Passing An IN (a, B, C) List To A Sproc As A String -- Best Method?

Jul 20, 2005

I want to do something like this in a stored proc:


Create Procedure dbo.GetPatients
@PatientIdList varchar(200) -- comma separated list of PatientIDs

Select *
From Patients
Where PatientId In (@PatientIdList)


I know the above won't work, but of course what I want is if
@PatientIdList = '1,2,3' then I want Patient records with PatientIds
1, 2, and 3 returned.

It looks like the only way to do this is to build the SQL statement as
a string within the stored procedure ... which pretty much defeats the
usefulness of using precompiled sprocs as I understand it (better off
building a dynamic query against a View in that case).


Joel Thornton ~ <>

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Passing Variables Into A SProc

Jan 17, 2007

If anybody could help me with this i would love to hear from you, at the moment this is driving me crazy?

now i have a stored procedure in SQL server 2000, which i need to pass some variables into (pretty straight forward so far!!) I am copying tables from one database to another and i what to be able to choose the spefic database i'm copying to, this is the basic's of my query!

CREATE PROC sp_Copy_Facility
@FacilityID int,

/* Select and append Data tables */

-SELECT testDB.dbo.dt_test.* INTO
-FROM testDB.dbo.dt_test
-WHERE testDB.dbo.dt_test.Facility_ID = @FacilityID
-option (keep plan)

i have also tried this:

CREATE PROC sp_Copy_Facility
@FacilityID int,
@DBIN nvarchar(40),
@DBOUT nvarchar(40)

DECLARE @SQLString varchar(1000)
DECLARE @S2 nvarchar(1000)

/* Select and append Data tables */

SET @SQLString = 'SELECT ' + @DBIN +'.dbo.dt_test.* INTO '
SET @SQLString = @SQLString + @DBOUT + '.dbo.dt_test
SET @SQLString = @SQLString + 'FROM ' + @DBIN + ' .dbo.dt_test WHERE ' + @DBIN + '.dbo.dt_test.Facility_ID = @FacilityID option (keep plan)'

please help i need to get this done and i posted this on a number of different web sites with as yet no joy!!

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Passing An Array And/or Variable Field Name To An SProc

Jul 20, 2005

I have 2 questions.I am trying to write a stored procedure to update a table. I am tryingto pass a variable that represents the name of the column/field andanother for the value that I am changing.For example:@FieldName VARCHAR(100)@FieldValue VARCHAR(100)ASUPDATE tblTHETABLESET @FieldName = @FieldValueFirst is it possible to use a variable as the column/field name? Ifso, how do I go about it?Also, it would be nice if I could have the @FieldName and @FieldValuevariables as arrays. Is that possible?Thank-you for any assistanceBill

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Passing Table Name To The Openxml Method

Jul 8, 2007

I want to pass the table name as a variable

Declare @tbl varchar(30)
set @tbl = 'DB.dbo.Set'
declare @sql nvarchar(200)
set @sql =
'select * from OPENXML(@xmldoc,'DB.dbo.Site',2) with' + @tbl + ''

Please help me with the correct syntax.

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Returning A String From A Sproc

Sep 8, 2006

I am having problems returning a string from a sproc. What I want to do is to be able to create an XML Doc and return it. I have tried the following:

@error = @@error,
@row_count = @@rowcount

set @outgoingXML = '<return_code><error_code>' + Convert(varchar, @error) + '</error_code><row_count>' + Convert(varchar, @row_count) + '</row_count></return_code>'

return @outgoingXML

where @outgoingXML is an output parameter. And I have tried:

set @serilializedReturnCode = '<return_code><error_code>' + Convert(varchar, @error) + '</error_code><row_count>' + Convert(varchar, @row_count) + '</row_count></return_code>'

return @serilializedReturnCode

where @serilializedReturnCode is locally declared as varchar(250)

This is the error I get:

Syntax error converting the varchar value '<return_code><error_code>0</error_code><row_count>0</row_count></return_code>' to a column of data type int.

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Pass Concatenated String To SPROC

Jul 24, 2004


We are creating an app to search through products. On the presentation layer, we allow a user to 'select' categories (up to 10 check boxes). When we get the selected check boxes, we create a concatenated string with the values.

My question is: when I pass the concatenated string to the SPROC, how would I write a select statement that would search through the category field, and find the values in the concatenated string?

Will I have to create Dynamic SQL to do this?...or... can I do something like this...

