Passing Parameter From SQL Task To DataReader SQLCommand

Aug 27, 2007


Newbee here

64 bit SQL 2005 running on Windows Server 2003 X64

I have an exececute SQL task (in the control flow obviously)

SELECT MAX(last_update) AS OrdersLastUpdateFROM orders

This task executes successfully and I can see that my user variable called "User:tmOrdersLastUpdate" populates correctly in the "variables" pane.. ALL GOOD.

The next step of the Control flow is a dataflow task


DataFlow Source = DataReader Source (MySQL .NET connector)
DataFlow Dest = local SQL Server OLE DB.

In the DataFlow Source the DataReader SQLCommand property is
Select * from orders where last_update >= @User:tmOrdersLastUpdate

I've tried every conceivable permutation and I can't get SSIS to itnerpret the variable as always gets passed to the server as a literal.

How do I pass a user-defined global variable to the WHERE clause in a DataRader object?


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Passing An SQLcommand To A Web Service As Sqlcommand

Feb 10, 2008


Is it possible To pass an SQL command to a web service as

That means is ispossible to pass the actuall sql command instead of just the string?

If yes how can you do that??


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Using Variable In DataReader's SqlCommand Text

Jan 17, 2007

I'm attempting to configure a DataReader's SqlCommand text to use a package-level variable and I'm having trouble. I've read about using the "sql command from variable" option but although I see that during the configuration of Ole DB source, I don't see the same option for DataReader source. Viewing the properties of the DataReader and selecting the SqlCommand property does have button to configure the value but only displays a string value editor window. (I was hoping for the expression editor.)

The configured connection to the DataReader uses the odbc Data Provider (under .Net providers). I'm connecting to mySql, if that matters.

What I'm looking to do is to use a variable in the where clause of the DataReader's SqlCommand. Any hints how to accomplish this or other ideas would be greatly appreciated.


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Problem With Variable In DataReader SQLCommand

Nov 20, 2007

I'm trying to set the SQLCommand of a DataReader with a string variable (at the DataFlow Task level), and I'm having some problems. The source is a DB2 table. The destination is an MS Excel file. Here is what I have:

1. A variable named SQLStatementDataFlow of type String. EvaluateAsExpression is set to True, and the SQL statement in the expression evaluates without a problem.
2. In the Expression property of the DataFlow Task, I have the [SqlCommand] property configured with the variable.

First, in the component properties of the DataReader, what kind of SQLCommand do I set up here if the DataFlow SQLCommand is configured to use a variable?

Thank you for your help!


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DataReader With ODBC As Source Using A User Variable In The Sqlcommand

Nov 15, 2007

Does anyone know how I can use a user variable in a sqlcommand in a Datareader source with an ODBC connection as the source?
I am storing a date value in a user variable(Date) I fill with a SQL Task and then want to use the value in the sqlcommand I use in the Datareader Source. It won't let me use the @variablename in the sql command.
Can anyone help with some advice on how I can make this work?
Appreciate any help I can get.
Thank you

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Setting Expressions In Datareader's SQLCommand Property Dynamically

Sep 19, 2006

Hi all,

I have been playing with integration services for a few days and at the moment, its up there with my list of software that I find ......painful.

What I am trying to do is read different tables from my one SQL database, then populate my Access database with its data.

I have put a foreach loop which goes through a collection SQL statements that I have entered into it. It first assigns it to a string variable called tablenameVar which contain statements such as "Select * from Terminals". Then the datareader is supposed to execute it based on the connectstring which never changes, and the SQLCommand value which I passed using the variable @[User::tableName]. However when I try to run it, I'm getting this error.

TITLE: Package Validation Error

Package Validation Error


Error at Data Flow Task [DTS.Pipeline]: "component "DataReader Source" (1)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_NEEDSNEWMETADATA".

Error at Data Flow Task [DTS.Pipeline]: One or more component failed validation.

Error at Data Flow Task: There were errors during task validation.




Does anyone have an idea of what I should do? or maybe a better way to do it? I appreciate you guys for taking a time to look at this.



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Passing A Parameter To A SQL Task

Nov 5, 2007


The genereal Properities of my SQL Task are

ResultSet : None
Conection Type : OLEDB
SQLSourceType : Direct Input

SQL Statement :

Update NewFile
Set CompanyID = 'S',
CompanyName = 'SA',
CustomerName = 'SA TEST',
CustomerCode = ?

