Passing Path As Input Parameter

Jan 24, 2007


I have created one SSIS package which extract data from database and put that into verious text files like Emp.txt,Add.txt like that.
Also I set one globle veriable (CityID) that help in extracting data as citywise.
When I ran it through command prompt by passing globle veriable to it like
C:setup pcaSSIS PackagesSSIS Package File Extract DataSSIS Package File Extract Data>DTExec /FILE Package.dtsx /SET Package.Variables[CityID].Value;100

it gives me data whose CityID is 100 and format it into text files.
but when i want data for another CityID (101) it overwrites my all previous text files where i kept that files.

Now my requirment is that i want to set another globle veriable that take PATH as input parameter and place these files in that path location.(How i set this path in command promt and also in SSIS)

Please guide me


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Passing Object Variable As Input Parameter To An Execute SQL Task Query

Mar 29, 2007

I've encountered a new problem with an SSIS Pkg where I have a seq. of Execute SQL tasks. My question are:

1) In the First Execute SQL Task, I want to store a single row result of @@identity type into a User Variable User::LoadID of What type. ( I tried using DBNull Type or Object type which works, not with any other type, it but I can't proceed to step 2 )

2) Now I want to use this User::LoadID as input parameter of What type for the next task (I tried using Numeric, Long, DB_Numeric, Decimal, Double none of there work).

Please give me solutions for the above two..

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Passing The Xml Configuration File To The Package As An Input Parameter While Executing The Package

Feb 2, 2007


I am planning to develop a single package that will download files from ftp server, move the files to internal file server and upload it in the database. But I want to run this package for multiple ftp file providers. For each provider the ftp server might be different and the transformation to upload the files into a database table might be different.

So can I create a single package and then multiple configuration files (xml), which will contain the details fo the ftp file providers and then pass the xml file as a parameter while executing the package. The reason being that the timings of fetching the files is different for each ftp file provider and hence cannot be combined into one.

Is this possible?

Thanks for your help.


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XML Path Sorting Based On Input Flow

Feb 25, 2014

I need to sort based on the values sent from the input xml column resultdata

This is an value which i have in my database, sent from front end.

Currently the display is based on database storage level of master data. i will not be able to change the master data ordering. based on selection, i have to sort since i have an logic which stored the data into resultdata column

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table_Prod](
[ProdCode] [nchar](5) NULL,
[ProductName] [nchar](50) NULL
INSERT [dbo].[Table_Prod] ([ProdCode], [ProductName]) VALUES (N'RD ', N'Bus ')

[Code] ....

Current Result
1Jan Winter RO,HOHeadOffice,RegionalOfficeRD,AI,SA Bus,Ship,PlaneSales for the month of Jan
2May Summer SO,HOHeadOffice,SalesOfficeAI,RD,TR,SA Bus,Ship,Train,PlaneMay sales information
3Sep Rain HO,RO,SOHeadOffice,SalesOffice,RegionalOfficeSA,TR,RD Bus,Ship,TrainSales for the month of Sep in the rain season

Expected Result
1Jan Winter RO,HORegionalOffice, HeadOfficeRD,AI,SA Bus,Plane,ShipSales for the month of Jan
2May Summer SO,HOSalesOffice, HeadOfficeAI,RD,TR,SA Plane,Bus,Train,ShipMay sales information
3Sep Rain HO,RO,SOHeadOffice,RegionalOffice,SalesOfficeSA,TR,RD Ship,Train,BusSales for the month of Sep in the rain season

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Passing A File Path To A SP

Apr 3, 2006

I'm trying to write a SP thataccept in input a parameter with the nameof a file (with complete path)but I noticed some problems....It's right this way? Thanks!set ANSI_NULLS ONset QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONgoALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[BI]@FileToImport nvarchar(100)ASBEGINSET NOCOUNT ON;DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(200)SET @SQL = "BULK INSERT tmptable FROM '"+@FileToImport+"'"EXEC (@SQL)END

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Passing Input

Oct 31, 2007

Need help.

I’m trying to pass inputs from one stored proc to another but I’m having problems in passing them.

