Passing Around Message Contents As Streams (conversion To/from String && XmlDoc's).

Oct 2, 2006

More of a general "Streams" question than broker specific, but this is all being done in the context of Broker passing the messages around. The use of Streams & Encoding seems to be my problem and I'm not as familiar with Streams as I am with other areas of the Framework... Any advice would be appreciated.

At this point, I've created my own objects/stored procedures based loosely on the ServiceBrokerInterface class provided in the SQL Server samples. Some of this was done for simplification and as a learning exercise, but also to ensure that all of the SQL operations are being done via Stored Procedures and not inline SQL. This was done to adhere to our existing security policy used on this project.

In this "interface" I've built, I have a [BrokerMessage.cs] class which is meant to have a few additional pieces of functionality beyond what the MS provided version had supplied.

1st... A constructor for accepting either String or XmlDocument as the "content"

2nd... Methods to return either a XmlDocument or a simple String.

Since all of the Broker functionality is defined as using VARBINARY(MAX) in my stored procedures, I don't believe I have any problems at that level. It's simply a binary blob to Broker.

In my constructor for accepting String or XmlDocuments, I attempted to use the following...

public BrokerMessage(string type, XmlDocument contents)


m_type = type;

m_contents = new MemoryStream(EncodingProvider.GetBytes(contents.InnerXml));


My understanding was that MemoryStream is derived from Stream so I can implicitly cast it. The "EncodingProvider" is a static member set as follows:

public static Encoding EncodingProvider = Encoding.Unicode;

This way I ensure that internal & external code can all be set to use the same encoding and easily changed if necessary. I was hoping to avoid using Unicode since the rest of the application does not require it, but from my understanding all Xml documents in SQL Server are Unicode based, so this should be a better encoding choice for any processing that may potentially occur within SQL Server itself.

In my methods to return the various forms of the "Stream", I have the following code... The ToBytes() method is what is used to pass intot he stored procedure parameter that is defined as VarBinary and expecting a byte array. One area of concern is that the Read method accepts an INT for the length, but the actual Length property is a LONG. I'm sure there's a better way to handle this and I would welcome any advise there.

/// <summary>

/// Used to convert from a Stream back to a simple Byte array.

/// </summary>

/// <returns></returns>

public virtual byte[] ToBytes()


byte[] results = new byte[this.Contents.Length];

this.Contents.Read(results, 0, (int)this.Contents.Length);

return results;


/// <summary>

/// Used to convert from a Stream back to a simple String.

/// </summary>

/// <returns></returns>

public new string ToString()


byte[] buffer = this.ToBytes();

String results = EncodingProvider.GetString(buffer);

return results;


/// <summary>

/// Used to convert from a Stream back to a simple XmlDocument.

/// </summary>

/// <returns></returns>

public virtual XmlDocument ToXmlDocument()


XmlDocument results = new XmlDocument();

results.InnerText = this.ToString();

return results;


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Replacing String Values With Contents Of Variable

Dec 19, 2014

So I have the following column named String in a table:


This of course can vary for the different records. What's the best way to replace the 2 with the contents of my variable with TSQL?

declare @children int
set @children = 4

I want to do something like this:

SELECT <key>Children</key><integer>@children</integer>

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Checking Contents Of Column And Replacing Contents If First Character Is A Letter

Jun 25, 2007

Hi All,I have come up against a wall which i cannot get over.I have an sql db where the date column is set as a varchar (i know, should have used datetime but this was done before my time and i've got to work with what is there). The majority of values are in the format dd/mm/yyyy. However, some values contain the word 'various'.I'm attempting to compare the date chosen on a c# .net page with the values in the db and also return all the 'various' values as well.I have accomplished casting the varchar to a datetime and then comparing to the selected date on the .net page. However, it errors when it comes across the 'various' entrant.Is there anyway to carry out a select statement comparing the start_date values in the db to the selected date on the .net page and also pull out all 'various' entrants at the same time without it erroring? i thought about replacing the 'various' to a date like '01/01/2010' so it doesn't stumble over the none recognised format, but am unsure of how to do it.This is how far i have got: casting the varchar column to datetime and comparing.  SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE Cast(SUBSTRING(Start_Date,4,2) + '/' + SUBSTRING(Start_Date,1,2) + '/' +SUBSTRING(Start_Date,7,4) as datetime)  '" + date + "'"Many thanks in advance! 