BypassPrepare : True

Parameter Mapping
Variable Name Direction Data Type Parameter Name
User::Variable2 Input LONG 0

When executing the SSIS Package I get the Following Error

SSIS package "Test.dtsx" starting.

Error: 0xC002F210 at Update Company ID and Name, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query
"Update NewFile

Set CompanyID = 'S',

CompanyName = 'SA',

CustomerName = 'SA TEST',

CustomerCode = ?

" failed with the following error: "Syntax error or access violation". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

Task failed: Update Company ID and Name

SSIS package "Test.dtsx" finished: Success.

Please Help

Many Thanks In Advance

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Parameter Passing In Execute SQL Task

Mar 20, 2008

Hi All,

I have a Doubt in Parameter Passing in Execute SQL Task.

In Execute SQL Task, I have an Insert query in which I want to pass the Database Name Dynamically i.e. passing it as a parameter.

The query is --------- Insert into [?].[dbo].[DimCurrency] values( value1, value2, value3)

I want to pass this Database name using a user variable. But I am not able to do so.

What is the catch in this, Can anybody please help me out.

Thanks & Regards,
kapadia Shalin P.

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Passing Parameter To SQL Task Variable

Sep 25, 2006

I am trying to exectue SQL task as below by passing a parameter

If I try....

@v1 datetime

set @v1 = convert(datetime, ? ,103)

it fails with below error

" failed with the following error: "Syntax error or access violation". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

however the below code works well

delete from t1 where last_update = convert(datetime, ? ,103)

What could be the problem?

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SQL Task - Passing In A Parameter - Now Rows Returned

Mar 29, 2007


am trying to do something which I thought would be simple to do in SSIS, several hours am still struggling with it. Not sure if this a bug or a restriction of the product. Or if im hitting some kind of compatability issue because im trying to get to a Oracle database.

Have a sql task which passes in a parameter, I then query my Oracle database and am trying the result (single row) into another variable.


Variable Name = Subsystem

Scope= Package

Value = pgc

Data Type = string



Have also tried:


Result Set = Single Row

Parameter Mapping:

VariableName = User:ubsystem

Direction = Input

Data Type=Varchar

Parameter Name= 0

Parameter Size= -1 (have also tried 3 - length of variable)

Oracle Table:

SQL> desc sys_subsystem
Name Null? Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------




The Error:

[Execute SQL Task] Error: An error occurred while assigning a value to variable "SubsystemName": "Single Row result set is specified, but no rows were returned.".

I have another SQL Task that performs an update on this same table and I also pass in the same variable but it works?


UPDATE sys_subsystem
SET as_process_fg = 'X'
WHERE subsystem_id = ?0

The parameter mappings are the same as above.

Any assistance here would be much appreciated.



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Transact SQL :: Passing Parameter To Execute Task

Aug 6, 2015

In temp table there rae data which start with 1 and 2.I want to select only those record which start with 1 Zone is a parameter to the Execute sql task in ssis package..I have created sample code to test when I am running my query I am not getting anything

create table #temp
( zoneid bigint
insert into #temp values(100000000000000000)
insert into #temp values(100000000000000000)
insert into #temp values(100000000000000000)
insert into #temp values(100000000000000000)
insert into #temp values(200000000000000000)
insert into #temp values(200000000000000000)


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Execute SQL Task Fails When Passing A Parameter Using OLE DB

Apr 26, 2008

I have a SSIS Execute SQL Task that calls a stored procedure with a date parameter. The text of the stored procedure is an "INSERT INTO .. SELECT ..." statement. When I run the text in Query Analyzer, it completes successfully. When I call the Stored Procedure, it executes but does not insert the data. Setting ByPass Prepare to True does not affect the outcome. I also used the query directly in the SQL task itself to no avail. Executing the query in Query Analyzer works. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


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Having Issues Passing Parameter Into SQL Execute Task

Oct 12, 2007

Hi, this might be a simple one, but I have been stuck on it for days. I am just getting into SSIS and have been muddling through it for the rest of this package but I am stuck on this. I am using this SQL Execute Task to run some lookup queries and then call the sp_send_dbmail stored procedure. I have this placed in a For Each loop container. I am using a SELECT DISTINCT Branch FROM table1 into an Object parameter, and passing that into the loop container. I am then using a Input Parameter into this SQL Execute Task of type String. I have run a Script task right before this step to ensure that the variable is populated and correct. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Here is the SQL Execute Task :