First proc (input_passing) should pass the following inputs – FirstName, LastNmae and RecordID to the second proc (input_receive) – then the second proc will diplay the outcome – YES/NO if there is a match.
First proc (input_passing)



OPEN tbInputs

INTO @RecordID, @FirstName, @LastName

SET @RecordID = RecordID from dbo.tbInputs)


INTO @RecordID, @FirstName, @LastName


CLOSE tbInputs
exec input_receive
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Second proc. (input_receive)

CREATE PROCEDURE input_receive
@RecordIDVARCHAR(11) = NULL,
@FirstNameVARCHAR(50) = NULL,
@LastNameVARCHAR(50) = NULL,
@RecordMatchBIT OUTPUT,

-- Declarations
-- END Declarations

-- ******* Initializations **********
SET @Count = 0
SET @Found = 0
-- DEFAULT to No File Match
SET RecordMatch = 0
SET @MatchedOn = 'NO FOUND'
-- ******* END Initializations **********

-- First check to see if the RecordID Matches
IF( @RecordID IS NOT NULL AND @RecordID <> '' )
IF( CAST( REPLACE(@RecordID, '-', '') AS DECIMAL(18,0)) > 0 )
SELECT @Count = COUNT(*)
FROM tbAlert
WHERE REPLACE(RecordID, '-', '') = REPLACE(@RecordID, '-', '')

IF( @Count > 0 )
SET @RecordMatch = 1
SET @MatchedOn = 'FOUND : RecordID'


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My Output Parameter Is Being Treated As An Input Parameter...why

Sep 25, 2006

I have a stored procedure which takes an input parm and is supposed to return an output parameter named NewRetVal.  I have tested the proc from Query Analyzer and it works fine, however when I run the ASP code and do a quickwatch I see that the parm is being switched to an input parm instead of the output parm I have it defined as...any ideas why this is happening?  The update portion works fine, it is the Delete proc that I am having the problems... ASP Code...<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDS_Form" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:PTNConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="PTN_sp_getFormDD" SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure" OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}" UpdateCommand="PTN_sp_Form_Update" UpdateCommandType="StoredProcedure" OnUpdated="SqlDS_Form_Updated" OnUpdating="SqlDS_Form_Updating" DeleteCommand="PTN_sp_Form_Del" DeleteCommandType="StoredProcedure" OnDeleting="SqlDS_Form_Updating" OnDeleted="SqlDS_Form_Deleted"><UpdateParameters><asp:ControlParameter ControlID="GridView1" Name="DescID" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="Int32" /><asp:ControlParameter ControlID="GridView1" Name="FormNum" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="String" /><asp:Parameter Name="original_FormNum" Type="String" /><asp:Parameter Direction="InputOutput" size="25" Name="RetVal" Type="String" /></UpdateParameters><DeleteParameters><asp:Parameter Name="original_FormNum" Type="String" /><asp:Parameter Direction="InputOutput" Size="1" Name="NewRetVal" Type="Int16" /></DeleteParameters></asp:SqlDataSource>Code Behind:protected void SqlDS_Form_Deleted(object sender, SqlDataSourceStatusEventArgs e){  if (e.Exception == null)    {   string strRetVal = (String)e.Command.Parameters["@NewRetVal"].Value.ToString();    ............................Stored Procedure:CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[PTN_sp_Form_Del] (
@original_FormNum nvarchar(20),

DECLARE @stoptrans varchar(5), @AvailFound int, @AssignedFound int

Set @stoptrans = 'NO'

/* ---------------------- Search PART #1 ----------------------------------------------------- */
SET @AvailFound = ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.AvailableNumber WHERE dbo.AvailableNumber.FormNum = @original_FormNum )
SET @AssignedFound = ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.AssignedNumber WHERE dbo.AssignedNumber.FormNum=@original_FormNum )

IF @AvailFound > 0 OR @AssignedFound > 0 /* It is ok if no rows found on available table, continue on to Assigned table, otherwise stop the deletion.*/
-----This means the delete can't happen...........

IF @AssignedFound > 0 AND @AvailFound = 0
SET @NewRetVal = 1

IF @AssignedFound > 0 AND @AvailFound > 0
SET @NewRetVal = 2

IF @AssignedFound = 0 AND @AvailFound > 0
SET @NewRetVal = 3

WHERE dbo.Form.FormNum=@original_FormNum

SET @NewRetVal = 0
---Successful deletion
 --------------------------------------------------------  When I go into the debug mode and do a quickwatch, the NewRetVal is showing as string input.

