Passing An Array To Query In A Table Adapter

May 23, 2007

I'm looking for a way to pass an array of values as a parameter to a query in a table adapter.  For example I want to run a query something like:

SELECT * FROM menu WHERE menu_role IN (@roles)

And I could pass something like 'RegisteredUser, SuperUser, OtherUser' to the @roles parameter.
For some reason I can't figure out a way to do this.  Any help would be greatly appericated.



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Defining A Query In A Table Adapter

Nov 26, 2007

Now, I don't know if what I want to do is possible, but here goes.  In the table I want to query, there is an "approval status" column, of type Int32.  There are four approval levels, 1, 2, 3 and 4.  What I want to set up is a query in the table adapter that can return all entries of one or more approval levels.  In "raw" sql, I would do something like: SELECT * FROM facility_table WHERE (approved IN (1,2,3));What I want to do though, is to have the list of approval codes to be a parameter that I can pass to the table adapter query, so the where clause becomes "WHERE (approved IN (@approval))", and I pass a string with the list of approval codes.  But the query designer doesn't want to cooperate with me, as it insists that "@approval" should be an int32.Any suggestions? 

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SQL Query In Table Adapter - Urgent !!

Apr 15, 2008

Hi All,
I would like to send a query via Table adapter using parameter that is not the whole field. (Its only a part of the filed).

I will try to illustrate my needs:
We have a list of items in a data grid.
I would like to get the list of items who are answering my item name search query.
(I need to change the list every time the user enter another key letter for the search).

I would like to do so in the data adapter, but I'm not able to use the LIKE statement.

Please please try to help me

Do I need to use stored procedure, if so, can anyone give me an idea how to do so ?

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Passing Array With Ids To Stored Procedure

Apr 1, 2004

I want to pass and array of ids to a procedure for inserting i a relation table.

I found some examples in other posts, but had problems getting them to work.

I just want to pass a parameter with value like '1,45,89' to the procedure, then loop through it to insert the relations.

(I´m using sql server 2000), had some problem with examples with strpos then.

Any hints ?


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Passing An Array To A Stored Procedures

Feb 17, 2005

How to do this ?

CREATE procedure dbo.AddTb2FromTb1
@Tb1No nvarchar(1000)
insert into Tb2 (*)
select * from Tb1
where Tb1 IN (@Tb1No) /* How to Passing an Array to a Stored Procedures ??? */

dbo.AddTb2FromTb1 'No001' is Work !
dbo.AddTb2FromTb1 'No001,No002,Bo003' is not Work !

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Passing Array From ADO.NET To Strore Procedure `???

Jan 21, 2008

Dear all,

I need to pass an Array of string from .NET in C# to a store procedure. I do not know in advance the size of the array.
When this array is pass to my store procedure, I need to copy the all content of the array into an SQL table.

Based on that I have different question :

1 - is it possible to pass an Array[] as a strore procedure parameter ?
2- If yes what is the syntax to declare an input parameter as an array ?
3- Does the array as parameter is the proper way to pass unknown amount of parameters ?
4 - If not what are the other solution ? I read some stuff on XML document but did not find any real example which explain clearly how it should be done

Thnaks for your help

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Passing SqlDataSource Object An Array As A Parameter

Feb 22, 2007

I am trying to get the selected options from a listbox and either pass a SqlDataSource object the array or loop through it and pass each element of the array. I then need to modify the returned databtable to graphing function, but first drop the last column. I was wondering if anyone can help me with the following:
1. Pass an array into SqlDataSource Select OR 2. Pass a single argument into the Select statement and populate a datatable without it writing over the current row each time it iterates through the foreach statement. I am looking for the dataview to append to dt each time it loops. Is there a property for dataview that behaves like the "ClearBeforeFill" for table adapters?3. Update a parameter programmatically
Below code works, but I think it can be more efficient. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!!
        DataTable dt = new DataTable();        DataTable dt2 = new DataTable();        DataView dv = new DataView();                        
       foreach(ListItem liOptions in ListBox1.Items)       {             if(liOptions.Selected)             {                                      SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters.Add("Parameter1", liOptions);                   dv = (DataView)SqlDataSource1.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty);                   dt2 = dv.Table;                   dt.Merge(dt2);                   dt2.Dispose();                   SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters.Clear();             }       }
        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)        {           Graph(dt);                             //Pass original datatable (dt) to Graph();           dt.Columns.RemoveAt(2);      //Reformat datatable (dt) and remove last column before binding to Gridview1
           GridView1.DataSource = dt;           GridView1.DataBind();        } else {
    errorMessage.Text = "No data was returned!"; }

