Passing A Specific Cursor Record To A Function

Jul 20, 2005


Is it possible? Can I select a specific record of the cursor to be
sent to a seperate function to do all the computations etc.?


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How To Create An Copy Of A Certain Record Except One Specific Column That Must Be Different && Insert The New Record In The Table

Sep 1, 2006

I have a table with a user column and other columns. User column id the primary key.

I want to create a copy of the record where the user="user1" and insert that copy in the same table in a new created record. But I want the new record to have a value of "user2" in the user column instead of "user1" since it's a primary key


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Passing A Parameter To A USE Command Within A Cursor

May 27, 2008

Hi everyone I am trying to pass a parameter to a USE command within the body of a cursor. I keep getting an error. Here is my code.

Code Snippet
Declare @SQLText2 as NVARCHAR (2000)

DECLARE Cursor_Trial CURSOR FOR SELECT name FROM sys.sysdatabases order by name
Declare @name as varchar(255)
Open Cursor_Trial
FETCH NEXT FROM Cursor_Trial INTO @name
Use @name --------This is where I'm getting the error

Set @SQLText2 = @name
select @SQLText2, * from sys.database_principals
where type_desc='DATABASE_ROLE'
and name = 'xxxxx'

FETCH NEXT FROM Cursor_Trial INTO @name


CLOSE Cursor_Trial

As you can see I am trying to pass the next database name into the body of the cursor so that the query will pull the role information only for the current database in the loop. Any thoughts or tips? Is there a better way to accomplish what I'm trying to do here?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Cursor Stop Query At Specific Time?

Oct 29, 2015

This store procedure will get some executable queries from the select statement, the cursor will fetch each rows to execute the query and insert the queries into table_3 to mark as 'E'. Until 17:00, this store procedure will stop execute the queries and just get the queries from select statement insert into table_3 to mark as 'C'.

I don't know why the outputs in table_3 are quiet different than I think. This store procedure comes out with two exactly same queries and one marked as C and another marked as E.

'This is a executable query'
FROM table_1
DECLARE @table_2


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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Cursor Stop Query At Specific Time

Oct 29, 2015

This store procedure will get some executable queries from the select statement, the cursor will fetch each rows to execute the query and insert the queries into table_3 to mark as 'E'. Until 17:00, this store procedure will stop execute the queries and just get the queries from select statement insert into table_3 to mark as 'C'.

I don't know why the outputs in table_3 are quiet different than I think. This store procedure comes out with two exactly same queries and one marked as C and another marked as E.

'This is a executable query'
FROM table_1
DECLARE @table_2

[Code] ....

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How To Get Specific Record From Database

Feb 26, 2008

 HI How to get 100 ,500 and 1000 or (any particular record) record fromDatabase .Shafqat Soomro     

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How To Select Specific Record.

Oct 24, 2007

Group_Code *****Station_nbr*****Beg_Eff_Date*****End_eff_date

00000002 D01G00733 1/1/2007 8/31/2007
00000002N D01G00733 4/1/2007 8/31/2007
00000002W D01G00733 1/1/2007 12/31/2007

For the report I just want to be able to pick up the first and the last line.

Using dbo.Station_group Table

Thank you for the help

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Q:Duplicate A Record Except One Or Two Specific Fields Using SQL

Oct 30, 2000

Using Transact-SQL how can I copy all fields except one from one record to another? The field in question being the identity field. Since, this field cannot be duplicated a simple INSERT statement fails. How can I specify an exclusion list of fields?


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Can't Fetch Record From Cursor

Nov 4, 2007

I'm relatively inexperienced in sql, and am having trouble interpreting the behavior of a cursor in some code I have inherited.  When there is a record in both the Filters and FilterElements tables, the fetch_status is 0.  If there is a record in Filters, but no child record in FilterElements, the fetch_status is -1.  Since the tables are joined with a RIGHT OUTER JOIN, even when there is no corresponding record in FilterElements, a record is returned (I have verified running the select in a query window).  But when used in a cursor, the record is not fetched.  The fetch_status is -1.  Can anyone tell me why the fetch doesn't work in this case.  Thanks
DECLARE @CreatedByUser nchar(100), @WorkflowIDs varchar(50);
SET @MyVariable = CURSOR FOR
SELECT isnull(Filters.WorkflowIDs, ''),
isnull(FilterElements.CreatedByUser, '')
FROM Filters RIGHT OUTER JOINFilterElements ON Filters.ItemID = FilterElements.FiltersItemID
WHERE FiltersItemID = @FilterID;
OPEN @MyVariable;FETCH NEXT FROM @MyVariable
INTO @WorkflowIDs, @CreatedByUser;