@ConcatenatedString --eg. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM TABLE WHERE CategoryId LIKE @ConcatenatedString

Thanks for your help.

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Howto Format A String In A Sproc ?

Sep 22, 2005

Hi. I have data which comes as a string like"... Store #61"but sometimes it is"... Store 61"and sometimes it is"... Store 061"For three digits, it might be "... Store 561" or "... Store #561", or"... Store 0561".....The only thing I can be sure of is that the last 2 or 3 (significant)digits of this field represent the StoreNumber.I have to link this table on field StoreNumber with another table wherethe data is ALWAYS like 0061, 0561, etc, so always four digits, paddedwith zeroes.I'd like to use the equivalent of the VB functionFormat(StoreNumber), "0000"), but Format does NOT exist in TSQL.How could I solve this problem ? Please bear with me - I'm a beginnerin SQL...Thank you very muchAlex.

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Passing Integer List To SQL Using TableAdapter?

Apr 15, 2007

I want to select rows that have an integer value IN a parameter list value
I want to pass an integer list to my tableadapter's select 
as in  Select  * from sometable
Where myIntValue IN (@intParamList )
I cannot figure out how to get my list into @intParamList
It works fine as a single value  - eg 3, but how do I set it to 1,2,3 ?

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Passing A List To Stored Procedure

Feb 12, 2001

Hello, I'd greatly appreciated if someone can help me out on this problem:
I'd like to pass a string (which is a multiple value in this case - "Smith", "Lee", "Jones", "Hanson") as an input parameter to a stored procedure. I'd like to use this string as part of the select statement:

exec sp_GetLN "smith, lee, jones, hanson"

In the stored procedure:
@strLN varchar <- "smith, lee, jones, hanson"

/*What do I need to do here to SET/REPLACE the original string so that the syntax can be accepted by the select statement??*/

SELECT * from tblCustomers

It looks simple but I've been trying to get the syntax to work. What can I do to change the quote from ' to "?? Can I use char(34) like VB??
Your help is greatly appreciated~

Thank you

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String Comparison Using Score Method

Apr 4, 2006

Dear All:I encounter one problem when I want to implement my thought. My thoughtis that user want to search a record of someone but maybe user wouldtype wrong name or spell name wrong. I wish to compare the string whichuser inputed to the database column using "Socre Method". "ScoreMethod" has a variable "grade" to accumulate the score. I want toconvert the string to char array, and compare the char one by one. Ifthe string is more accurate , the grade is more high. At last, I choosethe most higher score record to show. How to do this thought with tsql?Could give me some tips or guide to learn? I will appreciate yourkindness, thanks.

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Passing List Values In Drill Through! URGENT

Aug 13, 2007

I have a custom list(say a list for account numbers, account numbers starting with 13 form a group, then starting with 14 form a group and like that)

and then there are tables inside this list. the report will be displayed based on the values of this custom list.

i also have a drill through report for this. now when i pass fields!accountnumber.uniquename for this list only the first of the group values say 130001 is selected..

what shud i do to select the whole grp??


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How To Read Return Value From Sqlpipe Send(string) Method

Apr 26, 2006

Hi guys,

How can i read in my C# client application values returned from sqlpipe
send(string)/send(reader method from CLR stored procedure.....following
is example of a stored procedure.I want to read datetime string in my
C# client



public static void PrintToday()


// Put your code here

SqlPipe p;

p = SqlContext.Pipe;



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Passing A List/array To An SQL Server Stored Procedure 2005

Aug 16, 2007

Hi, I m using sql 2005 as a back end in my application...
I am useing Store procedure..for my data in grid..
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ProductZoneSearct]
@Productid char(8),@Proname char(8),@radius int,@mode varchar(5) = 'M',@Zone nvarchar(1000),)
ASSET NOCOUNT ON;Create Table #Product (ProductID int, TimeEntered datetime, DateAvailable datetime, Productname varchar(80), City varchar(50), State char(4),Miles decimal, Payment varchar(40),UserID int, Phone varchar(15))
Insert #Product Select ProductID , TimeEntered, DateAvailable, Productname ,City,State,miles,Payment ,Miles, UserID, Daily, PhoneFrom [tblproduct] Where city IN (@Zone)
Select ProductID TimeEntered, DateAvailable, Productname City,State,miles,Payment ,Miles, U.Phone As phoneNumber, Company, , L.Phone As cmpPhone From #Product As L Left Join (Select UserID, Company, Phone, From [User]) As U On U.UserID = L.UserID  Order By DateAvailable
if i pass value in "where city in (@Zone)" and @Zone ='CA','AD','MH'  then it can not get any result..but if write where city in ('CA','AD','MH') then it give me perfact result..
I tried to below syntax also but in no any user Where city IN ('+@Zone+')
In short if i pass value through varibale (@Zone) then i cant get result...but if i put  direct value in query then only getting result..can anybody tell me what is problem ?
Please Hel[p me !!!
Thank you !!!