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Passing An Array Of Strings To A Stored Procedure

Jun 10, 2007

Well, I managed to write a Stored procedure that updates some records in the Northwind Database based on the ProductIDs passed to the SP as a list of strings. This is the Alter version of the SP:USE [Northwind]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[gv_sp_UpdatePOs] Script Date: 06/10/2007 12:07:54 ******/
ALTER PROC [dbo].[gv_sp_UpdatePOs]
@IDList varchar(500),
@ReorderLevel int,
@ProductName nvarchar(30)
 EXEC('Update dbo.Products
SET ReorderLevel = (' + @ReorderLevel + ') ,ProductName = (''' + @ProductName + ''')
WHERE ProductID IN (' + @IDList + ')')
THis works fine inside Sql Server 2005 Query analyser.
 But when I setup an aspx page with an objectDataSource inside the page attached to an xsd file where the Products table is located. When I try to add new query to the tableadapter inside the Products table and point to the stored procedure in the wizard I get this error: " the wizard detected the following problems when configuring TableAdapter query "Products" Details: Generated SELECT statement. Incorrect suntax near ')'.
Any help would be appreciated
And can someone convert it to support XML instead of list of strings. thanks.

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Passing An Array And/or Variable Field Name To An SProc

Jul 20, 2005

I have 2 questions.I am trying to write a stored procedure to update a table. I am tryingto pass a variable that represents the name of the column/field andanother for the value that I am changing.For example:@FieldName VARCHAR(100)@FieldValue VARCHAR(100)ASUPDATE tblTHETABLESET @FieldName = @FieldValueFirst is it possible to use a variable as the column/field name? Ifso, how do I go about it?Also, it would be nice if I could have the @FieldName and @FieldValuevariables as arrays. Is that possible?Thank-you for any assistanceBill

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Transact SQL :: Passing C++ / C# Array To INSERT Command

Aug 13, 2015

I have to send an array, which are generated in C++ (or C#) to an SQL-INSERT. Something like this:

// a and b are my arrays//:a=A,B,C,D.....//:b=1,2,3,...

Is there any way to do something like my prototype in MS SQL Server? If yes how should be my INSERT? 

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Passing An Array Into A Stored Procedure And The 'IN' Clause Will Not Do The Trick

Mar 6, 2008

I have a table that looks like this:


I need to run a query where I pass in an unknown number of KeywordIds that returns the PictureId. The 'IN' clause will not work because if a KeyWordId gets passed into the Stored Procudure the PictureId must have a record with each KeyWordId being passed in. For example, lets say you need to see the result of all PictureIds that have both 1 and 2, the correct result set should only be PictureId 1 and PictureId 2.
Im going crazy trying to find a simple solution for this. Please advise.

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Passing A List/array To An SQL Server Stored Procedure 2005

Aug 16, 2007

Hi, I m using sql 2005 as a back end in my application...
I am useing Store procedure..for my data in grid..
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ProductZoneSearct]
@Productid char(8),@Proname char(8),@radius int,@mode varchar(5) = 'M',@Zone nvarchar(1000),)
ASSET NOCOUNT ON;Create Table #Product (ProductID int, TimeEntered datetime, DateAvailable datetime, Productname varchar(80), City varchar(50), State char(4),Miles decimal, Payment varchar(40),UserID int, Phone varchar(15))
Insert #Product Select ProductID , TimeEntered, DateAvailable, Productname ,City,State,miles,Payment ,Miles, UserID, Daily, PhoneFrom [tblproduct] Where city IN (@Zone)
Select ProductID TimeEntered, DateAvailable, Productname City,State,miles,Payment ,Miles, U.Phone As phoneNumber, Company, , L.Phone As cmpPhone From #Product As L Left Join (Select UserID, Company, Phone, From [User]) As U On U.UserID = L.UserID  Order By DateAvailable
if i pass value in "where city in (@Zone)" and @Zone ='CA','AD','MH'  then it can not get any result..but if write where city in ('CA','AD','MH') then it give me perfact result..
I tried to below syntax also but in no any user Where city IN ('+@Zone+')
In short if i pass value through varibale (@Zone) then i cant get result...but if i put  direct value in query then only getting result..can anybody tell me what is problem ?
Please Hel[p me !!!
Thank you !!!