DECLARE @SQL varchar(2400), @emaillist varchar(200),
@branchMgrEmail varchar(100), @officeMgrEmail varchar(100),
@branchMgrEmpNo varchar(5), @officeMgrEmpNo varchar(5), @subjectline varchar (100),
@Today varchar(10), @BranchNumber varchar(2)
SET @BranchNumber = ?
SET @Today = convert(char(8),getdate(),1)
SET @SQL = 'SELECT rtrim(CONVERT(char(10), PostedDate, 101)) AS Posted_Date,
CAST(Branch AS CHAR(2)) AS Branch,
CAST(Department AS CHAR(2)) AS Department,
CAST(InvoiceNumber AS CHAR(7)) AS Invoice_Number
FROM onbase.dbo.MHC_IncompleteRepairOrders
WHERE Branch = ' + @BranchNumber +
'AND HardCardCount = 0
AND WorkAuthCount = 0
AND QualityControlCount = 0
AND MiscDocsCount = 0'
SET @subjectline = @Today + ' - Repair Order Validation Notification for Branch #' + @BranchNumber
SET @branchMgrEmpNo = (SELECT branchempno FROM onbase.dbo.BranchMaster WHERE Branch = @BranchNumber)
SET @officeMgrEmpNo = (SELECT officeempno FROM onbase.dbo.BranchMaster WHERE Branch = @BranchNumber)
SET @branchMgrEmail = (SELECT empemailaddress FROM onbase.dbo.ActiveDirectory WHERE CAST(empno AS integer) = @branchMgrEmpNo)
SET @officeMgrEmail = (SELECT empemailaddress FROM onbase.dbo.ActiveDirectory WHERE CAST(empno AS integer) = @officeMgrEmpNo)
SET @emaillist = @branchMgrEmail + '; ' + @officeMgrEmail
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@recipients = '',
--@recipients = @emaillist,
--@copy_recipients = 'email@email,
@attach_query_result_as_file = 0,
@subject = @subjectline,
@body = 'This email contains a list of Stuff

@query = @SQL,
@query_result_header = 1,
@query_result_separator = '|',
@query_result_width = 150,
@exclude_query_output = 1,
@profile_name = 'MAIL'

This is a copy of the ERROR message that I am receiving. Any suggestions?

failed with the following error: "Syntax error, permission violation, or other nonspecific error". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

Task failed: Send email to Branch Mgr and Office Mgr

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Problem When Passing Parameter To Execute SQL Task

Oct 18, 2006


I have a execute sql task to create and drop logins. I want to create/drop the ASPNET login, but I need to pass the domain using a parameter. So I mapped a parameter:

Variable name: User::serverName

Direction: Input

DataType: Varchar

Parameter Name:0

and the sql is the following:


But I get the error:

Executing the query "CREATE LOGIN [?ASPNET] FROM WINDOWS failed with the following error: "Windows NT user or group '?ASPNET' not found. Check the name again.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you!

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Passing Parameter To Kill Staement In Execute SQL Task

Oct 18, 2007


I have an Execute SQL Task that contains the following line:

kill ?

I have a variable (Spid) that I would like to pass as a parameter.

The connection is OLEDB.

I have tried naming the parameter 0, 1 but to no avail

I have also tried:

kill @spid

and named the parameter @Spid. This also does not work.

The variable contains a value obtained from a query that returns a spid for a locked table and is type INT32.

Can I even use the kill statement in such a context?

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Passing Object Variable As Input Parameter To An Execute SQL Task Query

Mar 29, 2007

I've encountered a new problem with an SSIS Pkg where I have a seq. of Execute SQL tasks. My question are:

1) In the First Execute SQL Task, I want to store a single row result of @@identity type into a User Variable User::LoadID of What type. ( I tried using DBNull Type or Object type which works, not with any other type, it but I can't proceed to step 2 )

2) Now I want to use this User::LoadID as input parameter of What type for the next task (I tried using Numeric, Long, DB_Numeric, Decimal, Double none of there work).

Please give me solutions for the above two..