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Update Record In A Cursor

Apr 20, 2004

Please tell me how to code the Update of the current cursor record as one would do using VD/ADO :

VB: Table("Fieldname") = Value

Declare @NextNo integer
Select @NextNo = (Select NextNo from NextNumbers where NNId = 'AddressBook') + 1

--Create a Cursor through wich to lo loop and Update the ABAN8 with the corrrect NextNo
DECLARE Clone_Cursor CURSOR FOR Select ABAN8 from JDE_Train.trndta.F0101_Clone
Open Clone_Cursor
Fetch Next from Clone_Cursor
Select @NextNo = @NextNo + 1
Clone_Cursor("ABAN8") = @NextNo
Update Clone_Cursor

CLOSE Clone_Cursor

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Want To Query One Specific Record From Database Table

Feb 27, 2008

I have two tables in my database: order_id with fields order (text) and comp_ID (int) and another table called customers with comp_ID (int) and company name (text) and other company information fields. The link between the two tables is the comp_ID. With every order that's made the company that made the order is stored with it in the order_id table.  If I type in the order id (text), I want to be able to use the order id to search the order_id table and find out what the comp_ID of the company that made that order is. Then use that comp_ID to pull up the record of company information from the customers table with the same comp_ID. Is there some way to do this in one query? Or how do I accomplish this?  

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: CTE Query To Find Specific Record?

Sep 18, 2015

I need to build a CTE query to find for the same Cabstamp (document) where i have different Origin.

I know that i can build this with a correlated subquery, but i´am curious about using CTE.

I post sample create Script:

create table #temp (Cabstamp varchar(10), account varchar(10),document varchar(15), origin varchar(2), debit numeric(10,2), credit numeric(10,2), datalc datetime)

insert into #temp (Cabstamp,account,Document, origin, debit, credit, datalc)
select 'ADM12345',111,'CMP-01','FO',1000,0, '20150110'
select 'ADM12345',112,'CMP-01','FO', 500, 0,'20150110'
select 'ADM12345',6811,'CMP-01','DO',0,1500,'20150110'


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Passing Variable On To Next Record

Jan 28, 2008

I am running a query in with my daily import job that lets me know if a duplicate record was imported into the system. If so I want to setup my email table to mail me the following information. My code works fine except the value of the variable @ID is only giving me the first record in the set. How do I pass it on to the next record? I get the right number of rows inserted into the email table but the @ID variable is the same for all 3.

Drop Table #SER1

Select id#,


Into #SER1

From Business

Group By id#

Having Count(id#) > 1

Declare @ID Varchar (4)

Select @ID = ID# from #SER1


( [To],









'Duplicate ID# Imported',

'ID# ' + @ID + ' has been imported multiple times ' + ' on ' + cast( getdate() AS varchar(30)) + '. You need to remove the record and rerun the import.',

'Daily Import',

@ID, 'Daily Import'


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Sum Function: Only On Specific Rows

Nov 16, 2006


I have a table where I want to use the sum function, but only on the rows with a positive value.

Is there any way to do this?

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Hide Specific Record(s) From Results

Nov 2, 2015

I have written a SQL statement.There is a table called customer.It contains all customer data with customerid as PK.There is another table called logs and it contains customerid as foreign key and it contains a field to keep more than 90 days older user accounts.That field name is "Checked"

What I need get all records from these 2 tables and remove/hide more than 90 days older customers from record set.See my illustration.

I have written this code but I dont understand how to remove more than 90 days older user from result (because customer table doesnt contain a record called "Checked")

FROM [dbo].[Customers],[dbo].[VIESLog] WHERE [dbo].[VIESLog].[Checked] < DATEADD(day, -90, GETDATE())

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Using A Cursor In A Function

Mar 20, 2003

I'm creating a user-defined functtion, with a cursor in it.... I really do not understand the errors that I am getting when I try to run my query :

Server: Msg 444, Level 16, State 1, Procedure BusStatus_chk, Line 48
Select statements included within a function cannot return data to a client.
Server: Msg 444, Level 16, State 1, Procedure BusStatus_chk, Line 66
Select statements included within a function cannot return data to a client.
Server: Msg 444, Level 16, State 1, Procedure BusStatus_chk, Line 69
Select statements included within a function cannot return data to a client.