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Passing A List Of Numbers To A Stored Procudure, Having A Size More Than 8000 Characters

Aug 1, 2007


I m working on MS SQL Server 2000.
I am trying to pass a list of numbers to a stored procedure to be used with 'IN()' statement.

I was doing something like..

Create Procedure proc


@Items varchar(100) --- List of numbers
AS Begin

Declare @SQL varchar(8000)
Set @SQL =
Select Query......
Where products IN (' + @items + ') '
Exec (@SQL)

This stored procedure is working fine, but when i m adding more required stuff to that, the size exceeds 8000, & it gives the error "Invalid operator for data type. Operator equals add, type equals text."

Can any1 please help me out with this ASAP??

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Passing Xml String

Apr 27, 2004

i m tring to pass my xml string to my sql server but i receive empty value even tho my xml have it's value.
here's my code,

insert user(userName)
select xml_user
from OPENXML(@xmlHandle,'/NewDataSet',1)
with (xml_user nvarchar(20) 'table/user_name')

my XML code

Please advice on this matter.Thanks

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Passing A String Variable To Sql

May 11, 2008

hi there,
i am trying to pass a string which contains a string,
here is the code which is wrong :
{string sqlcommand = "select pnia.pnia_number, pnia.user_name, pnia.date_pnia, pnia.user_pnia, problem.problem, gormim.gorem_name, status.status_name from pnia,gormim,problem,status where (pnia.status='@p1' and status.status='@p1' and pnia.problem=problem.problem_num and pnia.gorem=gormim.gorem)";
OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(sqlcommand,con);OleDbParameter p1 = new OleDbParameter("@p1",this.DropDownList4.SelectedItem.Value.ToString());
the problem is that the sql compailer doesnt take the parameter (@p1) as a string
if someone could help me with that it would be great !  tnx

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Passing A String For IN Clause

Sep 26, 2004


How do I pass a string parameter to a Stored Procedure with an 'in' clause?

Select * FROM Persons
WHERE PersonID IN (1,2,3,4,5,20,56,80)

How do I define my Store Procedure so I can pass the values between () as a string (nvarchar) parameter to the SqlCommand?


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Syntax For Passing A String To SelectCommand

Sep 15, 2007

 Hey,I've inherited a project from my office and am stuck.I'm trying to take input from multiple souces (DropDownLists, TextBoxes, etc) and depending on which ones are used, update a SELECT string with additional AND statements.   <script language=VB runat=server>
Dim resultsql As String
Public Sub Button_Click(ByVal client As String, ByVal state As String)
Dim dv As String
resultsql = resultsql & "SELECT ClientName, Address1, City, State FROM tblClient"
dv &= ""
If (StrComp(client, dv) <> 0) Then
resultsql &= "AND ClientName = " & client
End If
If (StrComp(state, dv) <> 0) Then
resultsql &= "AND State = " & state
End If
resultsql &= " ORDER BY ClientName ASC"
End Sub
</script>Now when I got to display the results of this new string in a GridView I am recieving errors trying to pass my variable "resultsql" into SelectCommand. <asp:GridView ID="Results" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="ClientNumber"
<asp:BoundField DataField="ClientName" HeaderText="ClientName" SortExpression="ClientName" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Address1" HeaderText="Address1" SortExpression="Address1" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="City" HeaderText="City" SortExpression="City" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="State" HeaderText="State" SortExpression="State" />
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource3" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:SQLConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand=resultsql> </asp:SqlDataSource> I've scoured the web without any success. Any suggestions are appreciated.