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Insert Syntax When Passing Input Parameters

Dec 27, 2000

I'm trying something like this:

CREATE PROCEDURE Add_Junk @Dist char, @CheckNo int =null OUTPUT AS
Set NoCount On
VALUES (@Dist)
select @CheckNo=@@IDENTITY

If what I pass is "416" I only get the "4" in my database and nothing else.
I don't get an error message.
What is wrong with my syntax?

PS I'm using Microsoft SQL 7.0

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Passing A Table As An Input To Stored Procedure

Jun 18, 2008

Hi everyone,

Is that possible to passing a table as an input to Stored Procedure?

Thanks in advance

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Web Service Task - Passing Variable As Input

Nov 24, 2006

Microsoft says it is possible but I just do not see how. Here is the
link to the help file where it said that variables could be pass as
input to web methods...I do not see the check box they mention on my

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Reporting Services :: Multi-value Parameter Not Passing In Subreport Parameter List

Jul 29, 2015

I have two report , first is main report which is matrix and have one parameter User_ids which is multi value selection and my second report is basic chart of user_wise performance.

Now, my main report (matrix ) works fine for Multiple selection of users and i have putted one textbox on main report chart which has action properties set for chart report, when user click on chart button it must goes to chart with user selected in main report. Now , i have used expression for parameter to send it like ..

=join(parameter!user_id!value,",") which pass selected value to chart 

And when I am selecting single user it passing that value to chart parameter list but , when it is more than one user it errors with conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '121,128' to data type int. But my chart also works when passing 121,128 in user parameter in preview of report .

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Reporting Services :: Passing Parameter Via URL Using Javascript - Missing Parameter Value

Dec 3, 2015

Using SQL Server 2008R2 and Report Builder 3.0..I have an action set in a text box of a table. My intent is to pass the value of that text box (which is variable) to a sub-report in a popup window. Here's my code: URL....The parameter of the report I'm trying to open is @SONum.I'm guessing my error is involved in the formatting of how the value of the parameter is being passed. I've also seen examples where the report server and report values were parameterized, but I don't know where to define

Parameters!ServerAddress.Value anywhere.Do I need to have something set up a certain way within the report I'm opening? Here's the report Parameter settings on the report I'm trying to open.

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Dyanamically Passing Input Parameters To Stored Procedure By Using SSIS

May 14, 2008


I have 2 source tables emp_ass,aprvl_status these tables are not having common column to join. and 1 target table Time_Card, i have a stored procedure with 4 input parameters, emp_ass_id,status_id,start date,end date,i am inserting data into timecard based on emp_ass_id, my week start date is sunday and end date is saterday if emp start date is sunday i am just incremnting the start date by 7 days as end date is saterday and inserting that row, if employe statrt date is other than Sunday. i am just insering start date with to reach end date saterday, this work fine when i give the input parameters, now my reqirement is i need to automate this process as i need to get new emp_ass_id which is not in target table and insert his records based on his start date and end date,
if emp_ass_id is 1001, start date 1/1/2008 and end date is 2/1/2008 then i need to insert

Uniq_Id, emp_ass_id, start_date end_date status_id



1/1/2008 12:00:00 AM
1/5/2008 12:00:00 AM 1



1/6/2008 12:00:00 AM
1/12/2008 12:00:00 AM 1



1/13/2008 12:00:00 AM
1/19/2008 12:00:00 AM 1



1/20/2008 12:00:00 AM
1/26/2008 12:00:00 AM 1



1/27/2008 12:00:00 AM
2/2/2008 12:00:00 AM 1

the stored procedure will insert these records if i give the input parameters, now i need to automate this process by using SSIS. please help me,i need to get emp_ass_id,start_date,end_date dynamically from source table if emp_ass_id is not in target table.

Thanks in advance.