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Passing Variable To SqlCommand

May 18, 2007

 Can't seem to pass a variable to the sql statement. I'd appreciate any help. I'm trying to pass pColName to  CommandText = "ALTER TABLE tb_roomInfo ADD @rColName  varchar(50);";Doesn't seem to work though. CODE:  [WebMethod]    public string addCol(string pColName)    {                    SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(connString);        try        {                        cnn.Open();            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();            cmd.Connection = cnn;                       cmd.CommandText = "ALTER TABLE tb_roomInfo ADD @rColName  varchar(50);";            SqlParameter rColName = new SqlParameter("@rColName", pColName);            cmd.Parameters.Add(rColName);            int i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();            cnn.Close();            return "Insert Successful";        }        catch        {                        return "Insert Unsuccessful";        }    }

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XML Parameter In Sqlcommand

Mar 6, 2007

I created an xmldocument which I would like to insert in a db field with the data type XML.The following code is giving me the error:System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: XML parsing: line 1, character 38, unable to
switch the encoding             SqlCommand cmdUpdate = new SqlCommand("sp_AddHistory", sqlConnection);            cmdUpdate.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;            cmdUpdate.Parameters["@FieldsChanged"].Value = xmlDoc.innerXML; // don't know whether this is good             cmdUpdate.ExecuteNonQuery(); innerXML:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Fields>    <Field>        <FieldName>comp_Area</FieldName>        <OldValue>Area 52</OldValue>        <NewValue>Area 51</NewValue>    </Field></Fields> The XML seems fine.. any ideas? 

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Passing A Table Programmatically To Datareader Source Component In Ssis

Feb 26, 2007

Hi There,

I am loading/executing packages from c# and I need to populate a temp table from user input and pass this table as a variable to the datareader source components sql command. I am using expression to build this query, but I am getting design time error when I have this command..

"select id, (SysDate + 28) as ExpiresDate from Table1 where id in (Select Id from" +@[User::Table2]+")"..

I have declared Table2 as a variable of type Object and I am creating Table2 in C# and I am assigning that Table to the user Table. But in the design mode, I am getting an error...expression cannot be evaluated.

Can anybody please tell me when I cannot do this?


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Can I Add Integer Array To SQLCommand As Parameter?

Jun 3, 2008

I'm trying to build an SQL string that should look like this when executed:
UPDATE [Table] SET Active = 'False' WHERE ID IN (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, etc.)
I'm using the convention (in code behind):SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("UPDATE [Table] SET Active = 'False' WHERE ID IN (@TheIDs)", connection);cmd.Parameters.Add("TheIDs", SqlDbType.Text).Value = theIDsAsAnArrayList;
But logically enough I cannot insert them as a text string as they have to be integers seperated by commas.
Question: How can I convert an Array of integers into ... well, a string without the quotes, if you know what I mean?
As it cannot end up like this: UPDATE [Table] SET Active = 'False' WHERE ID IN ("3, 4, 5, 6, 7, etc.")
Note the quotes around the integers.
Any hints on doing this with security in mind are welcome. I know I can concatenate the whole lot as strings, but this is unsecure, so I'm not going for that approach.

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Failed Searching Records By Using SQLCommand Parameter LIKE '%@keywords%'

Aug 8, 2007

I use SQL Server 2005 Developer. I failed to search the records by using SQLCommand Paramater. Please find the code below.
However, when I hardcode like  LIKE '%sudoku%' , it works. Could aynone help?
Andy.private bool searchProducts(string keywords)
command.CommandText = "SELECT Product.ProductID, Product.Name, Product.Image, ProductPrice.Price, ISNULL(SpecialProduct.PromoDiscount,0) as PromoDiscount FROM Product INNER JOIN ProductPrice ON Product.ProductID = ProductPrice.ProductID LEFT OUTER JOIN SpecialProduct ON Product.ProductID = SpecialProduct.ProductID WHERE Product.Name LIKE '%@keywords%' ";
command.Parameters.Add("@keywords", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100);
command.Parameters["@keywords"].Value = keywords;

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The Best Overloaded Method Match For 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.SqlCommand Error

Sep 21, 2006

Hi,I'm new to ASP.NET, and am currently looking into XML.I'm trying to write XML using data from an SQL Server 2000 table.  But I seem to be getting the following error regarding the SQL Server connection:Compiler Error Message: CS1502: The best overloaded method match for 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.SqlCommand(string, System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection)' has some invalid argumentsSource Error:Line 23: {
Line 24: SqlDataAdapter mySqlDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter();
Line 25: mySqlDataAdapter.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand(queryString, connString);
Line 26: mySqlDataAdapter.Fill(myDataSet);
Line 27: return myDataSet;Source File: c:InetpubwwwrootmappingcreateGeoRSSFile.aspx.cs    Line: 25 This is my code:using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient ;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Xml;

public partial class createGeoRSSFile : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, DataSet myDataSet, EventArgs e)
string connString = "server=SQLSERV1;database=Historical_Statistics;UID=dbuser;PWD=Password";
string queryString = "SELECT Town, PostCode, Latitude, Longitude FROM UKPostCodes";

using (SqlConnection mySqlConnection = new SqlConnection(connString))
SqlDataAdapter mySqlDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter();
mySqlDataAdapter.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand(queryString, connString);
return myDataSet;

// Create a new XmlTextWriter instance
XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(Response.OutputStream, Encoding.Unicode);

// Start writing!