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What's The Accepted Way To Retrieve Records In A SQL Table With Null Values Using A Visual Studio 2005 Table Adapter?

Jan 21, 2008

I'm using an ObjectDataSource in Visual Studio to retrieve records from a SQL Server 2005 database.
 I have a very simple dilemma.  In a table I have fields FirstName, Surname, Address1, Address2, Address3 etc. None of these are mandatory fields.
It is quite common for the user not to enter data in Address2, Address3, so the values are <null> in the SQL table.
In Visual Studio 2005 I have an aspx form where users can pass search parameters to the ObjectDataSource and the results are returned according to the passed in parameters.
The WHERE clause in my Table Adapter is:WHERE (Address1 LIKE @Address1 + '%') AND (Address2 LIKE @Address2 + '%') AND   (Address3 LIKE @Address3 + '%') AND (FirstName LIKE @FirstName + '%') AND (Surname LIKE @Surname + '%')
If, for example, I simply want to search WHERE FirstName LIKE ‘R’, this does not return any results if the value of Address3 is <null>
My query is this: Could someone please show me the best way in Visual Studio 2005 to return records even if one of the Address fields is <null>.
For reference, I have tried: Address3 LIKE @Address3 + '%' OR IS NULLThis does work, however itsimply returns every instance where Address3 is <null>  (accounting for about 95% of the records in the database). Thanks in advance Simon

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Error Inserting Image Into SQL Server2000 Table From Pocket PC Application Only When Using Stored Procedure In Table Adapter Wiz

Apr 24, 2008

My Pocket PC application exports signature as an image. Everything is fine when choose Use SQL statements in TableAdapter Configuration Wizard.



string[] signFiles = Directory.GetFiles(Settings.signDirectory);

foreach (string signFile in signFiles)


mailsSignatureRow = main.ds.MailsSignature.NewMailsSignatureRow();

mailsSignatureRow.Singnature = GetImageBytes(signFile); //return byte[] array of the image.




But now I am getting error "General Network Error. Check your network documentation" after specifying Use existing stored procedure in TableAdpater Configuration Wizard.

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.Insert_MailSignature( @Singnature image )



INSERT INTO MailsSignature (Singnature) VALUES (@Singnature);

SELECT Id, Singnature FROM MailsSignature WHERE (Id = SCOPE_IDENTITY())

For testing I created a desktop application and found that the same Code, same(Use existing stored procedure in TableAdpater Configuration Wizard) and same stored procedure is working fine in inserting image into the table.

Is there any limitation in CF?

Professor Corrie.

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Table Adapter Help

Jun 9, 2008

Can someone tell me why I an getting the following error message for my table adapter: "incorrect syntax near '?'"
 The selecte statement is below. 
SELECT Questions.QuestionID, Questions.QuestionNumber, Questions.QuestionText,       Questions.SampleAnswer,       SAFSection.SectionNumber + ' - ' + SAFSection.SectionName as [Section],       SAFSubSection.SubSectionNumber + ' - ' + SAFSubSection.SubSectionName as [SubSection],       SAFSubSection.SubSectionDefinition, SAFSubSection.SubSectionQuestion,       SAFSubSection.SubSectionInstruction, Answers.AnswerFROM (SAFSubSection INNER JOIN (SAFSection INNER JOIN Questions ON SAFSection.[SectionID] = Questions.[QuestionSectionID]) ON SAFSubSection.[SubSectionID] = Questions.[QuestionSubSectionID]) LEFT JOIN Answers ON Questions.QuestionID = Answers.QuestionIDWHERE Answers.SystemID = ?Order BY SAFSection.SectionID, SAFSubSection.SubSectionID,Questions.QuestionID

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Table Adapter Question

Dec 20, 2007

 I have a table adapter which uses a Query string to get the select view and a stored procedure for its delete portion. Not all of the columns in the select statement are required for the stored procedure. When I try to do the delete, it attempts at passing in more variables than it needs and ends up resulting in an error saying it can't find a procedure that is valid. Is there any way to restrict which columns are being passed?