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Passing XML String To Stored Procedure

Nov 28, 2005

hi,i have a stored procedure that is used to insert the employee data into a EMPLOYEE i am passing the employee data from sqlCommand.i have the XML string like this'<Employee><Name>Gopal</Name><ID>10157839</ID><sal>12000</sal><Address>Khammam</Address></Employee>' when i pass this string as sql parameter it is giving an error. System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: XML parsing error: A semi colon character was expectedbut when i execute the stored procedure in query analyzer  by passing the same parameter. it is working.please reply me on

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Passing String To Rdlc's TextBox

Jan 23, 2008

I am pretty new to reporting services. Now i have something like this. on the .cs file, i have a fullName lets say
String fullName = "John Smith",
Now I want to pass this string to the report's textBox and show this value on this textbox.

How can i do this?
1.How should i write in .cs file?
2. How should i set the expression for the textbox?

Thank you very much. It is very urgent! Please help!

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Solution To Passing Parameters With Sql Text String.

Dec 26, 2003

I thought I would post this solution. I searched a long time and didnt see anything about how to solve my problem. After avoiding this and simply building strings I decided to dig in my heels and try and figure this out. Well, maybe I am just slow. :) Anyhow, here is some code that should help a lot of folks with this question...

Function GetProductCategories(ByVal departmentID) As DataSet

'set the connection string (comes from a property in this case)
Dim connection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConnectionStringWeb"))

'set the sql text string notice the @DepartmentID is my parameter. protected from sql injections
Dim strSQL As String = "SELECT * FROM ProductCategory WHERE DepartmentID = @DepartmentID"

'set new command object to strsql and the connection. required
Dim command As New SqlCommand(strSQL, connection)

'set parameters to pass to through with the strsql. required for parameters. you can take this a set further. See commented fields below.
command.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@DepartmentID", departmentID))

'additional set up for parameters if you like...
'command.Parameters.Add("@departmentID", SqlDbType.Int, 4)
'command.Parameters("@departmentID").Value = departmentID

'set SQLDataAdapter to your previously created command object
'this enables your adapter access to your strSQL, connection and parameters
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(command)

'set proper name of table for data set based upon departmentID
If departmentID = 1 Then
Dim ds As New DataSet()
da.Fill(ds, "dtCarriers")
Return ds
End If

'set proper name of table for data set based upon departmentID
If departmentID = 2 Then
Dim ds As New DataSet()
da.Fill(ds, "dtProducts")
Return ds
End If

End Function

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Problems Passing String Value To Stored Procedure

Aug 2, 2005

Hello, I'm trying to pass a simple string value to a stored procedure and just can't seem to make it work.  I'm baffled since I know how to pass an integer to a stored procedure.  In the example below, I don't get any compile errors or page load errors but my repeater doesn't populate (even though I know for certain the word "hello" is actually in the BlogTxt field in the db.  If I change the stored procedure to say...WHERE BlogTxt LIKE '%hello%'then the results do indeed show up in the repeater.I ultimately would like to pass text from a textbox control or maybe even a querystring to the stored procedure.  Then I'll move on to passing multiple "keywords" to it. :)My relevant code is below.  Thanks in advance for any help.*******************ViewData.ascx.vb file*******************Private strSearch As String
Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.LoadTry Dim objBlogController As New BlogController 'for testing purposes  strSearch = "hello" repeaterSearchResults.DataSource = objBlogController.SearchBlog(strSearch) repeaterSearchResults.DataBind()Catch exc As Exception  ProcessModuleLoadException(Me, exc)End TryEnd Sub----------------------------------------
*******************Controller.vb file*******************
Public Function SearchBlog(ByVal strSearch As String) As ArrayList            Return CBO.FillCollection(DataProvider.Instance().SearchBlog(strSearch), GetType(BlogInfo))        End Function----------------------------------------
*******************        DataProvider.vb file*******************
Public MustOverride Function SearchBlog(ByVal strSearch As String) As IDataReader----------------------------------------
*******************SqlDataProvider.vb file*******************
Public Overrides Function SearchBlog(ByVal strSearch As String) As IDataReader            Return CType(SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(ConnectionString, DatabaseOwner & ObjectQualifier & "SearchBlog", strSearch), IDataReader)End Function----------------------------------------
*******************Stored Procedure*******************
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.SearchBlog @strSearch varchar(8000)AS
SELECT ItemID, PortalID, ModuleID, UserID, BlogTxt, DateAdd, DateModFROM BlogWHERE BlogTxt LIKE '%@strSearch%'GO----------------------------------------

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Passing Variable To String Compare In Function

Dec 8, 2007

I have created a function with:


ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_concat_boxes](@item varchar, @week int)

DECLARE @Output varchar(100)

SELECT @Output = COALESCE(@Output + '/', '') +
CAST(quantity AS varchar(5))
FROM flexing_stock_transactions
WHERE item = @item AND week = @week
GROUP BY quantity
ORDER BY quantity

RETURN @Output


how can I pass the variable @item correctly for the string comparison

WHERE item = @item AND week = @week

to work correctly please?