// Creating the <town> element
writer.WriteElementString("PostCode",myDataSet .Tables[1].Columns("PostCode"));
writer.WriteElementString("geo:lon", myDataSet.Tables[1].Columns("Longitude"));


}What seems to be causing this error?Thanks. 

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Pass A Variable To A DataReader In A DataFlow Task

Feb 13, 2007

How can I pass a variable to a DataReader in a DataFlow task?

My SqlCommand for the DataReader is:
SELECT CustName, CustCode FROM Customers WHERE CustCode = '?'

The DataFlow task is nested in a ForEach loop. I confirmed that the variable is changing with each loop by using a ScriptTaks and a message box. However, the DataReader SqlCommand does not seem to be updating.

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Reporting Services :: Multi-value Parameter Not Passing In Subreport Parameter List

Jul 29, 2015

I have two report , first is main report which is matrix and have one parameter User_ids which is multi value selection and my second report is basic chart of user_wise performance.

Now, my main report (matrix ) works fine for Multiple selection of users and i have putted one textbox on main report chart which has action properties set for chart report, when user click on chart button it must goes to chart with user selected in main report. Now , i have used expression for parameter to send it like ..

=join(parameter!user_id!value,",") which pass selected value to chart 

And when I am selecting single user it passing that value to chart parameter list but , when it is more than one user it errors with conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '121,128' to data type int. But my chart also works when passing 121,128 in user parameter in preview of report .

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Reporting Services :: Passing Parameter Via URL Using Javascript - Missing Parameter Value

Dec 3, 2015

Using SQL Server 2008R2 and Report Builder 3.0..I have an action set in a text box of a table. My intent is to pass the value of that text box (which is variable) to a sub-report in a popup window. Here's my code: URL....The parameter of the report I'm trying to open is @SONum.I'm guessing my error is involved in the formatting of how the value of the parameter is being passed. I've also seen examples where the report server and report values were parameterized, but I don't know where to define

Parameters!ServerAddress.Value anywhere.Do I need to have something set up a certain way within the report I'm opening? Here's the report Parameter settings on the report I'm trying to open.

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Execute SQL Task – Output Parameter On Stored Procedure Causes Task To Fail.

Dec 2, 2005

I have a SQL Task that calls a stored procedure and returns an output parameter.  The task fails with error "Value does not fall within the expected range."   The Stored Procedure is defined as follows: Create Procedure [dbo].[TestOutputParms]             @InParm INT ,             @OutParm INT OUTPUT as Set @OutParm  = @InParm + 5   The task uses an OLEDB connection and has a source type of Direct Input.  The SQL Statement is Exec TestOutputParms 7, ? output    The parameter mapping is: Variable Name Direction Data Type Parameter Name User::OutParm Output LONG @OutParm  

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Passing Parameter To SP Using IN

Jan 18, 2002


I have a stored proc as follows:

Create stored procedure sp_test
@Cno nvarchar (1000) AS
SELECT * FROM Contracts WHERE Cno IN (@Cno)

How do I actually pass the parameters to the stored proc?

sp_test "'cn01','cn02','cn03','cn04'" doesn't work.

In VB.NET this doesn't work either:
dim s as string = "'cn01','cn02','cn03','cn04'"
cmd.parameters.add(new sqlparameter("@Cno",nvarchar,1000))
cmd.parameters("@Cno").value = s

I don't want to parse the string inside the proc and then Exec the parsed string.