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Table Adapter Generates Bad SQL Under Load

Feb 9, 2007

I have an application (ASP.NET 2.0/SQL Server 2005) which makes heavy use of table adapters for pulling records from SQL. Under heavy load, we get a lot of SQL Server Timeout errors. We have run a trace on SQL Server and it shows that several of the SQL statements being passed into SQL Server, from the Table Adapters, have bad SQL.

For example, here is the SQL in one of the table adapters

SELECT HomeMsgID, messageName, messageHTML, messageText, populationID
FROM MyUCR_HomeMessages
WHERE (populationID IN
(SELECT populationID
WHERE (CPID = @CPID))) AND (isVisible = 1)
AND (showDate <= @showDate) AND (removeDate >= @removeDate)

I call it with the following:

DateTime showDate = DateTime.Today;
DateTime removeDate = DateTime.Today;

myUCR_HomePageMsgsTableAdapters.MyUCR_HomeMessagesTableAdapter ta = new
myUCR_HomePageMsgs.MyUCR_HomeMessagesDataTable dt = new

ta.FillByCPID(dt, showDate, removeDate, CPID);

What the SQL trace shows, when it fails, is this (notice the extra single
quotes around the showDate, removeDate parameters):
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT HomeMsgID, messageName, messageHTML,
messageText, populationID
FROM MyUCR_HomeMessages
WHERE (populationID IN
(SELECT populationID
WHERE (CPID = @CPID))) AND (isVisible = 1)
AND (showDate <= @showDate) AND (removeDate >= @removeDate)',N'@showDate
datetime,@removeDate datetime,@CPID int',@showDate=''2007-02-05
00:00:00:000'',@removeDate=''2007-02-05 00:00:00:000'',@CPID=3071225
1[Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near '2007'.

I recreated the SQL to use a stored procedure, and got a similar error:

E000exec dbo.spFillHomeMsgByCPID @showDate=''2007-02-05
00:00:00:000'',@removeDate=''2007-02-05 00:00:00:000'',@CPID=3008195
5[Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near '2007'.

However, if I create dynamic SQL and use the following, there are no errors.

string mySql = string.Empty;
mySql = "SELECT HomeMsgID, messageName, messageHTML, messageText,
populationID FROM MyUCR_HomeMessages WHERE (populationID IN (SELECT
populationID FROM MyUCR_Population_CPID AS MyUCR_Population_CPID_1 WHERE
(CPID = " + CPID + "))) AND (isVisible = 1) AND (showDate <= '" + showDate +
"') AND (removeDate >= '" + removeDate + "')"; SqlDataAdapter adapter = new
SqlDataAdapter(mySql, ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyUCR2007ConnectionString"].ToString());
DataSet RecordCount = new DataSet();
DataTable testDT = RecordCount.Tables[0];

I am using VSTS with the Service Pack installed. SQL 2005 is running on W2K3 Enterprise, fully patchedThanks,James

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How Do Use Stored Proc Passing Parameter From Table In Selcet Query Statement

Aug 8, 2002

i want to use store procedure in select query statement. store procedure will take two parameters from table and return one parameter.

for example i want to use

select p1 = sp_diff d1,d2 from table1

sp_diff is stored procedure
d1,d2 value from table
p1 is the returning value

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Table Adapter Not Allowing Null String

Sep 27, 2007

I have an SP that I call via table adapter. If I do not pass a value in the string field ('eventRef'), the SP never gets called - it appears that the table adapter is filtering it...? I need to be able to count records that have an 'eventRef' = to the one I pass, including null. This works fine if I pass an 'eventRef', but never runs if that parm is empty.

Here is the TA definition

<asp:ObjectDataSource ConvertNullToDBNull="true" ID="ObjectDataSource1" runat="server" SelectMethod="GetData" TypeName="ImagesByEventTableAdapters.PagedImagesByEvent" OnSelecting="ObjectDataSource1_Selecting" OnSelected="ObjectDataSource1_Selected">


<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="CategoryID" QueryStringField="CategoryID" Type="Int32" DefaultValue="24"/>

<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="EventID" QueryStringField="EventID" Type="Int32"/>

<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="EventRef" QueryStringField="erf" Type="String"/>

<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="PageIndex" QueryStringField="PageIndex" Type="Int32" DefaultValue="0"/>

<asp:Parameter Name="NumRows" Type="Int32" DefaultValue="16"/>

<asp:Parameter Name="ImageCount" Direction="Output" Type="Int32" DefaultValue="0" />



And the SP:




ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[PagingGetProductsByEvent]

@CategoryID INT,

@EventID INT,

@EventRef CHAR(10)=NULL,

@PageIndex INT,

@NumRows INT,

@ImageCount INT OUTPUT


BEGINdo my stuff....