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Sorting According To Input Parameter

Jun 1, 2007

Hi, I need to do the following task, which is described by pseudo-code
SELECT * FROM Customers
SORT BY @SortExpression
How can I do something like it (sorting according to input parameter)
Thanks for any idea

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Need To Get Input In Parameter From End User

May 24, 2007


I am trying to make a simple stored procedure which I want to take input on every run from end user:

declare @sku varchar(20)

insert into skua (sku,SumOfQtyNum)
(select sku,sumofqtynum from sku where @sku = sku.sku)

it is working but not asking parameter values

(I want to use passthrough query after that in Access)


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Clearing Parameter Input

Sep 21, 2007

Hi everyone,
I have a question that I believe should be simple to answer yet I cannot find the answer anywhere. I am trying to make it possible for my report to clear the input box whenever the report is run or when anything in a dropdown list is selected. The reason why I want this is because my report has a dropdown list that inputs date ranges for "quick" report info. The other option is to manually type in the begin and end date. If anyone could help me out with this I would be very grateful.


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Help With Incorrect Syntax (input Parameter)

Nov 14, 2006

Help with syntax, I get the error in the line: myDA.Fill(ds, "t1")
Function GetProductsOnDepartmentPromotionPaging(ByVal departmentId As String)
Dim myConnection As New _
Dim myDA As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter _
("MM_SP_GetProductsOnDepartmentPromotion", myConnection)
' Add an input parameter and supply a value for it
myDA.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@DepartmentID", SqlDbType.Int, 4)
myDA.SelectCommand.Parameters("@DepartmentID").Value = departmentId
Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim pageds As New PagedDataSource
myDA.Fill(ds, "t1")
pageds.DataSource = ds.Tables("t1").DefaultView
pageds.AllowPaging = True
pageds.PageSize = 4
Dim curpage As Integer
If Not IsNothing(Request.QueryString("Page")) Then
curpage = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString("Page"))
curpage = 1
End If
pageds.CurrentPageIndex = curpage - 1
lblCurrpage.Text = "Page: " + curpage.ToString()
If Not pageds.IsFirstPage Then
lnkPrev.NavigateUrl = Request.CurrentExecutionFilePath + _
"?Page=" + CStr(curpage - 1)
End If
If Not pageds.IsLastPage Then
lnkNext.NavigateUrl = Request.CurrentExecutionFilePath + _
"?Page=" + CStr(curpage + 1)
End If
list.DataSource = pageds
End Function
Best Regards

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C# Command Timestamp Input Parameter

Mar 27, 2007

I have a stored proc that inserts a customer and it expects a timestamp input parameter. I dont know what a timestamp datatype is for sql 2005 and Ive tried to parse all sorts of data types but the proc errors out saying it needs "Byte[]" which Ive tried. Can anyone help me with this? ThanksRyan 

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Function That Take A Table As Input Parameter

Feb 26, 2008

hi all
i am using VS 2005 with SQL Server 2005 and i faced a problem that need to be solved urgently...
i want to make a function that take a table as input parameter which is the output of a stored procedure (Record set)...
first i found that to make w table be as input parameter you must create type of that table first but i found that sql server 2005 doesn't have the 'table' as a type...
please any help will be appreciated
thanks in advance

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How To Use A Cookie As An Input Parameter In Sqldatasource?

Apr 8, 2008

i created a cookie as follows
 HttpCookie myCookie = new HttpCookie("Portal");
myCookie["EMail_ID"] = Email_ID;myCookie["Role"] = Role_ID.Value.ToString();myCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(1);
Now i have to take the"EMail_ID" as input parameter in sqldatasourse.
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDS_DC_List" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:EnR_Portal_ConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="proc_DC_List" SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure">
<asp:CookieParameter CookieName=" " Name="Email_ID" Type="String" />
how can i specify Email ID as cookie name?

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Input Parameter To Store Procedure

Jan 26, 2004

I am using a ListBox where a user can choose multiple lines.
The index of the selected items are then used in a stored procedure.

I wan´t to use the ID´s in this statement:
SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE MyID IN (1,2,4,9)

But how can I do this?
If I pass them as a string, then I can´t use them as above.
Can I separate the string '1,2,4,9' so I can use them in the statement above?
Or can I send the values as a array to the stored procedure?