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Passing Error Message To ASP.NET

Jul 20, 2005

Hi, AllI use VB.NET to create a database application, I create a trigger for"Order" table. Every time a order is placed, UnitsOnStock will be reduced on"Inventory" table.If UnitesOnStock < 0, I raise a error "Not enough units on stock", but Idon't know how to pass the error message to VB.NET (ASP.NET). Please help.ThanksKai

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Passing @parameters And TEXT To Xp_sendmail Message!!

Jan 29, 2004

How do you pass parameters and text to the message area... i know how to pass parameters or pass text how do i do both... for example.

Exec master.dbo.xp_sendmail @recipients = 'johndoe' @message = 'hello and @number'

PLZ HELP!!!!!!

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Error Message Conversion Failed When Converting The Nvarchar Value To Data Type Int??

Jan 19, 2007


I can't seem to fix the following error in my stored procedure.

Error Message: Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '1007-001' to data type int.

The line of code in my stored procedure that seems to be the problem is the following:

CASE WHEN [Order Details].[Job No] IS NULL THEN [Orders].[Order No] ELSE [Order Details].[Job No] END

Order No has a data type of INT and Job No has a data type NVARCHAR(8). In the above case statement i'm not trying to convert anything but just display a column depending on the out come of the case statement. If anyone knows how to get around this error you help would be very welcome.

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Streams In SqlFunction

May 16, 2006

I am trying to use System.IO.Compression to compress/decompress the buffer. I have the data in byte format in sql server and I need to create an CLR user defined function. I have everything running except that for some of the files, the compressed size is larger than the actual file size. I tried to use both Deflate and GZip compression types. Did anyone face the similar situation. Thanks in advance for your help.

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How To Handle Streams By Mean Script Task?

Jun 29, 2006

I'd need to create a file and then populate it. Any link/advice would be very appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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Passing Xml String

Apr 27, 2004

i m tring to pass my xml string to my sql server but i receive empty value even tho my xml have it's value.
here's my code,

insert user(userName)
select xml_user
from OPENXML(@xmlHandle,'/NewDataSet',1)
with (xml_user nvarchar(20) 'table/user_name')

my XML code

Please advice on this matter.Thanks

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String To Int Conversion

Aug 17, 2004

hi all,
I have writen a function in which I'm selecting max of varchar datatype column after converting it into integer datatype ,though the where condition of the select statement retrives only numbers which are in string format but I'm getting conversion error for a string value which doesn't satisfy the condition. can any one explain this behaviour?
Thanks in advance.

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Conversion Of String To Int

Jun 25, 2015

I converted a string value to int

CAST(TestSth3.Emp_Code AS int)
it returns 1,234 but i need 1234

i am using 2008.

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Passing A String Variable To Sql

May 11, 2008

hi there,
i am trying to pass a string which contains a string,
here is the code which is wrong :
{string sqlcommand = "select pnia.pnia_number, pnia.user_name, pnia.date_pnia, pnia.user_pnia, problem.problem, gormim.gorem_name, status.status_name from pnia,gormim,problem,status where (pnia.status='@p1' and status.status='@p1' and pnia.problem=problem.problem_num and pnia.gorem=gormim.gorem)";
OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(sqlcommand,con);OleDbParameter p1 = new OleDbParameter("@p1",this.DropDownList4.SelectedItem.Value.ToString());
the problem is that the sql compailer doesnt take the parameter (@p1) as a string
if someone could help me with that it would be great !  tnx

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Passing A String For IN Clause

Sep 26, 2004


How do I pass a string parameter to a Stored Procedure with an 'in' clause?

Select * FROM Persons
WHERE PersonID IN (1,2,3,4,5,20,56,80)

How do I define my Store Procedure so I can pass the values between () as a string (nvarchar) parameter to the SqlCommand?


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String To Money Conversion

Jan 25, 2005

have a SQL server table with a vairbale unitCost of type money and via a stored procedure I am trying to update it. Through asp I capture the value as a string and then ATTEMPT to convert it into a variable of type money before executing the stored procedure as follows.

SqlParameter parameterUnitCost= new SqlParameter("@unitCost", SqlDbType.Money,8);
parameterUnitCost.Value = unitCost;

This gives me an input string error. On the other hand if I change that line to the following, the page works flawlessley:

SqlParameter parameterUnitCost= new SqlParameter("@unitCost", SqlDbType.Money,8);
parameterUnitCost.Value = 25.45;

any thoughts???