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Query Results SSIS Data Flow Source Adapter

Jun 1, 2006

Quick question on how SSIS handles queries from Data Source in a Data Flow. I noticed that when I run a particular query from Query Analyzer it takes forever. But, when I run the same query in SSIS data source in a data flow. The query results are immediate.

The query plan is already cached in SQL.

Is this just something which I am seeing incorrect or is there some bit of optimization in there in SSIS. As per my understanding SSIS does not optimize the source query.


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Wild Card Search In Table Adapter Using SQL ServerCE

Apr 14, 2008

Hi All,
I'm trying to use a very simple SQL String that check if a specific string exist in the DB.
When I do the SQL and use a regular Connection I get the result.
When I use a data set and on the table adapter I need to use the "LIKE %" method I get an error.

What should I write on the table adapter in order to make this search?

ItemID is a type string.

This is my SQL:
SELECT itemID, itemName
FROM Items
WHERE (itemID LIKE @ItemIDTemp)

This sample give no result

SELECT itemID, itemName
FROM Items
WHERE (itemID LIKE '%' + @ItemIDTemp + '%')

This sample return an error message
"Data conversion failed. [OLEDB status value (if known)=2]"

What is the right way to do so?

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RS2005: Export To Excel Error: Destination Array Was Not Long Enough. Check DestIndex And Length, And The Array's Lower Bounds.

Jan 25, 2007


I am using Reporting Services 2005. One of my reports is getting the following error when I try to export to Excel. It will export to .CSV though.

"Destination array was not long enough. Check destIndex and length, and the array's lower bounds."

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Please copy me at


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SQL Query In A Array

Jan 31, 2007

I want to do a query on an SQL Server 2005 db and have the results returned into aarray or collection in how do I do this? I know the basicconnection and stuff.. just not how to get the result to an array thanks!

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How Would I Send A String Array As A Integer Array?

Jun 25, 2007

I have a stored procedure that has a paramter that accepts a string of values. At the user interface, I use a StringBuilder to concatenate the values (2,4,34,35,etc.) I would send these value to the stored procedure. The problem is that the stored procedure doesn't allow it to be query with the parameter because the Fieldname, "Officer_UID" is an integer data type, which can't be query against parameter string type.
What would I need to do to convert it to an Integer array?
@OfficerIDs as varchar(200) 
Select Officer_UID From Officers Where Officer_UID in (@OfficerIDs)

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Using An Array To Determine Query Order??

Oct 17, 2006


I have a VB.NET function that returns an array of Integers.
Say, FunArray = [2, 3, 5, 8, 6, 23, 1, 10, 20 , 4, 54]
One characteristic of the array is that no two numbers
repeat - it reflects the IDs of my Users table. And, that
it is not ascending or descending.

What I would like to know is how do I sort my query in
the order of the integers in this array? Ideally, I
would like to use ORDER BY for this query.

thanks in advance.

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How To Pass Array (query Parameter) Into Stored Pr

Jan 31, 2008

how to pass array(query parameter) into stored procudure. with this array i need to retrive data,with another array i have to retrive another set of data.
eg: suppose @param1 contains chapter1,Chapter2,Chapter3,
@param2 contains unit1.1,unit2.1,unit2.2,unit3.1,unit3.6
how can i do in stored procedure

love all

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Transact SQL :: Query To Calculate In Array Like Excel

Nov 4, 2015

I am trying to create a "Loan Ledger Card" in SSRS which does the calculation up to report extracting time. I was able to create it on Excel (Click to download the Excel file) as we can calculate amounts for each installment based on Row and Column name. You can test it by putting any amount (Here it should be below 62000 as it is the total balance of loan) in "Amount Paid" yellow cell and see the effect.

I have made a selection in SQL (attached query and result in screenshot). It calculates the total paid amount by now on the first row, and all due amounts in other rows. Basically, It should first deduct the interest from first row, then principle, same process for second row and so on until it covers the whole paid amount.