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Stored Procedure Input Parameter ( 2.0)

Jun 13, 2006

This should be relatively easy but for some reason it isn't. I'm trying to simply add parameters to a stored procedure that performs a simple input and I can't do it... I keep getting an error that the parameters are not found when I am explicitly stating them. I could do this with VB ASP.NET 1.x but with all these radical changes with 2.0, I'm pulling my hair out.... I can get to work if I declare a sqlStatement in the code but don't want to go that route (but will if there is no other choice) Any help would be great:
Dim cmd As New SqlDataSource
cmd.InsertCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.InsertParameters.Add("@firstName", txtFirstName.Text)
cmd.InsertParameters.Add("@lastName", txtLastName.Text)
cmd.InsertParameters.Add("@address1", txtAddress1.Text)
cmd.InsertParameters.Add("@address2", txtaddress2.Text)
cmd.InsertParameters.Add("@city", txtCity.Text)
cmd.InsertParameters.Add("@state", ddlState.SelectedItem.Value)
cmd.InsertParameters.Add("@zipCode", txtZipCode.Text)
cmd.InsertParameters.Add("@telephone", txtTelephone.Text)
cmd.InsertParameters.Add("@email", txtEmail.Text)
cmd.InsertParameters.Add("@agegroup", ddlAgeGroup.SelectedItem.Value)
cmd.InsertParameters.Add("@birthday", txtBirthday.Text)
cmd.InsertParameters.Add("@emailnotification", rbEmail.SelectedItem.Value)
cmd.InsertParameters.Add("@magazine", rbEmail.SelectedItem.Value)
cmd.InsertParameters.Add("@question", txtquestion.Text)
cmd.ConnectionString = "Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|ASPNETDB.MDF;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"
cmd.InsertCommand = "sp_insertCustomer"

Stored Procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_insertCustomer @firstName nchar(30),@lastName nchar(30),@address1 nchar(50),@address2 nchar(50),@city nchar(30),@state nchar(2),@zipcode nchar(10),@telephone nchar(10),@email nchar(50),@ageGroup int,@birthday dateTime,@emailNotification int,@magazine int,@question varchar(1000)

INSERT tblCustomer

Procedure or Function 'sp_insertCustomer' expects parameter '@firstName', which was not supplied.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Procedure or Function 'sp_insertCustomer' expects parameter '@firstName', which was not supplied.
Source Error:
Line 24: cmd.InsertCommand = "sp_insertCustomer"Line 25: Line 26: cmd.Insert()Line 27: Line 28:

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Input Parameter In MS SQL 2005 Report

Sep 27, 2007

I am designing a report which need to take parameter input by user when the report is open. Can anyone please tell me how to do this? Using MS SQL 2005 report. Thanks.

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Updating A Column With Input Parameter?

May 19, 2014

Is it possible to assign to a column a value passed as a parameter?

When I run the proc I get the following error :

Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Procedure Transfer, Line 17

Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '@ID' to data type int.

USE [tbldata]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[Transfer] Script Date: 05/19/2014 11:26:38 ******/
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Transfer](@ID int)


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Set Input Parameter To Zero If Null Or Blank

Jan 8, 2015

I am passing few parameters to the sql function to do some calculations. If the input parameter is null or blank, then I want to set the input parameter to the value zero

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Input Parameter Doesn't Show.

Oct 10, 2006

when i pass a input parameter, the SP doesn't recognize it.


exec SP 00004

it will print:
select * from table where idname = 4

i want it to print
select * from table where idname = '00004'

how can i do that?

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Table Name As An Input Parameter To A Procedure

Feb 25, 2008

I have this procedure it is creating the proc but when I execute it gives error
Msg 137, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Must declare the scalar variable "@ID".
Msg 137, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Must declare the scalar variable "@nextCode".


CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetNextAction]

@Code char(10),
@Track varchar(30)


Declare @ID int;
SET @SQL1='Select @ID = Sequence from'+' '+ @Track+ ' where Code=@Code'
Declare @nextCode varchar;
SET @SQL2 ='Select @nextCode= Code from '+' '+ @Track+ ' where sequence =(@ID+1)'
Declare @NextAction varchar(30);
Select @NextAction= nextAction from [dbo].[CaseStage] where Code=@nextCode;
Select @NextAction;

Can someone correct me here

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Help With XML Input Parameter For Stored Procedure

Mar 9, 2008

I am trying to send XML as an input parameter for a stored procedure. I have seen many articles that do a good job of describing different variations but all the examples show the stored procedure only pulling one value (field) per record from the XML input. I need to pull 3 fields for each record.