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String To Datetime Conversion

May 30, 2008

Ive imported a data set into SQL. Now on redefining a text field to datetime, most dates that are filled come through okay.

The issue is that there are some empty fields which I'd like for it to stay empty after conversion. Now what happens is that the empty field becomes '01/01/1900' - which is throwing off our queries as we need it to be compared to other date fields.

Is there a way to keep it empty even after the datatype is changed to datetime?
Thanks a bunch!

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String Conversion Question

Nov 7, 2006

Hi guys,

How will I convert this into a string type with Zero Padding on the left?

Say I have an amount of 12345.89, then the result I like is this:

Please help me.

Thank you.

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Conversion Datetime To String

Jul 20, 2006

Can we convert DateTime to String. If so how?
Thanks in advance.


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Problem With Conversion Of String

Jul 20, 2005

I have a feeling I'm missing something obvious here, but being new toSQL Server is my only excuse!I have a table that holds a variety of data. I am writing a userreport where the user wants to be able to return all data that fallsbetween a start and end date that they enter.The query should therefore be along the lines ofSELECT [some columns]FROM [my_table]WHERE [column holding date] BETWEEN [start date] AND [end date];However, the column holding the date information has been defined, forreasons best known to the designer, as a VARCHAR(10) and the data isin the format dd/mm/yy.I have tried CAST, which simply gave an error. I then tried CONVERTin the form CONVERT(datetime, [column holding date], 3) and the queryruns without error but returns no data, even though I can see there isdata that would meet the criteria in the table.Can anyone help me with a solution to this?ThanksH

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String The Number Conversion.

Apr 16, 2008

I am trying to convert some strings to number datatype. Some numbers are like this.
Is it possible to convert these type of strings to number datatype.
Thank you.

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String To Date Conversion

Apr 16, 2008

I have a column llike this 041008 (char datatype). I want to convert this to date datatype. how to do this.
Thank you.

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Syntax For Passing A String To SelectCommand

Sep 15, 2007

 Hey,I've inherited a project from my office and am stuck.I'm trying to take input from multiple souces (DropDownLists, TextBoxes, etc) and depending on which ones are used, update a SELECT string with additional AND statements.   <script language=VB runat=server>
Dim resultsql As String
Public Sub Button_Click(ByVal client As String, ByVal state As String)
Dim dv As String
resultsql = resultsql & "SELECT ClientName, Address1, City, State FROM tblClient"
dv &= ""
If (StrComp(client, dv) <> 0) Then
resultsql &= "AND ClientName = " & client
End If
If (StrComp(state, dv) <> 0) Then
resultsql &= "AND State = " & state
End If
resultsql &= " ORDER BY ClientName ASC"
End Sub
</script>Now when I got to display the results of this new string in a GridView I am recieving errors trying to pass my variable "resultsql" into SelectCommand. <asp:GridView ID="Results" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="ClientNumber"
<asp:BoundField DataField="ClientName" HeaderText="ClientName" SortExpression="ClientName" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Address1" HeaderText="Address1" SortExpression="Address1" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="City" HeaderText="City" SortExpression="City" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="State" HeaderText="State" SortExpression="State" />
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource3" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:SQLConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand=resultsql> </asp:SqlDataSource> I've scoured the web without any success. Any suggestions are appreciated.

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Passing XML String To Stored Procedure

Nov 28, 2005

hi,i have a stored procedure that is used to insert the employee data into a EMPLOYEE i am passing the employee data from sqlCommand.i have the XML string like this'<Employee><Name>Gopal</Name><ID>10157839</ID><sal>12000</sal><Address>Khammam</Address></Employee>' when i pass this string as sql parameter it is giving an error. System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: XML parsing error: A semi colon character was expectedbut when i execute the stored procedure in query analyzer  by passing the same parameter. it is working.please reply me on

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Passing String To Rdlc's TextBox

Jan 23, 2008

I am pretty new to reporting services. Now i have something like this. on the .cs file, i have a fullName lets say
String fullName = "John Smith",
Now I want to pass this string to the report's textBox and show this value on this textbox.

How can i do this?
1.How should i write in .cs file?
2. How should i set the expression for the textbox?