The Create procedure statement is as follows:

CREATE FUNCTION DBO.BusStatus_chk( @busreg as varchar(10), @wday as tinyint, @stime as smalldatetime, @endtime as smalldatetime )

DECLARE @totaltime smallint
DECLARE @cnt int
DECLARE @thisDur smallint

Set @cnt = (Select Count(*) from Bus_Status where Bus_Reg = @busreg AND week_day = @wday)

IF @cnt > 0
Select @thisDur = DATEDIFF(mi, @stime, @endtime);

Select @totaltime = SUM(DATEDIFF(mi, Start_time, end_time))
FROM Bus_Status
WHERE Bus_Reg=@busreg AND week_day=@wday

IF @totaltime !> 0
Select @totaltime=0;

IF @thisDur !> 0
Select @thisDur = 0

Select @totaltime = @totaltime + @thisDur

IF @totaltime > 600

SELECT * FROM Bus_Status
WHERE Bus_Reg=@busreg AND week_day=@wday
AND @stime BETWEEN start_time and end_time

OPEN bustimes_cur
FETCH FIRST FROM bustimes_cur
FETCH NEXT FROM bustimes_cur


CLOSE bustimes_cur
DEALLOCATE bustimes_cur

DECLARE busEndtimes_cur CURSOR FOR
SELECT * FROM Bus_Status
WHERE Bus_Reg=@busreg AND week_day=@wday
AND end_time BETWEEN @stime and @endtime

OPEN busEndtimes_cur
FETCH FIRST FROM busEndtimes_cur
FETCH NEXT FROM busEndtimes_cur


CLOSE busEndtimes_cur
DEALLOCATE busEndtimes_cur

--END OF FUNCTION busStatus_chk

:confused: :confused:

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'One Table' Record To Separate 'two Or Three Tables' Using Cursor?

Jan 28, 2005

I would like to 'one table' record to separate 'two or three tables'
. I just know use the DTS , try to import and export again and agian.
So trouble.

Could you give me some suggestions for me? For example ,
'Cursor' write in new table . But I try to SQL Server Books Online
which is not suitable for me solving problems. One table separate two
or three tables. Can you wirte the detail example for me?
Thx a lot.

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How Do I Walk Through A Table One Record At A Time Without Using A Cursor

Feb 2, 2002

Hi, I'm newbie in SQL, could somebody tell me how do I walk through a table one record at a time without using a cursor please.

Greatly appreciated.

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Split Function With Cursor

Apr 7, 2008

I am trying to write a stored procedure that takes a comma separated letter. I have a split function that returns the splitted letters. I have select some values from the tables in the database where the title starts with each splitted letter. I thought I should use cursor that contains each letter and in the while loop i put my select statement with the conditions.
Is this the correct way. Or are there any ideas for this?



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Using A Cursor As A Function Parameter

Dec 12, 2007

I've created a function that converts the rows of a column into a delimited string using a passed cursor and delimiter character. In the past I did this in Oracle and called it as shown in the following example:

SELECT Table1.ID, Table1.FirstName, Table1.LastName, fnDelimitRows(CURSOR(SELECT Table2.CourseName FROM Table2 WHERE Table2.StudentID = Table1.ID), ',') AS AssignedCourses FROM Table1

23 John Smith CS101,MT200,BIO100
43 Julio Johnson CS200,ENG100,MT300

How would I pass a cursor into a function in SS like I did above in Oracle?


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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Join Tables To Get Only Record With Specific Field Value In A Table

Feb 6, 2015

I have a table of "applicants" with unique applicant id and another table "reviews" with reviews which has unique id and Emplid and contains general program name like Math and then may contain 3 addition rows for specific program like Calculus, algebra, geometry etc.

There may or may not be a record for each applicant id in table reviews or there can be 1 or more than one record in reviews based on level of review( General or Specific).

All the general reviews has “Math” as Program_code but if there are more reviews, they can have Program_code like “Cal” , “Abr”, “Geo”

I want to join the tables so I can get all the records from both the tables where Program_code in reviews table is “Math” only.