WHERE item = '@item' AND week = @week

won't work and

WHERE item = @item AND week = @week

won't work.

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Identifier! [problem In Passing A Lengthy String To An SP]

Sep 5, 2006

exec sp_SearchProductAdvanced "(name LIKE '%a%' Or name LIKE '%b%' Or name LIKE '%c%' Or name LIKE '%d%' Or name LIKE '%e%' Or name LIKE '%f%')and (salesprice between 3 and 10) ",null

after executing i got this error:

The identifier that starts with '(name LIKE '%a%' Or name LIKE '%b%' Or name LIKE '%c%' Or name LIKE '%d%' Or name LIKE '%e%' Or name LIKE '%f%')and (salesprice ' is too long. Maximum length is 128.

how can i solve this problem. so that i can use more values .

my lenght exceeds 128. is there any way to get rid of this.

in my SP i have declared the parameter variable as

@criteria nvarchar(1000)

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Error Passing Concatenated String To Proc

Nov 8, 2007


I have a stored proc which accepts a varchar(255) as a parameter and when I call the proc using a concatenised string I get an error i.e.

-- Proc
CREATE PROCEDURE #proc_param_test
@p_param1 varchar(40) = NULL
, @p_param2 varchar(40) = NULL
SELECT @p_param1, @p_param2

EXEC #proc_param_test 'test', 'test 2'
---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
test test 2

but EXEC #proc_param_test 'test', 'test 2' + ' - the rest'

gives a Incorrect syntax near '+'. error

The solution must be a real doddle but it's a 'mare to find anywhere.


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Passing A Multivalued String To Stored Procedure

Oct 14, 2007

I have a multivalued parameters populated from a dataset with country codes: US,CA,HK etc... I tried to pass the parameter to the stored procedured but that did not work. I did some research and found out that I won't be able to do that.

Writing Queries that Map to Multivalued Report Parameters

You can define a multivalued parameter for any report parameter that you create. However, if you want to pass multiple parameter values back to a query, the following requirements must be satisfied:
The data source must be SQL Server, Oracle, or Analysis Services.
The data source cannot be a stored procedure. Reporting Services does not support passing a multivalued parameter array to a stored procedure.
The query must use an IN statement to specify the parameter.
If I am not able to pass the parameter that way, what is the best way to accomplish my goal?

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SPROC Problem - String[1]: The Size Property Has An Invalid Size Of 0.

Mar 16, 2007

Hi folks,Can anyone enlighten me here? I'm trying to use a SPROC which, when supplied with an int, looks up the table and returns certain columns from it. I'm using a SqlCommand, here's my codebehind: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SqlCommand dataSource = new SqlCommand("retrieveData", new SqlConnection(dbConnString));        dataSource .CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;        dataSource .Parameters.AddWithValue("id", poid);        dataSource .Parameters.AddWithValue("title", title).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;        dataSource .Parameters.AddWithValue("creator", creator).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;        dataSource .Parameters.AddWithValue("assignee", assignee).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; etc, etc... And the SPROC:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------set ANSI_NULLS ONset QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[retrieveData]    @id int,    @title varchar(50) OUTPUT,    @creator varchar(50) OUTPUT,    @assignee varchar(50) OUTPUT,    @contact varchar(50) OUTPUT,    @deliveryCost numeric(18,2) OUTPUT,    @totalCost numeric(18,2) OUTPUT,    @status tinyint OUTPUT,    @project smallint OUTPUT,    @supplier smallint OUTPUT,    @creationDateTime datetime OUTPUT,    @amendedDateTime datetime OUTPUT,    @locked bit OUTPUT        AS    /**SET NOCOUNT ON;    **/    SELECT    [title] AS [@title], [datetime] AS [@creationDateTime], [creator] AS [@creator], [assignee] as [@assignee],    [supplier] as [@supplier], [contact] AS [@contact], [delivery_cost] AS [@deliveryCost], [total_cost] AS [@totalCost],    [amended_timestamp] AS [@amendedDateTime], [locked] AS [@locked]    FROM purchase_orders    WHERE [id] = @id; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  The id being passed in is definately not null, and is set to a value of an item I know exists. The resulting error is:

Exception Details: System.InvalidOperationException: String[1]: the Size property has an invalid size of 0.Line 63: retrievePODetails.Connection.Open();Line 64: retrievePODetails.ExecuteNonQuery();[InvalidOperationException: String[1]: the Size property has an invalid size of 0.] System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter.Validate(Int32 index) +717091... ... Can anyone see anything I'm missing? Thanks,Ally   

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NOT IN A List Of String

Aug 23, 2004


i want to compare a column data with a list of string, and this string actually already predefined in a variable.

for example

set @skipcolDef = @skipcol + '''TEST'',''TEST1'''


where @skipcol is a variable pass in when execute stored procedure.

example above when execute through query analyser it return execute successfully but with wrong result.

Actually how should i do for this case?

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How Do I Assign A String To A Parameter I'm Passing To A Select Statement?

Oct 30, 2006

Hello, I'm needing to pass a variable length number of values to a select statement so I can populate a result list with items related to all the checkboxlist items that were selected by the user.  for example, the user checks products x, y and z, then hits submit, and then they see a list of all the tests they need to run for each product. I found a UDF that parses a comma delimited string and puts the values into a table.  I learned how to do this here: I have a checkboxlist that I'm generating the string from, so the string could look like this: "1,3,4,5,7" etc.I added the function mentioned in the URL above to my database, and if I understand right, I should be able to pass the table it creates into the select statement like so:
WHERE (OrderStatus IN ((select value from dbo.fn_Split(@StatusList,','))) OR @StatusList IS NULL) but now I don't know how to assign the string value to the parameter, say to '@solution_id'.my current select statement which was generated by Visual Studio 2005 looks like this: SELECT [test], [owner], [date] FROM [test_table] WHERE ([solution_ID] = @solution_ID) ...but this only pulls results for the first item checked in the checkboxlist.Does anyone know how this is done?  I'm sure it's simple, but I'm new to ASP .NET so any help would be greatly appreciated.    

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Passing A String Into The InsertCommand Of SqlDataSource At The @color Character

Apr 27, 2007

Ok, so I'm a JSP guy and thing it should be easy to replace "@color" with t_color after I initialized it to red by         String t_color = "red";and then calling the insert         SqlDataSource1.Insert();here is insert command:             InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [favcolor] ([name], [color]) VALUES (@name, @color)"  I've tried       InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [favcolor] ([name], [color]) VALUES (@name, "+ t_color+")"  Ive tried        InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [favcolor] ([name], [color]) VALUES (@name, "<%$ t_color %>" )"   Is there any easy way to do this? or Can I set it like @color = t_color?  Thanks in advance for ANY help JSP turning ASP (Maybe)Dan 

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SQL Reporting Services String Parameter Passing To SQL IN Clause

Sep 21, 2004

Is it possible to pass a report parameter that is defined as a string to the following SQL statement that is using an "IN" clause ?

WHERE (ANALYST.User_Bemsid IN (@Report_Parameter_Bemsid))

If I pass a single value (I.E. A) it works okay, but once I try to pass multiple values (I.E. A,B or 'A','B') it returns no data.

Using Crystal reports I can pass multiple values via a report prompt into the SQL "IN" clause and seems that SQL Reporting Services should also have this feature. What do I need to do to get it working ?

Thanks for any help...

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Using String List Of Numbers With IN

Mar 20, 2014

A table I'm working with has a varchar column containing a comma-delimited string of numbers, which match up to smallint codes in another table. I gather this is someone's implementation of a many-to-many relationship. :)

Using SQL Server 2008 and wondering if there's a special trick to using a string list of numbers with IN() URL...converting the string into a temp table[/url] but I'd just like to make sure there isn't a quicker, easier approach, or if that's it.

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Passing A Comma Delimited String Of Parameters To A Stored Proc

Jul 30, 2007

I have a number of multi-select parameters which I would like to send to a stored procedure within the dataset for use in the stored procedure's IN() statement which in turn is used to filter on or out particular rowsets.

I considered using a hidden string parameter set = " ' " + join(parameter.value, ',') + " ' " so that the hidden parameter would then contain a comma delimiated string of the values selected, which would then be sent on to the stored proc and used in the WHERE clause of one of the queries internal to the stored proc.
But before I start dedicating time to do this I wanted to inquire if anyone here with far more expertise could think of a faster or less system heavy method of creating a single string of comma delimited parameter selections?


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