Thank you very much. It is very urgent! Please help!

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BULK Insert Failure - OLE DB Provider &#39;STREAMS&#39; Reported An Error

Nov 1, 1999

Using BULK Insert with a format file I am receiving the following message:

Server: Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
OLE DB provider 'STREAMS' reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.
The statement has been terminated.

I am running SQL Server 7.0 w/ SP1 applied. The same data file and format files work fine if I use bcp.

The data file contains fixed length records.

Any ideas what the problem is?

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Newbie Questions About SSIS Script Components And Data Streams

May 10, 2007

The following is a list of questions that I have not been able to obtain concrete answers. I am probably missing something:
1) ReadWriteVariables -- can the updated value for a ReadWriteVariable be accessed within the same data flow? It appears not as I think the PostExecute() fires at the completion of the data flow not the end of the Script Component. Secondarily, the Script Component is a non-blocking transformation so the component does not "see" the end of the pipeline prior to sending data down stream.

2) Record Count -- Because of #1 above, How could you calculate a record count for a data stream? It does not appear that one can calculate the number of records for a data stream within a data flow and then access the count from within the same data flow.

3) FinishOutputs() -- Is the concept of FinishOutputs() applicable to Script Component Destinations? Asked another way, is FinishOutputs() executed at the end of the data stream regardless of whether there are "real" outputs for the component? I can create a "Dummy" output to create FinishOutputs() but is this ok?

4) Script Component -- It appears that the Script Component Source, Transformation or Destination are really defined based on the columns defined in "Inputs and Outputs". Can you convert an Source script component to a transformation script component by simply adding an Output?

Sorry for these basic questions but I am not getting it completely. As you can tell...

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Add A Number To String. (conversion Problem)

Jan 8, 2007

Lets say I have a table named Projects with the data below.Y07001Y07002Y07003Y07010Y07011I want to pick up the last 3 numbers and add a one to it so.
Declare @Count as varchar(3)
SELECT Top 1 @Count = Right(Project, 3)+1 FROM Projects Order by ID desc
This is what I am using. It picks up the last entry, add a one to it and gives me 12 in return. What i want is 012, not 12

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Data Conversion (String To DateTime)

May 25, 2007

I am trying to insert data from a web form to a SQL Database.  I am receiving the following error: {"String was not recognized as a valid Boolean."}  I am also receiving a similar error for text boxes that have dates. 
 Below is the code that I am using:
connectionstring="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnMktProjReq %>"
selectcommand="SELECT LoanRepName,Branch,CurrentDate,ReqDueDate,ProofByEmail,ProofByEmail,FaxNumber,ProjectExplanation,PrintQuantity,PDFDisc,PDFEmail,LoanRepEmail FROM MktProjReq"
insertcommand="INSERT INTO MktProjReq(LoanRepName, Branch, CurrentDate, ReqDueDate, ProofByEmail, ProofByEmail, FaxNumber, ProjectExplanation, PrintQuantity, PDFDisc, PDFEmail, LoanRepEmail) VALUES (@RepName, @BranchName, @Date, @DueDate, @ByEmail, @ByFax, @Fax, @ProjExp, @PrintQty, @Disc, @Email, @RepEmail)">
<asp:FormParameter Name="RepName" FormField="LoanRepNameBox"/>
<asp:FormParameter Name="BranchName" FormField="BranchList"/>
<asp:FormParameter Name="Date" FormField="CurrentDateBox" Type="DateTime"/>
<asp:FormParameter Name="DueDate" FormField="ReqDueDateBox" Type="DateTime"/>
<asp:FormParameter Name="ByEmail" FormField="ProofByEmailCheckbox" Type="boolean"/>
<asp:FormParameter Name="ByFax" FormField="ProofByFaxCheckbox" Type="boolean"/>
<asp:FormParameter Name="Fax" FormField="FaxNumberBox"/>
<asp:FormParameter Name="ProjExp" FormField="ProjectExplanationBox"/>
<asp:FormParameter Name="PrintQty" FormField="PrintQuantityBox"/>
<asp:FormParameter Name="Disc" FormField="PDFByDiscCheckbox" Type="boolean"/><asp:FormParameter Name="Email" FormField="PDFByFaxCheckbox" Type="boolean"/>
<asp:FormParameter Name="RepEmail" FormField="LoanRepEmailBox"/>
</asp:SqlDataSource>protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
I have been searching forums for parsing data, but I haven't found anything that works.  Can anyone provide guidance.
Thank you,

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HELP : Empty String To Null Conversion By SQL

Nov 10, 2005

Hi folks,

I've have about 100 tables, for some reasons, column values that are originally NULL was inserted as emtpy string. So, I am wondering if I can write JUST ONE SQL (hopefully don't have to specify the field names in the SQL as well) for each table so that all the empty strings will be converted back to NULL.