That is I want to join the table and get all the records from reviews table where the program_code is “Math” only
How can I do that?

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Passing Parameters To LIKE Function

Jul 22, 2007

 Hi,I want to pass parameter in to LIKE functionIs there anyway to do thatThanks,Janaka  

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Passing Parameter In Function

Mar 10, 2008

I have to pass 3parameters in function,
@begindate,@enddate and @group_type..
but in @group_type should be - state,zipcode and country from salestable

inview :vwstzipcont
create view vwstzipcont
select distinct s2.stype,s3.itemnmbr,s2.docdate,s3.state,s3.zipcode, from Salestable s3
left outer join (select distinct stype,docdate from salesdisttable) s2
on s2.stype = s3.stype
where s2.soptype = 2

create function mystzipcont

( @begindate datetime, @enddate datetime, @group_type char(70))

(Select distinct t.docdate,t.itemnmbr,t.index,t.group_type from
select distinct

p.index From Pubs P

inner join vwstzipcont vs

on vs.index = p.index

Where (vs.docdate between @begindate and @enddate)
and @group_type ) as t

order by t.itemnmbr,t.docdate


how can i assign @group_type variable or t.group_type? in s3.state,s3.zipcode,
can anyone tell me? what condition should be in where clause for this variable?


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Passing Columns To CLR Function

Jul 31, 2007

I am trying to send to colums to SQL CLR function and get some results. I want the CLR code be like:

Code Snippet
public void DoSomething(SqlDouble[] a, SqlDouble[] b, out SqlDouble x, out SqlDouble y, out SqlDouble z)
//Do Something...
x = ....

I want to call this code from SQL code:

Code Snippet

create table #Temp (float a,float b)
declare @x float
declare @y float
declare @z float
exec dbo.DoSomething(a,b,@x,@y,@z) ---????

Do someone have an idea?

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Passing Table Name As Parameter To Function

May 24, 2008

Hi all.

I'm writing reports in Rep. Services that reads data from Dynamics NAV (Navision). In NAV data are stored by company and this is implemented by using the company name as prefix to the table name. This means that in a NAV database with three companies (lets call these companies A, B and C) we will have three tables with customers. The table names will be A$Customer, B$Customer and C$Customer.

Now to my problem:

I wan't to write one report where I can choose company. I do not want to use a stored procedure. I want to use a function so I can use the function in select statements and join several functions to build up a report that needs data from several tables.

Is there some way to pass the table name or a part of the table name to a function that returns the content of the actual table? I know I can pass parameters that I can use in the where clause, but is it possible to do it with the table name. Or is there any other way to solve this.

All ideas are welcome. Thanks.

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Passing A Variable To Aggregate Function

Aug 29, 2013

I have cursor that loops through a table (the table only contains columnnames of several tables) the cursor has a variable declared @columnname. when i run the following it works fine

select @columnname,0,0,0,0
from temp_prt

it gives me my expected output


now i want to get the min of each column name like so

select @columnname,min(mtr_5120),0,0,0
from temp_prt ------> this works for min(mtr_5120)

now I want to generalize so I try to pass in the variable name and I do the following

select @columnname,min(@columnname),0,0,0
from temp_prt
(the columname (@columnname) exists in the table temp_prt)

but now i get an error
Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 29

Error converting data type varchar to can i pass the colunmame into the min and max functions or is that at all ppossible. I also tried the following:

select @columnname,'min(' + @columnname + ')',0,0,0
from temp_prt

but i get the same error
Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 29
Error converting data type varchar to decimal.

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Passing A Suquery To A Function As A Parameter

Feb 28, 2008

How would one pass a subquery to a function as a parameter?

I have a function, f_Split that returns a table and has two parameters @List varchar(max) and @Delim char(1). I'd like to use it to normalize rows in a table and return the results for use in a report. I tried the following:

SELECT * FROM dbo.f_Split((SELECT Code FROM Codes WHERE ID = 10), '|')

I'm getting a syntax error for the subquery. Could anyone show me the proper way to pass a subquery to a function, even if the function is different from what I have defined here.


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Transact SQL :: Passing Parameters Through SP To A Function

Sep 23, 2015

I have an SP that is working, it creates a Union between 3 tables then creates a single table - I am using Visual studio Grid Control to view this by a browser, its working.  at the bottom of the SP is a line of code that calls a function, the function queries a View.  When I run the SP, SQL returns the data from the Union plus the data from the select statement on the Function.  This all works but I can't get the data returned by the function query onto a browser.