Jeremy Holt

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Passing A Parameter Value

Apr 9, 2008

Hi ,

I have this situation,I need to store results of a Select Count(*) from TableA to a parameter and only if the value of the count(*) is greater than 50,000,a notification mail would be sent out to the table owner.Currently this is what I have done:
1) Use SQL task to include "Select Count(*) from TableA"
2) In parameter mapping tab of SQL Task, define the following
Parameter name : Table::Count
Direction: Input
Data Type: Numeric
Parameter Name : @Count
3) I have connected the SQL Task to a Send Mail Task [ Only If @count>50 000, then a mail should be sent out]
4) The constraints has been set as
Evaluation Operation : Expression and Constraints
Value: Success
Expression : @Count >"50000"

In SSIS tab > Variable
I have set the following
Variable Name : Count
DataType : Int32

Can someone advise me where I am going wrong, as when I execute the SQL Task turns greens and ends.Even when the count of tableA is greater than 50 000, no mails I sent out[send mail task does not get executed]

Thank You in Advance

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Passing Parameter To A URL

Mar 18, 2008

how can i pass report parameter via URL?

my jump to URL link is:

and i want to pass two parameters: billingmonth and phoneno

how can i do that?

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Passing Parameter

Jul 23, 2005

I have a stored procedure named "processInventory" like the following.Depending on the passed in parameters, I would like to add a WHEREclause for "select" action. For example, if any varchar type ofparameter is passed in, the where clause would use "LIKE" operator. Forexample, "Select * from Main where [s/n] like @Serial. All other typeswill use "=" operator. For example, "Select * from Main where MAKE =@Make and Type = @type".How could this be achieved? Thanks.CREATE PROCEDURE processInventory@Action varchar(7),@ControlNumber int = null,@AssetTag int = null,@Serial varchar(50) = null,@Description varchar(50) = null,@Make int = null,@Type int = null,@Model int = null,@Status int = null,@Networked bit = null,@LoginName varchar(50) = null,@Shared bit = null,@Org varchar(15) = null,@RecordDate datetime = null,@LastUpdate datetime = null,@ManufactureDate datetime = null,@Comment ntext = nullASdeclare @processError intset @processError = 0if @Action = 'Select' goto selectInventoryelseIf @Action = 'Update'beginif @ControlNumber = null return(1) --Required parameter value notspecifiedelsegoto updateInventoryendelseif @Action = 'Insert'beginif @Serial = null return(1) --Required parameter value notspecifiedelsegoto InsertInventoryendelseif @Action = 'Delete'beginif @ControlNumber = null return(1) --Required parameter valuenot specifiedelse goto deleteInventoryendselectInventory:if @Serial <> nullbeginselect * from Main where [S/N] like @Serialif @@Error<>0beginset @processError = @@Errorreturn @processErrorendendelseif @ControlNumber <> nullbeginselect * from Main where ControlNumber = @ControlNumberif @@Error <>0beginset @processError = @@Errorreturn @processErrorendendelseselect top 100* from MainupdateInventory:update MAINset [Org Asset Tag] = @AssetTag, [S/N] = @Serial, [Description]= @Description, Make = @Make, Type = @Type,Model = @Model, Status = @Status, Networked = @Networked,LoginName = @LoginName, Shared = @Shared,Org = @Org, [Date Of Record] = @RecordDate, [Date LastUpdated] = @LastUpdate, [Manuf Date] = @ManufactureDate,Comments = @Commentwhere ControlNumber = @ControlNumberif @@ERROR <> 0beginset @processError = @@ERRORreturn @processErrorendelsereturn(0) -- successful updateinsertInventory:insert MAIN([Org Asset Tag], [S/N], [Description], Make, Type,Model, Status, Networked, LoginName, Shared,Org, [Date Of Record], [Date Last Updated], [ManufDate],Comments)values(@AssetTag, @Serial, @Description, @Make, @Type, @Model,@Status, @Networked, @LoginName, @Shared,@Org, @RecordDate, @LastUpdate, @ManufactureDate,@Comment)if @@ERROR <> 0beginset @processError = @@ERRORreturn @processErrorendelse return(0) -- successful insertdeleteInventory:delete MAIN where ControlNumber = @ControlNumberif @@ERROR <> 0beginset @processError = @@ERRORreturn @processErrorendelse return(0) -- successful deleteGO

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Passing Parameter To A Dts

Jun 17, 2005

I don't understand how to pass a parameter to a dts package from another. In SQL 2000 you can map a variable with a variable of the package you will call.

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Passing Parameter Using .SQL

May 11, 2006

Hi all

I need to pass parameters when I call a .SQL file.
Is there a way to do this in SQL Server?


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Regarding Parameter Passing

Dec 21, 2006

Hi guys...

As of now I'm working on a certian report which needs to pass a certain parameter to another dataset... I'm refering to the dataset of the same report. Can anyone tell me how this is done? I really need to know it to finish my report...

Thanks a bunch in advance!

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