Here is an example of the XML being passed:
<property @propID="14" @propType="4" @propValue="Blah blah text" />
<property @propID="217" @propType="2" @propValue="Some other text" />

I have a table like this in my database:
and I want a stored procedure that will accept XML and update this table.
Here is what I am trying:
@inValues XML
--create a temporary table

--And then insert the values from the @inValues XML argument into the temporary table
--I am sure the SELECT statement is VERY wrong

SELECT @inValues('@propID', INT), @inValues('@propType', INT), @inValues('@propValue', NTEXT)
FROM @inValues.nodes('/object/property')

--...and then I will use the temp table to update the DB table (SCENE_PROPERTY_LINK) for each record where SCENE_PROPERTY_LINK.PROPERTY_ID = @props.PROPID
AND @props.PROPTYPE != 6


I am sure it would be more efficient to update the DB table directly from the XML argument, without using the temporary table. But, I will settle for this solution using the temp table. I have done some work creating XML output from several stored procedures but, this is the first time I have been faced with consuming XML input in SQL.

I apologize for the long post.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

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Function That Take A Table As Input Parameter

Feb 27, 2008

i want to make a function that will take a table as input parameter. this table will be the output of a stored procedure. while i were writing the function i have an error and when i read about it i found that i can not send a table as input parameter to a function till i create a new TYPE of this table with its columns and data types as UDT but i found that sql server 2005 does not support the type 'table'...
my question now is it possible technically to make this function? is it possible to write something like that :

SELECT dbo.MyFunction(exec dbo.MystoredProc)

and in my function i am using CLR-Integration as this :
create function MyFunction
@TempTable table
ContractID int,
ContractNumber nvarchar(20),
Name_En nvarchar(80),
Name_Ar nvarchar(80),
ContractAmount money,
CurrencyID nchar(3),
DateStart smalldatetime,
DateEnd smalldatetime,
Currency_En nvarchar(30),
Currency_Ar nvarchar(30)
returns table( ContractNumber nvarchar(20),
Name_En nvarchar(80),
Name_Ar nvarchar(80),
ContractAmount decimal,
Currency_En nvarchar(30),
Currency_Ar nvarchar(30),
[Year] int,
[Month] int,
DomesticAmount decimal
as external name [AssemblyName].[PathOfTheFunctionInTheAssembly].[FunctionNameInAssembly]

please help me in this code as i need it urgently...
thanks in advance,
best regards,

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Input Parameter To Function In SQL Query

Mar 24, 2006

I am trying to use a Execute SQL task in which I call a query and get back a scalar value. I THINK I have it set up correctly, yet I am getting a very unhelpful error message of:

Error: 0xC002F210 at Determine Previous Trade Date, Execute SQL Task: Executing the query "SELECT[Supporting].[dbo].[fGetOffsetTradeDate](?, -1) AS [PreviousTradeDate]" failed with the following error: "Syntax error, permission violation, or other nonspecific error". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

The Parameter Mapping has a single INPUT entry of data type DATE mapped to parameter 0.

The Result Set property (in General) is set to Single Row and there is a single entry in the Result Set config which maps [PreviousTradeDate] to a variable.

Odd thing is, if I replace the ? in the query with a date (say '03/24/2006') everything works fine. This would indicate that my query syntax is fine.

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Always Showing The Parameter Input Area.

Nov 14, 2006


Is there a way to force the parameter input area to always show even when default values are specified? I want to always display the parameter area even when I set initial parameters.


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Pass Datasource Name As Input Parameter

Feb 23, 2007


how to pass Datasource Name as input parameter from command propmt to rdl file in sql server 2005?



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List Of Values In Input Parameter

May 8, 2008

I have the following issue:

I have the following statement into a function:
select a,b form T where c IN @parameter

t is the table
c is datatype= integer
@parameter is a input parameter in the function, the @parameter contains more values and passed as a string.

Running the statement above I got an error due to conversion type.

How can I pass a list of parameters in the @parameter variable to make the statement works?

Thank in advance.

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