I am doing it this was as the parameters in my SP are also used when calling the function, works really well.  Is GTotal a return value?

Here is my function:

/****** Object:  UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[FX_AnnaulBudget1]    Script Date: 23/09/2015 12:27:50 ******/

[Code] ....

...and here is my SP:

/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[USP_AnnualBudget]    Script Date: 23/09/2015 12:57:46 ******/
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[USP_AnnualBudget]

[Code] .....

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Automated Testing | How To Force GETDATE() Function To Return Specific Value?

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,Our QA team have running a lot of test scripts (for automated regressiontesting), they run them on the different databases (Oracle/MS SQL).Several of those tests are dependent on the current date/time. In order tobeable to use them efficiently, we changed the current date/time on the QAdatabase server to a specific date/time before starting the scripts, so weare sure the test scripts always run in the same environment.Resetting the date/time of the database server gives us more and moreproblems (OS problems, backup/ virusscan, ...).It is possible to fix the problem with SYSDATE function on Oracle by settingFIXED_DATE init parameter.Is it possible to 'change' the current date/time on 'database' level,instead of on OS level for MSSQL2000?Do you know other means to do such things?Thanks in advance,Konstantin

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Passing Variable To String Compare In Function

Dec 8, 2007

I have created a function with:


ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_concat_boxes](@item varchar, @week int)

DECLARE @Output varchar(100)

SELECT @Output = COALESCE(@Output + '/', '') +
CAST(quantity AS varchar(5))
FROM flexing_stock_transactions
WHERE item = @item AND week = @week
GROUP BY quantity
ORDER BY quantity

RETURN @Output


how can I pass the variable @item correctly for the string comparison

WHERE item = @item AND week = @week

to work correctly please?

WHERE item = '@item' AND week = @week

won't work and

WHERE item = @item AND week = @week

won't work.

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Passing Variable To Table Function In Join

Dec 26, 2007

Hello, thanks in advance for reading this. I am having difficulty trying to get a statement to work.

There is a MAIN table:
ItemNo int identity(1,0),
ItemType tinyint

There is a WETPAINT table:
ItemNo int,
Color varchar(20)

There is a DRYPAINT table:
ItemNo int,
Color varchar(20)

Now, what I want to do is JOIN the MAIN table to either the WETPAINT table or the DRYPAINT table depending on the value of MAIN.ItemType

So I created a table function called getTable:

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[gettable]
@ItemType int = 1
@thistable TABLE
Color varchar(20)

if @ItemType = 1
insert into @thistable (color) select color from WETPAINT
if @ItemType = 2
insert into @thistable (color) select color from DRYPAINT

This is all fine and dandy if I iterate through the MAIN table one row at a time, but how can I JOIN the tables, like:

SELECT MAIN.ItemNo, a.Color
INNER JOIN gettable(Main.ItemNo) as a
ON a.ItemNo = MAIN.ItemNo

Obviously, there is more than one field in the DRYPAINT and WETPAINT tables, and there is a need to have both tables instead of combining them into one.

Any help in how to create a table alias by passing a value from the select statement would be greatly appreciated! Thanks again.

PS -- I am trying to create a view with this, so I can't use variables and iterate through the MAIN table one row at a time.

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Transact SQL :: Passing Table Parameter To A Function

Nov 3, 2015

I have a function which accepts table parmeter. i have created a view and i need to use this function.

How can i do it. how can i pass dim table into the @table variable

select * from dim cross apply fnc_user(@table variable)

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SQL 2012 :: Passing Record Counts From Execute Task In SSIS To Package Variables

Mar 4, 2014

I've got a package in SSIS 2012 that has an Execute SQL task in the control flow level.

The SQL in question does an Upsert via the SQL merge statement. What I want to do, is return the count of records inserted and records updated (No deletes going on here to worry about). I'm using the output option to output the changed recs to a table variable.

I've tried returning the values as:

Select Count(*) as UpdateCount from @mergeOutput where Action = 'Update'
Select Count(*) as InsertCount from @mergeOutput where Action = 'Insert'

I've tried setting the resultset to both Single rowset and Full rowset, but i'm not seeing anything returned to the package variables I've set for them (intInsertcount and intUpdatecount).

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