'0' As RN
,'Repayment' AS Type
,SUM(memrepay.mprinc) As PrincPaid
,SUM( As IntPaid

[Code] .....

How can I do the similar calculation of Excel file in "SQL query" or "SSRS custom code"?

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Convert Table Data Into Array Or Maybe Something Else?!?

Apr 27, 2008

I am using vs2008 with c#.I have table in my database that has email addresses stored in a column.  I would like somehow to take each email address from every row and paste them into a textbox that can be copied and pasted with a comma delimiter into outlook so I can send a mass email.I have no idea how I can accomplish this task. 

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Inserting And Updating And Array Into An SQL Table

Dec 23, 2003

I have an project that displays a timesheet based on a fortnightly system.

It has a Y and X axis, i.e. Sun-Mon, Sun-Mon across the top and Categories of hour types accross the Y axis, i.e. Holidays, Overtime, Maintenance.

I was using a datagrid to gather the rows, but I need to have the whole grid in edit mode which is something that requires more coding. So I have swapped to a datalist.

It will take me 240 fields to store all the data in their corresponding fields. So I basically need to know if there is an easier way to store two dimensional array type data into an SQL table using a minimum of fields.

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Array / Table As Return Type

Aug 16, 2006

Hello All,I have a scenario in which my stored procedure has to return fewvariables with their value and also the collection. Now in SQL their isno such as array, so the best is to return the table in place of.I am execting the stored procedure by having sql command in place.and created the various parameters(variables) those i need the valuesof and secondly wondering how should i be creating the parameter as atable returntype.Any help on this would be a million worth useful.I can excerpt the code if required.RegardsSandesh Kadam

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Creating A Stored Procedure That Will Summarize Data In A Table Into A Table Reflecting Period Data Using An Array Type Field

Sep 20, 2007

I am attempting to create a stored procedure that will launch at report runtime to summarize data in a table into a table that will reflect period data using an array type field. I know how to execute one line but I am not sure how to run the script so that it not only summarizes the data below but also creates and drops the table.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Current Table

Project | Task | Category | Fiscal Year | Fiscal Month | Total Hours
Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 1 | 2007 | 01 | 40
Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 2 | 2007 | 02 | 20
Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 3 | 2007 | 03 | 35
Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 1 | 2008 | 01 | 40
Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 2 | 2008 | 02 | 40
Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 3 | 2008 | 03 | 40

Proposed Table

Project | Task | Category | Fiscal Month 01 | Fiscal Month 02 | Fiscal Month 03 | Fiscal Year
Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 1 | 40 | 0 | 0 | 2007
Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 2 | 0 | 20 | 0 | 2007Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 3 | 0 | 0 | 35 | 2007
Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 1 | 40 | 0 | 0 | 2008

Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 2 | 0 | 40 | 0 | 2008
Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 3 | 0 | 0 | 40 | 2008

Mike Misera

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Index Was Outside The Bounds Of The Array - When Table Columns Deleted

Aug 14, 2007


If I delete 5 or more columns from a table I get the error "Index was outside the bounds of the array", OK is the only response. I then have to close the report and then open it again.

Easy fix is don't delete more than 5 columns, but my template is setup with 15 columns as it's far quicker to delete them as it is to add them 1 by 1 each time. I've finally got around to looking for a hotfix or something similar but can find no mention of this exact error relating to table column deleting.

Anyone else experience this or know if there is a hotfix for it?


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Transact SQL :: INSERT Array Of Integer Into Table - Wrong Return Value Of Statement In ODBC

Sep 30, 2015

I would like to INSERT an array of integer into a table in MSSQL Server, then count the number of rows in the table with c++ using ODBC. Here you find my code to do this task:

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sql.h>
#include <sqlext.h>

[Code] ....

In my code, I would like to Insert the array and then count the number of rows:

SQLTCHAR Statement[] = _T("INSERT INTO information1(Wert1,Wert2) VALUES(?,?) select count(*) as a from information1 ") ;

Problem : My expectation is, that first 9 rows are inserted into table then comes 9 as result to user (if the table is empty) but this code returns me 1 if first the table is empty. If the table is not empty, it returns 1+number of  existing rows in the table. If I take a look inside the table, the 9 rows are successfully inserted in it. Only the number of rows in the table is wrong.

Hint : If I monitor the database using SQL Profiler. It looks like this:

Why this statement doesn't work correctly?

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