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DTS String To Date Conversion Problem

Jun 9, 2006


I am attempting to import records from a text file.

This text file is a report file created by a mainframe routine, if this makes any difference.

When I attempt to transform the file via a VB Script it craps out when I use
the CDate(). An example of the script:

Destination("A_Date") = CDate(Source("Column1").

Some of the columns in the text file contain the string value "(Null)" and
some rows have that column containing a "01/05/06".

I have tried testing for the the string value "(Null)" but that doesn't solve my problem.

Are there any other VB functions that I could use ?



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String To Date Conversion Orcale

Jun 26, 2006


i have a flat file with string column 20060616 . i am converting the string to date (Oracle) i am using the derived column with the following experssion .

FlatFile -----> Destination (Oracle Database)

(DT_DATE)(SUBSTRING(JDate,6,2) + "-" + SUBSTRING(JDate,8,2) + "-" + SUBSTRING(JDate,1,5))

while executing the package its failing and throwing the following error

[Derived Column [73]] Error: The "component "Derived Column" (73)" failed because error code 0xC0049064 occurred, and the error row disposition on "output column "JOINDDATE" (124)" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.

what could be the solution



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Conversion Error With SQL Command String

May 26, 2008


When I use the folowing code, the first (green) line is executed well.
The composed SQL statement (red) gives a conversion error.

declare @vchSQL_Cmd varchar(max),

@intMaxNr int,

@vchTabelNaam varchar(255),

@vchKolomNaam varchar(255)

set @vchTabelNaam = 'CI_Lei_Toestand_DetailLijnen'

set @vchKolomNaam = 'CameraInspectieID'

select @intMaxNr = max(CI_Lei_Toestand_DetailLijnen.CameraInspectieID) from CI_Lei_Toestand_DetailLijnen

select @intMaxNr

set @vchSQL_Cmd =

'select @intMaxNr = max(' + @vchTabelNaam + '.' + @vchKolomNaam + ') from ' + @vchTabelNaam

select @vchSQL_Cmd

exec (@vchSQL_Cmd)

select @intMaxNr


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Conversion From String To Date In SSIS

Apr 1, 2008

I have been trying to read a flat file which has a birthdate field. The field is string and the format is "011594". I have been trying to convert it to a date field in the following format "01/15/1994". Using the forum I was able to write the following expression but I am still keep getting error messages.

I also noticed few records are missing birthdate and few do not have the complete birthdate which means some birthdates are missing year and some are missing month. For example, some are completely missing and some are partially missing, like " " or "0312 ". Could this be the reason I was getting error message since the following expression does not include null and incomplete date of birth?

(DT_DBDATE)(SUBSTRING([DateofBirth] ,1,2) + "/" + SUBSTRING([DateofBirth] ,3,2) + "/" + SUBSTRING([DateofBirth] ,5,2))

Here are the error messages:

[Derived Column [1014]] Error: An error occurred while attempting to perform a type cast.

[Derived Column [1014]] Error: The "component "Derived Column" (1014)" failed because error code 0xC0049064 occurred, and the error row disposition on "output column "DOB" (2292)" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.

[DTS.Pipeline] Error: The ProcessInput method on component "Derived Column" (1014) failed with error code 0xC0209029. The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running.

[DTS.Pipeline] Error: Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0209029.

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Having Conversion Issues - String To Float

Apr 26, 2007

I am running into some issues with conversion and would appreciate someone who can help on this.

I need to roll up a column which contains numeric (float) data but it is stored in a varchar field.

I was trying to do the following (please note that Activity field is varchar(50) in MyTable):

SELECT CONVERT(float, (NULLIF(Activity,0))) from MyTable

and i get the following error.

Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '-39862.8' to data type int.

I even tried with case statement (as below) but still got same issue.



CONVERT(float, (NULLIF(Activity,0)))



from MyTable



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