument(database name) has a special char '+' init, the command gives a syntax error. How can i escape it? Double quotes"",[] didnt work!! Pls help!TIA
I have a database in my "App_Data" folder of my visual studio project. I can view it fine in Visual Studio's built-in tools for managing a database attached to a solution. However i recently started playing around with the SQL Server Management Studio Express program. When i attach my database to Management Studio, and try to run my program it crashes. I think it might be a permissions error?!? When i detatch it and reattach it in visual studio it runs fine again. Any suggestions? ThanksJason
I recently installed the Evaluation Edition of SQL Server 2005 x64 and it appears that MS Visual Studio 2005 is installed in stead of SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio. When I choose new project the only template available is "Blank Solution". How do I get all the templates (i.e. Analysis Server Project, Integration Services Project, Report Model Project, Report Server Wizard project, etc.)?
Or would it be better to uninstall MS Visual Studio 2005 and attempt to reinstall BIDS?
I am new to visual studio and I am still not sure of all its components and features.
I installed visual studio 2005 standard edition but cannot find SQL Server Management Studio?
I guess this must be because it is not included with Visual studio 2005 standard. Is it included with VS 2005 professional?
I want to add pictures of products to my shopping site using an SQL database and I’ve been told that SQL Server Management studio is required as it is a graphical tool.
How would I go about obtaining the SQL server management studio. There seems to be different versions of SQL server that it is confusing to know which one to purchase.
Will the SQL server 2005 version that comes with Visual studio standard be sufficient for me now right? I want to create a shopping site with hundreds, perhaps even thousands of products. I want to use an SQL server 2005 database. The database will include ‘dynamically generated’ product images if that is the correct terminology.
My goodness, it seems I still have so much to learn.
I have created a database under management studio and i want it to be connected in visual studio but it failed the error msgs said that the database can't be connected coz the database with same name exits but that is not true
How do i get the database that i am using in visual studio into my SQL server management studio? i need to create some scripts to create stored procedures on a live server.
I have SSRS in Visual Studio. I created a query that works fine in SQL Server Management Studio, but when pasted into Visual Studio I get the error "An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near '('.
Here is the query. Can anyone help on why this isn't working? Thanks.
SELECT CASE WHEN MONTH(dbo.MAS_CCS_ARN_InvHistoryHeader.SOTransDate) = MONTH(GETDATE()) AND YEAR(dbo.MAS_CCS_ARN_InvHistoryHeader.SOTransDate) = YEAR(GETDATE()) THEN dbo.MAS_CCS_ARO_InvHistoryDetail.SOExtChargeAmount ELSE 0 END AS CurrentMonth, CASE WHEN SubString(dbo.MAS_CCS_GL_Account.Account,1,3) = '400' THEN 'ALEDO' ELSE ' ' END AS Location, dbo.MAS_CCS_ARN_InvHistoryHeader.SOTransDate, dbo.MAS_CCS_ARN_InvHistoryHeader.InvoiceNumber, dbo.MAS_CCS_AR1_CustomerMaster.CustomerName, dbo.MAS_CCS_ARO_InvHistoryDetail.DetailSeqNumber, dbo.MAS_CCS_ARO_InvHistoryDetail.LineType, dbo.MAS_CCS_GL_Account.Account, dbo.MAS_CCS_ARO_InvHistoryDetail.SOExtChargeAmount FROM dbo.MAS_CCS_AR1_CustomerMaster, dbo.MAS_CCS_ARN_InvHistoryHeader, dbo.MAS_CCS_ARO_InvHistoryDetail, dbo.MAS_CCS_GL_Account WHERE dbo.MAS_CCS_AR1_CustomerMaster.CustomerNumber = dbo.MAS_CCS_ARN_InvHistoryHeader.CustomerNumber AND dbo.MAS_CCS_ARN_InvHistoryHeader.InvoiceNumber = dbo.MAS_CCS_ARO_InvHistoryDetail.InvoiceNumber AND dbo.MAS_CCS_ARO_InvHistoryDetail.SOGLSalesAcct = dbo.MAS_CCS_GL_Account.AccountKey
Using Query Analyzer, I can right click on an object and select "scriptobject to new window as create" and I get the text of the object'sdefinition (schema). Can I get same result from command line, i.e., fromosql, I can get text output for the definition of the object (something likedefncopy under Sybase)? If so, what is the command or store procedure name?Thanks in advance.
hi I would appreciate if someone demonstrate how to automate ftp in a command line from within a batch file. I do want to move certain files from one server to another via ftp command line in an automatic fashion via running the batch periodically.
I use a similar command below to insert into a temp table the result of a large command line call to an exectable with many parameters passed in the command of which the result passed back contains many items. I then parse the response string to get my results...
set @command = 'dir' insert into tsverisign(response) exec master..xp_cmdshell @command
My question is our can I insert two values at the same time to this same table one of which is my "exec master..xp_cmdshell @command"
similar to insert into tables (field_a, feild_b) values ('1','2')
Something like (and I know this does not work):
insert into tsverisign(response,trans_id) values (exec master..xp_cmdshell @command, '123')
Any help would be greatly appreciated .... PS I'm new to MS SQL 2000 and proper syntax etc. etc. so I need full example so I can try. :rolleyes:
I was given a task of coming up with the script to recreate an existing database using a command line. I would use this script in case when the server is down and I can't get to Query Analyzer or EM to recreate it. I am not sure where to start. Any ideas are greatly appreciated.